i i i i V I I '4 ' ti 8. ' thi bee) . or - 1 tai tn cc to yea Pat 1 In The Valley, l , . Edited by U1U FOBBES Wheatland Wheatland Carl Betty of Seattle, Wuh., was a Saturday guest of his brotbar and sister-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beaty in WheatUnd district, and with Mr. and Mr. Martin Hansen in the Qtrvils district. ACORNS FROM THE WITH ttl MILNE BETTER WATCH OCT . . . Better be aweetl Better take wife Out for a treat . . . "Cua eanta Ciaut la coming to town I BUTTER THINK WOW ' Xmai It buay. Dtnner'i the thing That grts wife In a Uur . . . And YOU can wipe away that awful frown I MARION HOTEL DINING the annrer Indeed ... The food la delicious Price la something to heed . . . And the location Is riant for Kvening shopping sprees! 00 bring the wife snd the kids, And like a Santa Claua feel . . Oome on down tonight. Enjoy special HOLIDAY MEAL Beasember in Salem It's the HOTEL MARION Phone. 3-4 123 POOR BOY SANDWICH At NORTH'S 117 Center St. V STARTING TODAY! TWO GREAT ADVENTURE THRILLERS! CURWOOD'S MEIT CLASSIC Of THE N0RTH1 nun TOOATI a"- TaV' - - 3 -5L3 Si 1 I JgS5S STEVE COCHRAN ' j jMMHhkwsN'itwnisjMnuMsi nnua The Nan You'll Remember h. killed! V fl U0006CH Jit BOWKTBOiS N "PRIVATE EYES" Silverton Silverton Thirty-seven Ju venile Foresters of the St. Paul's Catholic pariah of Sil verton, were formally initiated at the past week's meeting. The Sublimity degree team of Foresters were initiatory guests. Joe Mauer, James Coultas and John Doran are in charge of basketball practice for the Juvenile team. Serving late lunch to the large group present, were Mr, and Mrs. John Doran and Mr, and Mrs. Ed Zcllner. Silverton A number of Sil verton Business places have announced their plans to re main open until 9 o'clock on the evenings of Dec. 18-18, Frl dsy and Saturday, and Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday evening, to accommodate late Christmas shoppers. Rural school districts, are sponsoring a series of talks on the possibilities of a union high school including Silverton In view of the fact that practical ly all rural districts have defi nitely expressed a "No" vote on consolidation with Silver- ton, wis reported by Oscar Lot of Evans Valley and Victor Hadley of Silverton Hills, Fri day "evening speakers. Silverton Jaycees are spon soring a Christmas lighting contest In town offering attrac tive awards for the winners. Milt Bsum, vice principal of the senior high school, and di rector of boys, accompanied a large representative group of the Hi-Y young men to .the Sunday morning worship hour at the First Christian church. Three special music numbers were under direction of Mrs. John Bronson. The Rev. Ar thur Charles Bates' sermon theme was "Put Christ in Christmas." All Yonr Life! Mill City MiU City Harriet LaCours was toastmlstress at the Thurs day evening meeting of the Toastmistress club, held at the Bank Caie. Barbara Y smell gave the in vocation: Faustina Nesbitt waa topicmistress, having a hand kerchief gift exchange, with topics for the evening conceal ed inside. Mra. LeCours, educa tion chairman, conducted an educational contest with prises going to Mra Gwen Jones, Mrs. Edith Meana and Mrs. June Mil ey. Mrs. Gale Lowe'ry spoke on "Customs of Christmas." Eval uator was Mrs. Gwen Jones; timer, Barbara Yarnell and minute critic Mra, Marion Todd. There was a large attendance at the Wednesday evening meeting of the Mill City PTA with A. E. Nesbitt presiding at the business meeting. It was voted to sponsor the drive for non-perishable food to be given to needy families at Christmas time, through the Mill City Ministerial Aasociation. , It was also voted to buy cof fee makers, funds to come from silver offerings at the meetings In form of a contact between two groups. Robert Thorpe, grade school instructor, showed a movie. Christmaa carols were sung uni der the direction of Miss Alice Smith. Two high school girls, Gloria Klecker and Evelyn Johnson, did pantomime sing ing. Mrs. Leonard Herman and Miss Klecker sang a duet Mr. and Mrs. Vera Thomas and family were in Portland last Sunday visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly were in Corvallis last week end, visiting their daughter, Lela Mel Kelly, sophomore at Oregon State. While there they attended a student play. Mrs. Fred Duffy, Mrs. Wen dell Heller and Mrs. W. E. Davis attended the Riverside Garden club, near Albany last week. The lsdies are members oi the Mill City Garden club. I Mr. ana Mra Curtis Cline spent the week-end in Salem, where they assisted her broth er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schiaman move into their new home. Claude firuder who has worked for Mountain States Power Compsny the past sev eral years received notice this week that he will be transfer red to Stayton early in Janu ary. The Bruders plan to move to Stayton when housing can be obtained. Mr. and Mrs. Easel Crosn spent several days this week in Hood River where Mr.. Crosn underwent minnr surgery. Their daughter, Keith Ann. stayed with the B. E. Whitsett family during her parents ab sence. Mr. Croan is employed as a power operator at the De troit Dam. Mill City Garden club mem bers hsd a work day last Tues day at the home of Mrs. Curtis Cline. The group met at 10 a.m., bringing a sack lunch. Corsages were made to order and sold; the group making and selling about 26. The next meeting will be Dec. IT at the home of Mrs. Bert Morris, club president, when there will be a gift exchange; each member is also to wear a corsage of her own making, to be Judged later in the evening. The next meeting of the Mill City Women's club will be Tuesday evening, Dec. IS at the Fellowship Hall. There will be a gift exchange among the members and each member is also asked to bring a gift for a patient at the state hospital. Hostesses for the evening in elude Mrs. Curtis Cline. Mrs. D. B. Hill snd Mra. W. W. Al len. Mrs. Roger Nelson, president of the Lions Club auxiliary, stated this week that $130 was rececived from the November series of coffees hid by auxil iary members and their friends. This money was turned over to the Lions Club to aid In their forthcoming polio fund drive Mr. and Mrs, Charles Stew art and children visited last week at the Lawrence Young family in Salem; former Mill City residents. Mr. and Mrs. Claude B ruder visited last week at the home of their son-ln-Iaw and daugh moNi s-sae? STARTS TODAYI JAMS f a aiibii LAbriET A 2ed lif Hi' K fl REX ALLEN n II DOHA DRAKE II l . A Mitt I an m t-.T , r 13 tarter Kill FUNCB ;,"N THB CAPITAL JOURNAL. galea; Orer" ter, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Johnson at Silverton. -Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olm- stead were guests last week at the borne oi their son and fam ily, the Ed Olmsteads of Co burg. They helped their grand daughter, Judy, celebrate her tenth birthday, while there. The Three Link club of Santlam Rebekah lodge held its annual Christmaa party at the I OOF hall Tuesday eve ning, Dec. S, starting with a 7 o'clock no-host supper. The tables and rooms were gayly decorated in the Christmas theme. In charge of the dec orations were Blanche Syver son and Rachel Olmstead. Mrs. Syverson, club presi dent, announced that new of ficers would be elected at the next meeting. Macleay Macleay Macleay pupils will present a Christmas pro gram at the Grange hall Wed nesday night, December 23, starting at 8 o'clock, under the direction of Mrs. Ethel Ramus and Mra. Elsie Carpenter. The program will include songs by primary pupils ; play, "The Christmaa Bomb," pri mary pupils; accordion solo, Marilyn Martin: play, "What Became of the Christmaa Din ner?" upper grade pupils; vocal numbers Marilyn Mar tin, Elizabeth Keyser, Sharon Kronbuegel and Patricia Hu dec. Nativity scene" Come and Worship,' reader Elizabeth Keyser: solo, "O, Holy Night, Patricia Hudec; chorus; char acters Mary, Caroi Ream; Joseph, Leonard Bettelyoun; wise men, Joseph Smith, Ralph Norton, Roger Turner; shep herds, Larry Foster, Alan Prebelsky; Henry Smith; an gels Darlene Bettelyoun, Pam Prebelsky, Lois Longfellow. DANCE TONIGHT Crystal Gardens Old Time end Modern Music by "Pop" Edwards FOR Fret Parking () " PBC3 V J 35ifP t " i-'' r--wi 4 1 f(n l ? T3 ra Urti,-.;' f" 'Sa&fatcM puawtlaaci yon, uuy foot ' 5Mh9SA Woodburn Woodbum Twenty-six new Cub Scouts will receive their "Rnhrit" oins at the Woodburn pack meeting Friday, Dec 18, at 7:30 p.m. at in wasmngion school auditorium. This will be thm tint meetin under the di rection of the new cubmaster, Dr. A. K. Guild. The theme for the meeting will he "Christmas" with treats, a gift exchange and tree for the Cub Scouts. Parents are urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Butter field left Mondsy in their car tnw Santa ' Barbara. Calif.. where they will spend the hol iday season visiting at the homes of their two sons, Vail and Frank Butterfield. Mrs. E. C. Peyton returned Saturday after three weeks in California. She visited her twin sister, Mrs. R. E. Landreth and family at Manteca, and also other relative and friends in Ssn Jose, Palo Alto and San Francisco. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J V Richards were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Richards . of Portland, Miss Sandra Richards and her fi ance, Sgt. Veikko (Vic) Juhola of Seattle, who recently re turned from Korea and is now out of the service. STARTS TODAY OPEN (:4$ BP 4 mm'. m isSmrSfjOF niflUii PLUS HERBERT J. TATEJ RIDE TOE mm Km . mi tmm tui mines . rattm nan umiiwnM.cmniJ fir the nil YOUR SHOPPING n.;t1li We Close Christmas Eve at Donald Donald Members of the Donald Nan en Church have been working on their Christ mas program which Is to be presented at T:J0 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 20. Mra. Frank MiUer is in charge of planning the pro gram, Mrs. John Schmidt was in charge of the praoticing and Mrs. John Anderson ha charge oi the music. , The smaller or younger classes will contribute poems, songs and exercises. The older people will present a play, and also a pageant Everyone in the community is invited. 1 The boys, "Braves" will put up the Christmas tree in the Church Wednesday and also will decorate the church. Thursday, the girls, "Maidens" and "Pathfinders" will deco rate the Christmas tree. , The boys and girls in the three groups decided instead of drawing the usual names and , exchanging gifts that they I would bring gift for the boys at MacLaren School. ' 1 .Mrs. Robert Maltland enter-1 THIS FURNITURE APPLIANCES k Everybody Needs Furniture and Appliances Everybody Wants Furniture and Appliances k Everybody Appreciates Furniture and Appliances l Great Downtown Furniture Slores Ready TS With 1 001 Furniture Gifts for Home STIFF'S WOODRY'S HOGG'S HAMILTON'S i.' L - r- ' ts.l i i!.Z.-'JJil kail. DAILY HOURS: 9:30 TO 9 tained at "Suds" party, Wed nesday evening in her borne, with Mr. Hyatt of Portland demonstrating. Attending the party were, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bush, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller, Mr. and Mas. Alva Cowan, Mrs. Leigh- ton Whitsett, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Meyer. The Ladles' group of the Donald Methodist Church met last week at the church at one nVlruk far a not luck luncheon. and had their annual Christ mas party and gift exchange, at which time their secret pals were revealed.- Six children received serv ices at the December well-child conference held at the North Marion Union High School last week. Dr. Stone was there with Mary Testerman aa nurse, as sisted by Mrs. Bud Yergen, COLORADO PAN-SAN at the SAN SHOP CHRISTMAS. GIVE CONVENIENCE . . M . P.M - .. Wednesday, December 16, 1S$1 Mrs. Edwin Miller and Mrs. Lj Eppera. TAKE 'EM OUT f HAMBURGERS . . . 19c FRENCH FRIES... 9c MILK SHAKES... 19c COKES, ROOT BEER 9c COFFEE, ORANGE. 9c Until Midnight W.ekdayr 12 to 8 en Sundays " DRIVE-UP end PICK-UP " PHONE 3-5014 ' Journal Want Ads Pay ..GIVE 77 , 5:30 i s t