Pacts THE C.m M. J01RXAL. Salt.. Onm rUturdiy, December 12. 195$ th T2IL!8 Um . ".'"L tot'u afflws far alum's three Holiday Time Calendar ... December 1 Cams club dance, Knights of Columbus hall. December II h!;lt.,n! n?u'c,le American Association of University Women. First Methodist church, 8 p.m. Beta Sigma Phi tea for Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., home of Mrs. Walter L. Spauldlng. Family holiday open house at Reynolds Allen home. December 14 Holiday party given by Mrs. Arnold Krueger. December II Greens Show of Salem Garden club, Izaak Walton league club house. Coffee party of Mrs. Lee V. Ohmart and Mrs. Arthur M. Roethlin, home of Mrs. Ohmart. December II Greens Show of Salem Garden club, Izaak Walton club house. December 17 Christmas coflee given by Mrs. Chester Loe. Christmas brunch to be given by Mrs. Ralph W. Johnson and Mrs. H. M. Boesch. December II Christmas ball of Order of Rainbow for Girls, Crystal Gardens. Bonheur club Christmas dance, Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. ' December II . Waverly club dance, Senator hotel. Spinsters club Christmas Charily Ball. Marlon hotel December 20 Holiday open house at George M. Schwarz home, 4-8 p.m. December It Informal at home to honor Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Douglas McKav, it Wayne Hadley home, 7 p.m. Holiday tea given by Mrs. Albert C. Gragg. December 11 Coamls club dance, Mayflower hall. December 18 Junior Catholic Daughters of America Christmas formal dance. Catholic Center. December SI Town club New Year's eve dance, Marion hotel. Cirque club New Year's eve dance. Senator hotel. Tllllcum club New Year's eve dance, armory. Carousel club New Year's eve dance, Izaak Walton league club house. Came club New Year's eve dance. Knights of Columbus hall. January I Subscription club dance, Marion hotel. Initiation for the Royal Neighbors ot America is scheduled for 8 p.m. Wed nesday, December 16, at the Veterans ef Foreign Wars hall. A Christmas party and exchange of gifts are slated for the meeting of Pio neer post, No. 149, all-woman post ot the American Legion, next Friday, De cember 18, at 8 p.m. in the Legion club. A Christmas box. to be given to a needy veteran's family, will be filled during the meeting. Mr. d..d Mrs. Christian Christiansen announce the marriage of their daugh ter. Miss Ellen Marie Christiansen, to Eugene L. Lowe of Portland, November 24 at the Bethrsria Lutheran church at Eugene. Mr. Lowe Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lowe of Salem. The Rev. Ingward Olsea officiated at the simple afternoon ceremony. The church was decorated with white chry santhemums and tapers. The bride wore e rose-bcige suit with off-white and brown accessories. Her corsage was a while orchid. The young couple was un attended. A luncheon was served immediately following the ceremony at the Sweden House for the bridal couple and their im mediate families. Following a wedding trip to Hawaii, Mr. and Mrs. Lowe will be at home at King Towers in Portland. The bride is a graduate of the Univer sity of Oregon where she is affiliated with Alpha Chi Omega, social sorority; Pi Sigma Alpha, political science honor ary, and Pi Lambda Thcta, education honorary. She has been serving as mu nicipal reference librarian for the Bu reau of Municipal Research and Service of the University of Oregon. Tbe bridegroom attended Salem schools and waa graduated from Wil lamette university. He also attended Willamette University law school. He is employed in the trust department of the United State National Bank of Port- land. HEAD JOB'S DAUGHTERS BETHELS HERE The Woman's Fellowship, First Chris tisn church, will conduct its regular monthly meeting at 11 a m. Thursday, December 17, in the church. The program at 11 am. will center around the portrayal of the "Madonna of the World." Taking part In the pro gram will be Mrs. Donald Payne. Mrs. Sidney Van Dyke, Mrs. Gilbert Stein, Mrs. Harley Miller, Mrs. George Flesh man, Mrs. Brayden Daggett, Mrs. Fred Roberts and Mrs. Ellen Godfrey. Members are asked to bring pillow cases and aprons for the Yakima Chris tian Indian mission. The gifts will be displayed and dedicated. A nurcery will be provided for children. 1 The Nebraska club auxiliary plans to meet Tuesday, December IS, at 12.30 p m. for a no-host luncheon at the home of Mrs. Dora Stanton, 1787 Center. A short program and the exchange of Christmas gifts are planned. The March-September circle of the Jason Lee Methodist church Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet Wednesday, December 18 at 1:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Edgar L. Moor, 2080 McCoy avenue. A joint Installation of officers for 1954 by Hal Hibbard camp, United Spanish War Veterans and the auxil iary, will follow a 12:30 Christmas din ner in the Woman's cluo house Thurs day afternoon, December 17. Mrs. Johanna Perry will be Installed as president ot the auxiliary and S. H. Cable aa commander of the camp. A special guest at the installation wiil be Mrs. Bessie Sutton ot Corvallis. department president of Oregon, United Spanish War Veterans auxiliary. Also present will be a number ot department officers. October, November and December birthcjayi will be honored during the meeting. Bethels af Jab's DaushUrs. Tht The appearance of Santa Claus with presents for all the children will cli max the Christmas party of the King wood unit, American Legion auxiliary, Thursday. December 17 at 6 p.m. in Kingwood hall. A no-host dinner will precede the festivities. A regular business meeting, the last one to be slated this year by the Ains worth chapter. Order of Eastern Star, is scheduled for 8 p.m. Wednesday, De cember 18, at the Scottish Rite temple. Woman's Society of Christian Service of First Methodist church plans its gen eral meeting on Wednesday, December 18. A luncheon will be served at 12:15 p.m. by Circle 4. The meeting will be gin at 1:15 in the Carrier room and it ' will include a Christmas .program. Mrs. Leon Brown will review five episodes in the life of Mary from the novel "Mary" by Sholemasch. Mrs. Robert W. Fenix will lead the devotions. Past presidents of the Veterans of Foreign 'Wars auxiliary are scheduled to meet for their Christmas party at 8 o'clock Thursday night, December 17 at the home of Mrs. Ed B.-essler. American Gold Star Mothers and their families will meet for a Christmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lap pin, 895 South 13th street at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, December 17. An exchange of gifts will be featured and members are asked to bring food for a basket to be given to a needy family at Christmas. Assisting hostesses are Mrs. Lloyd Kennedy. Mrs. Frank Young, Mrs. Lucy Lichty, Mrs. Maude Dutton and Mrs. Laura Johnson. Mothers of the fifth grade pupils of Merlin Marsh at the Washington grade school will be hostesses to the Washing ton school Mothers club at a meeting In the multipurpose room of the school st 1 pm. Thursday, December 17. The exchange of favorite recipes among members will be the feature of the day. The program will consist of a film on "Christmas Around the World." Garfield School's Mothers and Dads club will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the school. There will be a sale of Christmas gift Items, those attending to take candles, greens, aprons, or other items, the sale being one of the club's money-raising projects. Refreshments will be served. Cascade chapter. National Secretaries association has arranged us annual Christmas party for members and their families on the evening of December 13 at 8:30 o'clock, at the home of Miss Lois Manning, 379 Richmond avenue. 1 Evening circle of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service of the Leslie Methodist church will meet Tuesday evening, December 15 at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Keith George, 3790 Hulsey avenue. Mrs. Howard Dean will act as assisting hostess and present the devotional service. Mrs Collls Blair will show the film strip "Christmas Around The World." Christmas carols will be sung and a box packed for a needy family. The Evelyn De Vries circle will meet with Mrs. Everett McRae, 920 Mill street at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Earl Strode is assisting hostess Mrs. Mason Bishop will conduct the devotions, Mrs. Delmar Funk will tell of her recent trip to the eastern part of the United States and Canada. Mrt. Id Curtis will review artlclea from the "World Outlook ." Birthdays occurring within the past three months wtt' be recognized by a birthday cake. The Edna Holder curie will meet at the home of Mrs. W. S. Ankney. 4312 Hsger atreet, Wednesday afternoon at 1 30. with Mrs. Fred Hughes as assist ing hostess. Mrs. C. L. Blodgett will present a worship icrvice. The after noon will feature Music, games arid a gift exchange. AAUW Christmas Musical e Sunday Calendared for tomorrow evening (Sunday) la the 18th annual Christmas muaicale to be fiven by the Salem branch of the American Association of University Women. ThU year's program will be at 8 p.m. Sunday in the First Methodist church. Mrs. Jason Lee is general chairman. Members and (uests of AAUW as well as the Interested public are Invited to attend The committee Is arranging special Christmas decorations for the program. Artists appearing In this year's pro gram Include Jay Rorick, baritone, ac companied by Chloris Brownell;. Ell nore Sharp, violinist, and Catherine Petersen, violinist, both of Portland, In a group of duet numbers; Betty Starr Anderson, soprano, accompanied by Dorothy Lee; and the Willamette Uni versity choir under the direction of Donald Cleckler. , Jay Rorick Is a former first place winner In the Young Artists Federsted Clubs of Oregon and attended the Uni versity of Oregon. He appeared as soloist In various Oregon cities before coming to Salem. Elinore Sharp studied violin for five years at the Juilliard School of Music in New York City under Louis Per singer. Last April she presented a highly successful concert at Town Hall in New York. She has alro toured with the Robert Shaw Chorale group. Catherine Petersen is a graduate of A Christmas party complete with gifts for the children will follow a short business meeting of the Pythian Sisters, Centralis temple No. 11, in Bea ver hall at 8 o'clock Wednesday night, December 18. All Knights of Pythias, Pythian Sis ters and their families are invited to attend. Regular monthly meeting of the Marion Lela Norris Wcsleyan Service guild of the First Methodist church will be Monday, December 14, at the home of Mrs. Fra.iMtn Ward, 18S5 West Nob Hill. Dr. Norman Huffman will speak on "Christmas in Bethlehem." Mrs. J. Ed gar Purdy will have charge of the pro gram and Mrs. Isabella Wright of the devotions. Hostesses for the evening will be Mrs. , Franklin Ward, Mrs. Mary Brown, Mrs. Alta Rieck and Mrs. Ruth Graham. The Christmas party and gift ex change ot the American War Mothers has been changed from December 15 to Tuesday, December 22. The party will be at the home of Mrs. Howard N. Hunsaker, 2470 Trade Street. Mrs. Edward R. Cook and Mrs. Alma Gillespie will have charge of the gifts and cards. Mrs. Mable Lockwood and Mrs. R. L. Goss will pour. Assist ing will be Mrs. E. J. Simplcins, Mrs. James Cogswell, Mrs. Martin Vlesko and Mrs. Kate Elgin. Deadline for those wishing to send cookies to Camp White la December 14. Members are asked to take the cookies which thev wish sent to the camp to Mrs. Ben Randall, 1840 West Nob Hill. Regular business meeting of the Daughters of Union Veterans is sched uled for 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. De cember 12 at the home of Mrs. Mary Hilborn. Date for the Christmas party of the group has not been set yet. Maccabees of Capital tent 84D plan their Christmas party for next Thurs day, December 17, at Beaver hall. Din ner will be served at 6 30 o'clock, the unit furnishing the turkeys, rolls and coffee. Following the dinner there will be a Christmas program and treats for the child en. There will be an exchange of nominally priced gifts. All mem bers and families of the order are in vited. 1-7 Past Matrons association Order of Eastern Star, will meet Friday evening, December 18, at the Golden Pheasant. Dinner will be served at 8:30 p m. fol lowed by the business meeting. The committee in charge of arrange ments includes, Mrs. Harold Phillippe, chairman; Mrs. Wayne Henry, Mrs. D. H. Looney, Mrs. Minnie Palmer, Mrs. Rex Davis, Mrs. W. A. Newmyer, Mrs. H. M. Lucas, Mrs. Ira Darby. The group will take a collection to continue their help for a needy family. SINNYSIDE CLl'B Sunnyside Mr. Bert Walk er will entertain the Friendly Hour club with Christmas party at her home Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 16 Members are asked to bring cookies and food and fruit for a basket to be made up for a needy family. BARBEQUED CRAB At NORTH'S 1171 Center St. 1711 So. Commercial Ph. 4-8111 Mills college and the University ef Illi nois, and baa atudied 'he viola private ly in New York City, San Francisco and Los Angeles. She has appeared in concert in Honolulu, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, and other citlea. Miss Petersen Is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Christian Petersen, recent resi dents of the Reiser district of Salem. Betty Starr Anderson is well-known In Salem music circles for -her many appearances at civic functions and aa a soloist with the First Methodist church . choir. At one time she was. soloist at the Westminster Presbyterian church In Portland, and has appeared as solo ist with the Portland Junier Symphony, Mrs.. Anderson has recently been study- . ing with Miss Lena Belle Tartar. Donald decker came to Willamette university from the Midwest. He is also director of music at the First Pres byterian church of Salem. The program is as follows, t ' To The Breams Star WrtBer I wonder M 1 weooer MUti Caateouo So Keel Adam Jer Rorick. aarlleat Cnlorlo BrovBoll, aecoBpealat II Paeearailta HaoaSel-HaleerioB Duel to O. najor Meiart Maerltal ,,lfirtlau BlIBoro Sriera, eiollnlet Catherine Peteraea. f lollel . ' m Tho Meuleh rUaael luuh XXII: I. limb XL: U-uUhe VI: si. M BeclUUn: Thto Shall too Bret (. the Blind ao opeaea Girl Scout Tea A'n informal pre-hollday tea will be given on Saturday, December 19, by the Salem District Girl Scout council to introduce Miss Marjorie Johnson, executive director of the Santlam area Girl Scout council; to honor Mrs. -Walter L. Spauldlng, president of the area council, and to honor Mrs. L. James Waite, acting chairman for the Salem district. The affair will be at the home of Mrs. Edwin Keech, 2955 South 12th atreet between the hours end 3 and 5 o'clock. , An invitation is extended through the press to all organizations sponsoring Girl Scout troops, and also to leaders, assistants and committee members. A special invitation is being given to ju nior high school Girl Scouts and their mothers. In the receiving line will be Mrs. Keech. Miss Johnson, Mrs. Spaulding and Mrs. Walte. To pour are Mrs. Ivan Marble, of Independence, outgoing president of the area council, and Mrs. Raymond B. Stringham, retiring Salem district chairman. Greeting guests at the door will be Mrs. Kenneth Morris and Mrs. Walter J. Schendel. Assisting about the rooms will be Mrs. Hal Randall, Mrs. A. C. Newell. Mrs. Carl Collins, Mrs. Lauren Gale, Mrs. John Lewis, Mrs. Lewis Clark, Mrs. Marvin Kushnick. Inviting to the dining room, will be Mrs. Ted Hobart and Mrs. Max Flanery; assist ing In dining room, Mrs. Herman Jo chimsen, Mrs. Robert Sprague, Mrs. J. Marvin Ritchie and Mrs. Samuel W. Robb. Committee for refreshments include Mrs. Richard Chase. Mrs. Glen Fravel, Mrs. A. L. Jarvis, Mrs. Leon Margosian and Mrs. Ivan Curl; flower arrange ments, Mrs. John Ramage; publicity and invitations, Mrs. James Kunowsky and Mrs. W. A. Link. Tea chairmen are Mrs. Chester I. Chase and Mrs. Ray mond B. Stringham. Members of the Senior Girl Scout troop will be in charge of the punch bowl In the playroom for the junior high school guests. "Following the Work of the Church Around the World" will be the topic discussed by members of the Mission study group of the First Congregational church, Wednesday afternoon, Decem ber 16. at the home of Mrs. W. E. Han son, 820 North Church. Mrs. S. J. But ler will lead the study. Capitol O Square Dance club plans its party for next Thursdsy evening, De cember 17, at Catholic Center, starting at 8:30 o'clock. Members of the Circle Four club are to be guests. Refreshments will be served and members are asked to take their own table service. Members of the West Salem Method ist church. Woman's Society of Chris tian Service will meet at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, December 16, at the home of Mrs. E. A. Dickson, 563 McNary. Mrs. Oscar Williams will lead the de votions. The study will be, The Prophet Jeremiah," directed by Mrs. N. E. Shaw. Beef Prices are Going Up Every Day These Prices Good for This Week Only BUY LOCKER BEEF NOW Packing House Wholesale Prices Front Quarter lb. 16' Half or Whole lb. 20 Our lOft head White Face Beer as previously IW&tfZ'JS!?' 8 Salem Meat Co. Evening, ru: Bo Bad Tool Bid Floes Arid' Cone Uato Hla , Aid Thar, wen akoBborao Aatelai Bi tbo rld U Ferro BotlF Blare Aaaoraoa. oeprau Derolhv Loo. aeceaipanlal r O Mooauai Wreiertaai da Tltterla O Cam, o Cooio lamaaael ITU Ooaturr Molody Lull. Load, wao Modo Tbn Jeha La Vtrtea Lava Faaaiod apoBlaa Carol arraaaoe) Or Bba-arkor La VWM Ta Vloja apaaUa Carol arrantod or aaav-Faraor wniaMoito OBivorutr caoir OoaaM CUecklar. director Following ' the musicals members of the board of Salem branch -will be hostesses for a reception in the Carrier room of the church. Arrangements are under the direction of Mrs. Douglas Freeburn. hospitality chairman. Pouring will be Mrs.- Floyd L. Utter, Mrs. Ellen A. Fisher,, and Dr. Helen Pearce, and assisting about the room will be Mrs. Arthur Sprague, branch president, Mrs. Benjamin Dawson, Jr, Mrs.- Charles H. Derthlck, Mrs. Law rence C. Merriam, Jr., Miss Marjorie Chester, Mrs. Wilbur Ankney, Mrs. John C. Lee, Mrs. S. B. Leslie, Mrs. Gene Huntley, and Mrs. Edward T. Tag girt. Others assisting Include Mrs. Stanley Butler, Mrs John H. Hann, Mrs. Charles Layport, Mrs. Cordon Carl and Mrs. Warren Doolittle. Mrs. Ervin W. Potter and Mrs. Edward Dyck are assisting Mrs. Jason Lee on the general directorate, and decorations will be arranged by Miss Edna M. Fery and Mrs. Lee Hunt. Nebraska club is to meet next Tues day night for. a no-host dinner at 8:30 o'clock at Mayflower hall. There will be an exchange of gifts. The Woman's association of the First Presbyterian church plans its final meeting of the current year on Wed nesday, at the church. A luncheon will be served at 12:13 'clock in the social hall. A business session will follow the luncheon and the meeting will adjourn to the prayer meeting room for the program. Devotions will be given by Mrs. E. A. Collier. The program, In charge of Mrs. Harold A Rosebraugh, will be planned around "The Family at Christ mas." New officers for the coming year will be Installed. Mrs. F. G. Scherer will have charge of the installation service. Special Christmas music will be given. A nursery will be furnished for the children. Salem Central WCTU has set its De cember meeting for Tuesday, December 15, at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. J. J. Nunn, 940 North 19th. This Is the usual Children's Farm Home program and members are asked to take gifts for a girl between 6 and 18 years, of age. The union is providing gifts for the 20 girls in one cottage at the home. Last meeting of Chadwlck chapter. Order of Eastern Star, under the pres ent worthy matron and worthy patron, Alrt. Paul Griebenow and Paul Bram ble, is scheduled for Tuesday, Decem ber 15, at the Masonic temple. Mrs. E. T. Armstrong and Thomas Kelley are slated to assume the duties of worthy matron and worthy patron at the following meeting of the chap ter. Christmas festivities will follow the regular business meeting, Tuesday. A Christmas party for children of members of Hanna Rosa court, Order of Amaranth, will be staged at 8:30 o'clock , Saturday evening, December 19 at the Masonic temple. Annual Christmna party and gift ex change of the St. Vincent de Paul Mothers club will be Monday, Decem ber 21 at 8 p.m. in the St. Vincent school hall. Community singing of Christms carols will be featured. Hostesses for the evening will be fourth grade moth ers, with Mrs. Sylvester Schroeder as chairman. Final meeting this year of the Trinity chapter Order of Eastern Star, will be Friday, December 18, at 8 p.m. in the West Salem city hall. This will be the chapter's annual Christmas party and gift exchange. Committee in charge consists of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Charlton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller, and Mr. and-Mrs. Law rence Flagg. A buffet supper will follow the meet ing. Baby Beef Yi or whole 23 Young Steer Beef Vi or whole- 25' lb. advertised are sold. We new have only H8 ' they OTtVlt 1325 South 25th Phone 3-4858 iH6-'