Pago 14 Woodburn Pastors Slate Variety of Sermon Topics Woodburn Rev. J. WU 11am Carbon, pastor of the Immanuel Lutheran church at Woodburn will hive for nil lennon topic at 11 a.m. Sun day "Taking the Kingdom by Force." Sunday school if at 10 a.m. and plana for the Christmas program will be discussed. The Luther Lea gue members will plan their program during their evening m retire at 7:30 o clock. Bun day school teachers will meet with Mrs. Evelyn Doland Presbyterian Aid Meeting Woodburn The Christmas meeting of the Presbyterian Aid society was Wednesday af ternoon, Dec. B, at 2:30 o'clock In the church social room with Mrs. Alfred Moon presiding. Mrs. Earl Allison waa In charge of the devotional serv ice which included prayer by Miss Carrie Waterbury, a piano selection of Christmas hymns and a Christmas story by Miss Waterbury, "No Room in the Inn." Reports were given by Mrs. E. J. Allen, secretary, Mrs. H. F. Butterfield, treasurer, and Mrs. Frank Wright, courtesy chairman. The officers will be In charge of preparing the year books, as sisted by Mrs. Harris Nelson and Mrs. Robert Van. It was announced that the Christmas nroeram for the Sunday school will be held in the afternoon of Dec. 20, and refreshments will be served after the program In the social room. The committee In charge of serving will be Mrs. O. L. Withers, Mrs. War ren Donner and Miss Martha Black. Mrs. Van will be in charge of the January program. During the program hour a special number was a vocal duet by Mrs. Van and Mrs. W. B. Dunn and a reading "Let's Keep Christmas" by Mrs. E. J. Allen, who was in charge of the program, assisted by Mrs. Harris Nelson. Group singing was the con cluding number after which there was a gift exchange from the lighted tree. Refreshments were served by the hostess committet, Mrs. Alfred Klamp and Mrs. Fred Rogers. Dr. Maaske Speaks To Unitarians "Religious Cross Currents fn Modern Turkey" will be the subject of a talk by Dr. Roben J. Maaske, president of Oregon College of Education, at the Unitarian Fellowship Sunday service. Upon the request of the Turkish ministry of educa tion, the state department sel ected Dr. Maaske to make a survey for the preparation of teachers in elementary, sec ondary and technical schools and he has only recently re turned from that country. Dr. Maaske is former pres ident of Eastern Oregon Col lege of Education and has also served as assistant supervisor of public instruction in Oregon. Scrimgeour at Free Methodist Rrv. David Scrimgeour, re. cently returned from an evan gelistic tour in Japan, will be the guest speaker at the Free Methodist church. Market and Winter streets,, Sunday even ing at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Scrimgeour went to Japan in July to attend the Sixth World Congress on Evan gelism sponsored by Youth for Christ International. Doug Coe, director of the Sa lem Youn Life Movement, will be speaking at the 0:45 p.m. youth fellowship service. According to the pastor. Rev. M. C. Miller, the public is cor dially invited to attend these services. First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa at Winter "EMMANUEL GOD WITH US" By Dr. Poling 4:30 P.M. Candlelight Carol Service Senior and Junior Choirs Tw Services: 9:43 ond 11 A.M. KOCO, 10:00 A.M. Donald Murphy, Saturday, 8:00 Raymond G. Hoekstra Sunday, 8:00 SLIDES FROM AFRICA I HOLY LAND Sunday School, 9:43, Leland Dockfer, Supf. Elsit Furlott, Adult Teacher 'Tho Church With World Vision" MAX WYATT, Postor FAITH TABERNACLE Monrjav at 1 B m. to make final plana tor the Christmas prof ram. "How Shall We Escape" will be the sermon topic of Rev. George Springer at the Christian church at 11 am. Sunday. For the evening serv ice at S his topic will be "The Scriptural Heart." Sunday school is at 10 a.m. and the young people meet at T p.m. "The Magnificat of Mary" will be the sermon topic of''"" orauaa ' na auaat." Rev. R. Brendler at the Bible Baptist church Sunday at 11 a.m. At the evening service at 7 45 o'clock he will speak on "The Face of an Angel." Sunday school is at 9:43 a.m. Sunday school classes be gin at 10 a.m. at the Wood burn Church of God, without united worship. At 11 a.m. the pastor. Rev. Edward H. Baldwin, will speak on the topic "Achaus Four Stages" and at 8 p.m. his topic will be "Those Who Heard and Fol lowed." Young people meet at 7 p.m. "The Tragedy of ' an Un opened Letter" will be the sermon topic of Rev. Robert E. Van at the Woodburn and Bethel Presbyterian churches Sunday, Dec. 13 He speaks at the Bethel church at 10 a.m. with Sunday school fol lowing the service and at the Woodburn church Sunday school la at R 45 a.m. and the worship service at 11 a.m. The young people meet at 8:30 p.m. at the Woodburn church and a discussion will be conducted on the Bible. At 7:30 p.m. ' at Woodburn Rev. Van will continue his sermon topic "Christ at Work." Sunday school meets at 9 45 a.m. at the Foursquare church and morning worship Is at 11 a.m. with the pastor. Rev. Ar thur Coble, speaking on the topic "Singing a New Song." Crusaders and cadets meet at 6:30 p.m. and evening serv ice Is at 7:45 when Rev. Goble will have for his topic "Truth or Consequences." Universal Bible Sunday will be observed at the Sun day momlng worship hour at 11 o'clock at the Woodburn Methodist church. "The Book of Hope" will be the sermon topic of the minister, Rev, Ormal B. Trick. Sunday school Is at 10 a.m. . Services at St. Mary's Epis copal church In Woodburn Sunday will begin with Holy Communion at 7:43 a.m. Morning prayer sermon and church school will be at 11 a.m. with baptism following at 12:15 o clock. The young people will meet at the Ken neth McGrath home at 6:30 p.m. Members of the Woodburn Ministerial association and their wives will have their an nual Christmae party Tues day, Dec. IS at the Woodburn Methodist church. The din ner will be served at 6:30 p.m. by the women of the church and will be followed by a Christmas party and social evening. Testament Prize For Oldest Bible The film "45 Tioga Street' will be shown at the 7:30 Sun day evening service at the Cal vary Baptist church, South Liberty and Miller streets, as part of the churchs obnervance of Universal Bible Sunday. This film tells the story of the power of the Bible la the life of a family. All are cordially invited to attend. The men's quartet and the youth choir also will participate. In the morning the pastor, Rev. Omar N. Barth. will irvealc I - - - on the subject, "The Power of the Word." i A Testament, bound in olive j WOOd, purchased by the pastor In Jerusalem, tv ill he nrrnt.rl to the Junior high boy or girl who brings the oldest Bible to the Youth Fellowship meeting Sunday night. Gl'EST SPEAKER Rev. D. H. Scrimgeour. who attended the World Congress I on World Evangelism held re- cently In Tokyo, and sponsored by Youth for Ihrist Internat ional, will speak on the sub ject "How the Fire of God Fell in Japan" during the Sunday 11 a.m. worship service of the Wesleyan Methodist church, , ISth and Mill streets. ,Saiem (?lturcktA iwnwiiwiimw tint SvaaaHial Bmi saOakfsal Owner Marlaa ana eVaasaaat mm JUv : - """'"-''"" ' i 0:a m-m. waruw )0:M a-as. 'Aaaucuttaar rrnfe Auavaaie f M B-m. oeaat epaaaar " JO mm. Devslaa Cm. UMmut el Taeaa Ufa. Oaten SMS OiWIn all HirM L. M- CUP. salalstar. arale araeol U. Woriril ana Caaaasaascai 11. aeratae: Ttta cartas at Frapaacr.1 Taut Pl laasfeis 0 II. Bvaettae sarvtce 1:14. ear man: "atea earvaau Chalk eletara: "O Little Tan al aaUUakeaa." Eaaaeia Career Baat aetitfc Llaartp at Miliar slraat. Omar H. earth, pester. Bibla actual Ml. "Tbs Paver af Use Wars. 11. Uslvaraal Bible eoaaar. Breeeeeat aw KOAE 1430 Kc All la. a turn seaatase. Vat CaaavsseUeaaJ 100 Marlaa at. Tblra Suaoar la Adveat. Dectaabar 13. sfaralai vortfcip aanrlat II a.m. Dr. Ja llaa J. Kruer. Topi "Ooa la uia Fleao." Cburca actual S.M. filarial rtuaaiaia l a la. fjarlariaa PelleeeMp af Salaaa I Hart Celiacs aueal 10 M as. Capital Baptist MM Lamina An. Jamea S Frost, pastor. Sunday scoool I.U a.ra. Woribta 11 a.m. Pastor's Mr moo sublart: "What la Taar Prlca Teat" Tralalni Unloa 1. 31 par worrble 1:tt p a. Pajtar ' aarsaoa aubjaet: "Chrlatlaa Carman la " free Hatkaeisa Market at Wialar St. Her. at. c. Killer, sailor auadap ecbeal claase far all aesa l:U mm. Worship 11 "The Bible, aoo'e lafaillble Book' Teat Ptlioviblp lit! p.m. Mr. Doul Coa af Tauni Lltt. apeaklnp. Bar vice 1:M pm. Rav. David eertmiteuT, raceaUi raturpad frost Japan. Ceerl street Cfcrtsslae court meet at lTta. w. Herald Lrraaa and o. Pbtllp nure. annulare. 1DM echoal ajaerablT. 1:30 a.ra. alorntnf warship 10:0 a'cleck. Sermon bp Harold Lrmaa. "Seaaena af Refreabins" Pua, "The Birth af a Sarleiir" 1-31 p.m. Brentnf service 7:30 o'clock. Berman bp o. Pauls Hard "Bleared Aeauranca." ChrMI Letfesraa-atate alrret at lath. Rev. T. u. Oebhard, paster. services 1:41 and 11 a.m. vltn the 1U Advent sissssis bp the parlor. Election af Church Council after sarrlcta. Sunday chool II a.m. Central Lalheran North Capitol nnd Oalnea street, o. B. ftunditrom. pastor, central Lutheran hour KOCO I 3ff. Sun- dap school l:tl. Mornlnf worship 11. Svenjii services 7:41. St. Jeha'e Latheran tMe. Srnedt court and 14th atreet. H. W. Oraaa. paa tor. Service at 1I:M. Sunday aebeol 1:11. Bible claee :. I. Jeaeah'a Cethelle Chemekela and Wlnlsr. Rev. Joe. a. Veaderbeck. paster. Sunday masses: S, T. I. 1:11. 1I:M and u:4t. conleuleaa Saturday: 3: to S:30 and in ta B. Jebaeea Memorial Seventh Day venues alder R. O. Bcheeflner. pastor. Sermon 11 o'clock. Sabbath a-hool 1:30. Adult lesson tame: "Lessons from the Lord a Bupper." U.Uh CiMMBtip--a. U Booki. ID. putM. 6und? tchoel IS. Junior mtxt t i. Tht Y P. socUtr bmU tit 1:43. Pritchint ttt il. ConmuDion rite follow loi. Aim prcoebiM it S:M. rirrt Cfetirek of Christ. ScitBtUt Llbertr and Chtmtkeu trttt. Sundiy cnoo. at ii o.b. Sunday Mrriet t II ft.m. and S p.m. Lcuon-Mrmoa ub)ct; "Ood th Pnii rr of Mm." Wednttr- W tTintng MttlmoBlaJ ntatuiu at S. Um Troth Crator 341 Ctaintktto. Sundoj ochool 10. Scrrleo 11. Toole: "Dc You Knot who Ton Arof" Rar. OJiro StOVOBf. Chorth of J Chrtel of Latter Da Salolo (Mnm) pirth and Madltvon ttrttu. John m. Salubnrr. hlthop. Priest hood siMttnc I o n. amida Mhool 10. M ajB. Bocramont aorrlca l p.m. St. Vlaeoal o Pail Cathollo-Colun- bla and afirtlo itntU. Uiiiii t , 1:30, 1:4ft, 1 and 11:1ft a.m. CoBfaiiloaa Satur day. 4:30 to 1 10 and T to I.JO p.m. KBlihl Mtmorlol CoBnocatlaaal Loula K. WhlW, mlnlstor. Sundaj achool :it in. Morning worship 11 a.m. Bar- i by tho mlouttr: "Tho Oood Ufo." Toong pooplo's mtcttnts 0:30 p.m. Wor ship loader Krnto Ftrausoa. Pint MathodlstUnlTtrsal Blblo Bun- day mcMoio. "Tho Bst UH of tho Bl bis," Dr. Mortnaa Huffman. Two atrv- icas 130 ml 11. first ChrlstlsB -Marlon and Cottar. Church achool I 15 i s. Uomlnr wor- uilp 10:4ft. Bsrmon by Donald Payn. Bvtnlng worship 1:30. Film: "Wluro Do MlnUttra Cojis PromT" Oreee Latheraa IBXCV SunnTvlrw aad Lenslne avenues. Sunday achool and Bi ble clasa tft a.m. Divine warship 11 Christmas concert by senior and chlldrene cbolrs. L. W. Helta, pastor. St. raal'a Katereear Church and Che meketa streett. Holy Communion 1:30 Family aarvlce and church achool 1:10 a.m. Prayer aarvlce or Eucharist 11 Nursery school to pariah house II a m. Midweek Communion lla churchl 1 Wedneauey 1:30 a m. Confirmation aer- I tire by Bishop Daswell 3 3, p.m. Touaa ' rvopie s miovamp at toe nome ot Ellaa- . belli and Frank Shafer. 1313 south Hlih. I p.m. Canterbury club IWU studentel at the parish bouse, 0 30 p.m. First Splrltaeltat 400 North Cettaae. Circle and healkni aervlce at f:30. Retu lar service at 1:31. Speaker Rev. alary aerklo. rirtl Baptl.t Marlon and Liberty sta.. Dr. Uoyd T. Auucrsoo. pastor. Rev. Thornton Jansma. asshlant pastor. Sun day school t 41 am. Uornlna worship II o'clock "The Priesthood of the Be liever. ' Pastor Lloyd Anderson. Youth troup 0 It p.m. ospel srrvh-0 T a pm. "Ood'e Gospel Call." Rev. Thornton . rrh"- torus win ae shown. r,,t Ceraere BapUst atate and lima SS& ''S .1": h,p '. '"' Pastor apeaklnl Touna 1 JO pa I" - service Pllarlm erlacea 1KB Carlton Kay. Rev. story, pester. Bundav school 0-43 a m. Worship service II a m. Vaunt peo ple III pa Worship service 1.30 pm. The new Sudan legislature has five seats allotted to the educated class, meaning those w"n ,U1 equivalent of a high hLdlplm or better. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH TWO GREAT SERVICES 11:00 a.m. 'THE PRIESTHOOD OF THE BELIEVER" (Dr. Anderson preaches From First Peter) 7:30 p.m "GOD'S GOSPEL CALL" (Sermon by Rav. Jansma) STIRRING SOUND FILM SUNDAY NIGHT THEY TOO NEED CHRIST" "A Film Thst Will Stir Tear Heart!" TINE IN TO BROADCASTS: J 1. "FAMILT ALTAR" Dally KSLM 1:15 l:J a.m. J t. "FIRST CALL" Senday KSLM 1:00-1:10 a.m. 1. "MORNING WORSHIP" Saaday KOCO. 149KKC 11 10-lt M Lloyd Anderson, D.D., THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaJe. Oregon Christmas Theme Prevails In Silvertpn Pulpits Silvertoo Church activities for Universal Bible Sunday, Dee. 13, - include announce ment from the Pilgrim Holi ness, South Water street church Rev. John R. Price, pastor, who plana to live his second sermon in a series of tour pre-Christ- maa addresses. The 11 o'clock worship hour topic is "Miracle in a Manger." following the 8.43 Sunday school classes. Mrs. Price, youth director, will meet with the young folk at 0:43 p.m. Sunday evening at 7:30, evangelistic sermon by the pastor. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Bible atudy and prayer meeting. Friday, 12 noon to 1 p.m, prayer and fasting serv ice. , Rev. Joseph Cooper, Christ ina and Missionary Alliance, will use as his Universal Bible sermon theme: "Christ, The Word, and The Christmas Story." The 10 a.m. Sunday school topic is "The Book of ' Christians Elect At Silverton Silverton Results of First Christian church election of include Ira Loron, chairman of me cnurcn Doara oi directors; i L. R. Neal. vice chairman of;s,inHn wiir.-t.ih. aj. the board; Mrs. Vernice Beard, clerk; Mrs. Gus Heir, financial secretary: Mrs. L. R. Neal, fraaciirar Walter KArjruenn Walter , Sunday school superintendent. Members of the finance com mittee are James Bonner and naryuHilfy: E' 1 McCullough; deaconesses, Mrs. Gus Herr. Mrs. Lydia Dawes, Mrs. Carl Specht, Mrs. Walter Ferguson, Mrs. Ethel King and Mrs. Verna Bailie. Second Meeting Of 65 Year Olds The second meeting of per sons 63 years ot age and plus was held in the social room of the First Presbyterian church, Friday, December 11, from 2 to 4 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Stegner were the conveners for the session. "The Social Cir cle" was the theme. The same cordial fellowship which characterized the meet big a month ago prevailed singing familiar Christmas carols, special good-time fea tures, refreshments, games, a period of worship,' Forty-nine registered for the initial meeting in November and expressed a desire for an informal organization to serve the interests of this age group. Suggestions for a club name are inviteB. "The Harvesters" and "The Plus Club" have been mentioned. Amity Churches tea tat Richard craaer, paster, fluo- dap school 10 a.m. IfornlBS worablp at Jonler HI Touts reuowsnip 1 30 P-m. BvanlBS service at s. rtrerek al Christ Jamea Slatlhew Alley, DJ3... pastor. Bible arhool 10 a m. Mornlni worship at 11. chriitlen En dearer S:M p.m. Evenlnf service at 7.30. Cnotr practice 1:10 s-tn. Melhedlat Brure UcConnelt. minis ter. Bunday arhool 10 a.m. alornlna wor ship 11 a.80. YouUi Fellowahlp p.m. Oah Grave Chapel Brace UcConnell. minister, leornlnf worship et s. Sun day school 10:41 a.m. aaeoesely ac Oed Frank K Uaprs. pastor, aunday achool 10 a.m. Mormns worship 11 a.m. Touni People's aervlce 1:10. Bvenlnt aarvlce at 1:ts. Salem's Capital Baptist Church WELCOMES YOU 9.45 A.M. Sunday School for oil ages 11:00 .AM. Morning Worship for the whole family Postor Frost's sermon "Whot Is Your Price Tag'" 6:30 P.M. Training Union for all ages (Try it) 7 45 P M. Evening Worship for the whole family Pastor Frost's sermon: "Christian Covenants" Nursery Open for All Services MAGNIFYING CHRIST AND THE BIBLE, THESE SERVICES WILL BLESS THE LIVES OF YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS "COME AND SEE" S) CapitaUapiisiCkutch NOttwea oostm nn woeoios in l,.r - Cooperating with the Southern Baptist Convention 3000 Lansing Avenne James E. Frost, Pastor Pastor Marion Hope." AYF meets at ( 30 p.m "The Christmas Spirit" la the topic for the 7:30 p.m. service. The Dec. 13, third Sunday la Advent, 11 o'clock sermon them of Pastor Joseph A. Lu thro of Trinity Lutheran church, is: "Where the Bible Is. There Is Christmas." Bible classes and Sunday school is at 10 a.m. The worship hour is in ' observance of Universal Bible Day, and is directed particular ly to children. Catechisation for senior confirmation class, fellowship dinner after worship served by Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey Lively, Mr. and Mrs. John Lau derback, Mr. and Mr. L. T. ArrwH. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Halvorson, Mr. and Mrs. Os wald Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sletto and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Jahn. Luther League at p.m. The Road to Salvation." is the topic for the sermon by the ev. ram w. Henry in the morning worship hour, 11 a.m., of the First Methodist church, following church school classes at 8:45 a.m. MYF meets Sunday evening, 7 o'clock in the youth chapel. Sanctuary choir, Mrs. Knute Digerness directing, is to present the Christmas cantata in the sanctuary of the new church Sunday evening, 8 ;o c,oclt' 20. rai, t i v vent" will be the 11 o'clock worship hour sermon topic of the Rev. Arvid L. Hokonson. ... ... An intermission meeting is an- Lnund ... , - Sllra)l. Mrs. M. Bugge will be hostess for Ladies Aid, Tuesday, 2 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Bible study' and prayer service. Luther League Thursday, 8 p.m. The Christmas tree party will be in the church. Confirmation class 9 a.m., Saturday. Bible school is scheduled, until after Christmas, at the First Christian church, to meet at 9:30 a m , with church serv ices at the morning worship hour also earlier, at 10:45 a.m. Rev. Arthur Charles Bates Is to speak at both morning and evening services. Junior and senior choirs under direction of .Mrs. John Bronion, with John Middlemiss as organist, are preparing special Christ mas music as a joint group on Dec. 24, from 11 to 12 o'clock midnight, with all churches of town invited to attend. Sunday school Christmas program is Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. "Spiritual Resources" Is the Sunday worship sermon topic of the Rev. A. W. Nelson of Immanuel Lutheran church. Senior choir is to rehearse at 2:30 p.m. Sunday for the Christmas cantata at the church which will be given Dec. 27. Luther League meets at 7:30 p.m., Sunday. Dec. 13. Luther i Leaguers will have a skating party at the Stayton rink Mon day evening, Dec. 14. They leave the church at 7 p.m. First Methodist Church 9.30 and 11:00 a.m. Universal Bible Sunday Message The Best Use of The Bible" Dr. Norman A. Huffman Broadcast KSLM 11:30-12:00 Brooks H. Moore Minister FRIENDLY BIBLICAL MISSIONARY DEMOCRATIC SPIRITUAL and Liberty Streets Af Englewood As a special commemoration of Universal Bible Sunday, rare Bibles will be on display Sunday morninf and eveninf at the Englewood Evangelical United Brethren church. The Bibles loaned to the church by various families are both old and interesting In their histories. Among these is one rainsoaked and tattered manuscript which served as daily devotional guide to the Stephens family, who crossed the plains by ox team in 1862 This family coming from Iowa settled near Hopewell. Anoth er elaborate and picturesque volume la a Luther s German translation of the Holy Scrip tures printed in Murenburg. Germany, shortly after the Protetsant Reformation. ' The languages represented are Hebrew, Greek, Spanish, Swedish, German and English. Also on display for congrega tional interest is an early pi oneer saddle bag, typical of those used by the early cir cuit ridiiiaj missionary to carry his Holy Bible. Historical comments con cerning the Bibles will be made by the pastor at the Sun day Morning Worship Service. Other families possessing old and rare Bibles are invited to bring them for display Sun day. Presbyterians Present Concert The senior and Junior choirs of the First Presbyterian church will present a candle light carol service at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday in the church sanc tuary. The combined choirs are made up of 100 voices. The choirs are under the dirertinn fef Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gleck- ler. The public is invited. Hopewell Churches Mwctl EX.. Rev. Olen Hrrl. ptttor. le m., Bund school. U t.m.. morning worhlp. i p.m., intermediate SoatH fellowship. p.m.. Colored film: "We Beheld HU Olor." Wedneadej, L diei' Aid. II ..m. Thursday, a pra.. prarer mectlac at Oust Jamea heme. Gift with 1000 rewds. l3al!lsy MODERN MEAL MAKER Sjj TUCKY the man who gives an Osteriier . . . I fyaiss3sK9ase't be will receive his rewards at every meal. I u n . II And lucky the gil who receives it ... she can sTi Tail'. jliSeiJJ. prepare new, taste-tempting dishes jjhit make JfcL III evcT mfl' exciting. Yes, and prepare festive, aaTr 1 holiday dinners easier, faster and better! From A. jiiJzJJT', -' jjrA soup to dessert, the modtrn mtd maker speeds 11 , jjypX AmmmVaWlk 1 and eases the work . . . helps prepare complete fj faaV meals in minutes. It purees soups, blends sauces, . : ' ' L'6"" J 1 licjueiies fruits, chops and grates vegetables, f H '. ' ' 3i mixes salads . . . and takes over hundreds of 4I - aiJrati V other food preparation jobs! af e eitJj222salaa5' jjX " IVIST f ASMIY HflOU "7 M 9 -mSi .'M Opee at both eedo for I j ' mltfv I jHSJy earr rarnovai or inaredi- I I "X V T tV I Fin MaiKkrd canoinc ian to pcrnit Kaliojt and storm g i(b aut iroUHfernng raaicnu. See Hteae grmai Oster jortxfwcts Hdayt WE GIVE s2J.T GREEN STAMPS mm 365 N. Commercial St. Fellowship Held by Foursquare Group . v Woodburn A day of fellow ship was held Monday, Dec. 7, at the Woodburn Foursquare Community church for the churches of the Foursquare Willamette district, which in cludes Woodburn. Salem, Dal las, Corvallis, Redmond and Eugene. All churches were rep resented with the exception of Redmond delegates who were unable to attend on account of the storm. A singspiration" was con ducted by Rev. William Conk, pastor from Dallas, and special music was furnished by - the Hum family of Eugene. The sermoj was delivered by Dr. Raymond Cox, pastor from Cor vallis. A spaghetti feed was served to more than 100 guests at the Lutheran hall. Grace Lutheran Concert Sunday The annual Christmas con cert will be presented by the choirs of Grace Lutheran church Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Paul Bramble, director of the senior choir, will direct the chorus of 25 voices In several sacred an thems and a special arrange ment of familiar Christmas car ols. Thomas ' Mommsen, chil dren's choir director, will di rect his group of 20 children's F get - to giro - exquisite ROYAL-DOULTON rat-. REGISTERED I 1 American as j Y-J SERVICE STATIONS Friday, December 11, 195S voices in number of carols in eluding a Scandinavian folk, song, "Jeg Er 8aa Glad Hver Jule Kveld." Mr. Henry Raaen is accompanist for the two choirs, ST. MARK'S FILM NIGHT Church and family ' film night will be observed in St Mark's Lutheran church Sun day evening at 7:30. These per iodic church film nights are designed to bring the best in religious films to the congre gation. Two Christmas films will be shown Sunday evening. Holy Night and Guiding Star. The public is invited. Forsts originally covered about one-third of all the world's land areas. Evangelistic Temple AssemUy ef Gad Market and rart L. A. Laroen, Taller SundiT School 0:45 a.en. Worship U:t u Eniffeisitle Rally ...1:tS pjn. liuplrinf Music A Cardial Welcome Ta All bono china Figurines by D JEWELERS fsik Gam Society IJ I i n Oster DOOHE AaiON KNIFE SHARPENER A paffaet gift for dw warn ba does the carrion, Shapejsa both aedea eat the Mode at coco. Just flip aarrrrB. draw the blade ejinngii tha ' trails. Mafco aij jamt kaarrta facarxv aisara. OF COURSE! INC. Phone 3-4163