Tuesday, December 15. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Orefa Pac 11 DALLAS JAYCEE CANDIDATES 1 1 iff i ..-": V; .ii if '- ) -'-':' ill Christmas Behind Iron Curtain Most Miserable Venn It looks like this ii foinf to be 4hm most miser able Cbrijtmaa yet for 70 mil lion East Europeans living be hind the Iron Curtain. No SanU Clauj, no Chirst mat trees, few presents, nolh inf ipecieil to eat. Almost everywhere in East ern Europe, Christmas used to be the great Christian festival Dallas Lively . competition was evidenced in Dallas Tuesday, as four candidates campaigned for presidency of the Junior Chamber of comerce. the election will t held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms Tuesday night. 1 Photo shows three of the candidates, Stan Malo, Bob Woodman, and Darrell Williams. Frank Sciaccottl is the fourth candidate. ' hristmas Party for Master Service Firm Over 100 employes and tests of Master Service Sta- orts. Inc., will assemble to- igbt (Tuesday) at the Ameri- n Legion hall for the annual hristmas party of the Salem rm. The social hour will begin at 30 With dinner scheduled for ut 7:30. The highlight of fthe dinner will be roast torn cturkey. After the meal, em- yloyes and guests will remain 'for further festivities. fi Invited guests will include representatives of leading sup Jjiies of the local firm, includ jag Goodyear Tire & Rubbar taompany and General Electric. William Clark, northwest dis trict manager for Goodyear, is expected to be on hand. Representing management of the firm will be: Harland G. Brock, president; Russell Bo gart, general manager; Helen Benson and Jack Stagner, TIMBER FALLER KILLED McMinnville (U.B Funeral services were being planned to day for Clifford Spurgeon, 46, Grand Ronde, Ore., timber fall er, killed yesterday by a fall ing tree. Spurgeon was father of Glenn Spurgeon, 23, killed on Sept 16 in a similar accident : I Quia Maaeh aooiiw. Baek Uaicoa puled Vbftkaai Bararka, piaa fang Boaton Symphony. Soaataa, Partitas. SStf a. Frita Bainer, aonaW S311.4."45"10J - $1706, "45" 1106 F.SSHtS.7I,-S"SJ ' - '1 Jtwa Itarbi, aoaduefing Juw Kvliuuteia, pieoiat. LeopoU Stokowaki fra. tha piano. MM H Meanrkae mi J stoat oxsing. 1W aajjdat. SS.72. -4S" SS.14 sslitians, MX S17.16 - Wta sane. SSlt SS.7J fet '1"?! ISP I tf J Afture Toteanini eooduev , inc NBGSTBrphooy.MH i.7 S-7J. 51 Btoarlitie. Da Lea Anaefa Mwral, MOanav. Warn. IM 117.16. "tS" I14JS 3!i8a Tin 4 TirrrrTto NEW 0RTH0PH0NIC" HIGH FIDELITY SOUND Of afl RCA Victor's High Fidelity Records, those starred "New Orthopbonic" High Fidelity are the finest. RCA Victor recording skill deserve the credit! Marian Anderson Sings Kitten Crat Spirituals. "65 tP" or 33M 12.98 Slaughter on Tenth Arena and Other Ballet Selections. Boston Pops Orch. Arthur Fiedler, eond. J3H 15.72, "5" 15.14 , Brallowsky Plays Llsrt. NiiM elections. S3H $5.72 O Victory at Sea. Robert Russell Bennett conducting members of In M)C Smphon; Orckestrs. KM 15.72, $1.58 "45 LP" (highlights, Chopin Sonata No. S asa Mamrkas. Tjlism Kspell. pun ist, 33 $5.72, "45" $5.14 Lisa! Us Prelndosf Pierrs Monteul conducting the Boston Symphony Orch. S3?t $5.72 Bach Snltea for Orchestra, rw 1,2,3 and 4. Friu Reiner, conductor. 33H $11.M DON'T FORGET OUR "SPECIAL DEAL" ON RCA VICTOR 45 PHONOGRAPHS and Phonograph Attachments WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! Dewnrlilrj Ortgo Mdg. Still 1 High 3-8632 nrY.Yrtr-M lUMifl'SllnT (Spiral SrSppist iMtar 2-5371 OPEN tVERY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. Strikers Vole On Wage Hike Los Angeles CP) Striking North American Aviation, Inc., employes in Fresno, Calif., have ratified a union-manage ment agreement providing a 4 percent wage increaw. Work ers at the plant here and in Columbus, Ohio, ballot today. The agreement was reached by negotiators here early yes terday, presaging an early re sumption of warplane produc tions. Some 33.000 workers in the three plants left their jobs Oct 23. The agreement between the North American and the CIO United Auto Workers came a few hours after new contracts had been ratified by 35,000 em ployes at Lockheed Aircraft Corp., and Douglas Aircraft's Santa Monica plant. Employes of these companies did not strike. The North American vote at the Fresno plant last night was 347 to 38 in favor of the agree ment, company spokesman said. Free Books' Not Free to Lawyers Washington VP) In line with its new policy toward use of the word "free" in advertising, the Federal Trade Commission today dismissed a complaint against Doubleday & Co., Inc., of New York. Last September the commis sion said it will proceed against use of the term "free" only where the circumstances tend to mislead or deceive the pub lic. Doubleday had been cited for using "free" and "bonus books" in connection with Its opera tion of several book club Dlans. The now-dismissed com plaint had charged the books offered weren't really "free" because persons getting them had to buy at least four other books. Airline Crews VoteonContract Seattle VP) West Coast Air lines ground crewmen in four Northwest cities are voting on a compromise contract proposal! worked out at a cnicago con ference in an effort to head off a threatened strike. Some 60 crewmen In Seattle Portland, Spokane and Boise started voting Monday night, Tom Temple, international rep resentative of the AFL Interna tional Assn. of Machinists said, and results will be reported Wednesday. Temple declined to reveal terms of the proposal which he said resulted from a weekend conference in Chicago of union- management represent stives and the National Mediation h Board. The ground crewmen de manded, a 9-c nt an hour wage Increase and fringe benefits, Temple said. The present scale ranges from $1.46 to 32.33 an hour. mm iTOPS IN QUALITY! of the year. Now the commu nists ara doing their best to wipe it out In fact, families who make a point of observing the tradi tional festivities will run the risk of trouble with the Beds. There will be no problem for millions of parents In choosing toys that ' will suit junior best. First of all. the exchange of gifts is frowned upon. Second, the commu nists admit that what toys there are are likely to fall apart. , . t There may be "community parties for the kids, but they will be on New Year's Day in stead of Christmas. And a typical party game they will play in Poland is called "How well do you know the six-year plan?" Christmas trees, with red stars Instead of angels on top of them, have new names. They are called "winter trees," or "trees of the republic," or "New Year's trees." Santa Claus and all his equivalents have disappeared. Now it'i "Grandfather Frost," FIRE-FIGHTING PLANE Wide Areas Hit by Snow Tha nmrwti rrist) Wintry weather hit wide areas of the eastern third of the nation Tuesday. Snow or rain fell from Lake Michigan to the east Coast with heavy falls or snow over the Ohio Valley. The coldest weather of the season chilled the central part of the country. It was S degrees below xero in International Falls, Minn., on the Canadian border. Temperatures were in the 20s In Parti of Kentucky and Tennessee. Colder weather who .comes by special express appeared in prospect for the train from Moscow.. Kids mid-continent Tuesday night 'think of "Grandfather" in The mid-December snowstorm Russia, instead of Santa at the Kentucky, with Corbin report extended as far as Southern ing a fall of 2 Inches. Largest amount yas reported at Akron, Ohio, with 5 inches. The snow extended into New Hampshire, Maine and parts of New York State. Rain ended along the East ern seaboard after heavy falls Monday from North Carolina northeastward to Southern New England. New York City's rainfall measured nearly 2 Inches. Mild weather continued over most of the far Southwest It was a warm 86 in Los Angeles Monday. POLICE PROBE BLAST Beirut, Lebanon VP) Leb anese police are Investigating an explosion near the Beirut headquarters of the former Mufti of Palestine Sunday night The blast caused con siderable property damage but no casualties. The crewmen's contract with West Coast expired Feb. 1, 1933. They set last Thursday as a strike deadline when nego tiations broke down recently but later suspended the action. North Pole. Czechoslovakia's Pre sident Antonln Zapotocky summed up the new attitude on Christ mas behind the Iron Curtain: "The story of the birth of the Christ child is only an ex ploiters' myth. . . . Times have changed. The little Jesus has grown up and now Is Grand' father Frost He no longer is in tatters and naked, but well dressed in a fur hat and coat1 In Poland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, communist lead ers have made identical state ments. What they mean is that throughout all East Eu rope, predominantly Roman Catholic, the religious aignifl cance of the holiday is being suppressed and a drive Is un der way to eliminate it entire' ly. The aim is to substitute New Year's Day as celejira tion of the economic planning year. ' DENIES DESERTING Berlin W U. S. Pvt. Robert D. Blevena pleaded innocent MnnHav In eharffes he deserted to the communists ana" tried to lure comrades to follow him to the Soviet zone, (aWBf-Fl W I if ; 3Si St-. ' A four-englned transport plane dumps 1,600 gallons of water on simulated brush fire in test at F.osamond Dry Lake in Southern California, as officials watch. Fir fighting officials envlson method as means of checking forest fires in rugged terrain until ground parties can reach the areas. Purpose of tests was to determine the pattern of water dispersal from the plane. (AP Wire photo) . , NATIONALISTS WIN JUrtoum, Sudan iff) Thf . pro -Egyptian national Union- . ist party counted t-rar gains Monday in elections for the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan's first parlaiment Results of voting in tha upper Nile province raised tha national unionists' total la the 60-member upper houa (senate) to 21 of the 30 elected members. LECALS MDT1CB Or nNAL ACCOUNT . ..un ia aivsn Manila uu tna saw Ssrslsvad SSaMnutrairni af the assMn . ol aosa a whituock. na a. baa : iim aar nasi account in aaM aslate ana Uul mdar. Dacaaaar M, UU, at S IS . a has bean sal as the Una. ana the Circuit ooart Room ol tha Marlon Caon ., tt Clreslt Jaosa Etauul in ablest, Oresea, has keen niaS aa tha plaas las? , - mm uaaruav w oajaeiiana 10 aaM nasi III I a4 MUlmml uM matmt . ST ELLA OULOrn uum . Aomtnlstratrnt ' ITS H. lla Slraat Sauub. Oraaan . Leean D. Rleks Turner, ores on. Us. It.KDas IJ.lt DONT , Wt ria Tktm WImm OtlMra CtWI THE JEWEL BOX 1U State, Sakas, (km Ooan rrMar MIsM ta s n-m. ' Jourhal Want Ads Pay! u zs by Thru-txpress Buses to There'i a Greyhound Agenf Near Vot F0EI Y0UH SHOPPING CONVENIENCE lTATr0rl$Vjs 1 1 urlll poT j LOW IN PVICE DAILY HOURS: 9:30 TO 9 P.M. We Close Christmas Eve at 5:30 Free Parking 550 N. CAPITOL, SALEM PH. 3-9191