Thursday, December 17. 195S THI CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Orefoa Miss Smart Is Bride Albany One of the Christ ina, avuon wenaingi was tnat ol Mil Shirley Ann oman, Albany, daughter of Kendall W. Smart of North Albany, and Mr. R. W. Glov er. South Burnaby, B.C., and Donald H. Quinn, Jr, Port land, ton of Mr. and Mrt. Donald R. Qulnn. Oakridee The tingle ring ceremony was read on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the First Presby terlan church by the Rev. Morton L. Booth. The bride was given In mar riage by ber father and was attired in a dress of chiffon velvet made with sweetheart neckline, tucked Mandarin collar, a Chantllly lace yoke and long lace sleeves. Large white pearl buttons embel lished the back of the yoke. The skirt terminated in a medium-length train. The veil was of white chiffon velvet fastened to a half -bonnet trimmed with seed pearls. The veil was piped with white velvet across the hemline. The bride carried a white Rainbow Bible centered with a white orchid. Miss Elaine Wallis, the maid of honor, wore a Pacific blue taffeta frock with stole of frosted crinkle nylon and a cap of nylon. She carried a cascade bouquet of frosted holly, Juniper berries and pale blue chrysanthemums. The bridesmaids were all dressed Identically to Miss Wallace and wore dresses, atoles and caps of blue. They were Miss Dawn Moore, Miss Betty McKenzle and Miss Alice Welk. . Victor Johanion was best man- and serving as ushers were Frank Qulnn, John Qulnn, brothers of the bride groom, and .Richard Smart, brother of the bride. Lighting candles before the ceremony were Richard Smith and Frank Quinn. Preceding the ceremony James W. Jenks sang. Mrs. William Kurtz was the organist. A navy blue dress with white accessories was chosen by the bride's mother for the ceremony and. completing heT costume, was a corsage of chartreuse shaded orchids. The bridegroom's mother was also attired In navy blue with pink accents and a corsage of chartreuse orcmas. Large baskets of frosted greenery and holly lntermin ifled with white chrysanthe mums decorated the front of the church and the ends of the pews were marked with lighted candles with clusters of frosted greens tied to the news with white satin bows. Immediately following the ceremony the reception wat in the church parlors. The bride's table was centered with the wedding cake made In the form of a cross ana trimmed In ellver and blue, encircled with frosted holly and juniper berries, also pale blue candles In silver can delabrum. , Bouquets of frosted holly and chrysanthemums and pale blue candles in holders form ed the mantel decoration. Other arrangements of Christ mas greenery were used about the rooms. The serving table was cen tered with a crystal punch bowl surrounded by frosted holly. The circular table was covered with a floor length cloth of Pacific blue taffeta riraoed with frosted ribbon bows. Pouring were Mrs. Wren Small. Mrs. Ann Bahr, and Mrs S. O. Griffith of Albany and Mrs. Harry Nebergall, Eugene. Cutting and serving the bride's cake were Mrs. Frank Qulnn and Mrs. John Quinn, sisters-in-law of the bride; Mis. Wesley Muller and Mrs. Russell Parker. Mrs. Harold A mew was In charge of the reception. Music was furnished during the recep- inn hv Mrs. William Kuril ct fhe rilano. Mr. and Mrs. Qulnn left on wedding trio following the reception. They will be at home at ajDU D.v. pltal road. Portland after De cember 20. For going away the bride wore a plum-shaded tweed ul with fitted Jacket, small white pixie hat, white gloves and navy blue shoes and handbag. Pinned to her shoulder was a white orchid from her wedding bouquet. Completing her costume wat silver bracelet, a gift from the bridegroom. Holiday Coffee . Lebanon Six Lebanon members of Kappa chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, teach ers honorary, were hostesses Saturday afternoon, Decem ber S, at a Christmas tea in Corvallis. They were Mrs. Olive Doak. Mrs. Viola Faller, Mrs. Sara Morris. Mrs. Louise Taylot, Miss Mell Carter, Miss Love dy Burcholder and Mr. Ce cilia Galey, the latter of Sweet Home. The tea wat at the Interna tional house of the Oregon State college campus for for- Jonas Morris. Uahan Kenneth Dvorschak and Wal ter (Jurats. A reception followed the service, Mrs. Emery Kern, the bride' t aunt, cut the three tiered wedding cake. In charge of the urns were Mrs. Lyle Kern and Mrs. Elizabeth Moon. Mrt. Willis Fitch pass ed the guest book. The gift table was presided over by Mitt Carol Hansen, Mitt Dar lene Height and Mitt Arlene Dvorschak. The couple will live in Can- by, following a wedding trip to California. Is Bride-elect Announced recently was the engagement of Mist Gwen Phillips, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Phillips, to Robert D. Har rington, son of Mr. and Mrt. H. A. Harrington (Kennell Ellis ttudio picture). AMONG pre-Chr Ittmat open houses will be the one for which Chief Justice and Mrt. Earl C. Latourette are to entertain next Tuesday eve ning at their Falrmount Hill home. Miss Hatton Is Bride at Lebanon Lebanon The Assembly of God church was decorated with, white chrysanthemums and red tapers for the wed' ding of Miss Shirley Hatton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hatton. and Ted Vanden Bos, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas V. Bos. The Rev. Harold Robson read the double ring nuptials at 7:30 p.m. Decem ber 3. Mr. Hatton gave his daugh ter in marriage. She wore a white satin dress formally styled and carried an arm bouauet of roses. Her only attendant was Mrs. James Vanden Bos, who wore a chartreuse frock and carried contrasting carnatlont. Best man was James Van den Bos. Ushers were Ed Bll yeu and Dean Blatchley. The reception was In the church recreation room. Red roses, silver holly and red candles were used for decora tions. Assisting with the recep tion were Miss Hazel Swikert who soured, while Mrs. Ken neth Blatchely cut tne case and Mrs. Eldon Ray and Mrs Lawrence Peltz served. For her wedding trip to the coast, Mrs. Bos wore a navy suit with red and white accet soriet and a red rose corsage. The bride graduated from Lebanon union high school with the June class of 19S3. Her husband attended school in Montana. ' The couple plan to live on route 2. Draftees Go On January 7 Marlon county's next croup of draftees will leave here January 7 for Portland for in' duction into the Armed Forces the following day. The call for draftees on this date is for 19 men. Prior to their departure from Salem the young men are to be honored at a reception at the YMCA, where they also report for transporting to Portland. To date the Marion county selective service office hat re ceived no call for phytical ex aminationa of young men of draft age in January. The Marlon county selective service office, located in the Salem armory, will be closed December 24, the day before Christmas, and will remain closed until Monday, Decem ber 28 The office it normally closed on Saturdays. Four Children Perish in Fire Pittsburgh Vn Four email children perished last night in a fire which gutted the fami ly' Quarter in a three-atory apartment bouse la suburban Rankin. They were Barbara Jean Al len. 6; her titter Carol Anne, 4, and her brother Dennis, t, and Raymond, 17 month. - . The mother, Mrs. Famine Allen, tripped and fell down the stairs while trying to carry the baby to safety. Dazed and badly bruited, aha groped her way to the door and called for help. "There was smoke all around," she laid. "I couldn't see the children." Several other families in the building escaped unhurt Fire men aaid an overheated atove may have caused the fire. Court Order Needed To Destroy Devices Rhode Island la 48 miles long and 37 milea wide. Concrete Pipe Co. Faces Another Suit Albany Suit baa been filed in circuit court her by the Corvallis Sand & Gravel Co, with the City of Albany re lated. asking a judgment of SS44.75 against the Valley Con crele Pipe Co., claiming that amount due for material sold the defendant for use in iul filling a contract to supply pipe to the city of Albany, dated Auffuit 14 1952. The same defendant a being sued also by the State Indus trial Accident Commission for $318 89 allegedly due in con tributions from Valley Concrete Pipe Co., to the state Industrial accident fund. Five Young Men Recruited by Navy Five young men ttgned for duty by the local Navy recruit ing office were enlisted in that branch of the Arrqed Force in Portland Tuesday and left Tuesday evening for San Diego to take their training. In the group were Orvllle Rupp Wiseman, Jr., . Albany; rinraln FIumaH Rtrhlna UArut- Slot machines which can be' hum; p Piumm.- .t- used for amusement, as well as;formerly of s,iem ,nd now of iur gamuiuit, can d. uesiroyra only upon a court order, Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Thornton ruled Wednesday for Dlst. Atty. Max L. McMillin of Josephine County. The opinion applies to those machines which can be set to they can be used for amuse ment only. Thornton suggested that in a proceeding to destroy such a machine, it would be advisable to have a jury trial. Stone's LPre-ChristmQS (PoGinio Sole!! v Prineville; Darel Wayne An derson, Sheridan: and Jamet Dale Nydlgger, Toledo. OPEN Every Night til From Now 'til Xmat FREE Engraving oa Schafer And Parker Pent The Jewel Box 44S State Salem Miss Schenk Wed At Barlow Church j NOW . . irvr in a 5r AT PRICE'S 1111 y-. " . 1 Places a New Spinst Piano In Your Homo for Christmas! 'g BE PIANO WISE... It's STONE'S for the BEST! . . . ' Baldwin, Acrosonlc, Hamilton, Wurlitier r Best Piano Wtak""" Best Piano Values TRttttZttXl each price clou. New spinet at low at $437.00. Used spinets, grands, up right at low price. . m l . 100 plane (end organs) to choose from! Best Piano Selection Lss Jr'E: 5 4LHT,JMV', Actually Hi best (election in the state! Best Piano Service nd r Jailtvairw to your hem wa tuna and check your plane again FREE! Our customer re our dost salesmen! Aurora Miss Hazel Schenk. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Schenk of Can by was wed to John C. Bur- ley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burley of the Eby district, near Macksburg, at a double- ring ceremony read by the Rev. Paul N. Roth, December 4. In Calvary Mennonite church at Barlow. The bride wore a dress of white slipper satin with full train, the yoke and peplum of Chantilly lace. The finger tip length veil fell from a cor onet cf seed pearls. The bride carried an all-white cascade arrangement of rosebud and spider chrysanthemums. She was given in marriage by her father. Mrs. Wilbur Schenk of Sa lem was matron of honor; bridesmaids were Miss Wino na Roth, Miss Beverly Yoder and Mrt. Marlin Burley tnd the flower girl was Susan Un rau. Marlin Burley wat best man for his brother. Other attendants for the bridegroom were Wilbur Schenk, brother of the bride. John Morris and The one gift she has always longed for ! Now you can select the fur piece of your choice at January prices. Neck Pieces - Stoles - Coats t Ermine Mink Kolinskys Squirrel Muskrat 3 Save On Floor Samples Discontinued Models, Used Pianos, Organs and Instruments ALL FULLY GUARANTEED SPINETS 239.00 154.00 675.00 Baldwin Acrosonlc, 40" wol changed model Sere Wurlitzer, 37", wel. changed model Save Story & Clark, 40" mahogany, trad. New S985.00 Soec. Wurlitier, 73 note ebonixed, beauty $437.00 csrey, u man., trade-in, nice instrument Sov $200.00 Baldwin Acrosonlc, rnah., changed model. Reg. $893.00 . Spec. 695.00 Letter, mah., nice appearance, trade-in, mutt tell Spec. $495.00 ! GRANDS eisn students. Aproxtmately 40 students attended. They represented 12 nations of Asia, Europe and Africa. 'tiaaiti WHEN YOU SELECT HER GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS, IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT OF S I Z E, COLOR, ETC., GIVE HER A GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM PRICES tit3wropijtwtj 9' Baldwin Concert Grand, World' Pinter! Artist Used. Reg. $7,045.00 Spec. $5,000.00 Melville Clark, moh. baby grand, reflnlthed I rebuilt, Bargain $795.00 Bush & Ion 6'6" mah., excellent school or ' teaching instrument ...Only $1,450.00 Gulbranten, gleaming ebony, rebuilt and a dandy!... . .Spec. $895.00 Mathushek rosewood square grand lovely antique, rofin. and rebuilt , ' Spec. $295.00 Square Grand beautiful rosewood. Not Guaranteed. You haul Only $25.00 ORGANS Orgotron, tingle manual rebuilt. Fin for chapel or home, Spec. $550.00 Hammond Chord, demonstrator. An organ you can play, Save $1 00.00 Lowery Orgono, attaches to your piano tor organ mutic. New Save $200.00 Orgotron, full tiie, two manual church organ. Rebuilt, Only $1 ,500.00 Among the many gift S- the can choose from: LINGERIE JEWELRY PERFUMES HANKIES SHOES SLIPPERS MILLINERY SPORTSWEAR BLOUSES DRESSES COATS SUITS . SWEATERS nd Many Other r. (jift Certificate I J I7.MI No. xx EXCLUSIVE LADIES APPAREL 135 No. LIBERTY ST. SALEM, OREGON GOOD FOR MERCHANDISE VALUED AT DOLLARS A GIFT FOR 1 WITH BEST WISHES OF UPRIGHT PIANOS Schroedor & Son, 52" mah. Refinlthed and beauty. . .Spec. $375.00 Harrison, 50" mah. rebuilt, nice .New $295.00 Chlckering.. 51" rosewood, ettroctlvf, recently refin'hed, On!y 250.00 New England, practice piano Spec. $125.00 Trowbridge, big good upright Spec. $175.00 Farrand Player Piano, walnut. A fun plana! New $250.00 Many other good practice piano to choot from. All rebuilt. Easy Terms - Bench, Delivery and Tuning Free! OPEN WEEK-DAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 p.m. PIANO COMPANY 1280 STATE ST. SALEM Ask About Our Christmas Plan