er-"." Fm 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sales, Ortfoa Tuesday, Denbr IS. 1951 'WHERE DID I FALL? ' V ."X F- 7 ' r Mrs. Portle How of Alden, Minn, reads a letter from her ton, Pfe. Richard R. Tenneson, who renounced hii country to fUy with the Communists In Korea, in which be aaid "it If impossible for me to live in the United Statea because I want to live at I with." After reading the let ter Mra. Howe almost sobbed i he aald "where did I fall I don't know where I failed." She asked that the letter be released to the public because ". . . . I think people chould know how vicious a thing Communism is." (AP Wlrepboto via Radio from Tokyo) Thanks, Girls, Says Dan, Pile of Junk, Dave Says Alderman Dan J. Fry thinks the thanks of the city are due the Soroptlmlsts Club for the part it played In raisins; funds to get the old Courthouse clock Installed in City Hall. Alderman David O'Hara doesn't He thinks the clock should have been Junked. The Council Monday night had a letter from the Soroptl mlsts requesting that the clock be permitted "to strike every hour on the hour, and not muf fled or silenced during the night lest it disturb the slum ber of guests of the Senator Hotel. The Soroptlmlsts' letter des cribed the sound of the clock s hammer and gong as "chimes One Chance in Million for Larry Balmer It u an chance la a million, bat It fell right Into the groove for Larry Balmer, the North Cammerelal street stationer. Larry has a radio set with a short wave band. He was up at 1 a.m. Sunday and tuned it la to ae what he could get from far away place or the ships at tea. H heard a voice amy: Tva got a friend out there In Salem, Oregon. His name' Larry Balmer and he nun a stationery store. I don't know the nam et the tor, bnt he rani It." It staggered Larry lor a moment Bat he kept listen ing and discovered a couple ol "hams" were talking, one In Salem and the other In Grand Junction, Colo. Then h knew the en on the Grand Junction end was Murdln Brtckson, a conduc tor on the D&RG and a well known Colorado "ham." Lar ry and wife visited the Er icksoni last July. "I'v always wanted to see that country out there," the Colorado voice went on, "but I guess I'll never nuke er. Larry hasn't found out yet who was on the Salem end. Reed College Hears Bloch Portland Ift lBiaitl Bloch, New York City, on of the attorneys for Julius and Ithel Rosenberg who war executed earlier this year as atomic spies for Russia, ad dressed some 80 students on the Reed College campus her Monday. The office of Duncan S. Bal lantlne, college president aaid afterward that Bsllsntin had approved a petition by Focus, a student organization, that Bloch be allowed to speak on the campus. In a statement the office said college policy regarding campus speakers was to en courage "the free market of ideas." It said the president's office allowed many speakers with whom college officials did not necessarily agree. Bloch did not talk about the Rosenberg case. His speech dealt with what he called at tacks on civil liberties. The attorney said congressional committees were using "in quisitorial" methods in invad ing fields of political thought Arsonist Blamed For Tavern Blaze Portland ( An explo sion touched off a fire that de stroyed much of a downtown tavern her early Monday. A fire bureau investigator blam ed an arsonist . Firemen worked nearly two hours to put out the flames. DEATH CAR FOR SIX .J, I -lii Three adults and three children were killed near Royse City, Tex., when the station wagon (wreckage in fore ground) crashed Into the "Texas Special" passenger train. The impact of the crash derailed the twin engines and 10 coaches. About 30 of the train passengers were Injured. AP Wirephoto) Residents of second-floor apart-' menu were evacuated. Investigators Mid they found evidence someone had tried six times to set the place afire before finally opening a pipe and allowing the place to fill with gas. It was the gas that exploded. TRANSPORT ARRIVES Seattle W) The navy trans port Marine Serpent arrived her early Monday with 3,063 passengers from the Far East on a "home before Christmas" schedule. The ship brought 2,713 United States soldier and 350 Canadians from Korea. ' MAICOHUSimiD Accepted 07 the American Medical Association Council on Physical Medicine. FLOYD BENNETT Senator Hotel rtflS VEAjC GIFT IDEA: Arrow md Boliny Ties IN A VARIETY OF COLORS AND PATTERNS GIFT BOXED OPEN EVERY DAY TIL 9 P.M. UNTIL XMAS' EVE CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER Said Alderman Fry: - , "I don't think the City Coun cil tad ever recognlted the fine work done by the Soroptl mlsts In getting the clock mov ed into the City Hall tower. I move that the city recorder send them a letter with the thanks of this Council, Inform ing them that there will be a report at the next meeting what we are going to do about its striking the hours." Said O'Hara: "I think that pile of anti quated machinery should have been left on the junk heap where It was deposited by the county. I take Issue with the Soroptlmlsts about its strike emanating from chimes. It's just a harsh noise like It was 30 yesrs ago. I hive much sym pathy with the owner, of the Senator Hotel in his complaint that it disturbs his guests." Fry motion carried. Red Suspects Out of Office Fort Worth. Tex. WV-Atty. Gen. Herbert Brownell says he thinks all suspected Reds have been cleaned out of the government But Sen. McCar thy (R., Wis.) disagrees. Brownell said in a transcrib ed Texas rsdlo speech last ; night he believes all federal i employes suspected of commu nist tendencies have been dis missed, "We think that they are all out of government now" he ssid on the state republican committees weekly program, "Report to Texas." "But the president has promised thst within the com ing year we will have com pleted the employe security progrsm so that the people can be sure that none of them are left In government. "And those that are outside, we are going to go after them separately," the attorney gen eral declared. wswwisjswvMiaiweiwisieisis)B NOW .... AT PRICE'S LEGALS EXEClTRUr FINAL VOTU 1 NOTICE 10 UUiKBY OIVBN Itial Ne4 11a V. Lrxl u of me tttt of Bttnl4 W. Land, dettkjwd, hu flirt her account a cueli. and fey r4r Of Lb Circuit Court of the aui of Or oa lor th County of Morion, in llth dor of Java u or y, t4, la too forenoon of aid dor hoi soon fliod a tho tint, on tho ourlroea of oohl oourl ho bron mod aa U ploct tor Uto hooting of ob. Jocttou I i d ftaol recount ood too ot t lemon t el ittd atolo. Dtiod tvod tun ouniu&td: Doconoor ft. ItU. HKLUB V. LAND. , SiocutrU of tho C.UI of ' R fin -4 W. Land. Dt?MOd. KROTKlf. ItbOTIN VDHITHA, AUorn at Low, S10 PM&oor Truot a4f, steum, ortroa At torn ro lot Urcuiru. Doc I It U Jon I AlJUINlaTJTlATlUX FIHAL HOTICB KotWo to hurt by Urta tiiot UontU I Vioako no Mmtnlotrotrlt of tho titoto f Comio J. Bropby, Doctojcd. hu fliod her ftnol account u ouch, and by ordoi 1 Iho Circuit Court of tho ui of Or oa for tho County of Morton tho 11th dor of January, i4. ta tt: fcrtnooa ol ot rd dor boa btoa fiifd u tho Lino, and tho court room of itld court hot boon ftxod ao tho ploco for tht heorlno of ob Joctiou to oaid final account and Um tttlmi)t of oo id taioto. Vitod ond tint pubiuhod: Vt 1. IIU Off IT A X. VIKBro. Adnlnuiratrti of tho Kuio of Caooio J. Brorhr, DotooMd. ttROTM. BHOTTt BTZXRVIHA, lia Pi on or TrtMt adg, atOan, Ortfoa Attoraoyt far Adsiiaiatratrii Ooa. laoM.ll. till i BARBEQUED CRAB AT NORTH'S 1170 Center St. The one gift she has always longed for ! Now you can select the fur piece of Your choice at January prices. Neckpieces - Stoles - Coats Ermine Mink Kolinskys Squirrel Muskrat J 135 No. Liberty WHEN YOU SELECT HER GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS, IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT OF SIZE, COLOR, ETC., GIVE HER A GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM PRICES Among the many gifts the can chooi from: LINGERIE JEWELRY PERFUMES HANKIES SHOES SLIPPERS MILLINERY SPORTSWEAR BLOUSES DRESSES COATS SUITS SWEATERS and Many . Others N- Qft Certificate r EXCLUSIVE LADIES' APPAREL . t 135 No. LIBERTY ST. SALEM, OREGON GOOD FOR MERCHANDISE VALUED AT DOLLARS A GIFT FOR WITH BEST WISHES OF big word in auto insurance . , . SAFECO ill tt VAII MsfE aato fasnrane at the lowest J;. ?- it iuu unc C0It eoMtotent wlUl ivv.::... : safety and service, '5 i'l-T' YOU'LL LIKE PM ..... m , Jtgf 1 -a I .:': 1 IF YOU LIKE y OT - ftk-'J lr UU UIVC service anvwher In TJ. 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