Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 16, 1953, Page 16, Image 16

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    Potent Chic Stofle to
Oregon. Wtdnendty, December 16, 195S Page 17
8 Yawama Teams to Play
Friday in League Jamboree
I Hubbard North Marion fyn
lon Hifh School will be host
for the annual basketball jam
boree sponsored by the Yswa
na league, Friday evening, De
cember 18.
) Juat preceding the 8 o'clock
fame will be an entry parade
and a flag ceremony. The best
player of .each band of the
eight participating schools will
slay for the parade and during
me evening's program.
1 The gamea will be determin
ed by a drawing juat before
play begins wtih the teams of
the north Banks, Sherwood,
Yamhill and North Marion, op
posing the teams from the
south Willamina, Sheridan,
Amity, and Dayton. Each team
Unbeaten Mill
To Clash Friday at Gervais
MABIOIf cotum B Lxaori
w L ret. w L Pet
HID CttS S tl.OMM.Penl I 1 J13
: O. reels S S 1.000 Sublimit? 1 S .333
Sc .11 .611 Detroit 1 1 .333
Petei S 1 -M7 OSD S .000
eltoreoa 1 JUfl CMilll S S .000
' TMin Teeutts: dims M. Sclo 41:
! lltli Cltr TO. Sublimity IS: oetes u. De
' troll 03; Jefterson S3, Oreeou School lor
. tno Dcef 44; St. Peul t4, Cneme.e SO.
Something will have to
"give" this Friday night when
( the Marion County B league
schedule throws the two unde-
, letted teams together. Mill City
... going to Gervais.
Mill City,, defending cham
( pion, coasted to a 70-85 victory
over Sublimity while Gervais
' was winning a narrow decision
4 beaten until last mgnt. -
There now are three teams
with 2-1 records, Sclo, Gates
and Jefferson. Friday's sched
ule also matches Chemawa at
Oregon School for the Deaf, at
, Chemawa, Gates at Jefferson,
St. Paul at Sublimity, and De
troit at Sclo.
Mill City Victor
Mill City Mill City remains
undefeated today after its third
Marion County B league game
Tuesday night, taking Sublim
ity to the cleaners, 70-85.
Two 6-foot forwards had a
scoring battle as a sidelight,
Elton Gregory of Mill City fi
nally posting 27 poin j to edge
: Ronald Bentz of sublimity.
. who scored 26. Gregory earned
, his mostly on shots outside the
1 key, getting 14 in the second
half. Bentz tallied 15 in the
1 second half,
Mill City, leading all the
way, had quartertime margins
of 13-9, 32-15 and 45-24.
' The Timberwolves also won
, ' Jthe Junior varsity preliminary,
1 67-29. Don Lemke and Don
.' Ellingson were high for Mill
City with 14 each and Bob
Doerfler had 13 for Sublimity.
Mill rily (70)
(001 (tab) It ! It
.P........ 30, Benti
.F 0, Pranck
.C 0. Parrlah
.0 3. Klnu
Oresory. 2T
Ward. 11 ....
Carey. 0 ....
Writlni, 11 ..,
Crook. 7
Rcirvea: allll C1t Cronler 1. Subllm.
Ht Sullivan 0, Xwia 10, BeU 2. Officials
-ReNSer and McNatt.
St. PauTWins
. St. Paul St. Paul's Bucka
roos climbed out ol the Marion
County B league cellar Tues
day night with a decisive S4-30
" 'conquest of the Chemawa In
dians. , St. Paul, clicking for the first
time, held quarter leads of 18
' 29-17 and 41-25, led by the
Smith boys, Sam and George,
Jtho are not brothers, with 14
" points each. Charlie Merten
' Carded 12 for the Buckaroos
' I St. Paul Jayvees lost their
game to Chemawa.
SAreso.o (30) IS4I St. P..I
Smutch. 4 P 14, a. Smith
rott. 3 P It. n fmHh
S.Utneeu. S C 13. Morten
ortn. 1 o e Wolf
Trllter. S o 8. Prtth
i Reserve,: ChemsnoOsborno 4. S.IU
hr 4 Alplont 3: at. Pom Vu Duron,
otireth. Rimbeo..
Officials: Bote snd otnlt.
Jeff Beats OSD
I Jefferson high school kept
the Oregon School for the Deaf
In the winless class in the Ma
lion County B league Tuesday
slight with a 63-46 basketball
Verdict in Salem.
Jefferson, in a three-way tie
lor third, held quarter-time
nargins of 16-7, 32-21 and 44-
Tonight's Fight Night
See and Hearth 10-rtrund
Heavyweight Classic etween
ON KOIN-TV ... CHANNEL . . . 7 p.m.
Sponsored ky
Distrlbtited ky Steve Tabaechl, Valley DMribsjtort
OtstrlbBtors also for Rainier. Brew (8. Canada Dry
Beverages aad Dad's Root Beer
will play two 6-minute quar
ters. The president of the league,
John Gibson of Sherwood, will
present the first and second all
star football teams for the year
following the basketball games
and also will make the presen
tation of the large trophy to
Amity, league football cham
pions. A Pep trophy will be award
ed to the winning rooting sec
tion, judges to be a faculty
member from each school.
The North Marion Letter
man's club will be selling pro
grams, the freshmen candy, the
sophomores pop, the juniors
popcorn and senior ice cream
and hot dogs at the Jamboree.
City, Gervais
38 behind steady hitting of
John Wright, center, with 19
points on .his hook shots and
seven free throws.
David Maynard. an OSD
leading player, accumulated
four fouls in the first quarter
and spent much of the game on
uie bench to handicao OSD.
Delvin Thompson scored 13,
Teeman Heath had 17 and Roy
mcuann u lor OSD.
Friday night OSD will go to
Chemawa and Jeff will host
Jeffereesi (St)
Morlett, S ..,
Tltfka. IS ...
40) On tokool lor Bool
....IP 4. Whlttlo
.....P.... 13. Thompeon
C t. Mernerd
0 11. Heeth
wrlsht. It ,.,
norm, S ....
Cotmen. 13
u I. llii
Reserves: Jsrfsrson Hcvklns 4. WsUi
not i. sjn.iton; VBD eorcenn 11,
Ofllclmli: Loo one: Andoroon.
Gervais Winner
Gervais Gervais holda its
grip on first place today In
the Marlon County B league,
thanks to a field foal by for
ward Norman Keppinger in the
closing seconds. It gave Ger
vala a 50-49 victory over Scio
here last' nlght,handing Scio
its first lesgue loss in three
wuanertime scores were
13-12, 26-21 and 41-38, but
Scio crept to a 49-48 lead in
the final minute.
Set (40)
Badcer. 0
Data, 0 ..,
Slover. 10
Olheon. 0 .,
(Ml Ger-ab
V 7, Kcpplmer
P 12. Bipe
C.....a 0. SchlachUr
O...,. IT, Thompaon
0 0. RelUna-
Halftiaia acore: Ocrvals 20. Sclo 21. Of
ficials: Williams and TanOarvoort.
KTnni: ejeiv erraa
Gates Wins
Detroit Gates holds a tie
for third place in the Marion
County B league today after
a 86-S2 decision over Detroit
here Tuesday night.
Herb Romey was good for
20 points for the victors, who
widened a close gap in the
third quarter. Period scores
were 18-15, 28-26 snd 41-34.
Detroit Jayvees won the pre
liminary, 42-19.
Roto (IS)
Kvoni. 0 .,
D. V.ll. S
Romir, 30
Ltrtoa. t .
(!) D.UOII
... 4. Hoptno
1. Udr
3, Bo.rr.
..... 10. Rlct
. IS. Vle
A. Vll I. Xt
3. Oftldtl:
FteirrrM Mortnt: Ootot
trolt anrdrr 3. Ketcnun
Kvou aod invito.,.
Amity Squeezes I
Falls City 48-47
Amity Jim Compton snag-j
ged a rebound from a missed 1
free throw In the last few sec- i
onds to score the winning goal
tor Amity over Fall City here
lsst night, 48-47. It was Ami-,
ty's first game. ';
Fall City, trailing since early
in the second period, caught
Amity with 40 seconds left and
led 47-46. (4S (T fen. m.
Bnier. 10 . v.
Stevens 4 .P.
Stephen, s c.
Lonherdt It o.
Leprae 4 , o.
0 Poo
... 0 elrPell
. 13 Pointer
T Robinson
S Mornhr
P-eorvoo: Aenltr OofBrrtoe 4, Shields
1 Tees 1. Pells dtp Sumster S.
Estacada Del Kiggins scored '
17 points in a 83-41 victory for !
Estacada over St Helen'a here
Tuesday night. Ron Kiggins
added 10 for the victors, who !
led aU the way. i
Faces High
Score Ace
A scoring machine from Chl
co State college, California, will
unwind tonight In the first of
two games in the .Willamette
Chico, in the news prom!
nently during the football sea
son which included Linfield.
will display the basketball bat
tering George Madeiras, a -foot-1
forward who booked 64
points in two gamea against
Lewis and Clark last week.
The series, to conclude here
Thursday night, concludes the
outstanding array of strong
teams brought to Salem in the
pre-holiday schedule, including
Hawaii, St. Martin s, and Gon
Coach John Lewis was jug
gling his starting lineup today
in his mind and promised no
decision until just before game
time. It could be either Tom
Gooding or Neil Causbie at
center: Bill Colvard, Pete Reed,
Jack Bishop or Johnny Ray at
forward; and Jerry McAllister,
Dave Gray, Duane Shield or
Dick Hoy at guards.
The 8 o clock contest will be
preceded by a 6:10 preliminary
between the Willamette frosh
and the Sheridan Associated
Plywood team.
Basketball Scores
(By The AMOclt4 Tit)
Kaii SO, Corval.u 4
A 1 bin 7 . Toledo 47
Mllwtukl 1. Bcttvtrtim 41
lleUlnoTiUt a, Libiaon 1
RMdjport 4. North Brad M
Orcibam M. Aaody 4J
ClvUn4 (PortlarMli 11, Ttr4 4t
ranklla (Port.UKl) IS, Portal Oror
rmoa (PortHtMi) M, Ortcoa City 41
Aitort 1. Beuldo 4
Sittcftdt 13. at. Helcni 41
Vancouver, Wtuh. 71, Wait Una It
Central Union M. AhtrMu 4t
HKUey II, Monrot SO
141U City 70. Sublimity w
CtactMio union 41, Norta Httioa M
Vtrnoolt 44, BtntM it
t, Ptul 94, Cbtmiffft SO
Cooby OS, Daytoo M (vartlamo)
Corbett 47, Outoa SO
UoltUU 00. LeJcc- Owt0 M
SeappooM 04. Para roe) 40
Newport 00, Sweet Homo SO
acred Heart (Aelrm 44, alt. Anie 4S
JeweU 47. Yamhill ST
Verboort 40. aOacLucii Bon School u
Amity 40, Palla City 47
TlUamook CaUiolie OS, Noj.ttN 40
Rarrlahurc OS, BhotM 07
Lowell 01. Browrurlllo tl
Powder Valley 04. Cove SO
Pleasant Hill 0. Biitherim 4T
WUIametto 40, St. Francta 40 (both
Hood River 42, Whit Salmon. Wash. II
Liaiiganii aa, fjatoiauflt, wuu, 40
Carnai, Waah. 40, Rainier 10
Roaebars 44, llyrtla Creek 00
Xralii 42, Cottage Grove 31
Dare Creek SO, Oakland 21
(Br TJolUd nut)
AST- . - .
Yolo TT, Broa Of
Booton CoUoro IT. Braadols T4
TlUonoro 00. Prlaeotoa M m
Scion lull SO. PTOTMonoo 40
Ltiouom T3, Port Borrotr TO -
Doko TO. ttarMaoa ST
aoutn crollno 00. Wofford OS
Clrouon T3, ProjSrtorloa SO
at. Louli 04. CanUluf SI
SprlnofloM AXaio uio. 14, Orrukloa
Iliuonl atoto 04, WoituiutoT (Mo.)
low. TJ. Colorods All SS
Butlff OT, Punluo 00
Mobrosk. TO, Aouth Dokoto SS
W.Bttro Kr. att. T4. ciDclnnoU ft
W.rne 73. Ifletilioa Nonnol S4
Drtrolt S3. Woatorn Ontorlo 04
B.lolt TO. CoUoro of Poctlle OS
WlehlL S3. Rorlf U
SUrtiaoU Tl. Ohio O. ST ,
Coplt.1 04, B.MtlOoro W
Oborlla 4T, Podb (Oblol 43
Dpaul OS. Illlaols Mormal
Houston 7S. Lonor SS
B.rlor SS, Tun Took 40
U8P Tl. Bon Proncble. tHoto 4f
Ooniuco TS, Lorolo 11.
aocromonto SUM 04, L,U oad Clork
oitrn Orel on Colfctoo TS, Collwo M
Idoho TT lovtrtln.l
arottlo Pulllo to. MorUrvtft Buonno
1100.) 01.
'The Ideal Gift for
Your Sportsminded Man"
When Nor in Use
It's Easily Put
Out of the Way
TIL 9, TIL DEC. 23
Free Parking
Arm Tflftfllp B1U P (left). Salens Academy for
HIIII lUilljlv Ward, loops his arms around Bray of
Waldport to get a foal called aa lilm la the second qnarter
f their game here last night. At right ia Dave Phillips.
Academy gaard, while la the backgreand are Sarver of
Waldport and Virgil Fadenrecht of the Academy, which
wea 46-44 an Fadenrecht's final free throws.
Salem Academy Evens
With Waldport, 46-44
A Salem Academy team
geared to avenge an earlier loas
fought off a Waldport rally to
win 46-44 on two free throws
in the last 20 seconds by Virgil
Fadenrecht. -
The 8-foot-10 guard, consist
ent basket weaver for the Cru
saders, made those deciding
points his 23rd and 24th of a
full evening which found the
visitors from Waldport erasing
16-point second quarter defi
Perrydale Edges
Alsea 29 to 24
On Free Throws
Perrydale A free throw
hitting team of Perrydale Pr-
rates won a return match witn
Alsea by a score of 29-24, in a
basketball game here Tuesday
Perrydale- now has won two
games from Alsea which were
decided by free throws, as they
defeated Alsea, 37-32, . last
Tuesday at Alsea. The Pirates
hit 13 out of their 18 chances at
the free throw line, while Alsea
only hit 10 of their 16 gift shots
Sam Stewart scored a big 18
points to again lead the Pirates
to victory. He scored IS points
in last week's game. Rodney
Hotter scored seven to lead AI
sea's scoring.
Perrydale led most of the
game, leading 6-2, at the first
quarter, 10-7, at half time, and
20-14, at the end of the third
Alsea won the J.V. game,
30-14. Spencer hit eight points
to lead Alsea and Roy Chapin
scored fonr to be high for the
Junior Pirates.
Slot (34) (10) Pomnol.
Nichols. S P S. Rompo!
Dowoon. s P l, Lnunuor
Atklnion. S ...... ..C S, Cooper
Holur. 1 0 IS. 4 o 1. CXntcrtch
Bcocrrct: Alwo poncor S; Porrrdolo
LcMOMcr 1.
OIllcloU: Bmlrh ond D.ll.r.
mdom Mot OBI . oneSsoBKeBt'
At Waldport last Friday
night. Salem Academy lost a
rough game, 47-43.
The Crusaders had quarter'
time leads of 10-5, 26-12 and
37-31, only to have it tied up
42-42 with 1 Vi minutes to go.
Again with one minute remain
ing it. wu deadlocked 44-44
before Fadenrecht waa fouled.
He got two more chances at
the close of the game but miss
ed eoth foul shots, proving un
necessary after all.
Salem Academy's junior var
sity remained unbeaten by vir
tue of its 39-21 win In the pre
Woldport (44)
Pollot, S
Br.r. 11
Server. 0
(44) tolcoi Scoaooir
.P Schroder
..P 4. Alll.ur
..C 0. D.ll.
..O S4, Podenroch
am.ll.ood, S ,
O IS. Phillips
Reserve,: Woldport Cummlnst A. oil.
n 0. Ponker: aalotl Acodecu Pierce
3, WelUee.
oiltciol CKnvono M airnio.
I . ''
Central Shades
Sheridan, 52-49
- Independence- A one-point
deficit was turned Into victory
for Central high school over
Sheridan here last night, 82
49, on free throws.
Mel Haveman, a S-foot-7
freshman guard, hit three free
throws and Larry Johnson hit
another In the final minute for
Central after training 49-48.
Skene., (if) ot) control
Clerk. T 14, Johnoen
Nlck.reon, 0 P , Heoennen
I Oreen. IT C 4. Alelp
Popcn. 0 0 IS. Nelson
Berkeley, is o s. Hevemkn
Reserves oeorlno: ShcrldenBbrn 3.
Control Brunk o, Protiko S. Ofllclols:
Beord end Oror.
Newberg Newberg scared
Silverton high school with a
late rally before falling 48-47
to the visitors of the Willam
ette Valley league here last
night. Kaser scored 11 for the
Silverton Foxes and Gabe Wolf
hit IS for Newberg.
Vikings Drill
Frosh Quintet
The Slem high Vikings
scrimmaged the Willamette
University Freshmen team
Tuesday afternoon in prepara
tion for their opening Big Six
clash Friday night at Spring
Harold Hauk'a Vikinga will
be after their third straight win
of the season after they have
beaten the Roosevelt Rough
riders and the Hillboro Spar
tans. The Vikings have not
played for ten days after their
Hillsboro win.
Salem will be attempting to
open their tough Big Six title
In winning style aa they must
meet strong Eugene, Albany,
and Corvallis along with Bend
later on in the season. The
Millers, although they ended In
the five-way tie last year, are
not expected to have much this
year with the loss of their key
Hauk will probably, stick
with his regular starters with
Jim Knapp and Gordy Domo-
galla at the guards, Bob Wulf
at center, and Tom Pickens and
Wayne Ericksen at the for
wards. Wulf, junior, didn't
start In the Roosevelt game but
looked good against Hillsboro.
In recent workouts the Vi
kings have been placing special
emphasis on free throw shoot
ing after they missed more than
25 at Hillsboro. Salem worked
out against the W. U. Bearkit-
tens for several hours Tuesday
and then have practices this
afternoon and again Thursday
night They leave Friday after
noon. Lee Gustafson's Salem high
junior varsity will also be after
its third straight win of the
ason when it meets the
Springfield junior varsity in the
Ed Barrow, Builder
Of Yankees, Dead
Fort Cheater, N.T. (V-Ed
Barrow, the man who discov
ered Hon us Wagner, changed
Babe Buth into an outfielder
and developed the New York
Yankees Into the most feared
team la baseball, died sit can
cer last night, Ha waa 81. .
Barr.w retired In 1947,
aelllng his stock In the Yan
kees for S300,tt. He had
been with the elnb for 26
Gical Ehiislma fllfci'I
I - I ' (L)Ju -
OPixrMCOsr . .C'An & ' tf
$50 RottOolly-
tvci ach tupr-powrtd
evil otHit
Too see t edvercttW In yew
ftrvortie mogosinet the osoewei
web dRere. New yew keve
It tllAT rtATWtS
AcmhUiMlllfW HQ It
muo Nomi mm p
(Msant aiKtd
Ring Intruder Causes
Lindsey to Lose Bout '
A Britisher got joUy weU ex
cited at the main event, leaped
into the wrealiirog sting and
caused Luther Lindsey to be
disqualified in the deciding fall
against rough Jack O'Reilly
last night at the Salem Arm
ory. The fellow with the good in
tentions and bad results was
David Jons, who had defeated
Jack Kiaer in the semi-final
match. Jons, a Royal Air Force
veteran, couldn't stand seeing
O'Reilly torturing Lindsey
with face stomps and head
lock In the ropes and went into
Promoter Roar bed Up
Jons approached O'Reilly
from the rear, pulled him off
Lindsey and slugged the Aus-
Vile Mat men
Win Opener
Sweet Home Salem high
school's wrestling team won
nine of 13 matches here Tues
day night In the first conflict
of the season. One was a draw,
leaving the score at 49-12.
Salem, coached by Hank Ju
ran and Al Gray, will host Dal
las next Monday night.
Chuck Hublcr, 250-pound
Sweet Home entry, waa out
standing as he pummeled Dave
cunruii, 223. ,
Results: '
SS DOnndo Boon Venek. aeloae. cdojtod
Ron Woevor. a. Hobo.
103 Devo elortea, Solent, naued. ifuc.
erove. a), name. i
113 Jlocer Mores, Seleee, stoned. Boa.
ov-wetl, a. Hecao.
130-lerrr Boom. Select, arc with
Pete llusorevo. a. Hon..
1ST Dick Poenoa. anient, pteeod At
kinson, a. Home.
lis Jim ouud. S. Home, pinned Dea
Phillips, aelem.
no bo. cemeron, eUlea, pinned Oerr
Stot.rc. S Homo.
1 Hem JunJ. Soloes, deeldeaed an.
ehrlot, a. Homo.
i4 prenk wtutemo, elect, sinned
either, n Moons.
101 Jock atnmer. aeloce. -
Bextor, s. Homo.
lie not Boner, Seleee. pinned BJoUet,
. Homo.
Heevy.elsht Chuck Htmler. OL Hoeno.
pinned Devo Cundllt.
103 Devtd Venek, aeloce, declsloned
Ken Sens, S. Homo.
110 Lerrr aummere. a. Heme, fen mr
Cleudo Beerd. aelem.
m oeve Helotoed. a. Home, doele
lonod Celvln Lens, Sclera.
us-Blll Vinson, a. Home, fen oror
C1III Breseler, aelem.
144 John cnmmlroie, elonw aai Itst
Arthur, drew.
ie writ tit Heel, aelem. Sea ever
Dcerr Xnutcos. a. Homo.
10c Lnync Cemll. Setcos. on) Dtok
Arthur. S. Homo. (elL
lW-Creld Dstun. aelem, lea ever
Jock Bvcrctt, a. Home ' -
ire Terr, aelteonrr. melees. .,,1011
J HeevrwoUht Rer Terlor. Aelem. do
clslon over Prod sparteo.. Cm .1 Hsste.
mnt PHTta
IKetPtt in ro
4 - 5502 AT ONCE
anACN-O-MATK I "sccsccsnccsw 1
in JT At. fl i-t1-- it
I el0"' "l7 M 'cewfe.nx Meek
ccBcakBT"'ner roois a " " t ccw in sues
scoscjjja Iresaecoa m
traliaa several times much tt)
the surprise of everyone. Ref
ers Frank Fagetty used hi
voice and muscles to try to get
Jons out of the ring and Pro
moter Elton Owen aped to the
scene, only to have Jons stomp
oa his instep and awing hua
Fagetty then disoue Lifted
Lindsey and storm broke
loose, Lindsey refusing to be- .
lieve it and trying to continue
the match which found each
grappler with . a fall. The
crowd surged to ringside and
Owen received vocal abuse as
he upheld the referee's deci
sion. .-....
O'Reilly lost the first fail t
two body slams and a full nel
son applied powerfully by
Lindsey. O'Reilly took the sec
ond fall in five minutes, toft.
enlng Land sty with face stomps
followed by step over toe
hold. The third fall lasted only
five minutes more. t
The opener found G e 1 4 1 a
Boy Lent beating Danny
O'Rourke with a ful) nelson
and Don Kindred and Bronco
Lubich battled to a no-fall
draw In 20 rough minutes. '
Jons beat Kiser in two el
three falls, an in 10 minutes.
He took the first with his T
formation backbreaker, lest the
second when ha missed the
hold and fell victim of a rollinc
ahortarm scissors and ' pin.
Jons squirmed out of a rolling
ahortarm scissor In the third
fall and pinned Kiser'a shoul
ders to the mat
During the 1053 National
League season Richie Asbura
of the Phillies hit 1 single.
2j -Ztiz no liij'A
What car gtvM
you mor than
5 fi of tearing width
in bolh front and
back tsattf
of court! '
- ao Mlt
OsoojSamcl .Mi (tvV chsacfol oVS ffosArceM ' V
s?y ',-' I
sPwWoPcPaU 4ejVemcBmt WU9 cr"WceV