Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 12, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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Par 12
Saturday, December IX 1953
Fast Finishing WllldmetteBalliestoEdfleCPS;67-61
Big Deficit
. . hlttiDf 201 clip
We doff our moth-eaten topper this week to Lea Gallafher
I the State Industrial Accident commit ion team who fired
a 64S scratch aerie Wednesday night in the State House No. 2
league at the U-BowL Len put together game ol 235, 24S and
108 la running up hlf total,
which happened to be 202 pins
over his 152 average.
The 648 is high scratch aer
lea for the league and hit 24
pin .gam handicap also
gives him the high handicap
aerie for the league a 720.
Something went wrong in the
middle game, however, be
cause his team lost whea he
hot 245, which is also the new
league high, replacing Ratllffa
240. Incidentally, Rat lift
checked in with 60S series
which will give a healthy jolt
to his 157 average, but was
overshadowed by Len's shoot
ing. 26 AVERAGE IB ArS
A special salute this week
is Dick Phlpps, ee-manager
f the Capitol Lanes and
Salem's only l average
howler at this time and the
first since Frank Evans averaged 204 over the season three
years ago. Dick has won several titles, among them being
the Northwest Singles championship aeveral yean ago and
the alnclee championship of the city here three years ago.
Dick is throwing the most powerful ball in Salem and has
become one of the very best pocket shooters ever to bowl in
local circles. Dick is anchoring the Gardner Grocery team in
the majors and Wednesday night checked in with 881 for the
four gamea to lead his team In a sweep over tne taiem tins
Lodge. Backing him up with a fine 862 effort was Bob "Junior"
Ryan and their work resulted in a new team high series for
the year in the league as they timed 4101
The Chesterfield prize for high team series for the week has
ended at the U-Bowl and for all that it meant to the rest of the
women, the deal was run for the Herrold-Philippl team. They
won the cigarettes six times in the eight weeks the award was
made and each time they won establishing a new league high
series. In other words, every time they stepped on the alleys
they were a threat to break the league high aeries. Members
of the team and their averages: Kay Krejci 151, Virginia "Putt
Putt" Garbarino 164, Phyllis Curry 153, Shirley Laird 144, and
Beryl Muelhaupt 152. Any of you other gals in the league ever
run out of smokes just call on one of these gals; they all got
closets full at home.
Getting mnder way at the Capitol Lanes is the annual
Willamette Valley Donblea and Slnglea Handicap
Classic which will be ran off today and tomorrow. Started
two years ago, it haa been developed Into quite a alee little
tournament by Director Duane Clubman. First squad
ahoots at 4:00 today and entrlea will be accepted to fill out
squads nnttl that time. Defending champions are George
LeTourneeux in Blngles and Bob Ryan and Keith Hayes
la Donblea.
Don't forget, all bowlers, the entry deadline for the 13th
annual Oregon State Tournament is Tuesday, December 15th.
Entries must be postmarked on that date or they will not be
accepted. The state meet is being held at Albany this year so
there should be lots of teams going down from Salem. There
are actually too many tournaments for bowlers here in the
Northwest but there are three that every team should make it
a point to bowl in and those are the City tournament, the State
tournament, and the Northwest.
Mixed doubles at the U-Bowl Sunday night will see the par
ticipants sharing in a bonus from the house. Bob Haugen will
contribute $5.00 from the house for every ten couples who
enter, which will swell the prize fund considerably. Handicap
70 of 200 scratch for the men and 70 of 180 for the women.
Take the little woman dawn and bowl and if she beats you
then quit like J did, but you'll have fun.
The captain of one of the Major League teams has been
harping all year oa the subject of trying to convince one
of his team members he should quit throwing a finger tip
and go back to his conventional ball, claiming he could
shoot much better. Said member finally took the advice
so what waa the captain throwing Wednesday nlteT Yep,
that's right, a finger tip and throwing It Just as erratically
as his protege. Any comments, Tom?
Tscoma The Willamette
University Bearcats overcame
a 56-44 CPS third quarter
lead here last night to down
the Loggers 67-61. The Bear
eats trailed by as much as IS
points in the third period.
Willamette tied It up with
four left in the game on a
free throw to make it 88-59
and SO seconds later Dick Hoy
put the Cats ahead 60-SS. Aft
er Wilkerson tied it up at 60-
all the Bearcats, coached bv
John Lewis begsn to move
away from CPS.
A free throw by Jerrv Mc
Allister and a tip-in by Pete
Reed sent the Bearcats into a
63-60 lead. Then Reed hit one
free throw and Warren Moyles
hit one for the Loggers to put
the score at 64-61 with two
minutes left.
8U1I la Final Minute
Two free shots by Duane
Sheilds gave Willamette a 66
61 lead and they went iato a
stall. Near the last of the game
McAllister sank a free throw
and Willamette won 67-61.
Reed and Tom Gooding led
the Willamette attack in the
final quarter. Reed, who didn't
tart the game led the Willanv
ette scoring with 13, Shields
had 12, and Gooding had 10.
The Loggers' Bill Moyles had
25, to lead all scorers.
The Loggers built up a 20
11 lead at the end of the first
quarter and at halftime the
Bearcats were down 40-32. It
wts not until the final period
that the Bearcats really began
Again tonight Willamette
and College of Puget Sound
meet here. The long rivalry of
the two schools dates back to
the days when both played in
the Northwest Conference.
Willamette' now has a two
won and two lost record for
the season.
Mill City, Scio, Gervais
Unbeaten in Marion Co. B
subiok nwm a usooi
w L ret. W 2. Pet
Stla S S laMDaltali I I M
Oarrala S IMX caw I I Je
laffaraaa I I m cauaivs a s jn
oataa l l am at. pmi a a
BataKa af Prlaar'a taaaw: MI4 Cur M,
St. acla U. Mima ill Oat
faat aft, Datrau U: Oataa IS. Ofaiaa
aeaaal let lha Daaf M; SMaW u.
wiiumiu cm (id crs
ri ft Pf Td Ft Ft Pf To
aiihop.r siat MoyM.f io i k
CoKard.f I 1 I 1 UHII.I list
Oooo'f ,0 4 S a II Tieatn.e 4 1 I II
Hor.I 1 I 4 IUiivIi.i 2 1
ru 4i iiruhm.r iiii
smtM.r I i u win i ,i oiii
Oi.r., Ills aaat.i Sill
Tnlili 1! l IT Tottla II II II
rrta throvi nUMd: Wlllamttta II, CPS
Ualfltna acert: Vmamttta II, era IS.
Stayton vs. Madras Tonight
In Linfield Old Grads Finals
McMinnville The Stayton
Eagles meet Madras for the I
Mt. Angel Pulls
Ahead to Defeat
Tillamook 43-29
Mt. Angel Leo Buchheit
scored six points in the third
quarter to head a Mt. Angel
rally which defeated Tilla
mook Catholic,43-39, in bas
ketball here Friday night.
Tillamook led 12-11. after a
close first stanza and still had
one-point lead at the half.l
22-21. In a third quarter rally,
Mt. Angel grabbed the lead,
35-30, and led for the remain
der of the game.
Roy Hitz was high for the
Angels with 14 points, fol
lowed by Buchheit's 11. Lorn-
kin and Bailey each collected
12 counters to lead Tillamook
Mt. Angel also won the J. V.
game. 42-31, with Flerger lead
ing the way with 16 points.
TiiUMMk rata, it,) itit Mt.
tud I r t. Tri.i.r 1
WWII I T I, Frit
LomllB. II C It. Hllt
Uandalt. 3 o 11, Buchheit
Btikr. 11 a 4, r.bncr
Rf,Tvr,: Tlllimook Bon, It 1. Dttrt
l,ln 1: Ml. Antrl Rum 1. Ja-rtn.
OflitltU: Albikh tn.1 Andtrioa.
Defending Champion Mill
City la among three undefeat
ed high school basketball
teams in the Marlon County B
league after two games, hav
ing defeated St Paul, 60-42,
last night
Up there on top after one
week are Scio and Gervaia.
Scio won from Jefferson, 33
41, and Gervais whipped De
troit, 65-42.
League competition opened
Tuesday, with Mill City beat
ing Gates, Gervais won from
St. Paul, and Scio whipped
Next Tuesday, Mill City will
entertain Sublimity, Chemawa
wiU be at St Paul. Jefferson
at the Oregon School for the
Deaf, Gates, at Detroit and
Scio at Gervais. The Scio-Gervais
gsme will reduce the field
to two undefeated teams, or
Rataraa. arartao: Jtfffiaaa 1
Stela Jtr.aaaa I, ala?cr I.
jtaimma acara acta n. janan
Otllclila aataa aad strlraaa.
Gervais Victor
Detroit Gervais high school
played steady basketball to
overcome Detroit, 55-42. here
Friday night in the Marlon
County B league. ,
Gib Thompson made IS and
Gary Espe 17 for Gervais, now
in a first-place tie, while Rob
ert Lady has IS for Detroit
Jervaia jayvees Won, 65-34,
with Schmidt getting 16 for
Gervais and Merle James 12
for Detroit
Oanata (HI 4ll BalraH
It. rapMaaar. S ..P 4, Baaara
Sapa. IT P 11 Lad
Scnlaehttr, S c I. Blat
R. Kapptalar. S .-O.,.,.. S. K,tchuai
Thorn pmc is o a, Vleaara
aaurrat: DatralL-aardar ru.
Olllclala: Inland and Hall.
Lebanon Beats
Huskies 59-42;
To Play Tonight
Lebanon Six-foot-4-inch
Dale Hasenysger scored 13
points to lead the Lebanon
Warrior to a 53-42 basketball
victory over Sweet Home here
last night
Sweet Home led, 13-9. at
the end of the first quarter,
but the Warriors grabbed the
lead by the end of the first
half, 27-25. After that Sweet
Home was missing and Leb
anon pulled away. The score
was 47-31 for the Warriors, at
the start of the final stanza.
Tonight, Sweet Home is the
host for the second game be
tween the two teams.
Bob Morley scored eight
points to be high-point for an
even scoring Sweet Home
team. After Hasenyager's 13,
Murvel Stone's eight points
waa high for Lebanon.
Sweet Home won the 3. V.
game, 41-39, in the second
overtime period. Bill Lewis
bit tor nine point to lead the
Sweet Home Juniors and
Pless of Lebanon was high for
the game with 13.
Marlar. I P....
ClnUaU. I ....... .P....
SMatt. S C..
Mortal. 1 a....
Cntmbtri, S o....
Huuia: avcai Itoaia-
holai 2. Bank, 1. Daatal
Nttutral 0. Morroa 1. Hi
Camunata 1. KraMri I.
OIllclaK: Ilia, and KaUr.
.. T, Kiraua
I. CtrroU
a. aiaiocr
... t, UclTKH
a. BUi
-Kiatt a, atur-
ralar IS.
Cascade Tromps
Sheridan 64-39
Cascade High School Cas
cade beat Sheridan 64-39 here
Friday night to take the aecond
game of the season lrom the
Sheridan five. The Cougars led
all the way to notch the win.
Don Mickey led the Winners
with 16 points while his team
mate Kenyon had 14. Green led
the losers with 13. Cascade won
the Junior Varisty game 40-37.
Satrldaa IMI 4t Caaaada
Ballar. S P II. Mlckar
Xdaa. S . -P. 14. Karan
Oraaa, 11 O I, Wlppar
Bcrkty, S .........O... II, Brown
Papao, 1 0 10, Wlakla
35 Leslie Gridders
Awarded Letters
Football letters were award
ed to 35 Leslie Junior high
player at Leslie Friday. Walt
Dickson coached the Blues
while Lou DeLoretto coached
the Golds. - ,
Blue receiving letter were
Gene Shirley, Lowell Wil
liama, Larry Wright, Ward
Harris, Sack French, David
Austin, Allen Geddea, Chuck
Hammers tad, Bill Bale h.Gary
Zwicker, Larry Kimberling,
David Hall, Steve Berglund,
Bud Chapelle, Ted Foxley,
Jerry Coon, and DeVerne
Golds who were given
awards were Larry Thomp
son, Jim Robinson, Don Mars
land, Gary Petera, Dick Davis,
Bill Hazel, Bob Greer, Allen
Coblenz, Jerry Rux, Bob''
Staples, Loren Blaco, Tom
Barby, Jih Rawlings, Bob
Bayne, Al King, Dennis Piet
ers, Larry Sterling and Gary
Gates Tops OSD
Gates Gates high school
launched an effort in the sec
ond quarter which broke a 13
13 tie and moved to a 55-30
Marion County B league vic
tory here Friday night over the
Oregon School for the Deaf.
Two of Gates' starters fouled
out in the fourth quarter.
Herb Romey added 20 points
for Gates, giving him 46 in
two contests to date. Dave
Maynard notched 15 and Tee
man Heath 13 for the Deaf
In the junior varsity pre
liminary. Gates won 30-24,
with Beamish getting 15 for
Gates and Sahler 13 for OSD.
Quartertlme scores: 13-13,
28-22 and 47-38.
Oreraa S, Baal far Daal (HI (HI OaUa
McCana. T P 4, Bvina
Thompson. I P S, Barnhardt
Maroard. It c Jo, iwmtj
HMtD, II 0 1. Laraon
Laala. I O II. A. Vitl
RtBtrvaa: OSD Wbtttla. SoMar, Applt
ber: oataa O. Vail. Chanct III.
Oflldals: caopar and Mccauutar.
Sublimity Wins
Sublimity Sublimity'a St.
Boniface high school jumped to
a 6-0 lead and never was head
ed in defeating Chemawa, 43-
28, in a Marlon County B
league game here Friday night.
Ronnie Bentz accounted for
17 pointa for Sublimity, while
Tellier made 13 for Chemawa.
Three Chemawa players fouled
out in the nip-and-tuck game.
Chemawa overran Sublimity's
junior varsity, 82-29, Gallagher
scoring 16.
rbaaaaa IMI (all Satllam?
Uratucb. I .P IT, Brnta
Bcott, 4 P. a, W. P.taatcr,r '
oamnaau, I C 13, Lawlt
Morln, 1 0 S. Bfll
Swiulcr. I o I, Sullivan
Rattrvtt: Chtmawa BtnallT 111, Lap- .
lant Hi. Orbarn, ill. Ttlllar llti: Bub
Itmttr Prank til, Parrlab. Klata, U.
Rlriltrtr. j
Otriclala: Htadrta and Dtmtt.
cagies meet Madras tor tne a a a gN .
championship of the Cardinal Al DO ny UefeOTS
division at 8:30 tonight In the! n J fi m. O
annual Linfield College Old-1 Delia a) TO Oat
Grads Tourney. In the Pur-1 Tp - C
pie DWisinn Shcdd mecli I O Uptl deMCS
Culver at 7. I Alhanv Thr Aloanv Hull
In Friday night's game 'dogs opened their Bin Six sca
Stayton beat Philomath 64-44. ion Friday niKht with a 73-52
Wayne Minton had 17 for the! win over the Bend Lava Bean,
winners while Dave N. Nict-1 Albany Ird from the very start
ling had 13. For the losers 1 to Rrnb their econl win of the
Vincent had 15. Stayton led season. They will play acain to- Silvrrton Sllverton held
32-21 at halftime and then niRht at Albany. down Newberg'i Ruben Rosen
piled up a large lead. , Wilfvrt was hiiili pour in the second half to move to a
in nth .ptiAn cm.... r.ii- fn- ih. n,,iiHnc u ,u, mi 64 49 Silver Fox victory over
City was beaten 42 36 by Hal- 'while Ray Derrah had IS For!,h' visitors here Fridsy night.! Scio Scio defeated Jeffer-
aey and Willamina defeated Bend loser of 10 games in the' '"e non-comcrence rncouni- .......
51-34. Both these league last year. Ray had 16. "'""" iwarn. r o r i n g , . - .
in ih. The Rnllrii.n. won the JV clash points, mow oi mem in tne v" '
Silverton Wins
From Newberg
By 64-49 Tolly
Mill City Wins
St. Paul Mill City pulled
away decisively in the second
half to win from St. Paul in
the Marion County B league
here Friday night.
Mill City led 10-7 and 20-16
at quartertimes before stretch
ing the lead to 36-27 ss the
third period ended.
Alfred Ward, a 6-foot for
ward, scored 24 for Mill City,
followed by Elton Gregory, for
ward. mil ru, iaoi mi st. r,ai
Orrtory. M P 11, a. nmiUi
Ward. 24 P 1, o. amah
Care, I C 7. Wolf
Crook. I n I. Rambpiu
Mrlltnt I n 1, M.rtan
Rr,rvca: Mill Cltrnont. at. Pml
Scio Beats Jeff
Kami were
m. H.t'i.ood tallying 15 ?ach for Silverton. tack with 15 points at thr Log
wmm and adding strength were Rog- throughout the game,
i IL'n'.ni. Vmbenhower with 10 and John Weight had M for the los-
nerrt.h Jim Black with 11. ing i-iona. jeurrson won ine
New berg led only once, at preliminary contest 40-22.
auriM my
Mt (lln. 13 a,.... P ...
NflLMB. ft P.,,,
n Ofthl. I C ,
Mini!,. IT O ..,
Wlllsfi, O ....
fttrtrv-M Mrtni' auv
4. I. Oettl I. Htwh 1 ph
I, Olifl. 4, 1. Ha? 1
HaV.fUmt trorit aisiTiBii 3. Phtlnmnh
Ofncltlt Pttf-Mnn ftnl num.
! n) (Ml
t rh tl U II
.. 7. lrh Mn. k)r 3
. . 1. Lor tin Pmr 10
II. Vlncrni 10 i
. J. Hrrih Mtrh 1
I. Kmp R'rt'i irrrint rWnd OilKH 13.
mith WfMiIfy Puffnrft t. Rlriinirr 1. AMrmil 1 Mcnr J
minimi urnt- Arnan ai. Bttid 10.
first half. Meanwhile. Larrv B League.
mnr VwA V.. ..av TVlH fl ihfn Igarf the Srlft tit.
HsalMf (II.
rrowclitt. II ...
Mull4T. I
MtmHtoa. t
RewrvM irortni
Ski Report
Portltntl '
it riia ii
i- Sunt pi nn
. I. Palmar
... r Mrpftii
4. Murrhr
DottA I PmlU City--Orham 4.
4, Rflbinaoa 4
lltlltlmt trt Hsj'afo n CllJ
OffUIti aitM-hmtn tntj Oitoa
WltVanlmi (in m( Pa,
Baktr. 11 P
JtfhavMn. 1 r. s finnu
lJltkioMt. r :j w, ;
. o
I. a ii
i Oti-n j
OmlT I
RaTV4tf K firing,
B PovUr 1 O pr ir
Drtii-Htriii.i y in t
OfnciKla-aprM: tn4 Otrrt
Th Mk-rni k rt-
rt b tht fihr buru
Tlwkvrlltt: Rnari tCT. fhiint rfQUIfraj,
Inta: no fO Inrlif. 1 llKhi nt light
brf tM rruat PnrffWl VclnnaJ
rain irn'iimiu mi.ecl iih artnv uxly
luining to rr '.urn? torixhl in
Urmitlent tn turlaT miihtrl
I PI ill 17.), u-rsialn7ialla1 rurhlni ai
rr W to riar Prtiri Irt-
fl i"lnt rviipn a mm ami fl
'3 t risranttRi ( !) Ho aki rtporl
Wihr outlook Clotnl? trtrouah tor
day with orranonal ram or ino. tiliMla
(a euth In .nntMal la-It orraattonaH
: - . .una ii itpnttd piarM. trm rf rllurtal
um ) lo if
wiiiaioitit r Tola! ano ovtr m
irunft. trti-Ma n. to4lar an park
tin irflnt rlnutly. both ppr an4
a i) fpTtrotT rkn4
Frmajt -Mu cytQ irtrouth Aatur
1a aith lima rKhl rain or iriimi
rain and innw Wind aouth to aoulh
PrtattPi rival vatytnt
infi ifot t,x. afifrnrxi hlih ar JT
arxl nunt in ntar U
CraUr lak: Total ana U
tnrrip nm vwtrtiar anoa. fot. kilm
M Porarftgi Noilly 1w1t tbrouth
2-0. before Silverton took over
In the Junior varsity game
Silverton won, 4(1-42.
lliriaa i4t
copph. 1 p n
woit 1 p 1. Hi in forth
Kaiir C 4. Bonar
I'mMBhowar, II . .O ft, Wtixliar
Blark. u O.. ft. :rtnik
Rstaarvaa mltvrtett waatllni. Rftblm
4 HurhrMlori. Oilhati
ni Orntrn. Niabari
Ifr. I kaorian. MUlar J Martlifk T. Of-
(tciali: D Lor it la and ffravn.
Jffffraaft (ll
Marlatt. 11
Tlffke. a ..
Wnaht, 14 ,
ura a
(Ul Srla
tt. O'Rpiiii
,. I. Earl s a
4. Bain
1. Raa
11. UlklOta
Sandy Outlasts
mVui Battleground
Tht firit American linht
Weight boxing Chamoion was aalvrdar t mra tlurrtai lata uxlar
AKsa Hir-V. u L , ! . anltirda? frfs-nnt laval arint b-
crown from 1868 to 1871
' and S.'-M lat: tilth nrar .
law ntar ti, vrit t louthaaii vindt
fights lost Wight
iB Th AvKlatrd Prtui
N. Tart, laaattna Sauar Otrava
Wallara "Bu4" araltb. llla. CtBclBaall.
aulpolntatf OTlanoa Solatia, in. Rata
na la
Watt Palat llaarb Dal PlanMan. ItT,
St raul. aultMtatad Cblaf Craay Marta.
It Caral oahlaa. Pla . II.
M.laaaraa Aulutttna Arcnta, 111.
Spaia. kanakas ant Pat Para. llla. An
ttratia, 4.
Ssndy Sandy high school
led all the way In a close non
conference baiketball gam
here Friday night, winning 46
41 by fighting off a rally by
Battleground high school
Don Meyers located the bas
; ket for 21 (mints and Bill Rich
jardson added 11. Massie msde
IS tor Battleground.
East Lansing. Mich. Long
est scoring play of the IBM
Michigan State was a 70-yard
punt return by halfback Jim
I Ellis against Oregon Stat.
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