Thuraday. December it, 1UI local Paragraphs t Chart Conlinno Ar raignment in district court on ' a charge of carrying a con ' cealed weapon was continued Wednesday tor a week lor Ivan Kvistad. Ft Lewis, Wash ington, soldier. Kvistad was arrested by state police Sat- urday as he hitchhiked from -' a friend's car he abandoned 1 near Brooks when it ran out of gas. He was carrying a .22 caliber pistol tucked in his waistband, police said. Driver Charged George Washington Kelsay, Sllverton, was arrested b ya city officer , Tuesday night after Kelsay 'backed his car into the patrol car, denting the grill. He was ' following Kelsay's car when .. it stopped in the street, the of ficer reported. Then it back- " ed up, striking the patrol car, which had also stopped. Kel- say was arrested for driving & while intoxicated. He waa lat ' er released on $250 ball. Christmas Observance On Sunday, December 20, at 3 o'clock p.m., the DeMolay Commandery Of York Rite ' Masons of Salem will bold their annual Christmas obaerv ance. This is an open meeting and the public is invited to at tend. Mloflolnj, TrlnKolpm Che- ' " meketans will make their an ' nual mlstletop trip Sunday, . Dec. 20, with the group going 1 to the Roy E. Barker farm in the . Z e n a community. Those , persons wanting to make the : , trip are to sign on the bulletin . board near Greenbaum's store. " The cars will leave from in front of Greenbaum's Sunday . afternoon at 1 o'clock. k 1 1 . D I A cording to governmental reg- ulations all aliens within the borders of the United States must register during next Jan . uary. Forms for registering will be available at the post of- fice during January but no be fore, reports Postmaster Albert C. Gragg. Similar registrations have been held in former years. Christmas Party Thrty ' five women who are employed in the offices of the Oregon ' State Tax Commission will meet Friday night at the home . of Mrs. Goldie Youker, 830 i ) South 13th. The will exchange Christmas gifts, and each will " take a gift to be given later to some paueni ai uregon State Hospital. Rotary Pack Program Ro- . tary Cub Pack No. 1 of 47 youngsters, will provide a , Christmas diner' for a family of eight children living in the southern part of the city. Forelrn Students The In ternational commute of the Salem Rotary club, headed by Elmer Berglund, is still shy a few volunteer families with- ' in the club who will entertain two Willamette university stu dents from foreign lands dur ing the Christmas holidays. ' Each family will entertain one ' of the students tor a 24-hour period and then pass him on to another. Seeks to Serve (Continued from Paw 1 ' "The American people have ' tei4 In th rpnublican rjartv the responsibility of govern ' ment. With that responsibil '. tiy we have a great opportu- nity to advance the welfare of ', our country. Now let's go to ' work." H Eisenhower welcomed the ' GOP leaders and ticked off ; these points as accomplish- merits In 1953: , "Stopped the shooting and t casualty list in Korea. ; "Reduced by $13 billion the previous administration's re , quest for new appropriations. "Cleared the way for Jan , uary tax reductions in personal I income taxes and excess prof . its taxes. 7 "Stabilized the purchasing J power of the citizens' dollar and stopped inflation. ' "Removed stifling controls ' on our economy. ' "Extended emergency aid to 1 agriculture and assisted those j in drought-affected areas. "Removed security risks J from federal service on the I simple premise that those dis- ; loyal to or unsuitable for fed t eral government cannot work for it. f "Strengthened our defenses and those of the free world ? against communist aggression. "Enacted emergency legis- lation permitting additional ! Immigration in urgent situa tions." BORN 1 i SAITM mMOBML DOSFTT AL I PBHUR To Mr. fend MM. Lowrci 5r-wlcr. at. S, Sol J7. W odour a, in. dk. II. , GREENE To Mr. ftntf Mrs Oorr Ort-ne, 144 Crow St. llrl. Dee i KKIDTR To Mr. to4 Mrs. Dooalu J BOttrr. U3I & lit at . a tor. Doe. J HEINE-To Mr. 4M Mrs. Woltor aotae. - S47t N. Cftareh St.. t tor. Doc II ? LUNDrnfo Mr. and Mro. Srnoft :w. London, uso duiu a., a im. Do II. SMITH To Mr. til llrt WUlua oVnMb. at. t. Bos S7'B. flfl. Doc II 'ALCM r.EEKAL MOttPTTAL t ROUSE To Mr. mad Mro. OorU TTiro- Zm Roojo. RL a Boa llo, Tnroor. a . So? re II. RIXOR To Mr n Mr Jl O stlaoa. Boa 11, Annuo, a llrl Doo. II Bridie Bailing Brakes The county engineer has been ask ed to investigate a report that the railing on a bridge on Rad- cllffe drive has been broken off by a motorist Pack Party A program in keeping with the Christmas ison has been planned by Pack On ef the Cub Scouts, when it meets in the Coral room of the McKlnley school Friday night, December II. Lift Breaks Arm A slip and a fall while weight lifting resulted in a broken arm for 15-year-old Larry Wood, 465 North 17th street, Wednesday afternoon. Young Wood was practicing weightliftlng at Sa lem high school when he slip ped and the weights fell on his arm. He was taken to a hos pital for treatment. Application Hearing The application of Bruno Zaccag nina for a liquor license at the Red Lantern, 3990 South Pa cific highway will be held by the county court at 10:30 a.m. January 4. Pipe Lin Approved A per mit to cross Cunningham lane with a pipe line was given the Salem Heights water district Thursday by the county court Files Protest A verbal pro test against the 25-mile maxi mum speed zone east of Four Corners was tiled with the county court by a resident of the area outside the city limits. The speed limit was placed at the request of various Four Corners organizations. Building Permits Wendel Wilmarth, to alter a garage at 1485 Saginaw, $575. I. W. Geer. to repair a two-story dwelling at 139S North Cot tage, $35. L. A. Whitney, ti build a one-story dwelling and garage at 2310 Mountain View Drive, $9000. C. H. Erlander, to build a one-story dwelling at 815 North 23rd, $10,000. Cars Collide Cars driven by Mary R. Greenlee, 1260 Peace street and Robert L. McAdam. Albany, collided Wednesday evening In the 300 block of South 12th Street, city police reported. Both cars were north bound when another car stop ped suddenly in front of them, they said. McAdam stopped in time put in Greenlee car struck his car, doing minor damage to the left rear of it and considerable damage to the front of the Greenlee car. Vandals Dump Trash Two waste cans full of trash and an old bicycle were dumped on the lawn at the Clarice Stewart home, 1140 North 18th street, Wednesday, she reported to city police. Police said the stuff was taken from the Salem high school parking lot Car Balded A four-inch by four-foot strip of chrome, a cig aret lighter and an ash tray were taken from the dash board of a car in the Post Auto Sales lot, 1105 South 12th street, Tuesday night, it was reported to city police Wednesday.- Bonneville (Continued from Page 4) In March Hot Springs sub station auto repair and storage, Eugene substation additions. In May Redmond substation ad ditions. In June Timber 3,000 kva substation; Chief Joseph substation control house. In July Chief .Joseph switch yard. In August Alvey sub station terminal In December, 1954 Chemawa substation ad ditions; McNary substation ad ditions. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. Free with purchase of new furnace. Reconditioned oil pressure burner, leu tank or air condi tioner. Free reconditioned Hol land furnace with new oil burn er, air conditioner or gas burn er. Call Holland for free esti mate, Salem 3-7803. Independ ence 96 it Albany 96. 302' Do your Christmas shopping now at Lorman's, 1108, Edge- water St 306 Castle Permanent Wivtri, 305 Livesley Bldg., ph. 3-663. Permanent $5 and up. Ruth Ford manager. 300' Learn knitting. 341 State St 3-5654. Wtdnesday thru Satur day. 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. 300 Capital Variety, 1262 State St Open every night til 9, until December 23. 300 Bazaar and rummage sale over Greenbaums Friday, Dec. 18. 9-4. 300 Fresh killed Grade A Tin- keys, Orwigs Market, 3973 Sil- verton Rd. 45742. CHRISTMAS TREES tor sale. Bring your children. Choose your own tree. Phone 2-5889. Mrs. Jsmes Mott 301 Baby parakeets, $6.00. Cock atiels. Moore's Aquarium. Mc- Leay Road. Phone 4-3773. 306 Warren's, 1993 Fairgrounds Rd. will be open every evening Helicopter (Oonttnued tram Tf t The pilot of the helicopter is a veteran ef thousands of hours flown in that type of plane on all continents. H was the second man ever li censed to pilot helicopters. Also with the plan is A. L. Farnoff, western manager for the Bell Aircraft company. While in Salem they are check, ing the possibilities for bell copter landing spots ia the city center that might be used for regularly scheduled oper ation. First known plan seen in Salem was an early Curtis model placed on display in the McMlnn hall of the D Arcy building on Court street dur ing May of 1910. On July 14. of that year Ben Taylor, local machinist, and Dr. H. H. Sco- veil, a mechano theraputist. hauled their home mad bi plane to Lone Oak track at the fairgrounds and attempted to fly. Accounts vary. On wit ness declared that Taylor-Sco-veil machine got into the air a short distance before it crashd into the track's guard rait Others did not see it leave the ground. First successful airplane flight observed in Salem was accomplished by Eugene Ely, "The Bird Man" on June 4, 1911. Ely raced a car and mo torcycle around Lone Oak track at a speed above 50 miles an hour and then took oft at an elevation of about 400 feet and twice circled the capitol dome. It is not known that either Wilbur or Milton Wright, whose Kitty Hawk made a first successful airplane flight substantiated in history, ever visited Salem. But their fath er, who later became a bishop in the United Brethern church, was first principal and teach er at Sublimity college in Mar ion county. The school open ed January 8, 1858. His more distinguished sons were born in the east at a somewhat later date. Ktty Hawk made its first flight at Kitty Hawk, N.C., De cember 17, 1903. This 750 pound machine was powered by a 15 horsepower engine and its first flight covered about 120 feet in 12 seconds. Soviet Claims (Continued from iasj 1) grab power and to liquidate the Soviet worker-peasant re gime with a view to restoring capitalism and securing the domination of the bourgeoisie middle class." Beria, who headed the na tion's) police activities from 1938 until his arrest, was first deputy prime minister and minister of internal affairs under Malenkov. The inter nal affairs post controls police, intelligence and related work. The statement said Berla and his associates "admitted their guilt of having commit ted a number of the most seri ous state crimes." It declared that the former police boss had been commit ted for trial on charges of high treason, organizing an anti- Soviet plot and counterrevolu tionary work. Smilar charges were listed against the six other defen dants: COURT NEWS Circuit Court Edoo Moo Howord n. Wllllom Dontol Howord. Jr.: Ordor f Sofoall onto rod Milnit doftndont. Olono Adami n. Cborlol U. McBot: Complilnt oooklna iudimoot of S1MO tooroi oad 99M ipociol eonotoo connoctlM wltb MtonobU oceldonl at woodrov itroot an rvrrrooadl road, Joa. a. im. Onor L. Adtni Chorlta M. McBot: Comnltlnl ootkln soclol doaiMoi or 1341 and siBtral domooot of la eonnoetten vltn outo oocldoat ai Pair. round! and woodrov itroot. Uti tb. MclTte XmiitUi tims: tMsves! iuw faoapHaJ for M Ur period ml obMrravtlcm following eoorlctioi) of uttut of ttrtituY sot la a lwtlUii. Itit vi, ottoa LyU TsubToaih: flawed on tartt year probation and mti MiDtndctl la eonatctloa wita abarm of Doauipn. PMtda Onthrla vs. XlntH a and John r. M tiller: Motion for Jadimtnt notwltb. tnaodlnc ttaa vtmUct an4 Matloa la lbs) uuraiuTt i or ncv trial. Alfrad ?. Bohlini tr at HaaMatar of tha Prtfirrod Aoeldant Znaarasco Co. of Ntw York . Rootrt B. Tartor aa liiaranM rauauaioti m orma: ordor for od altoraatiTo wrtt of Miwii t. at LKSrra Tt. . I. mbA Bio 9. Barry: OrtJarr ratify Im oala of rtal vrop- amy. uiaer tjrarrTjiinsT oaianoaai a ; tioa to Taeato iudsmanU Ifarrartt Brown va. Lawtar Brova Amandd coanplalat iavaJTlM orM pmaosjinsa. P robot Court Alteo H. Pact aatato: Final oMar. and uppinBtai account and rroort of uo triouiKu.. tulltu Aim aauto: Pinal ordor. Alma Aim: final account. District Courts Robert Marios otllork. UailUllo. fcof flirr aol rn a dwrmat. oroltmlnorr htortnt oft for Docombor 31. bold ta Jra of 41.40 u. fTia Ktutod. rt. Lovlo. WMhlnttoa. eofTTlac a ootwoolod Ofopoa. orstmclai coBtlouod to Ooctmoor IS. hold U doo ( kali. Municipal C?wrt Olodo Corl Rllton, Bt. t, lit. Aasol rocaitai drlvlaa, flood 17. Pinl Bollard Ctmatoohiai. Bon to . BODlclpol ooorl vorront omot oa ftU mro to 9r aorkla Uckru. aold lii fiao. Ooora Woohtnsioa rolorr. SMtorrtm. drfvmi vaua lo toxica tod, riloaoos aa THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Batista. OrtgM NIGHTCLUB DEBUT i i : a . t 1 r . A . A K ?1 fi I i lLilittiti mm Marlene Dietrich, above, glamour grandmother, made her nightclub debut at Las Vegas, Nev., in the most reveal-. ing gown that show business veterans could remember. She is receiving $90,000 for her three weeks engagement at the Sahara. (AP Wlrephoto) Employes of Bergs to Form Own Organization Employes of Berg's two Sa lem supermarkets have formed their own organization to rep resent them in negotiations with their employer, Don Davis, president of the newly formed association, announced Wednesday. The action was precipitated by the current I'cketing of the stores by two unions, he said. 'The Bergs Employees Asso ciation was formed to protect the employees from other unions whose demands do not fit the circumstances and con ditions under which Bergs em ployees work," Davis said. "We have no objection to the other unions. However, we feel we must protect ourselves. Pickets from the Amalgamat ed Meat Cutters and Butcher! Workmen apd from the Retail Clerks union were placed in front of both Berg's Capitol Shopping center market and Berg s Keizer supermarket Fri day morning. Only on of 78 Bergs employees refused to cross th line. He was a bakery worker. I- Proprietor Elmer Berg said th pickets were placed by the unions after fie refused to lure an additional butcher for each store to work in the evenings. No butchers are needed then because all meat is processed during th day and placed in th self-servic meat units,' Berg stated. Extra employe feather- bedded into the working staff are not to the advantage of the other employees working," Davis said. "The employees work on a bonus-sharing plan in the two self-service stores and unneeded employees would only cut the other employees' pay." I The association was lormea at a meeting Monday night and letter was sent to Berg an nouncing the group's Intention to become the employees' agent for collective bargaining for both stores in regards to wages, hours, working conditions. grievances and rela'ed prob lems. A petition has been sent to the state department of Labor, Division of Labor Elections, for it to investigate th claim of th association of representing a majority of the employees for collective bargaining purposes, Davis said. The group elected officers at Senator Cordon Going to Washington Portland ) Sen. Guy Cor don who was In San Francisco Wednesday on return from a trip with other senators to U. S. mandated Islands and pos sessions in the Pacific will go direct to his office In Washing ton. His offic her reported that he would not be able to return here en route back to the capi tal because of the need to get to work on plans for the com ing session of Congress. Total assets and premium collections of Connecticut in surance companies rose to II. 89S.3S0.28S in 1832, more than double the amount of 1942. FRESH LUTEFISK 29' Fresh Lefse FITTS MARKET 21 N. Commercial "ft-; IV," i I.- mi If ' t .V- V the Monday meeting, naming Davis, president; Lois Schwein- furth, vice president; Bertha Walker, secretary; and Richard Eckley, treasurer. A negotiating committee to represent grocery, meat, bak ery, vegetable, bus boy and kitchen departments of both stores has been named, Davis said. It consists of Rodney Jones, John H. McConvUle Jr., Lloyd Lebold, Donald Drees, AI Benson, Selma Clifton, Richi: 1 Van Osdol, William Peterson, Marshall Denham. Richard White and Myrtle Luldahl. OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO if As7'a, I JsVoi "fs.- ."4 "AJC,J v t-airaalt Maaoki mi TW -aj f!J 0 VTjurvv Sllbo.ualiifrtrhtaaia'wira .. . , H .- twr. tu.H . hJTmiv' "Ss1 4 ' aaj l w i i -- M 1 V ' Hall Regrets (Continued from Pat 1) The 34-year-old Hail has been quoted as saying that he planned to kill Mrs. Heady, 41. next and that he had Towed never to be taken alive. Now Hall says his prolonged spit mad him too furzy to realize clearly what was happening when arresting officers knocked on his hotel door In St Louis Oct. 6. But as death in the gas cham ber cam closer and closer, neuner Hall nor Mrs. Heady had '.ilked about the remain ing mystery: What happened to th miss A NATIONAL SHOi CHAIN HAS NiRCHASID THI INTWtl FASHION BOOTEIY CHAIN. AU EXtSTINO STOCKS AM TO BS CUAMD OUT TO MAK1 tOQM KHt ALL NSW JpKIUOCl sveuscoe f VjS 405 N.E. Corner of liberty and Court .Open Evenings Till 9 9 P.M. EVERY NIGHT TIL DEC. 23 ing nail of lii record $600,000 ransom money they collected from Bobby's 71-year-old fa ther after they had already killed and buried th llttl boy in Mrs. Heady's back yard, in St Joseph. Wants Allies (Oonttnued from Fern 1) Opening a one-day foreign affair debet in th House) of Common, Churchill threw his full support behind th posi tion taken by U S. Secretary of Stat Dulles. Churchill de clared: "When th safety ef France, Indeed of Europe, depends up on th policy of th United COURT STREET ftPS Pat States, all th possibl conse quences of abandoning DC European Defense Community should be placed squarely be fore the French people.", Britain to Keep Tree pa Britain Is ready, be said, to keep troops on the continent "at least as long as American troops were kept there." Reviewing the Big Three conference at Bermuda, th 79-year-old Prim Minister said: ,. uied th opportunity of th conference to emphasis the view which I expressed her on May 11 that th Soviet On ion ia entitled to assurances against aggression after what she suffered at Hitler's hands." 7EAU Capitol Shopping Center until Caristma. 303