Wadnwday, December 16, 195 J THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Saks. Oncea t' na" Page is Keizer Keixer Mr. and Mn. Floyd Miller of BIS Cbemawa Rd. left Dee. 11 for Oklahoma City and Paul's Valley, Okla., to visit relative! through the Christ mas holidays. They plan to be gone a month. Bob's Shoe Repair shop, 960 Chemawa Rd., suffered a $1500 loss when an acetone tank ex ploded, setting fire to the es HEALTH TO . YOU After Correcting HEMORRHOID! - (PILES) flstola, liMUrr, Pralapee tnl Other fteetal Dbwden. With. Ml Bo.pitallxatl.ri. Stomach, Ceten ' ana Other Dlttstto Dkaraan. Write r CaB far Free Da atrlsiir B.laiet Tadajr. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturopath Proctologist 1144 Center 8t ' raoaet-Mct tablishment Saturday evenlna. The shop is owned by Robert Barrett. The fire destroyed his repair equipment The Assem-' bly of Cod church, which is next door, was slightly dam aged. . The Keizer fire department wu host to the Marion County Firemen's association. Gueits for the evening were E. . Morrison, chief engineer from the Oregon Insurance Rating Bureau, Portland; How ard Gill, retired battalion chief and drillmaster of the Portland fire department: Chuck Taylor of the fire mar shal's office, Salem; W. B. Jones of the Industrial Acci dent commission, Salem; Bill Hughes of the Forestry depart- i ment, Salem; Doug Roney of Honey Supply and Equipment, j Portland, and Tommy Thomp son, salesman for Howard ! Cooper Corp, Portland. A chicken and noodle din ner was served by the fire de partment's chief cook, Harold ; Burright, and his assistants. Keizer Scouts of Eagle pa 1 trol of troop 41 camped over ' night in the Silverton Hills, at ! Mickey Hickman's, in one of the wont storms so far this ! season. The boys were: Gene ! Gilbertson, patrol leader; John Rohrer, Rolf Gilbertson, and Stave Billings, assistant patrol leader. Gene's dad was the leader. Due to good Scout training, the group was able to make itself completely com fortable.' The Keizer Builder's Supply is putting up another building just cast of its office en Che mawa road. This building will be a business rental and will house a woodworking shop. The carlhaven Garden club met Dee. S at the home of Mr, and Mrs. B. -E. Kreft, 4827 Thorman. Mr. Harms from Salem floral shop gave a talk about making Christmas cor sages and decorations. Harold Meyer, 6-year-old son of Ray Meyer, Rt 2, Box 345K, suffered a broken collar bone in an auto accident near Hayesville school. He was tak en to the Salem Memorial hos plUL A new grocery, meat market and fountain la now open for business at S129 N. River Rd A name for the establishment will be chosen by a contest. Owners are Hank Stevenson and Benny Higashi. The Boy Scouts of Keizer are again selling Christmas trees. They are located at Or cutt's market and on the Keiz er corner. Both Orcutt's and the Keizer Super Market are donating space for the boys to Clear Lake The Missions ary Society will hold Its annu al Christmas party Dec 18 at the church. Members of the Christian Service Guild and other Clear Lake ladies, who wlih to attend also are invited. Luncheon will be served at 12 SO. , Those attending are to bring dish for luncheon and 25 cent gift for the exchange, The church program la Lscheduled for Sunday at 7:30 Clear Lake STIFF'S OFFER YOU SPECIAL PRICES FOR A SPECIAL SEASON WE HAVE ONLY A FEW OF EACH ITEM LEFT SO HURRY CEDAR CHESTS With Drawer lr Bottom Walnut Finish REG. $39.50 Tom Pomeroy and son won the top honors at the state fair- grounds in the Cherry City Racing Pigeon club contest. with a young hen named Best of Class, best of Salem birds. then grand champion of the show. Brownie troop 21 met and finished the scrapbook they I are preparing for Fairview Home. The nine girls have sold 80 calendars. Keizer Community church members met and elected of-, fleers. They are: Lauren Stett ler, elder; Paul Geil, superin tendent; Hugh Adams, assist ant superintendent; Virginia Hurter, secretary; Glendon Geil, head usher; Charles Ross, assistant usher; Bob Goertz, director of music; Terry Goertz, secretary of Sunday school; Carol Stettler, pianist; Marvin Black, assistant pian ist. Yearly reports were given by Chris Lamparter, Charles Ronk," Edgar Sawyer and Charles Ross. Marvin Black is to start landscaping the church grounds this week. The Boy Scout troop of! Keizer Joined with the Explor- er post to hold a joint court of honor at the Keizer school auditorium. Bill McCormack and John Rohrer received sec ond class awards. First class awards went to Stephen Bill ings, Robert Hawley and Rich were awarded various merit badges: Roy Ellis, fireman ship; William Ebert, fireman- ship and home repairs; Jerry Hawley, personal health; Rob ert Hawley, personal health; Clifford Harris, firemanship; David Rehfus, personal health. Steve Billings earned five mer it badges for cooking, safety. personal health; public health and scholarship. The court was conducted by Mr. Gilbert' son, acting as clerk. Hugh Adams, committee man, and Vera Billings and Marvin Black, assistant Scout masters, assisted in- the pre sentation of the awards. Re freshments were served by the Scout Mothers' club. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Snook, 1230 Claggett, have enter-1 tained Mrs. Snook's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. Rettig of Aberdeen, Wash. Mrs. Snook's cousin and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cagler of Kearney, Neb., also have been guests. The Keizer Ladies' Sewing club wiU meet Dec. IT at the home of Mrs. H. M. Broadbent, 872 Sunset Ave. n m. Mrs. Naomi Manas and Miss Margot Purdues are ar ranging the program. The choir, waa wvitea to sing at the party held by the Tarmony Rebekah and Gervala Odd Fellows at Quinaby xiau Monday evening. The a ear Lake teachers. Miss Grace Klampe, Mrs. Inez Cannoy. and Mrs. Ruth Han cock, have planed the school program for Dec 22, 8 p.m. Music will be furnished by the Clear Lake-Buena Crest band and a student rhrui, with Miss Msrlyn Meyers as guest soloist. All rooms will have Christ mas parties Dec 24, with vaca tion extending from then until Jan. 4. THE PEERLESS BAKERY Bakers for her Majesty the Housewife aJttfjT Green Stamp 170 N. Commerciot POOR BOY . SANDWICH At NORTH'S 1178 Center St SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of al kteea. Tresses, aMesa tnal laaeatts. BaaUa Baatsry. flttsia uliato ASK XOOB DOOTOB Cipifal Drag Store MS State Stmt Carncr ml liberty Ml Green Stamm Now J2495 CHILDREN'S I 3-PC. TABLE and CHAIR SET A Lively Design In Brown and Beige or Red and Yellow REG.. $11.95 Now59'5 IP5 Illmrritlnn Not Exact Illustration Not Exact LAMPS A Lovely Highlight for Any Home! In Blue, Green, Wine REG. $9.95 Now$4'5 L.ft.8, o ins. - High ONE GROUP OF PICTURES 1 2 PRICE HASSOCKS Variety of Colors ond Styles REG. $7.00 NOW 4M liEJm WE GIVE AND REDEEM PENNY SAVER STAMPS l f ill BaSSOi 450 COURT, SALEM OPEN EVERY NIGHT New Low Prices! Famous Westinghouse Laundromat and Clothes Dryer F Offer for. a limited time only Yeater Appliance Co. Open Nights Til 9, Dee. 14th Thru 23rd Ph.3-4311 375 Chemekera It's Christmas again . I . and her art the gifts she will remem ber . . "i Beautiful Lacy Lingerie . ; . Stockings by Humming Bird . . . and a host of other Gift Ideas ... All gift wrapped . . . it's our pleasure without charge ' ' a ' ' n' i . i . , Mandarin or Plain Stylet . . . Tor Lounging or Sleeping ... In Cud dly Cotton or Acetate Crepe . . . ' Also Quilts . . . Many Styles to , Choose From . , . The Perfect Gift "i 6" -24" SWWWi,iaMllSISJSWIMIMWiaiSISajsj WE WILL NOT BE OPEN NIGHTS BEFORE CHRISTMAS In deference to our personnel, who make every effort to give perfect serv ice to our trade, we do not feel it is consistent to stay open nights! This has always been and will remain our policy! P Clip The Largest Gift Be ' lection Ever ... In Filmy Nylon . . . Wonderful Acetate . . Tailored or Tan ey Styles . . . Whites f.. Blacks . . . Colon. 2" -8" OA? SPECIAL From a Famous Manufac turer . Whose . Natci Vs Cannot Disclose . . Ynose Wonderful Stocking! Just Right for Her . .'. AU Beautifully Gift Wrapped. JPr.Glftloxed 3M (OPEN EVERY NTf till 9 p.m.) Just In ... A Fine Selection' of Beautiful Rot in Cotton ... Satin . . . Nylrn . , Long Sweep Ing Luxury Q'ltlte ... Or Brunch Coat Length'. , . Just the Thing for Her This Christmas . . . 895.2995 Let's go to 135 N. Liberty ft (FOP 234 N. Liberty in Salem (681 Main in Lebanon) sn .. .