p Ptftft THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL, Salem.' Orrro Monday, December 14, 195S .TO 1 'UWE. ffi I o M t 1 Hi ILUCTK r 111)1 I I II I Now 1-SooW HmMc TIumt I IIP l.-f'X I !" vmHM I l fj VFuM-wM Him Prawr r H""" Onl MOT1; IME-Hf V IFrigideire Thrifty "30 Look t those) dvfux Features I Automatic Clxk-tntrIU4 ApctlMK OutM Now, My-lo-nMd central panol Nw Cook Mailt Ovm Clack WoltWiigh, hlhMaa Srailar Coat, al b..ii ' m . j , - mrwwpi HHmnn vaaatnf T lam .enticed up to $50 Deluxe Model RS-38 Was 245.95 I 05 Only 30 inches wide Yet II Bakes 6 Pies al Once! Coth in en thna Big Savings at our Close-out of 19J3 Modeli! GREAT HEW OUffil Frigidaire Model RS-2S Wat 299.95 New Only 259" rigidakelll0,, ft'l Hie biggest little rang In the worldl Perfect for email kitchens, but big enough to cook for any family. Fully automatic with newly designed Cook-Matter Clock Con trol to turn even on end off . . . built-in fluorescent lamp . . . handy Clock . . . Timr . . . full-width Stor age Drawer. lifetime Camleta Hnlih Intide and out Sturdl-weld all-ttet-l eenttruction tadientvbe tvrfwe Ceaklnf Unit. Sliding, Hp-ttreef .helve Weltf-hlgh trailer Was 184.95 Standard Model RS-30 5 159M aaea" IS. FRIGIDAIRE Master Oven Loaded with New Features . . . Cook-Master oven elork Slmpll-Matle oven eon tool Oven 8lnal liiht etc. Model RS-20 Was $229.95 New Only 199 95 j FRIGIDAIRE Wonder Oven Two Ovens with two different temperatures! Takeout the Divider and Presto! It's One Big Oven! WAS 399.9S New Only MODEL RS-60 349 95 Gift Wrapped in Cellophane and Red Bow! tllUNZTT! milT'l II1IU( 1PPLIAICE l IIMI rilllSIIU SALEM OREGON CITY Silverlon ... In the Old Post Office Eldg. Salem... Corner State & Com'!. Liberal Trade-ins No Down Payment On Approved Credit HURRY! Limited Quantity I VK i f r Mil tit -t .,', , W-.f.' A Open every eve. 'f7 Christmas