Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 16, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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WedoMdiy. December II, 1153
Legion Auxiliary
Planning Events
" Silvtrton t- Plans were
completed at the Monday eve
ning meeting of the Delbert
Reeves unit No. 7, American
Legion auxiliary, for the Til
day, December 18, annual
children'a tree and program
at Legion nail. Toe affair
atartf with a 6:30 o'clock no
hoit aupper to be served for
the memberi and friendf of
the port and unit
Mm. Erneit L. Starr Is to
plan the treat! and tree dec-
, orating, selecting bar own
1 helpers, and Mrs. Robert Allen
will be responsible for the in-
formal program.
Among features decided at
the meeting of the executive
: committee with the post group,
It was reported that the mana
gers of the square dance part
ies would have their regular
meetings elsewhere than in
the Legion hall.
The president, Mrs. L. P.
Oehler, named the personnel
i of the centennial standing
committee for the represents'
. tive-sentennial meeting of the
v, past week, and stated that the
-i Am.rirnn Legion and auxili
ary would supervise me xooa
for guests during the 1934,
August 4-8, local program
week. On the committee are
Mrs. Ralph Francis, Mrs. Mae
Higinbotham, Mrs. Ernest L,
Starr, Mrs. Irma Demaj, and
others' of the 'committee's
selection lor special occasions.
Donations for the Christmas
basket are to be brought to
the hall, Friday evening of
this week, when Mrs. William
Bloch, child welfare chairman,
will deliver the basket to
needr family.
The Thursday, January 7,
sewing club meeting will be
at the South Water street
ftchulti home.
ChrUtmai veteran facility
gift shop donations were
valued at $54.13, Mrs. Ralph
Francis and Mrs. Dewey Allen,
making the delivery to the
Portland hoipital.
Mrs. Victor Howard told of
the Sllverton recreation plans
for winter basketball games.
During the six weeki' ab
sence of "Mrs. Ralph Francii,
arrangements for renting the
Legion and auxiliary rooms
can be made by contacting
Mrs. Ernest L. Starr, unit sec
retary of the auxiliary.
Word was received from the
president of district No. 2,
Mrs. Clarence B. Grund of
Momouth, that the district con
ference will be at Sllverton, '
Sunday afternoon and evening. '
February 7, beginning at 2:30
o'clock with an afternoon soc
Ul hour and evening dinner
Mrs. T. P. Heidenstrom wai
chairman of the refreshment
social hour following Monday !
evening's' meeting when the'
members of the post were
Rebekahs Elect
Sllverton Mr John Reals
was elected noble grand of
Tryphena Rebekah lodge at1
the week's meeting. 1
Officers to auiit Mrs. Beals
Include Mrs. Bert Peron, vice
grand; Mrs. W. J. King, secre-1
tary; Mrs. Ida Maklnster.i
treasurer; and Mrs. Ernest j
Southmayde, financial secre
tary, j
Mrs. Bert Peron will be in
charge of the Christmas party 1
given by the Rebekaha and
members of the Odd Fellowi'
lodge, Friday evening at the
hall, December 18.
The December 24 regular I
meeting is to be postponed!
until January 14, when new
Officers are to be installed.
son was complimented at two
surprise affairs on the ocoas
ion of his birthday anniver-
"., rr
7 .')u;,!iJ:
At Greens Show Hera is scene at the Salem Garden
club's green show, showing beautiful arrangements, trees
and decorations featuring the event The show is on at
the Izaak Walton league club houses and will be open
until S p.m., Wednesday.
Mrs, Thompson
To Head Star
Woodburn Mrs. Hat el
Thompson was elected worthy
matron of Evergreen chapter
No. 41, Order of the Eastern
oiar, ana Mars Jti. Thompson
was elected worthy patron, at
we annual election of officers
Monday night, at the Woodburn
Masonic Temple.
utner elective officers named
were: Mrs Dorothy Garren, as
sociate matron; Arthur M. Burt,
associate patron: Mrs. Minnie
Richards, re-elected secretary
for the 43rd year; Mrs. Estella
Anderson, re-elected treasurer
for the eighth year; Mrs. Edna
Peterson, conductress and Mrs.
Ola Lee Thompson, associate
Appointive officers will be
announced later by Mrs.
Thompson. Open installation of
ouicera will be at a special
meeting, following the next
regular meeting, December 28.
A card was read from Mrs.
Irene McKinley, worthy grand
matron, announcing the annual
district meeting on March 8
at Woodburn with Gervais
chapter participating.
An- invitation was read to
attend the Installation of Alns-
worth chapter at Salem, De
cember 29, and an invitation
to "open house" by Mr. and
Mrs. William A. Merriott De
cember 27 from 2 to 3 p.m.,
honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Forest, (Lorls Merriott.)
Appointed on the refresh
ments committee for the next
meeting, December 28, were
Mrs. Ruby Rudi. Mr. and Mr
Marry schel, Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Graham and Mrs. Aman
da Seethoff.
Recesa was declared and a
skit "King for a Night" was
given honoring Gall Wengen
roth, retiring worthy patron,
and Mrs. Lois Wengenroth, re-
Guests at the NerUon home
Saturday evening were Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Dhl and Mr.
ana Mrs. Stanley Swenson.
Arranging a social evening
aunu.y, complimenting M r
Nerison were Mrs. and Mrs.
H. a. Jorgcruon
An Exciting Gift
For Any
loch one contains everv-
thlnj necessary for outdoor-indoor
plus picture-taking in
formation booklet.
mwiiit RAwim run outfit.
$13.95; KODAK MUrUX fWN
Capita! Drug Store
tlrlng worthy matron, who was
also crowned and honored. At
the close of the skit gifts were
presented to Mr. and Mrs.
Wengenroth from the officers.
The chapter was again called
to order and short talks were
given by the newly elected of
fleers and other members, in
cluding Mrs. Hazel Hughes who
recently returned from Ger
many .and Mra. Ruby Peyton
wno told of attending an In
stallation in California. Mrs.
Wengenroth gave a report of
me recent meetina of the Wil
lamette Valley Matron and Pa
trons association at Woodburn,
and also gave a resume of the
past year.
After the close of chantatr
gifts were distributed from the
lighted Christmas tree and re
freshments were served by the
past matrons with Mrs. Mabel
Dixon, Mrs. Freda' Burt, Mrs.
Violet Atwood, Mrs. Agnes
Jones. Mrs. Evelyn Morris and
Mrs. Nettie Johnson in charge.
Mrs. Logan New
Matron for Chapter
Sweet Home Mrs. Olga
Logan, recently chosen worthy
matron of the Sweet Home
chapter, 184, Order of the
Eastern Star, will be installed
In ceremonies jointly with the
Masonic lodge on Sunday, Dec
ember 20 in the IOOF hall.
Others who will be Installed
are Clifford Ward, worthy
patron; Mrs. Viva Groves,
associate matron; Lloyd Swan
son associate patron; Mrs.
Myrtle Caswell, conductress;
Mrs. Nina Hoover, associate
condructress; Mrs. Fay Phelps,
secretary; Mrs. Florence
White, treasurer; Mrs. Phoebe
Johnson, chaplain: Mrs. Pearl
Hoy, marshal; Mrs. Marian
Sturgis, organist; Mrs. Jean
Duncan, Adah; Mrs. Mildred
Warner, Ruth; Mrs. Rose Mary
Gingerlch, Esther; Mrs. Edna
Avrlt, Martha; Mrs. Wanda
Malone, Electa; Mrs. Anna May
Ward, warder; Mrs. Gene
Casewell, sentinel. The cour
tesy group includes Mesdames
Rona Workman, chairman; Al
berta Pickett, Faye Pickett,
Alice Sherman, Marie Swan-
son, and Maxine Cox.
Christmas Party
For CD A Court
Woodburn A Christmas
party for members and fam
llies of Court Victory No. 731
Catholic Daughters of Amer
ica, and members of Father
Rubls council, Knights of Co
lumbus, and guests, was at
St. Luke's hall Sunday, with
the CDA as hostesses. Mrs.
Ignace Zellnska was chairman
of the committee in charge.
The tables were attractive
ly decorated with tall tapers
in crystal holders and holly
for the no-host supper served
at 7 p.m. On the atage was
a lighted tree and the lighted
Christmas crib. Robert Voltz.
grand knight of Father Rubis
council, gave the invocation.
After the supper, a film was
shown "They Heard the An
gels Sing," which was made at
Mt. Angel, and two vocal
solos were given by Mrs.
Wenzel Doubrava accompani
ed by Mrs. George Grimps.
Group singing of Christmas
carols, led by Mrs. Doubrava,
closed the program. A gift
exchange and social hour
completed the evening.
The regular meeting of
Court Victory No. 731. Cath
olic Daughters of America,
was Monday night, at St.
Luke's hall.
The members voted the
usual Christmas charities to
different organizations and
also planned to furnish three
Christmas baskets in coopera
tion with the local charity
Mrs. Julius Vandehey. wel
fare chairman, reported 368
pounds of used clothing pack
ed for the bishop's clothing
drive. Mrs. Charles Yuranek,
chairman of the recent food
and fancy work sale, reported
net proceeds of $36 25. Mrs.
Kilian Smith, Junior chair
man, reported on the junior
The Rev. Michael Fleming,
chaplain, gave a talk on the
topic "Our Duty Towards
It was decided to roll ban-
All y
Ifc -
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Capital Drug Store
Holiday Party
For CDA Court
Mt Angel Holiday greens,
candlelight, Christmas carols,
games and gift exchange
highlighted the annual Christ
mas party of Court Marion No.
T18, Catholic Daughters of
America, Monday evening.
The party was attended by
mora than ISO members. Spec
ial guests were the Rev. Fath
er Cyril O.S.B., Rev. Father
Hildebrand, O.S.B. and Rev.
Father Clement, O.S.B, of SL
Mary's parish.'
Miss Patricia Conneu was
piano accompanist for the sing
ing of Christmas carols. Games
were enjoyed during the eve
ning, and Mrs. Gerald Zollner
received the prize In the game
contest. A late supper was
served In the school dining
M m b era brought canned
goods which were presented to
the Rev. Cyril Lebold, O.S.B.,
pastor of St. Mary'a -church.
for the parish Christmas bas
kets which will be distributed
to the needy.
Mrs. Alvin Saalfeld, Mrs.
Carl F easier, Mrs. Wachter,
Jr., Mrs. Raymond Rothen
flunch and Mrs. Alois Kirsh.
in charge of the party, were
assisted by Mrs. L. W. Mcln
tyre, Mrs. Alcuin ' Msy. Mrs.
Vincent Smith, Mrs. Joseph
Schmltt. Mrs. William Fessler.
Mrs. Henry Geek. Miss Mar
garet Traeger, Mrs. Ben Acker-
man, Mra. J. D. Hauth and
Mrs. Ralph Stenger.
Mm us telle Bauman.
grand regent, presided at (he
uuiuich juviffinK which pre
ceded the party. The grand re
gent announced that the guest
speaker at the January 11
meeting will be the Rt. Rev.
Damian Jentges, O.S.B., abbot
of Mount Angel abbey, who
returned recently from a trip
to Europe. "Convert Night"
has been named for the Feb
ruary business meeting, when
all convert members will be
honored as special guests.
One of the first religious
programs to be held in St.
Mary's parish during the
Marian Year of 1854" will be
the Catholic Daughters spon
sored public novena in SL
Mary's church beginning Feb
ruary 8 in honor of the feast
of "Our Lady of Lourdes" on
February 11.
Mrs. Loretta Diarmit was
welcomed as a new member, a
transfer from the Salem court.
Mrs. Robert Zollner received
the attendance award.
Hostesses for the January
11 business meeting hour will
be Mrs. E. G. Unger and Mrs.
Francis Schmidt.
Named on the committee to
serve on the January 25 social
are Mrs. Hugo Hemshorn,
chairman, and Miss Elizabeth
Keber, Mrs. Joseph L. Wach
ter, Mrs. O. J. Williams, Mrs.
Alfred Bernt, Mrs. Mark Pur
dy. Miss Irene Susa, Mrs. Rob
ert Zollner, Mrs. Earl Man
nlng and Mra. AI Lulay. i
For Goldenweds
Sllverton Friends and
relatives of Mr. and Mrs. H. I.
Moffett will greet them at
their Brush Creek rural home,
Sunday afternoon from 2 to
S o'clock, when the couple will
dages at the next meeting
which will be January 11.
A social hour followed the
meeting and refreshments
were served with Mrs. Ray
Andrews as chairman of the
committee in charge.
fnfWI09 Am ItMfl I
nW it
UMt Wmm
. m aaata alaiiiar Catem
efW5a fc to atwist
temple, blkirul th ear
( aba htm mi ymr Jrasa, . .
nVe reerawee rawf)
thrtXU rtT
that UtU for fcossrs , .
' anaf nostra , , anal statsr
plat Saaalaa laaak
a mmmmrn af brl" aMct
wialiailM giwjpar that
aaaaa't raja . .a
mmmd af mmkj "aa
observe their golden wedding
- Mr. and Mrs. Moffett were
married in Rock Valley, Iowa,
coming to their present homo
twelve years ago, from Hub
bard where they had made
their residence several yean.
e e
AMONG those entertaining
(roups preceding the Spinsters
club Christmas Charity Ball on
Saturday evening will be Mr.
and Mrs. Delwyn Kleen, invit
ing group to their home be
fore the dance. The ball is to
be at the Marlon hotel.
Don Judson Is ,
Honored at Reception
Grand chancellor of the
grand domain of Oregon, Don
R. Judson, was nonor guest at
a reception given by Centra
lis temple No. 11, Pythian Sis
ters, and Central lodge No. 18,
Knights of Pythias, in the
Woman's club house last
Mr. Judson was Introduced
by Vernon Decatur. His life
story was then related to the
group by Mra. Axel Jacob-
sen. Mrs. Jacobsen introduc
ed members of his family
present as she included them
in her story. They were: His
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Judson; lister, Mrs. Dale Jef
feries, brother, Birch Judson,
wife, Clarice, and their daugh
ter, Diane, and son, Don, Jr.
A personal scrapbook of his
life was presented to the
grand chancellor by the
The program was presented
by members of the Salem high
school dramatic class which
included Misses Judy Ban
croft, LeAnne Seal, Mary Kay
Voight, Carol DeMetz, Kathy
McCoy. They presented the
skit, "All On a Summer Day.
Two piano solos were present
ed by Miss Karen Covert and
two accordian solos by Dar
rell Covert
Grand officers present were
Miss Betty, Jean Bergner, Sa
lem, grand guard of Pythian
Sisters; Paul Myers, St Hel
ens, grand vice chancellor;
Marvin Emmerson, Forest
Grove, grand prelate; Jack
Dempsey, Portland, grand
treasurer; Walter Gleeson,
Portland, grand secretary;
Harry Wood, Portland, and
Vernon Decatur, Salem, grand
tribunes; Bill Mishler, Eugene,
district deputy grand chancel
lor. Also introduced were Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Spencer, su
perintendent and matron of
the Oregon - Washington Py
thian home at Vancouver.
Presiding officers and offic
ers-elect from temples and
lodges of Eugene, Aurora,
Portland, Sllverton, Corvallis,
St. Helens, Albany and Salem
were also introduced. '
Refreshments were served
with Mrs. Birch Judson and
Mrs. Vernon Decatur pour
ing, and Mrs. Dale Jefferles
serving the cake.
about getting
electric shaves?
Our 10-Day
Home Trial of a
".. .
New Members tor v
VF Wi Auxiliary
Now member welcomed
Monday by the auxiliary to
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Marion post, are Mrs. Cora
Hutcheonsoa, and Miss Jean-
netto Graen. committee re
ports war given by Mrs.
Sherman BeaU, Mrs. LeRoy
Simpson, Mrs. Lloyd Bobbitt
Mrs. Don Stupka stated the
luncheon given by the mem
bership committee was well
attended and that now good
part of the 100 membership
-la paid up. Mrs. Lloyd Ken
nedy reported a $25.00 sav
ing bond was purchased by the
auxiliary. Mra. Dave Holweger
reported the dinner given by
the auxiliary for the J. C.
Penney Co. Saturday evening
was well attended. Mrs. C. M.
Briggs was decorating chair
man and made little Christmas
trees decorated with pennies
Mrs. Mel Clement was gen
eral chairman for Christmas
party given Sunday, afternoon
at tha hall with a no-host din
ner at, 1:30. Mrs. LeRoy Simp
son was kitchen chairman.
Following the dinner a pro
gram was given n n d e r the
direction of Mrs. W. L. Bar
nett Readings were given by
S)0 Give her m ' .
Pj gjjlS aerUineor Ct''jtfp I
hy Dorothy Gray
are as aa old-aahjoaad aeaonet, this asaekea
Ntweaay, by Dontfay Cray. Gin her tha lea,
Gotoga. $1 JO and Ihnting PawcW $2,
aa a pair ef cieiidotu bath ltmriai.
Capital Drug Store
B e rJctptlca! w yoa Wee, but try Schick "20"
otMr 10-Dcy, Na-Ritk Horn Trial Take one homo
and actually shave with it for 10 days. Try 10 days
without the muss and fuss of ordinary shaving.
Yen most est close shaves or your money back I
Hundreds of oar customers were once skeptics
now they're happy convert.
The truth is, all yon need is the right electric
haver I The one that's especially bailt for elete
ahaves 1 The SCHICK "20." For only the "20" offers
jroe an three ox the
tm aiam taeei rwa item tauee nu nuaa aiieie
sWaJSJavYSaf CsVlnV 94fUtm iPtlvMtsaL eaW9tlaV SeWfSJSJfJ S)g rfaaTltaV
efcaa av fjAaAalasj wsery vnwteJ e 9 eWwWsaj faM9 tsrwej(
tstlffs) (eWaV farfttsA) 9mm
ta baaissan
CaM Case, Meal tar trtsotlai $2M
Allen Carter, Gal Mauk, and
Diane Longford. A short skit
was presented by group of
small children, Bill Banneiter,
rauy boddiu, juay Hopkins,
Shirley Hopkins, jloy, Carter
Jr., and Peter Evan. A panto
mine, displaying t ho lite of
Christ Child, was given by
Linn Aesehllmann, Jerry
Aesehllmann, Rockey Barnett,
Joan Hopkins, Barbara Mauk,
Carrol Muckiidge, Candy ,
Baldwin, Marne Barnett, Joan
Hopkins and Judy Hopkins.
Solos vera hv Colleen Kelan.
Diane Hopkins, Judy Hopkins, 1
Candy Baldwin gad Linda
Bobbitt Christmas carols were
sung by the group.
SDMINISTaATOS'S ftxal noncsT
MaUaa la haraar sMa IkM LaMaal a.
Sfrara. u admlnutratat H uw NUU f
Mrr Man puui, i a, ku nits
llnaj Account m inch, ul bv r4ir mt
u email conn t auu Or-
o far UM Oautr as Mirum. uw al
dar at Jnuir. MM, al 1 11 a'alaek la
loa loraneaa ax aate ear aaa aaaa nsa
aa aba UaM. and tha eoartrooa C aa!4
eonrl haa aara fliad aa Uw plaaa Sat ,
tba haarut af taction, ta aaM ftsal
acaaui aaa Uw Mtutmtal f aa44
a. Lata. t
MM asd nrat amkiuhad: an. as, ifi
LaNOZL a. wrzns
Adalsatralar al Iha Batata a a.
liar; Maud rtahar. Daeaaaa
rhotxn, anonx ar sPEXHanu
lit Flonaar Trial Balldliai
aaltau Oratoo " 1
Attor&cra far aeausutratei .
Nor. ss. Dae. S. s. IS, IS, US. 1
Soap, Saaaaa.S2.laa aaa)
Ban Mia, 12
combe Ipil
Close-Shave features yoa i
-1 E
r i - $ fit
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