Pactl Club Party On Thursday A no -host dinner, followed by dancing, was featured at the ' family Chrlitrou party of the West Salem Women's club at the Wert Salem city ball Thurs day night Gifts were exchanged among members and It was decided that basket would be pre pared by the group for a needy family in West Salem at Christ mas. On the committee were Mrs. Feglnald Garrett, Mrs. Robert Covert, Mrs. Ernie Thomas, Mrs. Irl Folsom, Mrs. Lynn Furbuih and Mrs. Reginald McDonald. . To Elect Officers Woodbura The annual election of offficers for Ever green chapter No. 41. Order of the Eastern Star, will take place at the regular meting Monday night, December 14, at the Masonic temple. There will also be Christmas party and gift exchange. Refresh ments will be served by the past matrons. Committees in charge will be Mrs. Harlow Dixon, Mrs. Arthur Burt, Mrs. Willard Atwood, Mrs. George D. Jones, Mrs. Ora T. Morris and Mrs. Nettie Johnson. COLORADO PAN-SAN . . at the SAN SHOP $26.50 SHICK SHAVER NO. 20 $21.50 and your old shaver Use our Lay away Flan a small amount will hold your selection until Dec. 19th Schaefer's Drug Store 115 No. Commercial St Open Dally 1:e A. M. to P.M. Sunday A.M. to 4 P.M. 8 Come To Factory aasmsenMlve wW be In ear stare all beam pcoduals for yea. Come in, let os show yiBl t-aw aj TaaA aoaaaoi S a m Ma M m HWW IrlrrlVlsl IVMspV RIW MW wVYlnf I tSunbeoix ironmaster Mean Available la two 4 lbs; or Ugbrtrweight, clM-HabrirllatN lMlbsi COFFEEMASTEI it's auUMnsdd Yob caal lilt Perfscl coffee every nme 1 cap to a. No watching oo worry; All geea-like chromlom plate; No glau bowli to brealu 166 COOKER Cooks eggs lit urn i ii j alia exactly as yoa t yj Has s all aatoauu- Sf' lotlly.Vaiysoft.BMdiuia, if bard or any -Wares la bat a see, t sag capacity. in 111 p nap aip. isi .i it- ; 1 Heads Scout Council Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, above, recently was elected president of the Santiam area council of Girl Scouts. Mrs. Spaulding has been active in the Scout work since the council was first established In this area. Offices recently were moved to Salem. (Jesten Miller studio picture.) Give Sunbeam -and jf You'll Give the Finest! WIS CHRISTMAS! Our Mooa 10 MIXMASTER Hat the exduiivo larger BOWL-FIT beaters for EVEN sailing, greater AERATION, and lighter, higher, f iner-testaree qoKKer, stars irons festtn MM la 10 eecoadi) Thome-tip heal reg. alaior la haodlt, cool, eeiy-to-aet, eoavoniaody marked for all rjrps iabricai tmim tor ttlndt, without popping or bang ing. Ewy tlict alike moist, dry, thick slices r thin. dunbeam WAFFLE BAKER Automatically I snakes 4 delicious, I good-iued waffles at one time. No eoonuioo, waiting or delay buoeon 1 seme 4 people k cooks! It deep tries! Does things better. Has greater eoerumen Use at every day for cooking, deep frying, as a bun warmer. Steamer, etc. Bring yonr Shavemaster In for a free cleaning and oiling by a factory representative All Day Sal., Dee. It. Missionary Group Silverton Meeting next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, will be the Immanuel Lutheran Woman's Mission ary federation, at the fireside room of the parish house. - A brief business session Is to be followed by a joint meet ing of the WMF group, and the Immanuel Men's club, for the observance of their annual Christmas party. The program is to begin at 8 o'clock. Hostessess are to include Mrs. H. K. Funrue, Mrs. Her man Gottschlk, Mrs. George Brandt, Mrs. Monroe Hanson, Mrs. Andrew Hollin, Mrs. C. E. Jorgenson, Mrs. George Walker and Mrs. Jonas By-berg. SATURDAY Let ws serve you a free omb of sJoIMoim eoffeo made In the stow Sunbeam Coff oomastor. Sunbeam ' TOASTER Antomstic Beyond Belief! All you do is dropio tbt bread. Brtmd hu'irs itstlf Jtin pmib. Tst with one bakina ft SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER It shaves closer, cleaner In Ira time than any other method. nifties ft ft ft 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea. Orfi ALUnit Reports Activities Members of the Salem unit No. 138, American Legion aux iliary, met for combined business and social event In the Salem Womaji's club, Thursday night. Chairmen reporting during the business meeting were Mrs. James Delaney who told of the poppy poster program; Mrs Dan Psntovich, ways and means; Mrs. A. B. Chapman, child welfare, who reported that the club bad donated a to tal of 131 worth of clothes and $10 Worth of bedding to child welfare; Mrs. Harrie Hend ricks, rehabilitation chairman, announcing that the unit would send gifts to veterans In the TB hospital. .Monday, December 14. three members of the auxiliary will spend the day in the Portland Veterans hospital wrapping gifts for veterans. The group also voted to send $10 to the Marion county well baby clinic. They also agreed to purchase a new history .book for use by unit members. Junior chairman, Mrs. Fred Matthieu, reported that the lun iors will meet Saturday, De cember 12 at 10 a.m. in the basement of the Woman's club house. Girls are asked to bring a sack lunch. Gifts will be ex changed. The sewing group will meet Tuesday, December 15, at the home of Mrs. Bert A. Walker for a no-host lunch at 12 noon. A Christmas party will follow. It was also announced that the executive board will meet January 7 at the home of Mrs. Jack Simklns. An exchange of gifts and the singing of Christmas carols fol lowed the auxiliary business meeting. Committee chairmen were Mrs.' Harrie Hendricks and Mrs. Leslie Beard. They were assisted by Mrs. Walter Esplin, Mrs. Carlton Roth, Mrs. Bert Walker, Mrs. Joe Marcroft and Mrs. John CattralL Party on Monday Mt. Angel Court Marion No. 718, Catholic Daughters of America, will entertain members at the annual Christ mas party Monday evening. December 14, following the regular business session at 8 o'clock at St. Mary's school. The evening program will include entertainment and re freshments. Members will conduct a gift exchange, and will also bring canned goods for the St Mary's parish Christmas baskets for the needy. Arranging the party will be the social committee, Mrs. Al- vin Saalfeld, Mrs. Carl Ful ler, Mrs. Raymond Rothen- fluch and Mrs. Alois Kirsch, assisted by Mrs. J. W. Mcln tyre, Mrs. Alcuin May, Mrs. Vincent Smith, Mrs. Joseph Schmttt, Mrs. William Fessler, Mrs. Henry Geek, Mrs. Ben Ackerman, Mrs. J. D. Hauth, Mrs. Ralph Stenger and Miss Margaret Traeger. ... OES Elects Albany Election of offi cers was conducted Monday by Barzillai chapter No. 18, Order of the Eastern Star, at a spec ial meeting at the Masonic tem ple. Mrs. Harold Fisher was el ected worthy matron; Richard McDonald, worthy patron; Mrs. Peter Ployhart, associate ma tron; Peter Ployhart, associate patron; Mrs. Violet Huntley, secretary; Mrs. Leone Camp bell, treasurer; Mrs. H. A. Pontius, conductress, and Mrs. Lars Fredericksen, associate conductress. Installation of officers will be January 9 at the Masonic temple and will be open to the public. ... Betrothal Told Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dillow of Silverton, are announcing the betrothal of their daughter, Miss Donna Jesn Dillow, to Paul Ander son, son of the Carl Andersons of Evans Valley. No date has been set for the wedding. rjvr Tur t We V III GIFT OF Thie Chriitiaae. arigbtoa Ibo bfcofobaH atheawigWeod orawaioi ilnawpo M7, modmMtr-priMd Znitht Ms nsoyel-f-t aitti vaeo lobe saedelel 71 each. Otn aba eaouy aA attraeti.. Gift Certificate. aaHeroctioe, aeeaiwl oadei am Jil HIAJUN0) AIM I Haul il Today's Menu Shiny green beans, delicate ly flavored, point up this menu. CO Mr AX I BINMU Veal Chops Mashed Potatoes Snap Beans, Italian-stylo Buttered Squash Crusty Bread , Frosted Almond Cake Beverage Snap Beans, Itallaa-Style Ingredients: 1 pound snap beans, N cup boiling water, teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon wine vinegar, pepper. Method: Cut ends from beans; scrub in cold water. Slice beans in half lengthwise to make thin strips; then cut In half crosswise. Add to water and salt; bring to boll; cook rapidly, covered, until tender crisp T to 10 minutes. Drain off small amount of water re maining. Return to skillet with oil and vinegar; toss, well and reheat; add more salt if neces sary and pepper to taste. Makes 4 servings. ... Dinner Guests Silverton Miss Marjory Johnson, recently from Illi nois, now of Salem as Girl Scout executive director for the Santiam area, and Mrs. John VanDeleur of Portland, were special guests at dinner Tuesday of the Charles Ma sons. Mrs. Charles Mason was re cently appointd as assistant district chairman of scouting, in meeting called here by Miss Johnson. Mrs. VanDeleur is the mother of Mrs. Mason. o Recitals Sunday' Mt. Angel Mrs. David Traviss will present her music students at twp Christmas rec itals Sunday December 13, at 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Par ents of the children partici pating are Invited to attend. Students taking part in the programs are, Patsy Aman, Shirley Aman, Dorothy Baum gartner, Bob Blem, Charlotte Butsch, Kathleen Butsch, Peg gy Butsch, Jean Ebner, - Jer ome Ebner, Mary Ann Ebner, Barbara Etzel, Charleen Fish er, Joan Fisher, Virginia Hauth, Suzanne Holier, Caro lyn Humpert, Joan Jaeger, Maurita Jaeger, Mary Ann Kloft, Geraldine Lulay, Jean- ette Lulay, Marie Meissner, Rose Palmer, Sandra Prosser, Lois Schmltt, Dale Traviss, Diane Wilde and Donna Wilde. ... SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Adams are to have as their house guest over the Christmas week-end, Mrs. Peggy Scott of Portland, a lormer local resioeni. TBT... TOMRSHURK" For Lasting Hair Beauty mini mimr tuna SHOPPING CENTER CLASSIC BEAUTY. SET TO FRAGRANCE (I r, Dorothy Graf PAW YOW DOWTm fa WT' .nr 1 nniT Dottmi "" S40T UUSTUTtO) aiUSTtATtO) ew.r'a. Treas Miss Gutbrod and Mr. Amos Married Snerldan If las Frances May Gutbrod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gutbrod, Sr., of Sheridan, and Kenneth Amos, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ot to Amos of Sargeant, Nebr. were married Wednesday, Nov ember 23, In the Sheridan Lutheran church, by the Rev. George W. Mathlasen. The double ring ceremony was reaO before ISO friends and relatives. The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a white sailn wedding dress with fit ted bodice and long train. The fingertip veil was held in piece witn a crown of seed pearls. The bride carried a Bible topped with an orchid. Miss Annette Ehnes was flower girl and John Kouvie ring bearer. Miss Doris Jean Subs of Sheridan was maid of honor, and bridesmaids were Mrs. Doris Bundy and Miss Barbara Byrkit, both of Sheridan. The maid of honor wore a blue net frock with a stole of the same color and carried a bouquet of chrysanthemums. The brides maids wore pink net dresses with pink .stoles and carried chrysanthemum nosegays. Neal Sanders of Sheridan was best man. John Gutbrod, Jr., of Sheridan, brother of the bride, and John Peterson were ushers. Baskets of orchid and yel low enrysanthemums. and can delabrums decorated the church. Miss Charlotte Brandt played the wedding music and accompanied Mrs. Allen Brown, the soloist Mrs. Gutbrod wore an aqua dress with pink accessories and a pink carnation corsage. The reception was at the Legion hall after the ceremonv. Mrs. Bill Brandt cut the wed ding cake assisted by Mrs. Out- brod, Jr. Mrs. Walter Donicht served the coffee, and Mrs. Lil ius Koivu served the punch. misa jean jones oi McMinn ville passed the guest book, and Miss Betty Kooy. Miss Al- ene Williams and Mrs. Mildred Gilson of McMinn ville vers In charge of the gifts. Assisting wiui ine servinsi were Ml Jeanne Aaron and Miss Bar oara xlugby. After a trip to the coast, the couple is now at home in Sher- iuan. . O SILVERTON XT-. r nr ' V.. TT . Keene is snendinr th. hniM. season at the Spokane borne o! ner son-in-law and daugh- na jnrs. Henry Glaze FOR YOUR APPROVAL , Children'! f PIECE BOCCLE SUITS Ma rg wen's Cspitol Shopping Center l i Kt FRAGRANCE COUECTION TODAT I each package i"Pi"? r.b.clauicbe.urr.ffanjed Wedgwooa jap . M. - - - - ; - ,T: 4 B-Mg e TUCKS - mini n tn (Margaret Keene) and chil dren. Mrs. Keene and her house guest Mrs. Peggy Scott of Portland, were honored at Saturday night dinner for a group of special friends at the borne of Dr. and Mrs. P. A. Lost. o o o Honors Grandson Woodburn Mrs. Frank Purdy of Woodburn enter tained at her home honoring her grandson, A2c Francis William Purdy of Mt Angel, who recently returned from Alaska, on a 30-day furlough, and Miss Charlene Moe, also of Mt Angel. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Purdy of Mt Angel, parents of Airman Purdy, Misses Rita and Harriet Purdy of Mt Angel; Mia Jeanette Purdy of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Val Wolf, son Wayne and daughter Diane ef Port land; Mr. and Mrs. Artie Staab of Salem and daughter Katy linne, Charley Hess of Silver ton and the two honored guests. Cards were in play with prizes for high score going to Airman Purdy and Miss Moe. Second prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Purdy and the special prize to Artie Staab. Refreshments were served by the hostess. . e o Birthday Dinner Mt Angel Mrs. Mary Ficker was the guest of honor at a birthday dinner Sunday evening at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ficker. Covers were placed for the honored guest Mrs. Ficker, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pros ser, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schwab and family; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gooley of Har rington, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ficker and Judy Ficker, Mr. and Mrs. Quinn Beyer and son, Mr. and Mrs. Jack -Schwab and son of Port land, and the hosts Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ficker and family. Worth a;cpccialtripto SAN FRANCISCO Ther.riteionlylONE(Clnefama pRHEUM Theatre, tofpr'etVnt showljYOU WCLiNEVERSE i CINERAMAilM San Francisco PREMIERE 77k ONLYtMv ALL NEW WoruUr kfthiMotion Picture World! YMtOTITO'aUSStS! JT RtiavDisanivr-.iimiimrim iutNnswEDTHURtv MT.XT2r.M.nieaMn' Mea.TsatFrL)CW aUTWOSlSUHDAY AT 2 M.'R5 S P.i. Oroiet- In 17.10: aalOM 11 D MQHTstjUN.lTHtOUtH HTAT'7J0.II.'D lC'J0P.H..CTdMstn a-. S2.SC-, lekoBT " " i nw leomis m iii. rnoi ii-riaw yM'TTee;tee'eeettttT7tTTef oote o Friday, December 11, 1953 Rainbow Board Members Are Guests Woodburn Members of the Rainbow advisory board were entertained by Ever green assembly No. 12, at the regular meeting Wednesday night at the Masonic temple. Members present who were Introduced and escorted to the east were Mr. and Mrs. Gail Wengenroth, worthy mat ron and patron of Evergreen chapter, O.E.S., John Schmid, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomp son, Mrs. Leslie Psulson, Mrs. Lafe Peterson and Mrs. Frank P. Doerfler. During the business meet ng plans were made to re member a needy family at Christmas and also to go car oling on December 18, follow ed by refreshments at the temple with the DeMolay members as guests. A program wag presented which Included a group of vocal numbers by the high school trio. Misses Janice Han auska, Karen Magnuson and Marcia LaBarr, accompanied by Miss Carol Ann Livesay, and a degree honoring the advisory board members who were presented with a gift by the girls. . Refreshments were served in the dining room with Mrs. Gail Wengenroth presiding al the urn. The committee in charge included Misses Janice Reiling, Charlene S h a ner, Dorothy Baxter, Dixie Bean, Matti Sue Clark, Sally -and Suzanne DeArmond. Mothers assisting were Mrs. T. M. Bax ter, Mrs. Ray Shaner and Mrs. Ivan DeArmond. ' Additional Society On Page 16 KORELL "NellKslfSbs lutlljSit" Umi FRENCH SHOP 115 North High SAMf FRANCISCO, SALEM FRI. DEC.25th 1 irr-l ao-aWai C twa a. n r .TECHNICOLOR Only Cintrami can sweep you out Of yowtneatra chair and surround you with spectacle, adventure and awe-, crime eeanot tlieh ac WIUI hu nauw fxpeHencedfinTanylrJiutralbeforaf I Pin all m t igVv l? XMAS NIOHT 1.1) A 1 -KM ijL,ai o,eAe SOtMIUMKrrtATRI CJ-1 ' y t-257!L lio- 5 "inf ii . i "Maianjaagsaa' , Yeater Appliance Co. Capital Drug Store 10-Day Meoar oakBaeieeadal eieaMdlaeVseisi Morris Optical Co. 444 Siato St it 405 Stat St. Comer of Liberty WE GIVE i'T GREEN STAMPS I kfJJiljrIJjWHie! C, wnmMsm epaa mr, nigui n pec Ml nn Url PMmi uii ' J S L.,. iS PN fori NlgM Tt f Dec 14tk On 23rd. us