THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sales. OregM DENNIS the MENACE By Ketcham .fiNANCiAL AUTOMOIILES AUTOMOIILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES ass iw pob rjLiiu. cm oa AcaiAas LOOK win inr or nui WE lOT wl tatala UtrUUH aaawaeta State Finance Co. in to. ansa st, n. l-tm WHAT $300.00 DOWN WILL BUY . Fridty, December 11. 1953 i fcAp1 I AUTOMOTIVE RtPAIIt BATTNQ UDUtOI TBOCBLEt Tell., Si lOf C.. HMfU WUl Mln oeaf BTOh- L mi tad mi m MM. ptee u- TRUCKS CtW6 Our OF THE...,NN! H6 SKT HOUMNQ IrWT DOOR OPEN TOR tttV FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CLOTHESLINE POSTS, Iron lets I Of tobies, Iornltaro,valltntl. un R. uo DBA it turn lor It. l it. windows. Blsek BeckaroBaa. taiior-mooo. sovt hill, 11 lor Both, lost Hlthlend Ae. n. t-ioi. nm BAND PAINTED ertondir aprons. 11.11 esch. Marine Wilton r o. os ... Phoealz. Oretoa. nl 1 KENMORE GAB rente, 1 Slttler OS! etreuletor hotter witi ten. i u-.ei. so. weter hooter, tufts ent reer. Thee er tlolos ars not Junk, will sell resoonsole. Ph. 4-I4M. nlM PIANO SALS. Don't mlsl TsUmea'S kit Ibu olBno la 0. trrer sue pieno oer- .7 till, orend. ItaT up. uprisnto d.ltverr. Tollmen Piano Stores, 115 B. lath. Solent. nT DOT!' St- BICYCLE. Excellent condition. Hoar UVU, SM.ta. Phon. 4-SI11. alls' SPINET PIANO. tits new At Darts tplatt enlr IKS darlot Toll sooa's big xmaa Ptoao Bolt. 8t thli ooo bow ot Tollmen rteao tHortt. Jt. a. nth, nalcm. a-""' ALMOST NEW Boldwln AcrosoW splntt plena with beach. Price, reasonably. Hi. 1 Boa 311. mint north ol Be lom oa w ol loco Bo. rnone J-tlli ttl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Atrro loans WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO 1SI Booth Charoh Parklaa a-Pleat, 1. I M1 Ua. Bo. um. B-IU 10OS DODGI PANBL. Batra stol, heeler. atw urea, I1.UI aash. Phoao S-Mll-dt- ONB 1W TON AUud.btk.l Ilotbod track. ltot model. Motor completely erer- heulod la November. Coa ht aota ot til TTtflt Bt. PMH 1-S41A oeXM' HEAVY EQUIFMENT 11.000 CAPACITT IAWMOL. Ooaltr Bchtmaoa with BOBblt anus, oaa TV liao. ltll OMC with lumbor rolls. TOUA bloat ul Brass, ltll. all O H Dtootl with T bolu and Baiters. Bd Poitor. Bouw 3 Bcla. ortt oa. v B-t CAT POB aUBB. Phoao 1-ttU. w1). IISIB PtttlllPo. 1300 AbrOBU tK. OOXtt BOATS PERSONAL Or Trade Your Present Car as Down Payment CHECK THIS LIST 1949 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe 4-Door Sedan ReVK. Motor overhauiM. uooa urta. 1949 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Club Coupe rrcah Air heater, new uret. Motor overhauled. 1948 CHRYSLER Royal 4-Door Sedan B&H. New finish; newcuitom aeat covert; premium ttrei 1949 STUDEBAKER Vs-Ton Pickup . Heater, original itiuin. ciean insme ana out. only a,- 000 miles. 949 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4-Door Sedan RitH; line Hlf hlander Scotch plaid upholstery. Original factory finish. Only 3Z.0O0 miles. EXTRA SPECIAL 950 PLYMOUTH Suburban :...$1295 Very clean. New tires. Low mileage. SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. Chrysler Home of ' Plymorjlh QUALITY USED CARS CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIGATION, do- BtatU BrobMBaL tvotitl itMrlBft, traclnr. rorerT. Phone S-MTS pJM TRAILERS tilt orrics tu-DO. oa whotis. Ooo i atw. Boo ot isvt Bllvsrioa na. a S WHIIL TBAIIIB. I It I t It. IsctOTT msds. Btool irsmo. sst. rhohs S7tw7. ISH1 SALE lritau partr MlUnr altttitlr Bap bullet, drop leal table, Itvd der back eliatxi. corner what-not. ot chrome xtemton Ublt. 1 chatra, e tlonal davenport, creca fretae, foam rubber cwhlons Uko new, tlrMr, ct)eit-i4rawerA, 1 Oilht t ft a 4 I, bleached oak. 1741 ttontroM Are. Phone IllM. WANTID-OOOD trlr. hu. m 4b. prnt on I rm. Mni-Hl Htmore. mo. Mtnnvtut. tam1 THREE CL'SHION DaTenDOTt H U- Pb. 4-W71. Reduced $3 Per Day Until Sold STARTING PBIC DEC. U 7 One Used Office Desk With Glass Top DECEMBER 12, $72.00 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Phone 31111 Front ft Court At. SLIGHTLY USED 14 u It borne treeacr; double compartment, -aouoio uoors. l3U.fl. Uoouomery Wu4 fe Co. Appliance Dept. Ph. JOlftl. nl MASTCB BEALTBIZSB (DftftOB Km trl SxcreUer) um la home, crnnaj lum. eloctor'i office H bore motor. Perfect condltloa. Til. 1-1 Ml. a O. B. WBINOEE typo, pump model waab Inf macblne like new. Phone J-MU. WANTED Olrl l-ln. blcycla. Phone Ait Wdvwdsiura. ill w. Cleveland. Woodburn. a2ti CHRISTMAS flft for her. CoronadO weeber. Iaike new. MS. Fhone 4-bm. feLCCTSJC RAN OK, Price 4S. t, s, rllll. Oood condition. Bos 171. Phone B2M CHRISTMAS treos311 whlu fir trees. Wholeaale. 4-1U1. L. W. Candle. UM' BIO ACCORDION, 144 baaa, TO.M; small .11 K..i.r ai.eil: ACAOOUr. U.M. J -04 II n3K WEBTTKOHOTJtB RANOI and apartment rente, oooa eonaiuoo. mmwv. Phone 1-10. nw CHJUSTMA8 THXB8. WBOUCBALI Pbona 1-4 JM altt1 S I 11 UNO RUOA S4 t AfftiM Wdkiwir-f. iaoA n. lummtr. MOTOROLA RADIO combination, food ralriterater, reaaoneble. See at rUll.Yue. Phone 1-0411. w LIONEL ILICTRIC train for sale. Cheap. Ul Oertn atc. rnone IS MM SOUND PTolectOT. DeVry. pro feulonal equipment. Worth noo. WM take Alia. Trader Louie, U1S una Are. OOOD USED IS teen ttlttni arbor w H hp motor, rnone LARGE ELECTRIC Lionel train, new. lin Market St BOTS JR. bicycle, nice Christmas am Phone 4-7i. aw TJSED SHOPS MITSJ with so: sorlee. 9 South Summer. t.inivvf. nrr. train outfit. Remote control switches, coal eoader. dump ... BsiiBiir as dc. track. Oivi ismi as. oni au.oa aomsleta. Ph. 9.e4U avei Hat. hZM I PC. DROPLEAP mahocanr cxUnilon Uble and 4 chairs, eie. mi used Store, 1IT Com'l. nW rtsitrn rX 9f rniit tedTOaMk. aillU. SM. timm arav. nuhca StUca. Ill A. Com'l. nm REMODEL NOW Preo Home Plannlni errtee. Let ns help rou plan rour new kitchen with Wards beautiful wood cabinets. We also install plastic tile, mVcarta dralnboerda, rooflnf, eavestreufhe and aldlnt. Por your free estimate call l-llll. Montgomery Ward Co.. 1H North Liberty. BlOO HOUSE TRAILERS Bu. s TRAILER HOMES Sell Trade Bank Finance Real LAMA LANS TRAILER PLAZA 140 Lana Ave. tlHI MACHINERY WISCONSIN GAS ENGINE with clutch. Poley saw Hunt machine. Wallace wood lathe. Delta band aa. SMI N 5th. Krt TRANSPORTATION LEA VINO POE Port Worth. Texas via Saa rrancuce, an Dee. lita, inter ested rldcra call CM Shfdd or write Box 13. 117 AUTOMOBILES SACRIFICE Si NASH Rambler station waion. Driven 19,000 miles. New rub ber, overdrive, radio, heater, plus other accessories. Price tilts. Phone 4-mij, 1M 'SI PLTMOUTH Cranbrook. Radio, beat er, splendid condition. Reasonable. Phone 1-lOM. eilM CHRISTMAS GIFT Bulck 1150 Dyna now special, wm sell er trade for eld er model. Swefl Auto Service, 4410 Market St. OH 1U pord Ranch Wat on. cheap lor casn only, rnone 3-03M. ema Crushed Quarry Rock and Gravel All sizes for roads, driveways and park ing lots. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. PHONE 1-9249 1625 McGILCHRIST ST. Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODRI WANTS Piano. Phase t-IUO. ELECTRIC 1-1110. RANGES. Woodrr'S, WANTED 'Used WC 3-04 SUverton. furnace. Phone ' naltT rtTRNiTDRR rcfinUbins. very reason able. Ail work suaraateeo.. rrjotM 41lt. Jv?1"1' FINANCIAL u. a-us bud " and HOT II. SniUOHB IMURA1ICB AMD LOARS Htor Top Trados" U'tl Dill IULU ISM KO. O EN KRAI. PINAMCB CO. LOAMS Ul So. Commtrdal St. Ttl. l-llll ISBS TJPBIGBT Mono: oaor Unas. Iltl. Boas Braa. 0oo4 SMro. HI B. CajT. POB GOOD usod faraltur. ot Host Bros, notd Btor., Ill B. coss'l. srtrlAL pactobt wrieo oa woliu Dortoa auatp pamp. Stl.ta. Iw u tttt tttat u prouct roar .araaalas asslatt floodrd BOMtntau. BTTTTLER BUPPLT CO. lilt Unt Avt. PB0O. I"l nisi- a 13 LINO ROM, Ol.o Woodrr. loot K. Bumroer. PERSONAL COLLICTIO" ( Hl-OrodJ China set. pltct. Phoao o-IMS. at S-l COWOITIOW Htft Point tltetrte Jto. Unlvtrsal woibtss moeblnt. Phont i-14 is. ?!! THERE la A sood uted iplnrt pltno St t oorstln prut. ItW S. Ccllott. nlf 1 ONLT-luhtlr dontattd troih borntr oad kltthrfl htour: m. Wl saw ' ttt at. Monttonorrr Word At Co. AP pllonc. Otpt. Ph. I lltl. Biw siwcra olertrta wolaat eablart ....... ow farword and rt- tfrtt. Prtt wwint snsoni and Irto ttrrica an 111. ol mirhla.. oalf tits so. in. fr. ealertd rtttlot. Slntrr Brwlnl CtnWr. LIS B. Commtr- n.l Awn Pr HIT .Ttntn. n. TBICTCtl. II" front whosl. Oood cm. dltiaa. Ph. 4-S371. ' a cmiDcBAn curuiotot i.r with onisll tltlldrta. Som. ofd tot. R.oiooob:.. pnoa. l 'SH htlor. it ond oll.r t Xtri. NrlllrtoB -B2SI REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAt 1KVESTRENT CO. ROBCST W. SOSHllN. Pat. 4-22S3 U11 DODOE panel. Oood condition. IDS. lasi iaie roone t-tin. i Mt'ST SACRIFICE my eaulty In 11U wiura i or. aco. e hp motor, neater, radio, overdrive, white side wall tires, 1 tone ireen color run oalr tOM miles, Mr SM0.0S equity for 1111.00. Terms can be arranged an balance. rnone loiao. POB SALE lilt Olds club coupe. New nres and reconditioned motor, rnone 4.1871. OKI' POB SALE OB trade one 1 ton wrecker tow truck. 41 Pord convertible. Dodee pickup. 49 Poatlac dub coupe. Model A truck. This la an food mer chandise. Dealers w oleoma. Cloelnf buainees. Must Phone 19400. 100 HUflicker Rd. ' 147 CHEVROLET club coupe. Deluxe equipment. (om clean car. 2i7t Ma pie Ave. J-UTI. qf 10 GMC pickup, sood condition, i braiee. R.a- terms, rnone i4 161. qS 1N1 CHEV. clb. cpe. R.H. Oood motor. tires. Body excellent, im Sllvertee Rd. ql' 147 STUDEBAKEB convertible. Oood eondlUon. Will trade for panel or sti ttoa waion. Phone 1-1773. qMB1 IMS OLDS "r Hydromatle Sta. Wacoa. Almost a necessity lor rural dwellers. Larie load capacity, iood condition. Take aider car as part payment. 3 M1 4-44M, D. J. Dawson. f $50 $25 DN $5 PER WEEK IS Pord cpe. 41 Dodee ecu. 11 Line. cpe. CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 BO FRED SCH0TT AT 118 S. Liberty St PHONE 4-2203 Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS ' $95 $35 DN $6 PER WEEK 4 Pord teh. 17 Pord PU 41 Ply. sdn. 41 Cher. ech. $145 $50 DN $7 PER WEEK 41 Pont. cl. CP. 41 Chev. ada. 41 Ford cch. 4 Chrye. cpe. $195 $75DN-$8PERWEEK W.L ANDERSON, Inc. QUALITY USED CARS This Week-End Specials 1950 Plymouth 4 door sedan. Radio, heater, very low mileage. Just like new. 19S0 Plymouth spec, deluxe 4 door sedan. Heater, new seat covers. This one is in wonderful shape. 19S1 DeSoto deluxe Carryall. This car is built like suburban with leather uph., lots of room. 1952 Plymouth 4 door sedan. Very low mileage and very clean inside v out. 1950 Plymouth special deluxe 4 door sedan. We have 1 of these both In wonderful shape. AU have heaters and some have radios, seat covers, etc. BANK TERMS MANY. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE EROM DESOT.O-PLYMOUTH BANK .TERMS 854 N. LIBERTY . PHONE 4-B492 YEAR-END CLEARANCE! All NEW 53'S and USED Cars MAGNIFICENT BARGAINS! OPEN EVENINGS LODER BROS. YOUR 0LDSM0BILE DEALER ' 46S CENTER PHONES 4-1281 er 1-7971 lit USEDCJ!RS UM OLDSMOBILS CONVERTIBLE M HTriniu. radio, neater, new too white wall. On local owner. 14 ooo aatia , ....1141ft liM DESOTO CUSTOM SEDAN Heater ft automatic iranamiasion SpoUaai eondlUon. On owner. 43.3H mile vtu tit nniCTC nnpEm RrVTKRA scdam Draeltow, radio neater., wo bok new; servlee record avaUabl ...1U1 1ST MKRCDRT CONVERTIBLE Radio ft neater, nairte, new op new whlUwall tire. Olsamlng Jet black finish MM 1S4T Pantlae "V Sedaaette, a lm MSI U Bulck super eedan, RAH ... lit thl 41 Hudson edn. 43 Chev. cl cpe. 41 Chev. PO 41 Olds eedea WHEN YOU NEED MONEY DtwwiMO SlUP Pom,. l' 8. camaterelal at. aau.t. ltlt B1M 1 ONLT Ploar .ompl.1 aionslo; ros. tlttt. aow mis. UontsomtrT Word St C Aaplloac. Dtpl. Ph. -IHI t nlfT SlW BontB -Ponr SM" .m.r.. Plold tor. Plata auarhmtat. la onstaol aoiot. ChrltBsi tilt. Ctt stlta. Prlc. t3tl. l-llts . ttD ELECTBir R.nsM Snd Wrlnttr WaoMr. . . . Homo Ilk. n.w ... oil prtcd lor aulch .!. ora Btoatpo. too. Opwa r. tt lttb thra l)rd llsittr Btrnot Btotlans toe. am- CAT IRON wood faraoea. oil Burnet lorced ah- loa. turtaia. rm. tor I pi airr. S ONLT BUthllr tfoato. oil .Irr.lo ters: rtt. I1CSH. aow mil llot aoeam WarS A, Co. APPlloaM Cat Ph. s-lltl. BIS?' LABOR STDEWALB . otMl troaM. rot lt aoarlaa whools. trorM rhola W Ooo. tondltloa. 111. IUS ModuM Bt a7" BOLLT la? tola at ins " CeaiaMrriol c n t POBIABU BJUTBS M H Phowa -", Bit. See Us All types ot personal loans. Termi to uit. No ta vast tea 'ion enartea. Al. deelinci Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Home Operated Hollywood Finance Co. lit, Pstrtrrandt Rood (Ntat Dow, U Boati Prr. Parkla, Lot CsU f-TOII LOANS UP TO $1500 on Situ a tare. PwrwJtere. Car ST PERSONAU Ita "rm promptlT mpiored meat ot weenon. ft 1 -visit loan . . . het first A) Tee eeioct beet aarment date ft Betveen payday loans Pbana. writ er aaeao to TODAY! Personal Finance Co. 100 S mON ST. SALEM Stete Ucerue Nae. S-lll. M-It Loans over BUS re to HMO and aa la M ayeauie to rtoey made by Pare ewe I Praaaee Cv of Manoa C rooty under the iDdtftuial Lean Ce eta a a tee Aa of Oreeeta. rflt ANYBEE MOTORS 14 UbIob Ph. um IW phoaoi I-1IU l-MIS REAL STEAL! LIBERTY and CENTER Phone 4-4931 '51 BUICK DELUXE SPECIAL $1395 2 door sedan. Immaculate In every way. Guaranteed one owner, mileage only 27,000. New white tires. Radio, heat er, Dynaflow. The best Buick buy anywhere. '51 STUDEBAKER REGAL DELUXE $995 Champion Starlight coupe. One owner car with 30,000 actual miles, radio, heater and hydramatlc. Fully guar- anteed. 51 P0NTIAC CHIEFTAIN DELUXE $1395 Club coupe in new car condition. Perfect original dark blue finish, with white wall tires. Radio, heater and Hydramatic. '49 OLDS 88 CONVERTIBLE $795 The best convertible buy In town. Excellent finish and top. All red leather interior. Radio, heater. Hydramatic. '50 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE . $845 Perfect original black finish. White wall tires and chrome wheel covers. Exceptionally nice interior with custom plas tic sest covers. '50 OLDS DELUXE SEDAN $995 A one owner, premium car with only 30.000 guaranteed actual miles, in completely original condition thruout All the finest equipment including hydramatic, radio, heater. '49 MERCURY SEDAN $895. A four door model with original shiny blue finish and white wall tires. Radio, heater, overdrive, and other ac cessories. A locally owned, guaranteed value. '49 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDANET . . . .$745 Perfect- inside & out. Fully equipped and guaranteed at an amazing value. '48 FORD CONVERTIBLE $495 Assembled sports model. The former owner sunk $2,000 Into the new engine. Push button electric doors, radio, heater, new whitewall tires. '46 CHRYSLER "6" CL. COUPE $596 The very cleanest car we have in stock. Exceptions! in every respect Immsculate original cloth Interior, radio, heater, etc. MAJOR MOTORS IMS Bates, special todaa one! 1IJI ch.rroltt tador (troraporUUoa) in MANY OTHER PBOM WHICH TO CHOOBS Otto J. WILSON Company Commercial at Canter Ph. S-IISS aiM 32 PLYMOUTH $1345 S TO CHOOSS PROW. BX1RA CLEAN 1 CLUB OREEN COUPE AND I BLUE t DOOB BEDAM. TOL'B CHOICE 32 FORD Ranch Wagon 11995 RADIO. HEATER, POrUXjMATIC. 49 MERCURY Cl. Coupe 11093 RADIO. HEATER. OVERDRIVE, SPAR KI.IRO JET BLACX PlmSR WITH WHITE BIDEWALLS. CLEANXBT MEHCUHT III TOWX. Msnr Others to Choooe Pr.m LIBERAL TERMS CONSIGNMENTS INVITED CANDALARIA MOTORS HU B Commercial Ph. 4-1 all (TORMERLY CHEFFING8 MOTORS) tf 1953 PACKARD AND WILLYS DEMONSTRATORS AND EX"CUT VE CARS ' , NEW CAR GUARANTEE THE BEST DFAL N ' IN TOWN ELSNER MOTOR CO. - 332 N. HIGH ' SALEM PACKARD -WILLYS DEALER .Ml' Home of the "SAFE BUY : USED CARS" THESE CARS MUST GO THE NEW(1954 MERCURY IS HERE WE NEED THE ROOM I ' v PRICES: REDUCED 1953 Mercury Spt Sdn., Loaded with accessories. Less than 5000 miles. A real buy $2395 951 Mercury Clb. Cpe., T-Tone, R&H, O.D, Skirts and many other accessories. Look I . . . .$1445 1950 Mercury Clb. Cpe., Salesman's own car. R&H, T-V X ll 1 1 AaptspBat u.u., Lrow mueage, a reai ouy.. $izio 1950 Mercury Spt Sdn. All new tires. Looks and runs like new $1Z45 1949 Mercury Clb." Cpe., R&H, Ready to go. Light color. Lowest price yet .55 915 1949 Mercury Spt. Sdn. Late series, plus R&H, U.U., New tires $ 45 OOOD STOCK OP ALL MODEL htBRCTTRYB CrTHBRS TO CHOOSS PROW 1931 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA 1951 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN TUDOR. 1951 CHEV. DLX. POWER GLIDE. , . 1951 FORD TUDOR. NEW MOTOR RECENTLY. IF THE CAR OF YOUR CHOICE IS NOT : LISTED-CALL OR ASK FOR IT WE -MUST HAVE IT. . ' SEX , , " Bill Cogswell . $$ FOR $$ You Can't Beat Our Cars FOR VALUE! PONTIAC Thurman Zeitler 645 CENTER ST. WARNER MOTOR CO. ' BANK TERMS LIBERAL TRADES PHONE 8-3012 POST im um tu.rm.Um nm 11 station Wee en. hydra. BAH M eedan. hydro. RAH 0 eoape. RAH 41 eedan. hrdro, RAH v U eedea, hrdro. RAH '4T eedea. RH 41 ataaa, RAH MERCURY t aacua. RH I FORD '(T aedea, RAN STUDEBAKER '41 eedea, o OO I BEST FOR LESS '41 Parkard IT Pont lee 1 M Pontiae 1 WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD 1311 IMS AT BARGAINS -West Salem ISM Sairb epertal 4 clear. (notched Back. BAH. drne Irani Terr coed. A week end epeciaj only, a tat m an eaiato sate. sxircneiT aoow awr Only H4t Pontiae 4 -doer. New Brekee 1 new tlreo. orlctnal Black finish. This to a awdl Utile tea Really worth tae tftettca. iim wn. are mo i 11M Chevrelet tnandard l-aeor. Has had awar UN spent an motor. Now only I o ll Char. Aera ada. Her to a daadr pre-war 10. Ran real eod. Only . I 1U 14 Char. eVlna Styleltne -4oar. RAH. Thte Belonce te a farmer out By Amity, and he weate ae u est him, (read this a couple af umesi only I ati 1PM pare delaxe sVdoer. RAH. 7m etc Heat conehtton Pridar A Set. emit I it 1M1 Piymaath Creairreot I deer. Terr taw mDeace. On ewwer. A attck an II lit 660 N. LIBERTY IBM Chat. Oeiaxe 4 dear. Ac alee ae yea eaa find anywhera. Beaily nico . .11441 M NASH RAMBLER STATION WAOOff Radio, Beater, everarive, mnwm mumm, fl NASH STATX8MAH J-DOOB . HI Overdrive, healer, defroetere. The famous car that mckea tnta a bed, M CHEVROLET CLUB COUPS BM Radio, heater, aeat covers. It's ft Stria line oalai model la excellent condition end at a terrUM price, tt PORD trONVERTIBLS I IN Its the eh er peat one la town, with radio, hector, new top, BeaatlftU et black finuh and now taheleee white aidewaU Urea. '41 MERCtJRT CLUB COOPS EM Radio, heater, aver drive, new mblta atdewftll tires. Hera' ft low artee for a fine car. '40 PORD CLUB COUPE I Wl Radio, heater, aeat overs, vhlta atdewall tire, chrome wheels. And It s a boner I , . '40 DODOE COUP! I Ml Radio, heater, aood Urea. Ifo clean throes hoat and ran like ft watcht ' PRAZEB MANHATTAN I 4H Heeler, avedrive, new Urea. It's afaarpl -41 CHRTSLER WINDSOR 4-DOOR t OM Radio, heeter. fluid drive t U'a really alcel 44 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE 1-DOOR , HI Radio, beater, delroetere. and clean la every detail. '41 DEAOTO CTJBTOM SEDAN Radio, heater, fluid drive, lead Urea, and H run Ilk ft dreamt '41 CHEVROLET AERO 1-DOOR Radio, heaier. eric in el black finish. Many awfisartee. '41 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 4ft Silver Streak ' r' 4 dear, BAH. aeat covers, a real Burl '41 PRAZER SEDAN .......a... .f 14ft Drive end handle like sew. Many, many extra. it txner, stoarbttb t m Radio, beater, white atdewall tlree, glee mint e4 Maek flateh. A dandyl 44 NASH "40I" SEDAN Badta. heater, oricinal I tone Blaa finish, epatliaht. It i a "boa op far the nteakfr'' 41 PORD For only tft Club coupe, white eldewall tlree, chrome Interior, twin carburetora pipes. Tea. it's a hot rod end a food one, KELLY OWENS CO. WB BATS SEVERAL OTHER CARS) AMD ALL ARE PRtCTD TO PELL, M WE ARE OPERATING AT A ETTBrwELT LOW PROPIT OR TKMl ADD POR THE CORDITIOR OP THB CARS. IT If SAMS A TREMENDOUS SAVINO TO TUB BUTIRO PVEUC. , CASH TRADC BARK TBRIIB UM Bdaewstrr aolm-Dollst Blshwar KANNIER'S USED CARS 1 PH. 2-4113 Ita m7 '& iW msamam It CHEVROLET Por ODt? BtrWlaa deist. 4-dr . I Row whU. atdnalla. Cadillac Sedan By Original Owner Late 111 Mt Hk new Wm afia. ar Prif-e war under ua4 car lot prtca far oateB aam. 9hmm OE SOTO .late 40. 4 -door eedan. 11.00ft aillee. Ofieinal ownr, has everythtnr Best Bay k town. Phono 11411 or Iftoe. a. Ml IBM MERCUBT sport coupe 11444. S-4 Dine eel ate. Sea at Marten Car Park. Phoao mil. rt7 40 POWTIAO five aaeeeitrer eowre. Oood motor Any resaonablo offer arovptod. PtMae 1-1 It 141 CHBT4LKB 4-door aeden. Radio. heaur. Clean, txraiieni eimrtinen ill. or make eirer. m Manbrin Dr. ejiM1 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED ta aartM oa tatoUmt H to. Chn. pickup, call m. I. I wtu brlna mr IS month oM traet with radios h'.ttr. aaopr ta nm. S1.3A. Pnona 4-S1M 1MI t-DOOB OLDS. Matt Mil. T.rr sood aatfttMa. 4t7t. allao