Part 20 TflE CAPITAL JOURNai Salon, Ortroa Tuesday, December 15, 19S3 SANTA FLYING PUP By LUCRECf HUDGINS BEAU RADIO PROGRAMS) I'-, I i I ; ! if : ? "Let Ui look np thif treat Synapsis: Mr. Not Much and Mr. Very LllUc ran ta hint u Nil aa they m that Willi, was wing awept awn in tha middle f a snow Claud, Santa quickly want ta tha Claud Keeper who turned tha eland 4. rain, and Willie ma waahed ant net Santa Land. Santa retnbed U tell Willi, tha aacret af haw ha cauld really lrj. CHAPTER II AN UNSELFISH DEED "ITiie la Uia way the story goes," aaia earn to wuue tna pup. "A Ion time ago my reindeer were like all other reindeer. They lived with a great herd of their brothara and alsten and not one of tbem ever dreamed of flying. '"iVn there came a time when eilht of those deer did a truly unselfish thing. When they had done It they found, to their amusement, that ther were no longer Ilka other deer for now they could flvl "And that la how It haboens that my deer are the only onea 4h Mia w.1. .V.. f Mn flu' in trie world that can fly.' Willie waited for Santa to so on. But Santa waa silent. So Wil lis aald. "But. co on I What this truly unselfish thing they oia7- Santa shook his head. "I do not know." he smiled. "For you aee that is often the way with a truly unselfish deed. No one except the person who does It knows what It is." 1 dont understand at all " said Willie. 1 do not even know what - unselfish meant. "It la hard to explain such things." said Santa, "it la some- thing each person must discover Then Santa and his helpers went back to their work. Willie and the Dreamllna went into San ta's house and sat down to think "Let's look up this great big word in tna dictionary." said Mr. Not Much after a great deal of tnougnt. -men wa will know now to proceed.' The two Drcamlins studied the dictionary on Santas desk for a long while. Then Mr. Very Little aald, "To be unselfjh means sim ply to forget yourself, to do or give up something for aomeone lse "Why that Isnt difficult at all," aid Willie happily. "I think I ahall Just go down and talk to the reindeer for soon I shall bo flying with them." Wagging his rear end confi dently Willie took off for the atablea. But ho never got there for on tho way be passed around Santa's back porch. There, sitting by the rear door, wu Santa's big garbage can. "My goodness." thought Willie. That can la simply bulging over. Perhaps I ahould empty eome of It so that It will be easier for Santa to put In more." He placed his front paws against the can and pushed and mished until over It crashed dumping most ot Its contents all over the ground. What a feast there waa for Wil lie 1 For a moment rut could only stand and atara at the delicacies that lav before him. "Where but In Santa Land could a dog eat so well?" he thought gratefully. "Surely I am the luckiest puppy alive and even when i learn to fly I will never leave this land." Aa soon aa he thought of fly ing ha remembered the unselfish' deed ho must do and Immediately no naa a grand idea. "Instead ot keeping all this for myself." he aald. "I ahall live soma of It away. In fact I ahall give It all away. Not only that but I ahall give It to aomeone do not like very much. Surely nothing could bo more unselfish wan tnatr Enormously pleased with him self Willie Immediately fished out of the garbage an an old beat up ham bone and trotted away with It to a little cottage nearby. On tne front of the cottage was sign saying. "Home of Patrick Tweedlekneea. Keep Out. Willie deposited the bone at the door and trotted back tor another load. He worked without a pause ana oefore lone there was an im mense "gift" at Patrick Tweedle- ROOM BOARD THIS IS An OLD PARCHWEMT amp Or" BURIED TREASURE I BOUGHT FROM A SAILOR IN HAVANA!-- SPANISH WRITING ON THE BACK SAYS THE LOCATION IS A SMALL COVE ON A LITTLE ISLAND IN THE BAWMAS.' THE MAP SHOWS SOME TREES AND DOTS GOING TO A BIG ROCK THE IKtAbUKt ISDUKltD- THE MAP IS FOR SALE big word la tho dictionary." kneet door. There were orange peeli, fg ahella. tea baga, itale bread, hunka of fat, potato skins, carrot tope to name Just a few of tha tempting moraeli there. . Not one single bile of any thing did Willie take for himself. "Now he "Id when at last he had finished, -now I (hall fly I" But before he could make the am el lest leap from the ground. x-ainca -jwoeaieknees nimseu opened his front door and with a murnqr roar stepped tut. (Nexti Tha Dragons) Unionvale Unionvale Mro. Adolptil Mraoa, one of the project lead- era for the glove-making dem onstration In December, held a preliminary meeting at her home Friday. Ten members attended. The regular glove-making meeting win be held at the Unionvale church all day Wednesday. De cember 16. Mrs. Hraba and Mrs. M. V. Wright will be the project leaden. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Magee were in Portland Saturday af ternoon. Mrs. Magee attended the "Glove Making" preltmin ary meeting held at the Adolph tiraDa nome. Carol Curtis Pattern 16! Big Strawberry Patholdrr, Rest strawberry you ever saw! A red strawberry seeded with green and sprouting- nice bis green leaves. A green "stem" is used to hang Urn 8-lnch. well-padded strawberry on a hoo. The Utile white strawberry blossoms are also crocheted In two pieces and put together turn ootholdei makes one ot the gnyest. brwhtest gifts you've ever crocheted Large slie aeiaiis ox orrry. lesves and Hew ers makes crocheting easy. Send 30c for the CROCHETED (Partem No. ll, YOUR NAME. ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS Capital Jour nal, flSl Mission Street, San Francisco 6. Calif. By Ahera WA-INTERESTING I'M BEGINNING ? TO PEEL HE S A CRAFTY j V QUACKERY WHEBE STEVE KUTEat - - . . . . r" iLL-lCAMi 5MOULO 6t A HOSfBUO WIU. NEVER HXPW 1 TmH" W PILOT TO CO-PILOT- T ojv bocms t SJf Crrv OBOHVIANCe HAVf 10 MOOe" F0t MB. J7ALENT B j ? JT dCtei AMtf -WW ZJL MOMvry-.r CONT JL A6AJM6T PusminS SUPPER OSXAKaVHea BOON. MOT I 0 1 TV rZ, HftMT TO T? I PAPfNT 0A.0 IS r taj6HT6AV T lT ll IP j ORPHAN ANNIE . i IL-fgSTUy. TwcouloO lrTN Z?Z I Rf7l?? LILABNEB " . , 1---. . V".)" I F-. "'f.-r L7. t,"".' !.. ' i UJ L1MPI 9 . Wt I UOPALONG CASS1D aaaae - i .... .i- ....i , . : MUTT ft JEFf .12? gentleman should)--?' eowe 6UVS ONLV fCf BUT TO ME IT DON'T Sr Mr ErC,!,l J6eTUPT0 6NEAjff ( OFFER THEIR SEATS ( O I MAKE NO DIFFERENCE REX MORGAN. M.D. ' ffTTg7iT??!!WPrr fvOu 5AiO 50Ma-X0CCASi0N4uvl rw AFRjD THIS V.MOLgTyOL''RE"l X f CU DONT MnD, ar. j paiiai hi m "1 ,3 thj ...6uTKct SlU'ATlON MAS BEEN . I SHT, BjDPAoTON, I'D UK 1 TOO YOU FSL Y VBS, CONRAX).' OOvt 5PlKIVHio. I OU1T6 SO , SOEvVH(KT OF AS VlANPROS.' TO CO A NEUROLOGICAL J ezTrtZ NOiV, THECWZIN65S MRS. BUDOiNSTON.' SEVERELY .' . OROEAL FOR YOUR A WEU LET EXAMINATION NOV.'. ' I MY DEAR ? I HASLEfTME.' HAS THAT "J W1F6, MR. BL'OpNeTONf ) HER. REST! .aTai kiirf .swja rjr&osi wo UU.NaLk UttK I I 1 W IB SHE WANTS SUGAR. I I I f IP IT'S A CUP I I III ?UEN IChERE '(C TwENEVf3iUrvVOVV5HE'5 V . THE SWEETVi - I'LL SAX.. J . rap3 MA'M. V 2 K.. NEXT 0OOi l,OR3EOUS! ' Q " MOULD IT WEBE J V I I ONt SCUTTLE. 1 3 ' ' IS ME1E . i-flLUSETVEE V VH? t g-ft AN Jff S C COAL.' JInawwi ' 'Jb? j! 1 nmuF?XT mimmu2&vimsm& III1 MARV WIIRTH lOOKHERt MMKIMRALt' vr.ia.uMvi 1 L ' WlWlJIiJ 0 rr" COMPARED TOVOUR FIRST J PRnENDTOe INTEVtiCMV ALL R.K1MT, ZfM ' l0- INCREOIRIY J HND THE Ti(T HALF CW NEW WJWrilLtAF .tMMvX 1. ' AND tTHOUCMTvOU MIGHT ANR'")! lPl)Sn5l i? I . V CAg A WEDNESDAY f. M. ' ' KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO na Kao w caa use sac use nmu list go lew get It 'M ' Na Nwt IliMn rl Hsrvtr T TrsSas m Hrw ,1 I5 Ru4 u M n NMaaetuwNm imsw ' auiir 1 Il ia hs Imm Imn rutr a. auias ou -OH smm . mm 1 J;S ssi.i a rmi ar t imiii aut im uuu, :M aiutt.wu Biau mm in wt a i.wt Mwia :IS SUIU DalUa Cadfraf luSnl Bkto SUn SpISM MaM :M WM. Brw SaSlrtT Kw Wirt Spla SlMla t :t5 suina oxiiw mri na tuuar l:O0rUhi BUI OWfKV iuauas "wt " Hull :U ftrnFiM (Miin bn. Bann out Ttae sMSae aM t:M Llau) GSlc Dick htlll N, Hw , suk f 1:15 rw i sun ch sisme rwr L aasiui snate Mtiwy TTae I wum wu. k oaa rr Giru iai a ti.i, :15 Tn.ilnv sain Fxouki I,!?.!T , lmA tlm, I'M Dr. rial Stan rt tta Olrli J. SelSae rsUam , ;5 Ul Basitiri Ttfatly Fif U OMi lrSwa SslStr W hw "4T0O ChrlaUsbm BlrkksM Sasu CUM F11 "l Miws HsaU Taa " 2:15 Maaaa Bas sauajaa Saaliral . J"1! Dua Waal A it HaalaBas Nawmsae Can M"" " J;45 tnaaaaa mamM Baas Tim " IU OU Waal feO Saatts Harraw Kbai riaa. Bast Ska Tla S:15 Naw. X... I'aclaBab J"!.,. Ski Ttaa 5:1011. MUI WaiM Ta4w laala ak "''' US Laat . :ti C. r.l n. Bat GarnO L'N Sla., , :M 'oa SIWi hltlkfTt lnarljalw LaUlaHtu" :15 Haala Oa SU11 la" li ttm Ctmt Ca.SlaUiat :J CMktss Call Xaal Hoaal t hal HaalUr U4J m :4iBal aaS I.a Biu aura ha Bans m Ban 7-00 Flbbar-ICaUr (Daetar fUaa Baaaarj Df aSllaa IBaurv 7:15 Ala Dralar Cbrtillaa Laaa limti Daadllna C'hrlalaua - V30 WaUaMlU BmahaaalU Hara'a U Vat Ui ailSaia Itaala 7-J5 WaJS a MUa 8yahaBiltiDraaiUaS Dr KUSara s parti gari, g:ft0 Maa'i raa&Ui FBI Paaea Svatpbaactu sha Tanaa WU-Chka at-ai Nia a War Sympbanilta TbiaM Tlaw Wt'-bUa gD Grail L. Tbeajaa VaaSaraaak WbUlL Ta. WU-Cblaa 1145 OUSarHaara Fa. Sbell. MalU WbUU. Ta. WU-CbUa 1 0:00 Oraacha. Braalab HnUrp -,laa HarS WV-Cblaa " ' 9:15 Marl Us raal Tbiatar Ma. Nawaraa WUblca 9:30 Knaw Tiar Oa Spal Obaaiilaa Swaal a Sw. WO-Cblea 9:45 NBC Orehaitfs Obieiilaa H. WUaf Nlihl ffinf 10:00 Bipartir I Star rtaal rusj ISItlaa iltia Lcwti Xaetini 10;15 Saaru riaal Gaail Baah Daaea Tlaat PUIt'r r'raSi Naetaraa 1030 811 Sbaalar Orcbaatrs Daaaa Tlaw Newt Naetaraa 10:45 Sll Shaatar Orchaatrs Uaaat Tla Putfr FrsSi Naetaraa 11-00 Viwi Baaari sb.w Daaaa Tta BallSas Naitaraa 11:15 T. L. McCall lirirllaM Dibm TlM Drampjaai , Naetaraa 11:30 CKtCauaB Sbair Daaaa Tlsa MilaSlia Naetaraa ' ' 11:45 Clip Caaocll Blears Sbiw Daaaa Tlaii Miladlie Naetaraa 12:0(1 Ita Off tlUal I MaHl I loaaaa rirtr THURSDAY 6 A. :00 Da Wl R.P.D.. OrlOn. Fr Newt Breakfast W Mto4l 6:15 Da WnI KOIN Klrk Or Tmrm firm NMk ff. Hftlvalw 6:S0DanMl KOIN KIrkOra ram Ntwa BreakraH Pam KtTn 6:15 Dava Wel KOIN Klack Ort. Farai March Tlma Xaak Waw. 7:00 M. L. Wllh KOIN KltckTlrit Cdil!BataBhit-waf Swb KOCO Klk 7:15 CmlnE Kwt tt. Airtirtj Braakfasl Naafe KOCO KM f:30va Nwa Brt Out. Braakfaal Brtakfait KOCO KlMfe 7:45 K. Maaalai Varfllea Bak Haie Bbt HarMrb Naak KOCO KM 8:00 Oli Saaf Sw Braakfart Cecil Brawa Nttn Ntira " 8:15 Ola Inn Nn BrcakfaaC Pan. Altar Sal-ar KOCO Ktat 8:30 Old Scan Vaar Mla Brtakfaat Hmi af K Bl4cr KOCO Klaak 6:41 OH ttaaii Bawary Braaklaal Hun af B Spider Neva 0:00 Newi W. Warrca mm Ki)ti7ilVtw( Nam 1 Kar'a 8:15 Star Tina Aaat Unnr Tadaya tart4Mtaly Maa Sltlar Bccal 8:30 I Waa CamwH-Hra Trent Daabla ar PaiUr' Call Saldcr Kar'a ;4S,rarlTH OwGalSaa Nathlas Bca Center Spider Reeerai 10:00B. Reraalai Read af Lifi C. Hantlev r.len Hardr News Bare 10:15 a Kernalde Ma Perkins Meledlee Tele -Test Mr. flaythe Beearda 10:30 Ktrlka H rieMTed Malaaa Trma Stery Stand. Schae Mr. Saiytba Bay 10:45 Strike H rlchGald. Light Traa gtary Braadcael Mr. anrthe Beeerda '.:0fl nk Rape (Mrs. BartaaT ffhltarla Ladles Pair Nfwe Bay 11:15 P. Fredrick P. Maien Olrl Marr Udles Pair fildtr Beearda 11:30 Phrase Pars (Nora Drake V. Ltadleat IdueenfarDa) Rflder Bays 11:451 Sod Cbaace Drlsfaler Da Keen Car. Qaeea far Da j Spider Beearda PM Ma.. KOIN It Ll. a.ak DIAL LISTING EOAC, SSI VAlp Wednesday r n- . Child IV VMlj rta.a Tb-attr, chicara Keaadtaelei i:U, News, Weather. tr6. Mallei , Msdltallaaii t:M, Bin Off. Hubbard Hubbard Mrs. Lola Os borne, president of the Re bekah Assembly of Oregon, wishes to make her official visit to Thalia Rebekah lodge, Jan. 6, according to word re cevied by the lodge last week. Mrs. L. W. jay presided at the meeting and appointed an auditing committee consisting of Mrs. Henry Johnson, Mrs. A. L. Murphy and Mrs. J. C. Morrison. . Mrs. Amos Busven and her mother, Mrs. Ella Becker, served refreshments. The table featured miniature Christmas trees and Mr. and Mrs. Snowman. Members of the Ladies' Aid of the Hubbard Community church spent Wednesday cleaning the parish house and waxing floors. Mrs. R. C. Mains conducted a business meeting in the afternoon fol lowing a no-hos dinner. Devotions were led by Mrs. Glen Hunter. The second December meet ing will be omitted. Next meeting will be Jan. 13, all ACROSS 1. Owns 32. Glsdiatort salutation toCsesar 39. In the chsrscter ot 34. East Indisn weight 31 Calculate 41. Sheeplike 44. Manner 45. Hi rhest nav igable lata in the world 41. Fop: English slsni 91. Humble 52. Out of the ordinary 64. Piece bitten out , 53. God of lov. M. Institute legal proceedings 57. Utilises - 58. Siberian river 4. Genus of tha honeybee t. Exclamation to call -' stteniion 12. Depiction of the beautiful 11 Citr in Navada - 14. Dry 15. Makers ot cloth 17. Attendant on Anglo axon king 18. Glut H.Tied 21. Poera S3. Top 24. Nettle 27, Affirmative 10. As I sr as 11. tlevstor camsfe ' ItTY-lTT'fci'.'rl (W IrlHt illllMtilmrl ECOR ' 3 I11 1 lr l' Ja I " I" 5 5" 'C. T 1 'itr1 7T it r 3rrT'; JTJTpsr s S 5T, 'y Wjt 5G" 3T STCC ar il ;, ' ' '' v U ? """ar artsr 3p -2" 5j" " ; 7Z 37 ;a 5? M. TO 1 1:45 A. M. la 11 p-b. KEX M.t, I ta p.m. Aip Tharsdar -U:l ixwnw Weather i M:li. Par Weaiea 11:00, Concert Hmttt It .00. News, Wee then 11:1a. Neea Pana Hcor; 1:M, Bl 'm Cewberi 1:4ft, Baekshelfi t:M, Ur Ins Uarsinrt t:M, Menery Beek Mesle. ' day. Appointed on the Christ mas basket committee were Mrs. Russell Rollofson, Mrs. Winnie Mulloy, Mrs. Hannah Hunt and Mrs. Mains. An nounced was the Christmas program at the church, Dec. 20 at 6 p.m. Fairview Fairview An auction pie social held in the basement of the RLDS church in the Fair view school house Friday eve ning netted $48. James Clevenger was auc tioneer. A program with Mn. Charles Baker of Unionvale in charge was given in the main auditorium. Proceeds will be used to pur chase Christmas treats for the children. , A cake .was given as a prize for the most popular girl pres ent. Miss Darlene Baker was the winner. LAMEL IS CANDIDATE , Paris VP) Premier Joseph Laniel agreed Tuesday to stand as a candidate for the presidency of the French Re public. The election ' will be held Thursday. DERB Ul ax SB UUP A LJ Un o ngj ME d H " wr ' i NTE WITI3 cPar e RBnEw TlN'.l ' BALlSlAl B U ifij Solution of Vsstsrdsy'a Puxila 50. Finish DOWN L Turni to the left 1 Region 3. Stationary part 4. Exist 5 Saucy 8. Bug 7. Thus ' 8. Remnsnts or combuslioa t. Cordisl ; 10. Ses eagl. 11. Recompenaa 18. Pertaining to the oldest Hindu scriptures 17. Article 20. Handle 22. Greek letter 24. Pronoun 25. Fish eggs 28. Scene of combat 28. Corrode ' 20. Mother of . Peer Gjrnt 33. Bjwst of 34. Sends forth 37. Revolve 39. Safe 40. Excite to ., action 42. Devices for ., dipping S3. Frozen wster 45. Forbidden 4. Wsding bird . 47. Presently 49. Deity ot fields and herds SO Ran sway 53. Americsn republic; sbbr. 53. Ilevated railway Getting hep to him- ., .....jBB,-wr