1 I ThnrnJiy. December 17, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orecra Par7 Tele -Views q Kaaio-ieievision 'Jjj u KOIN-TV THURSDAY PROGRAM: Hnatlns Fubinc NewfcJiM-Rudy Urhwrnriw rtporttne. (irMrfc. Man, t Qroucho mem wndy oulx. Ckwim Ttaeatr. 1:1a "feu D infer" A Mint arrival at Phllippln. HUM Hospital and It Ml 1, rnac" auapkttn and peril. An axclUm Ink Uuoucb tHa swamps leada to diainaUc finish. Dracawt, t -m.-Jacs Wabb. Ftri Thaatra. (:M .aw-Guri Job' aUra Phil Caiy and BWn Drew in a western atory of a cattleman ftfhurat for Katie Arthar Murray Daaea tWj, l:JaLocal Hn abow from ths atudlos of KPTV. Nil Owl Theatre, U:it "Cheera of the Crowd- Mara Russall Hopton. Irene Ware. a THURSDAY ON KOIN-TV: Bm&MM FK-JmCk for J 1 a-m. Meat Mr. McNatlcy-Stara Ray Millar with Phvllk Avuecleanlni chore, land Ra, In troubK TrpESr rS! 1:3 bob, raur Star PUyhaaaa -A Man of the World" sUr. David Nlven In a comedy about a busirMmajTwS? fee? his XfI takes him too much for granted. Imaging himself at a marTof tSi world, he la put to a test when be meet a beautiful girl traSJ Co-ltrl Barbara Lawrence. 3 DAYS ONLY Friday through Monday .am I p.m., viae Tneau 'Bouquet lor Millie" atari Mam and . ' - .. wubmi, hijb asout a younc couple who agree on everything but nowrrs. :M pjav. Big Tawa Steve auenrpta to save trie lift of an ex- clreut clown. .,, f..m-' T'" Serenade to Manhattant-A wealthy, dispirited woman write! a letter to a lonely hearts column that leads to a romantic correspondence with a most unlikely match Stars Miriam Hopkins and Donald Cook. ! : 3 P-m Showtime an Sit There Ooet My Heart" start i . .i K , aao Mwara jcyerecv uorton. PROGRAM FRIDAY ON KPTV: ,' Jh'l '' ol the Pre." ,t. Man Parker. Peanut Cirrus. S:1S Dja. tan Niitn h Calvacade of Sports, 7 am-Paddy Young vs. Billy Oraham la IVIUUIN UUUUlTWEqflll UUU.. Douglas Fairbanks. S:S The Charm" atart Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.. nay canard, and .Robin wheeler. Story of a poacher, who uiwartea in love, obtains from a gypsy a charm guaranteed to cnsnfie nis giris nearu Bir Story. I D-m. Doua Wilder nt ttM Yankm Rmlil Jtt.t.. man works with police to trace call and capture a robber. Frank Overton nortrava Wlldev. Campbell Sound Stage, :M a-m. The Man who Knew of Henry stars Wallace Ford with Dorothy Petersen, story of A man who awasea mm aay-aream. Heidelberg WrestUng. le Local live westllng from the Armory. Nit Owl Theatre, 11:14 "Allotment Wives' start Kay Francis ana raui neuy. o . o FRIDAY ON KOIN-TV: 1:30 p.m. Strike It Rich Warren Hull, emcee. Guest: Nadine Conner, linger. 1:15 pjii. Armchair Theatre "in Old India" liars jean Parker, Eric Linden and Mar tori e Msln. 1:3 D-m. Osiie and Harriet David Is chairman of a committee to secure firewood for a school rally. The assignment turns out to bea difficult one. 1:34 ojn.. Topper An old school chum of Topper's proves Irksome during a visit, to Mr. ana Mrs. neroy come to ine rescue, uuiow nMtmMri from No. g. t p-m. PlsyhouBe f Start "Part of the Oame" atari Olg Young. Peter Graves with Helen Mowery. 8tory of prlsefighter haunted by an opponent's disablement. I M p-m. oar Mist BrkeRv It assigned the task of gnost writing a speech for the prlnclal on protecting publlo property and almost ends up In laiL ... II Bjn.. Showtime On Bis "Bad Men of Nevada." Stan Jean Parker, Victor Jory and J. Karrell MacDonald. On Television KPTV (27). KOIN-TV (6) UHF VHF Does TV Hurt Your Eyes! HOFFMANa'." PHONE 1-191J 1303 Fairgroundi Rd. Valley TV Center Sales Service Installation Open Till 9 p.m. Daily Sunday from 1 to C p.m. TBTE1DAY M ftm. KTTV Ktddl CorDIT k 10 oo .ra. Dtnc Dom ichooi 10 10 m. WhRf Coektog II 00 a n. KPTV Hailni FIU k.m. KPTV Tht BtonclU 11:30 .m. KPTV PimllT Frin4 12:00 BOOB KPTV ErWtj tnd Oroom KOIN B1I Puoff 11 II m. KPTV TB i KOIN Bob CrMftT 1 41 P m. KPTV MkUatf KOIN Vatltnt Lady 1.00 P.M. KPTV UtlBM KOIN I'll Bay That 1:11 a.au KPTV Hollywood KmI KOIN I'll But TH 1:31 m. KPTV On Tour Acconmt KOIN atrlks It Ktea t 00 B m. KPTV ru amltb KOIN 0rrr Moort Otaov 1 11 PBB. KPTV KrU Bnttto KOIN Armcbklr TbMtor I II p.m. KPTV KtU Bmlth KOIN ArmchUT TbiBttr 4 tt v m. KPTV WilcoM TriTtltrt KOIN AnBCbtlr TDtBUr 4 10 p m. KPTV Tom Uir KOIN Armchslr Tbiattr 4 p m. KPTV ToyiriRRtf KOIN Mr. Wdob I N P I. KPTV Howdy Doodj KOIN ftaddM PU I 00 p.m. BPommtB'ft Club KOIN Mr. Wtfttbtrmu i 11 m m. Tcienavi Wnklr KOIN Photo Outi 0:M p.m. KPTV HuntlBi and PlPhtTif KOIN Dotn Mwrd Ntwi 0 if p.m. KPTV Nor law l DUmt KOIN Aporu Scholar l:to p.m. KPTV Football mutes KOIN C lie Ktd t:M p.m. KPTV Dinah Abort POIN Plaoa tha raco 1 45 p.m. KPTV Nfwi Caraaa KOIN Plata thj Pac .00 p.m. KPTV Oroucho Mart KOIN Meet Mr. McNult? l:W p.m. KPTV CtierxoB TheaUr KOIN Pour atar Playhouaa ."00 p.m. KPTV DrUDPt KOIN Vtdj PlayhogM 10 p.m. KPTV Paid Thsawt KOIN Elf Town 10 00 p.m. KPTV Martin Kant roiN Tha Playhowa 10 II p m. KPTV ArtnoT Murray party KOIN fihowttmc on U 11:00 p.be. KPTV Nwa perta KOIN howtlma on Oil 11:10 p.m. KPTV Waatbtr Vaot KOIN Showtlma ob ail 11:11 p.m. KPTV Ni la owl Tbaatar 11:11 p,H. KPTV Tim BflBnattl 11 :M pjb. KPTT PrlaBeJ f Family 11:10 atea KPTV BrVda and Oceom KOIN B la Payoff 1S:U P.m. KPTV TBf, koin Boo 7roawy -1:00 P-Bk KPTV Matin TlWftUT KOIN Lor pf Xalra 1:11 pm KPTV Matmao KOIN Bcareh TumttlBW 1:10 p.m. KPTV Uatlnaw KOIN OutdlBrt llchl IM p.m. KPTV Matlaa KOIN Valiant Lady I N p.au KPTV Uattn Thaator Doablt or Nothlns S:W P.Pk KPTV On Tour AecouBl KOIN Otrlkt It Kit 1:00 p.m. KPTV Kato Braltb KOIN Oarry Mooro 1:11 p.m. KPTV Kata Smith KOIN Ar mohair Thaator 4:N pm. KPT W.leoaM TravaMro KOIN Armchair Tbatx 4:10 p.m. kptv Tbo Teymakar KOIN Armchair Thaator 4: P.m. KPTV Toymtktr KOIN Mr. Moon i:N p.m. KPTV Howdy Doody KOIN Stvtldla Pali :t0 P.m KPTV Paanut Clreoa roiN SBodlt FaU :M KPTV Sky Kin KOIN Waathtrmaa 1:11 p.m. KPTV Sky Klnt KOIN Phtt-aUi :M F.aa. KPTV DtOA Coll I HI KOIN Do uf Bdwardf Ktwa :4I p.m. KPTV NW Dtftat KOIN Shahmaa t:00 p.m. KPTV sporta Calvakada roiN Baak McCona Show 1:10 p.m. KPTV Sporta Ca?alew)o KOIN Oiiit and Harrlat 1:tt P.m. KPTV Ntwa CaTavaa KOIN Ont and Harrlat :N p. BL KPTV Oanaway at Laraw KOIN Asm and And :M p.av KPTV Do uf FalrW.iaB KOIN Toppor wm p.m. KPTV P H Story KOIN Plartouia of Stan 1:30 p.m. Campbell Soundataaa FOIN Our MUa BrwokB 1040 P.aa. KPTV WraatllBp koin My priDd Irms :0 p.aa. KPTV Wreitltna KOIN Ftlti of Jeffrty Josea 11:00 p.m KPTV Kaventb Hour Nawa KOIN Showtime oo Six 11:10 P.am. KPTV Weather Vaao 11:11 p.a. KPTV Mlto Owl Tbaatar MARR RADIO S TELEVISION TV Sale - Strvic Installation Open from t tun. t t m. Ph. J-1S11 tlM 8. ferol Salera'e First TelevlsXn Sure HavthconS Aii-cnannei unr-var Law Dawn Payment, Trade Complete Repair and Install'lton ky Banded Electro ate Technicians NORTHWE5TTELFV15ION )tlt SUM non 4-Btll Lebanon Police After Shoplifters Lebanon Police Chief Ben Scheele announces that several officers, both uniformed and in plain clothes, are mingling with shoppers, keeping their eyes alerted for shoplifters. The chief also warned that preliminary ticket are no longer being given to motorists who double park can. Cita tions, resulting in fines are be ing given all violator!. raiDAt la KPTV KltdM Crow " s b. KPTV Dim Dens BU a). KPTV What's Coo mil 11 S.SL KPTV HsvkttS fills MITCHELL'S Factory Train and InstanaUtai Its SUM It Big 1 1 inch Table odel Dollar fur Dollar Inch for Inch Here Is Your Best TV Buy. Fully Adaptable To All UHF Channels , Leatherette Cabinet Same Model with All Channel Tuner ... 199.95 Big 21 Inch Table Model Handsome Leatherette Cabinet. True, bigger than life pictures with deep rich sound qualities. With UHF-VHF Tuner . ... 229.95 Silvertofiie Doll lw&j : " t ; 1,9, P I F OEISOie J This Deluxe 17-inch Silvertone not . only adds more beauty to your home but gives extra fine reception.. .' . Rich mahogany veneer cabinet. Same model with all channel tuner 259.95 . EXTRA SPECIAL! AtW J I IV . . . kihhen, . YJyJ X sS'srJ ' I ll - i i laryi i, " .' ' Pi-ynwm I VJ v s your Hest Engineered lot Fringe Atea (leceplion "J1 t ' $f0 Down : InjtatW . BUY NOW AND SAVE! LIMITED OFFER! 21 - Inch Fringe Area Console With handsome mahogany grained marlite cabinet . . . Save $60 Same model "with all channel tuner . . 299.95 The "Mighty Mite" Table Model Radio HH88 II II . Reg. 1195 Save Over 2.C0 Look You Save 62.50 When You Buy This . . . II I .IS' . . 0)95 -. Dawn Plus 42.50 of Records i ill t f Uh lv ' Operi Every Night Till 9 Until Christmas !i'miitiLtiiyjpi -aPSSlH Til. -m f lie 40,o !?: Both for (g(895 only V M . - r li t, ill li m &afyajmta 'nyou 6wl ' SEARS 550 N. Capitol, Salem Phone 3-9191 FREE PARKING! STORE HOURS: Dally : W Cloa Christmas Eva l:J m mi n 4