Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 11, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday. Dcetmber 11. 1951
Pat I
Local Paragraphs
rickU Named President -
Howard Pickett was named
president el the Ealem Men's
Garden club Thursday night
Others elected to office were.
J. Earl Cook, vie president;
Eugene Crothers, secretary;
George Cendeaux, treaiurer;
Joseph Hutcbinaon, John Oud
nu and Robert Rentfrow, directors.
ladle Production Second
broadcast in the recently in
troduced Willamette "Univer
sity Theater" series will be
heard at 12:30 p.m. Sunday en
KSLM. "Movie Madness" is the
title et the half hour show
which features Clarine Wool
cry and Barbara Ruhle, both of
Salem: George Evens, Port
land, and William Hagemeyer,
San Carlos, Calif.
Brows To Talk Samuel
Brown, who was born and
raised in the Sam Brown bouse,
located en the Pacific highway
a short distance north of the
Gervais Junction, will be the
principal speaker during
meeting of the Marion County
Historical society to be held in
the Salem publio library at 8
p.m. Monday, Dec. 14. Brown,
who has done some historical
writing, will discuss the set
tlement of Gervais.
Cllnle Set A pre-school
well child clinic has been set
for the afternoon of Wednes
dsy, December IS, between 1
and I o'clock at the West Sa
lem City Hall. Dr. John Rit
chey is to be attending physl-
cian and Jan Domkowski,
Polk County health nurse, is
In charge of the clinic. She
will be assisted by members
of the West Salem PTA. To
make appointments for their
children parents msy call Mrs.
Kenneth Dodge, Mrs. Herman
Boese or Mrs. Jake Foos.
Radio Extended The in
stallation of a two-way radio
in the Silverton police car ex
tended coverage of the Mar
ion county network to four
cities In addition to the sher
iff department cars. Wood-
burn, Stayton and Mill City
cars previously had changed
their sets over to the county
radio frequency. Sheriff Den
ver Young said he hopes Mt.
Angel and Jefferson will be
-able to do the same soon. The
county station, KOG 233, went
on the air in early November.
Previously radio - equipped
ears Were in contact with the
Salem city radio station.
Burglars Get Little Bur
glars hit the Parrish Food
Market, SOS North Capitol
street, sometime Wednesday
night, city police were noti
fied Thursday. Two cartons of
cigarettes, some candy bars
and peanuts were taken. En
trance was made through an
unlocked rear window, police
said. It Is the second time In
recent weeks the store has
been entered.
Plan Sale The Eola cone
m unity plans a pre-Christmas
besaar and candy sale for Sat
urday evening, December II at
o clock In the Eola school
house. The public la invited.
H. ft. Cerey III H. H. Cor
ey, 1388 Blate Street, weu
known Oregon man who was
for several years a member of
the Oregon Public Service
Commission, is seriously ill
with a heart condition at Sa
lem General hospital.
Ceasolidatien Election The
Marion county school boundary
board Friday fixed January 11
as the time for holding s con
solidation election Involving
District No. n, Bethany, and
Silverton. Petitions, bearing
signatures et residents of both
districts were filed with the
Tarns Self In An airman
from George Air Force base.
California, turned himself in
to city police Thursday and
admitted being absent with
out leave since Sunday. Police
Identified him ai Donald O
Smith. He was turned over to
military authorities.
Bound Over Jose Navarro
San tana, Portland, was bound
over to the Marion county
grand Jury Thursday after
preliminary hearing In district
court. He is charged with par
ticipating in the asssult and
robbery of Louis Credito nesr
St. Paul last May.
Car Stolen A 19S3 station
wsgon was stolen from the
Willamette university cam
pus sometime between 10:30
and midnight Thursday night,
city police reported. The vehi
cle Is owned by Douglas Mc
Kay Chevrolet company.
But No! Much Hurt
Twelve-year-old Donald
Reed, 2285 North .Liberty
street, suffered only a head
bump and bruises Thursday af
ternoon when he was struck
and knocked into the middle of
the Intersection by a hit and
run driver.
Young Reed told police he
was making a turn at Highland
avenue and Fairgrounds road
when struck by the car. It did
not stop, witnesses said, but
one took down the license
number, which police said is
registered to a Portland man.
The front wheel of the bi
cycle was badly damaged.
Cars Hit Minor damage to
cars driven by Paul A. Weil,
34SS Livingston street; snd
Dorothy G. Hill, 1013 North
18th street, occurred when
they collided at 17th and Ne
braska streets Thursday after
noon, city police reported.
daw. r
Oabeo Reoervea U Nsval and
Marine Corps Reserve Training
Satvroay-SiiDda;, December 11-13
Organised Naval Reserve squad
ron AAU 83, at Salem Naval Air
Monday. December 14
Organised Marine Corps reserve
at Naval ana tuniu mts mo
aervo trainine center.
Company B, 162nd Infantry
regiment, and headquarters de
tachment, Oregon National
Oiiard at Salem armory
Oregon Mobilisation Dfetigna-
8414th VAR at US AH armory,
tkm Detachment No. 1, at USAR
Duty In Korea
Third nivtnlon in Korea Pvt.
Richard R. Prerea, whose wife
makes her home at Route 1.
Lyons, Oregon, recently arrived
here lor duty with uus Division.
The son of Mr. and Mrs. Wen
dell Prerea of Route 1, Stayton.
the soldier entered the Army in
October, 19S2. He received his
baste training ai Camp RoberU,
Airman Promoted
Otto A Marauardt. son of Mr.
and Mrs. Otto F Maxqusrdi of
306 South 14th street, Salem, re
cently was promoted to an air
man, first class. Marquardt. a
motor vehicle cleric, has been
stationed at McChord Air Force
Base. Wash, since enlls'lne In
the Air Force in April. Prior
to his enlistment In the Air Force
Marquardt had served vlth the
Navy, first being on active duty
end then being a reservist.
Salem Honors
Football Team
The coaches are more than
justly proud of every one of
them," Head Coach bee uus
tafson said of the Salem high
Vikings to a crowd of several
hundred admirers of the 1933
football team who thronged to
the armory Friday for a testi
monial luncheon.
Gustafson paid tribute not
only to the playing ability of
his team, but to their spirit,
their sportsmanship which he
said was best exemplified In
the one game they lost, and to
their scholarship, which av
eraged all better than a B
average for 40 boys.
Coach Kip Taylor of Oregon
State, and Ted Ogdahl of Wil
lamette paid brief tributes to
the Salem team. Assistant
coaches were Introduced, two
of the players heard from in
ahort talks, and the entire
group of coaches and players
presented with Individual cer
tificates for their teat In reach
ing the state semi-finals.
Msyor AI Loucks presided.
The high school band played,
and the entire audience - rose
to give a rousing Viking cheer
at the finale. Bill Byers was
general chairman of the event
Northwest Canners
Planning Celebration
The 40th anniversary of the
Northwest Canners Association
will be celebrsted by those at
tending the annual convention
on January 8 and 6 at the Mult
nomah Hotel In Portland, ac
cording to an announcement by
C. . RoTulley, executive vice-president.
Also, the 80th year of the
fruit and vegetable canning in
dustry started In the Northwest
by Amos L. Lovejoy will be
commemorated at that time.
Highlighting the anniversary
celebration will be the all-Industry
luncheon on January 6,
at wl ich Will Allen, the oldest
living active canner in the
Northwest and second presi
dent of the Northwest Canners
Association, will be honored
along with other past presidents.
George H. Wilson, president.
of the California Farm Bureau
Federation will be the princi
pal speaker at the luncheon.
delivering an address entitled,
-The Outlook for western
Raver to Quit
(Continued tram Potto 1)
The statement said, however,
he has not resigned from the
government and will not take
that step until the Seattle city
council confirms his appoint
ment as city light super in Undent
Pomeroy said the appoint
ment will be for four years
starting Jan. 1. But he said
Raver will be given additional
time to wind up his affairs wth
One of his last Jobs witn
Bonneville has been the nego
tiation of 20-year coptracts
with private utilities.
Aa Lars as Bonneville
As city light superintendent.
Raver would be In charge of a
public utility nearly as large as
the Bonneville aaminuirauon.
City light has plants and facil
ities valued at 1ST million dol
lars, some 43 million dollars
under the estimated value of
Bonneville transmission lines
and facilities.
The city light Job pays 1300
a year more than the Bonne
ville administrator's post
Bohlen Urged'
(Continued from Past .1)
er guard, Fred Stein; and trus
tee for thro years, Fred Blein.'
The officers will be installed
at e Joint installation ceremony
with the Pythian Sisters the
night of Wednesday, January
13. Installing officer for the
Knights of Pythias will be Don
Judson. grand chancellor.
Following the Wednesday
night business session refresh
ments were served by the
New Meiers
(Continued tram Page 1
Shopping Center. They were
bought for better regulation of
traffie In those districts and
considered also was the expec
tation that they would add
soma $12,000 to city revenues
Mast Keep Them Year
Under the purchase agree
ment the city has to keep them
at least a year.
The council voted to buy the.
the Unimatics at a meeting last
June 2Z.
At that meeting, after mak
lng a detailed report on several
makes of meters, City Manager
Li. rranzen recommended
Holly, wreaths, door swags.
and other Christmas greenery.
Pomsettias, szaleas. Begonias,
other potted plsnts, cut flow
ers. Pembertons Flower Shop,
1980 S. 12th St. 297
Auburn Woman's club Ba
zaar and Fool sale, December
12, 10 a.m., 147 N. High St.
Fresh killed turkeys, 39c lb.
Orwig's Market, 3973 Silver
ton Rd. Phone 4-8742.
Toys (hand made) Hallmark
Store, 330 Court St. Friday
evenings, December 12th, 19th
all day. Altrusa club. 293 '
Swegle Woman's club ba
zaar at Farmers Cooperative
Market, 12th and Rural. De
cember 12 295
Heavily carved teakwood
nested tables, Chow benches,
India brass carved ivory. Pen-
son's Imported Gifts, 1340
Park avenue. Open evenings.
Paint with glamorizing
Treasure Tones. See our out
standing wallpaper collection
Chuck Clarke Co., 233 N. Lib
erty. 295'
Ceramics Madonnas, angels,
other pieces suitable for Christ
mas gifts. 4-3071. 4818 N. Riv
er Rd. Open afternoons, eve
nings. By appointment 296
P.E.O. rummage Jewelry,
Saturday, Dec. 12, 220 N. Com.
merciaL Plants, homemade
cakes, etc. 295
purchase of Park-O-Metcrs. the
same meter the city had used : expected to be completed by
Circuit Court '
Xlete .M. Dlfton va. Robert Tnomu
Dixon: supplemental divorce toanfilAint
followlat atumpioo reconcui.iioB.
Marin aummorvllt. vs. Bmaitl J.
aummtrrlUs; Plaintiff, motlooa.
informal or personal reaction
by Molotov but on the other
hand neither did it necessarily
mean that Bohlen had report
ed any such reaction.
Press officer Henry Suydam
told newsmen that the question
of what practical steps to take
next to carry forward the pres
idential proposal "Is under
consideration here at the state
department now and it la Im
possible to state what form It
might take."
Changes Possible
He was reminded that Pres
ident Elsenhower had present
ed his suggestion for the cre
ation of an international atomic
energy agency in terms cf a
U. N. resolution of Nov. 18
calling for private talks among
the world s atomic powers on
tue subject particularly Brit
ain and America.
Suydam said that "there will
be no departure from the pres
ident s outline, of course," but
be made clear that the precise
nature of the step, the timing
and the possibility of supple
mentary action remained to be
determined and will be influ
enced by the nature o! Russia's
The state department in
structed its top diplomats in
62 countries to call Eisenhow
er's speech to the attention of
local governments.
(Continued from Pane 1)
flt ate) ex rel Norma J. Ortfortild Tt.
Forrtsl B. Oreeoflcid: Answer to pitla-
tiff's affidavit and motion elalmlnf ibat
local court baa no Jurladlctloa btoauM
plaintiff and children no reilda la Cal
ifornia. Defendant denlea nt la eaaabia
of .aroint 1400 monttuy.
Bid on Unit
(Continued from Pag 11
The section from Barbur
Boulevard to the connection
with ME just north of Hub
bard will be open to traffic
next July 1.
Widening of the lour mils
section to expressway width
from Barbur boulevard in Fort
land to the Tualatin river to
gether with the traffie Inter
charge structures at Barbur
boulevard ate scheduled for
completion in October 1934.
There is already a two lane
highway on this stretch and
the commission has contracted
tor construction of another
two-lane roadway to conform
to the expressway plan.
From the Tualatin river to
the Willamette river all grad
ing has been completed. Pav
ing of 'this seven mile stretch
is scheduled for completion
June 30, 1934.
Bridge by Next May
Williams said that it now ap
pears that the WUsonville
bridge over the Willamette riv
er will ba completed by next
The connection of the ex
pressway with Highway MX
just north of Hubbard Is also
for several years. The bid price
on this meter was (32.27 per
Alderman James H. Nichol
son moved that the city man
ager's recommendation be ac
Alderman Chester I. Chase
said he was going to vote
against accepting the manag
er's report because he believed
In competition In all lines of
business. He said he' believed
it would be wise to have a'
second make of meter on the
streets, and that the city
"would get better service than
it had received during the past
five years."
Nicholson's motion lost with
six votes against It.
Aldermen Dan J. Fry moved
that the low bid be accepted.
That was the Karpark bid,
which was a unit price of
$44.01. His motion carried with
six affirmktiva votes.
Mayor AI Loucks was among
those voting to approve the
city managers recommenda
tion. The vote was by show
of hands.
Jsckson, Mich. Iff) Police
found Willie Jones, 42, hiding
in a stairwell of a store. When
they asked why he'd broken
In, he told them: "I'm In trou
ble with the government be
cause of Income tax and I was
trying to get soma money to
pay It off."
June 30, with the result that the
section of the expressway from
Barbur Boulevard to the con
nection with Highway S9E will
be open for traffic on July 1,
Grading of the four-lane ex
pressway from the Willamette
river to Gervais is a'resdy un
der way and this section of the
rosd snd that from Gervais to
Hayesville, on which contract
will be let within the next
week, will be completed In Ap
ril of 1933, according to pres
ent estimates.
In One Contract
Jt is planned to call for bids
for paving the entire stretch
of expressway from the river
to Hayesville In one contract In
the summer of 1984 in order
that the contractors will be able
to assemble eouinment to bo-
gin the paving Job scheduled
for completion in the fall of
1953, when the entire express
way will be ready for use.
When completed the express
way between Salem and Port
land will extend from a point
seven miles from downtown
Portland to Hayesville. three
miles north of Salem. Traffic
for Salem will leave the ex-
pressway. when completed, end
lake the our lane highway
from Hayesville to the city,
while through traffic will take
the Salem by-pass which will
have its northern terminus at
suti Hlehway commteiton vs. O.
and Jan. Doe Pow.ll, lAwr.nct . and
Cecilia Ann Wurdlns.r:
Plaintiff.' reply to defeodanta' aa.wr
denrlac that property aouelit by Plata
tilt u any .urn In exceea of l. MO.
Ruby Loutae cooper Brown v.. Alva
H. Brown; Divorce complaint. thartlna
cruel and Inhum.n treatment. Married
at Seattle. Ween., Feb. 3. I3. tnalntlft
aska reitoratlon of former Bam. of
c oo per .
LouU. HMttbtcber ye. P.Ur Xule-
bactier: Divorce decree to plalatrft
awards ber cuatody of two miner chil
dren. Hi monthly aupport and confirm.
property Mttiemeni.
LouU. A. Zunck va. Edward If. Cuock:
Dlvorc. decre. to plaintiff award. her
cuatody of minor child. l0 monthly aup
port and conltrma asraemeat.
Dena Johtuon va. Oeort. Johnson: Dl
vorc. complaint and counter oomplalnt
damuued with prejudwe.
Food Commodate. Co. v.. Conaolidatad
Product. Co.: Defendant demurrer a.
complaint auetainod.
Probate Court
Jemea William aoaell Mtattl Petition
for order to .en real property.
Oeort. at Whipple elate: Order ales
tns eaiata.
1. "A careful study of all
factors" which have caused:
wars in the past and a striving :
"to determine the great funda-1
mentals which must govern a
peaceful progression toward a
constantly higher level of clv-i
ilization." I
2. Study and understanding,
by peoples everywhere of the,
differences between national
groups. He suggested that prin- j
clples of cooperation based on
these factors might contribute
to a better understanding
among all nations.
3. Solving the economic
problem of the "millions' who
live under sub-normal condi
tions and who have now come
to a realization that they may
aspire to a fair share of the
God-given rights of human be
But perhaps the most im
portant factor will be a spir
itual regeneration to develop
good will, faith and under
standing among nations," he
"And with all these," Mar
shall asserted, "there must be
wisdom and the will to act on
that wisdom."
- Tillamook UD Tillamook
Flour made from roast bar- county will observe its 100th
ley and mixed 'with butter is aniversary as a county next
the loon staple ei Tioet. i Tuesday, Dec, 13.
pirfict lift
for a
celorfo! lift"!
Sportster Serbs
by llickok
L wear luuul Mt . ) CA
selered by tva exclusive precewl
Never before . .'. a belt gift like "Sportsterl" .
So vlbrsntly colored ... In six bold color com
binations. So r.Aly shaded in hand-finished
leather. A smart, sporty accent for all his ;
slacks and sport shirts, "Sportster" is real
triumph, for Hickok. Only Hlckok knows the
new secret process that makes these belts look
as if they were made by Italy's 18th ecntury
Florence craftsmen. Buy Mm "Florentone
. today. . ,
Don Ramsdall
Jay Monnette
Olln H. Toratr nrdltnihl: OrsSar
ftpproftnc aanutu rtport w luiwu.
Vrnal ZUlMCh MUM: Ntl mt Ui-
irbia mum Pleved a. MLiit.Tt in rtport
t flMt trt svaurtrr. afioaj itoocniBt t b
hMrd Jtva. It.
SPALDINO To air, and Mrs. Vtr.C
Spaldlna, SIS Seats View riacw, a boy.
See. it.
KENDALL-T Mr. ana Mra. Cnarkai
XendaU, PalU City, a boy. Do. IS.
ft SAD T. Mr. ud lira. William X.
Stead, ttl Horwar St.. a elrt. Dec. M.
MAftBLS T. Mr. and lata. Victor P
Marbla. Sr, WlUlaau Ave., a tin, Dec
s.iaw srmu aooprtti
TAOLt To Mr. aad Mra Kamaa
Teele tto X. SOU, M, a llrl. DM It
ROUDI To Mr. and Mra. Smart
u-soe. MS X. vth at, a sap. Dot. is.
PISHCX To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pmk
or. t boy. Dee. S.
THOifPWOK TO Mr. tnd V'l. gHM.
wor-d Taeaem. M Woodbara. a boy.
S3LS-T0 Mr .ad Mre. Peter Kit.
Mount, a boy. Dm. is.
Christmas gilts that live
See our extra large selection
of split leave monstra hasta
tum and other beautiful foli
age plants for your Indoor
planting. Open evenings till
Christmas. Closed Sundays.
Pembertons Flower Shop and
Greenhouse, 1980 S. 12th St.
District Courts
Robert Norman Portue, Salem, petty
larceny, char.e dlamtMed oa defendent'a
motion of lack of proof of .wntiehtp or
Rummage sale over Green-
bsums Friday At Saturday, De
cember 11, 12. Open 9 a.m.
BPW Club. 293'
Bring your children, choose
your own tree. Phone 25889.
Mrs. James Mott 298
Baby paraxeets, $8 00. Cock
atiels. Moore's Aqusrium. Mc
Lesy Rosd. Phone 4-373.
Wsrren's, 1993 Fairgrounds
Rd. will be open every evening
until Christmas. 303
Shop Lormans. Quality mer
chandise Friendly service
Easy parking. Open until T ev
ery evening. 1109 Edgewater.
Learn knitting. 341 State St.
3-3834. Wednesday thru Satur
day. 1:00 p.m,-4 pjn. 302'
Aril. Norman Dehut. !Ht In Mb
etreet. dnvtat while Intoxicated, plead.
ianeceat, rlaMO oo SJM sal
Joha Calvla Ooddard and Phillip Clay
Tiltoa. burtlerT not In a dwelltnl. waived
preliminary hearlni, bound ever to .rand
larr. Hold la Ueu of SS.Mt bell tech.
Themee luiene Lawler. Independence.
drlvinl whil. in toxic tied, lined IM.
Jote Neverro Sentona. Portland.
eeult and robbery, bound over to trend
jury, held la lieu of ss.eeo oau.
Municipel Court
Moatctbal cewrt
Bruce Wallac. Wllbert. 1.11 North
CottM. street, recaieee dtlvlas, el led It
Ran. Kte.en.TMa. Portland, recejeea
onvias. ruua tat. ,
Ralph . Hue hoe. tit North Marina.
arrMted oa tour, warraal for parkins
vrolauona, fined its.
Aredre . Buttloa IM eooth Uth
street, arreeted on overt van apt for
pafsine noi.noo.. naoo sjw.
Keith S. Kan. IM North Liberty etreet
arreeted e court warrant for parkins
vitiauaot, (MM 1U.
Morrioge Lenses
Wm. J Kulla. It. tot. fjochonle. Tor-
r.0M. Calif., and Vlrctnla BnelMa, it.
aircraft worker, BMetweod, Cam.
Arnold Warn. Rota. II. TV taetalla-
tloo. ss oardea stood, cal.. and a.
bara lua WUbar. It, twrk-etaaMrapa-
er. corvaJia.
Jamet BVIwta Kirk, ja farmer, at'
and Patrlci. Anno Ooodlaa, .ttnotrapn
er. Ba. t, WMdoara.
(Continued from Psae 1
pionage while working at Ft.;
Monmouth, but he refused to
say whether he ever passed
secret government documents
to Communist spies.
McCarthy, the only member
of the Subcommittee at the
hearing, said he would recom
mend contempt action against
Percotf, contending the witness
could not refuse to answer such
questions after stating he never
had engaged in espionage.
After Percoff and Mrs. Sar-
ant were dismissed, McCarthy
said other wltncses would be
heard in closed session and pub
lic hearings would be resumed
in New York City next Mon
day. Knights of Pythias
Elect New Officers
Oval C. Harris was elected
chancellor commander of Cen
tral lodge No. 18. Knights of
Pythias, at the lodge's regular
meeting Wednesday night Har
ris succeeds Fred Stein.
Other officers elected were
vice chsncellor, AI Poasehl
prelste,, Clark Will; master of
work: Dr. O. A. Olson; secre
tary. Park Sturgess: financial
secretary, Harvey Schiedel,
treasurer, Axel Jacobsen: mas
ter at arms, Kenneth Ed wood;
inner guard, Bill Bowman; out
1 1 MPr
X w0 m7
l j o
f -k-t tv-
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hit iWt
h . .,
"Foremost in Quality"
Capitol Center