400 Sabm Fens-Manor fflrirciM i Is ASSOCIATED HESS UNITED PRESS -Salem. Oregon. Saturday, December 12, 1953 Pat 11 The Sportmeter By A. C. JCNtS, Capital Journal Sports Editor IT COULD BE WORSE: . When The Crest Scorer picks Hit All-Americans And writes sgsinst their names. He will not look at the clipping pile Whence came their gridiron fames, rtu rno wvarDvunnve I1 1 .IMCDTnu Twenty-nine players have made the first team of either one All-American selection or another, according to our annual "consensus All-American'' made up of six of the best Known piCKers. aim unnearo irom.is me saiuruay evening Post, upon which we have waited patiently to produce its favored 11. but we'll be surprised if a variation occurs, mf vat six participants an 'i "t PAITI. filFI. , Everybody's All-American the Associated Press, United Press. International News Service,, Sporting News, Look and Colliers mira sines. Only Look has the outright flippancy to name (2, recognising like others lk dan.. In wnl v,4 1ft saying "these eleven are the oest oi tnousanaa. idb now take the place of Look's aausl first, second, third teams and honorable men tions. We think It note worthy that of It named only once to a first team, nine were on Look's dream team of Z2, Including such aeldom-knowns a s Jerry Hllgenberg, Iowa center; Ed Meadows, Duke tackle; John Carson, Georgia and; nil Sf.n ftik fflP nil. It also was the only to choose Milt St.ei.re .f W.ahlnwtAn vnaiM - i , The A.P. stuck with the majority this year except for ena aim Money ox atanxorar Deing, me omy one, to name BODDy uarretts pass receiver, tasrrett got only on looks. It was the A.P. which was alone in selecting Washington's Don nvinricn a zew years oacit. COLLIER'S LISTENS TO COACHES yji an tne memoas ox arriving at 11 good ana true piayes, we think the Collier's system is the dandiest for It most nearly 4.1- 1, .t U. V. I L. Ull.i.t. D 11.. v.j votes In both the A.P. and United Press polls but knew that we would hsve to base it on what we heard and read, al- auvu.u rwm wan ( n vunn lUlllQi mu fl J , t - once except Southern California. For example, the day we saw UCLA's Paul Cameron he disappointed us, but he was one of three to get on all first teams. Strange Isn't it, thst Cameron broke all UCLA's yardage records except thst of Kenny Washington, yet Washington, a Negro, was left off ine Au-Amencas oi nis nay. nrnfl aw m Mvmnne nt vifartxii ttifu Collier's 64th All-America was selected by the American football Coaches association of 327 coaches, based first on their on-the-field observations, scouting reports and studies vi .am. lauvm. ine uixre news eervicea, n.r., u.r., ana i.rt.S)., SOUCltea votes of sports writers and radio broadcasters who subscribe 4m 4h.l- Look listed its 22 from votes of the Football Writers As sociation of America with a membership of 700 who reported regularly to the association's secretary. At the end of the season a committee and Grantland Rice sorted the findings, and presto, hyar they are. Sporting News polled ISO football writers, sportscasters nu, wt mti ycvvic, iiuviikitj' timeia. Se we find that the only ones getting unanimous se lection are three backs and a lineman: Tackle 8tanley Jones of Maryland, Johnny Lattner of Notre Dame, Paul del of Minnesota and Cameron of UCLA. Getting five of six first teams were End Don Dohoney of Michigan State, Gnard J. D. Roberts of Oklahoma, and Goard Craw ford Mims of Mississippi. SIX ALL-AMERICANS FOR THE PRICE OF NONE I i n II i nTHH ssasTassWMssasssMasl gssasssssssssssssssssl il ill ansssaaaaaa at iGuests Sinq Praise Ur Coaches, Players Coaching Clan Among those the at the banquet were Kip Taylor, Oregon State Caller ioh . n n. c, i i ouno line coach; Hank Juran, backfield coach; and Lee Gustation, head coach. Taylor coached both Gray and Gnstafson at OSC. V.. it) veaWil al sb ' Milk I rain niik "uo ' viking uit, ucaa tapie. rney are, left to right, Don Zeh, Rod McClelland, Jim Person, Bill Jacobsen and Dell Funk. They were' part f 4 Varsity players attending. 12 Bouts Listed on Next Amateur Card Wednesday Battling (Willie! Nelson for. Pos. Player School AP UP INS Look E E Z E E E E T T T T T G G G G G C C C il B B B B B B B B Dohoney Morley Massey Collier Carson Buck Meilinger Jones Shananfclt Hunter Smith Meadows Roberts Mims. Fleck Bohart Correll Morris Hazeltine Mich. St. Stanford Texas Norwstrn, Georgia COP Kentucky Maryland Penn. NJDame Baylor Duke Oklahoma Miss. Syracuse Wash. Kentucky Ga.Tech Calif. X X X X X X X X X X Hilgenberg Iowa Lattner N.Dame X X X X X1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Col liers X X X X X 8p. News X X X X X X X X X X Giel Minn. Cameron UCLA X X V r ... r Caroline Illinois Johnson Rice Faloney Maryland Ameche Wisconsin X Garrett Stanford x Parker i Miss. Stat v DISTRICT SCHEDULES SHAKEN UP High school football schedules were juggled thoroughly, In fact junked, when the South Salem slste wss drawn np and among other things it caused an interruption In the , historical rivarly between Eugene and Corvallis next sea son. It also means North Salem wont play Eugene next year, and that South Salem will pick up the Axmea, then in 19SS both Salem schools will meet Eugene. A conflicting week-end will find both Salem teams plsy- Ing at home, causing North Salem to play Bend here Friday night, Oct. 15 and South Salem to play Lebanon here Saturday ........ me oia uame oetween north anil Km.th G.I. .m mvriy Hum oaiem, will be matched against undefeated Phil Mover in the feature box ing match at the nesdav nlcht in th lumui amateur card of the season. Mover Is the nenhear of Tnm my Moyer, who was national aau iigntweignt champion in 1840. The sard alas will 4t,ir. . return match between Howard Meredith nf Alhanv mnA Millberger of the Portland Ath- leuc league cluo. Millberger, knocked out by Meredith at their last meeting here, intends to get even with the other heavy welterweight. Other bouts arranffprf hv th state employes' association are as follows: Amos Lincoln. nnrlhw, welterweight champion, a heavy middleweight. Carlton Lincoln la,t Oregon lightweight champion. jesse womack, last year's winner In Salem at the .ri-,. manship trophy. Macy Walker, runnemn In the Oregon AAU tourney. Don Do Lion lieht vriiA. weight who fought for the Woodburn training school and who has beer in military serv ice. ' Dennv Mnvep h,ntk . Phil. Who imnresgeri fan In hl last appearance in Salem at 122 pounas. John Cate. 126. who won the sportsmanship award at the Portland Eaeles ihnur l.t month. Jim Puscus of Riitfpni, hrntn. er of Jack Puscus, AAU state chamnion. Albany is exoected tn hrlns ouier Doxers, siong witn the Multnomsh Athletic cluh and Vancouver American Legion and Portland Ramblers. SOCE Whips OCE 88-73 In 1st Game Monmouth Southern Ore gon College of Education, oaced by Center Leon Keefe who svureu 40 DOlnLs rnll1 aim,. OCE 88-73 here Friri nih noives were lea by Frank urove wnn IB points. The Raiders led . .. ena oi the fu-st quarter behind Keefe. Bmre Hnfr,n ..j v Kimura. They led 42-35 at half- wine ana oj-ao at the end of three. SOTF. hurf i - i. to 24 by the Wolves. The two teams clash again tonight here. Ttath Oregon Collegiate Conference games. Basketball 'Scores SOCC (M) Hoftlnfl.f Niwtaa.f KU.c 11 I Klmurt.t 4 flmtt.r S RartBl'r.f Sprlnt'rf S Tlti. 0 Prlet.r 1 Kent,f t BfttM.1 1 1 UcKn .t a I Oroft.f $ a it rruti.c t 13 Orb's. 4 f RIcp.i l 4 10 AtftQJtr.f o Nlrn,I 1 5 Dit1i, t 1 1 Pinion, t t 3 IWIlMD.f 1 1 1 1 mi Art Ft Ft ft TP TBttlt 14 u n ToUli ( n n Frpe throwa mined: aoci it. OCE 14. Halftlm. awori: OCI 42, OC1 . OfriclftU: Kolb and WlUlmi. Wapiti Bowmen Reelect Schmidt Lebanon Mplvin Schmidt was reelected president of the "apm uowmen this week at the annual mootinir nthr nffi. cers named were C. Sandoval, vice president; Martina Mcr xenlch. secretary' Jim FalUr treasurer; Lewis Parks, board ! ,0 far uireciurs memoer, ana Mar Wold port Hands balem Academy 47 to 43 Loss Waldport Waldport high school surged ahead in the second quarter of a rough game here Fridav nioM Salem Academy, 47-43. Waldport's tactics paid off by cowing the improving Cru saders, who led 10-8 at the end of thef irst niiarl.r w. im port bumped its way to a 25 17 halftime, lead and was ahead 37-30 as the final nerlnrf began. Virail Fadenrech. rnmiii.i Salem Academy guard, scored 21 points, many of them on long shots. This gives him a total of 38 for the tun rur scoass' (Br Th, AiucliUd FrMa) Xntppa 41, Corbstt 40 CiwtD, u, HsdlonS as Dsn,, 4S, Tillamook 4) Phoenix It, Jaek,ODVlU St CeiL".,iCJ1,IWUc Oawaa M (loth Outoa 44, mull Look! la Klamkth Falls so, R,no lHif.1 4 UtMuuitiii, , priaima (r-onlaa4) Mt. Anid 41. TllUwok Cithollo ss WUdpori 47. SmlliB Acxlur 41 SOpliloa II, UcKanil, 7 Bubllmitr u, chnw II OtMh.m U. Jtll.r.on (PortbaS) 41 eilrtrton It, HnMl " Manilt AM. -,. . . . ElI!" ",",""t (PonLmi) , LaOrimla It, Sou. uaMol u Slbuir IS. Bend M Alrlt, 17, SI CorvtUM si, aptluruio II North hunon 10. Woodburn 17 Th. Dll 7. HUlibor M (onrtlm.) Talodo SI, SUala at Lincoln (PorUand) II. imi&rUm al urn c so. at. raui " Pralrl. Cltr 40. aHteh.ll If w"."?" w',', nen-M-Sclo II, Jeffaraon 41 Vancouver (Waan.) 14, Oranl (Fori- land) SO OakrklK, 41, Crater 41 St. Franoia (Cuiana) 44. Mra4 Baart Junction Cltr 14, Irrala 4S CraiwaU 17, Harrlabari 41 Kaaiucca 40, Banka Is lowllmal Columbia Prep iPorUand) H, sar areen IWaah.l TJmapin. II, stanfleld II Or.uU Pm, 4, j,rihltM 4, Wlllametu (lotenal II, Aahland 41 Jeaalda S7. Benaon (Portland! SI xatacada II, Concordia (Portland) r Foreit cirno 14. ScappooM to Pendleton 11. Frlne,llle II Mt Vernon 41. Crane 11 Redmond H, Harmlaton II COLUGS BASKKTBALL r. ylS' """"" DCLA II, AHaona 41 r.llfnrao a - - S li Brlaham Toum M, Teaaa Chrlatlaa tt t 14 Utah 17, Lorol. iua Aneele.l la '" "a Paelllo 111 Southern California 44 Hawaii 11 S. D"!'.J"-" " at.te fcatti. OnlTemtr II, ppp,rdi, H willamett. 17. Pua.l Bound ll waahlnilon Btata 14, Oonaaia 41 . lt'rL"tll,'W "' V'H"' Otah state II. nerada Chlco stau 77. Lota and Clark Is SOUTHWEST W 71 wee u. Aam Roniton state TT Auitln 1! central adaeourl wromlni 11. Clelinton II RIO Grand. 114, Blullton 11 South Dakou II, Buen. Vletl II (overtlmel Horth n,,n. e, , RAKT ieaanera el SOUTH north Carolina 71, William t Mtrt II. LlafUll Orad.' TanrnaeHnl Madraa . Keahkahnle 44 Jtarton 44, philomath 44 wniamma 41, Darton 14 Ahedd II, Mors II culver 11. llaupln 41 Ntvnnvf 1, rw.,, .. Halaer 41. Palla Cltr 14 niendal II, Oakland 10 "HI Cltr 40. St. Paul 41 Oerrau II. Detroit 41 Jlatea II. Deaf ekhool 14 Leeanon H. Sweet Home 41 - de- be Nov. 5. the season'. n.i.. v.-h v.... . ?Id Rymond, Oregon Bow games at home. ' " "I?"" represenUtive. fames at borne COMPARATIVa RCHEDULES North Salem Bigs Sept. 17 At Corvallis Sept. 24 Astoria (tentative) Oct. 1 Sweet Home here Oct. 8 At Lebanon Oct IS Bend here Oct 22 Gresham here Oct. 29 At Albany Nov. 8 South Salem here Soath Salem Bigs Albany here Sweet Home there At Bend Eugene here -Oct. 18) Lebanon here At Milwaukle Corvallis here North Salem here Karmen Smallwood paced waldport with 14 points. The Academy junior varsity won its preliminary, 27-24, leading all the wy to hand the Waldport B squad its first loss. Trnnhv awarrl wanl n flu. club members who killed deer with bow and arrow this sea son. They are Clayton Carpen ter, Rollie Smith. Paul MrCar. thy. H. M. Swartz and Mel Schmidt. Ti ,. . .... . . !Scftrei . -" - m'ww, a. ..t,r, i ,. shoot of the season and slated i regular shootine everv Mnnd.v 1 1"'."'""- " . 1 irnniiiw. i and Friday evenings in the "'"e armorv i Wallace. Pitrra. Neuf, " ' Offluala. B.ua and Humphtir. wcnrKer. (Ill rallp.rl . 4, Cummiaaa .... 4. Pollett ...... II. Brar 14. BmaUveod 3 . II. Barter . O. Viking Basketball Team to B& Guest Of Breakfast Club Coach Harold Hauk and the Salem high school vsr sity bssketball team will be guests. Monday morning of the Salem Breakfast club, to meet at the 8enator hotel. Hauk Is expected to ex plain how his team has won Its first tws games despite a "lack of height." This will be the last SBC meeting nntil after the holi day season, according to E. E. Batterman, president. Br A. C. JONES (Capital Journal apotu Bditort Next vear'a twn Rlm hint. School foothall tenma kau. . goal today of working for recognition like that given the 1953 Vikinaf .mm VriAmv at a public banquet at the Arm ory. i Four hundred Mnaiu resenting 21 civic orianizatinna aim nuaceitaneoua Tana nairi tribute to the ahilitv int.m. gence, sportsmanship and mor al qualities of the team which thrilled Salem fan. k..i. .... UUU 10 victories before falling be fore the state champion Central Catholie in th. i finals. Throuehout the mniHiu lng, one-hour program follow ing a buffet-style luncheon, ran toasts from players and guests alike tn h. ..ki.. staff Lee Gustafson, Al Gray and Hank Juran. "We Wanted to Win" Our COarh. thraiiel, Ik.l. , . w ..,. ..tn. heln and suidanr. tnixrke ... many lessons we will carry all our lives," said Tom Pickens, a center aelpwinn , v. -1 , .. uie nu-autvc firSl team, speaking for .this j4 a twin.. "We felt we wanted a win ning season, but more than that we wanted to be a credit to our eommunlrw ami .... - SChOOl." he V..tin,,.rf That thev wer. . nrii ... testified bv Head rn.oh n... tafson, who in his third season at oaiem airected the high-spirited Vikinm to diitrirt aH m Six tiUes. "No one haa isiVA kaoU me at anv time, far mi, kr.. were not only in good physical uui, in uio tiesi mental condi tion for winniner " n.,,tn. confided. References tn fnnikaif era being dumb ar. ; tint I.,,. here, he added, for the squad averages weu above a 3, com parable to better than a B ,v. erage.. "They pride them selves on winning In the class room, too." ' The head ennrh mkA m.111 move to the new South Salem I Hlflh next v.nr bm ii Catholic still is talking about ,pwi tsiiiaiunip snown oy our bova. Th.r. ing or loss of temper" In that """" piayoir game. "You Will h. nmnil A4 tt.. boys who come back next year, w, tier conciuaen. Sees Good T..m. in ioki The 17 Junior lettermen who win return naa mu Burkland an end. tn amiBir 4n ,i Burkland termed it "an honor na wrui to play with the Minna wno -worked as team and nnl ,. . , . .va .rdeviiai Siury. "Next year will find teams almost as good despite dividing the high school," Burkland predicted. "The fellows will be playing hard er" and there will be "enough material for good teams" at both schools. "Foothall la (n C.I -- -" uaiciu tt, stay," he affirmed. ai taray, line coach under Gustafson and who will remain at North Salem High as head grid coach, advised that "if they keep that spirit up we will have a great team next year." Mayor Al Loucks, master of ceremonies, read a letter from Oouelaa MrKnv tr a c t,ry of the Interior, who sent his greetings from Washing ton. D. C. Guests nresent whn lm,H wie capital city prepsters were Kip Taylor, Oregon State col- coacn, ana Ted Ogdahl. Willamette university coach, COUld not attend hx.o.. .a . speaxing tour previously in curred. Taylor Praises Coaches TSVlor. Whn fnar.V,aA I ,1. . -, vv.,VU MULI1 uustaison and Gray at OSC, said he has knnom n,,Diar.J for five years and respected his aouity. ur uray he declared he "has never known . in.. u dividual in all my years of cuacning. To Salem fans ha issued a warning: "There may come a time when Salem umn'i orin Then you will build sports manship," Taylor said In urg ing continued support. Taylor's Beaver, whn aim hadn't scored after five games mis year, then defeated Idaho, scored on Michienn sin. mnA heat WSC snd Or-gon. After five games, Taylor said that Dr. A. L. Strand, th. roll... president, cited the coach's two-point program. this, Dr. Strand explained. was "(1) Doing a terrific ink oi Dunning character; and (2) Doing the best Ink nt pnasuing offensive foothall I ever nave seen. Ogdahl observed that Ha lf m High plavers had "a wonderful spirit" which car ried them through the threat of defeat often. The William ette coach noted the Albany gams In which the Vikings, behind six points and mak ing a goal line stand with III, fnlnntM a,m,l.l. drove the length ef the field Uwln. The 40 varaltv 1.v.r t. coaches and three student man agers received "Certificates of nccwnpiisnmeni ' from the cit izens Of Salem traa.l ....... to hang on the wall. They read iu nroBniiinn rtr nniian.i dividual ability, exemplary -r" Huiiaiianip, mgn moral pur pose and outstanding team work." Ken Bronhv .nit tv.m n.. junior varsity coaches, mciuaea with the staff Stan Schofield nnu..i uim junior Chamber of Com. merce, initiators of the ban. OUet. mmAm 4k m . . . iJtcacntiuoit, Testimonial Letter Siraeel Mayor Loucks asked organ- ixatoinal nraiiHanl. a. .i testimonial letter, which was i.miea oy zi, including the mayor as city head. , The Rev T. M. Gebhard, - - vtu Ma ajutnexan church, gave the Invocation aaiem High yeU leaden led eneer. They were Mike Benedict, Mac Baker Chuck Puhlman. Bev Lamb! Sharon Beard, Mary Kay Brown and Pat Gordon. The program, arranged by Chairman Bill Byers. went off With cl00lrtVT1r 1 . , , - j.siajuo. Wen finishing 15 minutes aheadof The Salpm Trial, HM i . 20 membert played during the , vcv Vj victor .Fai- mason. Nohlffrn'si i-satta....K4v v.j ine food service contract EST AC AD A WINS, -ST ' stacada tk v. uncial n" defeated ConcordU S2-S7 here Friday night In the nonleagu basketball ter. Gary Ames led th. t.. ers with IS whli. nm ci.-i.7 ... uuiuair bed 18. In the iunior arsity game Estacada won 8S-37. Vildngs Enter Oregon Swim Ciltt G00dmffl'sl Ca.1aM lalL swimroins; team is competing , ' -- arniuat atax swim ming meet .1 h. tr-i or Oregon In Eugene. The Vi kings will meet more than a dozen other ton hi.k .. the tntet. K!m Peced.by Day, Kromer. a iunin. k. mPy relay and the 40 u'y along with the retays. The Viklnas hav. . t- won, two lost, and two tied record tor the regular season. The nr.limin.- . scheduled for lo thU moraine With tkai 4ti---1- a.L.1- ----. . attuat. mis arternoon. West Linn mmn th. ei.-, eet, then Benson of Portland. . Grant of Pnrti.- t.m 1 Portland, and in the last two vrrant naf won. Dallgs Outscores Tillamook 49-43 In Non-Leaguer ' Tillamnnk if- . - iub -JBliaS Dregons scored a 49-43 victory nva. Tut.-, i rr' , vni wr JTlOay night In . imia.-... - came. The Drason'a. - n.-ki i Gordy Kunke, led aU the way to grab the win. n.ri,y mVchofl- ed the " " , w. wtui dn points white his teammate Herb Brand had 13. Jerry Johnson had 18 for the losers. The Dragons led 18-1 at the end of the first period, .7 U at halftime, and 38-33 at the end of the three. Tillamook won the preliminary game 43. 34 over the Dallas Junior Var sity. - .. . naua. (4 . Im t a. ."::::::S:::n-v:"iaf. llf,"ta,, m'-Da" tt. TUlaama APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 r?n ""yee and Walt aaus. Owrwae. CONCRETE MIX-RITE -Ph. 4-1317 VIESKO SAND R..dy-Mix Corete. Snd. Gr.v.1. Cr, Rock t - "vfif Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-6 HOWSrR lift .... Garden TUlerg . Power Mower, p.. . . mMor..8.nd.J..f.f?.:.P,Lnt Air Com. Sharpening Repaid oaT.;." F100R COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAMTOL rtOOR COVMINGS -117 1 H.0H ST. , BstlmatesGUdlvmai IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 b , yrrLT vo. 18 10 LANA AVL Wjter Systein--Deep WeU Turblnef Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pine Galvanized Pipe .d Fittlngs-WATER WELL TKTINO Complete Sendee oB Any Pumping louirt OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 d!,MUnti' C"cuIto". Aceountint Machines -SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICr EQUIPMENT CO., S31 COURT W. "JOE" LAND PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING t HEATING Repslrlng 3SSChem.k.U Contacting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 COLORADO PAN-SAN at the SAN SHOP 24 NOW tnm W. aiv Pan,, C ... a,, via. "tamps UO L IkWh PHARMACIES Ph. 3-J157 UO S. Ubsrt, 3.0 twrt, Dsnhi. 2440 (mr. Msdlcil CsgfH 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally i ,a n 8 00 A M. to 11:00 P.M. 130 S. Liberty Stors i Open 13.00 to 3:00 PM. and 8:00 PM. to 0 00 PM. All Sundays and Holidays We "Al Oru Ph. 3-7577 PffrliA Dan.!. """""vrM" Civ.-" '" gumns MITCHELL'SRodio-Talavl.loi-.1880 Srot. Motorolo Dealers tar kW r. . . """mi sistTrif Pick up end Delivery TELEVISION lltX0 PL M9i3 03 Fairgrounds Rd In Woodburn at 171 Grant Hi DUMONT TELEVISION SETS ' . Featuring MOTOROLA . RCA VICTOR . HOTTMAN 4J . I ; 1 n I