Thurdy. December 17, 195S THE CAPITAL JOl'RNAL, Salem. Orecoa Pact It FAN FARE Oklahoma Ags Produce New Giant Hoop Ace New York. Wv Th. nvi. noma A It M eowboyi, peren nial contenders for national basketball bonon, appeared to have come up with their best big man since the days when , Bob Kurland, the seven-foot .' redhead, roamed the Midwest ' prairies. The Aggiea have been beat ! en once by single point at Minnesota in eight starts this season, and in almost every . victory big Bob Mattick, a ' 6-foot-ll giant, - has been singled out for praise. ! It was Mattclk in the starring tola again last night as A It M turned back their deadly rivals at the University of Oklahoma 63-46. He scored 25 points, tops on both teams, but it was his Linfield Has 3 Weekend Games Before Holidays McMinnvDle Linfield col lege ha three quick games on the slate for this week-end before taking a week's break fro Christmas. Linfield will carry a 3-1 mark into the trio of games with Portland State Thursday, Oregon College of Education Friday and Everybody's Drug of Eugene Saturday. Coach Roy Helser, still not satisfied with the Wildcats on offense, has been trying to pep up his guards' scoring efforts. Linfield has defeated Clark Junior college twice and Port land State, whle losing to OCE. Gene Small, 6-2 product of Joe Boyle's Stayton team, Is rated by Helser as one of the finest freshmen to. come to Linfield In several years. Conley Sweeps American Assn. Pitching Honors Chcago VP) Gene Conley, big righthander for the Toledo Sox, swept nearly all pitching honors available in the Ameri can Association last season, official statistics showed Thursday. Conley, 8-7, 225-pounder from Richland, Wash., led the league In eamed-run average wth 2.90; had the best won-lost percentage, .719; won the most games, 23, while losing 9, and struck out the most batsmen, 211. He also pitched the mat in nings, 261; started the most games, 24; faced the most bat ters, 944; hurled the most shutouts, 4, and worked two 1-hitters, one 2-hltter, three 3-hltters and one 4-bitter. SKI RACE SCHEDULED Everett, Wash. Competitive ski season will open officially Dec. 20 for the Pacific North i western Ski Assn. with the running of the annual Arnold Lunn Downhill, race at Mt. Hood. The race, over a mile lonf course starting at Lone Fir above Timberline and fin ishing below the lodge, is open to Class A, B, junior, open, men and women competitors. NEBRASKA COACH QUITS Lincoln, Neb. VP) George (Potsy) Clark, who came to the University of Nebraska as head football coach and stayed on as athletic director, said Wednes day night he is through at the Cornhusker school. WILL CLOSE TONIGHT AT 5:30 FOR THEIR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DINNER great rebounding that made the big difference. Hank Iba's teams alwaya play possession-style ball and with a man who can get the ball off the boards for them regularly they are tough to beat. Kansas Beats Tulsa Kansas, last season's West ern NCAA titllit, won its first game of the campaign 72-81 over Tulsa after two setbacks on a Southern trip. Center B. H. Born, playing with a sprained ankle, scored 22 points. In the East, Togo Palazzi paced Holy Cross to 101-84 triumph over Colgate with 39 points. It . was the Crusaders' 42nd consecutive home vic tory. I Ninth ranking Fordham.l classed as one of the powers in the East, got a real scare against City College of New York, finally pulling out a 53-51 decision on a driving one-hander by Alan Larkin with 10 seconds toplay. First Christian Wins 2nd Game In Church Loop First Christian church wgn its second game, an overtime affair, in the Senior division of the Salem Church Basket ball league last night at Par rish gym, 54-48. It was a player named John Harvey who stole the spot light, however, scoring 44 points in First Congregation al' 70-7 victory shellacking of St Mark Lutheran in the Jun ior "B" league. Wednesday results: Senior league First Chris tian 54. Stayton Baptist 48; Grace Lutheran over Knight Memorial by forfeit. Intermediate "A" St. Mark 48, First Christian 28; First Presbyterian forfeited to En- glewood EUB. Intermediate "B" First Congregational 39, Halbert Memorial 19. Junior "A" Deaf School 25, Englewood EUB 18. Junior "B" Calvary Bap tist 22, Knight Memorial 18; First Congregational 70, St. Mark Lutheran 7. TMlfht's Schedule: Senior leaeue Calvarr Baptut Ta. Fleet Chrlattan. Pimm aim. I p.m.: Naaarene Ta. KnleM Mentor!. Parrlih, f p.m. Intermediate "A" Pint Baptlat M. St. Paul Epleeopel, Olrla arm, p.m.! Jaaop Lea va. Plret Chrlatlan, Bora arm. I ; p.m. ! Intermedial B" Kelaer Community : ra. Enalewood BUB. Parrtaa arm. Y p.m.; Weet Salem Baptlat ta. Kvanieliatle Temple, Olrlj arm, t p m. Junior "A" Deaf School va. Knele wood BUB. Bora arm. 7 p.m.: Ptrat Bap tlit ve. Plrat Preabytarlan. Bora era. S p.m. Junior 4B" Deaf School va. Xnlaht Memorial. Olrla arm, 1 p.m. TURF OFFICIAL RESIGNS Portland ttJ O Henry W. Col lins, Portland grain broker, to day announced his resignation as president of Portland Turf association, which operates horse racing at Portland Mea dows. HOWELL SUCCEEDS OWEN New York VP) The New York football Giants have named Jim Lee Howell, star player and assistant coach un der Steve Owen, to succeed Owen as head coach of the Na tional Football League team. VOIR NORGE DEALER IS CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC 339 CHEMEKETA Wall DkiM Spud Growers Ask for Limits Pocatello, Ida, (UJB The Idaho-Oregon Potato Control Committee today sent recom mendations to Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson suggesting that shipment of U, S. number 1 potatoes be limited to an eight-ounce medium. The current marketing agreement calls for a two-Inch minimum on top grade pota toes. Another resolution, adopted at the close of a committee meeting here yesterday, rec ommended that regulations covering shipments of U.S. l's be limited to U. S. 1, size A. All resolutions approved by the committee were passed earlier by the Idaho Potato Producers Association. Farm Bureau Asks Program Chicago VP) A resolutions committee proposed today that the convention of the Ameri can Farm Bureau Federation call for a federal farm-aid program that would stress crop salesmanship as a means of making farmers prosperous. Less dependence than un der present programs would be placed on government price supports. The committee said taxpayers would not finance for any extended time price guarantee programs that would provdie farmers a satis' factory standard of living. So, the committee declared, farmers and government must Join hands to regain lost for eign markets and develop new ones to provide outlets for American agriculture's ex pending productive capacity. That means, the committee said, Jhe opening of doors to ncreased Imports so that other countries might get Into a po sltlon where they could buy mora U.S. farm products. YUGOSLAVS SENTENCE 11 London VP) A Yugoslav court Thursday sentenced 11 persons to prison terms rang ing from 6 months to 20 years on charges of spying for Ro mania, Belgrade radio announced. Yow Personal Valet" 35U Mm EXCLUSIVELY AT Farm Output Miscalculated Memphis M"V Secretary of Agriculture Benson said Thurs day the nation faces -serious farm surplus problems because "someone miscalculated our production needs." That Eisenhower cabinet's agriculture members called for cutback in production of cot ton, wheat and other major farm crops in a speech pre pared for the. 20th annual "Plant to Prosper" farm forum sponsored by the Memphis Commercial Appeal. ' Benson himself remained In Washington to attend White House talks on the administra tion's 1954 legislative program. He arranged to have his speech read by Asst. Secy. J. Earle Coke. "Our farm production this year is larger than our markets domestic and export will take at prices that are fair to producers," Benson said. . "And with farmers' produc tion costs remaining at ex tremely high levels, it Is clear that some cutbacks in produc tion and some shifts between types of production are neces sary." j ' , . Drop Suit on Sale of Milk Portland W) The State Board of Agriculture dropped a suit against Elmer Deetz, Canby dairyman, Wednesday, and took up consideration of a plan that might end the state's dispute with him. There still Is pending, how ever, a suit by the State De partment of Agriculture, ac cusing him of selling ungraded milk without a license. It is pending in district court In district court in Clackamas County. The board dropped its suit because it duplicated the department s action. The plan under consideration is to license farmers to sell milk on a cash-and-carry basis at a price below the retail home delivery price. Deetz has been doing lust that He has been selling milk in gallon jugs to persons who pick it up at his farm. His price has been 4 Vt cents below the state-established minimum price. The board, however, propos es to limit such milk sales to a price 3 cents under the retail delivery level. PRACTICE MISSION ON Tokyo VP) American fighter-bombers based in Korea are bombing, strafing and rocket ing the Korean hills In realis tic practice missions just in case war flares again, the 8th Air Force said Thursday. PARKING METERS FREEZE Springfield, Ohio VP) It was so cold here last night 8 above zero at 8 p.m. that scores of parking meters froze through out the downtown area and re fused to function. sBflEsTsajt ls sfrEwe'J cfoBjW4yEe; 0Fye ikfrd; tfisMfe Mod) of LuttfwX pioEtk wMi cjMttinuovB 5-foot fllwVEwMj lope. SMtpiy fwmovO ewer areas aa d . J Capitol Shopping (tnltr STOLEN GEMS RECOVERED pnnr, ir.nrlAimta Ttaullla -. ..... sviMuiua, u, Mexican heriess smiles happily at her husband, Miguel, 31, cham pion Mexican Jal alal player as they look over $14 500 worth of Jewelry which were returned to her by Pasa dena, Calif., police. The Jewels, stolen Thanksgiving Day. were found hidden In a light fixture in a Phoenix. Aria . motel room. (AP Wirephoto) Tidewater Gasoline Contracted by State ' Tidewater Aiinrtatort nil Company won a contract inursaay 10 sell more than a million dollars worth of gaso- aurinp: ma. The prices, about the same as mose tor this year, are: Bulk regular gasoline, 20.14 cents B ffallnn: Bulk ethvl aasollne. 22 X4 cents; service station regular gasoline, 26.1 cents; service sta tion ethyl gasoline, 28 cents. ine same company has the contract for this year. CAN STRIKE DEADLOCK Pittsburgh VP A union of LEGALS NOTICE OF FINAL tETTUtMKNT In th Circuit Court of tbt att ! Or (ton for Marion County. mrriCE la llCIISiiV IHVTH fhstt the undeHlcned. Admin!.. tor mf th . hi final account la the tbov tntlUtd court, tnd tnt Jitiumrr II, 1964, tt 1 11 o'clock m m. la tht Court Room or that di Jbvsa a. riurun. (HMUia. hta fllaul bovo wmied court ha been Appointed by the court tu tht time and place for tho neartav of objection! thereto, if aor. man un ritrnni Mreoi. Dated and tUtt publlabed December IT, Date f lait pubUeatloa, JanuaT T. 1H4. John a. rrriRAON ' Admin latrator of aatd nUU. Uarah, heWih Dutuii Attorney at Law Ji! High street Selrm. Oregon, Attorney! for aald eitat. D 17.J,jm Jan i.-M has aTiit&mi " '(o(o) 7 HUNDREDS PURELY-PRACTICAL PRICES! - 'i ax I vitaVe-. rHPi Is rbtn.l-J. i ficial says no progress has been made la peace talks aimed at ending a nationwide can Indus try strike. LEGALS Of TBI CIBtTJIT COTOT Or TU TATI OP OREOON FOB TBI CO UN- TT OF MARION, PROBATE DEPART- I MEN I Mo. 1I4M I . Xn the Wetter of the Beta to Of BASIL ! P. ETUPrTtXs Dectaaed. i NOTICE Or HKAJUNO ON FINAL AC COUNT. NOTICE Xfl HEREBY OITSN that Mary K. StupfeU Executrix of the wtaU of Bull F. StupleL deceaed. fee filed with the County Clerk et the atata of Ore ton, for the County of Marlon, hat Pinal Account and report of aach Exocntrli. and that tho aaaa haa been oet for heart nt la tho Circuit Coartroea ta tba County Courtbouee in Baled. Oraaon, or me am oar 01 January, ibm, the hour of U fclock AM. la the forenoon of Mid day. AU persona Interested tm aald oetate are requested to then and there appear snow cause, u any. why aau Final Aoaount should not bo mowed ud tho Executrix dlacharied. dated at Salea. OrtiOR. thu 1st day 01 wooaiBoer, if BJ. UAKV R. Rl'UPFEL. Executrix of tho aetata Bast) P, StupfeU deceased. W. W. MeKlnney. Attorney for bull Balema Oregon FIRST PUBLICATION: December 1 wwt rusuAiitjM, tveeewiftor II. ll3. Doe. J.II.H.teJl BARBEQUED CRAB At NORTH'S 117S Center 8L OF CLAMOROUS - : TEtftr-s - d1 . isfcataat-.- . --asaV"! Kava Tasted by Queen at Suva Suva, FIJI Islands UPV Queen Elizabeth n drained a shell of potent, soapy tasting "kava" to day and faced as if she liked it as thousands cheered ber ar rival In the FUi Islands. The royal drink ivas a popu Smart Santas! L Pamper her A yir with the J A ft magic s touch l( ' 'J ?f 12 i to fiD-bocaue they look so gUmorously Bt and lovely, and because these 12 denier dvIodi have ' such" a wonderfulr soft and luxurious feeling! Give these flawless-fitting beaubes in her own leg -size, " and von won't steed mistletoe to collect row reward! brer Choose Sea-s"aa?oit 1S ' sMsv,n MMpf ducheiee IMail 1 ffaSr V ' ataTaStaiitt' f 7 r ::) 1 . - . " !.!... ..... TW lar hlghspot of the opening cer emonies In the two-day visit to the Pacific Island colony f the Commonwealth . touring mon arch and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh. The Queen watched fascin ated while bare-cheated, grass skirted FIJI men whirled clubs and spear in war dances, and 200 garlanded nn and women sang island songs. Tibet Is about twice the size of Texas. I 1 DENIER NYLONS BELLE-SHARMEER Here are bearattfnl ttoddep she wffl love her 12 denieri here todajl 15 .Hr tfcJtC2' 'a. ' Open Every Night 'Til 9 P.M. 176 N. Liberty