Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 16, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, December 14. 1953
Lota I Paragraphs
t Road Breaking lp County I
.Road No. MS, extending from
the school home at North San
tiam to the railroad track It
breaking up under traffic, ac
1 cording to report reaching
the county court Much of the
traffic coniUU of heavy ton
. nage of carrot which are ex--tensively
grown in the area.
Borate Move Cascade area
.council headquarter, Boy
Scouta of America are to be
located on the upper floor of
a building located at 444 Cen-
ter street. The organization has
been located on the second floor
of the Ladd and Bush building
. for the past eight years. Be
cause the bank needs the space,
it was found necessary to seek
. a new location.
Lions Hear Thornton Rob
ert Y. Thornton, Oregon's at
torney general, will speak on
the topic "A Newcomer Looks
at the State Department of Jus
tice" during Thursday's lunch
eon program of the Salem Lions
club at the Marion.
Aa Assumed Business Name
certificate of Top Hat Restau
rant has been filed with the
county clerk by John A and
Wanda E. Kroening, 1488 State
LI Col. Stone Home LL
' Col. Stephen A. Stone, Jr, ar
rived In Salem Wednesday on
' leave until after Christmas and
' is at the home of his parents,
1 Mr. and Mrs. S. A Stone, 373
' Leslie. Lt. Col. Stone, who Is
' with the Air Force, Is based at
Willow Run, Mich. He returned
' home by United Air Lines.
' From New York Leon C.
' Culbertson of New York City
will arrive in Salem December
21 to spend the holidays with
his aunt, Zoe Stockton, 1642
' Court street
Hal Boyle
(Continued from Page 4)
Captain Visits Capt. W.
F. Simlik, U. S. Marine Corps,
PIO for the U. S. Marine Corps
recruiting station, Portland,
was In Salem Tuesday to in
sped the local Marine Corps
recruiting office.
Shrine Club Election The
Salem Shrine Club will have
election of officers at a dinner
meeting to be held at the Sen
ator Hotel Thursday night at
Officers Elected Officers
elected by the Salem Movie
Club at a meeting last night area.
were: President, Clayton Jones;
vice president Clarence B.
Conrad; and secretary-treasurer,
Melba Conrad.
Flights Held.
Up by Weather
: Salem's weather cleared
Wednesday morning but United
Air Lines flight coming into
this airport were not able to
operate because of bad weather
Both Medford and Eugene
still fogged-ln at 11:30
ajn. Wednesday ana uignu
coming into Salem make stops
In those cities.
Flight No. 153, originating
In Medford and terminating In
Seattle, and flight 174, which
is a southbound flight stopping
In Salem at 8:30 a.m. were
cancelled and flight ISO, a
northbound flight out of San
Francisco, which makes its Sa
lem stop at 2:10 p.m. did not
Expected to operate unless
weather conditions elsewhere
continue bad is flight 178, a
southbound flight making a Sa
lem stop at 4:25 p.m.
None of the flights coming
Into Salem were able to operate
Tuesday because of weather
conditions in the northwest
Kidnap Killers
(Continued from Ffe 1)
Ike to Keep on
(Continued from Page 1)
secretary, said his office had
given up parties altogether.
"You mean you finally got
common sense?" I asked. j
"No," he replied. "The sec
retary just got so middle-aged
it no longer was much fun to
catch her even to the boss
Perhaps somewhere there
still will be a real rowdy office
Christmas party thjs season,
one that looks like the hanging
gardens of Babylon swept by a
1 hurricane. If I locate it, I in
tend to join in the fun for ten
full minutes for old times' sake
and then denounce it In the
strongest possible terms.
Joyeux Noel has departed
from the office, leaving behind
it a sign saying: "Gone home."
And, of course, that's where it
VAN HANDEL To Mr. and lira. Ron
ald vu Handel, Ocean Lake, a bor, Doe.
LI CLAIR To Mr. and Mra, Flater U- tonu Amoia at-, a eiri. Dee. la.
SAVAGE TO Mr. and Mra, SaT
as. Idanha. a airL Dec it.
WILKEHJSON-To Mr. and Ure. Arblo
WUkerion. 776 N. Conuntrdal St., a iul
REE To Mr. and Mra. Llord B. Rea.
Stt. 1. Boa a, starton, a llrl. Doc. II.
McOlrfTIN To Mr. and Mra. John c.
McOumn, Rt. 1, AumeTUle, a tlrl, Dae
THOMPSON To Mr. and Ura. Law
rence X. Thompaon, t3a N. lath ec. I
irl. Dee. 1ft.
MATHixaoN To Mr. and Mra. R. W.
MatMeaon, a Dor. Dec IS.
WOOD To Mr. and aire. Arirr Wood,
uone. a oar, uec. z.
HUTCHINSON To Mr. and Mra. Her
Sert HuUhlnaon. Mill CUT, a firl, Dae.
HAMPTON To MT. and Mra. Ljle
Ban.Mon. Marlon, a nor, Dee. a.
SKiRVIN To Mr. and Mra. Carl aku.
Tin. Starton. a atrl. Dee. 7.
tVTEVKNTTTE TO Mr. and Mre. Rich'
aid Stevenetta. M1U Citr. a bor. Dee. 13.
HUOH-E8 To Mr. and Ura. Joeeph
Huinet. starton. a bor. Dec. 13.
RAMBZAU To Mr. and Mre. Of Orel
' HimBfiu, Mm citr. a nor, pec, n.
Get Christmas Trea Em
ployes of the Marion county re
corder's office have the Christ
mas spirit again, for they have
a new Christmas tree to replace
the one that disappeared from
the temporary court house
Monday. A Christmas tree
salesman Tuesday sold the em
ployes of that office a small
Christmas tree at a reduced
price. Now it glistens with blue
lights and is ready for Santa to
place gifts under it
Gibson at Home Rex Gib
son, manager of the Ladd and
Bush branch of the U. S. Na
tional bank, has returned to
his home after spending some
time in a hospital recovering
from injuries which he receiv
ed in an automobile crash. He
encased in a cast from his
hips up to the top of his head
with the exception of his face.
Tools Taken Someone ran
off with two tool boxes from
his open garage late Tuesday
afternoon or evening, Clyde
Alden. 1905 Waller street, re
ported to city police. One of
them contained mechanic's
tools and the other carpenter
tools. He estimated the loss at
about $160. They were taken
while he was at work, he said.
Fresh killed Grade A Tur
keys, Orwigs Market, 3975 Sil-
verton Rd. 45742.
Rummage Thursday, Dec. 17.
Over Greenbaums, Beaver Hall.
8:30 a.m. W. W1Club. 299
Bring your children. Choose
your own tree. Phone 2-5889,
Mrs. James Mott. 301
Baby parakeets, $6.00. Cock
atiels. Moore's Aquarium. Mc
Leay Road. Phone 4-3773.
Bargains at YWCA Budget
Shop, 162 S. Commercial. Open
Friday & Mondays, 10-5, 299'
Paint with glamorizing
Treasure Tones. See our out
standing wallpaper collection,
Chuck Clarke Co., 2S5 N. Lib
erty. 299
Turkeys, oven ready, direct
from the farm.. Pilgrim Hatch
ery, 585 Ninth St., Just off Wal
lace Road. 299
Goodwill pickups Tuesdays
West Salem and south of Cen
ter: Friday, north of Center.
4-2248. 299
If you can't read this easily
have glasses made by Semler
Optical Offices to your optome
trist s prescription. Pay 50c wk
Semler's. Waters-Adolph Bldg
State & Com'L Ph. 3-3311. 299
Circuit Court
eu.t. y oiton Lrla Yerbrouah: Welvee
lnveetlaatlon and mdlelment on charia
ox bob i up port.
Xdna M. Hoeeltoa re. Kmer L Hoaal-
ton: Divorce decree to plain UI I aaallrna
preptrtr eettlemen.
Btata TJ. Romeo r. Polanakt: Pound
lulltr 0 drlvlnf wbtlo Intoxicated br
circuit court arand lurr. On appaal from
Balem municipal court. Continued for
oentenca to December 17.
But even a rejection of this
offer by the Soviets, Eisenhow
er said, would not stop him
from trying to meet the prob
lem of international control
In another way.
A reporter asked the presi
dent about Secretary of De
fense Wilson's statement to
the North Atlantic Council in
Paris Tuesday that congress
would be asked soon to permit
the sharing of Information on
atomic weapons with its
NATO allie
Eisenhower replied that
some changes In the law will
be necessary before this coun
try can realize the fullest ad
vantages of atomic progress.
No Change Contemplated
But no change are contem
plated, he went on, which have
anything to do with the sclen
tfic processes involved in de
veloping atomic energy or
wtih the building of atomic
Thin nnnnr-rl in mean that
what the administration does
contemplate, if congress ap
proves, is sharing information
about the use of atomic weap
ons and perhaps sharing the
weapons themselves with
America's allies.
Along that line Eisenhower
said it would depend on cir
cumstances, meaning military
circumstances, whether this
country turned over atomic
weapons to Its allies.
He said if war comes Amer
ica should use its atomic weap
ons in whatever way would
be to the best advantage of the
United States. Quite possibly,
he said, it would be best to let
an ally use American weapons
under certain circumstances.
ransom paid by Bobby's multi
millionaire father Robert C.
Greenleaae, Kansas City auto
The missing money which
Hall has Insisted he had with
him when arrested in St,
Louis the night of Oct. 6
has become the object of an
inquiry by a -federal grand
iunr at Kansas City, the FBI
and the St, Louis Police
But the killers have shown
no apparent concern about the
missing ransom or about their
deaths, although Hall has
asked an Episcopalian minis
ter, the Rev. George L. Evans
of Kansas City, Kan., to stay
with him "until the very end,
Shew Little Interest
HaU has been reading Wild
West magazines. Mrs. Heady
has kept busy with crossword
puzzles in newspapers. Neither
has shown any interest in hun
dreds of pounds of mall sent
to them but detoured by pris
on authorities at their request.
Both have reportedly gain
ed weight since entering their
death row cells Nov. 20, the
day after they were convicted
by a federal court Jury in an
advisory trial.
Hall has said he thought he
had gained about 20 pounds.
Mrs. Heady has put on about
five pounds. Their faces are
fulL free of wrinkles, and Mrs.
Heady has even joked about
the roll of fat she was told
HaU has acquired around his
Damage Suit . ..
Against Oil Firm
Leslie Gene Peterson has
filed suit in Marion county
circuit court against the
George Cadwell Oil company
and Raymond Caldwell aces:.
Lng general damages in the
sum of $50,000 and special
damages totalling $2000. ,
The suit sterns from an ac
cident that took place April
23. 1833, on Boone road ap
proximately a mil west of
Highway 89E.
Peterson says he was a
passenger on a motorcycle that
was traveling east over Boone
road while defendant's truck
was being driven in a westerly
direction. The claim la ad
vanced that the truck waa on
It's left hand aide of the road
preparatory to making a turn
into driveway when it came
into collision with the motorcycle.
The plaintiff, says he re
ceived permanent Injuries as
a result of the accident
German Army
(Continued from Page 1)
Court Holds
(OonttwMd from rate 1
Ex-Con Returns
(Continued mm Pare 1)
st.u . MUiD Clai Tilt on and John
Calvin OoaWtrd: Waive tDvcutiatlon awl
indictment on cntvrte ei Durtiaiy not in
a- dwelling.
mat. u. Melvtn r, earns: Waive tn-
veat (tattoo and Indictment on caeree I
burglar not m 4 dweiuai.
Kri w. Mi rrr VI. Arthur if. Krtctuon
dbft. gtrkluoa'a Super Uaxket. .Amended
Sweet Home The Junior
play. "We Shook the Family
Tree." a three act comedy de
picting a typical American
home, is slated for the only
performance Thursday. Dec,
17, in the high icbool audito
rium, at 8 p.m.
Srble Lovtnt Haamack Tt. Kennel
Thome Himmuk: Divorce decree
plaintiff who la awarded cuitoar of two
minor children end $ moutnlr eupport
(or each. Property eeuiement approvec.
Portland Road Lumber Yard i. Lor.
em Bulletin Supply, tt al: Demurrer br
dCcndost Hcbert V. Lorani on troainda
oi liuaiiieient I ecu.
Leslie Oen tetereoo ?. Oeo. Cadwell
Oil Co. and ttarmond Caldwell; Com
plaint leeklns Judement of KO.000 eenrr-
al and epeciai aamacee m ina re
nal oi trail w aocxuni.
Ida J. UeeCualt ve. Orren Johnion;
Delendaat'a tnawer nd counter claim.
Lore Uorcell v. Darlui Mortal! : Order
permitttu defendant t fUe an amended
Probate Court
Mary McCouum cuardlaaiblp: Ada Ira-
land named f uaraiea.
Clrde S. BurreO estate: Order author.
ttea execution al deed for real roportr
cImU idcer Bruce eatate: Order
mite will to probate, Mlcbard Senior 4
rotter named eaecauw.
Kaii Welter estate: Order appolstlne
BetW Welter aa adnuautrauts.
H. W. Porter aetata: Order admlttrna
will to probata and namtnc Helen G4rv
man eiecutrla. Batata baa probable value
OX 10,309.
Bertha etntf euardianibip: Order a-
pro nut guardian e report.
Ha rrltt to If. Held aetata: Order tlimf
Jan. it aa time for bearing final account.
Bra t Peteraoa aetata: Order fUtnt
Jan. lt aa time far heartna final ac
Jamea Smith auardianahlp:
pro ma annual account-
Santa will visit your house
or party. Phone 3-7072. 299
Castle Permanent Wavers,
S05 LivMley Bldg., ph. 3-3663.
Permanent S5 and up. Ruth
Tord, manager. 298
Learrf knitting. 341 State St
3-5654. Wednesday thru Satur
day. 1:00 p m.-4:00 p.m. 298
Bring your children, choose
your own tree. Phone 25889.
Mrs. James Mott 298
Adolph A. Oueffror aetata: Order
ell etocka and tareet tuada.
Baby paraeets, $6.00. Cock
atiels. Moore's Aquarium. Mc
Leay Road. Phone 4-3773.
Olive If. Dahl aetata: Apprelaed
113.173 in real propertf and 111.14 la
pcraonal property.
Prank X. Albtieb acuta: Order admtt-
tlne will to probate and appointing Joe
tpb K. Albrteh admlnUtrator. Kitate
baa probable ealae in esceae of itt.eoa.
Merrioqe Li".mse
Tharlee R. McPedden. 4. welder. M.
t Boa tea. and Marie M. Beatr. 17, pa-
par earner, a, box ca. aieaa.
t' Oena Laurence Peauim. St. farmer. Hi.
1, woodbura. and Darleae Memo, Mor
rta. 17. atadeat, au. s, aaoiaua.
Warren's, 1993 Fairgrounds
Rd. will be open every evening
until Curistmas. 303
Furs Exclusively
For 35 Tear
1S4I Ferry Rt
three items. A charge of having
no operator's license was also
filed against him.
Trapp also told officers he
had been paroled from the
prison once after serving a
year of his three-year convic
tion from Jackso county for
auto theft, but was returned to
the prison a year later when
he violated parole by leaving
the state. He later escaped, he
said, but was recaptured.
The prison authenticated
Trapp'a story, reporting that
he had been received there on
May 1, 1950 ;paroled May 9,
1951; returned to the prison
May 8, 19S2, for the parole
violation, and escaped August
18, 1932, from a bean picking
crew at the prison bean yard.
He was recaptur d the same
day, however, they noted. He
was sentenced to an additional
year for escape. His release
Saturday was upon completion
of his full sentence.
Owner Frohman said he
would sign a complaint on the
auto theft charge and Portland
police said they would . be
down Wednesday to pick
TraDD up to face charges there.
A prison aid commented
that if Trapp was received
back there in time, he could
get his look at the outside
while still in the full glory of
its Christmas decor.
. Roberts The Roberts Home
Extension Unit will meet with
Mrs. Ray Barker Thursday for
a dessert luncheon at noon.
There will be a gift exchange.
The ministers backed up
Eisenhower's proposal to bring
"together the powers principal
ly involved in order to seek
a solution to the problem of
atomic armaments." The U. S.
President made his sensational
atomic pool proposal In a
speech at the U. N. General
Assembly last week.
The council -agreed that spe
cial attention should be given
to the continuing provision of
modern weapons of the latest
types to support the NATO de
fense system.
The council concluded -there
has been no evidence of any
change in ultimate Soviet ob
jectives and that It remained
a principal Soviet aim to bring
about the disintegration of the
Atlantic alliance."
Then the council "reaffirmed
Its conviction that peace and
security must be the paramount
aim of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization,1 and It
added that "Improvements
must continually be sought In
the quality of NATO forces and
to ensure that they have equip
ment which is always up to
date so that, In the event of at
tack, they can act as shield
behind which the full strength
of the member countries can
be rapidly mobilized."
A foster home has Its
place," Latourette continued,
and. under soma circumstanc
es is a very Important adjunct
to swetety, but it Is not the place
to have such aa Dee Ann har
bored, with children coming
and going, when her mother's
home Is available." '
Alvin ftialter is required to
pay $4o a month for the child's
support, and costs are awarded
to Mrs. Stalter, who waa the
applicant -
Case Beversed
In an opinion byJustlee
Roixman in a suit affecting the
validity of a tax foreclosure.
Judge Ralph Holmaa was re
versed and the case remanded
to the lower court for retrial.
The lower court held with
William G. Murphy, the plain
tiff, that the proceedings
against Clackamas county and
the Jones Lumber company
were void as to the property
and Murphy's title acquired by
deed from private parties In
1944, was valid. A contract of
sale of the land had been en
tered between Clackamas coun
ty and the lumber company
after tax foreclosure.
In his opinion, Justice Ross-
man held that the circuit court
should have granted the plain
tiffs motion for Judgment on
the pleadings.
It seems apparent," said
Justice Rossman, "that rul
ing upon the validity of the
county's tax foreclosure suit af
fects many properties. We do
not think its validity should be
determined from the meager,
confusing and contradictory in
formation which the pleadings
in this case submit, '
Other Decisions
Ellen G. Eld, appellant vs.
Charles E. Larsen and Nana K,
Larsen. Appeal from Multno
mah' county, Circuit Judge
James W. Crawford, Judgment
reversed. Damage action for
personal injuries resulting
two-car collision. Opinion by
Chief Justice Earl C. Latour
ette. -
Edward S. Harrlman cross
appellant vs. Linn county and
W. E. Rhodes, appellant Ap
peal from Linn county, Circuit
Judge Victor Olllver. Suit to
quiet title. ' Justice George
Rossman affirmed trial court
which held valid foreclosure
suit by Linn county.
For Youngster or Tike
Give a Bike or Trike!
7!h Ycsr's Ort mdmg VM
Re-assignment of
Circuit Judges Made
Acting Chief Justice Harold
J. Warner Wednesday announc
ed assignment orders in which
Circuit Judge William G. East
was assigned to Klamath coun
ty to try three cases and to
Jacksou counly in the case of
Gerald Macomber, a convict.
against Clarence T. Gladden,
warden of the Oregon state
Circuit Judge Forrest K.
Hubbard of Baker was assign
ed to Multnomah county for a
period from December 14 to
January 4, 1994, and Judge
E. H. Howell of Canyon City
to Lake county for two cases.
CtVE thi eirr or
Bricbten ah. Mfe of a herd-a.
Rawing VmaSTm km.) aaw. or phone today he n
plat. Information, li'a a. mmf uxrasb trull
444 Slid St.
(3 &S2
xiii w m i i i i aii
4 i M Kl li.ViVH
o finish am ggshis
: JIMSJ rllJ lis;
- srSa-OaJgtl
ti !
eutrser rah
When you see it you'll agree that tola Chain Guars'
red and Ivory beauty with Iota oi inxm MddM
enroaM to delight its young owner.-: vA (aJ
Equipped with parts from the naUon'a ""m
leading nasutadurers, it will give a Omm Ram
years oi trouble-tree, smooth, sale rid
ing. Priced nnusually low. leOT Itfetor I
Sturdy Smooth Rolling
12" .
We wish to express our
thanks for the many kindnesses,
notes and flowers sent during
the illnses and death of our
beloved wife and mother.
The Bates Family.
: -. .i - . S9ft
t-tatk WmsJi
$2.00 down$1.25 per wk.
$2.00 down $13 perwk.
$2.00 down$1.25 perwk.
Reg. $4.49 -
$2095 f
$2.00 down $1.23 pumh. jj
Tio Desf Duy.e. By far
$2.00 down $1 .25 oar wk.
One el Mm very, very BEST sellers In Hs price range 1 1 1 ond
amol wonder, lot the Mercury leader Velocipede outdoes Iho
sjerfonwonae of many higher priced velocipedes. Built to be
eyownd for a long time . . . designed to catch the favor of
every chHtfi eye t . . nw chined to go RVe bloies. The sturdy
frame b ntade of strana. tubutor steel, welded of the jointi.
aoM, long wearing rubber tirea, adjustable handlebars ond
ejdwrabM saddle let this value-packed, three-wheeler grow
weft Hw cSXd. tee NOW! It's a buy that's hard to bead
343 N. Cemmertial fherte 3-41 63