a, o -sn-ov-i Pain II Saturday, December 12. 1953 THB CAPITAL JOURNAL gale. Oreroai .1 EXTRA EARNINGS SAVINGS EARN SAFELY Your Savings or Insured Soft to $10,000.00 by tho Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation Opea year Insured String i Account today frith Salem Federal Salem Federal Savings & Loan 3 360 Sroto hen 2-4139 Dick Meyer Lumber Co. Reliable Lumber & Building Material Service . One piece or a truck load- Located two blocks North of Salem Underpass, East 1 block at . . . 1775 Lana Phone 3-4939 Oil to Sum Tveedie Fuel Oils STANDARD OIL DEALER 1174 Edgewater Phone 2-4151 MT. CREST ABBEY Mausoleum Crematorium West End Hoyt St. Salem Vault Entombment and Crematorium Service Cryptt-Nlches-Ums "Indoor Memorials in Marble and Ironse" The Two Bettaf Ways Under Direction LLOYD T. RIGDON. Fres. Salem Mausoleum & Crematorium Inc. W. Hoyt Phono 3-5484 1 WELL DRILLING MARION COUNTY'S OLD RELIABLE , totidontiol Drillini Rout 4 "IF THERE IS WATER WE WILL GET IT" Sludebaker Bros. Industrial Drillini Phono 2-2120 Complete Electrical Installations See Us for Christmas Lighting AD Typos of landings 24-Hour Repair Service Riches Electric Company Formerly Wiring Division of Walton-Brown Electric Co. Ford & Simpson Sts. Phono 2-4156 I '!'' Hi ' A' iiTn'iiinmwnJ MEET BOB JONES A real Oregonlan who hat been a freighter lor over three years. Bob handles the billing and claim work tor the Sa lem office, and prior to his return to Salem was office manager at our Ephrata, Washington, station. Bob grad uated from Oregon State college In 1949, Is married and has a three-year-old daughter. 141$ E. Hoyt St Telephone 1-1137 Ermel's Colonial Furniture In Candalaria District Has Solution for Gilt Problems This Attractively Arranged Store Con Supply Practical Christmas Gifts of Many Kinds, Domestic and Imported; Plenty of Free Parking Spac and Room to Irowso Around; Open Jill 9 P.M. By B. KENNETH EVANS This is the first poet-war year that residents of the na tion,' states and local commu nities have shown s definite trend towards the purchase of practical Christmas gifts. A realization is evident that the leveling off time has come. Business Is good and economic conditions are stable, which perhaps ac counts for this trend. One of the popular commercial estab lishments, in Salem, which of fering a wide and diversified selection of practical gifts is Ermel a Colonial Furniture. 2745 South Commercial street. In the Candalaria shopping district. This store could rightfully be likened to a large storage warehouse where Santa Claus keeps his gifts for adults. And addi tional attractive shopping fea tures are: ample parking space; room to browse around to your heart's content; a well department! zed atore where it is comparatively easy to make selections; S and H stamps, and open evenings until S o'clock. "The finest gifts of aU are under the maple tree" empha sizes R. H. Ermel, owner of Ermel's Colonial Furniture. He further points out that tra ditional American furniture with that rich, warm, mellow. New England look are prac tical and ideal for solving the never ending problem of holi day gift giving. This is fur niture with endearing charm, keyed to an authentic note of Colonial craftsmanship. It is livable, loveable and designed to make dreams a reality. These Christmas gifts, with Colonial charm, include milk stools, cobbler's bench, spice cabinets, milk glass, coffee grinders. Colonial china, ash trays,' Colonial lamps and many others. Some Practical Suggestions Just a few suggestions from the large assortment of gifts of all kinds, domestic and im ported from England, Hol land, Sweden and Germany include brass plaques, jugs, plsnters, candalabra, trivets. smokers, miniatures, silent butlers, etc. In the copper classification are, also, plant ers, bowls, plaques, water cans, ash trays, tea kettles, silent butlers, etc. Sugar buc ket novelties include ice buc kets, shoe shine, cookies, nut or candy, magazine, sewing, smoker and table lamps. Wood novelties to be found at Ermel's Colonial Furniture include knitting bowls, wall racks, wall and table planters, ash trays, servers, spoon hold ers, pipe holders, butcher block, spice chest, etc. Black iron gifts include trivets, can dalabra, scones and minia tures. Lamps of all kinds in cluding floor, table, hurri cane, boudoir, novelty, pin up, atudent and piano lamps in brass, copper, milk glass, chins, pottery, maple, etc. A new stock of imperial milk glass and pictures galore (all sizes and subjects! round out only a few of the many Items that are available for prac tical Christmas gifts at Er mel'a Colonial Furniture. Offers Best Knowa Llnea Ermel's has been offering America's best known lines of traditional furniture, with a reputation for superb work manship, since the store was formally opened in Septem ber, 1951. This Includes avail able furniture of cheerful friendliness for the living room, dining room, bed room and den. "Lovely homes are lovelier when inspired with tradition al maple," stater Hr. ErmeL "We are featuring manufac turers who are recognized for the best In style, quality and dependability. Colonial maple reproductions by Heywood- Wakefield, Ethan Allen, Spra gue It Carlton, Kling, Salem House, Empire, Gold Aro, Lighthouse, Veal and Revere, represent the last word in quality and practicability, ' concluded Hr. Ermel. The establishment of Er mel's Colonial Furniture was prompted by the never end ing question: "Where can I buy Maple," which Was plac ed before Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ermel, by dozens of customers while they were operating the Salem Home furniture Co. store. According to Mr. Er mel, a decision was reached to go suburban. Accordingly they opened a new wayside furniture store at 2745 South Commercial street which mskes it possible to avoid the many parking problems with ample room for expansion, without hurting anyone. Colonial furniture was made the specialty of the store and today Ermel's offer a full selection of maple to supply the msny people who had asked them where to buy it. The store has a wide at tractive front, wth SO feet of window space. A wide con crete ramp has been built be tween '.he store and the high way line, which makes it easy to drive up to the front door for loading purchases. The inside of the store, in addi tion to being brilliantly light ed at night, is attractively decorated. One wall is cover ed with colonial pattern wall paper which la synonymous with the name of the store. The colors of this wallpaper are reproduced in the rest of the large merchandise display room. The back wall is of knotty pine in maple finish, and the other walls, shelves, counters and floor are in green, brown, beige and rose colors. Store Is Impressive When one steps through the front door of this commercial establishment its magnitude is impressive and the environ ment presents a restful and confidential feeling. One con browse around to his heart's content and, actu ally, be thrilled with the wide and diversified stock of mer chandise which is available. Ermel'a Colonial Furniture offers a number of special services including decorator counseling, custom order serv ice, free delivery and free parking. James R. Hum phrey, with many years ex perience in the furniture and decorating field will be most happy to meet with you and discuss your furniture prob lems either at the store or in your home by appointment. "515" LOUNGE Coavenlent for Tear Downtown Shopping la a Place ef Dlitlnctloa la wnica la neei soar rneiu Conveniently Located COFFEE SHOP SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS Featuring Our flakey Cheese Biscalts SENATOR HOTEL 515 Court Phone 3-4151 D A E R B O R N AREA HEAT Call PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCE CO. 3367 Portland Rd. Phono 3-5098 Again Proving Salem's Leading Newspaper Capital Journal 444 Chemeketa Phono 2-2404 FOR YOUR PROTECTION... Contact Any Member of the Salem Insurance Agents Association WE'LL GIVE YOU rSfes. for your old battery when traded In on a new GENERAL HE. , r DUTY BATTERY WE HAVE BATTERIES FOR EVERY CAR. Allowance (or your old battery Stale Tire Service 710 State St Salem, C. Dependable Business Training Paco Accounting a Business Administration Secretarial . Executive Secretarial Office Machines Selective Subects Merritt Davis School of Commerce 420 STATE Day and Night School Star! Art Hondtr Phono 2-1 41 S FREE y PARKING Msple fwitihro And 61(1 Wires W Give W Green V St CMa COLONIAL FURNITURE J74S So. CotnnrerdaJ Salem, Ore. Phone J-474J t h a ss Hsi i mo nitrniiiiT I V U IUIVUI1I COT SUCCES110N Holiday Specials Await Your Selection - . , Now at We Give W Green Stomps - Open Evenings Until 9 - Plenty of Free Parking Space HN. THE HOME! P. daW ON PICTURES Lsrge assortment of maple frame pictures Large and small, oval or square frames Pelhelms, Currier It Ives, Old Locomotive, Cars. Carriages Lovely Early American Jump Bench Eastern Maple Drop Leaf Tea Wagon With drawer, Rardrock Maple Dachshund Drop Leaf Coffee Table Eastern Hard Maple FURNITURE GIFTS Salem Maple Cricket Chair r)A QC Barrel back. I styles " ...24.50 45.00 .... 26.75 Solid Maple Cobbler Bench J A CA Eastern Maple. Salem finlah H.JU Spice Cheat Radio CA Cfl for Early Amerl can heme. Maple r Cherry. Solid Maple CAPTAIN'S CHAIRS $25-$29.50 -$34.50 Solid Maple Wind- 1 Q QC aor or Thumb- IT.TJ back Rocker Square TV Lamp Table, drawer and all-Mt shelf 31.50 MILK GLASS Ash Trsy. 1 styles 1.00 5" and Vases l.SO Salt Pepper 8hakers 2.2S Salt 4k Pepper In Basket 3.S0 I" Crinkle Bowl 3.4)0 Sugar It Creamer 4.00 Fruit Bowl, Banana Bowl .OS 12" Cake Plate, lace edge COS BLACK IRON Trivets, large assortment l.OO Trivet Sconce, single candle 1.4S Trivet Sconce, t candle 2. IS 5-Candle Candalabra 5.35 7-Cand!t Candalabra . BRASS WALL PLAQUES t" Medallion Brass Plaque 1-50 le" Brass Plaque 3-45 It" Brass or Copper Plaque 2.70 IS" Brass or Copper Plaque 4.50 17" Brass or Copper Plaque 5.85 tl" Brass Plaque 12.50 COPPER ITEMS Imported Dutch Tea Kettle S.5 In Hand Hammered Copper 1" Round Bowl 5.35 It" Oval Bowl 5.35 S-Candle Candalabra with snuffer 5.35 Viterinr ran with long spout S.3S Lilly Wall Planter 7.15 10 DISCOUNT ON LAMPS Floor Lamp, Table Lamp, Novelty Hurricanes, Boudoir, Pla-TJp, Student and Plane Lamps ... in brass, copper. Bilk glass, ehtaa. pottery, maplt, etc. Ilk w&tL 0Pj COLONIAL FURNITURE g HUI nn I tsfcakOm float W4I Miscellaneous Old Car Ash Trays Chins 45c Brass Candle Snuffer . tl.Ot Miniature Trivets .' (5c English Tea Pots China II.Ss Handmade Chair Pads 52.44 Handmade Table Mats t Sc. 11.15 WOODEN NOVELTIES French Provincial 11" Decorated Bowl French Provincial S" Snack Server Decorated Leather Thong In Handle Provincial 6" Bowl, set of 4 IS" Ball Bearing Lasy Susan, decorated French Prov. 13" Knitting Bowl, Prov. finish Pine Spice Shelf Pine C-drawer Spice Cabinet Pine J-shelf Wall Shelf Fiddle back Spoon Holder For t spoons or 4 spoons and cap and saucer Hard Maple mopping Block, round or square Guest Log, pine bind. l.SO Sugar Bucket Serving Kit r magailne basket . 9.SS Same en 1 leg stool 12.SO Sucar Bucket Ice Bucket, with glass liner. tones 3.50 Sslem Maple Knitting Bowl 12.SO 5.00 3.15 4.50 5.4)5 .ts .2.70 7.05 .as 4.95 R a