. .a. a - . , Pat 20 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sale. Orcrw Friday, Decembtr J I, 195J SAIITA FLYING PUP . ' By IUCKCE HUOGINS HAU ' Ttk htm away! Take blm away! ah fobbed. grnopsis: WhU guila trie I roll more clear end make more figure eat how be eaa help tbe Dreamlliie rescue their eaten treat the arenUlna, Willie tbe pap tekee a leek aronnd Santa land. Be aeee Santae reindeer prae Uetnt their fljln and decidee he via be a "flying pop. CHAPTER S HENRIETTA'S SEARCH While WUlle enjoyed hlnueU In Beets Land Henrietta acarcbed fee city lor her loat puppy. At the er moment that Wil lie decided to become a flylnc pup, Henrietta put an advertise ment in the newiDaner. It said "Loet: Brown and white puppy named Willie And It nave Hen riettas adress. But although the ad ran tor three days no one ever found WUlle. Henrietta herself talked the treeta and searched the alleys caUlns for Willie. When the waanT hunting- for her doe? ahe eat ran the stent of the little house There ah lived and Just waited. - "Someday hell come borne." ahe told heraelf. "Someday hell com back to me. I know it." Each night. Henrietta woke up creaming, "Willie! Willie!" For it waa a nightmare ahe had that Willie wa run over or tick or hungry aomewhere. And alter ahe wat really awake ahe would He there for a long while and think bout Willie, Meanwhile, the family was heartbroken to aee the little girl so grieved. The father blamed himself. Finally, he said. "I will buy her a new dog. A real fine pedigreed dog the best that money can buy. Such a dog will make Henrietta forget all about , Willie." "But. where will you get the money?" asked the mother, Ttw father was a wood chop per and he said, "I will chop more wooa ana earn more money. Th uncle and aunts worked In a cigar factory rolling cigars out 01 looacoo leaves, now uiey said. "We will help you. We win money to help buy a grand ex. penalv champion of a dog." The grandpapa wat a seller of shoelaces and hairpins. He went from door to door selling these wings lor pennies. He aald "From now on I thall go to twice at many houses and make twice as much money so that I, too, can help to buy this wonderful The father and mandoana and uncles and aunts already worked all the day long but now they worked at night, too. Very, very late, when thev had some home at last, they would count the extra pennies they had earned. While Henrietta slerjt thev sat about the kitchen table and whispered about their nlana. Then. when Henrietta woke up scream ing. "WUlle I Willie I" the old folks smiled and thought: "Just wait until ahe gets aieht of a real champion dog. She won't be call ing lor wune anymore.- , Final hr the dav came when they had enough money and the father went to the finest net store in the town and asked to see their finest dog. Ill clerk showed him a grand aristocrat of a doe sitting like a king In the store window. He was Dig and sleek and noble and coat $100. The father had onlv 120. But he said. "I've got to have this dog. 1 11 pay the rest a little each weex. Besides mat i wui clean up your store every Sunday for nothing. The clerk aald all right; but that way he would have to1 rv (110 Instead of alOO for the dog. The father promised to do tnat. Then he led the lordly dumlf led dog home. They were all waiting eagerly in the kitchen for him except Henrietta who waa out searching for Willie aa usual. "What a royal looking animsll" exclaimed tne lamuy. And Indeed the doe was. He stared at them all proudly and mere wat never a quiver or nu tan to anow u ne uxed tnem. "The child Is comingl" whit, pered the father. They heard Henrietta's slow steps crossing the porch. The door opened ana the little girl came in She stared In astonishment at the Kingly dog who stood before her. The whole family held Its breath and waited. suddenly Henrietta burst Into tears, she turned and ran from the room. The father went after her.- He't vours. child!" pleaded the father. "We bought htm for you the finest dog In town I" Henrietta threw herself In the father's arms. "Tax him away! Take him awayl" ahe sobbed "This is Willie's house." went Henrietta. "No on can ever take Wulle's place!" (Next: Wings for Willie) A heln nn the, IaK Miy who, aj- jw - wigg ' LW..U,rtd,...- "Wcwins Chew WrigVy t Spearmint Cum, II t-iJJ 'l 7 I : . ;. little tift. LMBKaaaa. WW J" .. acacawaeewasaaBaWaeV HJp, w,k to smoother, easier. Re( rCaW"-1 tW ACROt 1, Donkey 4 Alloy of copper and tine t. rup 11 Jewel II. Printed deltmatioa II. Regret 1 J. Land measure IS. Marble IT. Skill IB. Steersman 20. Eatls's nest MGoebosrd Is. Philippine Island rr.tttue money oa M. Messure so. Face value ma Jl Pertaining to sound SS. Turmeric 30. Encourage 58 Dike 40. Large basin 42. More than one 4. Dorma 48. Omit in pro nouncing 41 Title ,50. Deilgn 62. Male off. spring 54. Type "rtree 55. Winged M. Biblical ehararter 51 Crew old M. EntitlH W. Japanese coin S1AITII IR E-fflSlH ATsTT A a nMd a lUue nTqjr t OToojr aTtToTr Vno r H A I MBEWrrBfA OT T EL BojrsHOEIr" ATCfe CiL OiSlEiTUflRtjSiS a sIhof a gqsnsjgp SlCjDiA Tl llD A Rr?t R bUsiNitiniRrsi Solution el Yasttrdsy's Puula DOWN 1. Staring 3. European nnctl I Small Ash I 2 I L .4 15 lb 17 16 L H 15 III T 5 . io " " ' 7 " 3" " " n ,3 iV a" " d m "7 5 ST d W 3 it "Tfej i . ": I M 31 32 Jl A 35 T JT " iT " " . ', , jo"'-"""T7" )! m ks T-r (T--w Sp y 55" " $r 5?" " i 5T ' ? " 4. Noisy I. Outfit 1 Camel's hair cloth I. Brittle t. Slumber 9. Coach 10. Golden II. Stske 19. Nsuve metal 21. Strike violently SI False gud If Roman date 29. AfMrmaUve 28. Flutter 30. Crony 31. Lessening 32. Backward motion 34 Flattened 3? Half score 39. Lsmprey 11. Furnish snother crew 43. Goes up 44. Idolise 40. Russisn Bolshertst 47. Weight of Indis 4. large wave 51. Embankment 12. Summer: rreoab BTEV1 ROT Est . . ..... ... i g-T-Tl n trP JZPt fyg 1 ffpeuft BtToK Twey 1 1- FOB TUt LAST TsAt: AO CSXmf SggTI mrlloTO Yt&SEi Sag" ' tX ow6 to look m em, roGo '" '''L " ORPHAN ANNIE sJ . , . 11 SSSSSifLSJllM I WliiW-l'tti J 1 1) veafsDER-Bsa neys Kxw 1 hSppv rl ' I I Z -ZL2 Zrr',f-'J V-tsi I I WWf-L SCHOOL W EURflPd Ott 1 Ml W HE QOer TO Bg WPPY 1WT war I I M iLI III ''.I I a s l?n V rl I I LIL ABNER IhS 45 1 'b BUT, THEN. HE'LL "1 I HE GOTTA lAN HE KIN BE ) I f ITS MAH LDOrV TO vvoumah '-J r , -;MM8S!!MM1 I basssb. escapep with ti.6 I Ivou've Gor wslp ' I UPON TW L0ST-FO PAOUNTAIKI" BlSSlS'S E T. I TWEfi PtrLSff PURS SOLO J L RIPIN' J v-, 4 AIX1P6MT. I (JSJOutJMT OU8. ORE SAMPLE Nil TO TUB Tr- - . rCrJ, ' v BUTBaTBttsase I niEize s no wav t'stop r t ' Vl 7fyjmS&S I unless ip,sP help erVJA I' lIW MMm I JbJJ J53L 111 fasj MllT m JEW N r g0. MAKE !T00T F jgg-g-' Y ONF OFTHESc- EWVSi A SlRlA F HE SHOULD KNOW VESSIRONtT OH, I V L7S MAV SAy'VES TO Mr?.' I D0HT I HOW OFTEN I MARRIAGE LICENSE CANT.' T I .TOnlV FW3T WANT TO 6IUE HER A HAr?E LOWED AND y REX MORGAN. MTJ. lsBBtaBtBBBssBBassanIBlalf tS.' I VSMTL'RE ' m 6W3 T Fins.' it SHOlxtJ I ",n X 7- ! . TV 70 SAy- HOWEVf, 1 M. KOSSAM IBS AS AMUSSMS 1 OU SAV V T i,lA. iJlll.!-??!' 1 THI he'u-.p' ! Rsht up GwtRiENce... -es. db. MOtceANrJfcLi ? X we WUiLS wt KE5 BEM0N9 MS weaCAi. rf5C!fl. ff f V I i sw'iWl W , LAJOSIOS r A, LIMITATIONS, g. Yal-:VlIll,?rr-jl A V W fT 1 ) fjl VJ DONALD DUCK I I II .. I J what oe5 up) n leTaeknow , W jl fvVE ve eoTiTM Fa" Tei7iC-N(ANEvv5PAPES! I,vw:rv'ii!p4s Vjf J eveJ H55BL;. i uat a. . - BUT NOT DOWN rvtSEEA ? SET IT' n- v ' i ' : v jy fr MARV WORTH " ' " I Sfl. I I MAVWC. C1 Wt'.. ; I I THISfiWl.PlUTZ,Mye0THtrTAIlOR, Jl.illl E'- 4 . " 23 fQME 11 tV. - f A 4UOT.WU. AUIHOI1 OWE6 IT TO HI) j C 4D0 P?OG?lMS SATURDAY f. M. " KGW K0IN KEX KSLM KGAE K0C0" est mtc ere erne use sac last tnsc Ms ae ma Las if -00 gMtbsM Nm Dpwa QSF S Saks Sl. . 1)15 rnlra rinhltl tUaatatle SUnw lutku, 12 M rMll luMs frt Dsns Ha aa laa tmm S4. J2:'S rr.w WmI4 Wcts susslttte gMst lukUtnt Sain, 1:M FaMSI OIatla Otr Mm St. 1:15 rMtu I kxuMiM aisatoll Mads laaaBaaw Halts :3 rMttsS ratMlsM Oesrs Muss ,sa aaeaw las. Msiumc 1:45 f tM CSiassaUM aisalslle Masts aaraae n g tsail "Y-S4 rMU rassr Masitsl tat. Srwl era raathaa 15 FMttkU buss Jsasane Mailaa rrarktii . raatkaa tal.ta MasUal 1st. aslwSse Pr. rMb.il t:45 SlfeJI si Ctaaa Jaaitseas MaUsas tlsH. U Sat. Hrtall :Mraatkaa UM'a rrmS Hadaal tst. hirnuu f -15 rtatSsU Lsl i Prus jsaikans atsttass lalstate ' Fnfaaiaui 3:30 MkU KM Cfllias MaaKal iaL ..'.'?. 'Ull S:45 ralhU Sserts Jasatwts slsllsaa tlsla. to Sat, era faalSall "4T0O Crrtaf Klrktaai Ssato CUas Maala Hmmt Ft faMtalf :I5 TsvH Gs Stars rsraa Bass Haaiaevae talatais Pre raalaall :30 Crrlas Casual SaitrUas Cartas SJmv Balartsg eraraataag 1:15 Tawal Claasraaaa gamar Maasa aisa OK Maws s-AOtrMtkaU ISaU CaU ICIaaai'a Bcsi Masla ICaataaJaaS S'lf Ntwa GaaaS Bias Caralt Maaas Dclaajak t S Kaltaasaea nun Sssu CSal Maatlas Maala I N raaal 5;4f SalUr Uf hat traat G Bat CarraS Sfaa ' LW Faaal g.M rca Waa (lanskaalara Naaa, a vita Hawaii Calb niaaar S -15 Ilai Ciaaatsalara HaaM BSlllai Haall CsUs Maals g-'tf Wastara Gaaaaiaka Sa Wa Saa Waalars Warls Kavs git Alia QasaaiaSa BaaL Valca BaHera SB rUrcrs 1:(K Ts WUUassIt lar Mesas Ba Maals Masla fM Bhae I far Maaas Llatenlaa Lsle ul Maala 73 OraaS OSS I. VVaSals Laaa Baaaar Wialarsara Maila 7:4 Oaars I. IfaSrlr Lana Baasaf Maala Hiirt g. r iTsts araalS lalarSas BaikatbaU mbsU Wl'-Paial M-V tdSIa araaia Nlahl OSC-Farll'" Maala . SaanS w Tin BaU Caaalrr Hal KSillaa Uaksrts Wl-raatl t'X' rarls Bljla Daaaa Tlaaa USA taaaS a.Af Tawa Ball Daia Marlla t-5.e.W Niwi Wl'-Parat a-' Party Orcbaatra JSVIIalfl Maals BaeaS a lap Tha Carral Orrbtslra JgeSalSCeu .Sana . Daaaa rriy Cl.Jr Tha Canal Orebealra l-f y'H MnU SUSI Wfwi 0oo Nava taL grnaj PDBVBaWliBl 'sara Daaca Daaca rartr 101' VrtB Neva Laak aaats ;4C llell Bars Daaca Daaaa Party 10' Daaca Baa Orcbaatra Daaaa Tlasa Bars Dassi Daacs Party Id t Daaca Bast OrcbaaUs Daaaa Tlasa Bars Dasca Daace Parti 11 -a Nawa Aaawar Mae Daaaa Ttaa Daaea Party Daaca Party ll'.l City CaaaaU Basa Daaaa Tlasa oaaea Pan. Daaaa Party 11 -a. Clly Caaadl BaaaS sag Daa-- Tlasa jDaaas Party Daaea Paajr 11 ':4f atr CaaacUj Baaa Daacs Tlaa Daaca Party Daaca Party litWlsica Pit llilteal Ipaaes TuaalMalaav Maa I Daaca Parry IH Mas.) KOtN IS LL S S.B. to It s.at. ul tts, a as pak SUNDAY 7:Mitaaa Cksrak aS ICtaeart BaBIMaala 7:15.1 Baaaay all CaacaH Ball Masla 1:30 Batabaar rbarah at Caaccrt Mrlaay 1:45 Baaaay SI- Ball Mcl.tr i:M Kalabaw Bait Labs aaaahlaa a Pilar BasUal Wafna Clab Oaa. WrUSS .!( BaaSay Ta L'scla Bab Plrat Baeuat waflla Clab Naaa : 34 Kalabaw lailUltaa ta Llshl a sita Baca to Gat Wtffla Clab Caalral :I5 Baaa.r taar.la. Llttl a tUa Baab Sa Oa Wallla Clab Utbarae a:s'ettalK, Caslle! "" Callar Bible Otaas Nawa Blala : BaaSay Cl.akr'. Cbalr Blbla Oass Prar.Bak'ts Orsas tad :l4Balabaw B. K. Satltb "" VatotjS "" Malta t:U Baaaay News Israel Presbaer Wallla Crab Baar 1I:S Glaaa Bbclb Maili T" ' , . , ' ,. Prasartanaa (e:1KGIeaa Bballr Br.st.Prsasla "r,l.t Frab Iraal B,aSay B tnnn S:Jt (ileaa Shell, Eiylarar Natlaaal Lalaeraa Br. .""lew Chrlauahars U:45 Gleaa BhaU) Jewish Falls Vsara Lalbaraa Br. Baa.BH Bay. Baaseaibia 11 .as Srt at Urla Braahaaelle '" Bible Bear Calrary Ba- 1st Bastlsl ' Via Nawa Sratbaaetla ,B"f . L"' " V ck"S IM aieim V3l'harcb Sc. Verb F'" "7 Isl Bayll.t 1 :4 Berrtca Fbllharaiaali "" MclhcSIsi Baalist lal B.SIIH ilTw) Cbarch New Tarb Parade Sewe Newa Km ' Berries Phllherpaeale HIU Masler Balle taraa far Mje Newa New Tarb Cbrlellaaa 1'al.erelly BaaSay llil? Gay tea Fhllbaraaah ta Acllaa Thaalar ' ta.t." :M Week-eat e Kayreai Baal t"r" Jewa Masie VI Wecbat Plesiara Beercel Baar Laabarta Bareaata far s,. 1.3 Weetat Warlt Allalr Keercai Baar &mt SaaSlr Um :45 Waek-eat Feraa Kcyrral Baal FltBlers Bar, lar ssa. pf FaalbaK I.aa W e7k.cn S Calaabla False al J4 Newa Pra FaalbaD Ts Wcck-eat Fcatsrs Prashaap the aaaasw Bareaata far Pra Faclbsll :S WaebaS lanler Oraataat Tra .. BaaSay Pra Paalbaa j45 Wccb-eaS Miss blery PatoaUv tar, lar Baa. Pre Taalsatl Tail Weeb.eni "" lehn Merear Billy Nick Carta Newa Pr Featbetl '15 Wrck-ent Shew Grshsss Nick Carta Sal.Aras.Prs. Prs PaalbaU 30 NBC Orrh. laba Meraar BeralS l Saaat Caalee Pr Feetbell :45 NBC Orch. Jewels Trwth Beaa Calllas Pra Telball aM NBCOreli. IJacb Beaay Cbareh la New Newa Pra Faeteafl Z:15 NRC Orek. Jach Bcaay Beaa Masla Caataa Pra Feelball 4:ie Sblrler Saes sot Atlal Mcanaall Calllas Pra Feelbsll 4:4!t Thaaaa Andy Bteresssa Usar glsa OH Masle a. as B. Cauldlae Ballrwaed Claa. Bear Nwa Warld News ' Newa Masls Hall Xaaa aasls Masle cbrlileyhera ;3e Aneriraa Newa Erenln Cbrlet'a BeL Warwick :45 Feraa Newi Caace U Nerer hi, Warwick I opialea Katie Ball W. VflncheU Uader Arreal Gearttawa 5 I'nllmllct af Faaa J. Fiddler Under Arreal Faraa Jl Taalh Vises Bersea. Teller Oraa Faally Warld News 5 Ncwe McCarthy Spencer Baa Tbcate Hr.BLFrancIa a7 Gaaa Aalry Cask Caaaanlat Ace Maria ;1 Plarkassa Gene Aatry f Ae Maria it Whlillai Areand Qaeallene Mercy trraai IK Plarbeaaa Wblsller Warld s Q-sll.aa M Oa.rd !. Bis Stary Oar Mlaa Mas. Newa DrewFeareaa BaaadUbla fi Bit Blary Brehs Dfw Praaa Dollar tease Faraa . Braahear LUUa Marele Paal Barrel Mr. Dlilrle! Dea U Baar Llllle Marele "arts Psy tltaraey tlwarl SyahBF Bint Crsbr p. Carter Newa Da lit Baar Bias Creebr Heart al Ass IUL fpaak. Ilewart Tbeatar Jack Beaay Parlland Maya ts'ks Hears Cad :4a Basal Jack Beaay HI Tla Nwa Nerr.- Knew is-S4 B. Bnarlai" I Blsr Final Flaal BdH. Paaa ta Bere.la t:1 siary Tcllal Meaarlee Falsk Tlaaa Ik Talbsy Beeerle :tlMeet Preea Aaawer Maa Seared Hear Wlasa at Beierts . . :4aMcct Preee Baa. Setae Oaacart Hr. Bealta Bciertc . iTTtMew Kaanl aad Castor Baai IUa 0(1 tin OH :7a CathaUa Keaad Caaaerl Haa 1 : Hear Baaad aa Cart Baa 1:45 ICMy Cae Beand (taaaart Baa1 AiIaWDAY 5 A.M. T0 1 1 :4S AM. Dace Wast in Or. Farsa Baa Maw jBrcakfast Weetera Z.Tl Dare Weal Black Para Baa Tlaikaatat Nb WeaUra S;1S Dare WnI Klerk Para Base Nawa Breakfast Fara Newa S:S Para Tlasa Black Fara Br. New Naak New 'BS Oaaatry BA Black 1st Kdltlea Haraaay Hat News KOCO Klerk Ti J L WOa Newa Asraaekf Brkfes Gaaa. Brkfil. Maa BOCO Black 1-3 New New Carta Brklei Gaas Breakfeat KOCO Klect 1:4S Maaahss Vacal Baaea Maele Naak KOCO BleeS I N Old Seae "ewe Brkral Clab Cecil Brawa N'" KOCO Klack S:IS Obi Scare Newa BrtM crab Fealty allay Salder KOCO Klaek :3Male Bat Makcas Mlai Brklat Ctb Bible Salter BOCO BleeS 8:44 Maele Bat Kaecaaly Bcalat Clab Bible Spider Newa t:0 Nrwi W. Wsrrea t a.av BA VSTNcwe Newe Bsys 9:15 R. Anlheay Aant Jcany Blare Tatar Can. Cam aldc Kuares B:3a Beilrweaa Hclea Treat Deabla Paster CaUa Syldcr Bayr :45 Starr Gal Bandar NeUiat Bar. Ceeatcr SplScr Recarde 1.0 Baeteas Haa Read Life C. Haatley Newa News Bsrs le-lj Beeteaa Bee Ma Perblns AM Mclcdler Telle Test Mr. Sarlbe Ac carte I -30 tlrlb Kteh Dr. Melea Tree Stacy Ml Mr. Barth Bare 10:4c Strike Bleh Glt Llshl Tra Bsary Masle Mr. Bartha Baeeete H:eBakBp Mra. Bartaa Wblapertat Ladlaa Paly Nia-i ' lace 11:1 P. Fredericbe Perry Mecca Girl Marries ladte Pale spider Beearaa 11:3 FbraeePaya INerab Draki Keeps Barae Qa. fa Day Spider Bare il:4S'tad Cfcanca 'Brlshter Da?'Baraey Keep Oa. fa Day Spider Becerds DIAL LISTING KOAC, 559 LfO kC PM t IS. Cbtldreaa wrw Thealeri t:to. Newel 1:1a. Oacrai tits, New aad Waalbar. KOAC Mea. A IL it s. New and Weetbeii 1S:1A Kiaeclalle lei Waaeai ll:SS. Ccaeact Hall: 1t4j, Newe ant Weather. ATOM SCIENTISTS Detroit VP) Some of the world's top nuclear research scientists will compare notes at an "International atomic en ergy congress' in Michigan next lummer. CAHILL FACES RECALL Newport, Ore. W) A recall attack I being launched against Otto Cahill, one of the leaden of the group which has charged there it vice and cor ruption ni Lincoln county. He in water district commissioner. ROOM tV BOARD By Abers IF V0U GO FOR ATRIP ON A OH WElL-WlTH , FREIGHTER WITH "FOGHORN M AAY KNOWLEDGE OF V THEY'LL FIND WORK FOR VOL) TO . NAVIGATION 1M WILLING DQ GUEST OR N0T.'-I RECALL HOW ' TO CO SOMETHING I WENT AS A SO-CALLED GUEST OCCASIONALLY-LIKE ON A FREIGHTER TO ENGLAND I RELIEVE THE CAPTAIN ONE SUMMER" "THEY KEPT WE ON THE BRIDGE ' ft ON THE MOVE LIKE TIN DUCKS ly IN A SHOOTING GALLERY . jr ' y J f iEObOfuxsA ' dk a FU64 JEWELS r I T'1Sr I GO- I ISl h INHAIATOK J aVQ 1