Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 15, 1953, Page 17, Image 17

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    ' 1 .
Worth Ideats South ien Capitol beipe
jc wni i eu riui t
; Salem, Oregon. Tuesday, December 15, 1953 Pa.fe17
m afield mm
j. fP winter day in December, of the year 200 A.M.
(Alter McCarthy). Mr. Robespierre Crawford, great, great
great, great grandson of Lee Crawford, decides to do a bit of
duck shooting. He has inherited a duck pond in the Turner
luu P"d ' been in the family for better than
two centuries.
4RobesPier,r UP from his swivel chair behind his desk
in the Lives ey Cavern (there are no more buildings in
i? i' verthln i underground) and enters his special
??mg ?m: JliWin witch, he turns on the
Iu .' . "h nd be,ore bim ta five t0 en "ed
with the image of the duck pond. Adjusting the Birdar (duck
radar) receiver, he begins scanning the sky for the tell tale
pips on the small searching screen that will indicate ducks in
j Ducks Unlimited, the ancles duck propagating or
ganisation, has given way to Ducks Reactivated, the new
group. After the birds are hatched, they are fed a special
,' mixture containing material that allows them to be
tracked by Birdar.
Pips on the screen indicate birds in the air nearby. Im
mediately, Crawford throws a switch, and out on the pond
fifty loud-speakers, cleverly concealed, began to issue forth
. .... w, ouiiuiuneousiy, me tleciro-Duck Decoys
leave their underground hangers and fly to meet the oncoming
DirdS. Tnev altr, mit uulnMii,. 1. , , . ,
mo cnucKies.
! Now they are making contact with the wild mallards
, ana are leading them over the pond. The flieht hm-rm
visible on Robespierre", TELE-AUDIO scr . QufcU, hi
1 Sat Th0" " m tne,dec?" ii"PPer into the umpteenth
'i fhl h i I T lid maI1rd alarmed, however, as
thfpond Confidence Gas that ha. been emitted from
! t. "i JcircIe ""PPiiy- Crawford sets his Automatic
fh?enFHmdV lhC tW biggert drakea' ThjV -wing in over
: luUe. ihlnh.,0be8PlerJeJi Ldinr h" breath in xcitement'
i fh wV ,.bUttn 1larked "oot"- Two invisible beams of
I the Winchester Paralysis gun. a standard fuU-choke model
I Stately. Crawford'a Labromatie Retriever leap.
? J?'. " r' "tch- aa they fall. There is
I a whirring metallic aound. and feather, fly from the rear
j of the Lab. The robot fliea to Salem In a split second
i !f.ii. I thro1nn ,etrrt eompartment. deliver, two
i mallard drakes, cleaned and dressed, packaged In cello,
phane, to Crawford'a deep-freese.
W,th ,jh' Crawford leaves the special Duck Shootine
Room and return, to hi. desk. "Pood hunting, sift" ..
his eeeretary. "Yes" replies Robespierre. "I got mv 11m" I
only wish Quadruple-Great Grandfather Lee could IU There
to see how we've improved the pond."
If you're duck hunting has been poor, you'll at least have
an opportunity to see some birds tomorrow night at the IWLA
clubhouse. "Out Of Th Nnrtb . .-.ti.-u? V.V1?
ahown. Public is invited, of course. E-ropby around 8
Fishing prospects look better on the coast, and we'll have a'
last mtniit pnnnH.un , .tulh.'.J . , nave a
" '""r" "Pn in mis space Friday,
Viking Wrestlers
! To Open Tonight
At Sweet Home
j The Salem high wrestling
team, coached by Hank Juran
? travels to Sweet Home tonight
to open its season with the
Huskies. The meet, which was
scheduled for last night, wss
noved up to tonight because
trf state athletic rules.
I The Vikings have a good
quid with a group of return
ing lettermen back, but they
fcave lost their best wrestlers
In Bob Engle, George Meyers,
nd Fred Stepper. Juran and
assistant coach Al Gray have
Been holding workouts for sev
ral weeks.
OSCFcn Departs
Corv.llls J 0 r e g o a
State', most persistent bas
ketball fan has departed. A
pigeon that has been Inside
ast Gill coliseum for more
than a week was finally cor
nered yesterdsy by three
hoopsters and turned loose.
The pigeon was reported
nightly weak from a pop.
orn diet
Total Tally
Is 82 to 64
For Victors
The North ArtrlA Ik.
South, 82-64, last night In the
annual Capitol League Jam
boree at the Salem High Gym.
The Northwesterners got off
to a food start aa Sairauf w..-
downed Cascade High, 17-17.
acreo Heart Was paced by
last year's all-con firr,p.
guard, Vlnce Matt, who drop
ped 7 point! through the hoop.
Cascade was never quite in the
game as the Sarrerf H.artr.
handled the ball well and had
high percentage from the
Sacred Heart fumned to an
early 8-1 lead and then just
kept pushing them through a
little faster than the Cascaders.
Crusader. Lead Early
In the second game. Salem
Academy kept the Northern
cause, alive as they dumped
rnuomaui, 23-13.
The Salemers led 13-1) h.
lore Philomath was anl tn
score a free-throw. They added
another before the period end
ed. While the Arariemv U.B.
adding three. ,
Not havine acnrvrl a V,,.lr
Wn the first quarter, Philomath
opened the second period with
neia goal and a free-throw by
Dave Vincent Rut tha, .nnv.i-
ed strength of Harold Allister,
who was high man with 11,
Ken Schreder, who tanked 8
and Dave Phillips proved to be
too much for Philomath.
The final contest proved to
be the most thrilling as Cen
tral High dropped Stayton, 34
30 in a hard fought battle that
saw the lead rhnnu.
Stayton Substitute.
btavton rinminat 4Vi
period, leading- IS. a r. th .
ond quarter began. Central got
noi ana in snort time had cut
Stayton's lead to 19-17. It was
at this noint that th
nrji team or stavinn'i u...
pulled out and Central went on
tn win
Marc Nplcnn A tWm. - -
"'' marners lor tne win
ning cause, while Wayne Min
ten paced the losers with 8.
Central was the high Indi
vidual team with 34 points. Sa
lem AcademVa Alluw a ,h.
scorers for the evening with 11.
ine Teams now return to
their regular schednlM tviik
Quite a few earn,, Ha4i nn 4k.
slate for this week. Tonight
Sacred Heart travels to Mt. An
gel, ' Salem Academy hosts
Waldport and Central plays I
oiirrman. on central s floor
r..rH. also plsys host to!
norm Marion.
Friday Cascade goes to Wy'
east. Saturday, Silverton is at
Sacred Heart stavtn i.
Sheridan and Central travels to
? hub w y u jf fjp
V tV J
!li Us II
Ond III ,lra Borsberry (No. 8), 5-foot 8 guard for
"Mill 111 SmmrmA U.., .1-1.. 1 ,
Cascade center (No. 13), for a lay-In and two points la
the Capitol leagne Jamboree last night. Sacred Heart won
27-17. At left are Gene Winkle (No. 14), Cascade gaard,
nd Vlnce Matt, Cardinal forward.
Bearcats Stressing Ball
Handling for Chico Series
The Willametta Bearvnt. r
practicing to speed up their of
fense and stressing ball handl
ing this wpk aa th WHn4Bv
and Thursday aeries with Chi
co staie nears.
Coach Juhn Lewis aaiH that
he would like to see more ag
gressive tactics on the part of
his guards to keep the opposi
tion off balance.
A tendency Lewis would like
to see eliminated is that of
Waiting until th nnnnaitlnM I.
far ahead before settling down
10 serious point making. Some
times ine lead gets to be too
Borjbrry, s r ,
Mommy, s F..
Btib. c..
Plfcdaooo, 4 ......o .!
. i a..
nn Ci.m.
.. 9. Mlckr?
... i, Klnlon
I. Wlpptr
1. Wlnkli
1m4i 1,11 (la. a,wi,
Schrodtr, r s. Letch
" r a, LoriB
PMlrarKht, S o f, acirth
rnimpa. I o . oilta
llMarvB warlni- aailt.Ma.fc w .
Ctrt,r 1. Quarter Mort: Sakm Acadffai
, rnuoiMwi M.
U Caatral
i, Joaoaoa
.... . AkUa
S, Raftrmu
. . IS. Nlhaa
S. Hartmaa
great to overcome, Lewis point
ed out, as In the most recent
game against College of Puget
Both Chico contests will start
at 8 o'clock. The preliminary
Wednesday will 'match Jerry
Fret's Bearklttens against As
sociated Plvwood nf KharMaw.
Thursday night, Dallas high
school will play the Willamette
FrOm Und6r Vlrt" FlenrecM, Salem Academy guard
' ' (No- " " twlstliia: shot from under
- - u.i.i B Hill ii um unaer ,
ekboard in a Capitol league Jamboree game against
.....UU...U. mmea. mo. is. at rignt. Is Cliff Leach.
Philomath forward. At left are Olson. No. J. Philomath
guard, and Bruce Dalke, Crusader center. Salem Acade
my won, 24-IJ.
Basketball Scores
Htmimr Btaalla
raa west
Oklahoma AAaf TO. Colorado IT.
Utah T, Tiiu ChrlMlu u.
Now Mexico Wuuro . auura Art
lona 4T.
C.rroll (Moat.) U, Wulm Montana
Uwia and Clark (on.) TI, Maltur
Paciiu riM Anohlb. rant Tf. Calif.
Pol Tl.
Portions n. Poppordlna 7.
Paiadcna Tl. New Maxtca Military St.
Portland U. Jva Ti, Loaar Cotttmbla
JV to.
Otrmplo X Tl. CoatralU JO M.
Duauooat M. Oarnttla Twh 4S.
Xavlor Ortlol T4. Otorattowa 1DC 14.
Baloia IMWI Toaohtra U. Marrt
aiack Tt.
SH. Pattr'i fltj.) M. limit ltutatrt
Mount at. Han't IS. CtttwlM Unrror
altr SI. o
Xtatarkr ltl. Wakt Portal St.
L8U TT, Taaaa AA;M M.
Lorola (La.) tl. Ttxaa Watloaa IS.
Purman 103. Vlrtlaia Toch Tl.
Uco M. Tulant 4t.
Souuitra Mtthodlat M, Mtmnhll StaU
Mlulaalppl Southtra S3, CulTtr-attck-
ton 40.
Wait Vlrtlaia ST. Manlaad rl.
Indiana at. Notra Damt II.
Oklahoma It, Wlocooala tl.
Alabama 13. Bradloy 11.
Loraa It. Iowa Toachert tl.
Kaatai Toco M, York INtb.) U.
Zrakt T3, Sooth Dakota AlaU It.
wniraary tt, Ttaaa Wtttara M.
Morthwoattra (La.l atata Tt, aoath-
loultlaaa Colltta Tl, aVrathtn atata
AoiUa Collatt ta, Oklahoma BaatUt
East Lanainw MlK am
Michiean StatVa inapt 1 1 - -
Spartans, with a vow to "ruin
tne u ruins- were ready today
to lead a noisy invasion of fol
lowers Into the Ron Bowl
against UCLA, the pride of tha
coast. ...
Bieeie Munn'a di.-.-. .
will fiy to Pasadena tomorrow
and they ara keyed so high
they could almost am aHtkmit
benefit of airplane.
"We re going to be at our
best for this tram .hia-i
Biggie. "We aren't going to
travel all that way Just to lose
a football game."" ,
Game Postponed;
Gym Not Done
Dallas Tha n!laac,
basketbaU game scheduled tor
tonight In the new Dallas gym.
naaium has been postponed un-
til Saturday. Jan 9ft r-n.-u
Gordon Kunke said Monday.
ivunne explained that the
backboards and baskets htva
not arrived and the painting of
lines on the flnnr hni iwtt lua.
completed. It should ha mri.
next week.
That means, Kunke added,
that the Thuradnv nlaht
with Willamette freshmen- will
oe movea irom Dallas to Ka
lem aa nrtllmlnaw n tu. r-i
i j av mm Whk D
SUte-Willamette game.
First game m the Dallas gyra
will be Dec. 29 against Tilla
mook. .
Tlata tor Tarl. Ortiaa DanaW.
(CtaufloS by O. a. Caarl a Om4M1o
", raruaaa, orataBl
waa:,aaatT -iima, tttitai
Sttrtoa (tt)
Scltllst, 7 .
NrlUon. T ..
Oohl. I
Mlntn. t
WUladaOa. I a.
TttMrro tcorioy; stayton Oday 1. ray
1. Bolm I. Ceotral--Prataka I.
Quarter acoro: staytoa II. Cankral a
Offkltli: Botrd. Kolb. Kalaoa.
Monitor Graders
Host St. Luke's
.Monitor The Monitor
BXHae scnooi DSSKetDail team
will play St Luke's of Wood
kurn at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at
faita Mnnitnr
VThls wiU be the third game
aaaa muuiwi, W1IU flS WHICO
Qervsis and Butte Creek
act ools. The grade schoolers
pay iix-minuie quarters.
Wed. Cr Thurs.
j 8 p.m.
j W. U. Gym
Prelim WetJ.t
frosh vs. Sheridan Assoc.
' Plywood
y Prelim Thurs.!
I FroiS vs. Dsllst H.S.'
I Prelimi 6:10 p.m.
-v""- nrart cnaroa
Met 4 ' Caaeadt-Iw.
Ouanay a.m a.n.i . .
tad. I. " -
FOB . . .
12(1 So. Commercial
f :3t 11
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sam Hme.
rouh.venoso.p.Bobl.dcnobru.he, the f.mou. Contour .;u v.
mrtiuic, IUU1I
look better-your lac iU feel better
and there la no danger of nicks and
euts. best of all. you tan make Mali
eekly payment. Come in today while
e have an ample stock.
to buy. You can ahav whenever you
Peeae without bot ttwier or ineasy pre
n-o-ry preparstione, tlectridty eosU
enly BcenUfor four years of daily shsv.
ui with this new Remington built on
N Dodo, loyal 4-0oor S
Rood Test the Elegant New Action Cor
that Shattered 196 Records for Performance, Stamina and Endurance!
Here's the ear that prows what others just promise . . .
tlaria what others ciauprf Come ane and drive Uie nrw
H Dodge that rewrote the official AAA record book
on the Bonneville Salt Flats.
Yon will discover the flashing breakaway accelera.
Hon of velvet -smooth Power Flite newest, smoothest,
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Yon will experience the matehleaa steering ease of
full-time Power Steering that let you drive with less
tfort, leas motion keep the -fee) of the wheel.''
You will feel the surging power of the Red Ram V-
engine economy winner over oZI g's in th famous
Mobilgaa Economy Run-now stepped up to 150-h.p.
JVo other tar on Hit mad todat tan match th ofbnnl
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vilk Red Ram ISO V-X . PmctrFliU fiu-amio-matie
trmtmimon and ftU-Hme Power SUering!
Road Teat the one new ear that gives yoo proof of
performance far ahead of its field. S great Series: Royal
V-8. CoroTrit V-8 and 6. Meadowbrook and 6.
aliir-XaloaitUit a
etuach, ao lag or Usita
tioa, no jott or jmrk.
Mor To t Mcrrw In lt-vtor Of It!
Power Steering Red Ram V-8 iw,
rn-tim Ukns mors
of the work nut mm
a. tin pkmi nil
r2 tf Pmtr tht most
erfidnt anvrat ta any
Ameheaa car.
tad M-Smt ta
AitncMta) h
trromnt racardt.
apao-. wmdpmitt.
525 Chemekera St.
Salem, Ore.