Wednesday. December 16, 19S3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon P:t is DEOCORIZING DICK H ..! - 7 m Valley m I g,jjj low m ououq j' HIGH IN IKERCT S I 1 IT VOIR FAVORITE MOI SURE r , Phone 2-2406 . To Place Classified Ads This scene from the 00 character Inter Club Carnival, presented at Salem Senior High school Wednesday eve ning, ihowi, from left. Sybil Campbell, 210 University street, with the pet skunk and Sick Richardsoi. S20 Tarn rack street, being deodorixed by Lorraine Owens, 780 Evans avenue. . Cotton Farmers Vote For High Price Supports Washington UJ9 The agri culture department announced today that the nation's cotton farmers have voted over whelmingly to submit to pro duction curbs rather than sur render high price supports next year. , The landslide vote for fed eral marketing quotas now leaves it up to congress to de cide Just how big a cutback will be involved in the pro gram which will put more basic crops under federal pro duction control than at any Ira Herriford Group Leader Ut Angel Vice President Ira Herriford was elected pres ident of the Mount Angel Bus iness lien's club at the annual election held at the dinner meeting Christmas party Mon day evening, Dee. 14, at the Mount Angel hotel.. Elected vice president was Harold Bourbonnais, and J. J. Penner was re-elected secretary-treasurer. The officers will be Installed at the January meeting. S. C. Schmitt president. presided at the meeting. Guest speaker was Kenneth Brown, Salem, district attorney. Sports chairman, William Bean, stated that the winter sports program wilTget under way within the next week. A tentative program will include basketball and volleyball play ing in the St Mary's school gym. The boys and girls' groups will be assigned their own evenings for games. A number of committee chairmen gave their reports. Peter Gores, blood bank chair man, reported a satisfactory turnout with 104 persons do nating ST pints of blood when the Marion county Bed Cross bloodraoblle called at Mount Angel December at the St. Mary's school auditorium. The second annual com munity free eats program, giv en Saturday, December 13, In the city hall, was attended by approximately 1S00 people, re ported Joseph Wagner, chair man of the event Al Dteker reported on the Community Chest drive, with receipts to date amounting to $1431.10, which U below the BARBEQUED , CRAB AT NORTH'S ' 117 Center gt quota figure. . can MucKcn, enairman oi the streets decorating commit tee, announced that the large outdoor Christmas crib will be put up on the lawns of the E. G. Unger residence, as in for mer years, and also that the city street decorating will be completed Wednesday. T. 3. Schwab announced that Representative Morblad will visit In Mount Angel this week. LAND BOARD VPS INTEREST BATE The state land board 'an nounced Tuesday it is increas ing its interest rates from 4 to 4Vs per cent on all loans of more than $2,500. REDS THREATEN STRIKES Rome 11 Italy's commu nist labor boss threatened more strikes In labor's continuing campaign for higher pay as workers returned to their Jobs Wednesday after the nation's third big general 24-hour walkout this year. ' The threat was voided by Giuseppe dl Vittorla, hsad of the Red-lad Italian General Confederation of Labor. , , ' Quick! D res Up CHEST COLDS' slM heal CONGESTION MUSTEROLE Some 670 species of native grass are found in Texas. ATTENTION- Tent Awninos Torpolins ' Truck Coven ModetoOrderot No Extra Charge! We manufacture our own products , . , No Salesmen or Distributors to Pay That Is Why Wa Can Moke letter Products Aim Sell tor Lets! . A CHRISTMAS PRESENT SUGGESTION ' Sicycle Carrier lags M PAend - ItafVi Pits Any Itcycla, Soys 'or Girls' 'up SALEM TENT & AWNING CO. 729 N. Liberty St. Phono 3-4781 Mlllieas Always Carry TUMI relic . rtbarn. sicicf tstioa is record . no wtr. ao n wDcrc -MJ&tvm KM TNI TU, A Sure-To-Please Gift . , Men's and Young Men's ' SLACKS Choose from a large Iswttinn nf IflflcX, wool biir fabric and color choice. 8.95 , 15.95 Open Friday Nights Til 9 Til Christmas OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY KAY WOOLEN MILLS STORE 260 S. 1 2th St. "The Street the Trains Run On' time since before World War II- The department said that un o.' tidal returns from yester d y's referendum In 20 cot- tod producing states show that about 83. J per cent of the 478,133 farmers who voted favored quotas. The actual vote: 445,427 for: 27.898 against, and 4807 challenged. Although the total vote was the smallest of eight quota referendum! held since 1838 and represented less than half of the estimated eligible vot ers, the percentage in favor was close to the largest ever. This is certain to be used by farm leaders as more evi dence that farmers want price supports pegged high and held high when congress considers extension of the present sup port program next year. Polk County Audits One Room Schools ' Dallas An audit of schools in the county has been made and the report will be aent to the various schools, F. C. Greene, county superintend ent, announces. AU one-room schools will receive the portion of the re port that deals wltb one-room schools. This will enable those inieresiea to compare one school with another. Likewise, two-room schools and rural high schools are Included in the plan. The problem ot distributing the rural schools levy was giv en to the county superintend ents by the last legislature. Workers In Salem hope to have the funds In the hands of districts by Jan. 1, according to Greene. More than 1,400 chaplains are on duty in the army. They represent the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Jewish faiths. I f Want to moke a hit this Chnstmasl give SLIPPERS . Anxious to please that special lady of your choice this Christmas, men? Better come in and pick pair of beautiful Nite Life Slippers from our big holiday stocks! Women love the grace and prettiness, the smart patterns and' wonderful comfort of the Nite Life line. And check those prices! You won't find a better value in town. Stop in for gift buying today. I r-O 1 frtHUd Ntw 1954 kimlrd 1 L ' rTYJ oul 1 1 nijw IB ' II TV CONSOll J iii-'ipraawi . ' ; V Only from Admiral oomea this lifttim tealtd tunaom that does what neithtr could do aloiu! ' ' Admiral's Aluminiied Picture Tube works its magic with mirrors! A microscopically thin aluminum mirror coating beams tht picturt forward to the viewer giving an 80 brighter picture that won't "wash out," even in sunlight! Admiral's exclusive Optic Fiber then goos to work, just as a photographer uses a filter to give his pictures more depth and clarity. Deep tones are intentifitd, light tones darifitd haze, glare, and reflections are wiped out! The result: ttUoition't , finest picturt, by fori I II C2316-Mora than 335 so. in. ehmhiui sfcfura rM ,' exdunVe Optic filter , . . framed ki the gleaming luxury of Admiral's Goldwi Picture rrome . , , powered by ma " Deluxe Sup.r Catcode Chaislil Rich, hond-rvbbed mahogany or blonde cabinet. . $400 Yours for Only Weakly If! C3220-21' cemol. Mi 252 te kv M210 Mohogony M-doer 21' TV flfc oHimMnd picture end Oplk rllrtr , , , Svpr tlvmlnlnd 252 iq. In. , . . Optk PUttf Caicod CHaHit ... eUominfl Ootdce ..SupwCoKedChonl...GeldiPicriire rlcMr. from. Hand -rub bd mahogany, From. Alt. ki blond, end Amerka Pn walnut, or blond. DnlihM. vbidal Map. Add $10.00 for Channel 27 Only 3 25 Weekly Only 3 35 Weekly YES, WE HAVE OUR OWN SERVICE & INSTALLATION DEPT. None Better In The West r - SK J .i . MILLER'S 57 Years Selling Quality OPEN TILL 9 P.M. HEIDERS 395 NORTH HIGH 428 COURT STREET 30 Years in Salem ... Visit Our Hi-Fi Room Open Till 9 p.m. TV CENTER 1120 CENTER ST. Solent's Finest Selection of Television OPEN TILL 9 P.M. ARBUCKLES 481 STATE ST. OPEN EVENINGS UNTILCHRISTMAS