Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 14, 1953, Page 21, Image 21

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    Monday, December 14, 1953
rtiv r a orr i iaitsv it c.l .
v.. j vkj n.f uf via" PaSJO, Jl
U m. timtiM 8ti "City without lint stars Usde Der
MB. "agar Bmrnnin ud Oknde hmll, -
Cur Kibbee and Martorie Rambtau star tn OilUstnam" during
: . . -,
lUdun ejrncmu Rhea -atens her bum In Dwifht OooU"l
"Quest Book." radio KOUi at IO N run, Monday.
fiorscht will to prepared. ' ML " - Quick
Malinaa, Tka.1.
m"jrn,i2.rlen H trrln, on Broad-
vols .TswISl ..Tri00 d. Bnc.- nt
li tutu. " "---V"" wW, Met. opera itar baa.
rMM Wis
aisMy01"' Brimi"r - "nd. to. Earthat,
rise to fame and tortuneT 00 PywrllU Wen
jwdiSSrHsr ?ssr-,s Men-
Maria 1-52
many depict th. moral uf$&2--.
TOWN MEETTNn Innta TiiMav .! m all Ka
"Wh" u th Prospects (ur tbe President UtlaUv Prarramr
ui " nep. ueraia k. rora. jr. ropnaeciaure at aucuiaa
and Rep. Sidney R. Yates, demoeraUe of EUnota. SymphonetU selec
tions will Include Taehalkomky'a "Sleepine Beauty Ballet AdaaM"
ana Beethoven Fourth Bymphooy Flnaled" KZX Tuesday at
. (
115 bjb., Armcbair Theatre "Bpectra at the Ran" atari Jutfth
Anderson and Michael Chekhov.
:4S aja Jane Fraui Shew eettinf h a Broadway atacedoor
In winter weather. Song, Include: "Let i Get Away from U All."
"Heat Wave." "Stranger In Paradise" and "I've Oot My Lara to
7:3 Safety at Csjiilmss PTassntea Is cooperation with
tt Portland Ptra Department
f a-m Orient Eidum "Holiday k tha store nf an Amcrlean
couple vacatloninir In Holland. Th wlie reaUaea that her buaband
hu been there before with another girl and aaeka th other woman.
ouua Aian ruriau and Maniyn Buiera.
t:M m Bed Skelten Ann SoUwrn make auast aDoearancea.
t:M p-m, Buapenee "Day Never Came." An Imprisoned apr on
the eve of trial nloui the dmtnietion of th onto witneot amlnat
him in a daring scheme. Stars Charles Kovin with Virginia Baker.
1 pjn. Dancer The Man WUi th Oun" Th Duranao Kid
uu his wui au wc id xotbt m pan ana run wo nmvn nome-
18:5 am, Mak Baaca far Daddy A radio contestant wins the
prlvelege of aprndlna- a week-end at the horn of Danny Williams
and spoils Mrs. Williams' plans for a Quiet two days with her husband.
11 M. Showtime an But "Roadshow stars Adolph Menjou and
uirtq UHHliB.
Matinee Theatre, 1 "Klnf of the Zombies stars Sick Puree!!.
joan wooooury ana aaanian Moreiana.
Llberaee. 7 D.m Selections include: "Thalw fiMithern Unml
tallty." "Salute to the French Quarter" which Includes "A Prancese."
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans." "Louise." "Petit Tonkin Olse
and "Pigtails," "The Birth of the Blues." "Come to the Mardl Ores,"
"Ava Maria" and "Muskrat Ramble."
Bob Rope Show, I p.m This show will have a very distinguish
American as honored guest Major General William P. Dean. In
sdditlon to General Dean, Bob will have Oale Storm, dancing star
Gene Nelson, and music bv Lee Brown and his band of renown.
Fireside Theatre, a The Suitors" stars Peter Graves. Peggie
OastW and Vincent Kdwarda. A drama art In a small Waatam anam
about 1M0 tells of two men and a girl daapanw aflort to mak
peace between th two.
Circle Theatre, : nm-Th Debt stars John Oar with WU
5mJP"IMl toulsa Horton In a story of an ei-Ol who nuat
f1, JfU th truth or a a about a man who tavtd hi life on
u mhv.-x rem.
1 Le4 Thi-M lJwnV lfttM-A frttme. upms vt mrM a w.wuti.
PlT tor ft ooaigrMBloaftl eandixlmt known for hi- int. eom
Sheridan Will Try
Again for Sewer Plan
Sharldan Sheridan will
vot again, probsblv in Jan.
uary, (or th third time, on
the proposed sewer project
Under th latest nronnaal
the financing plan will bo bas
ed on a minimum sewer rental
rate of 12 25 a month, a
charge on larger water users,
and the balance on an ad va
lorem tax that might amount
to approximately 8 mill, plus
a hook up charge. The bond
iasu lor th project would be
approximately $350,000.
Lima. Peru LP! Tha .-
vian city of Tumbet, on the
scuaaorean border, counted at
least six dead and many Injur
ed today following a severe
three-minute earthquake. The
tremors baturnay, which were
Technicians on Doty
Till :J pja. Daily
U1S. lttb Ph. 45511
not felt in Lima, destroyed
three churches and tiadly dam
aged a hospital and an army
barracks la Tumbet, a city of
Does TV Kurt Your
. lyes!
tI Fairgrounds M.
Valley TV Center
ale . Service Installation
Open Till ( pjn. Daily .
Sonday from 1 to I fja. :
Sale . Service . lnitentioa
Oaen fraaa I aaa, t sua.
ra. s-iui net a.
On Television
KPTV (27).
:4S a.m. KPTV Kiddit Corosr
10:00 t.m. FJTV Dtac Done Ac boot
10:30 .m. KPTV Wht' CoelitDif
11:00 t m. KPTV Hilni Ptllj
11:11 a.m. KPTVThw Bunttu
11:10 a.m. KPTV PrJend at PamOr
13; 00 a-m. KPTV TBA
KOIN-Blf piTOfl
12:10 p.m. KPTV ThU Is tha Ufa
KOIN Bob Crosbr
1:00 p u. KPTV Matintt Theater
KOIN Lots o( LUs
1:10 p.m. KPTV-Ustlnet
KOIN -Search Tomorrow
1:10 P.m. rPTV Matins
KOIN OuWlni LUht
1:46 p.m. KPTV Mtttnes
KOIN v silent U4r
1:00 p.m. KPTV Mstinss
KOIN Double Nothlnc
:S0 p.m. KPTV On Your Account
KOIN-fltrlks It Rlcb
1:00 P.m. KPTf Kst Smith
KOIN-Osrrr Moors
1:10 P.m. KPTV Kst Smith
KOIN Armchair Theater
4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Treitrj
KOIN Armchair Theater
4:10 9 tn. FPTV Tormaker
KOIN Armchair Tbeatsr
:B p.m. kptv Tonnaker
KOIN Ur. Moon
1:00 P.m. KPTV Howdy Doodf
KOIN Saddle Pals
II p.m. KPTV Bar IT Corral
koin Laurel and Htrdr
:H p.m. KPTV Wild Bill Hlckok
KOIN-M liter Weathennaa
0:90 P.m. KPTV Mill Xnds
KOIN Dout Kdwardi
: p.m. KPTV Northwest Dtisst
KOIN orestest Drama
1:00 p.m. KPTV Chlesio PlfhU
KOINStudlo Ocs
T;10 p.m. kptv Arthur Murray Dance
KOTN Studio Ons
1:40 p.m. KPTV News Caravan
KOINStudlo One
1:00 p.m. KPTV Name That Tune
KOIN Burns and Alien
1:10 p.m. KPTV Voles of Plrnton
KOIN Adolph MeaJoa
t:00 p.m. KPTV Dennis Day
KOIK-I Lov Lucy
1:10 p.m. KPTV Robert Montgomery
KOIN Red Buttons
10:00 p.m. KPTV Arthur Murray Dane
KOIN TV Theater
10 0 p.m. KTTV Pepsi cola FlayhouM
KOIN TV Theater
11:00 p a. KPTV nth Hour News
KOIN Showtime on SH
11:10 p.m. KPTV Weather Tana
11:15 p.m. KPTV-Nlt Owl Theater
f :4s a.m. KPTV Kiddle Corner
10:00 a.m. KPTV Dint Dona School
10 30 a-m. KPTV What' Cook in
11:00 a m. KPTV Hawkins Palls
11:10 a.m. KPTV Tha Bennetts
11:30 a.m. KPTV Friend of Penally
13:00 a.m. KPTV TBA
KOIN Bt Payoff
UJO p.m. kptv Dion Lucas show
KOIN Bob Crosby
1:00 p.m. KPTV Matinee show
KOIN Love of Ufa
1:11 p.m. KPTV Matinee
KOIN Search Tomorrow
1:10 p.m. KPTV Matinee
KOIN Ouldlnc LUht
t: p.m. KPTV M a t In ea
KOIN Valient LadT
1:00 p.m. KPTV Matlnea Theater
KOIN I'll Buy That
1:30 p ra. KPTV On Your Account
KOIN Strike It R lob
1:00 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith
KOIN Carry Moor
I II p.m. KPTV Kat Smith
KOIN Armchair Theater
4 00 P.m. KPTV Welcome Traveler!
KOIN Armchair Theater
4:30 P.m. KPTV The Toymeker
KOIN Armchair Theater
4:43 p.m. KPTV Th Toymaker
KOIN Mr. Moon
1:00 p.m. KPTV Howdy Doody
TO IN Saddle Pais
1:10 p.m. rPTV Bar 37 Corral
KOIN Saddle Pais
:0 p.m. KPTV TBA
KOIN Muter Weathermen
1:1s p.m. KPTV TDA
KOIN Photo Quia
1.30 p.m. KPTV fttranie Adventure
KOIN Do ua Edwards News
:4i p.m. KPTV NW News-Sport
KOIN Jane Proman Bbow
. T:)Q p.m. KPTV Llberaee
' KOIN Rente Rider
7:30 p.m. KPTV Diana Shore
KOIN Roee Bowl preiw
00 p.m. KPTV Mi lion Bcrl
KOIN Orient Eipreu
130 p.m. KPTV Milton Berl
KOIN Red Skelton
t 00 p.m. KPTV Fireside Theater
KOIN Captured
t IB p m. KPTV circle Theater
KOIN Suipene
10.00 p m. KPTV Jodie For Yourself
KOIN Dans er
10 10 m. KPTV I Led Three Lives
KOIN Mske Room for Daddy
11:00 p.m. PPTV Foster's News
KOIN Showtime on ftli
11:10 pm. KPTV Weather Vsne
11:10 p m. KPTV Nit Owl Theater
Falconi have wonderful eye
sight. They have been known
to respond to feathered lure
from a distance of 5,400 feet
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