Fat 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Mkm, Onm Thursday, December 17. 1953 Architect's Drawing for New State Service Building fc .J.'.B..w.VjC.(iL.'- 3.HHHH2 ',-. : a .' reT C Onmm a, nvut - i-ia J State Service Bldg. Plans Out Bidj will be opened by the State Board of Control for the new State Service buildinf to be erected at South 12th and Ferry street at S p.m. Jan. IS. James L. Payne, Salem archi tect, ii distributing drawings and specification! to prospec tive bidders. The structure will be 141 by 232 feet In size. It will consist of a main floor and a base ment Provision has been made for the construction of two ad ditional upper floors If they are ever needed. The main floor will house the state purchasing depart ment and will include a gen eral office area, purchasing agents office, buyers' booths, bidding rooms, equipment re pair, laboratory, accounting and filing areas In addition to 13,000 feet of storage and Warehouse space. The basement will house the surplus property section and will be served by a hydraulic elevator. The building will be of a re inforced concrete walls and floors, with an architectural concrete exterior. Floors will be covered with asphalt tile, ceilings with acoustical tile. The heating system will be steam, with forced ventilation to all areas. Estimated cost Is $410,000, Shown above Is Architect James Payne's drawing for the new State Service Building, for which the Board of Control will open bids Jan. IS. Health Department Mails Out Pamphlet Tourist accommodation oper ators were placed under the Jurisdiction of the county health authorities by an act of the 1953 legislature. In this connection the Marion County Department o Health has mailed copies of a pamphlet dealing with "Certi fication and Regulation of Tra velers and Tourist Facilities." The expanded program of the county health department will Include: the collection of fees and applications from tourist operators (Operators within Salem will make payments to the city treasurer); inspect city and county traveler's accommo dations and tourist parks; make recommendations for correction of unsanitary conditions; make follow up recommendation; see that licenses are renewed at the beginning of each year; see that new establishments obtain li censes and are properly In spected. Heavy Fines Given Log Truck Drivers Albany Two logging truck drivers were heavily fined and a third forfeited $45 ball in district court this week to headline the list of those brought before Judge Wendell Tompkins. All three' were charged with overloading their trucks. Stiftest fine, 1175, was lev led by Judge Tompkins on Norman Ray McCallister, Sa lem. Placing second was Mel vin K. Olson, Sunnyside, Wash., assessed 169. It was Clarence Edward York, Al bany, who forfeited the bail. The average American uses the output of about 7.4 acres to supply his needs compared with less than a quarter acre for a typical Japanese. Impounded Fund Will Be Distributed to Fairs The $115,051.68, impounded ed over to State Trasurer Sig when the City of Portland at- Unander for distribution to tempted to impose a license the Oregon State Fair and to tax on pari mutuel wagering the various fairs and livestock at the dog races, will be turn- shows. This Is In line with an opin ion of Attorney General Rob ert Y. Thornton who declared that the money does not es cheat to the common school fund of the state, as was con tended by some persons. Distribution of this fund to the State Fair and to county fairs was advocated by Cecil Edwards, slate racing steward, speaking before the Oregon Fairs Association meeting in Salem recently. Thornton held that the money withheld by the Mult nomah Kennel Club for the payment of the tax constituted an "underpayment" within the meaning of the pari mutuel wagering law. This law pro vides that the "amount of such underpayment shall revert and belong to the state and be paid to the Oregon racing com mission and become a part of its funds and shall not be re tained by the licensee under whose license such race is held" Thornton ruled." Thornton said that the rac ing commission Is entitled to maintain a working fund for current expenses which shall not at any time exceed $5,000. The balance Thornton said, Is required to be paid into the state treasury for distribution to the various fairs and live stock shows authorized by the legislature In an act passed In 1947. In refuting the contention that the money constituted an escheat to the state under the provisions of Article VIII of the constitution, Thornton said: Canyon School Merger Mulled Gates Members of the school boards of the Detroit, Mill City and Gates districts met at the Gates high school last week for further discus. sion of unionization of the three districts. Present at the last meeting were Frank L. New and Brad ford Humphrey, members of the Detroit board, and Otis White, superintendent of the Detroit schools. From the Mill City board were Russell Kelly, Harold Kliever, William Shuey, Vernon Todd, superintendent, and Howard Means, principal of the high school; from Gates, Elmer Klutke, William Pen nick, Oliver Willis, board mem bers, and Don Miley, superin tendent of the Gates schools, who presided at the meeting. Vernon S. Todd was author ized by the group to contact the Linn and Marion county boundary boards and request that they meet with represen tatives of the boards of the three districts to present to the communities a recommenda tion for a suitable site for a union high school building. consolidation with Mill City of the two smaller schools was voted upon two years ago by members of the communities and defeated by a large major ity vote In both Detroit and Gates. Vernon Todd has reported inar uie Boundary boards have agreed to the meeting and a tentative date, Dec, 21, set A committee of three from each of the three districts wiU be! appointed by each board to' meet with the boundary boards on that date. - I "That amount cannot be said to escheat. Inasmuch as its owner, the state Is known and declared. Escheat is the pro cedure by which the sovereign becomes 'the legal heir of one dying Intestate without blood heirs.' The word 'escheat' has a specific meaning in both t,v .nin. Legion Seeks Member Quota Silverton Ronald Reed, eommanaer oi American Le gion Delbert Reeva post No. T, is urging his members to rush the quota In membership as compliment to the vice-com mander of the department of Oregon, Carl M osier, who is one of the organizers of Silverton post and has retained his mem bership with the local post Delbert Reeves post lacks 88 members of reaching Its quota of 210. The regular December meeting of the post and unit was held at Legion hall, Mon- Hav aun!ns statutory and common law. It Containers" are to be placed has no sppllcation whatever ,bout town for donations to to the state's acquisition of helrj fin.nr th. "r.ift. )h. money received In this fash- J Yanks" budget ' j ion." Delbert Reeves Dost and unit I will be host to the District Z conference Sunday afternoon and evening, Feb. 7, beginning at 2:30 o'clock. Attending a meeting at Silverton on Mon day evening, Dec. 28, will be the commander oi District 2, H. B. Litchenthaler of Dayton, Ore.; district vice-commander, John Mulr of Mill City, and! U.S. Commodity Credit Corp. Mrs.. Clarence B. Grund of I owned 427 million bushel of Monmouth serving as district 2 : wheat. president to assist in plans for the conference and the naming of committee.personnet Also to attend the Dec. 28 meeting will be Ridgely C. Mil ler, Marion county veterans' service officer. In mid-November, 1953, the WANTED WALNUT MEATS Orcutls Market 4200 N. River Rd. OrcuHs Shell Nut Co. 420 Broadway St. pen . Every Night Till Christmas -''BONUS 'OFFER! 3 Days Only Fii Sal. and Won. If you are thinking of buying a sewing machine now or in the near future ... you can't afford to pass up this extraordinary offer! FEATURING THE BIG MOTOROLA KAY! H ALBERT GENERAL ELECTRIC Sales and Service 36S N. Com'l Ph. 3-4163 EASY BUDGET TERMS Green Stamps . (IftVICI STATION INC Open Fridays 'Ml 9 P. M. sssw jrsaw v i - - v u r-st ijf $20 Coupon Book 1 mjj I "yi with the purchase fu-u , -it f N 11V , ofanvnew 1 PAN-SAN . 'yjjjf I Kenmore Sewing Machine ' A S AN SHOP Q L-V ' 'gCT AWrnVk tYHIrrirll I j THIS ,s ,T! NEW kenmore sewing headV fallHMltl VfcliLKrJ LIGHTEST WEIGHT ON THE MARKET! X Newest, most revolutionary improvement in a sewing J machine. Sews forward, backward, over basting pins, f f adjusts to thick or thin materials, has darning release lever. Non-clog bobbin, self centering M V needle! Attractive beige hammerloid finish f with chrome plated trim. AC-DC motor. AT BATDORF'S LOCATIONS 100 Sets of Seat Covers! Pre-Christmas Clearance! 7irc$tonc Fiber SEAT COVERS NOW ONLY saJalaL AS&pijifr I Lay-A-Woy for aJ'i $ Christmas! Many Patterns and Colors to Choose From! Plastic Covers For Sedans or Coaches. Reg. 28.9S $ 19 95 BATDORF'S FIRESTONE STORES Salem's Home-Owned Dealer Stores 2090 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 3-745 S 1420 State Street Phone. 3-9511 Open Eves. Til 9 We GiVe " Green Stamps 50.00 OFF! Regular 109.95 Kenmore Electric Sewing Console 5995 $5 Down, $3 Month on Sears Easy Payment Plan (Usual carrying charge) Attroctive walnut finished cabinet has ample working area . . . also serves as an occasional table! Hand-lift head sews double lock stitch, has automatic bobbin winder. AC-DC motor. There's a Kenmore to Fit Your Budget OTHER KENMORE MODELS $59.93 TO S239.9S i h ill PEn 11 .Ii .6 hM r,, I T2J3 L "WO I I TrodHleeal Cemele I filMsee-sts Deee kjf-J J 1 I swwm Hours: Daily, 9:30 to 9 Wo Close Christmas Era, 3:30 ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT ...USE YOUR $20 COUPON BOOK TO MAKE A PURCHASE IN ANY DEPARTMENT OF SEARS STORE Cash in on this offer even though you've never sewn a stitch! Our representative will show you how easy it is to operate any of our modern type sewing machines. Any room can be your sewing room. Clever dual purpose cabinet designs now available in woods to harmonize with the decry of your home. Buy any Kenmore sewing machine on Sean Easy Payment Plan Phone 3-9191 far free ln5w unur tbi a i laaC or mail this coupon for free literature ! Sears, Roebatk and Co. . j 55 N. Capital : ! Salem, Oregon ! Gentlemen: Piease send me further information ! describing Kenmore sewing machines. ! j NAME J S STREET or RR ' j CITY. . : STATE L l "Safityhcfiott, puauvtZetd n yoa nmey fact JJflHJ 550 N. Capitol, Salem