Monday, December 14. 1933 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sales. Orw Pat S High School Girls Vie For Queen of Carnival i Crowning of the queen will be nula feature of the bif ennui Inter-club Carnival at Salem High School to be held Wednesday at 7: JO p.m. In the Salem High School auditorium. The queen and her fint and second crown princesses will be cnosen bom a field of 22 nrln (i by a itudent body vote JTuesday. However, the Royal Court' identity will not be re pealed until the carnival fes tivities. Bible Societies lo Launch Drive The princesses and the clubs they represent are Lenore Nies- wander. Commercial Club Sandra Outlay. Crescendo Club Anne Meeker, French Club; Carol Thompson, Future Farm' ers of America: Jeannine Gra ber. Hi-Y; Cecil Faye Carroll. Home Economics Club; Judy Loucks. National Honor Socie ty; Anne Tarem, Girls' Letter Club; Kay Soldier. Latin Club Pat O'Malley, National Forens ic League; Pat Wendt. Pale- teers; Nola Campbell, Fhilhis- torian Club: Lynn Barrel!, ue Dice; Sharon Beard, Radio and Electronics Club; Bev Lamb, -S" Club: Kathy McCoy, Square Dance Club; Beverly Lockard, Snikpoh; Mary Lou Hastings, Tennis Club; Jane Barlow, Tri-Y; and Barbara Fuhr, Yikettes. The club skits and scenario will follow the "Fifty for Your Fancy ' theme which will com pare school life SO years ago with modern school life. The skits, all portraying school lite SO years ago, will be Kew Novel About Oregon Country By MRS. WILSON New York W Two dozen National Bible societies throughout the world will launch a special program for 4954 "to reawaken Interest in Bible reading and to support scriptures to people who want them." The American Bible Society jput , in otitT, French Club f nuuuuccu -ycjieruiy uiai uw and square Dance Club, lib groups, all members of the rary scene; Que Dice and S United Bible Societies, intend Club, football game; Crescendo fa increase their annual Bible club and Phllhistorian Club, a Bistribution from the present cafeteria scene;. Spanish Club By BEN MAXWELL Iva Baker Wilson's '"Today's Frontier" is another novel about life In the Oregon Coun try by an adopted daughter. The authoress arrived in Southern Oregon at the age of 10 and relates that she grew up among the beasts and wild animals. Panthers, bears and deer were her pets. Later she studied at the Avalon National Poetry Shrine at Rogers, Arkansas, became a member of the League of Western Writers and the Wo men's Press Club of Portland. Her latest literary adventure, "Today's Frontier." is a pub lication of the Pagent Press, 130 West 42nd street, New York City. Mrs. Iva Baker Wilson's at tachment for Feathers, a fluffy white dog of confused genea logy, prevails in many scenes and influences the action of diverse characters. Romance for the tale is provided by a returned veteran of singular virtue and hit attachment to a local school teacher and an erstwhile love, a Brazilian beauty who enters the plot. Today's Frontier" Is no shocker after the manner of an earlier book about South ern Oregon that depicted an amazing array of crack-pots and tossDots. Mrs. Wilson ar range to make en a patient with a mild story about dogs, love and Youth Groups, some what devoid of humor or nun ger through IBS pages, then for you. verily, "Today's Frontier" la a nice book. The 24 million dollars a year that tourists spend in Bermuda is about BS per cent of the islands' total income. PRINTING . . . . for Quality Work and Speedy Service DIAL 3-8853 . WALLY'S HINT SHOP Masonic Bldg. State High CO mllion copies to 25 million During 1854 and to 50 million by 1B60. , - The program will commem orate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the first na tional Bible group and the 500th anniversary of the com pletion of the Gutenberg Bible, Jhe first printed Bible, t FFA Parliamentary Honors for Gervais Wood burn Parliamentary teams representing high school Future Farmers of America chapters In the Capital district, competed at Wood burn high school Thursday night. Dec. 10. with the Gervais team winning first place for the second year. biiverton placed second and Sa lem third. Other teams com peting were North Marion, Woodburn, Albany and Cas cade. The two winning teams will compete in a sectional contest and Tennis Club, class test; Latin Club and Snikpoh, dance; Commercial Club and Pale-. teers, scene in principal's of fice; National Forensic League, Science Club and Vlkettes, bas ketball game; and Girls' Let ter Club, Home Economics Club and Radio and Electronics club, hall scene. Co-chairmen of the entire Carnival are Ed Castillo and Nancy Payne. Those having parts in the scenario are Dic Richardson, Jerry Hunsaker, June Lytic, Susie Youngquist, Sharon Bowles, Jan wood roffe, Jane Moorefield, Jan McAlpine, Sybil Campbell, Kay Salter, Shirley Harp, Roger Moorhead, Mac Baker, Betty Boehm. John Humphrey, Mil- ford Schroeder, Bob Hunt, Gay- nelle Metheny and Karen M. Johnson. The skits will be judged with first, second, and third places given. The faculty advisor for the carnival is Mrs. Shirley Bissell and Miss Leila Johnson is supervising 'the ticket sale. for a chance to appear at the state convention March 18, 1954. The contest is part of the FFA program to instruct future farmers in parliamen tary procedure and to conduct and express themselves in open debate. ! POOR BOY SANDWICH At NORTH'S 1171 Center St. .11. jiV. . T ill Imlah Sentence Due on Dec 21 Hood ' River ln Donald Dwalne Imlah, 18, convicted Saturday night of first degree muroer, will be sentenced to death December 21. The death penalty is manda tory sine the Jury did not recommend leniency. Imlah was accused of the gunshot death of Bruce B. Houck. 30, a Hood River rancher. Houck's body was found July 11 at the ranch, along with the carcasses of a number of farm animals which also had been (hot to death. Several days later Imlah was arrested at Marysville, Calif., where be had gone to see his mother. Sheriff John Dower of Yuba county quoted the youth, who worked for Houck. as saying be shot Houck because the rancher didn't want to help him buy an automobile. At his trial Imlah pleaded innocent because of insanity. WOODBtJKN JATCEES Woodburn The regular meeting of the Woodburn Jun ior chamber of commerce wilt be Tuesday, Dec 15, at pm. at the Woodburn library club rooms. The present officers will be in charge of the pro gram. 155 N. Liberty Phong 34191 mo Model Number 21BJ0S Model Number 21B30 Super Mark V Chassis Reg. $434.95 only $349M 1 Only Blond Wood1 Squint-Free, Strain-Free TV OPEN EVERY NIGHT TIL 9 P.M. EXCEPT SUNDAY WILLS MUSIC STORE SALEM'S LEADING MUSIC STORE ' 432 State St. Phone 3-4959 SAVE $40 TO $60 NOW ' 329.95 AUTOMATIC DEFROST 9 cu. ft. 288.88 Ask about Terms Completely automatic defrosting ot this low sale price. No buttons to push no plugs to pull, M-W outomatic defrost defrosts every day. Many extra features, too. Full width freezer, twin food fresheners, butter keeper, meat storage tray and four full door shelves. Easy-to-clean porcelain' enamel finish. 369.95 HOME FREEZER 13.6 cu. ft. 319.88 Ask about Terms ' See this big 13.6 cu. ft. Freezer today. Sale-priced to save you money. Stores 476 lbs. of food 2 wire boskets and 2 dividers provide storage flexibility. Counter balanced lid hat locking handle to prevent pilferage. Automatic Interior light. Freezer walls won't sweat even In humid weather. Open Every Night till Christmas . . . Storting Dec. 14th N DOWNTOWN SALE the following STORES will be . TILL 9 P.M. FROM DEC. 14fh THRU DEC. 23rd SHOP TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT TIL CHRISTAMS! Alexander's Jewelry Alex Jones Men's Wear Anderson's Sporting Goods Andy Foster's Cameras Anita Shop . Artz Photography Barb's Sporting Goods Store Bishop's Clothing Store Brown's Jewelry Capital Drug Store Capital Hardware & Furniture Cherry City Electric Cline's Food Shop CoasMo-Coast Stores Commercial Book Store Cooke's Stationery Cupboard Cafe Fashionette Fashion Bootery Field's Dress Shop Fred Meyer Good Housekeeping, Inc. Green Thumb Florist Hamilton Furniture Co. Haniger's Dress Shop Heider's Henry's Photos Hewitt's Men's Wear Jackon Jewelers Jayson's Clothing Jewel Box, Jewelers J. J. Quality Clothes Shop Johnson's Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Kailes Apparel Shop Kay's Apparel Kitchen Centre Man's Shop Master Service Stations McEwan's Photos Metropolitan Store Miller's Dept. Store The Moderne Montgomery Ward & Co. Myron's Sewing Machine Store Needham's Nohlgren's Restaurant Olson Florist Pay Less Drug Store Peerless Bakery & Fountain J. C. Penney Co. Pike Ice Creamery Prall's TV Quisenberry Pharmacies Raemar Shoes Red Cross Pharmacy Roberts Brothers Salem Hardware Salem Music Co. Sally's Sharer's Leather Goods Store Shoe Box Smiling Jack's Super Service The Spa Stevens Jewelers Stiff Furniture Co. Toy & Hobby Shop Vacuum Cleaner Clinic Van Kleeck's Coffee Shop Ed Williams Greeting Cards Wills Music Store Woodry Furniture Co. Yeater Applience Co. Howard Wicklund Sporting Goods F.W.Woolworth&Co.