Pag :2 FOR SALE FARMS it m Miai It 4tot lrte4 nhl. SM ua W tern M MIL loo KtM 1 culMfsllra. in ."..! room Horn.. 1 r. houM. MM Mr. mil me call a. A- W1LLOCOHBT wi arj i m of uoaa oooo rinu To ull, CLAUDE KILGORE REALTOR AND AUCTIONEER UN . UmM FOR SALE HOUSES THANK YOU TO THI GENERAL PUBLIC wi with It M) I i THANK TOU I capital letters We have endeavored, during; the past iMr, te effr for eat oood home at g price fair te he seller and thi Buyer. Thi ua eant that w carry fewer lleting IB our office hist what w have U generally worthy ef eon avdereuon by the buying public For tnie reason mi ptftnuii ef ! to Ilstlns has been blah. You who have celled ui know that w Make every effort to place too tn a bom gutted to row OMdi, Whether or oot yon bought through our efface we WOO! JOU UMIW 1DI1 w appreciated the pportuiif to he of Hivwi row. 1984 Fairs roande Road Hollywood District STAYTOM 11 icrti with larca older typo boon. Borni Xrult, duU and grape. Ideal location for building rental borate or aubdirldlng. rot loiorraauon wrue hi. 1, Boi a, Lyone. wet on. w $500 DOWN BffTXN ROOM HOUJt 4 Wdroorae, larao Uvlni and dlninc room, den, ntutty room, two eete of piumblot, double carace. Cioaa la eut en paved street, mee avow. . Center Street Realty J74I Centor flt. Phone 4U1 Ivanina Dhooa 1-1111 am JTAMI TOfJE) down panneiit. Brand Be I-tiroon, inaue tituiiy. IjOU or nor Ma apace, PHA buUL rboao I-oMT LOVELY If yos waal aaallty t&4 graclou pvinej eea vie noma aeiou rou aur. Tba Ilvlne room U tremendous and baa full wall ef plate glaia window with Inatde (floor level) planter aoi. I full bathe, eharmlni kltcben and full alio dinlav room. 1 bedrooma, S car f araee.BThle la truly one of Baitmerelaad'l flneat bomea, Health lorclru al. 130, 000. WU1 toiulder trade iot aood emaiier borne. Mm. France Knapp. Bra. Ph. liaH. UIO Paimounde Road Sourwood sutrMl Open Evenings Till 8 p.m. v COME OUT TODAY Only $800 Down for this 8 bedroom DREAM HOME! Sew the famoui Lock wood Horn that hai all of Salem - gt?ping with ad miration. 17 So. Pt. t bedroom ft Larte Bvine room and dlnlm ara with bit picture window Beautlfullr di lined kitchen with natural blrtb cablnete Both aftowor and tub ft. ward robe eloafii tn all bedroom Hard wond floere Thermo-on trolled ell futniri ) ineulatad an4 Wfttber tnpped e Laree etoraee room Tour choice of eiterlor and Interior eolora No down payment tf you own lot Approi. IM 00 pr mo. includ tnt latereil, taaea, Inaurance, eta. ALL THE&I WONDKRFUL fealuraa for only 04 ORDERS A JIB NOW VEfNO TAKEN. SO BKK TUB MODEL HOME TOU AT I PHONE 3-0071 mi msTH s RrrriAi. n.eoe below pha arpraiial. In aood nwu Fully modern. i-bCrootn hnme. Well arranted, ha everythine you are looklni lor. Pull enc wnlr Aprrotimately l oo down, or U1 leaje with option to buy. Off Uneaaier, 4 lit Muakere Bt. t-MM. : TRANSFERRED Owner rnoine to Portland. Uutl a;i imniMiauiT a urn loeety l weoroom noma wub luu dry taaement The erMlMia lutof room la panced fal hemlock and ha a broad errata ( full lenfth window. French oora pen onto cement petto and lovely pard. Baeement la wwnd'rfuiLy eulted lor e&lMren'a Play toem or part room. Located north iD fine iimi nburbaa aeif hborbood, Xa pn. seiM U. ooc. a! CLASS! FIE D AOVEBT1S1WO Per Want, tlaaea lie Per Weed e Per Ward, t tleaee ia Per Ward. I atmtb Owe N Reraade Mlwlwiem 10 Werda RE A ( MS la Leeal News Celaata OalFt PV Werd te Mhtaaaaea It Wetde. T flu Ad In Same Hay's Pacter. lhm I-S4M Mearw 1 aVtm. mm wmm FOR SALE FARMS WORTH THE MONEY Fn. t-MI. Mill FOR SALE HOUSES This Will Sell Quick 1 rr. eld S bdrs. homo- Aluminum etdlng, electric refrigerator. as range, las circulator, washing -etiini a numerous other piece of furniture Included tn eate price. 14.111. Drive by 4 S. llnd then phone Mr. Jllcain isimi. FOR SALE LOTS LOT BARGAIN We atfll have a number of that food loU trtte-lB aaat. They are 71i)40 and 7Til11 la la and the price are only to and loo each. Other aood Iota aaoo. I14M and aa&M. CENTER BTRZKT REALTY. 1141 Center mu rnooe a-eeji. aee. ra l.iatf. aaitB FOR SALE FARMS FOR BALK OR TRADE Chicken ranch for 1.000 beat. 4 pear old modern 1 bedroom bouae, also an elder comfortable bouae. John Deere L A tractor with au lermins equipment. New well of eieellent water upr-ly- atrerythltur valued at 11.000. Will ael. or trade my H.ftOO eeulcy for bouae In Balem. Walter Elckhoff, Yam hill. Oraaoa. Bte. '1 Box JS. Phone trasa. bJ FOR SALE ACREAGE Buy All or Part ef tbla n-arre tract. Located north with hlihway frontaye. Brit ef aoil at (300 per acre. Will dlicue eaay term a. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 10H Portland Rd. Ph. 1-T6U Bvt- Richard Klumpp, Ph. 1-1084 Barvey Llrely, Ph. J-DM bb3tl REAL ESTATE GOOD BUY! Very nice S-bedroom home with flre- Jlace io Xnilewood die trie t. Cheerful itches. Oood-aUed llvim raoaa. Oa race. Price 8.8 60. Want an Income? Thla property brlnca In 1M a month, bee Idea pTovldlnc aopirate 1 bedroom home for owner. 1 acre. Prult. Nut. Paature. 011.100. RAMSEY, REALTOR 3004 North Commercial Of floe 4-1111 Bve. Al Bender, Baleamao. 1-7041 Bve. Jim Ramaey 4-16BI C3P9 3 WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES P H A. j PXDERAL OX fcfTOB, Trade for Larger Home nice noma jui ouukm city, won derful ahrubi. Prult closet. Work bench. Wall to wall carpet in llvlnf room. Bxtra deep let. Lota ef room for far den. Inaulated. 1 car att. laraia. Oil heat. Only t yre. old. Pull price only 74O0. (Call for RAY OR1MMBTT. ee ph. 1-7670 aim.) PANORAMIC VIEW Of Balem from thla lovely home. PuO feaaemenl with lovely recreatloa room, Oorgeoua yard. S flreplacaa. Inaulated. Pvd. at. Reason for aelllaa owner wadtl smaller borne. In the very bait ef repair. Pull price 113,000. (Cell Iot UH. CRAWPORD, eve. ph, 4-0020 Aim.) WE HAVE FOUND An exceptionally clean and modem 4 bedroom borne. In aa eieellent loca tion. Has a very food fireplace. Spacious dlninc reorn. Pull dry baae rnent. Oil furnace. 1 car taraae. Un usually nlee yard. It's inaulated. Weather - stripped. walnut treee. One you'll love. Pull price 113,000. i Terma err an led. SHARP TH Inexpenilva. Only I yra. eld. Nice home. Pine bull tin. Automatic wearier and drrer. Clrculatlns fire-; place. Patio. Inaulated. ep. utility room. Tou couldn't spend a nlckle on thla one. Pull price 0I0.0. tCall for RAT OKIMMETT, eve. pb. 1-1079 aim.) I MOTEL TRADE For farm, In very beat ef condition. Tou couldn't spend a nlckle on thla on. Pvd. rfrWewers, Spacious llviu aiiarter. Kxtre apt. Located where year round bustneaa la plentiful. I Untie and 1 double unite. Full price 131.300. (Call for N. O. "DAN" 1AAAK. eve. ph. 4-itsi 01m.) APARTMENT TRADE For farm, duplrl or home. Near Dallaa. Very clean. Completely re novated. Well located, a apta. plus owuers auarlrrt. Pull baeement. Fine for ee mi-re tired couple. Pull price Its. S0O. Terma. tCall for N. Q. "DAN" IB A AY, eve. ph. 4-JHJ BIm.l 40 ACRE TRADE Thla It a aood farm. Very rood soil. Ortli 13 mile north of Balem. Complete with all necrxaary farm ma chinery. Oood fflodern I bedroom bouse. Rot house. Chicken home. Ma chine aned. Oarase. No watte land. Kverythlnr coea for tl,IS0. (Call for MR- LKAVKNS, eve. ph. -473 Sim.) Million Dollar View From this 03 acre farm. Well lo cated. Prult and tome walnuts. Some timber. Very aood modern t bedroom haute. Chicken home. Barn. Oaraia Deep well vlua a print. School but Pull pTKo coly MMO. Owner will ac cept trailer home in trade for the equipment If desired. 'Call fnr MR LEAVENS are. ph. 1-4731 sim i VIEW & 500 DOWN On thla 10 acre tract. Cloee la near tlty bus. School bus by door. Pvd id. Lots of fruit. Modern house. Oood rem eat foundation, flaraae in bate menL Oood welt. Preature atem Full price only 1l0. (Call for UK. CRAW tOHD. eve ph. 4-50JQ Slm i BUILDING SITE 1 acre. Well located north. Beit at eo peep well with an electric pump. Tina la Ideal pjil price only 13000. (ce.ii rer muv l-BAViNsj. eve. pb 1-4730 81m I FHA CONVENTIONAL MTtVl . 1 Year FEDERAL OI MTOS . YEAR LICENSED AIJSO IN WASH A) IDAHO Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Off. Fnene 4-3111 or J-11 30 tra. 1-4MI; 4-).)l, 4-M, l-77t. 4-4047 If B answer call 4-3370 cJPS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES H4RPK4KT RUINE(S " Impaired and prendre of ether in teres ta forcee aarrifice or toini butlnwa. Of fering entire atcM-k at 40 of retail for neat 10 dajooo a. ft. floor space, loo ft. front, a 1 aiaas very aitrao-1 lite lease-low ratl-t vra. s B Pkaon Hick tons Shopping Center i Bowlh Salest er phone 13111 for apt ml i 44 REAL ESTATE GORGEOUS LOW DOWN ' PAYMENT tf yen have a blsb tmaemt, put caaal! aatouat ef ready caah, true homo est CmndalarLa la rear answer I Owner It ui af tow a. and There are t bedrooms and a lovely laottr pise aea, tna. full diatn en vita nook and j svsa see Tea atocTuasv Lee Ohsaaxt ' GOOD RENTAL. I bsdraeari with basemen l. alee tardea aped, tttra waildlnc for ship, put price to 0400. LH as show yea thru tasa aaly aao.Ow CaU Louis Larans. GOOD FAMILY HOME FOR 110,000 Ideal location te school and enopplnt center, base meat with economical sawdust rnrnace, flreplaeo in UilO ilvint room, diainc raeaa plus aoos, la kltcben. GRADE "A" DAIRY lea acres, lot A. cultivated, feel, pasture and timber, all rr. track, trope bow la, M A. permanent pasture, irritation well. SI tanchloa barn. 1 allot, t bedroom bom. This la a aood dairy act up and eaa be beutht witb or without cows en. equip. Call Henry Tor vend ley further information. OHMARUCALABA, REALTORS n enn at. rbu jtm-mii Ifc .uUan-Ulll Li IUM: Tid Uorruoa MM aurr Twtm4 nun fuipa u.dd, iu SUBUREAH OROCBRY A) MARKBT-Locatad raat. Very nice Ilvlne auaruca. Oood Kulpment. Showlnt eieellent return. Owner would eonaldty taklns noma la trade. Per details CALL U. K. LAYMON. BOOTH BALXU Close ia achooli. corner lot 100x101 feet. Two small bouse oa the ens lot. other vacant, A good rental set up. Price t0. CALL O. H. ORABENHOHST, JR, ',B1 V roa HOUB FOR CHRISTMAS-jcicepUonal home, cen tral hallway, all automatic stream line kitchen with appjjaneej, 7'1J.' ,lr,plc- bdrm . Plenty or atorace and cloaat apace, ft lot, treea. paved tlrnta. But by door. Reduced t 111,000. CALL ROT S. FERRIS, A LOVELT CONVENIENT BOMB Hr. rm. with fireplace, plate laaa window, din. ra with corner cabinets, 1 bdrmi., bath, model kitchen ca nook. Pull beam!, with rum put room and fireplace. Simla attached carats, covered patio, greenhouse. $13,100. CALL J. X. LAW. GRABENH0RST BROS. REALTORS u aouta Uixrir at. p. .Jlti rvinlm, Uj auDdin oil hlunia KT a. mil l-Mll 1. X u l-Illl H., K. Lmon Mill For Your Insurance Need Call W. H. (Bill) Johnston 2-2471 or 3-3363 REAL ESTATE HOME & INCOME Court Bt. location nnlr 1 blocks ia state bulldlnii. Ideal far working cou- ric. Have a nice one bedroom apt. or ownera plus 3 rentals that bring In 1100 per mo. Furniture Included In 1 apu. ferment only 0139 per me. with UWa down. Good condition thru ul. 25 ACRES Bantlam bottom soli. Ideal for high Income trope. 1 bedroom home, neat and clean. Double carace. 3 chicken houses, bam and other bulldlnii. On paved road. Bear drive to Salem. Only e.i:na : will trade for grocery or M'llt, DON'T RENT lift will make down payment, bo waira money neenec lor insurance or taaea. Late built 1 bedroom home with hardwood floor. Bxtra large kitch en. Floored attic for 3rd bedroom. Attached taraae with plenty of apace for work ahop. Paved at., aewer, close te bu l'ne. Payments only 0o 00 par ao. 101 South High Street Phone 1-1303 Phone Xvenlnas t Sunday 4-1471, 1-SIII. 1-4114, 4-4310, 1-3304 3 NELSON SOUTH 15TH STREET Newly decora te' attractive I bdnn home, hwd flTS, utility rm, gar. lot ohm. good garden spot, only 18790. BUY FHA $1000 DOWN Mew 1 bdrm home, lasul. w.s. hdw. noon, wau ou jurnaca, living rm, 13a 174, vary nice kitchen. Oar ate. good Iocs Hon. Lot SOilOO, only 47700. Call Mr, wootten. KISS' THE LANDLORD GOODBYE PRICB lOSOOtoO PER MONTR Tbla redecorated Inalde and out 1 bedroom home will etart you en the road to Independence. It is close to the new Waihincton achool and dtr bus. Located on Abrams Ave. The monthly paymenta are tuit M per mo. Call Al Waits. 1-1430. 1 13 ACRE CROISAN CREEK ROAD Neat 3 bdrm and den home situated In a rustic setting of fir treei. Dou ble israte. Spring water. Pull price 4600. DRY CLEANING BUSINESS Oood. well, eetabllahed drv elssnlne butlneta grossing about I34.0O0, Own ers health forcet aele. Mar consider trade for 113,000 MUlty. CaU Mr. Schmidt. Nelson & Nelson SPECIALIZING KBALTOR TW N High Ph. 1-3440 C304 If ran want la bur with a email down payment, call te etc this two bedroom suburban home. It has a living room and dining room combination, kitchen, bath, nark basement, earaae 1 Ai 4V10 acree. Only I4J00. 14 aow a. can nr. parsons. C. V. KENT & CO REALTORS I Kortn Church FMn. 4-171 Iym: S-IMt WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If your property te for sale rent or eiehange. "at it with ua. have all kinda ef fain auveri. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 14 S. High SI. ci WB ABB In need ot good houtee to sell. in er near Salem. If yew with te list your property far sale. ie ORABENHOHAT BROS REALTORS 114 8 Liberty Ph. 3-3411 cs Frnm owner three bedroom home 1 Northeast, Low doan payment or leaae with option. Referencea. Write Bi 344, Capita: Journal. ca29t To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 THE CAPITAL JOLKNAL. Sale, Oregra REAL ESTATE HOME - will tarry contract I tni . laxly I 1 ' '( t. ,r,. 1.1 Wkuilful kiu-h-1 1 , wau te well carpet- room, beautiful kitch all for 111. REAL ESTATE A. A. LARSEN REALTOR THE ANSWER IS acre. Prult. nut, berries, gar den. Close In, northern!. A living plua some Income. 3 BR home, modern. Small barn. Future aubdlvtalon. Just 0 mlnulea from downtown. Full price 13. 140. 30 down. THE CHALLENGE Older 3 BR home needa some fix ing. Lot 80x150. Suburban aoutheast on pavement. City water. 45600.00 full price, autre good terms. THE BUY Clote in on N. Summer St. 3 RR, separate dining room, full basement. On the creek. One of the few of ferine In this choice area. 111,000, V down. THE BARGAIN Nearly new I BR home on large lot, outh. Buy owners equity and take over loan. Will take car or trailer bouts, ruu price 10730. 191 S. High St. Phone 38031 EvanlOl 34081 - 17143 - 33734 c30 FULLY EQUIPPED garage Ac aervlce na tion. 3-iamlIy home, I13.O0O. Small valley town. 20 minutes drive from Sa lem on heavily traveled hiway. Plenty of work for 3 men. Writ Cliff Hudton. Aumtvllle, Oreuon. c?91' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LOCKKB BKEF White face Hereford, 30c. Nothing down, o month to pay. Cuitom killing. Trailer loaned tree. Salem Meat Co, 1330 S. lb. Ph. l-48il. YOl'E CHOICI of my registered Duroc sows 1100. a lit 44S. X am a PFA mem ber. These are from state champion Phone 31 HI- ta8 SADDLES A horses for aal or will traae lor gun. jtjs uncaater Dr. eve ning!. Phone 3-0308. e2t5 PETS GLOVERS SIAMESE kittens and cats Beauty, gentleness, Intilllgenra, devo tion. Priced right. 3-0631. aclio CHAMPION BRED Boxer puppies. Moorea Tropica Piih Equipment. Parakeets. Pets. Macleay Road. 4-1773. Ciotcd Wednesdays. ecJIO CANARIES. FINE CHRISTMAS gift. Small deposit. Phone 3-4385. 1340 Che. mekita. c2s PARAKEETS, LOVELY selection, all col on, cnrlitmsa gtftt. Reasonable 4) De posit will hold. Cages and lupplin 3130 Uvlngiton. Phone 1-1041 ec297 SIAMfKB KITTENS (15.00. miea. Phone 4Jse. ca7 PARAKEETS, the lovable companion lor anut-ina. si so UMnsiton. 3-1643. ec94 SIAMESE KITTENS, pedis reed malet and fema!eji. At enable br Chrleimai i P:ione 3-1071. er:s7- CHIHt AIlt'AS A K C. rtsUtered. One male, two fema'.ea. six monthi. One three month female, 8H each. In- I quire Vu i SleaR Hour. Mill Cltv. I Phone 5807. Kxtept Uonilaw erZflfl FOR SALE -Coilie puppie May be rei latered. 3 left. I table Si hn mi.e, i 1 in-color female will hold till Cnrut- i mat. R. c Adam. I't ml. E. of Shaw on Silver Fa;ia Hiwar ec391 ! YOUNO PARRAKEKTS, 1810 Wallace Rd. Phone 4-5363. ec297" ROSTOV Bl LL terrlrra" Pemaietwith papert to retitter. Eight weekt oid. Hi Kin i wood Dr. ec296 TOY AND Chihuahua male. 611. No Sat urday eaiU. 189a Birch wood. 3-77)1. efJOd' FUEL ANDERSON'S SLAB WOOD. 3 corda I14 0O. delivered-. Phone 1-7751 or 4-4351. m!07 It SLARWOOD. 114 00 per load. Saw dutt, 411 M per lead- Delivered In All verton ares only. Twin Falls Lumber Co. SILVfTRTON. ORFOON PHONE 3 1201 SPECIALS! Oak, Aih. Maple Wood. Oreemlabe We have block A planer ende WEFT SALEM FUEL PH. 1-4011 eOfft WANTED rUKNITURC' I '(s LtKTtf'W, 1 t-tV a 111 IP.. ICS 8 ? III a, I 1 - . . I i ' l tti rr w.' . Bgpw- m -r ,'-- g ip ai i i i si iy i rri. i n r -. i aw c a 1 1 i; a FOR SALE POULTRY WB ABB bete a Ins Mew Hampshire Oeld ea Bread aatl Arbar Acre Watte Bock. . every wool Special prlate te year round fryer growers, rox s aatcnerr. ats State St Phone I-4M0 f PRODUCE WALNI'Ta. tae a pound. Pnane 4-417 eveainaeerea weekend. ffytl WaTnVtS: LARGE Pranaaettas Pine aualtty. Commercially dried. Mc lb. 1IM He, 14th St. Pnone l-a30. ffaOO COM ICX FEARS 4 M per bushel baa. Paoat four or der at once. Salem 4 4144. frits' SALEM Ft'BLIC Market tParmere), 1340 B. Rural, satnrasr. s a m. asaea. fruit A vetetablaa. .lfi VtW CROP dried Italian pi ones. AUe. walnuts, filberts, brsxil, almonds, and pecans. 1 ani north ef underpass oa highway MB. Oreea Apple Market. ff34" BED DELICIOUS epVlet fat tale. Phone 3-8144. Delivered In Salem. ffl HELP WANTED 4 MEN or women, IS te 41. Permanent Job, good future, large earning. Be Mr. Comfort. 341 If. High St.. Tuesdsy, Decemrer II. t S nt.-l p a. g3T HELP WANTED MALE Nationwide Financial INSTITUTION Offering s broad procram of ep portunitiea for young man wha want to go p .! la the automobile flnaic ing flekL No experience la necessary. We need a slncla man 11-3S years ef ace who bu had at least one or two years of collate. Thla ia a permanent position wiih no isles work Involved. An automobile 1 furnished. Raptd merit salary increasaa, vacations with par. Incentive profit-sharing plan. In. turance benefits with free hospltsUae. tlon. Call for appointment. 8-414. COMMERCIAL CREDIT COR POP! ATI ON 440 NORTH CHURCH STREET SALEM. ORIOOM gm DRY CLEANING route salesman. Box 303. Capital Journal. gal98 H ELPJVANniFEMALE WANTSD OIRL for general" offlee'work. please reply to 304 capital Journal. Bb30 B7LIABLB WOMAN for child care and lliht houtework by January 4th. 4-41(1 Saturday, Sunday. sb3B6 HOl'SE KEEPER for elderly couple In SUverton. phono 1-4431 Allvertoa. abMO WANTED SALESMAN ADDITIONAL FI LL TIME MAN with ear needed for Kawlelgb bualntsa. Start Immediately. Selling eiperlence help ful but not required. Write Bd Walker. PO Box 3S18. Portland 1, Ore. gg395 WANTED POSITIONS BXPEBT TREB service. Trees topped, trimmed, removed. Hedge trimmed, yard cleaned, trash hauled. Free etti inates. J-74B4. h-l-a BELIABLB BABY SITTER Will go dayi or ntghta. Phone 3-9904. hS08 CARPENTER repalrtna A buUdlnc of any kind. Phone 3-9091. t398 CARPENTER A repair work. Call alter I p.m. Phone 3-1459. h3B8 LIGHT CRAWLER, dosing, dirt level ing, s-adlng. Phone 3-3330. hill' GENERAL SEWING and button hole. Phone 3-7000. hill WIEMALS Day nursery. Licensed and tat inspected. Phone 1-5015. h38Ba PAPER HANGING. By the hour. Phone 3-1137. hlOV CARPENTER Repair, remodel, cabinet and garages. Small Job welcome. Phone 4-4369. h305 PAINTING AND DECORATING. 35 years Salem experience. Free eatlmate. 3-7533. h2B 7 EXPERIENCED MOTEL manager will work full or part time. Eieellent ref erence!. Day 1-1841, Nlfhta 4-3593. fa39S CHILD CARE, 10H N. 18th. Bhglewood dutrlet. Mr. Bertie Jehnaon. Phone 3-83. , .-.397 HIGH SCHOOL tlrl needa work, baby sit ting, etc. Phone 1-1316. h396 EXPERIENCED BART altter. My home or yours. Phone 3-5313. h303 DROP OFF. your family waah bundle at the Lsunderefte, we'll do the rest. Paat, economical service. Launderette 1355 Perry St. h29S BI TTON HOLES bound and machine al terations and aewtng pockets and tip pers In men's panta. Phone 1-951 J. h3M BABY SITTING 6 month under, my horn cventnua. Phone 37039. h396 PAINTING, PAPEBHANGING. day Or contract. Small joba welcome. Phone 3-7691. h8 PAPEBHANGING, painting. Free estl- matei. Dan Lucero. Ph. 3-5632. h6 MIMEOGRAPHING A typlni. Quality work. Rpssonable rate. Mrs. Poe. 865 N. Kith. Phone 3164. Ji8 FOR RENT FOR RENT Attractive 1 bedroom court, range and refrlg. $M 00 a month. 1310 Court St. 3 bedroom home. 171.00 a month. 1060 Craa St. See OHMART it CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court AL Phone 3411814116 jairl LARGE warehouse space for rent or leate. Cement floor a. brick building. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone 1-018S. J WANTED TO RENT 1 CLEAN TWO bedroom home after Janu ary Ut. Near North River Road. Ap proximately 160 . 4-4764: U297 LOCAL TbISINESs'mAN wanta'to rent or leeno 3 bedroom houte with targe living room. Must be sloie to school In dtv Phone 3-145. 8-5 ia27 ROOM & BOARD BOARD AND ROOM for your aged or dis abled depend en ia. Phone morn in a. 3-0070. J.'t FOR RENT ROOMS LARGE NICELY furnlahed room. Sleep ing, light houtekeeping for 1 or 1. Utilities, bedding, etc, furnished. 830. 495 S. 11th. Jfclill RE ASONABI-CLEAN . atrracUve7warm roomt. Clote-in. Prlvste entrance. Phone 1-7481. jk396 SLEEPING ROOM for 1 or 1. 790 North Church. Phone 3-433? Jk?96 FOR RENT HOUSES 4-ROOM FLAT, fumlihed, urwtatrs. Can have 1 bedrooma. 845. Mrs. French. 3- 4796 evemnei. jmlPV ONE BEDROOM u'n f o rn iihedcot Va e! AMtchtd gar sis. 8M moatb. Phone 4- 5387. Jm4' JOE PALOOKA f'' --!, . . A-JI' V IVT Ht A OMR. rVHCM V Y I SHOULPN'T Bt TEUJN' "1 r.AM'TWiV BOOTSO Y H tAF.'.JV I. wn. r-t v"i-t coor rjirQP AS NfcPMX'S I I MATTESt ? F THINrs Wt w' "WS1 I LVroweiT-y iuvc ire L evif FOR KENT HOUSES THREE BOOM fojnUhJd. Large las. 844. 81441 kaMwtwa i Bav aad I ia )B24 B-BOOM brkek cat tasa, Bewly deoorated. stiuty. israte, bus lias, aduils, acai General Hoapltst Fhane t-IMI. 1M346 SMALL BOl'SB. clean, nicely furnithet Close t Sl4t Bui HI B 8. 11. Phone t'M- W391 GOOD 1-BSDBM. unfurm. horn with full dry base meat, living yaa.. fireplace, dining rm.. doable plumbing, double ssrsts, excellent location, near Stat Bads A school. Sit JOB L- BOURNI, BXALTOR 114 B. Capital . FA. J-allt JmlOl S-BOOM FURNISHED bo US. 3345 M Church. Phone 84131. Ive. 19C3S. Imlfl' MODIRJCOl' BTs! One and 1 bedrooms. Before Jan. 1. Stove refrlgeraMr furnlabsd. Hear Saleai Oeaerel Hospi tal. Fbene 30444. JmlOO SMALL. FVBN1SHED, tlaaa and neat. ll 04. Phone l-54l. Jmiaa- rjNFL'BNlBHED ONB-Bedroess house. Aatomatu heat. Oarage. leio n Church. 1-1941. Jm7 MODERN ONI-Bedroom duplex. Xlactrlc beat, ranee, water bester, pnona 1-4324 or 1-4T11. Jm397 THREE-BOOH modern furnished cottage for renL Phone l-oeii. jmw Breys Courts Milt he seen to appreciate. All aew t-bodroom home 1ft court. Lot of built-in with fruit room, utility and ample storage space. Car pert. 448 00. 441 BR ETA Out Center to Brer, 1 Block Jm2S5 FTRNtSHTD ONE bedroom cottage. Near State Building. Shopping Center on North Oapltol. AdulU only. No pel. Call after 10 30 a.m. 110 Garnet St. 3-144S. )m7 ONE BEDROOM, electric heat, garage, in email enqrt. Unrurnisnaa. i-asia. ' so. sand )26 DIPLEX, 1 rcoma, clean, unfurnished. store reem. itos n. aio- raont Jm294 LARGE 1 room modern unfurniihcd house. Just en acuta mn ei. nttwa able, phone 19734 morning or eve nines. Jm6' PENTHOL'SE. Three room furnished. Priced rliht for newiywecia or oirice glrla. Sarage available. 1054J Bdsewa ter. Waat Balem Jm399' J ROOM house. 690 N. 11th. Inquire 1598 N. 5th. References. imw 4 'BOOM modern house, electric ranee, water beater. 430. inquire iwo wooa row. Jm2B9 IINFL'RNISHED duplex, automatic heat. Oarase. Baaement. 1380 court at. Phone 8-7134. Jm399 NEAT I bedroom houte. Wired for elec tric stove. Inquire 868 snipping i. Jm296 ONB BEDROOM furnished cottage. Rea sonable. Some utilities. Inquire 3648 Portland Rd. Jm396 1 ROOM unfurnished bowse. Qea range. ter heater. 465 8. I6th. jnass BUSINESS RENTALS WAREHOUSE SPACE. New building with larte parking area, with or without of fice facilities. Rail siding. Drive-in and truck dock. Porkllft trucka and pal lets. Cspttal City Transfer Company. Pi-one 1-3436. JoS02 FOR RENT APARTMENTS COURT APARTMENTS, utilities furn lthed 135 and 151 Trailer bouts for rent or sale. 3315 Portland Rd. JnSOl TWO THREE-ROOM furnlahed apart ments. Private batn, entrance, iuo n. Liber ty Bt.8-6B41 . UNFURNISHED DUPLEX apartment, newly decorated. 3 rooms and bath. No children. 773 Mill St. Phone 33317 for appointment. Jp300 T7lREER6oM apartment, bath. New furniture. Near Shopping Center. Ph. 4-5673. 1340 Center St. Jp3(t21 iTlTdOMrltfMeNTTPartly fumlihed. Electric range and refrigerator. Phone 3-4312. Jp297 CLEAN, QUIET 3-room apartment. Lady. cloae In. 644 Bo. Summer. Jp397 iROOM "afartment.- 3 block t" from Capitol. Newly decorated. Very comfor table. Unfurnished, except range. 396 S. Winter. 3-8553. Jp290 NT. WLY DECORATED two-room furnish ed court apartment, lots Mad 1 ton St. 4-4754 Jp300' NEWLY DECORATED, large, well furn lahed 1-foem Apt., 430.00. 2nd floor. AdulU. No pets. Phone 17111. 1144 Hi pi Ave. Salem. D. B. McClellan. JpJOO I BOOMS AND BATH, furnished, close In. clean, main floor; 2 lane roomi, newly remodeled and decorated, pri vate bath, furhUhed, oil beat; email cottage, oil heat, clean, furnished, comfy. Laundry facilities for all. 492 S. Huh. )pJ9t CLOSE-IN, THREE - room apartment. newly decorated, private entrance. 3t N. Winter. Jp297 APARTMENT IN WET Salem. Children welcome. Phone 3-1411. 1117 th St. JP311 ROOM furnished apartment. Also, bachelor apartment. Ambassador Apartments, M0 If. Summer J pi 11 CLEAN, FURNISHED apartment with ga- rate Utllltiea furnished. pnone 3-90843241 Haiel Ave. !f2a" CLEAN. FURNISHED apartment. Clo.e ln. Phone 3-7148. jpz6" 1 URGE ROOMS and bath. Furnlahed! 837.50, Private entrance and auto. heat. Phone 4-6551. JP296 CI.F.AN, Ol'IET. warm one-room apart ment. Close-in. Lady preferred. 845 Ferry St. p3B!! rROOMnpURNisHED spartment. wirm. clean. See to appreciate. Phone 3-8693 or 4-1. SOS 1o207 NICE s and 8 room, 120 and up. AdulU. FI'RNHUFD 3 room apt. Private en trant and bath. Call after I pm 170 N. 14th, Ph. 2-0845. Jp5' TWO ROOM apartment. Heat, llshti, water furnlahed. dome in. In. 31 Union St. Jp395 CLEAN furnlahed house. aaAhinc Itles. 91 N. Liberty JP29B- I - VERY NICE Two bedroom furnished and unf urnl'hed apartment. Water, rente, refrlserator f urn'.hed- I6S and tn month. Pnone 3-85(18. ip300 rrBMSHED APARTMENT.S55 Oak' St" third bouse east of Memorial Hospi tal. JP295 MODERN FURNISHED apartmenta. 8J7. 50-842 50. Evervtnins paid. 624 N. Capitol. Apartment 1. 1PI95 THE BESlF T H R EE - ROO M offer in ton Clean, modern. Clote to butlnett dls tncU Partly furnished. 1056 Edae wa ter. Waat Salem. jp300 bVaVtIFULI.Y furnlahed coay 1 bed room duplex. Large rooms. ave to bus. Weit Salem 945. 1211 IVisewa ter. 'Phone 1-5109 evening 119919 .'P399 MCE "l" RE f BOO M a'paTtm en t . I-cati near shopping center, state otflcea and Schools. Rent 853 per month AL ISAAK A CO . REALTORS Phons 4-1111 JPlOV CLEAN. NICELY furnished. 3 room apartment. Stove. Tfm f rater, wawi- 1 ROOMS furnished, "utilities psW. 138 1171 N. 4th St. Phone 4-8580. Jp399 AUCTIONS Free Prizes SCOTTY'S . AUCTION HOUSE 20 Consigners of Good Household Furniture,- new & used. AT 4840 CENTER ST., SALEM EVERY TUE. EVE, SAT. DAY & EVE. SAT., DEC. 1210 A M. & 7 P.M. One of the lane.t public auction! ever held, all public invited. Don't mit thla. G. E. tlec. rsng Dresser II ft. M.W. rtfrigerator Matu. 4-dc blonds Mr.- & Mn. bed room let (very nice) 8-pc. mahogany dining room set (extra nice) RnHlns New portable sew. machine Table saw Misc. new tools 5-pc. chrome set 5-pc. dinette set Swine rockers Davinos Floor lamp! LIVESTOCK SELLS AT 2 P.M. CHICK INa. RABBITS, LATINO HUNS. FKYIBa. PTOJ. OCCM. COW sTbULLbV FKICKRa VEALS. BABY CALVES. HOGS WEANSM. OR ANYTHINO YOO WANT TURNED INTO CASH COM8 BRING rT XLVNo" AOCTIONS ARB ALWAYS WELL ATTENDED WEANERS HAVI BEEN SILLINO FROM 111-115 EA. NOW !T THAT READY CASH FOR CHRISTMAS. LET SCOTTY TURN YOUR MERCHANDISE INTO SILVER CASH TODAY AT FUBI.IC AUCTION WHERE THI CROWDS OO. YOUR BID IS OUR BID BUYTHE AUC TION WAY AT SCOTTY S AUC. HOUSE OOOD CLEAN POOD COUN TER. HEATED BUILDINO. PLENTY OP PRra PARKINO SPACP XVXRYEODY WELCOUI. WI ARE INTERESTED IN THI HIOH DOLLAR FOR YOU. AUCTIONEER Col Ernest E. Scott PHONE 4-843S FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED COUBT apartment. 1 rooms St garage. Cloae tn on North Commer cial 155. Phone 1-1041 or 3 0644. Ja NICE, CLEAN, furnished apt, Cloee In. 444 N. Cottage. Jp SEVERAL furiiiahed apartment, good location.-Inquire BL U Stiff Furniture Phone 3-8185 lb" LOST & FOUND LOST. 1 TOY shepherd pups, both black Si wnue. a moatns om. tubsc pups were Chrlitmas presents for our chil dren. Last seen In 1600 block South Liberty. Please call 1-7026. k29V LOST TAN and brown ladle' aweater. Corner Marlon and High, 1:00 a.m.. Friday. Phone 1-3531. k296 LOST Dec. 4, tan leather glove. (Right hand). Phone 41379. k36 LOST Whlteface calf. Near Chemawk. Phone 3-3196, 3450 Chemawa Rd. - K394' LOST Pair of reading glaiiet. Dark frames, gold trim. Reward. Call 1-B954. k296 MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRtVB MOVE YOURSELF SAVE S CAR RENTAL - STAKES - VANS TEXACO STATION 419 COURT ST. PHONl 1-1931 PAC-E BTEVXNBOF and AL UEPORD DENTAL PLATE RSPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph BWi , State At Commercial Sti. SALEM PH. 3-3311 m SALEM SAND it ORAVXL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditch Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Pool Phone Day 1-9408 Xvet. 2-4417 or 1-7413 Salem. Oregon tn WILL FILL ORDERS for Lcfte. Call 3-8868. BUILDING MATERIALS SALE Oarage doon complete with hwd 145 00 Overhead gar. doora, hwd. .... 13.95 4x8 waterproof wallbd IIS Naila. 69 75. 2 kesi at 6 9f New picture windowa 18 up New weather atrtDoed Windowa 14.30 New docra, all situ 150 100 used doora St frames Unpainted cedar ahakee 100 Painted shakes with undircourse 10.50 Aibesto siding, per aq. . 150 Piberglai roll blanket tatulatlon, New ahake moulding 10c Cedar "fence poata Chp 800 gal. acptlo tanke ........... 43.50 4" cast Iron soil pipe 75c Roll roofing, large aupply 1-25 4" solid oranreburg pipe 3Sc 1 tab composition roofing 6 95 Cedar ahlngles. 4 grades Cheap New toilets with seat 24.50 New bath tuba complete 67.50 Double kltcben alnka complete .. 41 50 40 aal. elec trater htra 110 Steel houer cabinet complete . . 41 50 14-3 Electric wirina 3MiC 13-3 Electric wlrlne 5'jc Laundry traya, pipe, wash basins. Bale C O. LONO A, SONS Ph. 4-5051 ml. N. of Reiser BOUt'lNti, INKIXAYION, Venetian Blinds. Call Western Auto Supply Co. for free estimate. 3-7177. ma MATERIALS GALCRE!! Hash "it's' here somewhere. Ply wood everywhere, lots of good 4x8 eneeta. Pine Pone table top 5x9 8 00 a ahett. Several thousand pes. plywood low a le, 10c Birch too. Beautiful 1x8 hemlock VO panel, knotty pine 114 50. thelvlna board 11' tc ft. Sdc 59 M. D fig 48 SO, oak flc in healed room. 4x6 anahog ply 35c ft. Windows ta your spec's. Insulation, weather strlpplnc, and hundreds of other Hems. Free estimates, II ma. te pay. so down payment. See "Your Building Supply Friend.' Portland Road Lumber Yard Friday, December 11. 195S AUCTIONS Save Save Table limpi End table. Cofiee tablet Lamp tablet New linoleumi New oil paint Hardware kitchenette cupboard Rollaway Deal Toyi New blanket! 4; comfqrtera new u.ed extra lancy for pringi & matti. 8 elec. washers (good) Walnut china cab. Zenith radio it combination set Rembrandt upright piano Loads of good misc. Items. 6UILDING MATERIALS KEMODKUNO A IMPROVEMENT LOANS 30 MONTHS TO PAY NO DOWN PAYMENT ErtTIMATINO SERVICE ADO AN EXTRA BEDRM., OARAOI, It. ALL DETAILS HANDLED AT OUR OFFICE DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. 1778 Lana Ave. Ph. 1-49U NO PAR KINO PROBLEM ma301 NEW LUMBER DELIVERED PRICES SHIPLAF nil 3 x 121 mil f4! CEDAR SHINGLES. ALL ORADE8 Ttd MuJIer Lbr. Ph. S.lem 3-111! mi30O Alder Paneling Now available, wholesale or retalL Sawn especially for panel boards. Nov el, distinctive, altractlve. At COAST RANGE TIMBER PRODUCTS ' CO., 665 BASAETT ST.. WEST SALEM For more Information, contact Ward B. Richardson, 1700 Valteta Bd., Palls City. Ore.. Phone 819. ma396 ni-e't4e ieicseavwe'S'Se NURSERY STOCK SHOP FOR ahrubi A sbve. Berried Holly plants 18-34", 8115. Hedat Holly plant 16-16", 96c. Cut I lolly, wreathe, Middle Orova Nursery, 4930 SUverton Road. Phone 4-4633. rnb395 ARICANVlbLETS." many vartetlei In bloom. 7fto up. Rooted leavea. Bar ger'a Oreenhoute, 1101 Third Bt Stay ton. Phone 3095. mbl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DEFFFREEEK HOME Ireeaara. Yea ter Appliance Co., 175 Chemeketa St. Phone 1-4311. B C..E. BATTERY eV Electric Portable Ra dio. Flame red. Brand new. Should Bell for 841 95. Will give terms. Price 139.99. Ph. 4-6371. 11395" fiw.oo allowed for your old water beater. Regardless of condition or make, on a new Westlnghouae auto mat electric water heater, with a 10 year guarantee. Yeater Appliance Co., 375 Chemeketa St. Phone 1-4311. n GOOD USED washers, $19.04 Si up. Test er Appliance Co.. 175 Chemeketa St. Phone 3-4311. n I'll TRADE naw furniture for piano. Woodry. Ph. 3-5U0. n398" 9 X 13 LINO RUOA, 64.99 Olen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer, n395 WOODRY BITS piano. Ph. 1-5110. n398 lKEDO sVlT. Bargain. Site 17-sC Write box 305 Capital Journal. n386 PR ACT IC A IXY NETU ; pTsTe7e"clpl a U form rocker, 130. 1057 South High. n39S ft X 13 LINO RUOA, 84.99 Olen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. n39S V RIFRKiERATOR. Like new. Owner movlnirjrvm lake 6150. 3-7600. n396" J TPKUiHT PIANO for nale. In good con- dlllon. Phone 3-71M. n397' ' BOY'S COLrMBIA Elite. 825. K-flat Sax- i ophone. n. Phone 3-1137. n3ST HOSPITAL BID Tor ssle or rent. B. L. stiff Furniture Co. Phone 1-9165 n GOOD I SFD refrigerator!, 149.50 ft up! Yeater Appliance Co., 373 Cheeriest a St Phone 1-4111. n- rEirFLITTRU-Raneea-!!! A up" Yeater AppiiBure Co., 375 Chemeketa St Phone 3-43 IL n- tSFDTLECTRIC"portahiee w lngma chine. Round bobbin. Sew forward and reverse. Has regular set of at tarnment and lugcace type carrying care Cath price 849.50. Guaranteed. Stncer 8'wlnx Center, 130 N. Commer cial Open Friday evening n397 LAHOE Dt O-THFRM iFc IrcWtrfr" In cludes drum. 35' copper tubing. 635 or will trade. 3-9303. n396 8 SMALL SIZE Taylortrlie in good condition. Call 39440. n397 P1.AST1C-KOTE require no waxing for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Ap pliance Co., 371 Chemeketa Sl Phone 3-4311. n SPINET PIANO, your prlc. Phone 44746. T1I55 AODINO MACHINES. Used band Si elec tric. Clarr Uultlplier, 1971 Fairground a Rd 3-5375 n6' CAHRE OISTER s'from' 830 a of C ery MulUplier, 1979 Fairground Rd. 15375. e3 By Ham Fisher