Wodneadsy, December IS, 1951 Appointive Officers Announced Lest meeting: of Chadwick chanter. Order of Etm si.. presided over by the 1953 wormy matron ana worthy pa tron, Mrs. Paul Griebenow and Paul Bramble, was Tuee day niiht at Maannlr Mi Mrs. E. T. Armstrong, the newly named worthy natron, announced appointive officer! tor tne year aa follows: Mrs. E. A. Tueikl, chaplain; lira. Jeula Buih Miiiriu manhal; Mrs. Ferd Barnlek! orgeaisi; aua, u. K. Hare, Adah; Mra. Milton Bleekman Hitk Mra, Archie Brewiter, Either; Mrs. ienon Howell, Martha; Mrs. Roy Reynold. Electa; Mra. E. TV Crahtra waw1M. and Virtil T. Golden, aentlnei. A Christmaa party and ex change of lifts followed the business meeting. On the committee were Mr. and Mrs. pnu Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Mem Pearce, Dr. and Mrs. Slmer Dorr. Mr. mnA 1 bert C. Oragg, Mr. and Mra. Curtis A. Hale, Mrs. Jessie ItHd. Mr. and Mm Vnuln Oehler, Mr. and Mrs Leanard stark, Mrs. Ruth Graham, Mra, Pearl Orote, Mrs. Myrtle Hoo ver. Mrs. Kitty Rowe. Out of town visitors wer,e Mrs. Blanche Greene of Shel don, N. D.; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bruce. Greaham Mra T. W. Weatherby, WUlmar, Minn.; nr. ana Mrs. jonn HcEiwaln, Canandaigua, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Edwn Johnson, North Bend; Mr. and Mrs. David Gil more, Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs. Ulna Thone. Yakima. Waah John Muir, Richfield, Wash.; Mrs. Walter Sieber, Mrs. Vel ma Hansen, Portland. ' Additional Society On Page 1 1 Party at Sorority Active chapter of Alpha Chi Omega sorority at Willamette university entertained for alumnae, patronesses and mo thers at a Christmas party at the house on Monday evening. On this occasion, gifts are pre sented to the chapter house from all the groups. The party took the place of the regular third Monday meeting for the alumnae who will resume their meetings in January. HOSTESS to her bridge club for a Christmaa party Thurs day at her Stay ton home will be Mrs. Joseph M. Devers. ... MEMBERS of the Salem Navy Mothers club met Tuesday night for a Christmas party at the borne of Mrs. J. H. Lewis. Gifts were exchanged among mem bers and refreshments served. Next meeting date was set for January 26, the time and place to be announced later. Today's Menu This nutritious and flavorful omelet makes a fine main course. Family Lunch Omelet with Cheese-Bacon Sauce Green Peas Raw Carrot Strips Bread and Butter Cookies Beverage Omelet With Cheese Bacon Sauce Ingredients: For sauce Vt cup nonfat dry milk powder, 3 tablespoons flour, H teaspoon alt, ltt cups water. Mi pound grated process Swiss cheese, 6 slices chopped cooked bacon. For Omelet hi cup water, 4 eggs (beaten), 4 tablespoons nonfat dry milk powder, V tea spoon salt, Vt teaspoon pepper, 8 tablespoons butter. Method: To Make Sauce Sprinkle nonfat dry milk pow der, flour and salt over surface of water in top of double boiler. Beat until blended. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly, until sauce begins to thicken. Add ctieese and bacon; stir un til cheese Is melted. To Make Omelet Add water to eggs; sprinkle nonfat dry milk pow der, salt and pepper over sur face. Beat until blended. Melt butter In 10-lnch skillet. Pour mixture Into skillet and cook over medium heat until firm, about 6 minutes. Fold omelet In half. Serve at once with Cheese-Bacon Sauce. Makes 4 servings. THK CAPITAL JOU&NAL. Sant, Orefta Couple Wed in Yuletide Setting A holiday setting featuring whit chrysanthemums, red poinsettiM and silvered foli ge was arranged for the wed ding Sunday evening In the First Baptist church when Miss Leria Leanne Wells, daughter of Mrs. A1U U Wells. Salem, and Amos C. Wells, Lebanon, was married to Ben. Jamin C. Colbath, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Colbath of Sal em. The Rev. Charles Loalc f. flelated at the I o'clock double ring ceremony. Soloist was Mrs. Charles Losle, whose secona number was "God Make Thee Mine" sung as the couple knelt on the prayer bench. Mrs. John Schmidt Jr. was the organist Lighting the candles were Eddie Hamilton and Xent Herbert, nephews of the bridegroom. The bride was given in mar riage by bar father. She wore a white velvet dreas with deep portrait neckline, enhanced with beading of . pearls and pearl sequins, long sleeves, pointed at the wrists and a skirt of beaded nylon tulle over satin, fashioned entrain. The chapel tulle veil was caught to a velvet Juliet cap beaded with pearls and se quins. The bride carried a cas cade bouquet of whit fuji chrysanthemums with bril liants and net trim. Miss Joyce SplUman was maid of honor. She wore a floor length frock of Christ mas red velvet fashioned with portrait neckline and shirred length sleeves. She carried a whlta satin muff adorned with whit fujls centered with a large holiday red. poinaettia. Penny Oberson was the junior bridesmaid and wore a floor length dress of emerald green, fashioned with portrait neck line and short puffed sleeves. She carried a smaller muff Identical to that of the honor maid. Rodney Mapes of Idanha, cousin of the bridegroom, was the best man, and Danny Wells, brother of the bride was junior groomsman. Ush ers were Glenn Hamilton, Everett Herbert and Ted Pyle. Tha bride's mother war a dress of black crepe with vel vet cap and hat Her corsage was of whit ful chrysanthe mum and baby pink Pater Finch rosea. The bridegroom's mother wore a suit dress ef gray crep with pink accessor iee. Sh war corsage of gardenias and feathered pink carnations. The reception followed in th fireside room with Mrs, Glenn Hamilton and Mrs, Ev erett Herbert pouring. Cutting the cake were Mrs. Roy Elklns, aunt of tha bride, and Mrs. Eugene Spillman. Assisting were Misses Derlcna Engdahl and Marvell Coleman. Mrs. Gilbert Mulder and Mrs. Byron Preeachtil were at th gift table and at th guest book was Mrs. Lorln Hoven. For traveling, th brid wore a winter whit knit dress with beaded bat to match, bronze accessories, and aut umn brown t e p coat with beaded collar. Her corsage was ef brown and green cymbid- lura orchids. After a wedding OeporfmMf Heod Visits Auxiliary Ladies auxiliary, Patriarchs Militant, met la special meet ing last week to entertain Mrs. Elsie Townsend, president ef th association of ladies aux iliaries, department of Oregon. Mrs. Ethel Pees ef MdfordJ was th reviewing officer. Mustering in ceremony was exemplified with Mrs. Cleat Ohlsen acting aa courtesy can didate. Mrs, Merle ivte in troduced Mrs. Townsend, Mrs, Pesse, Mrs. Marjorie Maxwell, secretary; Mrs. Laura Wood, past secretary; Mrs. Doris Wea ver, past treasurer; Mrs, Chris Una Cladck, left aids to th president; Mrs. Metti Larson, musician; Mrs. May Ingle, ban nerette, Mrs. Edith Sinker, left aid to th junior past presi dent, and Mrs. Lore Groves, PtT. guard. Under tha direction el Mrs. Pearl Strobecke, a drill was presented, and then Mr. Jus tine Klldee presented Mrs. Townsend end Mrs. Peas with lifts. Visitors from Sweet Horn, Pendleton, Medford and Tillamook were in attendance. Mrs. W. H. Gardner was in charge of the no-host dinner preceding the meeting. Major General Roy V. Temey of Pen. die ton, department command er, paid his official visit to the canton that evening, and the canton visited the auxiliary during their meeting. Party Thursday Catherine at the John H. Johnson borne Thursday eve ning for a no-host supper and Christmas party will be mem bers ef Mra. Johnson's garden dub, and their husbands, v In the group' will be Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. John Slanchlk, Ml. and airs. Jack Fltimaurice, Mr. a s d Mrs. Donald Bar- nick, Mr and Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen, Mr. and Mrs. Roll in Hsag, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Quisen berry, Mr., and Mrs. Alan Riebel, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Alton L. Chamberlain, Mr. 1 and Mrs. John P. Mauldmg and tha Johnsons. , COLORADO PAN-SAN at the j, SAN SHOP trip through Nevada and Southern California, the new ly weds will be st home at SOS South View Place. 1 To Place Classified Ads . Phone-2-2406 Give GIFTS That Grow . - ,,.. De Your Xmes Shopping by Phone by Using Our Nursery Stack Gift Certificate. KNIGHT PEARCY NURSERY , Pheae Mill S75 S. Liberty S alas, south ef State JWC Green Stamps en All Cash Purchases Give him a gift that will keep on reminding him ef your though fulness, a 1 1 year long ond for years to coma. Yet . . . check en that electric razor buy for Christmas. v GIVE mn saw IslBaiaxeajBaaW f a.t VH7 Our Christmas Hours ' So you can stretch your time for Christmas Shopping! If you find you must stretch your time as well as your dollars for Christ mas, then you will want to Shop at Hamilton's! From now until Christmas we will be open every evening until 9 p.m. k Adagio Prints k Vanity Lamps k Ash Trays Cigarette Boxes k Sandwich Trays k Card Tables k Bed Lamps AND MANY OTHERS 8 k Silex Coffee Maker k Fireplace Bellows Metal TV Snack Trays k TV Lamps k Telephone Stand k Bath Scales Hassocks AND MANY OTHERS k Electric Iron k Waffle Iron k Lamp Tables Kitchen Clocks Electric Heaters k Down Pillows k Candelabra AND MANY OTHERS f tosfliias Gift I 11 iiUi A Beautiw f S IAYAWAY OKni? CHRISTMAS! MFkU I 0, 15 rematch ; "60" SHAVER $27 50 $1.00 DOWN $1.25 MRWK. KOSELCO SHAVER $24 95 $1.00 DOWM $..25EtWK. 'went m"Vpfe7:,0," luun turn am Where Prstty Womefl Wilk ki niBssutN Wilt Out... uumvmmam k Bookcase k Cocktail Tables k Original Water Colors k Floor Lamps k Fireplace Tools k Wall Planters k Brass Plaques AND MANY OTHERS Diuble Your Money PIANO SALE But now at sale prices we double the money you pay up totlOO by Christmas. De livery now or Christmas Eve. Wide selection. Easy terms. SALEM MUSIC CO. Across from Xlsinore theater lSISo. HlrhSt. Downtown Salem a"? ALL TOYS GREATLY REDUCED TO STRETCH YOUR DOLLAR nn -aw. ar mm k Hanging Shelves k .Metal Bed Frames k Mirrors Desk Chairs k Slipper Chairs k Bedspreads k Table Lamps V FINE FURNITURE AT POPUL ree on Our Lot Yew Shop Our Star 230 CHEMEKETA AR PRICES SINCE 1894 STREET SCHICK "20" SHAVER $26 50 $1.00 DOWN S1.2S PER WK, ASK ABOUT OUR TRADE-IN On His Old Electric Roior. Regardless of It's Present Condition, EASIEST TERMS GREEN STAMPS flRVtCI STATION INC. 365N.Com'l Ph.3-4163 OPEN EYES. Dec. 16lh-23rd . SEE OUR TOYS, TOO