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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1953)
Pag J THE CAPITAL JOl'RNAI, Salem. Oregon Monday, December 14, 195) In The Valley Edited ay MIU FOBBEI Scoffs Mills Rickreall Xmas Pageant To Be Presented Dec. 18-19 Xlckreall Tbl Commun Ity'i 13th innuil Christina pageant will b presented the nights of Dee. 18 and II la the Rickreill tchool I)mno-turn. The pageant, which attract many persons from Joha Larkla ha anada a num ber of new properties. Lark in, wha make aa oB violins, baa constructed a repltea ot a Creek Kithara and aa Annlllary sphere (ar km i la scene. -Ka iVm tee- the pur- Butteville oUtcr'aw inf wcruhA u imme- area, aa well a. thi coma , ""' vL Wood Ity. will .tart at S pm. but tMUm Veod' the door wi 1 be opened at T j,, p.m. Admission t free, bat M JoMpb c H.r tickeU ar uaed to equatia ( Mrt j, Buy. the audience ao that all anay 1Bt p,, whaley. ecu re aeata. i, Ticket for the pageant caa , be lecured at ix different j place. Theae ire Henry , Photo Service in Salem, the Herald office in Monmouth; Gray1 Drug Store, Indepen dence; Hamer'a Service Sta tion at Brunk' Corner; Haas Drug Store, Dallaa; and the O, G. W. Farm ator at Rick yealL Any person ecurin( ticket who find he I unable to ai tend the pageant 1 aiked to (turn the ticket to that ether may have them. Per om coming, without tlcketa will be eated after thou hold ing ticket hive secured their feat. A new icene, deplcltlng 1 lelaurely hour in Herod' Pal ace, during which time the Wise men come aeeking the Chriat child, i being added to the pageant thi year and prlmlae to be of eipecial int erest. A total of 48 character take part In the pageant and Mr. W. C. Hill and her committee are now making new coatumea for the 13 character who were added to the caat thi year. A new atage aetting i being constructed under the direction of Mr. Bayard Flndley and Silverton Sllverton Mr. and Mr. Charles Furno of Vancouver, Wash. (Zephne Given ) arc being felicitated on the birth of a daughter, Thursday, De cember 10, at a Vancouver, hospital. Maternal grandpar ent are Mr. and Mr. T. E. Given, Silverton. She 1 the econd daughter In the Funro family. X O. Hadley, wa elected treasurer of the Miller Ceme , tery association at a special meeting held during the week held at the office room of Hartman Garage. Board mem ber are Charle Heinz. Carl Goachie, Roy Morley, Dr. A. W. Simmon and L. O. Hadley. A Markham memorial fund 1 being started. The local Moose Lodge plan two holiday event at the recently modeled elub room over the Elmer Johnson lore. A family no-hoat (up per will 'be served at 8 p.m., Tuesday, December 22 with a tree and distribution ot gifts. New Year' Eve a dance will be sponsored by the members, the Gene Dowler orchestra furnishing the music. Friday, December 18, the local Chamber of Commerce will aend representatives to the Salem general valley forum meeting when Walter Norblad, U.S. congressman, will be the featured program speaker. At the- Monday evening meeting of the Silverton coun cil the group voted not to con- Ider further extensions of water lines outside the city limits, until such time the city line are in good repair. George Anderson, local bar ber, has Installed his animated Christmas display, which bril liantly lights the west side of the East Hill area In expansive stories of the Noel. Visitors numbering Into the thousands make regular tours of the scene. Butierille Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams are building a new chicken house, Harmon Yeary, Cart Peterson and Lloyd Wil liams ar assisting In the con struction. Mrs. W. O Lindqulst had aa her guest Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ming Kee of Union Hill. Later the two families motored to Portland and Tlgard where they visited relatives. Karl Engleman spent last week in Portland with his brother, H. H. Engleman, where lie assisted in some car penter work. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hostet ler attended the four-day spe cial meeting of the Oregon and Idaho Mission Board at Zion church last week. Mrs. Hostet ler wa on the food serving committee. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hostet-. ler with Evelyn, Dorothy and Carol Hostetler. attended the wedding of Jackie West, niece ot Mrs. Hostetler. Miss West waa united In marriage to Thomas Juitis Jr., at Portland Westminister Presbyterian church. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray West of San ta Cruz, Calif., and the bride groom is from Pari, Texa. Evelyn Hostetler had charge of the gifts for her cousin. Miss West at one time had the honor of being named Miss Tillamook. Word was received by Mrs. Dan Clark and her brother, Ed White that their uncle, Millard White, had died in Adrian, Mich. He waa a brother of A. N. White, who died in May at Butteville. Mrs. Dan Clark ot Butteville was co-hostess with Mr. Louis Van DeMoortele at a card par ty last week. Four tables of 900 and two of canasta were at play. High score at 800 were made by Mr. Claude Shaffer and Ray Yergen and low .score by Joanne Beeson and Charles Gerlach. High scorer In Canasta were Mra. John Emrich and Mra. D. O. Denman, low, Larry Keil and Edna Peterson. Pvt. Jack Rasmussen, who is home on leave from Fort Ord, Calif., having completed his basic training, was honored with a dinner by his parents, Mr. and Mra. John Rasmussen. Guests enjoying the dinner were, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Stir up, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ras mussen of St. Paul, Misa Min nie Rasmussen of Portland and Norman Colvin in addition to his sisters, Joyce, Marilyn and Judy. He had to report back for duty Friday, and will now be connected with an automo tive maintenance division. Pvt. Dan McLeod, aon of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McLeod. also haa completed his basic train ing at Fort Ord, Calif., and was home on leave. His parents Scott Mills The town and Country club met at the bom of Mr. and Mr. Almond Rich Thursday. The Jeans and Calico Square Dane club ot Scott Mill ha changed the schedule ot dance to the tint and the third Saturday of each month. Mr. Carl Walker left Fri day for Germany whert ahe will join her husband, Sgt. Carl Walker, who ha been serving In the U.S. army in Germany for several month. A family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mr. Sid Pownall honored Mr. Walker th evening before her depart ure. . Mr. and Mrs. Glen Martin are announcing the birth ot a daughter, Renee Denise on December 3. The baby is their first child. Mr. Chester Lantz and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kelli vis ited Mrs. Ralph Clem at Prov idence hospital, Portland, re cently. Mrs. Oliver Brougher is a patient at Wood burn hospital. Rev. Martin Witt returned to his home in Idaho after con ducting revival meeting at the Friend church. Mr. Dorothea Hatlestaed of Illinois Is visiting at the home of her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. John Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rut ledge came from Belleflower, Mo., to spend the holiday sea son at the home of their daughter's, family, Mr. and Mr. Frank Fink and children. Dayton Dayton Mr. and Mr. William Helming of Sun Val ley, Idaho, visited Wednesday and Thursday with his moth er, Mrs. DeLaurice Helming. They had been on a two month vacation and were re turning to Sun Valley, where he i one of the teaching staff at the Sun Valley Ski school. Carl Rasaka of Fairvlew left Tuesday, Dec. 8 for Ft. Ord, for two years with the army. His wife. Colleen, will be with her parents, Mr. and Mr. Earle Coburn in Dayton lor the present. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dower and Mr. and Mrs. Cart Mit chell spent the day Monday in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Merrltt Hart of Dallas were overnight guests of Mr. and Mra. Dave Ellis on Tuesday. THey had oeen to the doctor in Port land and Merritt is improv ing In a splendid manner. Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Ellis at tended Electa chapter Tues day evening. Election of officer was the main feature of the meeting of Electa chapter, No. 28, Or der of Eastern Star, Tuesday evening. The worthy matron and worthy patron, Edna and Ed die Clow, were presented a degree and gift by the 1953 officers. Adolph Schutz. newly elect ed worshipful master of Ja cob Mayer lodge, XF&AM, waa escorted to the east The annual election result ed aa follows: Pauline Belts. worthy matron: Lea Scoggan, worthy patron: Georgia Kidd, associate matron: Earl Kidd associate patron: Muriel Sweeney, secretary; Eva Westfalt, treasurer; Ruth Leh man, conductress; Frelda Hcrlgecock, associate conduc tress. Joint Installation will be held Monday evening, Janu ary 4, at 8 o clock with of- MMNI ? tOr Till :0 John Ford Pmrnu "MIGHTY JOE YOUNG" AIM nvrn nannu in in ISLE, OP THE DEAD" til gave a family dinner In his Iicers practice on Sunday af honor on Wednesday. Guests , ternoon, Jan. 3. at 2 o'clock, were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc- Next meeting night is Dec. Leod of Portland: Mr. and Mrs : 22 Arch McLeod, Miss LaDonna; The Krowrldren Bridge Sather. McLeod must report at j club met with Mrs. Frank Fort Lewis, Wash.. Dec. 11 ; Wright in Dundee on Thurs where he is scheduled to at-: day evening. Dec. 3 Mrs. tend cook school. Harold Frink was a guest. A2c Charles Williams, son, Mrs. Clete Cell waa high scor- i mmn s-sre Spencer Traey Jean Simmona "thi cmsr Vera lUbtea Robert Llr1nstoa "wimt suuuDr of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams, arrived home Dec. 3 by train from Del Rio, Texas. He Is in the Air Force at Laughlin Air Base, and he must return to Texas Dec. 13. Lloyd Williams, another son. has been home for two weeks. He is with the U. S. Survey at Tiller, Ore. 1 The Williams family held; their Christmas dinner on Sat urday ao that all three of their sons could be present. Enjoy-1 lng the dinner were Mr. and ; Mrs. J. L. Williams. Mr. and j Mrs. Gene Williams, Lloyd Williams and A2 c Charles Williams. er and Mrs. Charles Carr low. The Christmas meeting will Tele-fun by Watien Goodrich 1 To rig for diving, a process 1 that takes less than one minute In a modern submarine, the ! crew must conduct 22S Indivi 1 dual operational and equip ment checks. - mot a-sea I. I I flU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 'l NOW rLAYINO! j Nn Showln Open ii .mRiT?SL I "TAKI Ml TO TOWN" ,1 "COUKT THE MOURV' 1 . - - II I Aaa flharidaa, starling Harden 1 1001 WWII Lu'DUritF' umm- f, S&l "Yes, thi Is Mr. Catfish--ry I wa so long answering, but there's distant relative of mine at the doarl"... Folk often can't answer your call be on Dee. IT at Mr. Floyd Wlllert's borne. Mr. Lena Filer and daugh ter, Charlotte, attended the Baptist church in McMlnn villa Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Vernon Foster and aon, Vernon, Jr, spent Mon day in Portland. Mr. and Mr. Donald Slmms and family of Portland were Saturday dinner guests ot hi aunt, Mr. and Mr. Vernon Foster. In the evening Mr. Bessie Murphy and Mrs. Irene Clark Joined th group. Th Dayton Garden club will meet with Mr. Cora Wlrfs on Monday, Dae. 14. Therl will be a gift exchange. ' Mr. and Mr. George Olsen visited her sitter, Mrs. E. A. Eld a at Carlton on Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gra ham, visited her brother, Mr. and Mr. W. W. Denny, at Au rora on Sunday. Roy Edward returned to hi work at Fall City after a week-end home with hi fam ily. Mr. and Mr. John Imlah ot Salem spent Sunday here with their ion and family, Mr. and Mr. J. S. Imlah. Mr. and Mr. Standford visited Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shouer at Canby and Glen McAllister and mother in Portland on Sunday. Mrs. Curtis Douglas of Grand Island ha been stay ing with her mother, Mrs. Lloyd Goodrich, during the high water. Mrs. Douglas is employed In McMinnville. Mrs. Lloyd Goodrich came home from Fortuna, Calif., for a tew week. . She plan to re turn to California for the holi day. I Detroit Detroit Christmas par ties dot th month ot Decem ber in the communities of De troit and Idanha aa elsewhere. On Dec. 19. the Detroit Civic Club will hold its annual Yule tide gathering at th home of Mrs. Ella Johnston. Th mem bers and thejr husband ar to bring two small gifts, cost ing fifty cent or less. Two events ar scheduled for the evening of Dee. 16. In Idsnhs, th Willing Workers Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank New for their an nual Christmas party. A tur key dinner for member of the Eagle Auxiliary and their families will be the attraction at the Eagle' club house that same night The American Legion Aux iliary' annual community children' Christma party will take place at 7:30 p.m. Friday. Dec. 18, in the Detroit school gymnasium. Santa Claus will make a personal appearance with treats for all of the child ren, and Christmas movie will be shown. . The Detroit Church ot Christ has chosen the evening of Sunday, Dec. 20, for t h e yearly Sunday Schoaj pro gram and treat The entire Sunday school will participate in the program, and two films, "The Guilding Star" and "The Childhood ot Jesu", will be a feature of the evening. Tentative date for the Idan ha Community Church pro gram and treat Is also the night ot Dec. 29. Here, too, the entire Sunday school will participate in a Christmas pageant. . At the Detroit School, stu dents will begin their holiday with Individual classroom parties on the morning of Dec. 24. Th Detroit High School student will hold a get-together In th ccbool gymnas Grand Island Grand Island Mra. Clar ence Rockhill is a guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wood and sons, Wallace and Monte Carl, in the Fairvlew district and with friend in Salem for the dura tion of high'water. Macleay Macleay Mr. Ethel Ramus is leader for two recently or ganised 4-H dub, th Hale and Hearty Health club and the Art club. Officers ot the health club are president Leonard Bet tleyoun; vice-president Alvin Waters; secretary, Roger Tur ner; song leader, Lind Arnert; yell leader, Sharon Kronbue gel; reporter, Alan Prebilsky. Art club officer include president, Elizabeth K e y s e r; vice-president, Sharon Kron buegel; secretary, Marilyn Martin; ong leader, Nancy Keyser; yell leader, Toynette Water. grader; Henry Smith, tourti grader; Verna Smith, third grader, and Rose Ann, firs) grader, from Osburn, Idaho. 7 They ar the children ot Ur and Mr. Don Smith, who hav purchased the L. B. Van Dyk place. Mr. and Mrs. Irie Prebilsky r the parent of a new son, Jack Craig, born December I Thi Is the third child and second boy. 1 COLORADO PAN-SAN at the SAN SHOP r new pupil to register rr- , , - cently are Joe Smith, fifth! JOUfnOI Want AOS Pay F What Better Gift Than the Gift ot Hearing . with the Finest and Latest Type - of Hearing Correction Available? SEE FLOYD BENNETT MAICO HEARING SERVICE of Salem SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. (Permanent Office on Mezzanine) Office houra 8:00-2:30 daily except Thur. and Friday. Home interviews at any time by appointment without cost or obligation. taii saiem z-uvuz. Floyd Bennett aaiiqaiiifl NOW! Weslinghouse 24" Console All Channel $39495 & 28 to 48 Reduction oa ether Model YEATER aTpLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa Phone 3-4311 Open nights Til 8 Dee. 14th thru 23rd i BE FIRST TO OWN MERCURY S CAR OF TOMORROW" THE SUN VALLEY (WITH 161 HORSEPOWER) V I" rt 1 1 ' 1 $' A I H ; A. . ' . j J; Here is America's first transparent-top car trie Mercury "Sun Valley:' You can see through the roof enjoy all the delights of sun and scenery that you get in a convertible. Yet the Plexiglas roof is strong and durable and is tinted green so as to be cool and glareless in summer. In brief, you get "top-down visibility together with "closed -car comfort" and protection against wind and weather. The Sun Valley costs less than a convertible! See rt at our showroom today. Dynamic new 161-horsepower engine The new Sun Valley, like the 7 other newly-styled Mercury models, features a completely new overhead-varve V-8. More power par pound than even Mercury has had before I It introduces fine-car power to the popular price field! Four optional power features and three transmissions to choose from! WARNER MOTOR CO. 430 N. Commercial a full minuta ... Pacific Salem, Oregon Telephone, right awav . . . ao Meaaa wait