ThunHay, December 17, 1953 TBS CAPITAL JOCTWAL. Ralesa. Oretra Paf Wembley Neckties $150 $200 $250 ; Maia Floor , SEE THE BIG RUSSELL STOVER CANDY DISPLAYS THE GIFT SHOP HAS WOOL Jersey Blouses $198 Downstairs Better Dresses $17. 2nd Floor o o OF QUALITY AND DISTINCTION! OPEN NIGHTS S8r' Wni 4' TILL 9;0d fV wl-M p Except Tonight I Am ml !U r NEW! 1954 CLAMDIGGERS Original Sailcloth 95 What a Gift for Christmas! New! 1954 CLAMDIGGERS by White Stog of Portland are here just in time for Christ mas presents. You'll love these new ORIG INAL SAILCLOTH Clamdiggers because they are tailored to fit you perfectly. .... Washable! Wearable, wonderful colors such as navy blue, tor black, seal brown, charcoal, pink corol, heavenly blue, sun yel low white. Give her two pairs in different colors . . . have them smartly gift wrapped. Sizes 8 to 20. Sportswear, 2nd floor. A "White Stag" Gift Will Please See Santa YOU'RE SLIMMER IN I ' SLACKS - GABARDINES WORSTEDS, Etc. 895 199S These (lack are dif ferent . . . they're WHITE STAG and that itampi them as the bestl Best tai lored . . . best fabric . . . best colon ... best values! WOOL WORSTEDS . . . WOOL OR RAY ON GABAR DINES are here in all the new colors and styles you'll want this sea son and next. What a wonderful gift! And, as to size, have them fitted after Christ mas. Sizes 10 to 20. Sportswear, 2nd floor. All Year Wear SECOND FLOOR 00 uuianaii'j Beautiful fsihloa- talecttd colon... in a "SohooV' pUnic oVel optd by Du Font eipe ciaJly for hjKfif. Never before have we bad the privilege of offering a luggta line of such qualify tt prkee so far below what you'd expect eo pay! II aH- if Ml.. I11.S0 if' Owm $il.M II Wararetwltt ... 14' Me WeraVaW . 11 1 .so W3 ...... S.SS- n i sIimI "9SUICTID COLORS SM.SO f lADDlf JUNTA e OUfM WNITt tan nur mnon , . AMAZON lithe aw eelna . ". . nAx keeiereemee'...14iliee7eetefe. it- rename SM.IO anw j -MUITNOMAM" a alaaeer Im 19 HftmiJ Shot.... $34.10 . yiur qf omit SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER ' DEMONSTRATION SAT. tXWNSTAIRS A wisp of a panties, sweetly edged wtih Lostex end lace. Washes and dries in a flash. Knit for permanent fit in nylon tricot. Sizes 3-7. Choosa from block, white, yellow; rose. , Also in acetate tricot $1.00 SECOND FLOOR 3 MILLER'S TOYLAND IS LOADED WITH FINE TOYS! Dolls Animals Furniture Kitchenware Games SHOP NOW FOR BEST ASSORTMENTS Trikes Bikes Wagons Trucks Autos Guns SEE SANTA DOWNSTAIRS tw Give Lingerie ToVthe Best at little cost... by Others Priced '7.95 to '3V95 FOUR FLOORS OF CHRISTMAS V3ir io: 2N0 FLOOR UHGEMEOEPT Open Nights Till 9:00 CDCCf SECOND FLOOR I IXI-U. DOUBLE ORCHID CORSAGE FRI. NITE