Wad dgy, December 16. 1933 THE CAPITAL JOIUXAL, Sd. Oncm Wit Hollies Held Great Esteem Br MASK M. TATLOE Holly, of the- Benin Iln ( valuable tree for ornamental purposes and it iprlga are In 8 much demand at thii aesson. 0 mere are many species of holly, our native American holly being Ilex Apaca. amall out valued for lti red berriea. fVThe European holly, Ilex Ac . quafollum. Is very limllar. Hoi- lie belong to that group of ! plant! with separate sexes istaminate flowers on one and pistillate on the other, so both must be planted in proximity to Insure pollination and prop er fruiting or production of t Derrles, Of the other species of hol ly, Ilex Cornuta, or Chinese holly, is valuable with Its long, evergreen and lustrous leaves and bright red berries. Japan- ese holly. Ilex Crenata, has black berries in fall and is often used for htdge plantings. There are other species of Ilex worthy of mention as being na tive to parts of the United States. Ilex Desidua, has decid uous foliage, a detriment as we think of hollies. It is a native of southeastern United States. Ilex Glabra, or Inkleberry, Is otten found in swampy regions. It is evergreen with small, dark green leaves and black berries. Ilex Vertlcillata, or Wnterberry, is a native of the northeast and has bright red berries. This is a holly often used in eastern United States as the berries remain on all winter. While deciduous, it holds its leaves until after Christmas. Hollies may be planted now, but to avoid disappointment, secure a plant that has had the opposite sex grafted to it in order that you will have the red berries you want Holly trees are slow growing and do best In rich rather moist soil. Hollies make splendid speci men trees or can be well used for foundation plantings near a corner, or, as mentioned, serve successfully also a s strong hedge plants. Such a hedge is a good deterrent for animals as well as intruders, because of the thorns. Holly is a strong grower, disease and pest resistant, appreciating, principally, a moist soil, very little cultivation but a frequent syrniging of the foliage to re move dirt and dust residue that might clog the leaf pores. In a landscaping plan, hollies thrive well along with the other broad-leaved evergreens such a s rhododendrnos, camellias and azaleas. An Ideal- Product'for Winter Mulching Fortified Peet Moss Only 95C sack 6 tks $5.00 VALLEY FARM STORE 393S SftrsrlM Id. Pa. 4 4624 Propane Gas & Appliance NEW 1954 WxuniiitffL tUCTIIC CLOTHES DRYER Ik. ft. mm hM. mm Hmm ww, 50 Propane Gas & Appliance 1M7 'erlUaa M ti. J5MI . T -V 1 1 ii i : i. i ; ;- ad I btOkoow F" rl r'WJ J Ul A small, so-called ranch-style house with a great deal of personal appeal. Because it Is almost square, it should be economical to build, yet it Includes many features seldom found in a house this small. The front door opens into a hallway which leads directly through the house and the living-round area, which is unusually preten tious and not cluttered considering the smallness of the house. The entire back wall of the living rot-m is a pic ture' window with a French door leading out on to a suggested terrace. Plans are available from the Model Home Planning Co., 1414 North Woodward, Royal Oak, ! Mich. Questions By MARK M. Q When is the right time to plant lilies to have flowers for Easter? Mrs. W. B. ANS This month pot and place in semi-darkness until considerable growth shows then bring into sunlight Water sparingly at first Q What branches can one use besides holly for good Christmas greens? Mrs. R. L. ANS Some magnolias, Ore gon grape and any broad leaved evergreen. Dip in an oil emulsion to give them a clean gloss. Too often, I be lieve, we overlook the beauty and acceptability of our own Oregon grape with Its green and bronze foliage. Q What fertilizer is recom mended for bulb beds? W. A. ANS Bone meal is a slow- acting fertilizer. Use 10 lbs. per luu square leet. . Q When should you start tuberous begonias? S. R. A. ANS From seed, start in greenhouse or hotbed this month or January. From tub ers, start indoors about March. Q How long does it take for a potted amaryllis to bloom? Mrs. F. A. ANS Prepared bulbs will bloom in about six to eight weeks. Q African violet leaves droop then fall off. What causes this and how can I cor rect this fault? Mrs. L. P, ANS Gas in the house could be the cause. If there is noj ANS Yes, this is a fine ev gas used in your house then it erfreen shrub with fragrant may be root nematodes. Prob- j flowers. It prefers sun and ably you should repot your plenty of moisture. Can be plant in a fresh, sterile soil j pruned to make a bushy, com mixture. Do not over-expose pact plant. African violets to sunlight Water carefully and keep tem perature at about 60 to 70 de grees. O What are some of the good new roses available this year? Mrs. F. H. . ANS Ail-American rose se lections for 1S54 have nsmed Mojave, a scarlet and Vermil lion mixture with a glow like a desert sunset. It's a hybrid tea of good form with long! stems. Lilibet Is a dawn plnx floribunda of fragrant clusters of miniature roses. Another That phone number ii FOR THE BEST Hauling Storage Fuel WW VAN LI si I S LARMER TRANSFER no STORAGE 189 No. Liberty "Oar repots tlsa la year security" " "i 3-3131 . 1 T-i ' I,1,. - . - 1 I Answered TAYLOR new beauty of the hybrid teas was named after my good friend and former garden ed itor of the Portland Oregon Journal, Dean Collins. It is a buff multi-colored rose of good substance and fine foliage. Flirtation is a two-toned pink and gold hybrid tea with good foliage. President Eisenhower Is a non-fading red rose with strong stems and is quite frag rant , i Q Should bulb beds be cul tivated after planting? W. R. ANS Only cultivate be tween the bulbs ana pull out any weeds to loosen soil around the bulbs and break the soil surface that may have become packed by fall rains. ' Q Would like to pot some bulbs for winter indoor bloom. Is It too late to do this and how long does it take for them to bloom? Mrs. C. K. ANS Tulips take about six weeks to bloom, hyscinths I or 4 weeks. Unless these bulbs have been prepared for indoor forcing the time will be longer. Consult your dealer when buy ing the bulbs, explaining that they are to be for indoor plant ing. Keep tulips and hyacinths in a dark place until consider able growth shows, then bring them into the light. Narcissus can be given light immediate ly as can bulbous iris. Q Will Mexican orange do well here? G. S Q Should soil be removed from roots, bulbs, etc., when they are placed In storage? Mrs. W. W. ANS Usually, yes. This helps prevent Inroads of any fungi present. Q How long will potted tu Hp blooms last? Mrs. W. M. ANS They should last for weeks where the cut flowers are limited to a few days es- pecially If pot of tulips are pur- chased, or brought inside, while they are still in the bud stage. One has, too, the added pleasure of watching them come into flowering. Q Will coleus grow from seed? Mrs. H. W. ANS Yes. Sow In spring it will not germinate until westher is warm. Poinsettias $1.25 Cut Holly 75c lb. Holly Wreaths $2.25 MIDDLE GROVE NURSERY 42I Silverton Rd. Fh. 44632 11 j apgrffiiTjrtr j Capital A Journal HOME PAGE Variety Possible Decorations for ' - By MASK It's always fun to make yourily handled and will hold their own Christmas decorations, I Save or take clippings from To make wreaths,' fasten the boxwood, laurel, Oregon grape, branches to a wire coat hanger holly, Euonymoua or any ber-jbent to the desired shape. Tie ried shrubs, such as barberry i branches on with fine wire, or fire thorn, and use these to Add gay red ribbon bows or make your own wreaths or; silver bells or whatever ap- swags. Cuttings from cedars, arborvitae and juniper are eaa- Growing Gifts Instructions By MARK M. TAYLOR Many beautiful ' "growing gifts" are exchanged at Christ mas, yet unless certain care Is given they fail to continue In their attractive condition as the donor had hoped. It seems to me that florists and other dealers selling such plants as gift Items should include some instructions for their care in event they reach the hands of the novice. In most instances such living plants can be kept for long periods, later planted outside and brought in again next year to re-perform. Poinsettias are among the most popular of Christmas gifts and, judging from the inquir ies that most garden column ists and magazines receive af ter Christmas, their care is something of a mystery. Poni settias kre available, not only in the familiar bright red but in salmon pink and white, as well. These should not be placed in the sun or a location subject to draughts. They need daily watering and will look well for two or three weeks, then the leaves begin to yel low and fall off. When this happens, cut off the red brtt ts and place the plant In the base ment in a rather cool spot. watering once a week. When danger of frost is past In the spring, cut back to three or four Inches, remove from the pot and plant in the garden Cuttings from the tips in 3 or 4-inch lengths can also be root ed and planted. Then In Sep tember, the old plant Is repot ted in fresh soil, brought Into the house and kept In a cool place. At the end of Novem ber place it In a sunny window where it will bloom again at the end of December. Cuttings should be treated In the same manner. Asaleas Satisfactory Azaleas are most satisfac tory as gift plants. They need a cool location and plenty of moisture worked up from the bottom by setting the pot In a pan of water. Place out of doors in April or May in a semi-shady location, water carefully during the Summer as they are always thirsty. In September repot theplants and bring them indoors if you wish to again use them as house plants or gifts. Keep in a fair ly cool location until late Fall when they may be moved to a sunny location. When buds appear, fertilize with a liquid fertilizer every two weeks. Cyclamens resent house con ditions. Keep soli moist, never letting It dry out Buy a plant with as many buds ss possible and keep in a cool location watering twice daily from be low. Follow the same rules as given above for planting out doors when blooms have faded. The plant often seen at Christmas time s m o t h e red with tiny red flowers is Kalan choe Blossfelnana, or Tom Thumb. These will bloom s second time in the Winter If the fsded flowers are pinched off immediately. They are dif ficult to keep over for a second ' Winter but msy be props gated by cuttings. Gardenias Difficult Gardenias are beautiful, but difficult house plants so it is advisable to avoid them as gift nlanU unless the recioient is a hobbyist who will give them I the csre needed. ! Dealer, hive trar-y pnttedi bulbs In a variety of contain ers to suit the most particular taste snd these make lovely gifts, though hsvlng been once forced Into bloom csnnot be forced again, but can be saved for planting in the gsrden. Potted rose's, particularly the miniatures, are gaining In popularity. When flowers hsve fsded they should be cut off snd csn be set out in the gsr den. They are especially attrac tive used In the rock gsrden. Phone 4-1451 1955. Commercial in Making Christmas M. TAYLOR color well when cut peals to you to liven them up. Branches of cedar, arbor- vltae or Juniper make fine bases tor table decorations, us ing colorful candles set In among them, or one can use gay colored tree ornaments. In other words. In decorating at Christmas we have an oppor tunity to let your own Ingenu ity run rampant and there should be no inhibitions! Potted poinsettias, ferns, etc. add to the festive appearance of the home. One can make his own fern by suspending a sweet potato over tumbler of water. It will soon root and sprout and make an Interesting house fern plant Kiln dried sweet potatoes will not work, so in quire first. ' Novelty Effects For a novel decorating effect try potting up a young Christ mas tree seedling and trimming it in miniature. Then when its use has passed you can set it out In a vacant spot in the gar- den to grow on to become a standard-sized Christmas tree for your use again in a few years. Cones gathered from our many coniferous trees in this area offer ample opportunity for decorating Ingenuity. They can be painted, gilded or treat ed in various ways and used as tree ornamenta or for table decorations. They, too, are a welcome addition to a box of holly sent to friends in parts of the country where holly is not grown. Then, of course, there is mistletoe. , This para sitic plant that affixes itself to so many oak trees is tradi tional with Christmas. While not yet a cultivated plant, it has been found that it can be propagated by rubbing the seeds of the berries to an open wound of oaks and a few other trees. The climate In the Wil lamette valley seems to encour age the growth of this parasite which can, in time, kill the host tree. Clean Holly When bringing in sprigs of holly or other broad-leaved evergreens, a bright and shiny leaf is most desirable. Wipe the leaf with a cloth dipped In an oil emulsion and this will remove any soiled areas ana tend to add a gloss. One dif ficulty with any greenery when it is cut and brought into a warm house is the drying proc ess and possible added fire haz ard. Christmas trees, especial ly, come in this category. So, if possible, keep your greens fresh and lifelike by setting in vases you would cut flowers. Even Christmas trees can be set in tubs or pots of moist sand so that they will not dry out excessively. Too, one can use one of the plastic spray ma terials available for transplant ing plants. These are de signed to prevent loss of plants when moving due to transpira tion (loss of moisture through! leaves of stems). They serve similar purpose for cut greens. ! PLANT ROSES Webfoot Mrs. Albert May,1 Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Roberts i of Webfoot were planting new I Improved varieties of rosei bushes at their homes Satur day. The 254 Texas counties range in size from Rockwall's 147: square miles to Brewster coun-! ty's 6.208. SALEM VENETIAN BLINDS UPirUSUDflDItfEtTSHOP 'Formerly ite:nhokt It Lewt 260 L 2fri SL Pktaa 4-1 lie FIRST... for the fuel that is clean, efficient and economical use "Prec-to-logo" CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE Aretetls, a krigat-traei white Single Flowers Are Lovely And Often Eosier to Grow Single flowers have charm all their own. Where simpli city is the dominant theme they're the ones to plant Late ly, however, they have suffered from some dazzling, though questionable competition. Among plant breeders there Is a trend that seems to aim at confusing the average garden er. Not content with endowing their creations with ruffles, flutes, frills and crests, they have engineered a Zinnia that looks .like dahlia, a begonia that resembles carnation and a salpoglossos now masquerad ing as a gloxinia. Taking a perfectly inuocent flower and turning it into something bizarre or grotesque might have its good points, yet a double aster is not necessar ily any better than single one and it may prove consid erably more difficult to take care of. There still are plenty of gardeners who will argue that a straight petal la just as attractive aa a lacinated one, and a plain leaf as appealing as a serrated one. : One of the most satisfactory 1 single flowers for winter bloom Is the African daisy. The bright orange - colored flowers are carried proudly on stems abqut 12 Inches tall. They perform excellently for bed ding, in borders and along parking areas. Variety ecklon- ls, the perennial form. Is wn:te with a deep blue center. Another interesting African daisy is the Arctotis. Variety grandis is white with a steel blue reverse to the petals. It is covered with blooms during the flowering season, and an excellent cut flower. Arctotis hybrids are avail able in tones of orange, terra cotta, yellow, salmon and car mine. The blooms measure from two and one-half to three inches across and are produced on plants that reach a height of one foot at maturity, xou wui be amazed at the long life of these flowers after they have been cut. Pyrethum, or painted daisy, may be seeded this fall. The flowers are well named, for the colors are vivid, gay and bright Almost every garden For the Best In FUEL OIL GEORGE CADWELL OIL COMPANY 2511 in SHI St. thm 2-7431 b Tour Fuel BlU Over $10( A Month? Better Convert to Continental Radlsnt GLASSHEAT 1540 Fairgrounds Road Phone 4-6262 MADE TO ORDER Standard Size In Stock A complete line of custom built fireplace screens and fixtures. All types. All sizes. Available in solid brass or any finish desired! See our complete display. D0UGHT0N HARDWARE N. 347U 35S Csort We Give ZrC Green Stamps 3-8842 flower, thrivea la mild climate should have show of painted daisies. ' Named varieties are available such as Eldorado, golden yellow with dark eye. Eastern Star, canary yellow with dark disc. Plant the mix ture and your garden will bo- come a bouquet Gaillardias are splendid cut flower subjects and also per form well in the outdoor gar den. Throughout Southern Cal ifornia they arrow ouicklv They are available in tone of orange, red and gold. Interest ing schemes can be realized through proper selection. Grand Island Grand Island Lt Donald Wiley in army air corps and Mrs. Wiley of Cottage Sta tion, Tex., have a 14 day va cation to visit his parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Worth Wiley in the Grand Island district. Shrubs, Plants, Flowers Salem's Largest Selection SERVICE CENTER I 1055 2nd, West Salem I CU- S-KL,tmm I I OF DCLliiDLS ETOR3 Vssar.st.als,lt44 - J APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5565 UNITED REPAIR CO 2J3 H. LIBERTY , Amhorlxed Repair on All Major Appliances-, and AH Small AppliancesGuaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliance Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owner CONCRETE MIX-RITE - Ph. 4-1317 VIESKO SAND t GRAVEL At Whsotlond Ferry 'j ... - -KM. Gervato : Ready-Mix Concrete. Sand, Gravel, Crushed Rock " Prompt. Courteous Service Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOVYSER IROS Gsrden Tillers - Power Mower pressors Sander Plumbing Tool Pover and Hand Mower Sharpening -Repairs on All Small Gas Engine FLOOR COVERINGS Ph.4-5751 . CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 $. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nalrn-Asphalt and Rubber Til) ' Residential, Commercial Installation Rug and Carpet i Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO. 1110 UNA AVt Water Systems Deep Well Turbine Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pip Galvanised Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment OFFICE MACHINES Typewriter, Adding Machine, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO 531 COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND PLUMBING SERVICE Ph.3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING & HEATING Repairing - I3S Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS W give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-3157 1)0 S. LfJertf 310 (wL Dtmifm 240 trait, MdkH CM 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, IHEE Delivery Dally 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 Ml and 6:00 TM. to 0 00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays Radio Repair MITCHELL'S Radio-Television 1 880 Sroto Motorola Dealers for General Electric Pick up and Delivery TELEVISION $svicNE Ph. JSSlSv'- VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER 2303 Fairgrounds Rd. In Wood burn at 171 Grant St. DUMONT TELEVISION SETS Testurln MOTOROLA . RCA VICTOP HOFFMAN Lebanon Decoration Deadline Monday Lebanon Deadline for tha Christmas homo decoration contest waa advanced to S p.m. Monday, Dec, 21, sponsors an nounced today. Cash award will be given in each division: Religious, land scape lighting, Christmas trees, best decorated door and mis cellaneous. Home decoration only will be judged and the setting must be visible from the street Entrant must live in side the Lebanon area which Include all residential areas just outside the city limits. Award in each division in clude 110 first; $3 second, and $13 sweepstakes. Third place will be given honorable men tion. Entries must bo filed before the deadline with the chamber of commerce, the Lebanon Ex press, or Mrs. Lena Dillard, president of the Lebanon Car den club. There was measureable oil production la 177 of the 194 Text counties in 19S0. CAPITAL 0syfea Housewives Delight 111 N. High St Linoleum NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS til 8. High Ph. 45151 FOR GARDEN PROBLEMS BRYDON'S MUSHY sV Sf STMI 1185 S. 12t ST. Paint Bsraven . Ale r. Ph. 3-5584 24 HOW savxi Ph. 3-9123 cw.r; Ph.3-7577