Par S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orepw Monday, December 14, 1J5J Some Notations . i . Wives of three members of President Elsenhower's cabinet and their specisl plans for Christmas are written up in a feature In the Washington Post recently, among the three, Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of the Secretary of the Interior . . . With the picture and write up bout Mrs. McKsy Is her pet coffee cske recipe ... It is from a recipe of her mother and Mrs. McKay has been making this coffee cake for more than 30 years ... In the write-up she tells of "going home" for Christmas in Salem (the Mc Kays arrive next Sunday) and assure the writer the coffee cake will be made for Christmas morning breakfast . . . The Tom H. Dunnam, Mrs. A. s other two cabinet wives tea- Adolphson, and her daughter tured in the article are Mrs. in-law, Mrs. Thomas Adolph Herbert Brownell, Jr, wife of son; Mrs. Prince W. Byrd, Mrs. the Attorney General, with her Robert Drsger, Mrs. Harry H. "Chestnut Pie" and Mrs. Bira Belt, Mrs. James B. Young, Taft Benson, wife of the Sec-! Miss Beryl Holt, Mrs. I. W. retary of Agriculture, and her Creech, Mrs. Paul B. Hendricks, net recine for Gum DroD Fruit Mrs. P. D. Qulsenberry, Mrs. Cake . , One of the holiday month's most festive parties was the tea for which Mrs. Jsmes R. Linn and Mrs. William H. Ly tic entertained Saturday after noon at the Marion hotel, in viting a large group to call between 3 and 6 o'clock ... It was a real Christmas party, the room gay with many holiday decorations . . . The tea table was a picture-book one, all In green, gold and silver theme. . . . The cloth was a Christmas green one, silver stars and brown cones printed on its wide border . . . The table was set against the wall, and the centerpiece at the back was an ornamental scales decked with gilded boughs, a large gold Christmas angel standing in either balance plate ... At either side of the scales was a large silver candelabrum hold' lng lighted red tapers . . . Com' pleting the setting were hand some silver tea and coffee ser vices . . . The punch table was set at one side, decorative can dles on it, and across the room against the other wall was a Christmas tree In each corner. - Glimpsed her and there among the throng during our call: Mrs. Elmer O. Berg,-Mrs. L. V. Benson, Mrs. W. E. Hutch ens and her granddaughter, Mrs. John H. Johnson; Mrs. Hollls W. Huntington, Mrs. Er cel W.Kay; three sisters-in-law, Mrs, John H. Carson, Mrs. Al lan O. Carson, Mrs. Wallace Carson; Mrs. A. C. F. Perry, Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. Da vid Esson, Mrs. Frank Burling- ham, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. Mrs. Harry V. Collins, Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. George Alexander and her daughter, Mrs. Edward O. . Stadter, Jr.; Mrs. Charles H. Hngglns, Mrs. F. W. Poorman, Mrs. Brailer V. small, Mrs, Olive Carrey, Accent Party on Saturday Night ' Members and their families attended the Christmas party of the Accent club In the South Salem community club hall Saturday night. s Entertainment for the even ing was furnished by Mrs. W. A. Smith, who played a num ber of Christmas songs on the piano, and Dr. E. L. Watson, who showed picture cartoons for the children. Another high light at the party was the ar rival of Santa Claus with pres ents for each of the children. A no-host aunner wn umrtwl On the refreshment and deco rating committees were Mrs. ; Jack Williams, Mrs. Lyle S. Bayne, Mrs. Basil Hutchins, I Mrs. Jo Rund. I Next meeting will be In Jan-' uary at the home of Mrs. Loren Hicks, Pine Acre ranch near Turner. I 8IGMA KAPPA Mothers club Is meeting Tuesdsy for dessert at 1:19 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Glen Weaver. Mrs. Q. A. Reeher Is co-host tess for the group's Christ mas party. New Low Prices! Famous Wesringhouse Laundromat and Clothes Dryer El 1 Washer Dryer 1 Hurry! Offer Yeater Appliance Co. Open Nights Til 9, Dec. 14th Thru 23rd 375a.em.ker. Ph.3-4311 by M. L. r. Mia Dor thy feares, Mrs. Al bert C. Gragg. Nit Edgar T fierce and her daughter, Mrs. Peter H. Geiser; Mrs, J. 1. El liott and Mrs. Donald Sneer, both of Portland; Mrs. William H. Hammond, Mrs. Kate Bell and her daughter, Mrs. Harold M. Olinger, Mrs. Fiord L. I't ter, Mrs. Stev. TabaecbJ, Mrs. James L. Payne, Mrs. James Walton, Mrs. Willard Marshall, Mrs. Chester M. Cos, Just home from Europe and being greeted by many friends; Mrs. Lester F. Ban, Mrs. Balph E. Punrlne, Mrs. C, Kenneth Wilson, Mrs. Donald McCargar, Mrs. C. A. McCsrgar, Mrs. Vent W. Mil ler, Mrs. Keith Powell, Mrs. Velma Farmer, Mrs. Breymsn Boise, Mrs. John A. Heltsel, Mrs. Chsrles H. Heltsel, Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mrs. Wolcott E. Buren, Mrs. Herman Joch Imsen, Mrs. Brace Williams, Mrs, A. D. Woodmsnsee, Mrs. Philip W. Allison. Mrs. Rod erick Llvesley, Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr., Mrs. Henry V. Compton, Miss Mabel P. Rob ertson, Mrs. Percy R. Kelly, Miss Edith Scbryver, Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr., Mrs. Wslter Kirk, Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Mrs. Seth P. Smith, Mrs. D. B. Jannan, Mrs. T. A. Roberts, Mrs. Thomas Roberts, Jr.; over from Silverton, Mrs. Robert Duncan and Mrs. Clarence Keene ... A gold mine If the "Christ mas Ideas" special issue put out by Better Homes and Gar dens . . . Never have we seen so many ideas and suggestions crammed Into some 130 pages as are In this Issue . . . There are directions and pointers on trimming the tree, on making swags, wreaths and other greens arrangements, on trim' ming the door, the mantel and fireplace, in fact every room in the house . . . There are many suggestions on table dec orations, arranging the center piece . . . Then there are Ideas on cards, numeroua gifts you can make; a very thorough pre sentation on packaging and mailing gifts, on gift wrap ping . . . Then the holiday foods section. All together, there are 115 recipes for the Christmas dinner, for holiday entertaining, for the tree trim ming party, a holiday buffet. etc., Tind a beautiful array of recipes for candles, cookies and other Christmas sweets ... It Is an Issue to keep and treasure for future use, one could not possibly do all the things sug gested for just one Christmas. MEETING Monday evening are Kappa Kappa Gamma al umnae, the Christmas party to be at the home of Mrs. Gor don Gilmore at 8 o'clock. Co hostesses are Mrs. Alan Riebel, Mrs. Newbury Close and Miss Margaret Wagner. Members are to take gifts to go to the Fairvlew and Hill crest homes. 80CIAL afternoon group of Salem chapter. Order of East ern Star, plans a no-host lunch eon for Wednesday at the Ma sonic temple. On the committee are Mrs. Harley Osborn, Mrs. Theodore Ullakko, Mrs. Norman Fletch er, Mrs. Frank Lockman. HALFf'J BEAUTT CENTO D. All Types f Permanent Machine)?! - Colo Wit -Machine Capitol Shopping Center AMERICA'S Hut Modern Klkhn CAPITAL 111 N. High for a limited time only Eyerlys Hosts A pre-holiday family gather ing was an event of Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lea Eyerly, the couple's two sons and two daughters and families all, be ing here for the occasion. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and fam Capital Edited by MARIAN Tri Deltas Plan Coffee On Dec. 29 Among holiday week parties being arranged is an informal coffee to be given by Delta Delta Delta alumnae of Salem. The affair will be Tuesday, December 20, at the Morning- side home of Mrs. Harold O. Schneider, 2920 South 12th street The coffee is given for active Trl Delta members at universi ty of Oregon and Oregon State ccUegt, their uioiliera and ail other Tri Delta mothers in Sa lem. Hours will be between 2 and 4 p.m. Mrs. Tom Hill, Jr.. Mrs Mikal Mikkelsen, Mrs. J. C. Corlett and Mrs. B. D. Rogers are on the committee with Mrs. Schneider for the party. PP Group Entertained Mrs. Cornelius Bateson was hostess to the past presidents group of Pi Beta Phi alumnae Monday for a dessert and bridge party at her home. The past presidents of the lo cal alumnae association in clude Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. Charles H. Huggins, Mrs. Marion Mulkey, Mrs, James R. Humphrey, Mrs. Albert T. An derson, Mrs. Edwin Keech, Mrs. Wolcott E. Buren, Mrs. Chester Zumwalt, Mrs. Bateson and Mrs. Kenneth Potts, the present president. Christmas Tea A Christmas tea, slated to begin at 2 p.m., is planned by members of the Woman a Fel lowship, Knight Memorial church, for Wednesday, De cember 16, at the church. An exchange of gifts among members will be featured. FROM TEXAS CITY, Texas, comes news of the- birth ol a daughter, Deborah Jean Ken neth, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kennedy, formerly of Salem. She is the second child, there being an older daughter, Sher rie Ann. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E, W. Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reimann. all of Salem. Gerald Kennedy is stationed at Ellington air force base in Texas. o fragrance for each... for cocktail clothes Aishrodisia tailored things Woodhue luxury loungewear Tigress festive fashions Act IV all four colognes in Faberget gold and white gift box 5.00 the set 4 fashions, jr. (purse sizes) 3.00 the set mote cfwfw ssumc at Reunion ily, Pat. Bart and VonnelL of Coos Bay; Dr. and Mrs. James Smith and family,- Pamela, James and Lee Thomas, of Red mond; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ey erly and Larry and Mike, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eyerly and sons. Jack, Jr., Jon and Steven, all of Salem, and the hosts. Women LOWRY FISCHER Mrs. McMahan Birthday Feted A tea and supper were given Saturday to honor Mra. L. H. McMahan on the occasion of her 80th birthday anniversary, the affair being at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Byrd with Mrs. Roy D. Byrd assist ing. During the afternoon tea, 40 relatives and friends called. In the evening, a buetf din ner was served with covers placed for 29 members of the family. The table was set with a white organdy cloth over deep orchid and centered with an ar rangement of heather, pink roses and stephanotis. Another decorative note was a Christ mas nosegay tree of white net, miniature ornaments and pas tel flowers. Miss Winifred Byrd of North Hollywood, Calif., a niece of Mrs. McMahan, cut the cake during the tea hours. Pouring were Mrs. Donald H. Upjohn, Mrs. Clarence Albert and Mrs. Carroll Byrd of Willows, Calif. Others assisting with arrange ments for the party were Mrs. Prince W. Byrd, Miss Betty! Byrd and Mrs. Bryan Good-1 enough. Out-of-town guests here for the occasion were Miss Wini fred Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. Car roll Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Nelson of Saratoga, Calif.; Dr. and Mrs. Donald Byrd of Hills- boro; Miss Patricia Byrd of Portland, Mrs. Walter Pruden of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. William Byrd of Eugene. Mrs. McMahan s two chil dren were present for the cel ebration Including a son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Carl McMahan of Salem, and a daughter, Mrs. Leo Barton of Oakland, Calif. GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES FKKE DELIVER! CHAPMAN DRUG STORE ' 140 Candalaria Blvd. n Furs Exclusively For 35 rears LACHELLES 1348 Ferry St plus tax OREGON I MEN'S LEATHER HARD SOLE OPERA. SLIPPER 3.98 Sixes 6-11 B-O-EEE These classic styled slippers sive the luxurious, comfort able feeling tired feet love) Crafted of soft kid leather, with sheep leather sock lin ing. Long wearing rubber heel, hard sole. Sanitized. DOWNSTAIRS STORE Exciting fVj CADDir to- f &k , ' - , -' :; ,i Embroidered and Quilted to delight HER! 4-10 AA to EE Slip her these charming slippers from Penney's ond watch her eyes light up! The uppers are fine rayon and acetate fabric, cotton-backed; the soles are long wearing and the styling is terrific. Shop Penney's for her gift! DOWNSTAIRS STORE BOYS' WARM LAMB COLLAR SLIPPERS 22 Sizes .t&jWO 2-5 So much slipper value at su.-h a low, thrifty price! Crafted of Imitation suede upper with natural shearl ing lamb collar and snck lin ing. Moccasin style napped fabric vamp. Underwedge heel and hard sole. DOWNSTAIRS STORE OPEN TILL II rr ri n n tl GIFT SLIPPERS MEN'S WARMLY LINED LEATHER, SLIPPERS 4.49 Sixes 6-11 Bllpper-elft to be Mred! for warmth. ' It's lined with, thick nylon pile on a cotton back. Sturdy, shape-holding cowhide upper, rubber heel and hard sole for long wear. And tie pike Is unbelievably low. Brown, wine. DOWNSTAIRS STORE MEN'S WARM LINED LEATHER SLIPPERS 2.98 Sixes 6-10 Cla&sie opera style. In soft line quality cowhide I Pelt lining adds to the luxurious, comfortable fit. Long wear ing soft sole conforms to ev ery step and movement. San itizedand priced right for value and Kilts! DOWNSTAIRS STORE lr-- QUILTED CI IDDCDCI 98 HAND-BEAD DESIGN GIFT SLIPPER A thoughtful, charming gift! Uppers are fine smooth sheep leather with hand beaded design, cuddly white fur collar: soft soles are s - o o comfortable. Blue, red or white. 4 to J. DOWNSTAIRS STORE 9 P.M. EVERY 'if a s I) r FOR THE FAMILY! i ilHe'll wear this slipper l' i Inctfls muHIA nnvurriAM jf he wants reol comfort I i ! : T ' ' i ' NTSsnSSSMTTSSSSSSSS. TT Sl " ' " imiu' Men's fine leather ROMEOS These practical slip prrs are made with rugged cowhide up P"re. long - wearing composition soles. Theyre sturdy cnouxb to wear any. wnere, specially de signed to give him maximum comfort! Elastic sides keen them snug! to 11 DOWNSTAIRS STORE ' tit iw k 'sr sc. m. w f ,v i RAYON VELVET SLIPPER WITH FUR TRIM 2.98 Gifty and warm! Luscious rayon velvet upper has perky white fur collar, white moccasin lacing; with elastic instep insert for snug fit, hard sole, platform. Sanitized. Sizes 4 to 9. DOWNSTAIRS STORE FINE LEATHER HARD SOLE GIFT SLIPPERS 338 A Penney gift of comfort, good looks! Fine, smooth kid upper, quilted sock lin ing for appeal: hard sole, bimad-lread rubber heel for wear, comfort. Black, sizes 4 to 10. Sanitized for clean er wear! DOWNSTAIRS STORE NIGHT TILL VKIXDO1 r. u n ONLY &9 k j-" WIDTHS ' u E-EEE WARM MOCCASIN SLIPPER, LINED WITH SHEARLING - - AO s.T M Her toes will stay toasty In this gifty slipper! Mock sued, up per has natural shearling lamb milar and mck lining, napped fabric vamp; hard sole Rives added comfort, wear. Royal, red. Si2es 4 to 9. DOWNSTAIRS STORE 3 HARD SOLE FELT SLIPPER FOR HER! 2.29 Comfortable, good - looking sift! Neat felt upper has smart cotton corduroy side trim, smooth leather Up: hard sole, rubber heel lor long wear, comfort. Copen blue or wine, sizes 4 to 10 Sanitized for cleaner, better wear. DOWNSTAIRS STORE WARM, CUTE SLIPPERS IN FELT L98 Felt sparked with cotton corduroy makes a perfect gift! Soft soled, these slip pers have appealing pom pons on tors, platform soles and are Sanitized for clean er, better wear. Copen blue or wine. Sizes 4 to B. DOWNSTAIRS STORE ' CHRISTMAS! it-tariff) sfca - ,v5