Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 15, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Some Notations . . .
It to with pride, and justly
to, memben of tba committee
Issuing the "T' Ceokln " cook
book for the Salem YWCA "re
port nearly two-thirds of the
printing already told 1300 out
of 2000 copies, to be exact, all
line the lint of the month
... The attractive book ha
been bought by many at
Chriitmat gift, and a treasure
It Is for gift, too ... All pro
ceeds go to help furnish the
kitchen for the new YWCA
plant to open around the first
of February . . .
The cookbook will be on
sale at Miller's through Satur
day of this week, and con
tinues on sale at three book
stores, Cooke's, Needhsms
and Commercial, also at
Stevens and Sons, at Better
Bedding and at the Gift Box
. . . The recipes are all hand
lettered and autographed by
the authors, and illustrating
the book is a series of pen and
Ink sketches of Salem's his
toric and Interesting build
ings, done by Mrs. Morris
Crothers ...
If demand is great enough
at the close of the holidsy
period. It Is plsnned to issue
new edition next year
A charmingly arranged
Christmas time tea was the
hospitable affair for which
Mrs. Arnold Krneger was
hostess Monday afternoon at
her attractive apartment in
the Lee . . . Friends were In
vited to call between 2:30 and
8:30 o'clock ... It was one of
those "It is so much fun to
visit" occasions, the beautiful
Christmas decorations giving
Impetus to Interesting chatter
about the holidays . . . The
tea table was set with a white
cloth, the centerpiece st back
a striking arrangement of pine
boughs sprinkled with silver,
In front of them white carna
tions also sprinkled with silver.
. . , Cause for much comment
is the large silver Christmas
doll In the corner window
at the apartment, the doll
made especially for Mrs.
Krueger, the dress bedecked
with costume Jawelry. In front
of a large mirror Is a beautiful
arrangement of gilded leaves,
boughs and grapes encircling
an Ivory satin ring that is
also entwined with gold beads
. . . "Just the right" number
called at the different periods
West Salem Lions
Awt'iliary Meets .
The West Salem Lions club
auxiliary met at the home of
Mr. Wallace Carlson, Monday
evening, for the December
A donation was voted to be
given to the Boy Scouts who
are handling the distribution of
Christmas baskets to needy
families. -
An Invitation was accepted
from the West Salem Lions to
attend the ladies night banquet,
December 23.
A substantial profit was re
ported from the Christmas card
ssles. At the social hour, the
group exchanged gifts and Mrs.
C. A. Rust read a group of
Christmas poems. The hostess
served Swedish pastries at the
coffee hour, assisted by Mrs.
Clyde Everett and Mrs. Rich
ard Smith. The January meet
ing will be at the home of
Mrs. Rsy Osborn.
KINGWOOD auxiliary.
American Legion, clans its
Christmas party for Thursday
evening at the Legion hall.
There will be a no-nosi sup
ner at 6:30 o'clock, followed
by entertainment, a visit from
Santa Claus and treats for the
Regular and
French Cuff
w and up
By M.L.F.
and the ball echoed with
cheery greetings as the guests
arrived and departed . . .
Among those greeted during
our call, Mrs. Walter L. Toon,
Mrs. Charles D. Wood, Mrs.
A. W. Loacks, Mrs. Conrad
Panlson, Mrs. James L. Payne,
Mrs. Arthur Erlekson, Mrs.
Cobnrn Grabenhorst, Mrs.
Henry A. Simmons, Mrs.
Bradley Bnrkland, Mrs. Wil
liam Schiitt. sirs. Howard
Elsmann, Mrs. Ruse! E.
Pratt, Mrs. Elmer O. Berg,
Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Mrs.
Harold M. dinger, Mrs. A. D.
Woodmansee, Mrs. Elton
Thompson, Mrs. Chester Lee,
Mrs. William J. Brann, Mrs.
Glenn Stevens . . .
A colorful display of holiday
lighting at night on Fairrnount
Hill is at the A. C. Gerlinger
home, Washington and Fair-
mount . . . For several years
the home hss been beautifully
lighted for the holiday period,
but the effect is a bit different
this year. . . . The attractive
white house and a tree on
either side are all outlined in
blue lights for a picture set
ting. . . .
A mother-daughter tea Is on
the holiday week calendar for
Saturday, December 26, Mrs.
Herman jochlmsen and daugh
ters, Sondra, Susanne and Sal
ly, to entertain at their South
High street home. ... Invi
tations were received Monday
to the affair, guests being In
vited to call between 3 and 8
o'clock. . . .
Chairman for the hostess
group at the usual Wednesday
afternoon opening at Salem
Art museum, the Bush House,
will be Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr.
Hours are between 2 and
4:30 o'cltK-k . . The house Is
beautifully decorated for the
holiday season, especially at
tractive the beautiful mantel
arrangements in the many
fireplaces featuring the house
Wednesday evening, be
tween S and 7 o'clock, the
Salem Art association board
of trustees and officers are en
tertaining for the city offi
cials and their wives at the
museum . . . Coffee will be
served, Miss Elisabeth Lord
pouring . . .
ARRIVING home the latter
part of the week from school
for the Christmas holidays will
be Elliott Backstrand, Junior
at University of California,
and Jay Backstrand,- sopho
more at Oregon State college.
They are sons of Dr. and Mrs.
Jerald S. Backstrand.
Rotation Women
An interesting talk on
Christmas In her home place
by Miss Rebecca Hang of
Singapore, student at Wil
lamette university, featured
the luncheon and meeting for
Rotarlan Women, Monday.
Christmas decorations for
the luncheon were arranged
by Mrs. Csrl J. Wendt.
Mrs. John Cauble read the
Christmas story from -the
Bible. Christmas carols were
sung by Mr. and Mrs. William
Guests Included Mrs. B: F.
Pound, Mrs. Thomas Roen,
Jr., Mrs. Paul Robbins.
CHRISTMAS party for Kap
pa Kappa Gamma alumnae was
Monday evening at the home of
Mrs. Gordon Gllmore. Four
teen attended. Mrs. Lauren
Gale gave a' Christmas read
ing. A new member welcomed
was Mrs. Richard Panian.
DAY 9 'TIL 9
Projects for the winter
discussed at the meeting of
Salem Memorial hospital aux
iliary, Monday.
Mrs. Kenneth Sherman,
president, named Mrs. Parker
Gie as chairman of the mem
bership drive to start In late
Mrs. Thad ' More land was
named archivist to keep the
memory book for the group
and the record of activities and
Mrs. Charles H. Heltzel, gen
eral chairman, gave the report
on the recent "High Fever Fol
lies," the very successful ben
efit sponsored by the auxiliary.
Hostesses for the meeting
were Mrs. E. F. Kirkwood,
Mrs. O. M. Williams, Mrs. Thad
More land.
Senior Group
Feted by Club
Salem Junior Woman's club
members entertained the sen
ior women at their Monday
night businesa meeting at the
club house.
Mrs. William Crothers spoke
on the YWCA building project
end the sale of the YWCA cook
book. Mrs. Douglas Hay re
ported on the Christmas dance.
December 28 was the date
set for the Christmas social to
be at the home of Mrs. Eugene
R. Walper. Mrs. Gordon Gra
ber Is chairman of the event
assisted by Mrs. Howard E.
Elwood, Mrs. Bernlce Sullivant,
Mrs. Raymond Randall, Miss
Betty Jean Bergner. Mrs. Ted
Jenny, Mrs. Andrew ' Foster,
Mrs. Maynard Eissman, Mrs.
Vince Fletcher, and Mrs. E. D.
Mrs. Fred Joehnke announc
ed that the annual rummage
sale will be January 23 and
urged all members to bring
rummage to the next business
meeting. Mrs. Frank Ward re
ported that 1700 stamps had
been sent to veterans' hosDi-
tals last month.
During the social hour Dr.
Cameron Paulin of the Willam
ette university art department
spoke on "home planning now
and then." Mrs. Ted Morrison
introduced Dr. Paulin.
The refreshment committee
Included Mrs. Charles Winken
werder, chairman, Mrs. Wil
liam Schaumberg, Mrs. Donald
Dougherty and Mrs. Harlan
Service Projects
For Job's Daughters
Service projects for the
Christmas season were outlin
ed by girls of bethel No. 43.
Job's Daughters, at a meeting
Monaay night.
Four members of bethel will
sell Christmas seals at the
First National bank in Salem
Saturday. They are Misses
Kathy Heltzel. Sue Shaw, Bar
bara Morris, Carol Hageman.
Bethel members are also
collecting gifts to be given So
girls at Hillcrest home. .Miss
Judy Erickson offered to take
the gifts to the girls.
Christmas party of the
group was scheduled for Tues
day, December 22. Each girl
is to Drlng a fun gift and
can of food. The food will be
given to some organization
that is making up a Christmas
basket. The girls also decided
to purchase a sports shirt for
someone at the TB hospital.
ine group also selected sn
honorary grandmother and
grandfather, Mr. and Mrs.
James Scott, ach month sev
eral members will visit the
elderly couple. Mr. Scott is s
retired English army officer.
An Invitation of Salem chap,
ter, Order of Eastern Star, to
perform the closing ceremony
the Eastern Star installa
tion, Januay 2, was accepted
by members.
Guests at the meetins' were
Mrs. Otho Eckersley, worthy
matron of Salem chapter Or
der of Eastern Star; Mrs.
Harry Lucas, past matron. Sa
lem chapter; and Robert Ross,
worshipful master of lodge 04
!A.F. and A M. in Sheridan.
Bazaar Set
Date for the Royal Neigh
bor of America Christmas food
sale and baraur, previously set! Ingredients: One No. 2 can
for Friday, December 18. at the corned beet hash, 1 egg (sep
Gas company office has been Crated), V cup mayonnaise, hi
changed to Saturday. Decern
ber 19. at Roberts Brothers
store on Court street
The bazaar will be set up on
the balcony of the store, begin
ning at S a m.
SPIRITUAL Sunflower club
Is meeting Thursday of this
week between 1 and 4 p m. at
the home of Mrs. G. E. Fred
rikson, 1270 North 24th.
HOME from a trip to Chicsgo
to attend the national show
men's convention is Mrs. Ab
ner K. Kline. She came home
by way of Los Angeles.
Cdited by MARIAN
tiwtertati'i iift'if -WiiftSsar "-
Heads YWCA New president for the Salem YWCA
board of directors is Mrs. Carlton Grelder, pictured above
with her two children, Gena and Guy. It is to be a big
year, the association hoping to move into its new plant in
February, and it will be a busy time for Mrs. Greider
and her board planning the expanded program made pos
sible with the new facilities. (Jesten-Miller studio picture.)
Is Dated
Planned for the morning of
Saturday, December 26, is the
wedding of Miss Shirley Kout-
ny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lade V. Koutny, and Wayne
Mercer, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph H. Mercer.
The wedding will be a nup
tial hjgh mass In St Vincent
de Paul Catholic church at
10 o'clock.
The reception following will
be at the Knights of Columbus
Additional Society
On Page 8
HOSTS for a Christmas
time open house on Sunday,
December 27, will be Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Peterson.
Guests will include staff
members In the state depart
ment of agriculture and their
wives or husbands. Guests are
invited to call between 2 and
S o'clock. '
Spinsters Meet
Plans for their annual
Christmas charity ball were
discussed by Spinster club
members Monday evening
when they gathered at the
home of Miss Sue Rawlinson.
The dance comes this next
Saturday evening as one of the
highlight events of the pre
Christmas week end, the party
to be at the Marion hotel. Pro'
ceeds go to the club's philan
thropic projects. Next meeting
for the club will be January 4.
A SURPRISE party was giv
en Saturday evening for Mr,
and Mrs. Kenneth Potts in ob
servance of their 17th wedding
anniversay. The group gather
ed first at the Edward Roth
home, then going to dinner at
the Colonial House.
HOSTS for an Informal holi-
dav party on Friday evening played games,
will be Dr. and Mrs. Charles Next meeting will be Janu
Campbell Inviting a few friends "y 8 at the home of Mrs. B. C.
to call after 7:30 o'clock.
Today's Menu
Use this pantry-shelf menu
to prepare a meal in a hurry.
Shopper's Supper
Corned Beef Hash with
Pickle Sauce
Canned Green Beans
French Bread Salad Bowl
Fruit Cocktail Beverage
Corned Beef Hash
with Fickle Sauce
cup sweet pickle relish.
Method: Spread hash evenly
over the bottom of a greased
1-quart casserole. Beat egg
yolk slightly snd mix with
mayonnaise and pickle relish.
Beat egg white until stiff: fold
into pickle relish mixture.
Spread over hash. Bake, un
covered. In moderate (375F)
oven 13 minutes, or until hash
Is hot and topping is golden
brown. Makes 4 servings.
asanas ua
SII -'. f ... t..U .?.". .
Beth Siewert
Wed in East
Announcement is being made
of the marriage of Miss Beth
Siewert, formerly of Salem and
daughter of Mrs. Ferd Schlap
kohl of Salem, to Lyle T. Johns
ton, son of Mrs. May Johnston
of West Chester, Pa.
The ceremony was solemn
ized Friday, December 4, at a
ceremony in the Lotos club in
New York City, the Rev. Ben
jamin B. Hersey officiating in
the club s sitting room before
a setting of white gladioluses
and carnations.
The bride wore a camel col
ored costume suit with gold
lame blouse and blonde satin
hat tcimmg d with topaz Jewels.
Accessories were dark brown
and the bride carried green and
brown orchids.
Mrs. Raymond Hutchinson of
Ardmore, Pa. attended the
bride. She wore a violet suit
with mauve taffeta blouse,
mauve hat and black accessor
ies, and a corsage of pink ca
mellias. Walter Klett of New York
City was best man.
A reception was in the club's
dining room following the serv
ice. The couple will divide their
time between an apartment in
West Chester, Pa., and a farm
home in York county near Ste
wartstorn, Pa. The bride has
been east for the past six years,
being with the Lyle Johnston
Advertising agency. Mr. Johns
ton is owner of the advertising
agency, also a manufacturers
representative organization and
Grove Mill Farms, a commer
cial cattle operation in York
Hostess to Club '
Mrs. J. R. Zajic was hostess
to members of the Friendship
club at a luncheon last week.
During the afternoon, plans
were made by the group to
help a needy family at Christ
mas time. "Secret pals" were
revealed and gifts exchanged
among members. Members al
so sang Christmas carols and
iMiller, 1545 North 16th street.
1 r Qu'C.tASX SO VtUClOu
Republican Women Install
Mr. Roy T. Bishop, Port
land, state president of the
Oregon Federation of Republi
can Women, was a visitor for
the December meeting of Sal
em unit Monday afternoon, the
local group Installing new
officers at that time.
Dr. Howard Runkel of Wil
lamette university was guest
speaker to give a Christmas
time tslk.
Past presidents of the unit
were honored and those at
tending gave short talks of
their years In the unit work,
those attending Including Mrs.
M. M. Magee, Mrs. Walter L.
Spauldlng, Mrs. Charles A.
Sprague and Mrs. Clark C.
Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife
of Oregon's governor. Installed
the new officers who are as
Mrs. Leon Perry, president;
Miss Hattie Bratze), first vice
president; Mrs. Ed Lewis,
second vice president; Mrs.
Alfred Mueller, treasurer; Mrs.
E. F. Kirkwood, secretary;
Mrs. Clark C. McCall, Mrs. W.
F. Leary, Mrs. Lo'iis Lach
mund, directors.
Mrs. Perry named her com
mittee chairmen for the year
Visitors Here
Visitors from afar in the
capital for over Christmas are
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hammer-
lund of Johannesburg, South
Africa. They are guests of Mrs.
Hammerlund's brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Baker. They have been in the
States for some time and on
January 17 will leave to re
turn to their home Mr. Ham-
meilund being in the diamond
Industries In South Africa.
Also at the Baker home for
Christmas will be their son.
Neil, student at Oregon State
college, and their son-in-law
and daughter. Mr. nd Mrs
Jack LeFors and son Michael,
of Portland.
DECEMBER meeting of Sig
ma Kappa alumnae will be
Thursday evening at the home
of Mrs. Norman Johnson, 2690
North Lancaster Drive. This Is
to be the Christmas party for
the group, a no-host supper to
be served at 6 o'clock. There
will be a gift exchange and
games will be played. .
i at the
Gay New
your credit plate Ijg:
Slfe is good at
pt Liberty St. Court St...
Wgfa We give and redeem v4&i'
Membership, Mrs. W. T.
Attendance. Mrs. Ed Lewis.
Program, Mrs. Clark C. Mc
Call. Publicity, Mrs. William L.
Phillips, Sr. -
Hostess, Mrs. Robert E. Jos
eph. Volunteer workers, Mrs. M.
M. Msgee, Mrs. Ronald Jones,
Representatives to central
committtee, Mrs. Robert Hut
cheon, Mrs. Harold Schick, Jr.
White elephant sale, Mrs. W.
B. Gill.
At the conclusion of the
meeting, tea was served from
a pretty Christmas-time table
featuring a holly and red
candles arrangement.
Mrs.. Earl T. Newbry, wife
of Oregon's secretary of state,
and Mrs. Sigfrid B. Vnander,
wife of t h e state treasurer,
The group will resume its
work after the holidays, on
January 11.
Small Wonders for
sa-Ti- ... ... ir ..v-v
This Christmas
Give Her a
Practical Gift!
Gin mmicAU
She'll Love You For It!
Billie Rogers
; J
ilk v r-- v
tMfei, TOWNE
Sweaters for Happy
Beautiful Jeweled, Novelty, and Plain Cardigans
and Pull-Overs including Wondermeres.
All in Lovely New Shades
And Priced From $5.98 to $17.95
Tuesday, December 15, 195S
Holiday Party
For Chi Omegas
Christmas party for Chi
Omega alumnae was Monday
evening, the group meeting
with actives and pledges at the
chapter house.
Gifts were exchanged and
the group made up a basket to
be presented a needy family
at Christmas time.
Alumnae attending the party
Included Mrs. Robert Carey,
Mrs. Charles Darou, Mrs. Jack
son Hazlett, Mrs. George L.
Hill, Mrs. Carl Jonaason, Mrs.
Dale Pence, Mrs. Ralph Under
wood, Mrs. C. L. Webber, Jr.,
Mrs. Relnold Anderson, Mrs.
Gale Murray, Mrs. Frank A.
Brown, Miss Marjorie Engel
hart, Mrs. William C. Perry,
Mrs. William Hughes, Mrs.
Gordon Pratt of Sheridan, Mrs.
William-Davies of Portland.
SWEET BRIAR club plans
a Christmas party for Wednes
day, December 16, at the home
of Mrs. J. B. Crump, 470
VeaU Lane.
wns nin' wnww
Yuletide Giving
PHONE 20572
171J So. Commercial
Fa. 4-6111