BmniU Prill for Cliico State' D invasion, Sralot .ui m CP ASSOCIATED MESS UNITED PRESS Satan, Oregon, Monday, December 14. 1953 Pag 17 Crusaders Defeat Taft Point to Waldport Replay Salem academy's quintet is pointing today to a chance to even the score with Waldport, which comes to Salem Tuesday night in a rematch after Friday night's rough game at Wald pnrt. Waldport won that one, 47 43, but on the basis of Satur day night's Salem academy per formance at Taft, Coach Bob Funk sees a good chance. The Crusaders notched their first win in three games with a convincing 32-43 conquest which found them leading by IB points in the second quar ter. They moved ahead after three minutes when it was 4-4, using fast breaks and close guarding which forced Taft to resort to long shots. Employment of academy re- serves at the last, allow d Taft to trim the margin to nine. At one time the Crusaders hit six field coals without a miss. Funk cited the ball Bandung of Dave Phillips, a guard who led with 16 points; the all- around play of Aen benrener, forward, and Harold Allister, forward. Thunnan Kreder, Jun ior, varsity player, played all the Jayvee game, then substi tuted for Virgil Fadenrech, who fouled out in the second quarter and completed that game. The academy Jayvees were fired up for their 37-24 victory and played a competent game, Funk said. (HI U) Tftli AUlater. 10 P. 11. Cora ehrMtor. ll......P U. Porla Dalka. t C I. BilT Ptdcortch. t O I. Xr)ik! PdiUIm. 1 0 1. O-t Krdr. Tift Ftcktl S, DbyWmq 1. Scot, at ham tana : eUl-a S3, TUt li. Sacred Heart Plays Angels On Tuesday By DON WICHMAN Sacred Heart academy will try to repeat its first victory over Mt. Angel Tuesday night at Mt. Angel just a week after squeezing out a 46-43 over time decision over the Preps in a Salem game. Last Friday night at Eugene the St Francis Saints made it two straight over Sacred Heart, 44-34, by outplaying and outshooting the Cardinals in a non-league game. Dec. 4 St. Francis won from Sacred Heart, 58-45. The first quarter showed the Cards yielding to the Saints for a 15-6 lead. The halftime tal ly was 29-16, the St. Francis boys sinking in 14 as to 10 for the Cardinals. Controlling the backboard, the local quint also took the third quarter, racking up 10 pointers. Sacred Heart made five, but all were scored by Captain Vince Matt, who also tallied all points in the first quarter.- The Salem boys made a great comeback In the last period, pushing through 14 points, with the Saints only scoring 5. This still wasn't enough, the The St Francis Saints took it 58-45, on the Cards' floor. The Cards Bee-squad was also defeated by the St. Fran cis quint, 49-32. S. H. A.'i next scheduled appearance is in the Salem Hi School gym, tonight in the Capitol league Jamboree. B.H.A. 134) 44 SI. Fraud, f, rt pf tp la ft pi tp Embmrl a d a vnoemo.r a Uorlartv.f d d 1 I crrkony.f I 1 I walah.a I 1 ITuikl.1 I I 33 Jtiu.f I 3 0 Barluan.f 0 1 Brean.I t I cam,., 1 HmtmB.i 4 Hopp,., 3 Basketball Scores PEZP BCOBU By Tfast AuocUWd m. 1 Tncoutr (WuH) U. CltTtlttd (Portland) 41. Ortnt U. CantreJ Cftthollo 41 (both Portland). BavrrUburi 43 Blwdaw ST. Vernonl. H. OrtfOB Ctty M. rorcti Orover U. Central (MOQftOttta Independenct) U. , Tillamook . Warranto. 34. Batumi (Portland, 43, Aatortft 41. ftl. Helena U, Lineoln PorU&nd M. Mapletoo M, Mohawk 4. Mt. Verntm 40, Prairie CltT . Reno (.Nit.) ft. KUmath Fall 43. Martnlltld It, Oruu Pau U. BolM (Idahoi , Baktr II. Albany 47. Bend M. La Orandc S3, Nrui . PrlncTlUt tl. HcrmUtra tt. DirriUt M, MltrJMU ST. Euieoa 13. Mcdlerd II. MrrU Point 21. Myrtle Croak M. Phoenix 47. Trcka 4CalU.) 31. North Bend 43, Cottavo Orort IS. Po.dtr, VaUty II, Condon 41. fttaab.e PI ad wood,! Mait.c Bndrea.f R Harr.l tloitpb 1 1 S 111 1 1 I f 1 1 Total 11 IS IS4 Totala 4 lft 44 Beavers Think Bruins to Win Portland () Oregon State regulars who played them both expect UCLA to defeat Michi- gan State by a narrow margin in the Rose Bowl next Jan. 1 L. H. Gregory, sports editor of the Oregonian, reported in his column Sunday that of the 19 OSC varsity men polled 12 tabbed UCLA as the winner and 3 Michigan State. The Uclans were favored in the be lief they have the stronger line. Oregon State was the dniy football team to meet the two Rose Bowl rivals this season, losing to UCLA 41-0 and Mich igan State 34-6. To Box Here Ed Millberger, Oregoa welterweight AATJ champion In 1(52 from the PAL elak, kas a revenge motive for fighting Howard Mere dith Wednesday Blent la Salem. Meredith landed a kaeck. at pinch on Millberger in their recent amateur beat la Salem. It wiU be ene of It fights. Madras and Culver Win "Old Grads" Tournament LlafltM OU era TtMr Oakland II. PaUa Ctty 44. Y tin bill 47. Dayton 43 Ttrt.m,. Mftupln ftS. Moro 31. Mtahkahnla ftl. Philomath S3. Oltodalsj ftl, Halsoy 34. -Ntwport ftS, WUlamlna M. Culvtr M. flbodd 41. Iladrai M. Stayton 4. ' COLLEGE BA8BBTBAIX (By IHa Aaaoclatod Prm) alardar'a maaalt. Far Wtat Waabingion Btata IS, WAitworiA 4T Idaho II, MonUoa 40 Orei on Btat 14, Portland V. II Sattlt U. 92, Pcpsordlna 71 Ooniaca U. Central WaahinitOtt 41 Colleia ct Pusot Bound H, WUlanv ttta it Whitman H. suttrn waahint too u Pacific Luthtraa fB. PadfM U. II Southern Om on II. Orasos COB IS Chic at o State M. Ltwla and Clark IS Prcino Stata TS. San Pranclaeo StaU IS Calllornla J. Santa Clara 10 Collf o PacUle U, Cal Atflat U UUwttt MicbUan I. Marauctt 14 Ohio Stata 73. Oklahoma 44 IUinola 71. Alabama 14 Ohio tj. 19. Waah. Jtff. ST. Wuconaln 14. Miasourl tS Rio Orando IS, HUladala 41 Detroit lol, Younutoarn n Iowa suit 73, Cralibwa 4M Nabruxa II. 0"a 79 Indiana 71. Butler M Kentucky SiaH ft4. Pent Stat 4T Eaval Bowdoln II. Main n Jfchn Bopklna 1ft, Swarthaort IT Siena ftl. lone 14 Cornell 10. Collate M Ntaiara n, LaSaiit H Penn State 13. Ptnn II Vender oil t 71. Southern Methodlat M Indiana State 71. DePauw II Lalarettt 14. CCNY IT St. Boaavtntuta ftl. jmoyne Geneva 7ft, Carnetlt Tech M Lehlih 14. Delaware 31 Poidham 14. Princeton 41 Holy Croaa 13. Boitoo V. 4T Columbia 44. Army IT Connecticut M. Bucknin M See Ik Miami IS, Florida Tl Kentucky II. Xavler (Ohio) H Cincinnati 11. Tennwaee as Oeon la 77. Clemaon II AUCfheny 71, Oberlln II Duqueane II. Pitt 43 . Auburn IS. Oeorala Ttch M Saatbweet , ' Text U. HOUBOO 14 Oklahoma City II. Baylor H Oklahoma A M II. Colorado ! St. LouU 0. DrasU II Baekiy MeafiUla Kanaae State 71. Wyomlnf 4f Utah M. Loyola ftS Brltham Tonne 71, Ttxa Chrlatlaa fl Colorado A M. Tl, cosora4o Stat M Montana Bute 70. Utah sum Idaho Stat 13, Rocky fountain IS Collet l Idas M atrB Mob Una 71 DeoTex M, Rw la 41 PBO BASKETBALL (By The A uodated Prtail Samday'a BmH Mlrwanke 73, Baltimore II. Byracu 101. Boa ton T4. Rocheiter 17, Minneapolla TO. New York St. Port Wayn M- atairday'a Beealt Boiton 10. Baltlmor 1ft. MmneanolU 11. New Tort IT. Rochrtter M, syracua 04. Lindsey, Jack 0,Reilly In Tuesday Main Event The popular, hefty and re spected Luther Lindsey, put ting off his trip home to Vir ginia for Christmss with his family, will meet Jack O'Rei ley In the main event of the Tuesday night wrestling show at the Salem Armory. O'Reiley In recent bouts has shown he Is recovered from rib Injuries and would like to win this one so he can chal lenge Carl Engstrom to his Pa cific coach lightweight cham pionship. At Portland last time Lindsey and O'Reiley grappled to a lively draw. In the semi-wind-up, David Jons, with a 13-pound ad vantage, will have his hands full with Jack Kiser, the vet eran, catlike ringmaster. Don Kindred, loser to O'- McMinnvillev Madras won- the Cardinal division and Cul ver the Purple division of the second annual Old Grads bas ketball tournament here Satur day night The division, named after Linf ield's colors, found Madras defeating Stayton, 80-48. and Culver winning from Shedd, 54-41. Doug Brahm, senior guard, set a scoring record in lead ing Oakland to fourth place in the Purple division, 61-44. He tallied 31 points. Glendale was fourth in the Cardinal bracket in defeating Ualsey, 51-34. Maupin won third spot In the Purple division over Moro, 52-36, while Neahkahnie whip ped Philomath, 57-23, for third place in the Cardinal side. Culver and Shedd each placed two on the Purple all- stsr team chosen by coaches. Madras and Stayton each earn ed two spots on the Cardi nal all-star quintet. Ole Johnson is - Madras coach and Buck Monroe is Cul ver mentor. The all-star teams: PURPLE: Wilbur Dearborn, Culver; Harold Gibson, Cul' ver: Tom Northern, Shedd Russ Miller, Shedd; Ray Rich mond, Maupin. CARDINAL: Bill Machamer, Madras (most valuable player selection); Roger Dlddock, Ma dras; Roger NeiUbn, Stayton; Wayne Minten, Stayton; Larry Hermans, Yamhill. (IS) SUrtoa ,,.F... I N.IUInc ...P I N,UWD ...C O. Oohl ...O........ 11 MlnUB ...O IS WaU AUte, I. stwtoa: wu- MftSraa Dlddock IT ... uter 4,mr U Plrcomt I Natlikn 4 Sute H.drH Udien 3. HtinLx:. It.TtnS . Mdru n. (U) Dwrbera I ... .r , Crlion 14 ?, Touni, 1, C...,., Olbton 17 0 Btiuan 4 0 Sub, :ulvr? watioD s. HUMma Culnr 11, Shadd 11. 141) StadS .. a Ntckal ... t Millar II Bradihaw . . 1 Warran M Hnlbara ralla Cltf (44) ftumptar 11 Poa I Palmar 13 Harray 1 McPa!! 4 ...... ..P.. i (41) O.kU.4 ,. 1 Hubbard Braadloar , 11 Lupar .... 4 Spanrar , 31 Brahm Saba Pall Cltr: OraAam S: RobnuoB 1; Oakland: Snrdar 4. Short 1. nalSllm. Oakland n. ralu city IS. Dartaa (41) Rovlaod 1 Harllnf 1 ... WUllaml 31 Planlaum Id . Ball () Tamnffl U L. naraan WUdr I E. Harmen, O I liorrall O IS Swain Saba Dayton: SUla S. i. J.baaoa Yamhill: Starr S. Balluaw Daytaa n. Tamua SI. PaJtoaaalB I Scans S .. Lracb S .. Vlnrant 4 Olun 1 1 (ST) NaakkakaW ...P I Ball ...P S Col ...C 4 Roy ...O U Skrltan ...o It Balmar Sub,: Philomath Ifaana 1, Cartar Lorain S. Hay 3: Naahkahnla WhaatUy 1. Witt S. BarnaU 1. Thomaa 4. Brlta S. Halftlma: Maahkahnla Id. Philomath 11. (St) Nawaari .. S Wlrkkala ... 4 Braallna ,., 13 Harm, .. 13 Woolaay 11 Stmmonda Saba: Willamlna Oodiry T. Ottaa 4: BtanorV LaMaatar 1. nruaa 4, Havana S. aaUtlBN: Haaport 3a, WUlamlna 14. Winaarlaa (a.) In Id Jonaatoa 13 , UtUeloha I . Porta. Salmon 4 0 .a... Reiley, will be in a special ev ent against Bronco Lubich down here from a series at Se attle. Lubich probably will learn about Kindred's head' butting, a tactic which agi tates the fans and stuns his foes. In the opener, "Golden Boy" Lena, with the shapeley mus cles, will tangle with Danny O'Rourke, a scrappy lad on bis way up. The card will start at 30. Tickets are on tale at Barb's. JfATtONAL POOTBAIX ttSOtJl (By Tha Aaaoclatad Praia) Salardar'a BaaaHa to. Aaialai 11. Oraaa Say IT. Saaday, BaaaHa DrtrMt ST. Naw Tark Id. PhUadalpbl. 43. Clarataad ST. Chlcaaa Cardinal, 34. Chkata Baan IT. an Pranclara U. Baltlmara 14. Plttaaarfk la. Waahlaitaai 13. Three Hoop Jamborees This Week Three basketball jamborees this week spotlight high school schedules. ... After tonight's Capitol league get-together at Salem high school gym, the Willam ette Valley league of eiffht teams will travel to Molalla Friday night for their battle for the totem pole trophy. Also .Friday night, the Ya wama circuit will race over the hardwood of the North Marion nigh school gym. Marion county B league play goes into its second week with each team playing two games. Only Salem High Viking game will be Friday at Spring field. Salem academy will host Waldport Tuesday night Sec- red Heart will go to Mt Angel Tuesday and entertain Silver ton Saturday. The schedules: Mob Capitol lecju Jamboree at Bale Rlth iBaered Heart, Stayton. AJera Academr ea. Central, catca, ri.ll mathi. Tae4r Sacred Heart at aft. Antel WaMport at Balem Academy Bhersdan at Central A lata at Perrrde, Btejton tt DaUaa North Merlon at Caerad UcUlnnviUe at Lebanoa ralla Cltr at Amity SuUtmUjr at Mill CUr Chemaw t 8t Paul Jefferaoa at OBO Oat t Detroit Be lo at OervaLa Bandy at Or-iham CorTalll at Buten Albany at Toledo Tbareala' w. V. Trort) t DaJlaj Btevnaoa. Waah avt Asirut Balem tt Bprtoifleld WVL Jamboree at Katun (Ur.iaii Baneljr. Bitaeaela. Can&y a WAdvrtimrti. SUrerton, Dalle e. Mt. Antel). Tavama Uuui Jam born at Mwth Marlon. Mill City at Oerval O0D at Chemaw Oatea at Jefferaon f Bt. Paul at BubllnltV Detroit at Beta Aitoria at Lebanon Perrydal at Valaeu Caaca)e at Wyit Bend at Miitoa-rrMwatar Scaald at Corvallta PTinevlll at Albany Zucene at Oram Sataraar wood ban at newberr BIlTertoa 't Baered Heart Beaald at ebanoa Btaytoa at Bherldaa . Central at Dayton Bend at Hilton -Pretr Attorl at Corr alii Redmond at Albany Comeback Falls Short Saturday Saturday night's 83-51 loss to Collet of Pufet Sound at Ta- coma was a direct reversal of Friday night a comeback form. Coach John Lewis of Willam ette university said today. "It was disappointing." he said briefly. What happened was that the Bearcats surged Friday from a 12-30 deficit to tie it at t i and speed ahead to win 67-61. The combination playing at that time Included Tom Gooding. Peta Reed, pick Hoy, Duane Shields, Jerry Mc Allister' and Dave Gray. The Saturday game which gave Willamette a 2-2 record this season, found the CPS log gers overcoming a 7-2 deficit to gala a 16-11 first quarter lead. then hold the Bearcats to nine points in the second quarter to lead 33-20 at halftime. Dick Hoy, two-year letter- man, accounted for Willam ette's early and brief lead with three quick baskets. Warren Moyles cornered 20 points and Jerry Medin 11 for the Loggers as CPS charged to a three-quarter margin of 81- 33. Chlca State, fresh from a pair of convincing wins over Lewis and Clark, will come to Salem for games Wednesday and Thursday nights. Oregon College of Education will host W.U. Saturday night for the last pre-holiday battle. 6 Capitol League Team a Paired for Tonight s Jam Pairing! tor tonight's Capitol 1 a g u a . basketball jamboree were announced this morning by Wayn Jordan, Central high school, league president. ' The annual collection of six teama will start at 7 o'clock at Salem high school's gymnast urn. Pric of admission will be 75 cents for adults and 25 cents for children and students. Her are the psirings, each game to be two tight-minute quarters: 7 o cioci 5cred Heart vs. Cascade. 7:45 Salem Academy vs. Philomath. 8:30 Stayton vs. Central. Sacred Heart. Salem Acade my and Stayton represent the "north" white Cascad, Philo math and Central are on the "south" tesm. The section which accounts for the most total points will be declared the winner. No trophies will be given either for the best cheering sec tion or for the highest score. Jordan pointed out. Probable starting lineups: Three Coaches to Make WVL Debuts in Jamboree WUUmalla (II) It pi ta Rw.f Raad.' Oaodlnd.. am.ia,,! Orar.i Cauibla.f BUhop.a Henalaa.i Colrard.t alcAUttlr.f lalaalmj S S II Uarlai.f l 4 f ucdln.l 4 4 I dTle&.4 S 5 S a Marvln.l 1 1SS Zllaon.t S 4 I d M Donldj lit Buh'm.f S t d SLowdrbk.a I 5 t S Tolman,s S a 1 4 SIS ( c.r.s. ta tt pt tp I I 111 4 S I 1 a i n s a a s a 4 a i Trtaia 11 la ta Touu ll a it 3 SOCE Topples Wolves Again; Score 76 to 63 Monmouth Vft Southern Oregon defeated Oregon Col lege of Eucation, 76-63, Sat urday night to sweep a two- game basketball series here. The score of Friday night's gam was 88-73. Leon Keefe paced Southern Oregon with 23 points, high for the game, socstia, rt tt pi tp 4 S 4 1C MKni.t S S d Orv.f I T 1 31 Frntl.d 5 S 4 11 Chrln.f I I IS Paon.f Mil Nalrn.t 1 S a a Davla.f 1 s a JRlca,, a s a 4 a a a s s s s Molalla Three coaches will- make their first lesgue appear ences at the annual Willamette Valley league basketball Jam boree Friday night at Molalla high school. , They are Al Grove, Molalla: Ray Utz, ML Angel; and Charles Driggen, Canby. It will be the northern schools Molalla, Sandy, Esta- cada and Canby playing the south, Woodburn, Silverton, Dallas and Mt Angel. T:am captains will draw to determine opponents Jusf be fore the jamboree opens at 7:30 p.m. Each team will play two eight-minute quarters, the team scoring the most points receiving a trophy. Returning coaches are George Potter, Sandy; Mar shall Barbour, -Woodburn; Gor don Kunke, Dallas; Milt Bsum, Silverton; and Truman Osburn, Estacada. League schedule opens Jan. Dallas won last year's WVL championship and placed sixth in the state. Molalla scored the most points to win the Jam boree trophy, a totem pole with detachable carvings of teams' emblems. The Molslla Indian carving rests on top now. A team muit win it three times to gain permanent possession. TIDE TAIL! Tlda, far Tafl. Oraaaa Pt aaamaat. lata Rtna.f Nwtn.f Kaafa.e amra amltn.s BrUl.t Bpar.l TltuaA mat Kntt.t Bataa Tolali as la II Id Tnlali 31 If a Prta tnrowa mluad- BOCS 11. OCS . Ralltlma aror SOCK 31, OCS 33. Olfl clali: Eaar4 and atrnta. a oca ti it pt tp lit t an a a sit 1 f 4 S S 1 s s a i i a sill VarsityGridders. Dads Guests Thurs. Salem high school varsity football lettermea and their fathers will be guests Thurs day sight at a banquet to b glvca by the Associated 8ta dent Body. Tha second an nual event will be at 6:3t la the high school cafeteria. E. F. Carleton, principal, said that Coach Lea Casa nova of th Untverstiy of Or egon will be speaker. Th re mainder of th program will be Informal, he said. . City Hoop Loop To Meet Tonight Representatives of tesms wishing to enter th City bas ketball league will meet to night at Room 108 in Salem high school. Director Vern Gilmore said that schedules will be worked out and practice times and lo cations for either six or eight teams. Salem Academy Ka Schreder. Harold Allister. Bruce . Dalk. Virgil ladn- rach, and Dav Phillips. - ' Sacred Heart Viae Matt, Clyde rUdwood, Fred Staab, Jim Moriarty and Jim Bora berry. ...... Stayton Roger' Nisjaoa, Dav NletUng, Kd Gobi, Bit Willadsen and Wayn Mlntea. Cascad Don Wipper, Ea ton Beach, Neal Kinion. Bill Brown and Gen Winkle. Central Larry Johnson, Gil BartsL Gerald Freeman, Mare Nelson and Jim Fratxk. Philomath Cliff Leach, Del Lornin. Dave Vincent, Jfaat Scarth and Dav Kemp, - ReevesRolls 666toWin vent: VallcvE Ediger, Withrow Elected Captains Corvallis (U.B Quarterback Jim Withrow snd end Wes Ed iger were named co-captains for the 1954 Oregon State Col lege football season at the an nual Ring banquet here last night. - Ralph Carr, the heavy-duty right halfback, was nsmed moat valuable player on the squsd during 1951V. The Otto Sitton sward for the best line man of the yesr went to de parting Captain Laverne Fer Salem Matmen Postpone Trip To Sweet Home The high school wrestling match scheduled for tonight with Salem at Sweet Home has been postponed, Coach Hank Juran said Sunday. Juran explained, that the state activities association does not permti opening the mat schedule until Tuesday, a spec ified period after opening prac tice. Originally, the first match was set for Wednesday but was moved back later to avoid con flict with other school activi ties. Juran said the match has been re-scheduled this Tuesday. CENTRAL LOSES 13-52 Forest Grove Forest Grove racked up a decisive 63-52 win over Central Union high school here Saturday night, leading throughout. Quartertime scores were 18-8, 30-25. Tom Alsep and Marc Nelson scored 12 esch for Centrsl, while Dick Smith made 11 for Forest Grove. UCLA Leads US At Punting Game New York Ml UCLA'S Rose Bowl bound Bruins are masters of the punting gam in major college football for 1833. UCLA, according to NCAA Service Bureau Statistics re leased Monday returned punts further than any other team in the country 561 yards. The Bruins blocked seven of their opponents 63 punts while the next best effort in punt block ing was four. Duck Pin Entry Bowls Three 100s Mrs. Vivisn Frazier bowled a three-game series of 100-100- 100 300 in the second section of the Brunswick Duck Pin con test the past week. Tom Wood. BIB Bowling Court proprietor, said there are five times the number of con testants as in the October sec tion of the national event. The third and final Brunswick sec tion will start Jan. 10 and end Jan. 31. Bob Reeves, Salem, rolled a 666 series to win th singles event of th third annual Wil lamette valley bowling tourna ment at th Capitol Lanes Sat urday and Sunday. Bob Ryan of Salem and Lar ry Oslund of Dallas combined to win th doubles with 1318. Eight persons placed In tha money in the singles and four pairs in th doubles, which fin ished last night . . - . i Winners in sigles; - 1. Bob Reeve, Salem, 866. 2. Dr. Jim Dcageo, Salem, 654. I. Ralph , Bommcr, ' SaJera, 65L 4. Bob Ikatrom, Salem, 650. 6. Walter Gardner, Salem, 643. 4. Clev Bennett, Portland, 631. 7. Sara Piazza, Portland, 631. 8. Ed LaFranchise, Portland, 623. f. Hugh Wllkerson (tt), 8a lem, 623. , Doubles winners: 1. Bob Ryan-Larry Oslund, 1818. t. Cliff Mslson-Jsy Gould, Salem, 1228. 8. Harry Holmes-Jsck Boel- berg, Portland, 1223. 4. Walt Gardner-Jim Ross, , . Salem, 1213. 5. Don Lutz-Floyd McNulL . 1211 (Just out of th mon ey). . Washington (JA1a former Oregon Stat football slaver has been named on th third annual all-Army football team announced today - by Army Times, national weekly news paper for th Army.: tie is Pvt. Dsve Mann, whe plays halfback for th Fort Ord, Calif., Soldier. . i .--" Hickok and Swank Accciioriss for Any And All Occasions SHRYOCK'S MEN'S WMB Capital Sknataa Caatar OPENER Danny O'aUm-ta vs. Galdea Adonis Leas FRKUM Dan Kiatarea vs. Bronee tubiah MAIN EVENT Luther Lindsay vs. Jack OWIer ..j,. SPECIAL David Johns vs. Jack Kiaar SALEM ARMORY TUESDAY, 1:10 P.M. "iwiti.sTsUsjsa. (Caajaflai ar C. S. Caaal a OaaSaal. saraar. raatUa4. Oraaaa I Blah Watara Lav Watara Daeambtr Tlma Haliat Tlml Balant :aa a.m. rat a.m. I ll am. 1 11 am. a IT a.m. a It r S 44 a m. II :M a m. 1:11 a.m. II II II 1 1 II 11:11 a.l 11:41 a.m. 13:13 am 11:11 a.m. 1:11 a.l 11:11 m. tl 3:ar a.m. as 13:11 am. II 1:M a.m. SI IKia is I 31 a m. I t 1 11 am. I S 4 II am. SI 44 am. II 1:33 m. ia:ll a.m. if 1:11 a.m. I I 1 44 a.m. 3 3 I ad a m. I I 1:14 a m. II 4:14 am. 41 1 31 a m. I d I it a m. -13 4:34 dm. I I I'll a m. .11 I Mam. II I at am. -1 1 I II a m. 1.3 in am. -13 IB am. 3 3 S 17 a m. -41 Mam. II I M am. -dl I at a m. 1 1 s 13 am. a a IS am. II it m am. a llUla 13 II M a m. 11 1 1 COLORADO PAN-SAN atth SAN SHOP It- I pLffmi.tmaTirtT j Why Suffer Any Longer Whm 4MbtT rata. 1M MR? ChfBtM rwmra a CblM M attt nu tut aUmteM raa avr 1YUMMI, tfltwrdrr. tfnilitx Btr. tkMca. Ira. tr4nn ttBi, miUNtrH, vm. iMin rhaanfitUm, ftOI aavd fcUtiiat mm. aua. aMiiaiBii CHARUI i CHAN (VcO I cirpraal aiBB Oa. I 'ST5 Otflaa Bamra la S 1 SV Ta, ml Saa. aakr 1 W M a o j I I fWa, tlBBa ULtm oaa XI m aae TNtcli for awonderliil surprise! n V5: SEE THE NEW CHEVROIET AT Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. SI ON. Commercial Sr.