Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 12, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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gatordiy. Dcebr 12. 1953
; j3
4:M MiUvD n Hardy Featou "Way Out West"
t , The ll ib Buinw-QuMt panelist: Arlene Dahl.
Oueat perform en: Tony Bennett, later: Ju Lawrence -r.Trir
and Martha Ann Bentley, oojlenne. ' aDa-
1:1 V, Mbnr Theatre "Key in ths Lock stars Marguerite
Chapman ud George Brent.
M J-. Ceri Jeeeel Ladle club culture and the arte li theme
of abow. Quests: JUchud Tucker, opera linger; Tereia Brewer, sirxer.
:J fj. Bay Cisar anew Raj buy up the contract ot a
fighter who lui never von a fight,
11 am, Shwwtlss em 81a "Cnarlla Chan in Monte Carlo" alara
loner jilactaner and Virginia Weld,
. a
Carooal Flack, t The Colonel promote a week In Paria and a
fir it clau eteamahlp pwic to New York out of an "acckienuU"
mix-up in .plan ticket, lie eventually uncover an international
Ethel and Albert, 1:1a Albert plan a trip to Chicago with Sthel
upervlelnt the packing a If be were making a "round-the-world"
Benin. 8 "A-Huntlng We Win Oo"
tw Shew mt Shews, 00 minute of comedy, tinging end
dancing with two of the nation' fretet entertainer 8ld Caesar and
Imogens Coca.
Year Bit Parade, l:3e The top tune of the week.
Greatest Fights, 11 Henry Armstrong' welterweight title defen
against Csierlne Garcia of November X. 1838.
Premiere Theatre, 11 :1S "Buckskin FronUer liars Richard Dlz
and Jane Wyatt
1 pjn, J even tie Jary children' panel program with Jack Barry,
z an. Omnibus "Psychology of Taste"; "Birth of a Band":
"Animals in a Rocket"; A one act play, "The Nature of the Beatt",
atarrlne Mel Ferrer.
4:3 p.m. Adventure "The Sudan a documentary on the vast
east Airtcau region ana uie people wno innaoit II.
5:31 pjn. Comeback Story Jean Darling, sweetheart of "Our
Gang" comedies in the late 30's and early M'i. .niest of George Jesael.
t p.m., roe Are There "me Gettysburg Address." Recrestlon or
the dramatic moments of Nov. 10. 1863 when Abraham Lincoln's
four-mlnut speech followed Edward Everett 1 nr. and 67
: pm. Pride ef the Family Albl and hi family are eon
fronted with a house full of chickens.
1 aim. Private Secretary Susie get her boss Into a misunder
standing with a client and mixes business with a handsome date.
t p.m Toast ef the Town Ouests of Ed Sullivan Include: Char
les Boyer in a- scene from "Don Juan In Hell". Julius La Rosa, Sam
Levenson, Robert Powers and the Princeton Triangle club's presenta
tion of several scenes from their current show.
pm, G.E. Theatre "The Eye of the Beholder" stars Richard
Conte and Martha V lexers. An artist seeks the perfect model for
a "Madonna" painting In his search, a web of circumstantial evi
dence builds uo against him.
t:3 p.m, Man Behind the Badge A detective run down a aerie
or mysterious Tires in "The Buffalo Story.
It PA. The web "Scrap" star Dlno dl Luc.
Music of Pranck. Weber and Mendelssohn has been chosen by
Arturo Toscanlnl for the NBC Symphony orchestra troadesst under
hi direction Sunday. Dec. 13, KGW at 1:30 pm
The program will open with Cesar FYs nek's symphonic poem.
Tea Bolides," umpired by the poem of Lecomte de Lisle. This will
be followed by Carl Maria von Weber's "Invitation to the Dance"
In the orchestration bv Berllos.
- '
George Ssell. In his second week as guest conductor of the New
York Philharmonic-Symphony, will be loined bv the talented Ctech
born pianist Rudolf Firkusny on the KOIN-CBS Radio broadcast
Sunday, Dec. 13 at 11:30 am. Firkusny, who has broadcast several
times with the New York Philharmonic-Symphony, will be soloist
In the Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 4. In G major.
The Standard Hour for Sunday December 13. will oresent the
Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Ha famed
regular conductor. Alfred Wallensteln at l:30on KGW.
Featured soloist on the program, sixth of the Winter Svmnhonv
series, will be Dsvld Friilna. violinist: and Robert La Marchlna.
cellist, both of whom are regular member of the orchestra,
Life With Father will be released In tills area startlne Saturday.
December 19. Program is scheduled for 7:30 on KOTN-TV. Whether
it will begin at start of series Is not certain, if at beginning It will not
oe live.
Adlal Stevenson will be heard 4 30 to 5 p m. on KEX rad'o Sunday
Bing Crosbv hits Jackpot as far as singula- guests o when the
great isay or uie Diues. eiis Fitzgerald, navs him a visir on koin
CBS "Blng Crosby Show" Sunday. The ladv 1 nown m Ella and the
. groener known as Blng will reminisce about the old days, but their
songs will be tuned to today hits.
Sweden's Alfred Nobel will be ssluted on "Hallmark Hal of Fame'
radio KOIN Sundav. Dee. 13 with "Man of Peace." a dramatisation
' of the founding of the famed Nobel prises. Lionel Barrymore is host
and narrator of the program. g .
Gen. Carlos P. Romulo. former Ambassador to the United States
from the Philippines, former president of the TTnited Nations General
Awemblv. and now President of the -democratic rwrtv in the Philip
pines will be the guest on KOIN-CBS Radio's "Capitol Cloakroom"
Sunday mo"1ne at a a m.
Veteran actor. Walter Brennan. will star In "Hlh Chin Bob"
Sundav, 6:30 to 1 pm.. KSLM. "Family Theater" Debra Paget Is
"Hleh Chin Bob" Is the storv of one of the most "atlck-to-lt-en'st"
j fellows that ever headed Into the American West.
A bir Christmss hou'e-cleanlr nrolecl. aimed at rlddlnw the
Graves' home of limit and ueles trinkets, end uo with evervthlne
beln rmt 7eht bacV where t w at nd her family et set
for the holins on "Jvor Miss." -adio Kf"V. tlind" Dec. .
This b The Life, U s Ja Blcry ot the extremes man eaa be
to when n Orouar-n-ewe Miaarnea. grow aue iBieo
MatlaM Theatre, 1 "Mutiny In the Big House" Stan Ohar-
laa Bickford and Barton MaeLene.
Arthar at array Party, : a-ts-Arlene Dahi starring on Broad
way with Jose Ferrer in "Cyrano de Bergerae," -a guest.
Vaite eg finale, l :M ajoe. Cesar SMpl. Met. Open star baa,
1 guest.
Denai Day Shew, pja Dennis I concerned about hi neigh
bor Lavuua when he realises ah ha been pawning jewelry to live,
1:1 in. Armchair Theatre "Ic Capadea atari Jama Bnaon,
Jerry Colons and Dorothy LewK.
1:15 p.aa. Greatest Dnsaa To the Xnd Of the Earth" Story
of Adm. Byrd. .
1 am. Stadia One "Confession of Nervous Man stars Art
Carney as George Axelrod. Story based on the playwright sudden
tua Iv fstmssi ax nA fri linsl
I san., Bum and Alien Oracle get th Impression that George
i going to re lire ao iraoea tneir nouae iw a wwmwu uu,.
Jou, Todd Kama and Mr. pcii A uy ot now a turn of the
uuieue wheel cause a tragi-comic upheaval In th live of gamblers
I Lev Lacy-Lucy has her eyes dilated, but that doesn't
atop her from staging a sensational Jitter-bug dance at the Olub.
1 Mv-iv Theatre -Bniridenburg Gaur" atara Jack Palanee,
Maria Riva and Thomas Gome. A realistic drama of divided Ger
many depict th moral ana pnveicei auuggics oi iia
ll Vi.. Bhewtima en 8lx-"Ctty Without Men Mara Linda Dar
nell, Edgar Buchanan and Glenda Farrell.
' during
Guy Klbbee and Marjorie Rambeau stari "Oulfstream
Hollywood iTieoire jveji, p-m.. amwm. t 9
Madam Syngman Rhee "sign her name m Dwlght OeoXSX
"Guest Book," radio KOIN at 10:30 pm., Monday. .
TOWN MEETING topic Tuesday at t pm., on KXXwtTl be:
-What are the Prospect for iJfinJSSSSl2
Speakers wUl be Rep. Gerald R. Ford, Jr re(iraenUtive of Michigan
and Rep. Sidney R. Yates, democratic of Illinois.. SymAonett eiec;
Uons Will lnclud Tschalkowsky's "Sleepir Juty BalW-AdagW
and Beethoven Fourth Symphony Flneled KEX Tueaday at
t pm.
W.D. Darling
Dies Friday
Funeral services will be
held at the W. T. Rifdon
chapel Mondiy afternoon at
1:10 o'clock tor Willism Davit
Darling, farmer In the Kelier
district for the last 41 year,
who died Friday at hi home
at 1681 Harmony lane, follow
ing year' illness.
Rev. R. C. Schaffner will
Offielale tt the service, assist
ed by Elder NT. C. Erntson and
interment will be In Belcrest
Memorial park.
Darling, who wa born In
Bee town, Wis.. November IS,
188, came to Salem in ltll.
He cleared the land for bit
farm and ha resided there
ever eince. Prior to coming
to Salem he worked in Mon
tana. For seversl years Dar
ling was i deacon ot the Sev
enth Day Adventijt church in
Surviving are hi wife, the
former Ruth Larson, to whom
he was married In 1024, a
daughter, Helen Maxlne Dar
ling, and a lister, Mrs. Hsr
riett Spense, all of Salem.
15 Conventions Already
Set for Coming Months
On Television
KPTV (27). KOIN-TV (6)
fOnlT proTHi trfrg-tfuipn in dTg.rvet'V
Salt Service - Installation
Open from s.m. to I am.
Ph. 1-1611 214 S. Ceml
Salem's First Television Store
:0t I D. KPTV Dew Tlu
t:0 ft.m. KPTV Tor ratker tntt Irltn
10:00 A.m. KPTV Spkci CadaU
10:30 a.m. KPTV pace Patrol
11:0 a.m. KPTV Ed McConnell
11:10 a.m. KPTV Dot Tal
13:00 dood KPTV Talent pairw
11:90 p.m. KPTV Saturday Matlnc
1:00 p.m. KPTV Tex ai Rasiin
$:tl p.m. KPTV Straafer Than Hctlou
130 p.m. KPTV Lont Ranivr
4:00 p.m. KPTV Johnny Jupim
410 p.m. KPTV C apt. Utdnltht
KOI M Laurel and Hardy
1:00 p.m. KPTV Aanla'i Uall Llat
KOIN Laurel and Hardy
f:10 p.m. KPTV flu permatt
4.00 a.m. KPTV Colonel Plack
KOIN ThU la Show Bualntu
U p.m. KPTV Treaaurt Hunt
KOIN Beat th Clock
1:00 p.m. KPTV Life ot Riley
KOIN Medallion Theater
V:M p.m. KPTV Ethwi and Albert
KOIN Mirror Theater
I H p.m. KPTV -Bon I do
KOIN Jackie Oleejton
1:10 P m. KPTV Amateur Hour
KOIN Jackie Oleason
I 00 p.m. KPTV Phow of firvowi -
POIN Two (or trie Montr
D m. ppTV-wrvow of Shove
KOIN Mr Favorite Husband
10 to a.m. KPTV Shop of Showa
KOIN Oeort Jeutl
11:11 p.m. KPTV Hit Pirade
KOIN Roy Eolaer Show
11:00 .m. KPTV Oreatrit Flinu
KOIN Showtime on Si
U:U p.m. KPTV Prelmer Theater
KOIN Show Time en All
Faelorv Trained Berries
and Installation
lit SUta St, Fban 1-T57?
PrefeMiona! Football. 11 Cleveland Browns vs. Phlladelrmls
Wedding Belles, :S0 p.m.. Gene Brendler Is emcee on bride's
Rev Rogers. 4 Bullet lesds Fov and Dale to the lead body of a
government event on "The Peddler from the Pecns"
Victory at Sea, "Oonmiest of Micronesia" Depict the Allied
advs'-e arrs the central Pacific.
Ufe With Wllsabeth, t:M p.m. Family situation comedy series
tar-tn White.
Psol Winched Phew. 7 p.mMllton Berle sUrs. Highlight of for
mer how featured
Mr. Peeners. 1:M p.m. Mr. Peeper and Mr. Ourney help an
unaenvneirert cni'n
rmei ttoor. g p.mStarring Perry Como with Msrttia Rare
and wn P've.
Tri.ri.inn pisyhenne. n.m. "The Mlrfnieht Callers" stars John
Hii-"'" sir" of neople living 1" a hoardtnehouv.
letter t Laretta. ill p.m'ThUi la A Uve Storv" A romantic
drm f an amhitlnu young singer nd her Ill-fated marriage to
a rewlM'nj cneHtan.
What' Cooking? 1:M a.m. Barbara Angell has Jsn Webster,
yiabliclty director of KPTV, as her guest. Apple oatmeal Quick
Borsch t will be prepared.
Bride and Groom, 11 John Nelson, emcee on show thst marries
couples on television. Diana Caroline Spense of Los Angeles and Sgt
Donslri Shellgreen of New Rochelie, NY, will iave a full military
wedding. .
t o am. KPTV What I Trm. caa Pa
S:1S a m. rPTV Reading runalti
: a.m. KPTV-JVhau' Your Troublt
S: a m. KPTV InduMrr Pirftdc
10:00 a.m. KPTV SreklBI Nervhwul
10:11 a.m. KPTV ReUftolll Film
11:00 a.m. KPTV Pro rootsaU
1:00 a.m. KPTV Pootbtll
KOIN Juvcnll. Jury
1:10 p.m. KPTV Football
KOIN Lamp Unto Mr Feel
S O p.m. KPTV Bob Contldins
COIN Omnlbui
1: p.m. Kmr Art UaklalUt
KIIS Omalbua
1 1 la KPTV Weodtna Balls
KOIN Omalbtu
1:0 a m. kptv LUs alas at 0
KOIN Omalbua
I J p.m. KFTV Bow Does Oar. Orow
KOIN LIB unto Mr rwn
4 00 a.m. KPTV ROT Koairi
4 10 p a KPTV Zoo Farast
KOIN Advaatura
l:t p.m. KPTV Maa at Tear
KOIN ono Satrtr
1:1 P.m. KPTV Un at Taar
KOIN Comtback
:0 p.m. KPTV victor? at a. a
FOIN Toe Art Tbtra
1:1 p.m. kptv Ufa with Etiabelk .
KOIN Pride at Family
10 l a KPTV Wlacluu MaboatP
KOIN Prlrata goeratarr
T 10 p.m. KFTV sir. Fatnn
Kom wnal'i Mr Use
1:0 p.m. KPTV Comedy Hoar
KOIN TOMt of Towa
1:00 ess. KFTV TV FlarheuM
KOIN O-S Tboatar
0:10 p.m. KPTV TV Plarhouie
KOIN Mas Bablad Bads
10 M rrrv utur to Leraiu
KOIN Tbo was
1:M p.m. KFTV Maa vs. Crlm.
KoiNeur Fouar snow
11:11 p.m. KFTV-rasas Baaalta'
0 a.m. KPTV Klodia Comer
10:00 i n. KPTV Dins Dons acheal
10:1 a.m. KPTV What's Cootlos
11:00 a.m. KFTV Hawkins Falli
11:11 a.m. KPTV The Bannetu '
11:10 a.m. KPTV Friend el Family
rom Bla Payaft
II I p.aa. KPTV Thu la the Ufa
koin Bob Crosby
1:00 p.m. rPTV Mallnot Theater
KOIN Lovo o( Lite
1:1 p.m. FPTV Metlaea
KOIN Oeareh Tomorrow
1:10 p.m. KPTV Ustlnoe
KOIN Ouldlne Ltfht
1:41 s.aa. KFTV Matlaaa
KOIN VaUenl Lady
I N p.m. KPTV Me tinea
KOIN Double or Halblns
i:t p m. KFTV On Your Account
KOIN-atrtko 11 Kick
l.M P m. KPTV Kate Smith
KOIN Oarry Moora Show
1 p a KPTV Kale Smith
KOIN Arm Chair Theater
4:0 p a KFTV Welcome Travelers
KOIN Arm Chair Theater
4:10 pm. KFTV The Toymeker
KOIN Armchair Theater
4:40 p.m. KPTV Toymeker
FOIN Mr. Moon
-1:00 p.a KPTV Howdy Doody
FOIN Saddle Pale
1:10 II. KPTV Ber 17 Corrtl
KOIN Laurel and Hardy
I N P.m. KPTV WUd Bill Hlckok
KOIN Mleter Weathermaa
f.SO p.m. KPTV Mill Bode
KOIN Do us BdwardS
4 II la. KPTV North writ Dueet
KOIN-oraattat Drama
7:00 p.m. KPTV Chleass Fuble
KOIN atodlo one
1 JO p.m. KPTV Arthur Murrsp Danes
KOIN atudlo One
T:4t l a rPTV Newt Carataa
KOIN atudlo One
:O0 p.m. KPTV Name Thet Tune
KOIN Burns and Allen
l:S la. KPTV Voice of Plreetoao
KOIN Adolph Menloa
0 00 p.m. KPTV Dennle Day
KOIN 1 Love Lucy
0:10 pa. KFTV Robert Montsomerp
KOIN Red Buttons
10:H KPTV Robert Montfomtrr
FOIN American TV Theater
10:10 p.m. KFTV Pe pel-cola Flayksuas
KOIN TV Theater
11:0 p.m. KPTV nth Hour New.
KOIN Ahowtlme on ais
11:10 p.m. KFTV Weauier Vane ,
11:1b p.m. KPTV Nile Owl Theater
Th Salem Chamber ot Com
merce ha a lit tat 18 eonven- j
tiona definitely gcheduled to
be held her between now and
next November, Other are ex
pected to be added to th list.
Scheduled for this month,
with place of meeting and
number of delegates estimated,
December 11 Oregon Heat
ing Indus trie, Marion Hotel,
Washington (At President
Eisenhower suggested yester
day that American give
Christmas present donation to
victims of the fire that de
stroyed more than 5,000
home in Pusan, Korea.
Kelier Th Knit The
Stitch" 4-H club met at the
home of Mr. Roy Mogster,
their leader. Answering roll
call were Linda Lafky, Francia
McCreight, Judy Mogster, Kar
en Pederson, and a new mem
ber. Donna VanKleek. Karen
Pederson is the first one to turn
in a completed article. Refresh
ment were served by Karen
pederson. The next meeting
will be Dec. 11 at the home of
Mrs. Mogster, 60S Chemawa
A meeting of the Home Eco
nomics club of the K c i i c r
Grange was held Dec. 8 at the
home ot Lena Ettner. Fifteen
were present. Nan Francisco,
chairman of the group, outlined
the coming years' activities
Present were Nan Francisco,
Elsa Black, Dorothy Goldsby,
Amy Girod, Agnus Lull, Emma
Seely, Thelma Evans, Mae Ne
kuda, Anna Claggett, Wilda
Savage, Lena Ettner, Grace
Fleming, Mabel Benion, and
Marlon Pederson. The next
meeting of the group will be
Jan. 14 at the home of Emma
Seely, 2SS Center St A card
party waa planned for Jan. 12
at the Grange Hall, open to the
public. The next regula
Grange meeting will be Jan. I
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O'Con
ner have left for their home in
Clearfield, Utah. They hav
been in Salem during the recent
Illness of their son, Richard.
The Keizer Garden club will
meet at the Fire Hall Dec. IS.
Election of officers will take
place at this time. Willis Cald
well is the speaker of the eve
ning. He will show pictures
taken in Central America.
Mr. and Mr. Roy Mogster
entertained weekend guests.
They were Mrs. Mogster's
niece, Barbara Ingwrson, and
her friend, Bob Rexis; also
nephew and his wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Johnson. They are
all residents of Eugene.
The Keizer Ladies Sewing
club hss named Mrs. Nick Le
Rud snd Mr. Luther Melton as
their representatives to contact
Mrs. Lauren Stettler, welfare
chairman of the Keizer PTA,
to find a needy family to pro
vide for a one of' the club'
Christmas projects. They also
selected Mrs. Otto Yunker to
iounty Seat
lose io Trial
Toledo, Or. lV-A gult to
stop th scheduled move of
county offices from Toledo to
Newport went on trial her
The county offices are sched
uled to be moved around Jan.
Lincoln County resident
voted at th hurt general elec
tion to make Newport th
county seat.
John Kosydar, Siletx,
brought th suit, contending
there were not enough signa
ture on th petition that put
the measure on the ballot.
Cuwult Judge Fred McHen
ry Is hearing th case.
Nor th Howell
North HoweU Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Esp spent Sunday
afternoon at the Jerome Ep
plng home In Salem. Their
grandson, Douglas, has been
sick with a relapse ot the flu,
and under doctor's care, but is
now improving rapidly.
The North Howell Home
Economics committee met at
the home of Mrs. H. C. Espe
Wednesday afternoon to pre'
pare the year books to be
handed out at th next meet
Those on the committee are
chairman, Mrs. Leo Peterson;
vice chairman, Mrs. H. C. Espe
secretary, Mrs. W1U Oddie;
and treasurer, Mrs. Roy Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Richter
and son Billy, of Canby, spent
Tuesday evening at the horn
of Mrs. Richter s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. wumer Fosiholm.
12S. .
December 18 Oregon Asso
ciation of School Administra
tors, Parriah Junior High, 180.
December S Oregon Asso
ciation of School Administra
tors and School Board Direc
tors, Parrlsh Junior High, 100.
Scheduled for 10S4 are:
January 18-1710-30 Club
Northwest District Conven
tion, Marion Hotel. 110.
January 2S-2T Western
Oregon Livestock Association,
Senator Hotel, ISO.
March 7-8 District Rotary
convention, Marion Hotel, 600,
March 14-16 Oregon State
DAR, Marion Hotel, 118.
April 1-1 District conven
tion of State Morticians Asso
ciation, Marlon Hotel, IS.
April 1-4 Oregon Society
ot X-Ray Technicians, Senator
Hotel, 150.
April IB Pro-convention ot
Oregon Congress ot PTA, Mar
ion Hotel, ISO.
April 20-21 Oregon Con
gress of PTA, Marlon Hotel,
April 13-24 Oregon Aaso-
elation of Master Plumbers,
Senator Hotel, 300.
October 20-21 Mid-year
missionary convention ofiNai-
arene church. First Nissrenc
church, 300.
October 28-28 Oregon State
Nurses Association, place not
decided, 400.
On undetermined date in fall
ot 1S34 Oregon Republican
Clubs, Senator Hotel.
Some ball bearings are so
small that 200 ot them will tit
into a thimble.
'Class Challenge'
Show Slated Tonight
"Clau Challenge." five
hour, all-campus show, will be
presented by Willamette uni
versity students beginning at
7 o'clock Saturday night The
show will constitute the kick
off in connection with the stu
dents' efforts to raise 810,000
for th university' million
dollar building program.
The production will lnclud
"Sports Shorts" by th fresh
man class in the gymnasium;
"Bum 'n Babes," a musical
comedy revue starring th
senior class: "Campus Carni
val." a sophomore class pro
duction: and "Willamette 1884
At Christmas," dance
sponsored by the Junior.
Yakima Tribal
Council to Meet
Toppenlsh (ff) Th Yski
m Tribal Council ha called
a three-day "rg starting
Dee. 21 to discus indemnity
tor th loss ot their CelUo
Falls fishing grounds and,
whether to allow liquor oa the
Yakima rseservatkm.
The CoaenU gsriterraua in
Yakima held th bulk of th
fishing righto at CcUlo Falls,
ancient Indian fishing ground
an the Columbia River which
will be covered by the water
backed up from Th Dalles
Dam, now being constructed.
Although a number ot other
tribes which also fished at
CelUo have reached settle
ment with th Army Engi
neer for several million dol-
lar each for th loss ot their
fishing righto, the Yaklmas
hav not been abl to reach
agreement with too engineer.
A recent federal law wnien .
provides local option for th
sal of liquor on Indian reser
vations will also be up for dis
cussion. Either the fribe or its
council can authorize the sale
ot liquor on the reservation.
Oslo, Norway (A Gen.
George C. Marshall, winner of
th 18S3 Nobel Peace Prise,
left Oslo todsy for Paris.
Los Angeles ) A cltywlda
pall ot dust bom on an In
land wind prompted City
Councilman Harold Harry to
propose that oa such days th
word "smog,'' amok and fog,
giva way to new on: suust.
contact th Chemawa Indian
School to obtain names of chil
dren to whom the club could
present gifts.
at the
m Jfeat.. h..Pv
or taw oo to
Ml IlltNPlT U llrel
Tkrw Taw Watrt. Awtv
W ris TiMa Wb.B Otktfi Cut
441 SUt. ItUrm. Oram
Otaa rnur Kick. iu
Does TV Hart Your
2303 Fairgrounds Sd.
Valley TV Center
Sales - Service Installation
Open Till 8 p.m. Daily
Sunday from 1 to S p.m.
McCourt Asks for
Buck Case Rehearing
John B. McCourt, Multno
mah County district attorney,
Friday filed a petition for re
hearing In the Dr. George H.
Buck abortion case with the
State Supreme Court.
McCourt asked the court to
reconsider a decision It reach
ed last month when it reversed
the 19S1 conviction ot the
Portland physician on a charge
ot manslaughter by abortion.
St. Mark 't
S43 N. Church
Rev. John L. Caable, Paster
:M A. M. Randay Sehael
11 :M A. M. Morning Warship
I:N T. M. Intermediate Lee
sua aortal at 151 N. II
:M P. M. 8r. Lather Ltaga
First Church of the Nazarene
Center at Thirteenth
9:45 Church School
10:50 "Putting Chriit in
6:30 Film "Child of
7:30 "Ctiriitmot
LiahtsThot Point
SaJemslnginChTireli to God"
Sunday Evening, December 20, the First
Church Choir, under the direction of John
Eby, will present their annual contata "A
Chorus in the Sky"
Sunday Night, Dec. 13
What Then?
The humon heort is eager to know What
hoppens to a man after death? Do th deod
know anything about their loved ones still
living on earth? Whr and how do they
spend their time?
On of th most personot and satisfying
subjects in th Holy Bible.
A MUST Message
AT 7:30
A Boy and His Prayer
Johnson Memorial Church
North Summer at Hood St.
Bear raster E. O. ecaaffner speak Wed. at 1:18 P.M.
Th 4 Borsemta ef th RevelsUoa"
In deferance to our personnel, who
make every effort to give perfect serv
ice to our trade, we do not feel it is
consistent to stay open nights! This
has always been and will remain our
I3S N. Liberty