a- w trv. jtw.jr Page 20 " THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. QregM Thursday, December 17, 1953 s (X in ! oi l 31 d( In ro w th In ct t it el th m r i i I i i i I i I SANTA FLYUIG PUP By IUCREC HUOGINS BEAU Aft fc . . Stilt twirl lac, it rou into the sky and whirled away. S TtM Dais I Th Dresmllns. Mr. Nt Much and Mr. Very Little. warn Willi there an drarons rnnnlnr Ioh in Santa's Train Shoo. Ther flee, but Willie brate lr decide to flfht the drag-ons thlnkthf this aur ajiullfy a an rue If tab deed and enable him to fly. He goes to th Train Snap and manage to xak th dragon mun tnemeeirea en in imot. CHAPTER 1 TRIP IN AN UMBRELLA ' Th awful nolle In th Train Shop brought Santa and hi workers racing to th spot. What they found wu Willie the pup and the wreck of all the toy train in Santa Land. 1 did It!" cried Willie proudly. 1 destroyed them all I" "Willie, Willie I mourned San ta. "What will I do now for all the little boys who have asked for trains lor onrisunuv Trains?" said Willi. "Trains? But I though tr- I thought they were aragong!'' It was a sad thing. Willie turn ed away. He didn't even try to see If h had earned the right to fly. "It's no use.- he thought. "I al ways do the wrong thing." Santa himself was thinking the same thing. "I shall have to send Error Cited By Gladden Warden Clarence T. Gladden aid Thursday that statement by an AFL official that eight guard had uult because the State Board of Control .had failed to grant a pay increase, was not in accordance with the facta. The warden said that only five correctional officer! have left the prison aince November 1. The only one case, he said, wai the matter of wages in volved. This officer quit to take a better job. Of the other four, two were fired, another said he lived too far from the prison to make the round trip in bad weather and one planned to leave saiem. A representative of the AFL Salem local of Oregon Public Employes Council, claimed that eight guards. Including a cap tain and lieutenant, had quit the prison in the past week since the board declined to act on a petition for a pay increase HELD FOR FORGERY Albany Sam Alvin Jones was bound over by Judge Wen dell Tompkins in district court here to the circuit court grand jury on a forgery charge, after he had waived a preliminary hearing. Jones is accused of forging the name of Yates Sherer, Tangent, to a $77 check drawn on the Bank of Albany Mov. s. the pup away" he thought. "He means well out ne St always caus ing trouble. I have so much work to do and besides that I must ar range for the rescue of the Dreamlln queen." Now Santa had made a magic Dill. If the Dreamlln aueen would swallow this pill she would change for ten minutes Into a Duff of smoke. And while she was smoke she could escape from any chains or dungeon that he'" her. But th nroblem wsa how to find the oueen and set the DU1 into ner nana. Suddenly Santa had an Idea. It would aav the queen and get Willie out or Santa Land at the same time. He called the puppy. And he tailed Mr. Not Much and Mr. very Litue. Santa said. "I have a mule Em wmcn win save the Dream n aueen if you can find her and give it to ner. ' Th Gremlin live in the attic of an empty castle," said the Dreamlln. "But we do not know where they have imprisoned our queen.1" "Peril am Willie can find her" saia eanta. 'Me?" cried Willie in astonish ment. "Me find the Dreamlln queen?" "Of course," said Santa with a smile. "A dog has a fin sens of smell. If you go to th castle where the Gremlins live I am sure you can track down the Im prisoned, queen.' "Why sure I can I" cried .Willie remembering that dogs really are good at tracking. "And U I do mat ao you trunk that then I might be able to fly?" banta oia not answer. "It will be a venr bKMlI deed IH be doing." Willie reminded nun. "And very unselfish." Santa, laughed. "Well, try It ana see," he said. Then Santa tied a string around Willie's neck on one end of the su. was a uny oag. in tn oo was the magie pui lor the Dreamlln oueen. "And now I will give you my umbrella." said Santa, "and the three of you be off." "An umbrella?" asked Mr. Not Much. "Why do w want an umbrella?" Santa opened a large black um brella and laid It upside down on tne grouna. -jump in.- ne said "It will take you wherever vou wish." Willie and the Dreamllns did aa they were told. we want to go to tne castle where the Gremlins live," said Mr. Not Much timidly. Immediately the umbrella be gan twirling round on the ground. sun twirling, it rose into tne sky and whirled away. rney never saw where thev were going or how they got there but before very long the whirl ing stopped and tne umbrella lolted to the ground. Willie and the Dreamllns lumped out. They found them. selves near a great castle. Trie windows were broken and the gates rusty. Weeds were pushing through the stones. Tne Dreamllns shuddered. "It Is ce'talnly a fearful looking place." they whispered.- Willie's heart thumped with flight. But he thought of the un selfish deed which would win htm the right to fly and he said. -room wnai's mere to be airaid of? Let's go!" I Next: Th Gremlins) ACROSS I. Owns 4. Old 5. Headstrong 11. Not at home 13. Learning 14. Operatic melody 16. Eloquent speeches 17. Hollow la, Covered with thick black liquid 1. And: Greek II. Eait: Indian plant Z3. Equine ani mal 17. Short jacket 29. Gtrmtii river 11. Spike of com 12. Talks idly 14. Llv coals 36. Above: poetic 27. Former . Russisn ruler 99. Passage out 40. Type of car 42. Father: Italian 44. Angry 44. Third: musical 49. Despise 62. Enlivened 64. Uniform 66. Musical sound 50. Before 67. Animal food 68. Units of work 69. Masculine nicknsm DOWN 1. Derisive cry 2, Invisible CuMMMlioa K N tl wH5 ATMH.Iy E5 lBSITLniE HN Olwl TIOlMlfAILIAlTlEflEJTlAi Solution of Yesterday s Pun I 1 To the right of a vessel 4. Foreign 6. Bene tlcenc 5. Sea bird 7. WnUni table S. Wireless . Exist 10. Err 11. Headpiece ' 1 J i... I i; lia f e n T ; T if ---- -.:. it , 7r to ; ' " r- Ti jf I.J tt ii tt " T " " 33 r"77" r " " tt"" "ji"ir , V; - ?rfsr n i le (it jTjj--"-" Jf , , 7T T- 7j- ;:' " 18. English rlvtr 20. Sound of clearing the throat 22. Letter of th alphabet 14. Put forth again 15. Hindu garment 28. Formerly 17. Epic poem 28. Source ot lumber 20. Scolding S3. Volcano 24. College in Kentucky 18. News organ ization: sbbr. 41. Catkin 43. Silver coins 43. Tropical fruit 47. Greek com bining form used in forming name 48. British statesman 49. Edge of a garment M.Hail St. Light repast as. Ana not STEVE BOTE R ' ' I Tv Mu6T-nry RcKmuqa " wvsl vxre f mv cast tbu-sw-j wju. .euv J n F TOVE BEEN MOST etTAOOUiV I ciOOOBTOOTVeN K83A tuCKONA MCrTEtRTS M7 M rtj -lULii'J MV MAN WHEN THE POLICE Jfe S THfciS WJTvtf WlimlOOZV BOOM ANO A TO XT' A T1 I 1 LOCATE MV LOST WAiX KX) JJ fw- - -tT THICK 6TEAK MV TJJ THAT II. JT . shall ee sufTAot-v J '; Ve?; i ju TvAWih&--r-Jl5ri FOCO - ' PKACTIC N6OIN'0f4 IF ClWAft VHt KOAtTIP I AN HAU1 WOUtOKT HaW OUT ORPHAN ANNIE ' I .1 . Xf WU JUST taWKT T m CUMnIJ Y AMD Wl WOULD K NEVER HEARD I I ' HOMC-MIO THE D4MEO II UHAT MORS N I I BY THE LAW AND Yl LfU- k I r ONLY IT WEREN'T CASH REALUf II ii zrr-. . mm i rv r r, i r-. iryjK. i nz -, i'itssL-7 jrs txsk . .. i--i 2:v- i l:s&&ZfliYV$ IV tJK I kr-x I ' . a 1 -Mil r V J II sV rirS ' iini f, y ) y.,-:-a WT 1 I I LIL ABNEB lJU 1 S( riLAClXtNa'T- ) I ITM'WIWNE J-r0adVrV O lA4U4UAL,WEVHLCOWNTT-TAKETMlSHATOff?l HtTAKHi SI GIVES A HAT lt 1 J F Tf.f -7. DAgJkMtD o' J loaLVU'LHATOFtiAN'-A BIsUT-Ki-P IT.r J RlYi7rJ UOPALONG CASSIDV a- A SURE ...BUT I WOU MEVW FILBO A CLAIV ON I I AN ' NOW IF YOU'LL trZT. TV. V0U PROVE TUAT WNE, FOB. F6AB. OF STAUnN' PUT AWAY THAT GUN, ) f VOU LOP-EABEP POLECAT' I IT. SANDERSON. A GOLD BUSH... SO 1 DID IT FOR. WE'LL GET DOWN ' I 1uStf'iT E POGiM-S tr- VOU iNAfyWAfte-BSFOZE , TO BuSiMEiSi 1 UUori TO C MfyM tl.n M I T ti , .arv.iikii i ia neoe I v S n. 4. III" J "f 1 1 s - 1 J II It,. I . I I Kif, vPOT WliesNf' i V'L MUXT-.-F ' W-- - -s. MOTT,THEREi5"rVLi7rTTHlS ISf . I THE POOR S."! NOBODY GETS MVV lai Arrcinc wun WHil JLtTiTlS a Ij ?ij M ML! FELLOW MAV ) -?f,. m r ri xi v t m c.ts i- jri few .LtafiPELmi i amy m BEX MORGAN. M.D. , I n nn . c5JSll!!asn' 1 m I 11 1 f ...IF VOU PK5I5T IN QU65DON- I ST - H M BM JTLj& IJl DONALD DUCK I 1 1 1 1 L ' 1 1 Ifa-rry bao) the wort VI II I t U7av--L U J n nothinc like getting ' ti1 X&jys yzr(.t'6 wixteb:; uAociJyf0v p-JsS into aw-vaa see?.' r HEE'jt I MARiwoitra " JXgA,;$V r,fm m Ucn DSrVC DCVN to EootKUtJ(f I h WtRt MlNfi AUTTLttietiOMt.WOtAR! ' vP the oeos amo vin uJsTTmTJ-, ANOwMtNTHiwanw.taotiouTOf ABorru J l'V-aV0nnK WjviSSR,I'MMO . A FRESH ONC! . tSZ FRIDAY P. M. t KGW KOIN KEX IKSLM KGAEIK0C0 s wac t cs use sac iss net Mas i c us m II: Mm Wt-a raaJ SUwlTa nuns KM , - lj:IS a-i Usa c Oat St N . s NW N IMS- Mi-f 12:2 rw. I s H.aM SaaBUraa Oar Ms M - ' Mat, 11:41 a.tai r.nt ""- an e aw, t l:MiaaaW Wilt RUHe Um. a WaaS MM Ska Hta Busts I:lisi-ie tmu 3airr aw wnt m. r mm n.i4y J:J4,WI- I (IWiil Waat Mwla Saaai BrtaW ' H . Xjj W . B - Qir w Maala SpMar M1t I M Uta mm 0afrr a. Crackar Kaws Naws ' ssatu "" 1 : 1 S I r. r. limlMlifl Jack's riaat Slaa TlM BalAar BbsaaV t ML. jn GrT OKSrnaa Km Bsla-r llsita t:45ipa'a KMm Cart Maaa rtir L aa Maala Sals atoaaV 1:9iWtUMM , Wis. a Oasi Far Olrla "mn Baal Nm Warla NtW : Tratalar talk Asktaai tt Olrla Ttla Taat Sals Taaa T, t4.Dr.rmal ' aaH ! Olrla lack SMaar ruiara a iLUe aal'f1 rafaUr Far Olrta nirawee SalSar Far. Mawk 4:'wHl at Warsairkkaaa " CUaa rail. Lawla ataala Th 4:15 alaala Bs Saarkl Saalrral Cas ! UUk sal Waal 4:311 Maala Bas Slrkkaal Saalrral Cat Carl Maaaar "'a Maila (a :45 rs aakar airkkaas liwi Tlaaa Saas Hare a lla Osl Waal !:o!sBarU aUur K Mar raw n. Baar MaaU Skav Tlaai' :$Nawa raraSa Ntwa Carala Hatia Skav Tlaw M L Sica Warl TaSar Cfcal aalkrr WU Bin Sal u :4a'. rattraa Traak Pay, Bk Oarra Mlckak Maala i:MiBaUi Wllk Sal. SpaUt. IWaalktraaaa Oak Baatar ICaaSMUlk :1K Maala MaSllaltoa Ba SSIUaa rarrr Casta Caallaunk :j Baaaa af r.ai HaraMi Frmak UUi V. riakltr Naws :4VS Olaia Da Baaart gill Stark Baas Haaa IS Bay 7:nria. Br,n Stasa riikla Taka a aasarr j:j.Vlri Oralar SUaak Flskla Naaia Itar SU ' J:!! Pkll Barrta Slaaa .Nava Ctaak Bl MatU 7:4S PkU Barrta Slrack teraa t-e BI4 MKtaart 1" :M Maa'a raaUlJ Mr. Imi Saatwrr Jl- riglai WC. V :l!t Warl Mawa Mr. Btaa BrasakaattrtMato ratal " :2S Dlaak fkara L. Tkaraas J.VaaSiraaakHaraaklaa HI. :45 F. Slaalra t'm. ntU. Far. Tanea WMrlllni ratal Btaa. ft'M Bak n.aa Bcaalak Ossla an 'olaa Harir WU. " 1:15 BakBaaa J. LaBaas Harrktl Nawsraal Fasti Um :20 rartlaa Bit I BaHara Carina Arefci Swaal Swiss WU. 1:48 r-araaa Ortkaalrs Carltoa Srafc H. Wlaaiar Nltkt Navt ta-M aaaattat S rtaal Flaal Bin. r. LawU - I:1S "u FW . Caaka Oaaaa TIbm FUt. Tlaas Nactar S:M Laal Ma Cttr Clak Baaae Tlaaa Naa Kaalana 11:48 Oat SSSt ta Daaea Tlaat FlaL Tlaia Naetana !.a Nawa Bacar Ska Baaaa Ttaia Caant af Naclatm " llil L. MaC all Bacar Skaa Daaae Tlaia MaaU Crtal. Kaalaraa ;0 Cltr Oaaaafl Bacar Daaaa Tlaat Mill Naclara :45 Cllr Caaatll Sfcaw Baaae Tlaia Maila Vaetaraa II :'! Oft 'glltal 'Daaae Tlaw MalaSr Maa' " sin Olf " Do TV Prices Have You Worried? Trader Louie will solve your problem with ease so that you can own beautiful new . . . Raytheon PUniUUT AHYTHIH6 TAKEN IN TRADE TRADER LOUIE 187 Lana Ave. . Phone J-J558 SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. :H Bacar Baaai News Paras Hsar iNtwa ISalargap Wastara ' :1X aecari Baaai KOIN Black Faraa Baar riaiakttaar Salata Malaalai :S0 liol Baaai BOIN Black Para Baar Marak Tisaa IslarSap Paras Nasi 1:4.1 Bacar Baaai KOIN Black Farm Baar WW Nawa Salata Ntwa 1:00 Nawa KOIN Klaak 1st ISIIIaa Hcailaiwar Ncwa KOCO Klaat 7;15Bcare Baaaa Ncwa Atraaakr Braakfaat Salata KOCO Klach 7:M aacar Baaai Nawa Vala Nawa Brtakiaat lalarSap KOCO Klaa 7:ti,a. Maaalas CaasatMT Bak Base Ntwa Salata Iilca. Bare S-M "' Bamaaea Plarllaw Cartat Skaw Nawa rraaStf Bag Baaai Kaaiaaea Plartlaaa Maala Salala Prcatlr UU : aarar Olra an Oar Tawa Bavaa ft BatarSap Maila :4ft Baaas Taka Haaia Afcnl Batl ' Salata Maala - f . Bawip naa Tkaatar af Tarlaa Nawa Nawa Nawa I-1F. D': TaSar Taaa Farm Boma laclc Bak Public Btal 124 Ha4r Daa:SUra Ottr apaca Fatral Faatar'a Call Uacla Bak Clak Tlma 4ft BawSr DaaS: Ballrwaa Sacra Talral Bartala Uacla Bak Km Craw I a. M Boaka Fas fM sit start at Ncwa Newt Aaat Batak (:jM.aMKIia Fas tat ail Tamarraw Mailt ' Uacla Bak Aanl BaUk S.$ Ballrwaa Mailt stara Mcl Blaaa t:acM Bak Sataraar 1:45 Brtakfati Wllk Clrtt Tamarraw Mcl Blaaa Uwclt Bak Scrcacat IS . Mary Laa Matt Mlnaa Oacra Met Blaaa Ntwa Salaraa II lift Tarlar McctMlliaa Kltalatta Mcl Blaaa ITacIa Bak Scrcail ll'S Farm aai Rcacrt Lrwli Opera Blrlcttr Uacla Bok BalarSir 11:411 Bama Baal Paal A Fard Bltalttla Plilt Uacla Bak Scrtaiea i KOIN 1 LL a.ak la U am. KBZ ata, I a I DIAL LISTING KOAC. 550 IfOAf rrl'ap F.M. 1I:I, Nawai rvv ltilJ, Nan Farm Baar, Marlaa Caaatr attat; 1;M Blda Cawbart t:M. Eiatclallr far Wamtai S:as Orataa Bcpartari 4:M, Sparta Farccacti 6:. Cklldrca'a Tkaattri S:M, Nawa. Weatktri 7:15. Farm Haari S:ts, Caaatr Aria la America! :, Mallei 1:11 Madl- Utlaat !:, Slfa Off. fOr Salardap AM lt aa. Ha-, rvw ' 11:14. Ciptclalrp far Waawat 11:, Cancers Hall: 11:0. NewBI IM Jala Narri lilt, CaUaaa Midlcra. MT. ANGEL RETREAT Mt. Angel The Young Christian Workers of Oregon are sponsoring a study retreat at Mount Angel Seminary this weekend starting it 8:30 p.m, Friday. The retreat masters will be the Very Rev. Bernard Sander, O.S.B. and the Rev. Ambrose Zenner, O.S.B. HENRY By Carl Andertoa j ROOM BOARD By Aben I THE SPANISH WRITING ON BACK OF THE PARCHMENT MAP SAYS THE PIRATE TREASURE IS BURIED BACK IN FROM THE BEACH OF A SMALL COVE ON A UTTLE ISLAND IN THE BAHAMAS.' DOESNT GIVE THE NAME. BUT IT COULD BE FOUND WITH A LITTLE 5EAR.CHING Y I'LL 5ELL IT FOR. 6 ISO-' PAID A SAILOR. IN HAVANA 300 FOR. IT K U1VC IHtMAWt. BUI IILUULW "Tl.nBinr rue V BE FOUND WITH A LITTLE f , ' W V SEARCHING S 1 TREASURE WHEN HE I MARCER.f?V(f. I 7 U-i'l"v?0' 'f . . I jv. Ir I .