- .- p...-,- -,IIIM i i, m iigmm th m mm hi ij iiiimi iiiw rrffi i i ... n IM , M - Friday. December 11. 19JJ THK CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sales. Oregon Pagt S Gilson Will Direct Chorus Melvin Gilson, Willamette Jniversity graduate, and music istructor at Newberg high cnool, will direct the Newberg Jpomm unity Chorus of 110 voi- and 2S piece orchestra in the second annual presentation i Handel's Messiah at I p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13 in the auditor ium of Newberg union high exhool auditorium. . 5 The chorus was organized aW year under Cilson's direc Jinn. The orchestra has been ildded this year. Accompanists ill be Carl Reed, pianist, in Jiructor at George Fox college, and Amy Lee Arney, formerly Jead of the piano department t Linfield college. - SoloiiU will be Richard Zel 3r, a Salem student at George Fox; Robert Byrd, Marilyn Bar kers and Priscilla Doble, also sEeorge Fox college students. Gilson is toe son of Mr. and lrs. Mervin Gilson. 1733 North 20th street, Salem. 2 More Dams Vin Favor Eugene J The WUlara Stte Basin Project Committee today was on record in favor of federal funds for two more ami tributary streams of the Jvillamette river. The committee, holding its Jnnual meeting here, voted to ask Congress for appropria tions . for the Cougar Creek project on the south fork of the pIcKenzie river and for the Creen Peter dam on the San Jiam river. r Speakers included Represen tatives Homer Angell and Wal ter Norblad. Norblad revealed that 40 per Sent of civil functions appro priations voted by Congress at ihe last session were for Wil lamette basin and Columbia asin projects. Christmas Carols Tor Mount Angel Mt. Angel College men from Mount Angel Seminary tvill sing Christmas carols in Mount Angel Sunday evening, Dec. 13. The 40 select college men svill Dresent a variety of trad! tional Christmas carols for the pleasure and enjoyment of the citizens of Mount Angel. They Jjvill begin by attending the Jloly Hour services in St. lary's Catholic church at 7:00 p'clock that evening, and Im mediately after the services at L o'clock they will sing their 11 schedule of carols on the Church steps. . Due to the intensive rehear- rls of this years' organized loir and guidance of Maurice eiemmons, some of the songs fill be sung in four-part har mony. The official and familiar Choralist garb ol cassocx ana urplice was adopted for use as as the customary tradition. i' After the singing on the church steps, special route ViU be taken, and carols will fee sung at the homes of shut Ins. No other stops will be made Lnless a special request is made before Sunday by calling the peminary. Jdventists Plan .Vocal Concert J A vocal sacred concert will he presented in the Johnson Memorial Seventh Day Adven list church, Hood and Summer Ctreet at 8 o'clock Saturday tight. Featured will be Hart wsick H. Hansen, tenor, and lxtrraine Waller Hansen, so prano. Piano accompanist will fee Mrs. Ruth Sage. J The Hansen will sing two groups -of solos: Thy Will Be f)one: Love Divine, All Love Excelling; It Was For Me; I Jlrard the Voice of Jesus Say. ! "Naromiyocknowbus u n k a iankshvnk" is the name of a liny brook near Sherman, Conn. Motorola CAR RADIO Htw SUM 39" Fits All Cars r1 AA I. WW Dow. Week JMf Greea Stamps $1.25 a Stamp tCHVICI STATIONS INC. (1) Center and Commercial 2 Court and Capital (It Marioa and Liberty IS ) Center and Liberty W m.WX 1 A m ft ki l TJk3 hAlhnctmncAW " f W IIIV 111 ltxfMt X yfStore Where Yourj V. mm m DollarBl,yS oemh !jyt More . ma shot 3 Ny JZW. liberty treeC court street . at r I Elf. 1 A unsn rr mav mams tin v IUIIIUUS "Youthform" .mV mt4 i ,- . n I . , 1 s f I Tmnmmt i ,1m . Keep in stride with up-to-the-minute fashions! In wool sport shirts, it's ROAMKIt i, '8.95 Step up to one of the season's outstanding achievements in casual fashions. Here is a toast warm 100 all wool plaid in a quiet mood, studded with iridescent buttons that har monize perfectly. You'll admire the expert quality when you note the bluffed edge throughout . . . new spread collar ... 2 button adjustable cuffs. See our selection of smart autumn tones. Sizes, small, medium, large and extra large. THETUWUR, AND WU. AND WUI FRUIT OF THE LOOM BROADCLOTH SHORTS Sanforized for everlasting good fit! Gripper front with, snug elastic sides. Plain colors and M f4 stripes; sizes 28-50. 3 for 2 05 BOXER SHORTS Strioes and plain patterns. Com fortable elastic-waist style: with roomy seat, sanionzed shrunk. Sizes 28-44. 3 for 2 05 ATHLETIC SHIRTS Smooth-fitting white ribbed comb ed cotton with strong nylon rein forcing at neck, shoul ders. Sizes 36-30. 3 for 1.43 69 49 Men's Underwear THE BEST OF FIT Fllrnd f Ml Vira-M Spun N;ha! Absorb like wool, tub softer tnd softer every -time. Ousranterd to "tear one year or we will replace them. SHORTIES in brown, tan, dark sreen. matte maroon, dark iey. rty, navy, black. LONGS In blue. tnf. navy, maize, areen brown. GUARANTEED! NO HOLES FOR ONE WHOLE YEAR Burlington's VICARA SOX SHORTIES LONGS 69V79 3 pr. $2 3 pr. 2.2S Extra Quality! Men's Pajamas A tremendous selection of heavyweight- flannel pajamas in Hi most appealing patterns we've seen! Compart 4.95 quality! Geometries and stripes . . . multicolor. Sizes A, I, C, D. MEN MAIN FLOOR 3 100 nylon tricot slips Heavenly : slips by "Youthform," lavishly adorned with bawitching lac and pleats . . . beautifully detailed for smooth,' sura fit! Gossamer-fine Nylon they launder In flash, never .never need ironing, stay pretty and fresh. Shown art two from our vast flip col lection. ,., , LINGERIE MAIN FLOOR my .:.-..:..-!.... . Opened Flour Sacks Bleach white, large else, I ti hemmed. Limit I. for 41 Doiwrttki Dwntalra 8ANFORIZED Shirting Flannel Reg. Ste yd. Large patten selec tion, x to iv-ya. zd pieces. Yd. Tardare Meitanlne Chromespun Bedspreads Select from colors. Double B QQ or twin size. 14.(3 value. Pomtttlci Downstairs Damask Clolh Set A lovely damask set with napkins. Large eleth. tt 00 assorted colors. Domenttcs Downstairs Mojud Nylon Hose Perfect quality. 15 denier. 51 gauge. New shades, e-i rr. all aizes. Hwlfry Main floor Ladies' Nylon Panties Fancy trims and tailored. M Aft Asst. colors. Reg. 11.50 val. liVW Llnrr-lf Main Floor PLASTIC Car Travel Bags Suit size, sjpper closure. ti Aft Asst. colors. Hang in ear. N tton Mfnanlne Ladies' Wool Gloves Regular values to $2.50. Large se lection, gay tl Of color combination. "vv Acfworlw Main Floor Boxed Costume Jewelry A large assortment of earrings, pins, necklaces. All In ti AA Christmas boxes. 1 ,vv Accmiorle Main Floor LADIES' Floral Handkerchiefs Gay color combinations, fancy pat terns. New J i Christmas selection. for Accmorlfn Main Floor Cut Bcdmaking Time I . Sleep in Worm-Comfort! "Convertible" Contoured 'ELECTRIC BLANKETS! rial iM , Fed. Tax Special! Lowest Prices Ever! Textron Electric Blankets Use as contour blanket convert to straight type elec tric blanket The anao turns the trick. Ctanparas favor, ably wUn anr contour blan ket selline- at twice the price. t year replacement fuaran- ' tee -Ul January 196. Pull bed aise. Rose, blue geran ium, hunter green. 95 Twin 8lsc insle Central KCf. Z4.M Fan 8 In ' Untie Central Bef. tS.SS 1995 2295 29 Pan Bias Dual Central Reg. ISJ Plua Mt Uz . tins 1M tax L74 tax You can lect your favorite temperature from a range of by Just setting the one-dial control. Completely automatic; available in blue, rose, geranium, hunter green and cedar; and like any other blanket, completely washable! 2-year re placement guarantee until January, 1B56! Special Sale Price! , , ! Bobrich Electric Blanket 15 95 Rm. 22.95 Plus 95c Fed. rax One year replacement guar anteel Tested by. Underwrit ers Laboratories, Inc. Pull size with single control. Choice of white, rose blue. Domestics Liberty Street ladies'.-Silk Squares Lane size square, multl color prlnta. New patterns. Acrmorlei Main Floor $1.00 Farringlon Jewel Case Small compact size for earrings and smaller Jewelry. ti AC Assorted color. Acctwrle Main Poor Old Spice Shave Set t-pc. seta. Consists of cologne J and after-sbave lotion. fosmrtlca Main floor Ladies' Handbags Tremendous selections. New col era, styles. Smart (7 and chle. Actraxrlei Main Floor Ladies' Plaid Jackets . Washable Sanforlan. New plaid combinations, popu- tllQC lar sizes. ltJJ hportawrar Second Fl r Ladies' Christmas Blouses A gala selection. Wool jeneT, nv leaa. Wonderful styles, ( 08 popular stsea. JilO gpertewear geteai Fleer i ; ' K'- ' si .. . ; . . ., sMalsxiiMsxiiMsxMsxilsxiiiiiiMaMaiim-a raatkaM i . mm i Save Vi and More Big 60x90 Size . . . All Perfect! Print Table Cloths Rej, would be 9.93-1 0.95 Treat yourself to pretty new cloth ... at exception al saving! Special purchase includes luxurious linens or smooth, lasting cottons ... printed with colorful, bright prints. Beautiful, practical, they launder as easily as a fine hankie. We nave nig selection or prints. DOMESTICS DOWNSTAIRS Tag Santa Tonight NYLON COVERED FOAM PILLOWS 2,.,'IG Lustrous nylon covert with lio- Iper closure. Three colon. Al lergy free! The perfect jiff! DOMESTICS DOWNSTAIRS