Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 16, 1953, Page 20, Image 20

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    Wednesday. December 16. 1953
Tele -Views
fQ j Kdio-Television
eu.rly"' "Barnyard FU1- .tm Juno
- 2 WT.Eurd Charles of Clncinnatt vs. Colty WiUu
of New York In 10-round heavreiht bout lrom San rranclsco.
Charles flu M wlni out of M appearances with o2 SOi W allocs
has It uu out ot 21 appearances with u ICO.
pjn, Arthur Godfrey and Frknda Helen Hayea. rueat. Show
features Janett Davis. Frank Parker. Marlon Marlow. Lu Ann Slmmi
and Halelok with the Mannera and Tony Marvin.
U am. Wrestling lm Hollywood Semt-msln: Bool to Gardinl
va. WLody WlncheU. Main: Denis Clary and Jerry Woods . Chleo
Garcia and John Cretoria (ta( team).
11 a-as.. Kh.wUm. 81a -Topper Returns" stars Roland Young,
Joan Blondell. Dennis OHeete and Rochester.
What's Coaklnf? is :Je Barbara pre pares named chip beet
and Green Goddess salad.
Matinee Theatre, I p.m"Ladlef In Distress" stara Alison fikin
worth, Polly Moran, and Robert Livingston.
Piana and Farter, i:SO Sid Porter at the olino.
Life b Worth Urtni, 7 t m Features Bishop Sheen In popular
Coke Tune, Oiitle MacKenzle la the (ueat ot Eddie
Jn' Joan lends her sister a valuable aei ot
golf clubs be longing to her husband, and a sad fata befalls the woods
and Irons. Joan attempts to rectify the situation.
My Utile Margie, l:sOp.m-Vern tela a friend to pose as Margie
and ahlps the real Margie oft to a college reunion ao she wont meet
a certain client.
Kraft Theatre, ajn The Rose Garden stars Enid Marker
with Mary James and Fred Stewart. Story of a frustrated motion
picture actress attempting to recover the glory she once had.
Nile Owl Theatre, 11:15 pjtk "Deadly Game" stars Charles Fsr
rell and Juna Lang.
What's CeokinrT 19:30 Barbara prepares a French hamburger
and some gingerbread boys.
. -Matinee Theatre, 1 pjn "Hoosler Schoolmaster" stars Norman
rwurr ana vnariotte nenry.
Hunting Fishing News, Rudy Lachenmeler reporting.
Groneho Marx, t D.m. Grouehn emcees mtnedv mils.
- Chevron Theatre, I: JO "Real Danger" A .wirse arrives at a
Philippine Island hospital and is met by romance, suspicion and
peril. An exciting trek through the avsmps leads to a dramatic
Draroef, t tun. Jack Webb
Fori Theatre, 1:9 pjrWGun Job" stars Phil Carey and EUen
Drew In a western storv of a cattleman flffhUnv fnr tiMtw
Arthur Murray Danes Party, 10:30 Local live show from the
studios m iui y .
Nits Owl Theatre, 11:15 "Cheers of the Crowd' stars Russell
aopton, irene ware.
. . e
1:15 pjn., Armchair Theatre 'Hie Magnlficient Rogue" stars
Lynne Robert and Warren Douglas.
.7jLpJn" Ptac" th Fa-Jk Bailey. subsUtutlng for Jack
Smith who is on tour.
g p.m. Meet Mr. MeNutley Stars Ray Mills nd with Phyllis
Avery. Housecleanlng chores land Ray in trouble and plenty of embarrassment.
P-m, Four Star Playhouse "A Man ot the World" stars
David Niven In a comedy about a businessman who feels his wife
7 much ,or granted. Imaging himself as a man of the
m K"" w a vcBb wuru nn meets a oeautuui girl on a train,
Co-stars Barbara Lawrence.
p.m.. video Theatre "Bouquet for Millie stara Marge and
Oower Champion In a dramatic musical, a tale about a rain
:M pm. Big Town Steve attempts to save the life ot an ex
circus clown.
10 pjm. The PUyhoase "Serenade to Manhattan A wealthy,
dispirited woman writes a letter to a lonely hearts column that leads
to a romantic correspondence with a most unlikely match. Stars
Miriam Hopkins and Donald Cook.
Mil pm.. Showtime en Six "There Goes My Heart" stars
xiwci,m mmui, vjiBJuim cruce ana eiawara Everett nor ton.
On Television
KPTV (27) - KOIN-TV (6)
Sola - Service lntrol!ation
Open frssB ( ajn. ta am.
Ph. 1-1611 lit S. Caul.
Salem's first Television Store
S:0S la. KPTV Hemae tht aims
KOIN Itr. Weathermen
I: it p m. KPTV Nimu ;nt sera.
KOIN Pooto Quls
P BL. EPTV Sxl Porter
Fore Dous Edwards
1:41 p m. KPTV NW Dlfut
KOIN This U Tour IfUllS
T:00 p.m. KPTV Blihop atuaa
7:16 p Bl. KPTV Coka TUaa
KOIN Plihta
:tt p.m. kptv Newe Csrsvsa
KOIN Plihta
1:00 p m. KPTV I Married Joan
KOIN Arthur Godfrey
IS P.M. KPTV 1ST Lltlla Maril.
roiM Arthur Oodlrer
I H l a. KPTV Krart Tbaatar
KOIN strlka It Rich
: p.m. rPTV Kraft Tbaatar
KOIN I'aa Oot a Sacral
1I:H ra KPTV ThU la Tour Ufa
KOIH HoUrwooS Wrastuas
10:10 IB. KPTV Carakada
KOIK WraaUlna
11:00 m- KPTV 11th Hour Km
KOIN Showttma oa Sis
11:10 p ra. KPTV Nlta Owl Tbaatar
10:00 ta KPTV Dins Dost School
10:S0 a.m. KPTV What's cooklnsf
11:00 la. KPTV Hawkins Falls .
11:10 a.B. KPTV Tha Bannatu
11:00 la KPTV Prlaa4 at Pamltr
11 :00 noon KPTV Brlda and Orooa
KOIN Bis Papon
11:00 P.m. KPTV THA
KOIN Bob Croabr
KOIN Lore of Ufa
1:10 S.m. KPTV Matrnaa
koin search Tomorrow
1.10 p.m. KPTV Matrnaa
KOIN ouldtna Llabt
l:M p.aL KPTV Maun ta
KOIN Valiant LadT
t:N PH. KPTV alatlnea
KOIN Doubla or Mothlnr
t:10 a.m. KPTV On Tour Account
KOiw eirlka it Rica
I H p.m. KPTV Kato Smith
KOIN oarrr Moore
1:10 p.m. KPTV Kato Smith
KOIN Armchair Tbaatar
0:00 la. KPTV Welcome Travelers
KOFN Armchair Tbaatar
0:00 p.m. KPTV Tha Tonnakar
rolN Annehalr Tbaatar
4:40 p.m. TPTV The Tonnakar
KOIN Mr. Moon
1:00 P.m. KPTV Howdr Doodp
KOIMsaddle Pala
p.m. KPTV Bar TT Corral
KOIN Kit Caraon
we give iwr
lit S. Coml Ph. 1-4H1
Open Fridays til P.M.
t) Solas Service
1880 State St. Ph.3-7577
0 0 am.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:10 a.m.
II JO a m.
11.00 noon
ll.M p.m.
1:00 p m.
I:1S p.m.
1:10 p.m.
l:U p.m.
1 It p m.
1:10 p.m.
1:00 l a
1:10 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
KPTV Ktddlo Cwrnar
KPTV Dins Dons Boll
KPTV Where Cooklns
KPTV Hawkma Pala)
KPTV Tha Bannetie
KPTV Prlend of Pamlly
KPTV Brlda and Oroora
rolN-Bu Paroff
KOIN Bob Croabr
KPTV Matlaaa
KOIN Loeo of Ufa
KPTV Matlnaa
KOIN Search Tomorrow
KPTV Matlneo
KOIN Ouldlni litht
KPTV Matlnaa
KOIN Valiant Ladr
KPTV HoUrwood Raal
KPTV On Tour Account
KOIN strlka It Rich
KPTV Kata Smith
KPTV Kata mlth
KOIN Armchair Shaw
KPTV Welcome Traralars
Does TV Hurl Your
tin Falrcroands Rd.
Valley TV Center
Sain - Senrlce - IniUlUtion
Open Till t p.m. Daily
Sunday from 1 to C p.m.
4.M p.m. KPTV To77StKtr
KOIM Armehftir Ihov
4.11 p.m. KPTV Tomsk tr
KOIW Ur. Moon
10 p.m. KPTV Hetrdy D6
kod amdn Ptu.
tM p.m. KPTV Bar tl Corrtl
KOIN )p lUMtl
I M ra. rTTVoorma-t
KOIN Wr. wuwna4a
I: It p.m. KPTV Ttltiwvt
Technician a Dalv
TUI :1 fJn. Dally
141IS. Uth Ph. 4551t
Dallas New officers were elected by the Dallas Junior
Chamber ot Commerce in the Chamber of Commerce
rooms Tuesday night. Photo shows Willis Hart, right, re
tiring president, handing his brief case to Frank Sciaccotti,
president Others, from left, are Ed Luthe, Jr., secretary;
Matthew Williams, treasurer; Tom Newton, second vice
president; and George Thompson, first vice president.
Raver for Rocky Beach
Dam on Columbia River
Walla Walla VP) A recent
proposal for construction of
Rocky Beach Dam on the Co
lumbia River by the Chelan
County Public Utility District
may not be 'he final answer
to the "partnership" concept of
river development, but it is
worth serious consideration as
a workable formula, the retir
ing Bonneville power adminis
trator said here Tuesday night
Dr. Paul J. Raver, who is
slated to leave the Bonneville
Power Administration after the
first of the year to become head
of Seattle's municinally owned
City Light system, told a Wal
la Walla County Farm Bureau
meeting the plan "seems feas
ible so long as the project un
der consideration is part of the
comprehensive plan for basin
'It is imperat ve that the
partnership idea should not be
used as a tool for dismember
ing the comprehensive plan, as
some people apparently would
like to do, he said.
"We must remember that
the region will face tremen
dous ecomonle loss if its power
is develope' on an isolated
plant basis rather than as an
integrated system. Hungry
Horse Dam in Montana, for in
stance, woulc'. have produced
only 90,000 kilowatta of firm
power If built and operated as
mn isolated plant as against
810,000 kilowatts which it will
contribute as part of the reg
ional grid.
"The partners in the part
nership . . . must maintain the
integrity of the comprehensive
plan or the people will rebel
when they learn their resource
is wasted.
0:10 P.m. KPTV Bun tins sod Plahrns
KOIN Dous Sdwarda Newa
1:41 p.m. KPTV Northweet Dlieal
KOIN oporto acbolar
1:M p.m. PPTV Pootball HUltas
rom Cisco Kid
T:10 p.m. KPTV Dinah shore
KOIN Place tha Pace
t:tl p.m. KPTV News, Boom
KOIN Place tha Paos
0:00 p.m. KPTV Orouebo Marx
KOIN Meal Mr. McNultp
0:00 p.m. KPTV Chevron Theater
KOIN Pour Star Plarhouao
0:00 p.m. KPTV Dragnet
KOIN Video Plarhouao
0:10 a.m. KPTV pord Theater
KOIN Bis Town
10:00 P.m. KPTV Martin Kana
KOIN Tha Plarhouao
10:11 P.m. KPTV Arthur Murrap
KOIN Showtime on SIS .
11:00 pm. KPTV Newa, sports
KOIN Showtime oa SIS
11:10 p.m. KPTV Weather Vane
11:11 p.m. KPTV Nlta Owl Tbaatar
Thor Lodge Plans
For Christmas Parly
Thor lodge. Sons of Norway,
will convert its regular Decem
ber meeting into a Scandinavi
an Christmas celebration at the
Woman's club house. 460 North
Cottage street Saturday night,
beginningvst 8 o'clock.
The program, which will be
open to the public, will eon
sist of appropriate readings, vo
cal and instrumental music and
the traditional children's sing.
ing circle around the Christmas
tree. There will be Scandinavi
an refreshments.
Parents who bring children
are requested to bring an in
expensive gift marked for boy
or girl for each child as their
contribution to the children's
gift exchange pooL The pro
gram is being prepared by Mrs.
Elmer Amundson, assistant so
cial director. Mrs. E. F. Arneson
will have charge of the refreshments.
Thursday. December 11
ComDany D. 162nd lnfantnr
regiment, Oregon National Guard.
at saiem armory.
Battery O, 122nd. AAA .AW
battalion, at jouonsel huts on Lee
USAR school at USAR armory.
Organized ft aval iteserve sur
face division st Naval and Ma
rine Corps Reserve training cen
Burt Home
Recently returned from doty at
the Marine Air uorps station
Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, with the
Third Marine Air Wine and now
on 30 day leave is Master
Donald H. Burt, who is visiting
In Salem.
Burt, son of Keith O. Burt.
635 North High street, entered
the Marine Corps In September,
1942, and In August, la&o. when
the Salem Marine Cores Re
serve unit was called for active
duty was on the lnstructor-in-soector
stall here fo.' the unit.
Later he was the first sergeant
at the Portland Marine Corps
Kecruitins on ice. Lm termina
tion oi his leave the sergeant
reports to trie 1 loro Marine
Air station.
Resident Dies
At Bus Slop
A heart attack suffered
early Tuesday morning claim
ed the life of Marion K. Waten-
paugh, a lata resident of 3870
Liberty road.
Watenpaugh suffered the
attack while awaiting bus
with his mother, Kirs. A. E.
Watenpaugh, at Ewald Ave
nue and Liberty Road. He had
been in ill health for the past
few years.
A native of Oregon, being
born in Salem October 8,
1898, Watenpaugh, as a small
child left here with his parents
and lived In Oregon City. He
later lived In several Wash
ington communities and re
turned to Salem to make his
home six years ago,
Watenpaugh waa a member
ot the Tint Church of Cod In
Salem and of the Eagles
Lodge at Castle Rock, Wash.
Surviving besides his moth
er are three sisters, Mrs. Vel
ma Teeson of Salem, Mrs.
Margaret Tanner of Eugene
and Mrs. Alice Gruver of Chil
dress, Texas; four brothers,
Percy Watenpaugh of Omaha,
Neb., Wesley and Thomas Wat
enpaugh ot Long Beach, Calif.,
and John Watenpaugh of
Longview, Wash.
Announcement of funeral
services will be made later by
the Howell-Edwards chapel,
Mid Willamette Obituaries
More than 1,400 chaplains
are on duty In the army. They
represent the Roman Catholic,
Protestant and Jewish faiths.
Venter Appliance Co.
Open Nigh 'til 9, Thru Dtc. 23rd
375 Chtmtketo St. Phon 3-4311
Wot $469.95 NOW
Avromaric Dngnrnesi ionrroi
wot now
Woi $479.95 NOW
Stork M.rkrf
Mew York tAV-Th stock nirktt iorc4
Wlnedtr out of tht irreiu)rly lower
rut ta mtMh it tuvd 6hb ctuihl lor Uu
put two weeks.
The dTt.M was Tlsorow la voet te-1
Uoni of th lUt, but at the tint
there wero ttvtrtl fcreu of tuiatao.
OAlni m alfnllicuat intuncei went to
between 1 tnd 1 point. Acatttrotl Iomm
were fractional.
Volume expanded with a mih u Drieet
tom and ctmt to an tutlmatod two mil
lion etiarea, tut urn time mat mar
had been reached In two months. Tues
day's to tar was ooo shares.
Ftrtlanl Grain
Portland A Mo train bVds.
Wednesdays' car receipts; Wheat 1;
barley U Hour 1; oats 1; Ul Istd S.
Porllaod tiveetack
Portland UA Trading In cattlv was
ratner slow today wauo ma hoc
ket was attire,
cattle 450: market rather slow
tarty salts sttady; ftw utility-low tern-
tn.rHal ateers 11-17: somt new Clsner
tlteabl. lots commtrelal helftrt II-H
eutttr-utiuty nencra -i: cnuin-unii
tows 1-S M: ttuity cowa W-U.
calrts IB: market steady: ftw tood-
-hf.1. vealara 11-30: Individual prims
vealera lt-Jt; lnoiviauu prime T.jn
Tuesday 32-23. few tood slsutbUr calves
la.M-ls, some asm miner; cuus sown
to I or below.
Hnr. aoo: market active, stsady; choice
180-24 lb. butchers 2( J-J6.. eome held
hisheri choice lb. sows 11.M-
Sheep too: maritt siow; scaitarva
about steady: few tood-cbolct wooled
lambs 1S.M-1T.W; choice-prime to II M
or above; tood-cholct feeders ll.M-ll.M;
ulliuy-cbolct slammer ewes i.w-o.
Chleara Grain
(sm a int. Mil Aff tti en.
' tMana. almllar to that which featured
! Tuesday's session, upset sralni oa the
hnurA af trad. WBolneKlar.
i Soybeans went atom smoothly until
about the last halt hour, when they sud
denly dropped several cents as a little
! Increait In seUlns disclosed very limited
d.m.nd a tutor the market.
I Until then, tht reit of tht market had
I tains rsnclnc from fractions to about a
I cent. Mot buylni was based oa cold
weather, which should in create consump-
i lion Oi trains oy iivbsiqck on iirnu.
Wheat eloied to 4 hither. Dec.
3.02Tfc.V corn H lower to V hither, Dec.
'l.saVt, osts " lower to miner, iee.
I17S. rye -l lower, Dee. 1.23, soy
bean 1 to 1 cents lower, Jan. 1 00
, J. 00', and lard 29 to 43 cents a hundred
pounds hither. Dec. it 17.
Phlo.tTtl IJvMtOMtt
Chlcato OP) Hoti ttarttd out stTont
Wedneaday but before all tht offtrlnti
wtrt cleared up an early advance ot 21
cents In butchers hsd been lest. CatUt
and lambs wert mostly ttcady.
Most choice 110-220 pound boss sold
at 134 00 to U.w.
A few loadi of prima atttrt sold at
tl to t oa.
Good and cholct wooled lambs brousht
17 to Ill.bO.
Salable receipts rt titlmated at 11,
000 hots. 11,000 catUt, 400 calves and t,
000 sheep.
("bleat Onlona
i Br Dnlltd Press)
Auppllea moderate, demand llfbt, mar
ket aoout aicaoy.
Track tales 0 Ibt.: V. . I anlfM stat
ed: Idaho Spanish 3-Inch and lartcr
1.I0-1 05; Whltet 3-lnch and larter and
' mediums 3 31-2. 10: Midwest Tellow Olobei
medium .W-l.. lrretulars te-.U. 10
1 sacks J- 28: Red Olobet 131.
Ou Rflonf
Battsrfst Xtnvatin, suoiect to tat
udiatc obantt: Premium auallty, mail'
musk Ji of ou per cent acidity do-
avtrea in rortianA rs-iie u.i iirtt ousi-
Ity, as-tlc. second tusllty. 4-47, Taiity
routss and country posHta. I eonia less
Batttrw Wholesalt f.o.b. built tuhas to
wboiesals, trade AA. ffl aoora. wvfce:
A trade, n scon, MHei B. M score,
Mei C, W acoro. 2c Above vrkes
itnctty dots lost To retatltrt : AA trade
priata, T3e lb.; cartons lie; a prints, mi
cartons. 73ci B prints, ave.
ChtMto BtUlnt priot U Portland
wholesalers, Orston sins lss, il-tas.
Or, i on lb. loaf, 4IVHC.
Kiaa to WhaltMMrs-andltd tttti
containing bo loss, cases included f.o.b.
Portland: A trad lares. att-MKt!
trad medium, MH-Me; A trad small.
Sfri-ssvyc; si trao tart -wc.
Bttt (to prdMrt) Candled f.a.V
Portland: nntradtd Itrn, 4I-S0c ess.
trad AA lart. il-s3e doi.i A lsrt.
48-llt dos t AA medium, 4J-4JC1 A m
dlum. 44-47c doa.i small, 40o doa. To re
taUers: Oradt AA. lane. 03; A iartt. 01
; AA medium, 17-Mi A medium, M-l;
A small. 4J-M. Cartcos 1 wdu addl-
ie Prist to rttautra. Portland.
Ortton sins let, 46Vi-; I lbs. loaves.
1-Uttct triplets, lHe leas than tln-
lss. Premium brands, slntles, ft He
lb. for aim It whet la dOttc Proctsttd Am
erican chest. t-Uv loaves to rataU. UVb-
460 IB.
Liv cuebetas no. l anailty. I.o.b.
nlanta Prvera. roastsra. all welahts. 34c:
neavy nena. au waunia, sac; mnt
htnt AU welihts, ll-lsc. old roostsra,
14- n.
Drest4 Chlektu - Mo. I drtsssd to
rotation: Prvsra. brouera. 30-4U lb.
ro utsra. all wts 40-4lei llsht hens.
31-32C1 heavy hens, 37-llci cut-up fry
eri, all wts M-4to AU wbols drawns, st
oic ib.
Dnsssd Trkra-JTo ntalltrs: A trad
tviaeratsd bene, tv-ssc ib.t tvuaratad
toms. so-aw lo.i accordant to wutnts;
Hew York drtsisd toms 40-430 lb. Mew
York dressed hens. 4 to lb. To Broduc-
rs: Orad A young bans, 4so lb. s-o-b,
farm; A toms. 3Je Ib.
Babbits Ararat to trowtnt Llvt
whits. 3- lbs. -aie: t-S ibtW IS-30c
Ib.t old doss, 10-lSc, ftw hither. Prssh
dratasd frytra to n tails rs, M-tlet tut
Cmatry Dressed Meal
Veal Too quality. M-33 Bjj
hsavles. 30-3&C.
Hts Leans, blocktra. H-37 lb.i tors
iisnt, w-jze.
Umba Bast. 1415 ft t yearllnit so
las ID.
a Bast. 11-14 tull-utlUty.
Bo)f utility aowa. io-34o lb ! cannar
cutters, 17-lle; thells down to llo
rrseh a Mats
Wbolasalsra to rstaUsra Douan pot
Beer steers, cnoict. 100-700 mi., in-
41; tood. 431-31 ; commtrelaL 130-31
utility, liS-ll; commercial cowa, 134-27;
utintr 131-it: cannrr-cutitrs. iw-ii
Bttt Celt Choice steers bind (mart
in, 141-13; rounda. 441 -41; full loins.
trimmed, rriv-to: trlantles. Ill-lit for-
quarttrs, I31-t chucks, $31-41; ribs,
03 -Bl.
rrk cats Loins, enoiee. t-is ma.
147. M-M; shoulders, 10 lbs. .131-40; spare,
ribs, B-4, lrcah hams, 10-14 lbs It!
Test sat Calv tTood-cholea. au
welthti. U0-4O; commtrelala. 136-14
fes Choies-prlms, lll-; tood
Ban gmoteoa. an weitnts, asi-op.
miked Ham Cholc 13-11 lbs., 3
Portland Mlsstllaaeras
Oalms 60 lb. sacks.. Wash., ytllow
medium, $1-1.10. lane, $1.10-1.31: Idaho
yellows, med., $1-1. ; lane 11.34-1 M.
White, I2-2.M.
Ptata Ort. local Lone Whites $3 M
: Red Ross 1 25-M: Deichutet Rus-
sett No. 1. 2.40-00: sis A, 2 7S-I.00: 2ft
lb. h-w: 11 ib. mesh. 40-45; paper,
30-11: windows is-n: no. X, 1
10-03; Wash. Rusaeu, No. 1-A, 2 3S-M.
few 1.70: Idaho, 1.40-M; 10 Ib. paper.
31-40: vent, 41-43: N. Dskota Pootlacs,
No. 1-A, 00 lba , 3 U-fiO.
Hsy-U. 6. No. I tresn alfalfa,
llvtred car lots f ab Portland and
attle. 20-10
wl oreas basis, Willamette Val
ley medium. 01-13 Ib.! lailern Ortton
flnt and half-blood. W-Mc: wuiamttt
Valley lamb wool. 43c t 13-mootb wooL
M.bair 0l-t7o lb. en 13-month grow-
tb, f.o.b. country ship pint points.
Idoj producers parlnt prlca t.a.b
Portland calf skins. lft-17t lb., accord'
Int to tondttton; treen kit. Il-Ic
trees cow bidet, 0-7t lb4 accord Int
to weltnt and nullity; bull hides, l-4c
lb.; glue hides. M per cent below prtoaa
for soovs classes
Ptlberts Wbolesal aelllng prle t b
Ortton plants No 1 Jumbo Barcelona
lc: lan 17W lb.: medium Sftttt
to growers f.o.b. plant, lie lb. for Barce
lona. DwChlllys hsll esrit Mas.
Wslnat Producer paylat prices, t a b.
plant: lent praoquetua, ll-lte lb.; Way.
ettea. Its lb.i sd;ioie. 11-14 lb Whole.
sale atlllng pries first sjusllty lent
prtneuettta. ll-lit ib.t llsht htlvaa.
it-sit lb. 1 sh.litd ligbft ambsr halves.
TV-IS i.
So Ism
Xllt FatrfTonndi Woodbum
Pk. tltlS 111 Grant St
John J. Keudell
SUrton John J. Keudell,
West StayUm farmer, died at
Santlam Memorial hospital in
Stayton Monday lollowinf a
three-week Illness.
Be was born in San Jose,
Calif., December S, 1887. He
was married to Mary Francis
BrauUsch In Ft Wayne, Ind.,
In 1807. She died ra Portland.
Ore, In 1822.
In 1827 be was married to
Edna Mae Wooalr? who sur
vives him, with 12 children:
Robert. Salem; Jack, St Hel
ens; Harvey, Stayton; Ken
neth, Wendell, FriU and Rich
ard Keudell, at home; daugh
ters: Mrs. A. C. White, Cbico,
Calif.; Mrs. M. L. Jones, Sa
lem; Mrs. Carl Johnson, Stay
ton; Pvt Lenort: Keudell, Ft
Ssm Houston, Texas, and Myr
tle at home. -
He a also survived by two
brothers, Robert Kendell ot
New York and Cart Kendell of
Los Anfeles; eight grandchild
dren and four grest-grsndchil
He has engaged In' farming
around Salem since 182S and
has been at West Stayton since
1941. He had been active in
the business affair! of the
Stayton Cooperative Cannery
and was a team leader In the
fund-raising drive for the San-
tiam Memorial hospital.
He was a member ot the
Santlam Masonic lodge in
Funeral services will be
Thursday, December 17 at 2
p.m. at the Weddla Funeral
chapel, Stayton.
Interment will be In lone
Oak Cemetery. The Rev. Ken
neth Abbott wiU officiate.
Marion D. Mercier
Willamlna Funeral serv
ices were held Wednesday, De
cember 18 at 2 p.m. from the
Sheridan Funeral home, for
Marion David Mercier, 27, late
oi Grand Ronde, who was fa
tally Injured early Sunday
morning in an automobile ac
cident near Grand Ronde. In'
terment will be In Green Crest
Memorial park In Sheridan.
He is survived by his wife.
Rose; three children, David, Jo
Ann, and Bruce, all of Grand
Ronde; his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Mercier ot Grand
Ronde; three brothers, Joe,
Hubert and Harold all ot
Grand Ronde; and sister,
Gerallne Linton ot Grand
Shepherd In Sheridan tor John
Vollman, Willamlna. who
died In McMlnnvllle Decem
ber 11. Recitation ot the Ros
ary was held Monday, Deem-
ber 14, at Macy and Son Fu
neral borne In McMlnnvllle.
Interment was in &t James
cemetery, McMlnnvllle.
He Is survived by bit wife.
Frances of Willamlna; sons.
Phillip ot Willamlna; Jacob J.
of Stockton, Calif.; daughters.
Mrs. Barbara Ruef of Tilla
mook, Mrs. Emly Thomas of
Tigard and Mrs. Virginia Mc
Kay of Junction City; a broth
er, Martin, and a sister, Mrs.
Pauline Materi, both af Sas
katchewan, Canada.
James Johnson .
Sllverton James Johnson,
many years a local resl-
Euqene E. Wheeler
Sheridan Eugene Edward
Wheeler, later, of Sheridan,
died at his home at the age of
49. Funeral services were held
Tuesday, December 19, from
the Chapel of the Sheridan Fu
neral home, with Interment In
Green Crest Memorial park.
Survivors Include his wife,
Bessie Wheeler of Sheridsn;
three children, Betty Jean,
Garold and Douglas ' all of
Sheridan; and a brother, Ray
mond Knllon of Missouri.
John J. Vollman
Willamlna Funeral serv
ices were held Tuesday morn
ing at the Church of the Good
(By The Associated Prtas)
A dm Ira' Corporauots ,, , , 1IH
Allied Chemical , 14
AUla Chalmers 444
American Airlines 11
American Power 4b Lltb ,
American Tel. Tel. ih
CaaiMNf. treat aawaele af Bataea OMher
far la. aalOawM mt CaMlal JaarmaJ
eMOara. IBerieeS SaUr.l
eelefi re.4 frleaai
SeeMl 'allele II U 100-10. Mil.
OIM-OM ilea-ia. a.,1.
Sea afaea ,4.00-lft 30.
Delrr OaaO ,1 lt-1 U ISO-DO. Owl;
UM-lie (100 wt ,
PMllrr Sarbaa fMiee oelereO fryers,
net ski rooatere, II; colored fowl. Me;
lecher, fowl le: colored route ra. it.
Serial fileee (tee, AA Me: laree a.
Il-Uet raedlar. A A. 41c: raedlam A.
4Vt email. M. Car, wkoleeala Rrleei
tmarallr 1-1 teou MtMr than arlce.
abovat larra arada A Saaarallf .taataS at
OOe; Medium, at 04a.
aaltee, aatlarf.1,lBur!nT arte.: rrararni. Ta.
tl aeatai aa. 1. oi-os aaaui Ra. 0. 04a.
Some 670 species ot native
pass are found In Texas.
American Tobeec.
Aoacands Copper ...
Alcrtuor Railroad ..... ...
Bethlcbera ,
Boelns Alrplalao Cfc ..,
Bors Warner
Burrow, Addins fisablai..,
caufornl. facsins
Canadian Pacllla ,
Caterpillar Tractor
celaiiete corporatlaa ...
Cbrraler Corporatloa ..
Cltlea sarelca .,
Coneolldatad Sojaoa ... ...
Conaolideted Valla, ... ..
(.rowa aeueroaea ........
Curtua Wrlsbl ..........
Doualaa Aircraft
Uu font oe aemours .. ..
Boatman Kodak ..
Bmertoc Radio ........ ..
Oeneral Slaetra)
Ooneral Pooda
Omar.) liotora
oeorsta Pac flrWM ....
Oood-reai Tire
Homestaa, Ulnlno Ca. . ..
International Harvester ..
International riper
Johns ataavme
Kalaer Aluminum
Kennwott Conner
Llbbr alcrlan
Lockheed Aircraft ..... ..
Laawee Incernwralaa
Lonf BaD
Montsomorr Wars .... ..
Nam Kelvlnato
Now fork central
Northern Pacific
Pacllla American Plan . ..
Pectfle oaa SiMtrle . ..
Peeltle Tel it Tel.
Packan atourr car
Penner. J. C.
Penntrleanln OV ft.
Pepel Cola Ca ..
Phllc Radla
Radia Corporatlm
Raronler lna.r.
Ravefliar Inawo Pfd. . ,,
Repusna steal
Rernolde MotaJS
RMhflald oil
Safewar StorM, tna.
acatl Paper C- ...
Mara Roebuck ftCi ,. .,
Soconr Vacant OU
southern pacific
Standard OU Calll
aunoard Oil R a
Btadeaaaer carp.
Bunahlne attains
Swift A O,
Treniemerte. oar,
Twentleta Ceaturr ra .
Unlan Oil compass
Uaia Pacific
Onlted AlrUnea
United Aircraft
Unlt Carporalloa
United atetee Pirwvad . .,
Unite. Slalee steal .. .,
Warner Ptclaroa
WeaUr. Oaten Tot.
Waatlncrieaae Air Bread
WeeuncnowM SlacUl, . .,
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dent, and for the past few
years living In Salem, died at
a Salem hospital, Monday night,
December 14.
Surviving are the widow.
Lena, two sons, Lynn and Ed,
and daughter, Nyla.
Mr. Johnson was in tha
plumbing business la Silver
Announcements will be
made by the Ekman Funeral
home. ' -
Loffy L Biheu '
Albany Loffy Lorens Bll-
yeu, who was 69 year of age
Sunday, died at a local hospi
tal Monday after a long Illness.
The funeral will be held at
the Fisher Funeral home at
2:30 pjn. Thursday. Burial
wUl be In the Willamette Me
morial park. Mr. Bllyeu had
been a mall carrier here since
late in 1910, retiring Novem
ber SO, 1947, after ST years ot
continuous service. Mr. Bllyeu
was born at Sclo and had spent
all of his life In Linn county.
He moved to Albany from Sclo
In 1908. In 1920 he married
Mabel Schultz, who died In
1935. Four years later ha
married Jean Bernadine, whs
survives,' as do two children,
Dr. W. W. Bllyeu, local dentist
who Is now serving with tha
U.S. army at Camp Stoneman,
Calif., and Donald F. Bllyeu,
who Is teaching school at Long
Beach, Calif., and a sister, Mrs. '
Ella Blchardson, Grants Pass.
Clifton Spurgeon
Grand Ronde Funeral serv.
Ices will be held at 3 p.m. Fri
day at the Willamlna Christian
church for Clot ton Oscar Spur-
gean. 40, who was killed In a
logging accident Monday. The
Rev. Elmo Black will officate.
Surviving are his wife, Car.
rie; a son, Gordon, and two
grandchildren. Another son
was killed In a similar accident
last September. '
The Sheridan Funeral Home
will be in charge.
Fred Johonnsen Sr.
Lebanon Funeral services
for Fred Johannsen, Sr., owner
of Johannsen a Rexall drug
store, will be held Thursday at
2 p.m. from the Huston chapel.
He was stricken with a cere
bral hemorrhage In his hotel
room In Portland and died at
the Good Samaritau hospital
Sunday afternoon without re
gaining consciousness.
Mr. Johannsen was an active
civic worker, having played a
prominent part In the commun
ity hospital campaign, United
Fund, and was currently pres
ident of the Linn TB Seal
driver He was born July 2,
1887, In Davenport, Iowa, mov
ing to Portland in 1903.
Tho 65-year-old druggist
came to Lebanon in 1933 and
purchased the Rexall drug
store after living since 1920
In Sheridan, where he was a
partner In the Johannsen-Klng
drug store.
Members ot his family in
clude his widow, Cora H. Jo
hannsen, Lebanon; two sisters,
Ella and Laura Johannsen, a
half-sister, Meta Van Hoeter,
his mother, Mavla Johannsen,
all of Portland; three sons,
Fred, Jr., Lebanon, Richard,
Vancouver, Wash., and Walter,
White Salmon. There are sev
en grand-children.
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... (a
Marl) Ivttraa Wauapaatk
Morion Kvtlrnn Watenpaush, late rtsu
dent of 1170 Liberty Rd. ta this clir De
cember 1 at the ate of U years. Ben of
Mrs. A. K. wstenpsusb, Aalem; brother
of Mrs. Vel ma Tteeoa, Salem. Ilri. Msr
taret Tanner, Kutens, Mrs. Alle O raver,
ChUdrats. Tetaa; brothers, Percy Wsten
pauth. Omaha, Neb.. Wesley and Thorn
as Watenpaush, both of Lont Beach
Calif., John WaUnpauah. Lattsriew,
Wash. Member of Baa let, Caatl Rock,
Wash., Pint Church of Ood, Calem.
Announcement of services will be mal
later by the Mo well-Id wards Co.
William Sehnetder
William Schneider, late reetdtnt of ll
Msrlon at. at a local bospltsl Decembwr
11. as so years. Son. Iverttt Schneider,
Lethe, Idaho, one i randdauibter. Mar
taret Schneider. Salem: on trandaoa,
William scnnelder. U. S. Army. An
nouncement ot servlcea wll Ibt made lat
er by the HoweU-Bdwarda Ca.
i 13
i 41
. MH
. lit
. 434
Tht Army Signal Corps
maintalni a total of 11 tele
phone channels connecting the
United Statea with Alaska.
Thomas Edward MtlnU
Thomas Edward Mclntet, late resident
of lie Teas Dr. December 14 at the ate
of 41 yean, a untied by wile. Mrs. Cora
UMnsrO 4auahtT Sir a Rulta
Usttison. SMttlti aorta Tbomaa E. Mt
I4 Inte. Jr.. Seattle. John A. Chavea. PorU
. Its land: brothtra. William J. Mclnut. Aa.
...lOtVi km, Jotepb N. Mclnee, Cona.lli; sbtsrs.
i n I Mrs. Prank Oaspor and Mrs. Msry Jsceba
47't boih of Hentdal. Moat.. Mrs. Kea) Wall,
; neiena, Mont. Also, survived by ff trsnd-
at II am. la Hnwell-Edwardt Chapel
with conelwdlni services at lUrerview
Abbey Maiisltua, Portlaod.
Mn. Attle Ctartr rehrtatj
Mrs. Attle Clark Pehrsoa. at tho rtst
denc at Pass Roblaa. Calif.. Da, la.
j Mother of Bd Pehrsom, Psso. Roblee,
cam ; titter of Dr. Daniel Clark, Far
nsbnrt. On. Orsvesld aerrieee Thare
tir, Oe. IT. at It is a m. at tho Slm
Plonte (lOOPt Cemettry with tha Ret.
Donald Payne officiating. TJndtr Um A.
reetlea of tho W. T. Auomi Cw.