Pg 24 IN ELKS I lSs5 M 11 Morrison and Reeves, world-known "Ambassadors of ' Nonsense," who will appear In Elks tnnual Christinas bow Thursday night of thii week. Elks Christmas Show Billed Thursday Night The annul I Christmas charity show 'of the Salem Elks, which this year is a one-night show with all-professional cast. Is billed for Thursday night of this week. 1 It will be a three-hour pro gram of high class entertain ment at Salem High School Auditorium. The doors will open at 7:30 and the show will start at 8:15. Among the outstanding acts In the show will be Morrison and Reeves, who are herald ed as Ambassadors of Non sense. They mix mirth, music and madness, and, so it is said. the act is a lot of fun all the way through. They have worked many TV shows in the east and appeared with Arthur i Godfrey. They worked the Palladium In London and nave toured the world as en tertainers. Another great act Is The O'Hagana who also have play ed all over the world, appear ed in the movies and doubled for some of the most famous movie stars. Their act is mu sical comedy. For acrobatics there will be The Three Tuckers who ap pear In the first act of the show, and in the second is Jack- Cavansugh in novelty western acts. His act Includes knife throwing st a human target, disrobing his assistant with an Australian bull whip, his one-band, etc Baby with 2 Heads, Four Arms Still Lives Indianapolis W A baoy born Saturday with two heads end four arms, remained in an ; oxygen tank Monday at Riley hospital at the Indiana univers ity medical center. Doctors said the baby, pos sibly the only such child ever born alive, remained in crit ical condition, though there has been some very slight im provement The baby was born by Cae sarian section in Washington, Ind., to a 28-year-old mother of three normal daughters. i. ; GIFT IDEA n SPORT SHIRTS A Vi iT- Thomas, Arrow, Botany, Me i u I fefl Greg or In wools, rayons and S,0 Jl'i cottons. : 15.00 fjj? GIFT BOXED JSJ I OPEN 9 'TIL 9 P.M. JLJ EVERYDAY 0 UNTIL XMAS EVE jM rLs (apifol Shopping (enter SnMllSmllhahl.lM)siSUS SHOW Then there Is Francis Dainty and Company In a unlcycle and slack wire performance. The show is emceed by Harry Todd who appears with his acrobatic dogs. He has per formed for TV shows in Los Angeles and the east, made a show trip to South America and has appeared in leading night clubs. Salem Elks musicians will assist in the show. Esther Ben ner will play an organ inter lude at 7:30, and the Elks Orchestra, directed by Roy Pease, will play. BARBEQUED CRAB AT NORTH'S 1170 Center St. GENERAL ELECTRIC TV SALES -SERVICE WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL YOU WE OFFER TERMS TO SUIT YOU WE GIVE STAMPS ALWAYS SCRVICI STATIONS INC. 136 N. Com'l Ph. 3-4163 Open Fridays 'til 9 P.M. Dorothy Lee at McNeil Island Portland, I) Mrs. Doro thy MeCullough Lee, former Portland mayor who now Is a member of the federal board of paroles, left Sunday for Mc Neil Island federal prison on Puget Sound after brief stop here. She will hear the cases of some 200 convicts up for parole. Mrs. Lee said she and her husband plan to keep their legal residence in Portland al though they are trying to sell their present house here. At Union f'c haitor ihnn tinv Nnn.nrptninm nncnlinal mm r ivviivi jjf I irs --f? . i w New 76 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Sales. Ortfoa Police Sell Bicycles at $15 Average Twelve bicycles broaiht w average price at slightly ver 115 for the city Satur day at the semiannual sue tiea of test and abandoned bikes at the city shops at Had and Howard streets. The money goes Into the city general fond. Police Chief Clyde War ren acted as auctioneer and garnered prices ranging from 13 to 127 from among the large number of bidders. He was . assisted by City OH Service flashes your car This shorter interval from stone cold engine to full, smooth power makes your car easier to handle, more fun to drive. Safer to handle, too. Cuts dangerous, embarrassing stalls at stop lights, on freeways, in heavy traffic And new 76 cuts your need for full choke, gives you more miles per gallon in congested stop-and-go driving. The Juvenile Officer Kenneth Selpp. . The number f bikes scheduled for sale was eat dewa froaa It to It whea owners shewed ap prior to which had beea lest, atolea r abandoned several months age. Some ef the It par , chased were destined to he Christmas presents, the bay era Indicated. There are still a number f bieycles held by polieei that they wonld like to see the owners claim. They are bikes that have beea turned into the station In the past six months. The owners may have them by giving the serial numbers or oth erwise identifying them, Selpp said. Stations now: wimmj auvai ji wiiwwifli Heviiiiy from cold engine UNION West's Oldest and Stephenson First Citizen of Portland Portland OPl A Pnrtl.,,,1 Realty Board committee an nounced Saturday that C. B Stephenson, SB, president of the First National Bank of Portland, had been selected as Portland's first citizen of 1953. Alden T. Krieg, 19, a power company . lighting engineer, was named junior first citi THE PEERLESS BAKERY Bakers for her Majesty the Housewife SS'tC Green Stomps . 1 70 N. Commerciol ran HMLV- IE start.. . to smooth, full power far New 76, that revolutionary regular. With far faster warm-up than any non-premium gasoline in the West. New 76, that revolutionary regular... now with the highest octane of any regular gasoline on the coast Fill-up on a lank-full today! There '8 no we said NO increase in price! OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Largest Independent Oil Company zen by the Junior Chamber of no fuss no muss no bother no dirt use Pres-so-logo THE riFiw run ' CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE a ju limn iwnjn wimi Mouuay, iwauer 14, 11)53 Commerce. 3-8862 if faster! SU5JW. , ml