"m7. iMtmtUr 14. IMS Christmas Setting for Wedding Miss Joanna Elaine Perry, of Portland, wss married Sat urday evening to Paul Steven Nienrander, Jr., ion of Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Nietwander of Salem, the ceremony being solemnized in Faith Lutheran church in Portland. A Chriitmai letting wn ar ranged tor the aervlce. Chriit mai treei decorated with red balls being at the altar. The Rev. Herbert E. Nottbolm of ficiated at the 8 o'clock rites. For the music. Cerdau Roeder player the organ. Preceding the service. Mrs. Charles Roland Hornecker and Mrs. Joseph Earls Worth lighted the candles. The bride wore a beautiful wedding dress of white rose- point lace. It was designed with V neckline and long sleeves, the full skirt with rows of pleated nylon tulle fnrmir.g a chape! trsip. With the dress the bride wore an Italian lace veil from Sorento, bought while on a trip to Eu rope last summer. For her flowers, the bride carried a cascade of white carnations and ' bouvardia with a white orchid in the center, , The five attendants were Miss Lorelle Faye Perry, the bride's sitter, as 'miid of hon or; Mrs. William E. Bissell of Turner, Miss Shirley Nles wander of Salem, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Nancy Ann Pullen of Springfield and Miss Barbara Ruth Fessler of Port land. All wore Identically styled floor length dresses of Christmas red nylon tulle with lace insets on the bodices. They all carried cascade bou quets of white chrysanthe mums, holly and greens. Best man was William E. Bissell of Turner. Ushers were Eldon V. Shafer of Salem, Richard D. Weakley, James E. Garrett, Portland, Benjamin W. ftalvon of Albany. The bride's mother wore an air force blue dress of nylon tulle and lace. The bride groom's mother wore a navy blue lace dress. Both wore corsages of 'red carnations. The' reception was in the church parlors. Pouring were Mrs. Howard Nottage of Port land 'and Miss Patricia Orcutt of Molalli. Cutting the cake were Mrs. Herbert E. Nott bolm of Portland and Miss Mary Louise Loggan of Bend. Assisting were Miss Patricia Thompson. Miss Patricia Fess ler and Miss Patricia Fry of Portland. Co-Rec Party More than 50 young adults attended the Co-Rec dinner and dance at the YWCA and at the Salem Heights community cen ter Friday night Chairman of the evening's entertainment -and dinner was Erwin Lay. Next meeting of the group will be a Christmas party and dance at the Salem Gun club, Friday, December 18. This will be preceded by dinner at the YW at 6:30 p.m. Miss Florence Coodridge has charge of the arrangements. The Friday festivities will be the last event to be staged by the group until January 8 Marriage Told Dayton Mrs. Nathan Swan of Dayton announces the mar riage of her daughter, Miss Lula Belle Young, to Ted R. Marr. son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Marr, also of Day ton. The couple were married In Vancouver, Wash., Friday, De cember 11. A reception was given for the couple by Mr. Marr's sister, Mrs. William Ba ker, at her home in Dayton fol lowing the Vancouver wedding Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Marr will be at home in Dayton following the wedding trip. 8 et 40 Party Lebanon Members of the 8 et 40 entertained husbands at a Christmas party last week in the .Legion hall. Evergreens, holly and bells were used as decorations. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Canage of Leba non and a number from Alba ny and Sweet Home. Buffet supper was served. On the committee arranging the Dirty were Mrs. Glenn Huston, Mrs. Roshsl Groves, Mrs. Bert Mocrsch. Mrs. Roy Abraham. Mrs. Clarence Con ner and Miss Ardys Whetstone. DE6BY WaahaMs Ortee tad NytaB West u4 NjWa UTTU RDKJ JM US N HldE i3 nssWBDBn Roland Patton Wed Recently in South Announcement hss come to Salem friends of the marriage of Miss Louise E. Godfrey to Roland G. Patton, son of R. G. Patton of Salem. The couple were married November 22 in St. Paul's Episcopal church at San Diego. The bride is the daughter of Bishop and Mrs. Godfrey, Buffalo, N. Y. The bride will remain with her par ents while Mr. Patton is on sea duty In the Far East aboard the U S S. Essex. He is a grad uate of Salem high school snd attended Linfield college be fore entering the navy. C. D. A. Troop at Woodburn Meets Woodburn Juniorette troop "Takakwitha." Catholic Daugh ters of America, met last week at the home of Miss Marilyn Gamroth with Miss Sharon Donnelly presiding and all members present Plans were made to meet Tuesday. Decem ber 22, to decorate the ginger bread house to be presented to tne cnuaren in rroviaence nur sery for Christmsa. Each mem ber is to bake two dozen cookies to hang on the Christmas tree for the children of the nursery. Miss Kathryn Haener invited the group to a Christmas party at her home December 18. The girls made a Christmas wreath and snowflakes and also painted walnuts in gold and silver sprinkled with glitter. The next business meeting of the troop will be January 13. Miss Hinman Weds Lebanon Miss Dorothy Anne Hinman and Donald L. Chamberlain were married on November 26 in St. John's Orthodox Lutheran church, the Rev. M. L. Natterer perform ing the ceremony before an al tar decorated with flowers and lighted tapers. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hinman, and the bridegroom's parents are Mrs. Joe Carr and W. P. Cham berlain. Miss Hinman, escorted by her father, wore a white bro cade taffeta dress and carried a white Bible topped with a corsage. Miss Joyce Larvik, maid of honor, was clad in blue taffeta over net and wore a pink cor sage. Best man was Richard Cham berlain. The reception was at the home of the bride's parents. Pouring was Miss Joanne John son. The cake was cut ana served by Mrs. Robert Hili;nd also the older types of Mrs. R. Anaree ana miss ausan Schrader. Following the wedding trip the couple are at home at 87and Mrs. Leroy Thomas. Hiatt street. ' Honors Bride Lebanon Mrs. Louis Schwindt was a recent hostess at her home in the White Oaks addition for her niece, Mrs.! Wayne Keene, a bride of Octo-1 ber. 1 ! Formerly Miss Elaine Jung-' wirth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed .Jungwirth, Mrs. Keene snd her husband now live near Smith River, Calif. They were married In Brookings. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Msrsha Weigel, Karen Jungwirth. Mrs. Ed Jungwirth and Mrs. Bill Porter. DRAPERIES CUSTOM MADE IN OUR NEW SHOP YOUR OR OUR MATERIALS SEE OUR SAMPLES IN YOUR HOME Traversa Rods Installation 1 A Complete Drapery Service "Evarytfiinj for Yaiir Winn'ow" ELMER THE IUND MAN . Free Estimates 3870 Center Phene 1-7321 ?,::: V S. V J r - Cersages Featnre Shew Mrs. Walter E. Martin is shown above with some of the nearly 200 corsages she has made to be displayed at the greens show of Salem Garden club. The show opens Tuesday to continue through Wednesday, the event to be at the bask Walton league club house. Hours are between 1 and 8 p.m. each day. In addition to the varied displays .of greens, madonna ar rangements, etc., there will be varied demonstrations during the two days on corsage making, wrapping, making of swags and wreaths, and other items. Tea is to be served each afternoon and each evening, carrying out the Swedish Lucia's Day celebration. Woodburn Rural Woman's Club Meets Woodburn The Woodburn Woman's Rural club met in regular session last week at the library club rooms, beginning with a no-host luncheon at noon. The committee in charge included Mrs. Lester Henn, chairman, Mrs. Marlln Ham mond, Mrs. Elmer Mattson and Mrs. Roy Arney. Christmas decorations were used on the table and about the rooms. Forty members and' five guests were present Guests were Mrs. Henry Seheidegger, Mrs. Joe Fry, Mrs. Frank Brock, Mrs. Charles Paretic and Mrs, Maxine Ryan. Mrs. Delbert Seely presided over the afternoon business meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs. John Coleman. Plans were completed for the annual Christmas dinner and party for members and fam ilies to be December IT at the Woodburn Methodist ehurch. The dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. with a program fol lowing. The committee in charge will be Mrs. Delbert Seely, Mrs. Genaro Ramon and Mrs. Lester Henn. J During the program hour there was , group singing of i Christmas carols with Mrs. Maxine Ryan accompanying on the accordion. Exchange of Christmas gifts was a feature of the afternoon, names of "secret pals" were revealed and names drswn for the new year. The next regular meeting will be January 14 with Mrs. William Stange as chairman of the hostess committee. Sorority Meets Lebanon Alpha Zeta chap ter of Beta Sigma Phi met last week at the home of Mrs. Ken neth Mayer. Architecture was the pro gram topic, presented by Mrs. Dalton Johnson. Mrs. Mayer showed moving pictures of her trip through Mexico, which fea tured many modern buildings Spanish architecture Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Earl Greig WINDOW SHADES UNTUSMMiDWnTJHO (Formerly fteinhelat A Lewla) 260 J. Ztd St bsM 4-115 Is Year Feel Bill Over A Month? Better Convert to Continental Radiant GLASSHEAT . 1548 Fairgroonds Read Phene 4-42(3 THK CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salesm, Orofea Today's Menu The corn syrup used in these fruited .sponge squares gives them a delightfully chewy tex ture. BUFFET 8CFPEK Salad Bowl Cloverleaf Rolls Citrus Cup Fruited Sponge Squares Beverage Fruited Sponge Squares Ingredients: 4 cup sifted flour, teaspoon salt, I eggs, 1 teaspoon, vanilla, H cup sug ar, fc cup light corn syrup, V cup finely cut ls, to cup fine ly cut candied cherries. U finely chopped filberts, about Vs cup walnut quarters. Method: Sift together flour and salt Beat eggs and vanilla with rotary beater until they. oegin to get thick and pale colored. Gradually beat In sug ar, men corn syrup. Mix In figs, cherries, and filberts. Fold in flour. Turn into greased 8 inch square bakinar nan (about 2 inches deep). Arrange walnut quarters over surface of batter. Bake in moderate (3S0F) even about 30 minutes or until cake tester Inserted In center comas out clean. Stand pan on cake rack to cool. While still quite warm, cut into squares. Note: For best distribution of fruit and filberts, make sure they are very finely cut and chopped. WRC Event Both the election of officers and a Christmas party are on the agenda for Sedgwick chap ter. Woman's Relief corps, No. 1, meeting at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall Friday. De cember 18, at 2 p.m. Members will exchange Christmas gifts. Baskets of food will be sent to all members wno are ill and unable to be present. solans for a rummage sale In the near future will be dis cussed. stWS GIFT SUGGESTION: . . 8" 3 500 GIFT BOXED ,FREE PARKING OPEN EVERY DAY TIL 9 P.M. CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER .... , . Mrs. Stewart Is Honored by Group Mrs. Morris Stewart, new chairmana of the afternoon so cial group of the Alnsworth chapter, No. 176, Order of East era Star, was presented with the gavel by the present social chairman, Mrs. Earl K. John' son, at a meeting of the chapter at the Scottish Rite temple Friday. A no-host luncheon was serv ed. On the committees were Mrs. P. T. Bouffleur. Mrs. E. F. Wbelan, Mrs. Gordon Bar nard, Mrs. Robert Ramage, Mrs. J. H. Riches. Mrs. K. D. Lee, Mrs. Troy Graham, Mrs. J. N. Frances, Mrs. Helen Lov ett. Mrs. Richard Davis, Mrs. Eugene Walters, Mrs. William Hall, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Shlnn. The program consisted of a fashion show staged by the men with a humoroua narrative read by Mrs. LeRoy Stewart; a selection on the pisno by Miss Barbara Davis; snd a talk on New Zealand by Albert Ziegler, an exchange teacher from that country. NOW Event Fifty members and guests at tended the Neighbors of Wood craft homecoming dinner at the Woman's club house Friday night Initiated into the group were Mrs. Viola Marie Brogan, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Stephen Adams, and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rooms. Christmsa program will be Thursday, December IT, at the Woman's club house. On the "treats for the chil dren" committee are Dr. O. L. Scott, Mrs. Harry Bressler, Mrs. George Smalley. Mrs. Walter Craven and Mrs. O. L. Scott will hsva charge of the food and kitchen arrangements. DO YOU KNOW! Yen Can Keep the Handicapped Employed ly Sendinj: Clothina, Fur niture, Toy, and1 II torts of Houjehold Articles to Goedwill Industries Telephone 4-2248 . Pickaps on Tuesday West Salem Santa of Center and Fridays North ef Cen ter. WEAR ROBES lotany, Style-Rite In Wools, Terryt, and Gaberdines -a m IS Installation On Saturday Installation ( officers of bethel No. 48, Order of Job's Daughters was conducted at the Scottish Rite temple, Sat urday evening. Miss Larrie Lou Osterman was Installed as the honored queen. Other officers are: Misses Francis Burris, senior princess; Mary Clare Mooney, Junior princess; Dlsne Fergu son, guide; Jsckie Fisher, marshal; Deanne Klnzer, chap lain; Pat Sexton, recorder; Pat Perrin, musician; Shirleen Bacewtch, treasurer; Marilyn naiiisy, librarian: Janice Drakely, first messenger; Jo anne Hill, second messenger; Sharon KuykendalL third messenger; Msribel Star, lounn meaenger; Barbara Ba con, fifth messenger; Meladee Rams, senior custodisn; Joyce surnis, junior custodisn Phyllis Ksy Morris, Inner guard: Ninsmae Jacobs, outer guard; Kathy Hill, lady of uintt: rat Hughlett and Pat Foelkl, pages. . Installing the honored queen was Miss Barbara Ander son. Other installing officers inciuaea Miss Nancy Owens. guide; Miss Susan Younrauist. marshal; Miss Barbara Cone, chaplain; Miss Vickl Ward. musician; Miss Harriet Hiday, senior custodian; Miss Ann Berger, Junior custodisn. Chairmen for the various committees of bethel for next term were announced as fol lows: Refreshment-Miss Bev erly Hanson; telephone. Miss tseveny Downing: decoration Miss Carol Flawn: merit keen er, miss nary wood; hospital lty, Mia Nancy Smith; clean up. Miss Sandera Enfeson. ine crowning eeremonv wsi performed by Chemekets chapter. Order of DeMolay for Boys of which Milton McDsn- lai is master counselor. A reception followed the In. spallation. Star Elects Lebanon Mrs. Albert Carl son wss elected worthy ma tron, and Victor Carlson worthy patron of Marguerite cnapter. Order of Eastern SUr, last week. Other elective posts will be filled by Mrs. Ellen Johnson, associate worthy matron; W. Glen Chandler. associate worthy patron; Mrs. Frlncea Rice, secretary; Mrs. Alvena Michelaon, treasurer; Mrs. Al ice Hobbs, conductress, and Mrs. Alice Youmans, associate conductress. .: A Yule dinner, attended by members and their families, preceded the chapter session. WE WILL NOT BE OPEN NIGHTS BEFORE CHRISTMAS If Bush Mothers Meet Members et the Bush School Mothers club were entertained by pupils from three second trades at Bush school, Friday afternoon. The students re ceived applause from the moth ers for the performance of the play, "The Nutcracker." A short business meeting was presided over by the president Mrs. Robert F. Wulf. Hos tesses for the afternoon were mothers of second grade stu dents. Mrs. Kenneth Sherman had charge of the tea commit tee. Holiday Party For Chapter Woodburn The annual Christmas party for members of Belle Pass! chapter, Daugh ters of the American Revolu tion, will be Thursday, Decem ber IT, at the home of the re gent, Mrs. Lester Keller, at Hubbard, with Mrs. Claude Brown aa assistant hostess. The meeting will begin at 2 p.m. Each member is asaea to bring a gift for a girl and a boy to be sent to the Chemawa In dian school and also sugar or nuts for candy for the school which is an annual project. Clothing will be sent In box es to two DAR approved schools, the Kate Duncan Smith school and the Tamasse school. in South Carolina and Georgia. A program of musical numbers and a reading is being plan ned. ... The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Tom DeArmond with Mrs, Clair Nibler as assistant host ess. . Hostess to Club Salem Heights Mrs. Floyd McClellsn entertained the Lit tle Garden club of Salem Heights at their annual Christ mas party last week. Mrs. Carl Harris was the assisting hostess. The group discussed the en try In the Christmas greens show, slated for December IS and 16 at the Izaak Walton league club house, sponsored by the Salem Garden club. Mrs. Lyle Bayne and Mrs. Carl Har ris were named on the entry committee. Mrs. Homer G. Ly on, Jr., wss presented with a corsage by Mrs. Hunt .Clark, and Mrs. Robert Taylor was given a corsage by Mrs. M. Crousir as the club welcomed the two women as new mem bers. There was gift exchange for the members. BARBEQUED CRAB At NORTH'S , 11T6 Center 8t , In deferance to our personnel, who make every effort to give perfect serv ice to our trade, we do not feel it is consistent to stay open nights! This has always been and will remain our policy! 135 N: Liberty Election horOES Miss Helen' Fletcher was named worthy matron and John Grayhill, worthy patron, at a meeting of the Salem -chapter No. 162, Order of Eas tern Star, at the Masonic tem ple Saturday night - serving with Miss Fletcher and Mr. GraybiU during 1834 will be Mrs. Ronald Roasner, associate matron, Robert Keu- dell. associate patron; Mrs. Harry Hid ay,, conductress; Mrs. George Msrtus. secretary; Mrs. F. Hastay, treasurer. , Honored guests at the meet ing were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nunekamp, worthy matron and worthy patron of South gate chapter, Portland. Nine new members were re ceived Into the club. Those initiated were Mr. snd Mrs. Cecil Lsntz, Mr. and Mrs. Lou- Is Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. Mrs. Mark Monson and Mr. and Mrs,' WiUaid ciaggen came In by affiliation. Also at the meeting were guests from Independence, Madras, Silverton, ' Portland, Syrlnga, Wn., and a number of local persons. Serving on the decoration committee were Mrs. John GraybiU, Mrs. Elmo McMillan, Mrs. Clarence Ehrock, and Mrs. Al Morris. On the refreshment com mittee were Mrs. Gladys BelL Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Ullak- ko, Mrs. Mel Grub, Mr. and Mrs. John Norby, Mrs. Frank ' Lockman. Mrs. Evelyn Corne lius, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vaughn, George Edwards, and Mrs. L. T. Tennis. BALEM NAVY Mothers club Is meeting Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs, J. H. Lewis, 894 North Lan caster, for its Christmas par ty. There win be gift ex change. ' Double Your Money PIANO SALE But now at aale prices we double the money you pay up toSlOO by Christmas. De livery now or Christmas Eve. Wide selection. Easy terms. SALEM MUSIC (0. Across from Elslnore theater isi so. Higa st . Downtown Salem J T