Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 11, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Friday, December 11, 1953
New Field Director Mrs. Helen Dieckmann, above,
came recently to auume her duties as field director for
thii district of Camp Fire Girls. Mrs. Dieckmann has
had a varied background of work equipping her for the
post. (Jesten-Miller studio picture.)
Mrs. Myers Hostess
To Accent Club
Mrs. Elwood Myers was host
ess to members of the Accent
club at a meeting at her home
Thursday night. Co-hostess
was Mrs. Basil Hutchins. '
Special guests at the meet
ing were Mrs. Joe Rund from
Italy; Mrs. O. Abdo from Aus
tralia, Mrs. Roal Holford, Eng
land. Gifts were exchanged among
members and guests. "Secret
pals" selected for the coming
year. Hostesses and co-hostess-ei
for the coming year also
were selected.
The group plans a Christ
mas party for 6 o'clock Satur
day evening at the South Sa
lem Community club hall on
Liberty road. A no-hoit sup
per will be served. Members
are asked to bring their own
dishes and silverware.
Next meeting will be at uie
home of Mrs. Loren Hicks, at
Pine Acres ranch at Turner.
Board Meeting
The regular monthly meet
ing of the board of directors
of the Santlam Area Girl
Scout council was Thursday
at the home of Mrs. John
Lewis. Previous to meeting
several members attended the
Community Chest luncheon.
A financial report was given
by Ward R. Davis. A member
ship nominating report waa
given by Mrs. John Lewis and
a staff and office report was
given by Mrs. R. N. Chase.
Salem board members pres
ent were Mrs. Walter L.
Spauldlng, Mrs. John Lewis.
Mrs. R. N. Chase, Mrs. Ted
Hobart, Mrs. Raymond String
ham, Mrs. C. J. Kunowsky,
acting secretary Mrs. Hux
table, and Miss Marjorle John
son, executive director of the
Girl Bcout council.
Double Your Money '
But now at sale prices we
double the money you pay
up toll 00 by Christmas. De
livery now or Christmas Eve.
Wide selection. Easy terms.
Across from EWnore theater
15J So. High SL
Downtown Salem
New Low Prices!
Famous Westinghouse
Laundromat and Clothes Dryer
Yeater Appliance Co.
Open Nights Til 9, Dec. 14th Thru 23rd
375 Chemeketo Ph.3-4311
Mr. snd Mrs. C. E. Anderson
of Salem, has been elected to
membership in Eta chapter of
Sigma Tu, honorary group
for engineering students, at
Washington State college.
Members are selected from
Junior and senior engineering
students on the basis of schol
arship, practicality and socia
RNA Event
Thirty-six members attend
ed the Christmas party of the
Royal Neighbors of America
Sewing club at the Mayflower
hall Thursday evening.
"Secret Pal" gifts were dis
tributed followed by a program
and games under the direction
of Mrs. W. G. Walker.
Next meeting of the group
waa set for January 13 at the
home of Mrs. Jack Fosnot, 2480
Park Lane when they will elect
officers for the new year. This
will be a no-host luncheon at
12:30 o'clock.
EN ROUTE to the east are
Chief Justice and Mrs. Earl
C. Latourette, the former to
attend a meeting of a commit
tee of chief justices of the
United States in Washington,
D. C. They will return to the
capital here December 18.
Chapter Meets
Members of Alpha Epsilon
chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
were entertained Wednesday
evening at the home of Mrs.
Ralph Atwood. Mrs. Duane
Janicek was chairman of the
program, presenting Dr. Paul
S. Wolfe who talked on men
tal happineiss.
Co-hostesses were Mrs. Eld
on Lindhorst, Mrs. Donald
The Christmas party was
planned for December It.
Past Presidents
The Past Presidents club of
the Woman'a Relief Corps,
Sedgwick chapter No. 1, met
for a combined business and so
cial meeting at the home of Mr.
W. G. Walker. Wednesday.
During the social hour, gifts
were exchanged among mem
ken and a program was pre
sented. Plans were completed for an
all-day bazaar and cooked food
sale at the Vacuum Cleaner
clinic, 455 Court street, Tues
day, December 15.
W Buwgei lstiwit a
Dryer ,415
y ' " J MimirWlki if! " Pill J I j
tka 4jl ptMM L M ll I 1 '
KWm. rVta. I I I ill j J
tm irmm. A Mi ii 1 J ; ; ; J j
Offer for a limited time only
Edited y MARIAN
Several guests attended So
journers club meeting Thurs
day. They Included Mrs. K. H.
Moses. Mrs. Harold Peterson,
Mrs. Robert Bridges, Mrs. Ann
Becotte, Mrs. Gail Blake, Mrs.
Donald Jennings, Mrs. John
Jones, Mrs. Olen Roberts.
This waa the Christmas party
for the club. Winning honors
at cards following the dessert
were Mrs. John McCrac, Mrs.
Lester Orton, Mrs. J. Baker
and Mrs. Blake at bridge, Mrs.
Bridges at canasta.
Mrs. D. G, Parker was wel
comed as a new member.
Next regular meeting of the
club will be on January 14.
A dance is planned for Jan
uary 23, the affair to be at
Knights of Columbus hall.
DeMolay Group
Meets Thursday
DeMolay Mothers club met
at the Masonic temple for a
luncheon and business session
on Thursday. Plans were made
for a f ther and son banquet
to be January 23.
Chairman for the luncheon
was Mrs. Morse Stewart, as
sisted by Mrs. Fred Schrecen-
gost, Mrs. Cecil Hunsaker and
Mrs. Emery Wood.
Members present were: Mrs.
Ralph Sipprell, Mrs. Ronald
N. Payne, Mrs. Warren Baker,
Mrs. Roy Rolow, Mrs. Herman
Feitelson, Mrs. R. E. Oglesbee,
Mrs. LeRoy Stewart, Mrs.
Harry Ruhle, Mrs. L. S. Horn-
schuch, Mrs. Ann Logan, Mrs.
Morse Stewart, Mrs. H. M. Mc-
Daniel, Mrs. Edward H. An
derson, Mrs. Leonard Rowan,
Mrs. Harvey W. Gibbens, Mrs.
Eugene Crail, Mrs. P. D. Baker,
Mrs. Cecil Hunsaker, Mrs.
Emery Wood, Mrs. Fred
Schrecengost, Mrs. George
THURSDAY club members
met yesterday at the home of
Mrs. Charles A. Sprague with
Mrs. C. W. Noble as co-hostess
for the dessert and informal
Additional Society
On Page 8
OFF FRIDAY for the south
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Elfstrom. They are driving to
Dallas, Texas, and from there
will fly to Mexico City, where
they will spend Christmas.
They are to be at Acapulco and
other points of interest in Mex
ico. They will be gone until
the end of January.
The Elfstroms' son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
William F. Johnson, have re
turned from visiting In Belve
dere, 111., with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnson,
and will now be at home here.
Mr. Johnson recently was dis
charged from the army.
i brand new service
"iMI IINIST ttlVltfl
I ( Convenient j
Farewell Dinner
Honoring their (on, Lt
David Kowitx, who la leaving
for Yokohama, Japan, Mr.
and Mrs. Chris A. Kowitx en
tertained at family dinner
on Sunday.
In the group were Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Kowitz, Jr. and
Terl of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Kowitz, Christine and
Karen, of Centralia, Wash.,
Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Zivko-
vich, Larry and Steven; Mr.
and Mrs. Delbert Long, Mr.
and Mrs. George Bowen.
Jeanne and Bill; Mr. and Mrs.
William Bangert; Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Soule and Dick, Hills
boro; Mr. and Mrs. Justin
Ransom, Sharon and Sandra,
Albany; Mr. at n d Mrs. Lee
Bellows and Marlee of Al
bany, Mrs. Lee Ruthruff and
Barbara of Albany. Lt. and
Mrs. David Kowitz and the
SALEM folk to be in Port
land this evening for the Foot
printers banquet at Jack and
Jills will be Justice and Mrs.
Walter L. Tooze and Secretary
of State and Mrs. Earl T. New
bry. They are to be guests of
Mayor and Mrs. Fred L. Peter
son of Portland and Lt and
Mrs. Robert Muriels, Lt. Mur
iels being president of the
At Home Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Wilson
have Invited a group for a
pre-holiday at home Sunday
evening at their home between
3 and 7 o'clock, the affair to
honor committee members of
the 1953 Community Chest
campaign, their wives and hus
Assisting will be Mrs. A. A.
Schramm, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Majek, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam L. Phillips, Sr.. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles A. Barclay, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Sherman,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmidt.
made of the marriage of Mrs.
Eloise Wiedmaer of Portland
to Willis E. Brown of Red
mond, in Vancouver, Wash.,
on November 16. Both for
merly lived in Salem. They are
at home at 207 South Sixth
street, Redmond.
Dinner Hosts
Hosts at a dinner party on
Saturday evening will be Mr.
and Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis.
Their guests will Include Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Creider, Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Dalton, Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Inglis, Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Dunn, all of Dallas,
and Mr. and Mrs. Lester F.
Last Saturday evening, the
Lewises entertained at a din
ner for a group of eight.
S Plat SeMJaM
4 Servtag Pleec
1 Furs Exclusively I
For 33 Tears
IS4J FerTy St ;
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,f - ".
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Wed last Saturday An attractive bride at a ceremony
last Saturday evening was Mrs. Darwin J. Kerber (Nor
ma Jean Camfield). above. The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Otto C. Camfield and Mr. Kerber is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Kerber. (Jesten-Miller studio
Officers Named
Ladies Auxiliary Patriarchs
Militant has elected the follow
ing new officers:
Mrs. Pearl Strobecke, presi
dent; Mrs. Clem Ohlsen, vice
president; Mrs. Lloyd Wood,
secretary, and Mrs. V. A. Coch
ran, treasurer. Mrs. Charley
Neubauer was installed as of
ficer of the guard.
Final plans were made for
the official visit of the associa
NIGHT 711 9
170 N. Liberty
Sleek lined Cat f HI
wrlti light Mue la 9 fJ J
tun 4 M 10 and just
. , S'. );.V
tion president, Mrs. Clarence
Townsend, on December 13.
The meeting will be preceded
by a 6:30 no-host dinner. Ma
jor General Roy V. Terney will
pay his official visit to the
canton on the same date. In
stallation of officers will be on
January 28.
BROOKS Mr. and Mrs.
Harry R. Sturgis announce
the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Vivian Stur
0. D-'i, cMrgtscallKi
biKkcerdewithmd v JO
Irusk ttama. It's ust.. tmwm
Biimond patten Hi (Ann Metallic brood, ntk einn BlKk SwarJeOe with fnti
V .'
"A '.J
gis, to Private Earl McCollum,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Albi Mc
Collum of Silverton. No date
has been set for the wedding.
-ii nn
Bunny fur collars
sequin trimmed quilted
satin. Royal blue or
black in 4 to 10.
emtchxksttaa. IUll eolortgl tenume leethei fVO
la 4 tela A Mine SU 1 Imng A he at eaJy m.m.
Zontians j
Plan Gifts
For Needy
Gifts of canned goods and
other items to fiU boxes to be
given the needy at Christmas
time were brought by Zonta
club members to their meeting
last evening at me nome of
Mrs. Howard F. Miller. Also.
each brought a gift to go to pa.
tients at the state hospital. Mrs,
Naomi Massee and Mrs. Frank
J. Burke are co-chairmen of
the service committee arrang
ing the gift presentations.
Forty attended the dessert
and Christmas party. Co-hoit.
esses were Mrs. James Bunnell,
Mrs. Tom Wolgamott, Mist
Nellie Schwab and Mrs. Ken
neth Hamilton.
Following the business ses
sion, Mrs. Wolgamott and Mrs.
Bunnell direcied a number of
games, the Christmas party be
ing the one occasion of the year
when the service club enjoys
an evening of fun. Carols were
sung, Mrs. Miller at the piano.
No more meetings for the
club are scheduled until Jan
uary 14, Christmas Eve coming
on the regular day. j
Engagement Told
At OSC Sorority
Lebanon The engagement
of Miss Barbara Gamberg to
Don Overholser was told last
Friday at the Alpha Delta PI
sorority house at Oregon State
The bride-elect is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Gamberg of Lebanon, and the
parents of Mr. Overholser are
the Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Over
holser of Bates.
Wedding plans have not been
made as Mr. Overholser is now
serving with the U. S. coast
I guard. Miss Gamberg intends
to continue her college work.
432 State SL
Black SmdeGlo with CfnO
mirrored W.ltti 9 lad
Umng and it's only.... dm
Fleece lined ceDeskin mot collired in
bunny lor. While, ted, 4TS n fi
blue, roysl, yellow. fUU
fjeen. Sues 4 a) 11 Just
-IrSn'ir- hit " win initlA ,mnl'niin