Thursday, December 17, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Orecea FOOD SECTION Pact 11 . ' ' I Fruit Bars For Holiday Time Tasty Easy to make, cuy to eat. this recipe is baked In en x 8-inch pen, then after cooling, ban are cut to please your fancy. Date are plentiful and luscious. Fine for family and for holiday giving to favorite folks. Holiday fruit Ban - I cup dates, cut H cup vinegar , ii cup water 1 tablespoon lemon Juice 1 cup enriched flour 1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed teaspoon salt cup margarine or other shortening 1V4 cups rolled oats , 3 tablespoons milk 1 tablespoon grated lemon peel . Cook dates, sugar and water until thick. Add lemon Juice and cooL Sift Hour with brown sugar and salt Cut in shorten ing until mixture resembles meal. Add rolled oats and mix well. Add milk and blend. Pack H of the mixture into 8 X 8-inch greased pan. Spread aate mixture on top; then fin ish with layer of flour mixture, Bake at 330 degrees 40 mln utes. CooL Cut in ban. You'll get 82 ban if you cut them 1X2 incnee. Baked Cider Pudding Proves Delicious surprise! u.ich9 Delicious Candies By ZOLA VINCENT roii Wriur) Here is a short cut holiday fudge recipe with only three ingredients in it for the smoothest, most delicous fudge. Children and mothers who have had sad experiences making fudge, will welcome this recipe. It produces perfect fudge every time. And it can make wonderful variations as shown in the picture. Uses packaged chocolate morsels. For giving, this fudge assort ment can be packaged in al most any kitchen utensil, dish or glassware; or in toys of the wheelbarrow, wagon or other hollowed-out variety. Let the children figure it out; they'll have more and better ' ideas than the grown-ups. Holiday Fudge 2 packages semi-sweet chocolate i cup sweetened condensed milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Note that this is sweetened condensed milk; not to be con fused with evaporated milk. Melt chocolate morsels in top of double boiler. Remove from heat. Stir in milk and vanilla and mix until mixture is well blended. Turn into pan or shape in desired form. Al low to stand several hours. Will make approximitelylV pounds. Variations: Chocolate Squares Turn mixture into 8-inch square pan. Sprinkle with chopped nuts, press lightly. Cut into squares. ' balls, Coconut Balls Shape into K-lnch then roll in coconut. Walnut Fatties Shape into -inch balls and press walnut or pecan halves in center. Pralines Measure 1' standard table spoon ox mixture, nace on waxed paper. Use another piece of waxed paper to place on top of pralines. Press with bottom of water glass to make 2-inch circles. Press pecan or walnut halves in surface, Chocolate Nut Roll Add cup coarsely ground chopped nuts to mixture. Div ide mixture In hall Make two rolls about Its inches in diam eter. Lightly press roll into chopped nuts so that area is Flavor and texture si Heated cider is poured slowly over the cake when it comes from the oven. Garnish with peeled, chopped almonds and serve hot or cold, with or with out whipping cream. Baked Cider Pudding cup diced bread crumbs t cup sugar cup shelled almonds 4 eggs teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon angostura bit ten 1 cup cider Put almonds and dried bread crumbs (no crusts) through food grinder. Cream egg yolks and sugar until light and fluf fy. Add angostura bitten, cin namon, almonds and bread crumbs; fold in the stiffly beat en egg whites. Bake in a well buttered spring form, 30 to 40 minutes in moderate oven, 330 degrees. Heat cider and pour slowly over cake as soon as it comes from oven. Garnish with peeled, chopped almonds or other favored nuts. Makes 6 generous servings. Cornbread With Leftovers Good Miking leftoven tasta good as new takes all your skill as a cook and it's hardest of all when everyone's tired of that turkey that seems to last for ever! But it's surprising how welcome leftover turkey or, for that matter, chicken or ham can be when you serve it in individual corn bread Shortcakes.. They're made without nonfat dry milk and there's no trick to making them .with dry milk, I since you mix It with the other dry ingredients, then add wa ter later. Cera Bread Shortcakes 1 cup sifted, all-purpose flour 1 cup corn meal 4 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt to cup nonfat dry milk ' -1 cup water k cup soft shortening 1 unbeaten egg Sift together flour, corn meal, baking powder, sugar, salt and dry milk into a 2- quart bowl. Add water, short ening and egg. Beat hard with spoon pr with rotary beater until well mixed. Pour batter into a greased 8-lnch squire baking pan. Bake on rack slightly above center In a 425 oven, (very hot), until brown or about 20 minutes. Cut Into. four squares. Split squares oi noi corn oreao. serve wun creamed turkey (sea below), Creamed Turkey 3 tablespoons butter or mar garine 3 tablespoons nonfat dry milk . 2 tablespoons flour Vi teaspoon sslt few grains pepper "cup water 1 cup cut-up boned turkey, cooked or canned. Melt butter or margarine In a lU-quart suacepan. Remove from heat and stir in thorough ly a mixture of dry milk, flour, salt and pepper. Stir in wa ter gradually. Heat quickly to boiling. Reduce heat and cook slowly for 2 minutes, stirring all the time. Add turkey and heat until steaming hot Serve hot between and on top of split squares of hot corn bread. Makes 4 servings. ' Serve corn bread shortcake with hot buttered peas and Jel lied cranberry sauce. V; . C 'A I . r . aV r . - v Old time favorite but you may not have thought of It re cently. Alternate segments of canned or fresh grapefruit with half moons of avocado on lettuce leaf or shredded let tuce; top with tart French dressing. 41 MiMmk m ssv vcttw m k.. i m r m -pays covered. Allow to stand sever al hours; slice each roll in ap proximately 18 slices. FRESH Fillet of Flounder . Fresh Fillet of Sole .. . Lb. 69 CHINOOK - SALMON . SLICED ' HALIBUT .Lb, 59' 39 STEAM CLAMS.. 35' lb. FRESH Deep Sea Crabs u. Fresh, Fryers Pan-ready ib. 59' Oven-ready Roasting Hens it. 55 FRESH LUTEFISK FRESH LEFSE... Fins Fish & Poultry 216 H. Commercial Ph.3-4424 BLUE BELL POTATO CHIPS , Two bogs In package Holiday Spatial 63c valua 48c GIFTS FOR SHIPPING Shipments for Middle West Must Go This Week Delicious Oregon Prunes Large Site 5-lb., 10-lb., 30-lb. boxes Fancy Franquetta Walnuts 5-lb, and 10-lb. bags Jumbo Filberts 5-lb. bags Tillamook Cheese Mb., 2-lb., 3-lb 5-lb. brick Tht 3-lb. sizes ore ever a year old. Assorted Cheese Boxes Fancy packs make nice gifts for whale family! sow Cm Up Good Grocery Buys Market Day BORDEN'S MAYONNAISE SEEDLESS RAISINS ALL PURE MILK DERBY CHILI (ON CARNE LIBBY'S PUMPKIN No., UBBY'S PUMPKIN N0 3M FROZEN ORANGE JUICE TS1 S&W MINCE MEAT HUNT'S TOMATO JUKE Um. DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE MARSHMALLOW CREME NERSHEY COCOA HERSHEY BAKING CHOCOLATE SWIFT'S BONED CHICKEN SWIFT'S BONED TURKEY mice .mi uiuiiTiincr IMJJU QHIl niniHIUKU Henhey CHRISTMAS CANDY CANES 46 ox. Quart 59C 2 .b,. 29c 2 can. 25C 2...49c 2 can. 35C 2 can, 25C 2 ens 45c st os. 53c 2 , 49C 2, an. 59C 35c 18-os. jar jib. 49c nib. 39c 2 can. 89C 2 n. 89C it ox. 49c r. t a. each and IVt Stt ox. SH ox. IMPERIAL CANDIES c.n 29c ... 39c FANCY CHOCOLATES . $1.10 $1.75 LYONS GLACE FRUIT ., $3.25 APLET5 and COTLETS 80c-Si:60-$3.00 HOME MEAT BLOCKS $4.95 iHoana or square) Hill's Tom and Jerry Batter jar $1.00 Chase & Sanborn Coffee Ib. 89c, 2 lbs. $1.77 DICKENSON'S PRESERVES AND JELLIES $5.95 12 Jars 12-ox. Glasses In fancy Christmas box All varieties from 41c jar up HAWAIIAN KONA COFFEE All the folks who hove been te the island know this won derful coffee. 2-lb. can $2.09 Drip Grind BULK PEELS FOR YOUR Plum Pudding t Fruit Cake Candied Cherries Lb 75c Citron-Lemon-Orange Pineapple Shelled Pecans Almonds Walnuts Model Food Market 275 N. High (Next fe City Hall) Phone 3-4111 No Charts for Delirery 18-Day Charge Accounts FREE PARKING IN THE REAR OP THE STORE I 7 0LIAGNAllEYSCH.PS V, 4 J - torn MmM Cash In on this blfNalley's Potato. fJy7Jy7rrmmmm',' WUt i erlap, estre large, and dtlicloualy Te-v iVttitiijsillD trmt I freabl Be sure to have plenty for ti f tJ! i 13 JJ A f7Htt: II NR I fI?Vrl m holiday chips and dips. Buy sev- L VAaUjf AUl IX W li LLL 111 J r oral baga-Nalley's Potato China '""iism NS!S (tOOoy 4 are everyday food for everyone! . ''eeaassssaaaSlSSSSsL. 3 sW iv --sa