Tuesday, December IS, 1953 , THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregwi Paft I P. tar Group Meets Elects Officers And Woodburn Eighty five memben of the Order of East ern Star from various parts of the valley gathered at tha Ma' sonic temple in Woodburn re jcently for the December meet ing of the Willamette Valley Matrons and Patrons associa tion. Hostess chapters were Evergreen of Woodburn and Trinity of Salem. I The meeting was opened by Mrs. Gail Wengenrotn. worthy matron of Evergreen chapter. who introduced Mrs. Harry tharlton. worthy matron, and Harry Miller, worthy patron, of Trinity chapter and Gail Wen genroth, worthy patron of Ev ergreen chapter. i A group of Christmss carols Were sung by Harry Miller of Trinity and the flag was es corted to the east by Mrs. Rose Echmid and Mark Thompson of Evergreen. I 'Mrs. Gladys Harnsberger of JAdah chapter, Independence, presided over the business jmeeting and the report of the Biominaung nnuniun wu arc i tented. The following new officers were elected: Mrs. Rita Gorrie bf Evangeline chapter, Eugene, president; Harry L. Miller, Trinity chapter, Salem, vice president; Ralph Sutton, Junc tion City chapter, secretary- rrasurer. The count of line officers at tending gave Acacia chapter of Stayton the plaque for the year. (The traveling gavel was pre sented to Evergreen and Trin Sty chapters for the month by 'Mrs. Otho Eckersley, wor thy matron of the Salem chap ter. j The program included vocal numbers by the girls' trio of Woodburn high school, Misses 'Janice Hanauska, Karen .Mag jiuson and Marcia LaBarr, and -group singing of Christmas 'carols, led by Harry Miller. Gifts were brought by those attending to be presented to '.the Chemawa Indian school. 'Refreshments were served by ,ihe officers of Evergreen and iTrinity chapters, i rift :-.. e : .vz FOLLOW THI LEADER rd a mm aoUt whether the UtU bay ts leading these whits Freaek peedles sr they're taking hlsa to a Paris dog show when lares were entries, In Arizona I SUverton Mr. and Mrs. C. J. jTowe have written local friends jof their plans to remain for lanother week in Phoenix, Ariz., 'where they have been for some lime, en route through the southern states on a trailer 1 Jaunt for the winter months. The Towes are trailer court neighbors of another former J SUverton couple in Phoenix, the A. J. Tituses, now making 'their permanent home in Sher idan. I Mr. and Mrs. Towe plan to '.spend Christmas at the Fort Dodge, Iowa, ' home of their Ison-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Harmon, the for mer Dorothy Towe. ' kAnther Meetina ........... a ' Silverton Members of the : Mothers club of St Paul's par h, Silverton, are meeting Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the school social ! rooms, with Mrs. 'Maurice ,Schnorenberg, president, di recting the business program, j Plans will be made for the ! Saturday, December 19, cooked . food sale to be given at Carter's Oak street store, beginning at :8 30 o'clock in the forenoon. The committee in charge of 'plans include, as chairman, Mrs. Tony Zastoupil, Mrs. Hugo Boehmer, Mrs. John Doran, ;Mrs. Rex Olson, Mrs. Ray Syst ems and Mrs. Maurice Schnor ienberg. I To be In charge of the Christ- mas program for the young ifolk are to be the parochial school room mothers. Leave for Chicago ' Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Francis plan to leave Portland, Wednesday, by train for their former home, Chicago, : where they will be with mem Ibers of their families for a six week visit during the holiday season. I Both Mr. and Mrs. Francis 'are active in the work of the i American Legion, Dclbert Reeves post and auxiliary. Slot Machines In Idaho Court Boise W The slot machine issue was handed to the Idaho Supreme Court Monday with a request that it "forthrightly answer the question" as to their legality.' Atty. Gen. Robert E. Smylie defended their legality, but made it clear that he regards them as "odious devices of no social, moral or economic mer it." He said the case the state's $7,300 suit against the city of Gooding was filed only to determine constitution. ality of the 1947 local option slot licensing law. "I'm sorry to see the attor ney general come into court in the frame of mind he is in," said James W. Blaine of Boise, attorney for Garden City slot macnine operators. He inter vened as a "friend of the court" "It seems that he starting off with the premise that this is a bad law," Blaine said. Arguing that the slots are il legal. Branch Bird, Gooding city attorney, told the court that "every court in the land except those in Florida and Ne vada has held that slot ma chines are lotteries." Idaho's es timated 3,600 slot machines are scheduled to go out of busi ness, Jan. 1 under a new state law. WCTC XMAS PARTY Woodburn Members of the Woodburn unit of the Women's Christian Temper ance Union will hold their an nual Christmas party during the regular meeting Friday, Dec. 18, at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Warren Donner 811 Front St. There will be a gift exchange and members are also asked to bring a gift or other item for the box of toys and clothing to be sent to the Children's Farm Home at Corvallis. Inter-Club Carnival Will Choose Queen Salem high school's annual Inter-club Carnival will , be held Wednesday night in the high school auditorium, start tag at 7:30. . The theme of the production, which is sponsored by Civics Club and the Associated Stu dent Body of Salem High, Filly for Your Fancy." This year's carnival is head ed by Ed CastiUo with Nancy Payne as co-chairman. A high light of the evening will be the introduction of the queen and her two crown princesses for the carnival. The princesses were presented to the student body Monday and the voting will be Tuesday. The carnival consist of scenario, which depicts school life 50 years ago, and then short productions by clubs of Salem high. The public is in vited to attend. An admission will be charged. OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL CHRISTMAS JZt4 liberty street - court street Weaivee-a' -redeem frtC ' Grata Stamps Pps 4 net iti lads f I vrv7 vujj A V I ! :'.v 1 ' I MODEL 1 SIC 1 I ' -nt rrv I aQS 1 We Give and Redeem 3 . t 2 ' I 1 JiyiP 1 2?X: Green Stamps JpVVtt j Iky" liberty street - court street rnodemn ' ' ' I 2Mnch rVotin plastic 1 J I X1 JrTtrjm I ... - -JL- Tu-'.- 5eeTIUS 0y 1 H FomoUS I OPEN EVERY M T?f 1 . 1 x r :-r-r- ;be,oK- y' Washer Will : ' 0 JQQ.95 ) IP 21" Console -Model 2 1C1 17 " 2V Console -Model 21C15 499 W W $425. ' $35995 NO DOWN i -X ' ,m payment I ' : nk- i: M r I Approved Credit get the facts arid for your TV-you'll buy FIRST HOMI TV RECEIVER WASO.L G.I. ...FIRST WITH ALUMINIZEO TUBE THAT IMPROVES BRIGHTNESS UP TO 100 AND OEFUCTS LIGHT DOWN G. I. HAS BLACK SAFETY TINTED GLASS THAT CUTS . DOWN UNWANTED GLARE G. E. GIVES YOU " ALL CHANNEL PERFORMANCE G.E. GIVES YOU ' QUALITY CRAFTSMANSHIP Holiday Party ! Macleay Mrs. A. A. Spel brink will be hostess to mem bers of the Macleay Woman's club for a 1 o'clock dessert and Christmas party, at her home, .Thursday, December 17. WOODBURN GRANGE ; Woodburn A special meet ing of the Woodburn Grange, No. 79. will be held Friday evening, December 18, at the Grange hall fo members and .families, beginning with a pot luck dinner at 7:30 p.m. Fol lowing the dinner the first and 'second degrees will be con ferred upon eight new mem bers. 15 TORNADO TOLL ; Vicksburg, Miss. fl The death toll rose to 35 Monday in the wake of a tornado that smashed 12 blocks of this Mis sissippi river city. POOR BOY SANDWICH At NORTH'S 117( Center SL LIKE MAGIC... New Bcndix Duomotic wosliet, then dry oil in tho taint au tomatic operation! BENDIX DU0MATIC washer-dryer all-in-one First you see it washing: then you see it dry. ingl The world's tint and only Wsxher-Oryer all-in-one, completely automatic from start to (wish with a single setting of the dials. Works while you sleep, or stts you do other dtx, or lust play! And oh. how clean it washes! With It Msgle Heater that (eta wash water extra hot and new hl-Hft, deep-mn Tumble Action, the Bendlx Oaomaue washes cleaner than eer before Yes. it even arys a new way! New Fluff n Tumble Drying . . . Cycle Air prin ciple washes heat and molAture down the drain, so the Duomatlc doesn't even need venting. Tour room always stays comfortable. Dse it anywhere 34 inches of wall space Is all it takes. Be sure to see the Duomatlc before you buy any laundry equipment. Newly styled console that will oppeol to those who prefer blond furnishings! Top, ends and control panel ore of beau- tiful blond comb groin white oak with a rubbed finish. Con cealed costers for eosy moving. Open-face console, handsomely designed! Top and ends are of genuine mahogany pan els while the remainder Is of hard wood with mahogany finish. Entire cabinet Is highly pol ished ond rubbed. Easy-moving casters or concealed. Appliances, downstoirt On Our Approved Credit 24 Months to Pay NO DOWN PAYMENT WE GIVE AND REDEEM GREEN STAMPS . a-...-.... 1 'JUL