v- - v THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Ssl. Ortfoa! Wcdneaday, DrxewW It, 1951 22 FOR SALE HOUSES' ' T OWVU. HUblaod acboal "0 AAd .rocorr au blocA. CUM aa a. . And HaUrvwd abopplaj. Bout 1 1,a I brtrootoa. duastla. UuUl allMr. At toctiod ssraa. maulatad. Bla laoood rard w lrull tins. Iad O. ntr bkwi.1I t PwtlaAd. Prlea to i.ii ,t nm im . . ?'-. LODGE Saiem Lodge No. 4. A.F. A.M.. Wed, Dc. 18, Public Installation. l:vu p.m. 2B DIRECTORY 1DDUIO macbinss All uaad '"" imM lux a. AM C4xt fa. Mill. LASTIHO SIBVirB ' BAT. Baitlna Sarrlta. Ooarrra. tonplnt. ParamaBl braaaSAS. Br dor or oanlrart. riaa a-all. Jj kcLLDonwo U VuUar! Ml Talrrnw, pbaao Excavating Ban OUaa A) Bob. oieorallas oad OTsaMns. Lani tlaarlaf. r ,l0 iKSIItATlOK Insolottori. albatiUlpa. ivarai a Fra. aatlar.ataa. T. fnuuna 3M. Capitol Boddlu raberataa. Fall Una Bw paatlrassaa. Pa. I-400I. crrin prfam-Bt A .iPfUts Daak chalra. fllaa. (I11M aapollaa. aaial dupUcatora. suppllaa. dat laaipa. Irpo anw atanda. Boon, M Coarv A B,ar. arpiia taota, draroa olaoAad. Rolo-Rootor Ba.ar Samoa. Pbaao 11)37 " Hanaro aapm tana. AAad. llaa aarvlra. Ouaraatood vara lain HIM, 1-S71I. " iipric taxrs - Mlka'a Aaptla Sarrtra. Taota aabad. Droolar alaaaa aann. Araaaa. fleai l-Htt. tmUh. Coraaa. BaailacHA Ba. 0 4,rwMiA parukM AU M nachliaa. Rapain A HAt. BaaA. court. Wateb riri 34 boor aarrka, all naaaa, alr apa tama. Brownla Taica. Ta a Window cleaixo Acrn, WUMloa- Ctaa&fra. Uduitna: noar wavmc. aauaatlaaaiao. raaata l-Aall. lj'"l?;i?mJjJHliiiiirrr--r Journal Want Ads Pay cLtsmriio AnviiTuiya Pir WorC, UMa laa rt Vara' a Par WarA. liana IAa Par War. I aaoalb Aaa Na Bffaata Mlalaaai It WarAa BP.ADCB1 la Loaal Nava Colons Oalr, Par WarA la Mloloaai M WarAa. To PIaca Ar) In Sm Oat's Tiprr, I'hoM t-J40 Before It ajb. EOSri 3 jaa'am! thof rsctol BirOrdort. IX! CILIN Ul MM1CI Wlitlll a j. iv..,m n. Our rnnti'iw ED E DM"" m 1U1-1HI - W(IB Irtil THE DEAN CLINIC On t0 mt4l 3 Mobt tftroutk tf4r. UaIII p.m. Manday, Wdpr fmr. Olnprottlc fh vilci-r; . . . tm Hf 43rJ ror. Ml ft NOB THE A tT JAMDY BOUltVABD TIojot1o Ett311 PortlowAB 13. Pro, Dr. T. I Lam. W D. Dr. O. Cttaa. H-D DRS. CHAN nd LAM C1IINF.8E NATUROPATHS llpstairt. til North Liberty OffU opn Baturdar only, to a m tA 1 D.m.i IUIpi conaultatlen. blood jrwri id nrlt. t-tti are frao of rharee. Praetlred elnre itn Write for Bttractl BKt- Do bU. latlon. Wheiher you re moving In town ir It i distant rlly wc offrr Che finrtt In worry-frr movint aenr Irt. Our local itoragr and mor ing farllillfi are unrxcrllrd. And ag rrprewntattreis for Allied Van l inen we ran plare at your door the world largest lnnr,-dtv tsnct roovlnc trcanliatlnti. Al lied 'g PEpert parkers, handlers and drlrers aafefuard Tour possession; every strp of the wv. ('all us for Mt Una tea. Red Star Transfer Lfberty Bctaswi Pk 1-1111 ASINI tOt MavinijSwvioai AOOII TOWN Ok J JVACIIOM TMI HATIOM ol FOR SALE HOUSES NEW MODERN T room seaec with 40 BOSS MB-dei l1UUM FBjSSM MM. 1 M 4vdru,Or. aW WBT UNTf 10 will make dowa pay ment aa ci iv pettooea begs. J nette, utility, attached urut, atce corner lot. peved iunU. gee atenih. Phone 1 MM liM M.B, 144) DOWN. Two BedreotB. lm- psevesaeau ia. pbea i-nu emr i m . Only $8,250 Xsctttdiu )L r Mly H 44 fnr Im. Ttau S-twdroetm Srfts torn U Miuuir iim . fcuv ib tM dty luM look tt IboM woixtetlal Utturw 4 wiMri witA oar ttntr hmo tMU4lM ! tru. $800 Down or Nothing Down on Your Own Lot tr ft. Ft- I atotfroow Lorvt liiu roon ftcd distal r lth hit Sola khovtr kd ibb I It. r rooB clootU la all Bodrooau Hmb- wm4 floors Thrrao-fslro.il Ml turn laaalBUd Bad athor sliiraod Xarso aioraj imb Toitr chBtc Bf txtnor on4 tattnor COJOV Apra. BM.at imt . ta ittaiaa laurttu, toaat, iwaraocB. bib ALL THM WOMDKRR7I. fuwni lr aalv 14 IM OB KB rO TODIWKLn COM! OCT TODAT A lak4 Kama to a ptrfort Una roMBt for roar sauro Umiit . . Tmi iMirrt a boob ktail Open Evenings Till 8:00 P.M. PHOE 2-0971 pS aj lllb 1 aaaa. l.jff WtSTI BT OWB Tbroa-aoAraoni oMar atria. lAiarlar raasadalaA. 10.109. Tarma, or or.u ml turou.lad ta reaponjlola par Kanaat portr. W. ."'a Aaturdar calla. Uat Cbrrrr Arrnua. alol BUtaA tu aa uorod. Wllb lot to art n oa U daauod. Maka ollar. ISM Uihn ATa. alter 1 p.m. alM SMALL t bodroom bomo, oo Sfe acra. will nil ooultr 13.000. Pbona l lill tm Dorbtn Ara. alOJ- T OWNEBt. South suborbin nctr Morn InwtdB. WU built t room bom. 1 bed room doira, t up, plaittred throuth eul. Kftctrle tsbib, witer better. At tar had utility with Hamlltoa drrtr. Loti of itorar. 2 atorj larM. Lane lot with fruit trees. MOM. fhone aJM $750 DOWN la Wft Salem, 1 loU. S Bedroom houa. Lane aarac. Wired for range. PuU price fM. B. Isherwood, Realtor 1110 Wallacs M. Ph. 433 NEW! Juit llalahed and jrou eaa ha-e poa Beaaioa lmmrdlatelr. Blc rwslrocniB, birch klUheo. lars IItIbi room with fireplace. Bcade of cloaet atorag. at tached larase, full baaem-nt with automatic oil furnace, laundry room ta wired for a drrer. Located oa Katie wood Avenue near achool and bua. Price baa been reduced. Call ua today. GARAGE HOUSE Loealed en Lark of lot with vlenty at room to build a laraa houa in front. Lane room with tile over con crete, baih. aaa circulator. Live In Uila while you build. Tbl Is a choice location near McKlnley School. All for 360.00. V ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 Uaionle Building Real latatt-lniurance-fclortBai Loan a Office: -9iii rrea: 3-70f er 3-131 asoo1 BY BUILDER B) 5 btdrootna Dlolnc room Brautltu! btr.fi amiim B) Fireplace PorciHl au Turnate Colored halh-r-Mim fliturP s Hardwood floora B) Altarhed di'ih;a a.raie Priced to aril 0 Sm:i doftti ptyrornt. Phona 2825 Sandringham Dr. REAL ESTATE NELSON OUR WEDNESDAY TRADES TRADE WILL TRADE Jim 1 BDKM HOME Thu rnntenlen'-.T urBtiird 2 h.'.r hnme U on lot fJi'.lO, ril Iti-,;!. tood pltwifrrl lnif:.t nua t,:ini ,.v Int im, appi. vi Cioif tn tiu Ai rhnol. You can ii1 lhi tiemi on Ol loan, $100. JU . Vooitfn. TRADE A KEIZER DANDY 3 BPRM FOR 3 OR MORE M client has a ve-v ;nbi i Mr at- home on IM 18x113 cn paved street I nar new Bert's store in Knier Psm llv hae n'lttrown hom w rsi hT jou to trade? Al wall. i-:ii. aim. TRADK WILL TKAPE FOR .rRrAOE Are you looking for bsiroom This I it' I bdrnvs. finished 3 iflr-ns. un finnriiyl 1400 M ft. en tint floor OK luicini. forced air f imace. fervred In varL lot 70x170. Priced to sell 111 J00 TRADE I BDRM NEAR HI SCHOOL Do you !. famll' This Is U' rmrlete with lart pai; room nri fp see. klral for TV. f Fa-j J i u hAMlroom. plenty of atonse rsce, fu,1, bwrment. hot water isntnl heat Price 131.000. TRADE Will trade for en aa lrer lii lj I I prcpertv. onlv lixnj dvn. this 2 I Tl,-J HfMT I S'.rr.'prv-.iiri.r s;;. I imimxn I and dining room, larte bedroom.. mSgSElIZLlM fplaee, pecan ftoor. lloo sq. u. lionr are, tar Appx. t,. .,. tuwi c3W SU CURB AN HOME WITH DUPLEX attractive Cap Cod I bflrm home wmii acre land In go",i ;xaticn. (ititt to stores and bus. H 1 rental units lor added Income. Owner wi;l accept 44000 hnm In trod. Price re duced to 114.180. Mr. Schmidt, elm Nelson & Nelson RPET1AUZINO REALTOR 102 R. High Pb. I 10 REAL ESTATE io ACRE SPECIAL Uaala4 Aoar Barta akoaa aaua- la Ealaar. DawMa taraia. In kaAroooM. an, talaa raaa. isaalaUA. Ooir ll.OM.W aawa. ta.aM M laU prua. UaaMduu paaaaaalaA. Call CAM BaaUaa. AaLaiaiaa FOUR BEDROOM SUBURBAN Two aM tws Bwa mm s afea Urto lot ni.tt Uaatoo arthoaal. JtBroBoaa nort. taiulaiaa aa4 Btlwratrlf4. aar 14M M ! rU iit oaiy MB, cau Jia Bavuaa, bIbmbub, TWO BEDROOM UNFINISHED UP $6,900 ThU tB aodroota vtta f1orB4 BBoUtn If mm of Uw ftaatl BBrBBlaB bod tao aioBBurs of offtrlac. Mm a ale lari lot. mlac, t uca4 tarai. attlrBBSftUs atat. hrd4 floor. LaauUiaC I Block to cur au. ciBM to bdopbibi 4ml. Maa Biter am a aanaaai- hr B4ULB4 CbBt JUSUBB, BMiau. 1640 SQ. FEET PLUS DOUBLE GARAGE Taa, If m maaA apaaa Ua tola ta U. IHt aa. ft. tlaa AonOla araaa aaA atiutr aiaaur Aaoresai t4alB. Taa. Ihara ara lo pjara laraa kadraaaaa. ftraplaoa, AaWDvatla Aaal All IN amlt tlo.aM.IA. Call Aai Baaiiaa, BalamaA. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) BMt B. Capital aVraot AVaBlBAi PhaAa Chat Bawllna l-ai im BaaUaa TOOH DREAM HOW 1 On Candslarla Almaat completel. S adme.. eUyltsht baamt. wtta fintabad plroom, I full baiha, lie. rm., din. rm, birch kitchen nook. MahoeaBr trim tbruout. Ice. cevarad froat porch ll. ftoterad pal la. Dbit. far mi. CALL J. S. LAW. FAIR MOO HT HILL I Bdrmi . eke lie. lot, loU of fruit, dble. taraae, hdw4. flri fireplace, aplandld condition Ihroufhout, baamt., j to-he at. Only S10.MO. CALL ROY S. FERRIS. ENOLEWOOD DISTRICT I re mediate potseatlos I bdrmi . double plumbioc. laree Uvlna room with fireplace, dlnlna room, kitchen, brkf. nook and laatd utUlty area. Immediate poaaeaaioo. Ternu. CALL U. JL, LAYUON. CLASS "A" OFFICE RENTALS 11 A; tod floors, eicellent location, heat and llshu furnuhad. Meal office for iniuranc. accouattnc, loan, medical or dental. CALL C. L. ORABKNHORBT. BE YOUR OWN BOSS Scrvlc and garat eombtnw!. Gc-od loca tion. Alao. rood 1 rm. bom leea. For further Information, CALL O. H. ORABENHORST, JR. Please drop in and pick up your 1054 Calendar GRABENHORST BROS. REALTOR 1S4 S. Liberty St. n. I-J4T1 Even lota and Sundays call Salesmen Roy & Ferrla 1-10 lft J. E. Uw l-IIll H. K. Laymoa 11191 For Your Insurance Needs Call W. H. (Bill) Johnston 2-2471 or 3-3365 REAL ESTATE NORTH t bedrms.. eatlni area In kit. bath. titll. rm. Borate. Price reduced to 11.400. Any reaaonabla offer on down payment considered. Call Mrs. Otiei bee, aim. Eves. 3-M73. south' Oarese houe liv. rm.. kitchen, bath. Nice comer lot. S3. 330. Only 1100 down. Call Mrs. Os let bee, aim. Eves. 31371. VARIETY STORE Good location, tllneaa force sale. Nice fixture. Full price 41,300 plus In ventory. Call Mr. Kit tin, aim., ovas. 4-5. 11.000 movea you Into this lata built bedrm. home with unflntebed u pit re. Hdwd. fire., oil heal, lovely yard. Full price tlBM. Call Mr. KUtlna, aim., Bvftft. 4-S4t4. 34 acres with laree 4 bedrm. mod. home, buement furnace. Good barn. S cow, Oliver tractor and toola. III. 000, on third down. T. T. Anderson, lm., vea. call 43114. A dandy 07 acre dairy farm with 1 homes cloae In. east. 37,ftOQ. T. T. Anderson, aim., eve. 4-3714. NEW 3 BEDROOM Only M7M complet with laree t tached aarate. Beautiful hardwood floora thruout. Larte living room with picture window. Lota of closet and stores spec. 1-arte lot. Clve o glade acnool. Ferments onlv 11 00 per mo. Small down payment. A ROOM FOR GRANDMA Reml orlvat llvlnt auartera at tached to your home, for that extra member in roir family J brtrofim rvm with lull baiemfnt. Fireplace. Plojttered and In excellent condition. Extra lane lot. Paved street, close to bu and school. HOME & LOCATION Excellent location en North Capitol within welkins distance of ahopptna center. Well built ft bedroom borne. Living room 30 feet long with flre plsce. Dinine? room for a larte fam ily. 1 full bath. Full basement with good forced air oil furnace. .Beautiful tot with over 100 feet .' creek front al. Built just 30 rears sao. 301 South Hlcb Street Phon 3-9101 Phone Evening Sunday 4-1171, 3-lli. 3-4174, 4-4119. S-3344 NORTHEAST 12 no with SAM 4wn. Would 11 'n a r;rx up truck. ThU I room hum with jntinuhexi t tie. Bathroom, aiec ": aster he iter, wired for electric rente Lot OOiUI. FURNISHED HOME I so located in Turner. S lets vtd I iw.itenm citan home. Late electric rame. A real buv for the man j as this u net too far from s ho ENGLEW00D II Soo attractive 3 bedroom how Small lot. Ahts is a danrly small home very neat and ;leau Owner would eoa ider trading for a laner S bedroom hnme at tdse of citr. Will fay cash oiiietenie HOME NORTHEAST it a-o and will take ty down. Late built I brvlroom shake horn. L aaraee. 10x110 let. This buy 10 bard io oeai. HOME AND INCOME IT ISO with IMlt dowa er will con sider trade. Tnu not too old duolex hajt 3 bedrcoens each. Vtr toad con dition. Can rent both aides and hav B aire Income without any bother. CAM. O V HUME OR STANLEY BROWN, WITH State Finance Co., Realtors 111 S Mleh sx Phon 1-4111 dee. 1-1204 st 1-4441 S300 REAL ESTATE ontH Pkaaat I-4AM ar t-llll BalaaaaA J-UTI Oalo Barbara l-IMI WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES! Federal GI it FHA Mtgs. SPECIAL VALUE This Is really dean. You couldn't spend a nickel on this one. Fin loca tion. Lovely lawn. OU heat. Venetian blinds. Owner leaving atata. Extra play bouse. Full price .K0. (Call for RAY GRIMMETT, eve. ph. 3-7479 Sim.) FAMILY HOME 4 bedroom. Wonderful view. Ben dix. Forced lr oil beat. Insulated. S blkJ to schooL 1 blk. to bus. It's new yet the lawn Is In. We consider this a barsaln for 10000. (Call for RAY GRIMMETT, eve, ph. S-7l7t Sim. I TRADE IN YOUR CAR On thla almost new home. Well built. Insulated. Just outside city In a very fat growing dlst. Lawn and shrubs. Very easy to heat. Pvd. st. Full price 110.700. (CaU for IvffR. HARE. eve. ph. )-4a3 Sim. i HERE IT IS S bedrooms on one floor. Only S yrs. eld. Pvd. st. Bus front door. Insulated. It by 111 lot. Drape Included In the bartatn price of only tosoo. FHA terms If desirerl. (Call for MR, HARE, eve. ph. 3-&411 S.m i DO YOU NEED ROOM? And don't want to make too large en Investment see this one. 4 bedrooms In ftt. Vtnrent DIM. Large corner lot. Full basement. Furnace. Several trres. Full barealn price 70. (Call for RAY GRIMMETT, ve. ph. 3-1471 Sim LIKE A BASEMENT? If so here's one you'll like. 1100 eg. ft. floor space. Automatic oil heat. LoU of built ins. Insulated, fi br ill lot. Nice lawn and shrub. P'Jll PTtce onr 18850. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, vs. Ph. 4-M20 S!m HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS DEi revive iTbswr 7m - - REAL ESTATE I I WUfk I TJT1 I SIX ROOM modern home, three lots. ! I I IVVZVbZll ml I over hundred foot frontaze. Pour blocits ! 1 p w W w W aouU) of titT hall on Hlchwar 101 in ij-iijw w m nar j, Ntwpon oreton. Will conaWer trad- 71 2JulTm. B V7bJ nc. Writ C. J. Stanton. Box 831. This U a good one. Located in me , PrDlt.Rl.E MALE fllamrjte kittens. Rea of the valley's mot proApernus towns. , sonable. Phone 4-38C. ec203' ?:f r:"'UHfhV": PI PSrPSANIEV-and".rrr,crr.r? er maker for man? yr Equipment ' Jiitr:JSV2L.Ji PLEASANT sleeping room. For gentle confining of fixtures, shelve. 2 pickup i IOR SALE -four montra female Slemree: man. 10AO Norway. Phone 2-4841. Jk301 ""Pt equipment iiz.doo pius in- ventory at whole.ale. Bid, can be -Call f"f Ph. 4-3011 Sim. TAVERN Which Include bid , equipment, lane lot. Very nice living quarters. A real money r. aker. Located on 09E tn good town. Proiperou community. Ev- etvin.nt oe mr tjj.ww i-ioerai ierm. Call for N O. "DAN" 1SAAK. ee. ph. ix Sim t SUPER MARKET Really a honey for the money. Busi ness U auper excellent. One ot the largest vol urn markeU In the area. Extra large parking Irea. Lou of room tor expansion. Real pro .pert y takea la two ciiy blocks. The equip ment la the very best. You'll be amaa ed at the net profit thU place will shew. Pull price for everything SI 10 -000 00 tncl. lane stock. (Call for RAY ORIMMBTT, eve. ph. 1-7170 Sim 125 ACRES All cultivated, Carlton rL II A. alfalfa. 80 A. tray oats. 21 A. rye graea. Pal. la fesqu and clover. 2 wetU. Spring. Very good modern 4 bedroom nous. SO by to barn. 40 by SO shed. Oarage. Pump house. Large hog ahed. All crops Included tn Oa bargain price at 014.050. T)n!v isooo down. Call for MR. LEAVENS, eve. pb. 1-4734 Sim. I 62 ACRES ThU owner must eelL ftg a very tood fana. Best ef WUL gilt aoll. Ir ritatloa avttem. Very good modern I bedroom house. 9t by Ot barm. Ga rat. Ettra sweet hone. Fed. highway. Clme ta Salem. ThU li a eteal tor 11400 'Call fet MR, LEAVENS, Ph. I-471S Sim I 2 ACRES T.rr rloso la rl. 1 Moo-.n lea bom. InaulaioA. OoaA bant an. htrk. on hoaso. Pvd. at. AU frncad Pall prlra onlr Silas. (Can tor MR. CRAW. rORO. ara. pb. 4-M Aim. I PHA eorrvncTiONAi. biroa . ts Tsar PIDtRAL Ol H1X. S TIARA LictxaiD also m Aa. idaho Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Off Phon i-llil er t-7MS t. I-471S. 4-111. 4-MM. 1-1470. 4-041 If ae answer call 4-1371 REAL ESTATE ROYTODD REAL ESTATE . . 3 BEDROOM HOME Itics a, rm, kit as ftttaeit smb. On bedr. eln . S bodr. up. Mtca aatb rooam. New e erase Class Is Bchasi and tfaaaporiauoa. 1400 or weuid trade far 1st or trailer aoua tor Malt. THE DANDY OF ALL BARGAINS at acrss. about II aTa ta eulitva lioa wit two laree pprtas that will Irnsats ths IS acre. Oood soil. Bal aaco Bojtover Umber aa4 Baalur. A lovely lot cabin about 4 yrs. 4. Mod era Only 04M0 ot will trad 1st S bdrm. boat absttl saaao valus. ENGLEW00D BARGAIN I bodroom borne oa corner lot. Oood tied lie. rm. and dm. rm. end kit, with satins apace. Full baaemsal. Ilt, aoo. WANT TO TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY ThU Isetly anbarbaa S bedroom bom ha com roe table lie. rm. with iirepiacs. Dlnlnc alcove. Lane kitchen with eat lni apace and lou of bull tin. Alt. car., lans lot. Fries tK0. ROY TODD, REALTOR 131S Btato (t. Otfleo pboBo: l ull Ir.nlaaa aall: vaocHtort ltlM; BlmoaOA HUli Buck litis tJ00 GOOD DEAL Yob can move tnto this fin 3 -bed room sbom in St. Vincent's area for only ll.soa down. Fireplace. Basement. Oil furnace Price flO.JM. Trade in Your Car Or owner of thia tood home with fireplace will take a pickup. Forced air oil beat. Very lari is race. Price 11.750. Terma. RAMSEY, REALTOR 3014 North Commercial Office 4-I3U Ev. Al Bender. Salesman, 3-704S Ev. Jim Ramsey 4-14M WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If your property I for sale, rent or ciehante, list It with u. W have an kind of h buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 163 & Hlth St. ca WE ARE In need of good home to sell In or near Salem. If you wlah to list your property for !. see ORABENHORAT BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 3-3411 ea From owner three bedroom home. Northeast. Low down payment or lease with option. Refer nee. Writ Box 304. Capital Journal. ca. ATTENTION FARMERS ff your property la for sal, pleas call. We need your llstlnts badly. Al Tsaak ft Co.. Rt.. Ph. 4-3311. ca301 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HARDWARE BUSINESS Impaired health and pressure or ether interests force sacrifice of going business. Of fering entire stock at 40". ot retail for next 10 days 3000 sq. ft. floor space, loo ft. front, all glass very attrac tive leas low rent 3-1 rra. Sea B. Diction. Die know Shopping Center South Salem or phon 33311 for aptmt. ed FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LOCKER BEEF W hi U face Hereford. 30e. Nothing down. 9 months to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co.. 1330 S. Zfttb. Ph. 3-54. RABBITS BABBIT FRYERS, buck ft does. Phone 4-3741. cbSOO- PETS GLOVER'S SIAMUSE kittens and cau. Beauty, gentleneas, tntrllltenr, devo tion. Priced TUht. S-0I3I e JIB- CHAMPION BRED Boxer puppies. Moorcs Tropical Pish Equipment. parakeeU. Pets. Macleay Road. 4-1773. Closed Wednesdara. eeJIO CANARIES. FINE (HRHTMA gift. Small deposit, Phone 1344, 1340 Che mekota. ec9 LAHKAi'UK Keiri'.er pupb. n ry.. hi- l.latratrt VrVtnl I In.s Tnur pnolca. Merrltt Truax, 178 Park Avenue. c303M PARAKFETS. CHOK E. Xmas selection. DrpoMt will hold. Op.'D Christmas Day. Cane, toys, supplies. Bird Paradise, r"u?.' nH.iKi.Ms, lovBDie companions ior, shut-Ins. Reaaonabla. 3110 Livingston. Z 1042 TCJUJ T rARSKEET. 1910 WaS M. I- i Kitten, gjp pnone j-ri ecjwr- 1 FUEL ANDERSON'S SLAB WOOD, 2 cords; 4.4 jj.v eio7 1" SLABWOOD, 818 00 per load Saw dust. 112 TQ per load Delivered In Sil verton area on.. , Will T Sil Lumber Co. SILVERTON, OREGON PHONE 1-0201 SPECIALS! Oak. Ash. Maple Wood. Orrenflaba We hav block ft planer ends WEST SALEM FUEL PH. 1-4021 eelOO DRY OLD growth wood, any Untth. Ph Tn a. 1 em "- " - eini WANTED FURNITURE LZimJatimltlmt 1 LABCB, MODIBN. ana aadrooas. Auto- 71 J.ir .AU ii A 1, natle bat walar baaL IM. Uolurnlsh . Tills. : TA -."""I 1 rIBlM Btbi-ifja ' 111.. Ia.pt.vj h ion Aaa AlTu. sboSbWabibbwS trie beat. Bualtna. No pets. I-74M j WILL FILL ORDERS for Ufa Call aa I JmlOO I 1-4401. mitt JOE PAL00KA . . By Ham Fisher Sd;JyiT-l.f' fn gl'ie, Wi ""-t IT MUST BE TEKRiBLV X BUT THAT ISN'T "V I AT MOW ABOUT WS T K AU.V, AIRS, WATKrS... 'Lss.i -ocM JUST Flr...I TALMO LONESOME HIM BCHAp J SO, AIRS. WAT-UMS." EAl.S...MOrV 00 YOU Mf'S M EXCEatNT HANOS SSSi 'IS't X TO MIM CAST NKiMT. ArVAV Lift THAT. A HE S OMLV Ken RKOrV MS S EATIMO ANO HE HAS THI BEST oIr. b-. ,- AklOVOUWOT TrfV AHK1 TMRf f rVt IHS 6000 COOWWO..ANO 1 JUOOtfEKT Of AAfVOUE fulilj? iTnC- f A-V" Jl ALLOWED TO BE jJ ANO I CHOOSE 10 NOT THAT ITS VE EVER KNOWN . mH AUCTIONS FurnlturA Auction tonltt at T o'clock at LANK 8UD TELL'S AUCTION 8AIXS YARD, located 1 milt tast of Salem oa Silverton road. Ph. 1-6088. Livestock Auction TIOUKA , DSC. ITTB. IS A ll uik laraltaro, aasotabloa, apslaa. "Tp. m. livestock CktaaoA robblto. oolroa A Tool, aooar M loodac plao. kalian. ailU kaar oovo, bulla, ataam. akaap soou. Coaial A sooA atlo o kuf or MIL Sudtell's AUCTION SALTS YD. Mil aurartoa B4. - Pa- I ""' FOR SALE POULTRY WE ARE batching Row Mampantr OoM- a Broad and Arbor Acres Whits Roc, ovetr week. Spocial piice la tear around frrsr grswera. Fob's EUtabsTT, sue Stau St. Fhans l-4. i FRYERS SI M Uv. Call MF13. asrmena haw. PRODUCE BED DEUCIOL'S aptOa fsr gala. Pboa 3-414. Delieerod la seiem in' FOB SALE: Oood eaU Bad vetch hay, never rained on. I ml H. W. of Kla er 130 per ton. Will deliver. Cell 1 DM. or eve I J744. fftoo SPECIAL DATE .run available In bulk. Valley Farm Store. Ph. 44434. Lances-ter-Si!vertoa cross roads. ff!4 HELP WANTED MEN OR WOMEN St to 4S. Permanent job. Largs earn ins. S41 N. Hlih St. 0 00 am -11:30 am. 30I HELP WANTED FEMALE BXPEBIENCBD port-tlno waltraaa. Aa. plr la parooa. rlortb-a. ins Caotor. lbS EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WE NEED Qualified ty. Jts. itenoa, bkkprs bkkpe. macb. oprs., sects. . etc. t rettater now for positions opening up from Jan. 1st. Don't wait till after the holidays, com In today. Be at the head of the Un for lb bast Jobs as trier break. COMMERCIAL FLACBafENT AOENCY 404 Stat St. (Or si on Bids.) 4-33S1 WANTED POSITIONS EXPEET TREE service. Treu topped, trimmed, removed. Hftdge trimmed, yard cleaned, trash hauled. Pre esti mates. J-1484. b-l- RELIABLE BABY 8ITTER- or nlihu. Phon 3-0044. -Will go days B30i' LIGHT CRAWLER, doling, dirt level- Ing. gradlni. Phon 3-1330. hill GENERAL SEWING and button holes. Phone 3-1600. hill PAPER BANGING. By the hour. Phone 3-3137. h3 EXPERIENCED BABY titter. My home or yours. Phon 3-8333. h303" CARPENTER Repair, remodel cabinets and tar a tea. Small job welcome. Phon 4-4340. h30S PAINTING. PAPERHANGING, day contract. Small Job welcome. Phon 1-703. PAPERHANGING. painting. Pre aatl mates. Don Lucero. Ph. 3-1523. hi MIMEOGRAPHING st typing. Quality work. Reasonable rates. Mrs. Foe, 464 N. lltb. Pnon 33443. CARPENTER WORK new or Tt modeling- CftbkneU and s ara tee. Phone 4-21 1)301' FINISH LADY will do Ironing at home. im Fairground Rd. Deslr steady customers. hltU RELIABLE MAN wants fry cook job. Box 301. Capital Journal. h300 HOUSEWORK ft chUd car desperauly needed by mother with S email girls. Go home evenings. Writ Eva Brown. General Delivery, Salem, Oregon. hSOJ CHILD CARE In my home. West Salem. recced yard. References. Phone 3-430. h!03 HIGH SCHOOL tlrl would Ilk to btby set for you. 4-3046. hSOl CARPENTER repairing ft building of any kind. Phone 30401. hsio RETIRED GENTLEMAN needs light work. Small wates. Excellent references. Write Box 10. Capital Journal. hlOl FOR RENT LARGE warehouse apace for rent or lease. Cement floors, brick building. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Pur niture Co Phone 3-0105. 1' WANTED TO RENT FOR t MONTHS Small furnished houa In Leslie school d (strict, best care ....4 DhflA, J BRIT lalA I - i l.REDRtHIW nOHSe. IV. flrsrfi. - un tart Mr. Walker at Capital Drug (NOT BY TELEPRONK, PLZASBi, or 20 MrCov '-10 j ROOM & BOARD ' board AND ROOM for your aged or dle- lbtf.d dependents. Phone mornings. j.oot. )) CQR RENT ROOMS TELEVISION. PLEASANT, furnished sleeoinr room: gllcnen prtTtieges board nearby. Reasonable. Men. Phon 3-7420. iklOl' Nirt , M ri0UjerieepiM roqai rrilir.h ,.103 fQR RENT HOUSES ONE RED ROOM unfurnished cottage Attached garag. 184 month- Phone 4-W37. jm4- I MODt'RN COURTS. One and 3 bedrooms, l Before Jan 1. Stove A refrigerator furnished. Near Salem General Hospi tal. Phone 30440 Jm300 FeNT HOUSE" Three ' room furnished. Priced rltht for newirwed or If tee glrU. Garage avalUbl. 10M Eds e wa ter. Wett Sslem. Jm20l 7 ROOM house. SOO N. 17th. Inquire 1494 N. Sih. References imaoo 4ROOM modern house, alectrU rang, water beaur. 430. Inquire 1810 Wood row. JmlOl UNFURNISHED dUplfg, automatic neat. Garag. Easement. 124 Court St. Phone 1-1134. imSOO' WELL RUILT one room house. Partly furnished. Close la. Four Corner. Ideal lor sinile person. Phone l-130l.lm3O0' pBEDROOM home, garage, north. Phone 4-1410. Inquire 1810 Portland Rd. JSUPl FOR RENT HOUSES ONE BEDROOM hem partly furnished tM month. Phone x-azss, 1-STTft. jsutt" S BOOM. furaiaW. madarm. claaa da- a.eju oar as a. ssa. AuiA. raaa -pm Jm3M OVU BIO BOOH faralahatl sottag. Rea sonable. Soeas uttuuaa. iMBlrs M4 PerUavnd Ka. rtBM3 WERT SALEM, eery neat, nfarnUhed. la bodroom bus Bad taraia. Wired tor raos and'walst wr. Lart lot 40. Pboae . Jm303' MODERN. CLEAN. fr&iahad one mt tawga. Adult. UI3S Ruga. I'tttl. ONE BED ROOK, slactrls beat, a ara a. la amau court. uaJkiraienoa. git so. 33ad. J-OSlt. Jm303 MALL BOUSE oa bu Un. Very clean. t4t Pstrrlev At. Phona 1-TM3. JmlOl WEEKLY OR monthly ranul. Nod-A-Way MeUl. S3H rarUaad R4. S-M14. Jm303 WORK DOWNTOWNJ Save bus far. SV blaa. from court house Ss paper mlU. Pi replace, ail alrculstar, carpeted dt curtained. Clasn. t rooms. Adulia. Oa ras. 441 S. High. Ph. eve. 1'44. S BEDROOM duplex funiUhad. O vrag. Newly decorated. 37 Le St. imaov TBREE-ROOM DUPLEX. Stove, waUr. gar as fwniebed. SH. SIH Center st. jmios PTRNIfRRO TWO bodroom boas. Oil furnace. South. Newly redecorated. Phono 3-17M after S OS p.m. JmlOl CLEAN OLDER I bedroom ho us, unfur- auhed except oU circulator, dining room, clots In. 10. CaU S-1144. JmSOO BEDROOM unfurnished house. 1440 Park Avenue. 14. Fbon 4-1714. )mW THREE-BEDROOM house. Clean, large living room, fireplace, rill oasement. aawduot barner, near High School and Parrlah. 040 Oarnet St. 3-4731. Jm301 FOUR CORNERS DUtrlct. 3 -bedroom house, lea. 414 Munkcra S4, pnon l-oag. jmaui- TR REE-ROOM modern furnished coitus. Also, a two-room, rnone s-eei. rmw rVENISHED t-ROOM. duplex. ISO. Phona 3-7311. m304 BUSINESS RENTALS WAREHOUSE SPACE New building with lane ear king area, with or wiuout oi flee facilities. Rail aiding. Drive-in and truck dock. Fork lift truek and pel lets. Capital City Transfer Company. Phon 3-331. jo303 FOR RENT APARTMENTS COI'BT APARTMENTS. Utilities furn ished 3ft end 88ft. Trailer bouse for rent ar sale. 3318 Portland Rd. JplOl" UNFURNISHED DUPLEX apartment, newly decorated. 3 rooms and bath. No children. T13 MM SL Phons 33311 for appointment. JP300 NEWLY DECORATED two-room furnish -d court apartment 1044 Madison St. 4-4734. JP300 APARTMENT IN WEST Salem. Children welcome Phon 3-1411. 1111 Ith ml. JPSXI VERY NICE Two bedroom furnished and unfurnished apartment. Water, range, refrigiiator furnished. SOS and 170 month. Phon 3-1848. jplOO' THE BEIT THRFE-ROOM offer in town. Clean, modern, ciot to oueiness me tric!. Partly furnished. 104S Edee wa ter. Wtt Salem. Jp300 BEAUTIFULLY furnished cosy 1 bed room duplex. Large rooms. Close to bus. west Sftiem. gas. mi case wa Ur. Phono l-ftiot evenings Siooso NICE 1 BEDROOM apartment. Located near shopping center, state offices and schools. Rent im per monin. AL IS AAK ex CO.. REALTORS Phon 4-1311 JPSM1 CLEAN, NICELY furnished. S room apartment. Btov. re truer a tor, wash ing faclUtlM. South. 1-4307. )f29' S ROOMS furnished. Utilities paid. 131 1173 N. 4th St. Phon 4-3800. p0 FURNISHED COURT apartment. 3 rooms at carat. Close in on norm commer cial. 468. Phon a-oi nr i-bb. jp BEVERAL furiiiehed apartments, good location. InquUe n b ami rurnisure Phon 1-11B IP THREE ROOMS, bath, main floor. Two larte rooms, newly remooeiM. eecorai- d. prlvau bath, oil beat- small cot tage, oil heat, comiy. iaunary iacu- Itles for all. All furnished. Clean, close- in. 412 S. High. JP30I- FIVE ROOM unfurnished apartment. ISO. Utilities paid. Oarage. Phone 3-n JplM" CLEAN furnished bpartmsnL Clos in. Phon 3-7140. JPJU3' ONE BEDROOM apartment. 3 block from Cd tol Bui ding. 140. uniur- nubed. Call Pioneer Trust C. 1-3111. JP3B3 TWO, 3-room furnished, private bath. ia n. Lioerir. a-gssi aiicr a p.m. JP303 CLOSE IN. pleasant S rooms, garage available. Reasonable. Phon 3-700. JP3031 FURNISHED APARTMENT. On or two adults. 40. 040 Leslie St. 1HW FURNISHED APARTMENT. 488 ft 140 utilities included, lneuir iim n. tap- ttal St. Hollywood Motel. JP303J t ROOM furnished basement apartment with IMhU, water, heat ft bam. sin N Liberty. JP304 LEE APTS. Balam'a Moat DUUmaUn.d Addrrao Tborouahlr modtrn. tdaallp loaatod, for tho.a dr.trlnf btt,r llvlna. Ona- bKlroom units Irom III 00: bachelor unit. a.t lo as 119.10. Inspectloo In riud. Ill ll. WlDtrr. Iplll I APARTMENT. CLEAN, close rn. gdulU. ' 785 N. C.".niiil.. Phone 2-0M)i. Jp30l JfllREE.ARGE furnished rooms, bath i AU utilities furnished. I. 2110 Lan- or, sina Arnu. mwii j. bed ROOM APARTMENT, and 1 bed room court. Phon 1-3011. JP304 REMODELED TWO-ROOM, furnished. private bath. 119 S. lUv Phon 2-0230. I JpiN ' LOST & FOUND LOST: LIGHT golden Retriever Sunday i in West Salem. Female, with chain collar. 31811. LOST, LADY'S GOLD Omega wrUt watch, black band. Downtown Satur dsv Reward. Phone 3-7I0B. klOO MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRTVR MOVE YOURSELF SAVE CAR RENTALS - STAKES - VANS TEXACO STATION 111 COURT ST. PHONE 1-1911 PAOE STEVEN BOK and AL MEPORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASER DR. HARRY 8EMLKR. DENTIST Adolph Bvdg., Stau ft Commercial Sis. SALEM PH. 1-3311 ma SALEM SAND ft ORAVEL COMPANY Coatraet Work Hoed Clearing Dltehe Swtr aad Eutmtnt Equipment Reatal Ditching by th Foot Phone Day 2-0400 vat S-4411 tf S-1I1I Salem. Oregon UILDING MATERIALS SALE I Garag dean sample with bad bti Ot Over need tar. ttoora. bat. .... IS-tS 4xS waterproof wallbtL LIS Neil, 8 74, S keg at gvSS Mew Btcturs window SI u Raw weather aUipead VtaSawa 14.3 Mew Soar. aO SO ... MS lot Bead doors sb frame Papain ted cedar eaeaee . '. SOB Paiated shakes IU aadBTCBargt IS. Asgestaa aiding, per ea SO Fibers lea roll blanks. tsaaUttaoa, - Hew snaks asuMiw Its Cedar fence post .. Oiaap Sot bbL aeeti tanks a. 4" saet Iraa eetl aip 14a Hall roofiag. tans uiy .,. tU 4" aaUd erantefturg pip ... Sts 9 lab aompoaiUoa raafias ... S.0S Cedar ihiaglea, 4 grtde ...Cheap New toilets with teat a ft Mew bath tubs eomptete Sift Doabls fcltcb sink CUM III .. 41 M 4 sal. alec water htrs 1i.S Steel ahswsr cabinets asasMtt M Si-t 14-S Electric wiring SHs 13-f Rlectrts wiring SWa Laundry trbyg, pip, wash baslaa, Salt C. O. LOMO Ob SOKE Ph. 4-1011 1 bu. M. ef Keiaer ' KB MATERIALS GALORE!! oagh "it'i" here omwbr. Ply wood very where, leu ef load 4x1 a beets. Ping pong teble tspa Sxt f 0 a sheet. Sever! thousand pc. ply. Ml W low a le, 10c Elrcb tea. Besutlful HI hemlock o paaL knotty pin U4.M. shelving beards IJe (t. Sde SO W, D fig 040. aak fig in bested room. 4x1 mabe Fly 18 fL Windows ta your gptc'. tssulatlsa. weather stripping, and hundred si other items. Pre esttmsUs. SI at, t pay, SB down payment. See "Tom Building Supply Friends" Portland Road Lumber Yard 383 PORTLAND HO. FH- 4-4UI ma ROOFING. INSULATION, VBtlBR Blinds. Call Western Ante Supply Co.. for frs cstlmau. 1-1 171. na BHIODXUrlO aa IUPROTBMZKJ1 LOANA Jl UONTHA TO PAT NO DOWN PATUKNT IS1.MAT1NO AtRVlCS ADO AH tXTRA aiORU.. OARAOI. CtA. ALL OKTAllot HAnolAu AT OUR OPPICI DICK UETKB LOaUBTI CO. 1711 Lana Ara. Pb. I 111 RO PARKINQ PROBLRbJ aSSlo NEW LUMBER DELIVERED PRICES SHIPLAP 131 BBS MS S B 4 a Ill and 440 CEDAR SHINGLES. ALL ORADBt Ted Muller Lor. Ph. Salem MIM mslev NURSERY STOCK AFRICAN VIOLETS, many TBiiatUs t bloom. 78c up. Rooted leavss. Br ger'g Oreenhouse, 3101 Third St Stay ton. Phon Stit. m3 roINSETTIAS Sl-tA, cut holly TSs pound. holly wreathi 13.21. Middle Grov Nur sery. 4930 SUverton Rd. Phono 4-4433. Brb: FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CLOSING OUT Used Davenports 100, 10.00, 30.00. Mutt make room a4 ence. Olen Woodry, 1001 M. Summer. B300" DEEPFREEZE HOME freexer. Tetter Appliance Co, IIS Chemeketa su Phon 3-4111. n WHEELBARROW S OS. O. Woodry. n300 JO. 00 ALLOWED for your eld water heater. Regardless ef condition or make, on a new Westlntbouse auto mat tlectrte water heaur, with a 10 year guaranut. Yeatcr Appliance Co.. 171 Chemeketa St. Phona 1-4311. n USED APPLIANCES. BctUr Burs at Glem Woodry'a. 1008 N. Summer. Terma. Trades. Free Delivery. n 30 GOOD USED washers, 111.01 ft) bp. TsW r Appliance Co., 170 Chemeketa St. Phon 1-4111. a 100 PICTURES. Olen Woodry. n20t hospital BED for gala or rent. B. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phon s-oiis. b NEW txll Lino Rug. 4.. 1000 N. Summer. GOOD USED refrigerator a, 140.00 ft UP Yeater Appliance Co., 17ft Cbsmekta St. Phon 1-41H a ANTIQUE GUN 10.00. O. Woodry. 2g USED ELECTRIC Rant at. 11191 up. Yeater Appliance Co., Ill Chgmekeia St. Phon 3-4311. 1 OIL STOVES I 00. Woodry. nm PLAHTIC-KOTE require na waxing for your floors or linoleum. Yeaur Ap pliance Co., 17 Chemeketa St. Phone 1-431 1. b ELECTRIC DRILL 12.00. Woodry. n3tl BR ASS-TRIMMED fireplace screens, all sites. Marked dowa sale PTle. U H t 14 it. Montgomery Ward Co., Ap pliance Dept.. Phon 1-3101. BlOO rpcTcnROME DlnetU Set 20 OS. WoodX ry, 1008 N. Summer. a200 CLOTHESLINE POSTS, iron lets for tablet, furniture, railings. 1140 M. Llb erty. n20S IX It AXMIN1STER Rug. slight.? used, 45.00. olen Woodry, 1004 X. Summer. nito HAND- P A IN TED organdy sprons. 1 9t each. Martha Wuaon. P.O. Box 44, Phoenix, Oregon. nt WONDERFUL SALE, new Bedroom and Living Room SeU, lowest prlcea-E.Z. Termt. Olen Woodry, 1004 N. Summer. B301 SPECIAL FACTOBT prlc on quality Dayton sump pumps 17 00. Now la the t im to protect your valuables atatnat flooded bate men ta. STETTLER SUPPLY CO. 1110 Lena Ave. Phon 30011 n2tt "J" P,IM1P on ' 38 00. Glen Woodry. 1004 N. Bummer. n00 A CHILDCRAFT Chrlttmas for homes with amau children. Some used sets. Reasonable. Phone 1-1130 befon )0 end afier I. Mia. Nettle ton. a9 DRSKS-DES K 8 -LawtrTPrlcee, Olen Wood ry'a. 1004 N. Summer. nioo Reduced S3 Per Day Until Sold START1NO PRICt DEC. 11 T One Us J Office Desk With Glass Top DECEMBER 17, $60.00 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Phono 3-1111 Pront A) Coort At. "wb orvi au orun arAkipa' tt lamps i.ii. oiaa wooarr. lool N. aimnar. ASHo KTW LAMP Tab laa III. Olana Voodrr, Bsaio.r, aim Journal Want Ads Pay! Journal Want Ads Pay