Thuradiy, December 17, 195 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Baka. Orera 7-Week Bridge Series Ending Some ISO member of the 6ilem Elks Duplicate Brldft . club will have busy week end with three (pedal eventi . tarting Friday evening with the wind-up of a seven-week aerie. . Sunday afternoon the Decem ber matter point will be held In the club roomi. while Mon day evening the annual Christ mas dinner and party ii sche duled tor the Marion hotel. Many special guests have been invited to the affair, which will Include e big tournament. In weekly competition Walter M. Cline and Mrs. Charles L. Newsom were high north-south and Mrs. Ward Graham and Arthur L. Lewis east-west with 13 tables in play. Others plac ing Included Mrs. A. C. Smith and Mrs. Walter A. Barsch, Ray Kemp and Ellis H. Jones, Mrs. Myrtle Watson and Mrs. Don Huff, Mrs. L. W. Frasier and Don Huff, Mrs. C. B. Bentaon and Mrs. Arthur W. Blnegar, Mrs. Elsie Day and Mrs. Paul F. Burrls. Other point winners last week included Mrs. George Rein, Mrs. I. X. Boring, Ralph S. Dannen of Brownsville, Mrs. F. C. Lutz, Mrs. Robert McKes son, Jack Neilsen, Mrs. R. H. Tokerud, W. F. Leary, Mrs. Donald Duncan, Mrs. Leona Taylor, Mrs. Ruth Pound, and Mrs. Rupert L. Park. Junior winners were Mp. anf Mr IV D. Albright, Mr. and Mrs. Cari J cnarnnolm, Wally Wilson and R. H. Tokerud. No tournament will be held Christmas week-end but the regular weekly schedule will be resumed December 28, follow ed by the January master point on Friday evening, January 1, at the Elks club. Page IS Mail Deliveries On Christmas Washington W) The post office says It will give cus tomary handling to Christmas mall despite President Eisen hower's action giving all fed eral workers half a day off Christmas Eve and New Year's , Eve. The department said Wed nesday as many employes as can be spared will be released, and that those who have to work more than four hours will be gvien compensating time off within 30 days. On December 24, mail serv ice will be the normal week day service. On Christmas day, post office windows will be closed, but there will be all-day delivery of "anything that looks like a gift," the de partment said. Un-American Group To Meet in Portland Los Angeles W) The House Un-American Activities Com mittee will hold hesrings in Seattle and Portland next spring to investigate commu nist infiltration in the fields of education, labor and enter tainment. Rep. Jackson (R., Calif.) said Wednesday. They will be part of a West Coast series which alto will take the committee to San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco, Jackson said. No datei were announced. Death of Boy by Hanging Accidental The Dalles (ff) Coroner Kenneth Libby said Wednes day that the death by hanging of an 11 -year-old boy here was accidental. The boy, John McEldowney, died Tuesday night. Hii body was found hanging from a rope on a closet door at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Chambers. The boy's mother resides at Wasco, the father at Harris-burg. Town's First Mayor Lands in Baslile Mason, Mich. VP) The new city of Lathrop, Mich., can find its first msyor. William H. Harvie. 54, in Mason's Jail. The mayor, whose city was only Incorporated Monday, is charged with "driving while under the influence of Intoxi cants." State police say he plowed into the back end of a car that had stopped. The car belonged to State Police Commisioner Joseph A. Childs. In 1900 only about 18 per cent of the people of the Unit ed States lived outside their native states while in 1950 about 43 per cent lived outside their native states. POOR BOY SANDWICH At NORTH'S IK Center St. MM liberty street court street VjStore Where Your. . s,m itji Dollar Buys REDEEM SiH j l Mnra Just Look! What )(N' ) 2 buy hf WIS M ihe k For Xmas for the Home A Stunning. Armless Occasional Chair Interesting upholstery fabric. Luxuriously relaxing spring seat and back, channeled and cushioned with buoyant padding. They revolve for TV viewing, too! Your Choke of Many Colors , r. ', ..&:. ty i .1:1-1' -'o nn?)Kff -tnQ'-Jiti,, t',t?t " . " '-'"''' imi it '- tniMi ii 'urn CHRISTMAS SELECTION! OCCASIONAL TABLES The ideal gift for the home! Sa beautiful you'll thrill to the pleasure of owning and giving them! Rich mahogany wood in fine hand rubbed finish the most appealing of traditional styling! Some lovely marble top selections. A gala Christmas selection at Roberts pleasingly priced from 19.95 up! Give a gift for the home for lasting pleasure! Hassocks1. Hassocks! for the holidays ELECTRIC OVENETTE Aa eara oeea let tiiHng and rotsrtng Bacellant far baking pe tateae, pies, cakes, awffine and feasting meats. Complete set In cludes electric base, alumla.ea (ow, steel rack, with 10 atmaU , ELECTRIC CORN POPPER fm for ewiybudy ao stirring r ihakiag. Makas i qta. ot dsli dom popcorn. Many other Mt too, such as preparing cUU or soup, or perking eoffae. Soparata but. ELEaRIC BEAN POT Makes 1 quarts of doUciotM baked beans simmered to ptrfaetioa, Abo prtparas ot dots, inn oka, soups, stews or coraaU, Co 'auaa of a esramtc pot, separate Sratt baw and cover, SERVING OVEN Keats rolls on the range and asnet them piping hot at the table. Crisps oackora, keeps toast hot and freshens left, overs, too. Spaa aluminum outside with all-siiii.iirmm basket. tltS. Hassocks! FLAVO-MATIC The fully automatic percolator. Shuts oft hen coffee is done, tbea keeps it earring hot 0 to cups. In poliibe'd aluminum, ll.ei. Colored Electro-Finitb (nd, gold and blut) l.tS. TRIG TEA KETTLE The original trlgger-operalod tea kettle In a plssiing cherry red Electro-Finish. Resists stains and scuffs easy to clean. Trig whis tle, when water boils. Practical JVi qt capacity. 4J0. Big Ones and Little Ones! Storage Type, Regular Type, Some "with fringe! Some Chair Type! Multicolor! Solid Color! Squares! Octagonals! Circulars! ' Budge! Priced! OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL CHRISTMAS PICTURES end MIRRORS Attractive Framed and Matted Prints under Glass. An Excellent Gift. Budget Prices Lovely Plate Glass Mirrors All Sizes, Ready to Hang LAMPS Ideal Gift A lamp for every room in the house. Modern or traditional. PRICED FOR EVERY BUDGET! CEDAR CHESTS She'll be so thrilled with a cedar chest by Lane so beauti ful, so practical, lots of room to store her prized possessions Shown in modern streamlined design, self lifting tray. Aro ma tight top. , ' up DESKS Thrifty Christmas shopper's delight Handsome kneehole desks. Hardwood, mahogany, hand tooled leather tops, deep drawers, metal hardware. NOlV.e.A HOME-SIZE BUTCHER'S BLOCK EVERY WOMAN WANTS- J V WHICH jTil V; y mty)r thick Vry SOLID HARDWOOD ... ELECTRONICALLY LAMINATED EOR CHOPPING FOR CARVING' FOR POUNDING -K FOR SERVING For th first time, we can offer you a home-size belcher block that makes so many kitchco chores easy. BUTCH R-BOY is perfect in the kitchen, for buffet, for barbecue.' Made of solid hardwood, electronically laminated so It can't com apart, finished with non-toxic finish. Weight only 8'4 lbs, complete with rubber-tipped legs. Get yours todsy. A perfect giftl ' up Bedroom Open Stock Bedroom FurnitureYou can start with a little now, add more later! Traditional Mahogany Early American Maple The New Cordovan Mahogany and Ash Blonde Number 1 Furniture Buy... roiaaway rurimure Otiignti for Jodiy's Infomal Uvini Otly hn SeMevay fenlrer. tvx Tee M Tket. Da tm Me reeer1 omsa.u tWSIMS M ' I Hm SM M 'l t wkU. Ml ' ps 4fleiiYe Was . tcwtr- PrtlKwW',w f S k sad Urn .! IT ewiak te iMe vt IM fcr Was W er mt- ceawiMl. Una f.fn MkM e kMie er eeftwm - a1 'fr rmht 1 I m4 (.Ml VWl wt elerl OPEN EVERY NITE TILL CHRISTWiAS