Monday, December 14, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOITWAL, Salen'. Orego. Par IS Blast Wrecks Fishing Boat Newport, Ore., An un expected blast wrecked com mercial fishing boat owned by T. K. Pearl o( Albany, Ore., Saturday night. The explosion In the vessel, moored at city mooring basin here, rattled dishes in this coastal town and was heard at Agate Beach, three mile away. Only' the wrecked hull re mained. Authorities who in vestigated said the blast ap parently was accidental. VIEWING PLATFORM FALLS Athens, Greece W) . Seven persons were injured Monday when a viewing platform col lapsed Just as King Paul and Queen Frederika reached home from their U. S. tour. Premier Alexander Papagos and his cabinet were at the quayside as the Creek destroyer bear ing the royal couple reached Piraeus. FULL LARDER TO BE PRESENTED Auckland,, New Zealand W) A mound ol food which will ?rise from ground level to the branches of a spreading banyan tree will be presented to Queen Elizabeth on her arrival in Fiji. Ancient Fijian traditions of hospitality demand a guest be furnished with a full larder. eUaaud? Wei. wonderful at w sometirne remember tfieml lut soma things ARE content, never tkangirvg over the yean) honesty, integrity, fair play, are all essential ingredients m personal and .business activ ity. Mutual el Enumdaw sir cerary believes that these qualities are what people tool for and so over the part fifty-inr years Mutual of Emmv claw has grown and pros pered offering peace of mind to their clients, because their possessions are insured with Mutual of Enumclaw. CaH YOUR Mutual of Enum claw agent today. INSURANCE Carl E. F. Aradt less EMeMr . Balm. Or mob Robert C. Zeller isa Be. Htm E. A. Geanthner SIS MftMOIC Bids. B4Ja. Orttoa Tern Feme-ey SSJS ntrtrmtt Dm SaJtab Oratoe. WUluua D. Karr stout a, Bot su Sitm. Orwva Janice Jeaa Williams Hie Bros ., Ortcaa Nlchest-Mer Insennea Co. sit MMonk Biiimae S,bi. Orvtaa BRONZE STAR v Master Sgt James W. Watts, Hubbard, who was re cently awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service, while serving in Korea in June of this year from the Yokohama finance detachment in Japan and was cited for his work in the adjutant general's sec tion of the 40th Infantry div ision. Hs is a World War II veteran and has the Asiatic Pacific campaign r i b b o n with six campaign stars, World War II victory medal, Philippine Liberation Rib bon with one campaign star and the UN and Korean Service ribbons. (U.S. Army photo) Miss America fo Remain Married Los Angeles ) Mrs. Amer ics of 1949, who divorced her husband in 1950, only to re marry him, has finally decided to stay married. Mrs. Frances Cloyd's attor ney said yesterday the beauty queen has dismissed a divorce suit, alleging cruelty, filed against Arthur T. Cloyd, 28, an auto mecnanic, last April. Man Snoozes Unworried on RR Tracks Knoxvllle, Teaa. ( Sheriff's deputies foand a sua asleep an the railroad tracks yesterday, his head ea one 'rail and feet the ether. "Dbn't yea know a train might ran ever you?" asked Depoiy Jess Chamberlain. "What time is it?" asked the drunk thickly. "It's 4 o'clock." "Then I ain't got nothing te worry about, 'cause that 1 engineer that drives that ; train always stops for me." t Woodburn Past Noble Grands Elect Woodburn Election of new officer! was the main business at the monthly meeting of the past Noble Grand's club of Home Rebekah lodge Thursday night at the home of Mrs. J. S. Cummlngs. Mrs. Myrtle Hall was elect ed president, succeeding Mrs. Frank Wright; Mrs. Clara Stange was named vice-president and Miss Mabel Lives, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Live say, past president, will install the new officers at the next meeting, January SI, which will be held at the home of Miss Mabel Jackson with Mrs. Addie Doud as co-hostess. Fifteen past noble grands were present for the meeting Thursday. Mrs. Charles Conye, co-hostess, assisted Mrs. Cummin gs in serving re freshments. A gift exchange featured the program hour. Decmber 19 was set as work dsy at the I.O.O.f. ball. POOR BOY SANDWICH At NORTH'S 111 Center St tlUPPY TOPS IN QUALITY! wiTATI0M$fewM ! '2 Clip I I LOW IN PRICE SINCE 1888 AMlklCA'S until HANO VAIUIS , LESTER Betsy Bon Spiaiti and Brand Finos Outstanding...!, beany of appearance... in richness of tone... in ease oactsoo. See the new models at ' TALLMAN PIANO STORES 395 S. 12th Solent Journal Want Ads Pay! 155 N.Liberty Phone 3-3191 TP VI WASHABLE NYLON WONDERS At a Ward Low Special Purchase Price 24.75 Astasia voVbm Only a special Word purchase makes Itiit low price possible. Eoch smart Topper com pletely washable, for the fabric, me lin ing, the shoulder pads, me thread are aR Mlssea' 100 nyion. Se ottodxd tag for woshinf Instructions. Rich, creamy pastels or frosty ( whites. Soft and fleocy, moth-proof. White toppers come with their own plastic bat. OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL CHRISTMAS STARTING DEC. 14th Prices Good Thru Wei 69c RUN RESIST Rose Lustre and Sun Flash Shades. Sizes 814 to 10 Vi' Mesh Nylons 49'p,. Apparel Reg. $4.95 Porky Pig ' or Majestic Wrist Valch $298 - Here's a Gift your child wilt treas ure, a real wrist watch. Easy to read numerals; accurate time piece. Toiletry 1 'MS.y 14 TOVJ "S Toilet Soap Fancy Duparc Hardmilled, easy lather, long lasting with a lingering fra grance. Comes in Carnation, Pine, Lilac and Apple blossom Regular '1.00 Box UH I Rem Reg. $2.10 Richard Hudnul Gift Set $Boo Slick aiTtk TaUetry $1.79 Chrijftais Trco Light Sot Teylaad Lower Level Ride 'Em Locomotive extra strcme of heavy (suae . (natal ao little tots can actually ride In them. Bright red oolor. Giont 24" Plush Panda or Bear A de luxe toy. The ideal playmate for any child. The toy they even take to bed. $2" Aunt Gemima Pastry Mix Set 98 Set contains trenulne Aunt .Jemima cake mixes that asaure rood result. Little housekeeper! bake real Larger Pastry Sets, $1.98 to S2.9I t Reg. 10 Lead Foil kkues r3pi m V' , Jhirty, slWitrandf o give your traa iae jay wtfrrar look. Jkf.SI Tjrrra Long kieltt 245' Toyland Lower Level A Real Game of Skill Bagatelle A game to be played gaff f ft and enjoyed by young eB T , u and old. Constructed for lots of wear. All Metal Realistic Cash Register Amount registered 92 shows on dial when key is punched. 3 .95 Richard Hudnut Home Permanent .Refill . ftt. 11.10 59' Plus Tax Natural looking Easy to do right in your own home. Tor springer curls Results you get are amazing. FRESH CANDIES FOR YOUR HOLIDAY ENJOYMENT II MB CHOCOLATES ' Iw $193 4J .$050 in ut , , In a clever red and white striped box. Assorted fruit fla vored creams, chocolate dipped nuts and fruits, cream caramels and nougats, or If you prefer, "AU Creams." Hard Candies gaUnrinlsh 1 it.. 29c; 2 ,or 55c Hard Candies ..Shu. lib. 39c: 2 ,, 75c Candy Canes So Peppermint 6,., 25c; Box ef 41 $1.89 Medium Ripe 19c My-Te-Fina OLIVES 7 oz. 14r bTZt size aw C for CM Four Tollerty Fred Meyer Bryan o rnirr twrtsi m aw USN.Ubertr We Reserre the Right te Limit Qaaatltlel .