Par 8 TOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Safe. Omoa Thursday, Dee. 10, 1953 Many Like Cocktails Of Fruits j Many people like a fruit cocktail with their holiday din ner, and popular appetizer is one mede of oranges and avo- eadot. Avocados are on the market again in abundance and in reach of everyone'! pocketbook. While avocadori are In 'the gourmet clan they can be In cluded In every-day menus at present day price. Make thil "Holiday Fruit Appetizer" for any festive occasion. It'i so easy to make, and Inexpensive. Holiday fruit Appetiser 1 large orange 1 large avocado Lemon juice Pare and section oranses. Cut avocado into halvea and icmove seed and skin. Cut fruit into crosswise ilicei and sprinkle with lemon juice. Ar range orange sections and avo cado slices in individual serv ing dishes, reserving most per . feet pieces for top of dishes. Hakes 4 servings . j Christmas Candle Cake Decorative If you are planning to put fruit cake on your Christmas gift list this year here's a quick and easy recipe plus an idea for presenting. Three cakes are baked in 1-pound coffee cans. When ready for giving they are stacked on on top of the other and wrapped In clear or red cellophane, with the top twisted and secured into a flame shape with cellophane tape. Complete with ribbon bow and holly. Christmas Candle Cak t cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon each salt, cinanmon V teaspoon each cloves, allspice ltt cups each cut-up candled cherries, pineapple, citron IVt cups seedless raisins IV cups (7-oi. can) mixed - salted nutmeats 1 cup currants cup each cut-up candied orange, lemon rinds cup shortening (part but ter or margarine for flavor) i cup sugar 4 cup brown sugar, firmly packed 3 eggs cup orange Juice areas three 1-lb. coffee cans, line with brown paper; grease again. Sift dry ingredients over prepared fruits and nutmeats In a large bowl or flat pan; toss and stirr gently to coat well Crisis shortening with su gars until very light and fluf fy. Use a rotary or electric beater for creaming . . . have the shortening at room tem perature and you will find they blend easily. Beat in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addi tion; stir in orange juice. Pour mixture over floured fruit and nutmeats, folding and stirring gently until well com bined. Spoon into prepared pans. Bake in a slow oven (300 de grees F.) 1 hours. Place a shal low pan filled with water on the lowest rack of the oven during baking. The steam will help make the cakes plump and moist. Remove cakes from pans; cool on rack, peeling paper down irom sides, when cold, wrap well and store in the freezer or tightly covered con tainer until ready to Makes 3 1 H -lb. cakes. Note: This same amount of batter will fill 3 (1-qt. size) Nsserole cakes or 3 (1-qt. size) aluminum freezer containers. Bake at the same temperature for the same time. f7 ! V:' 0 'a. - . ' . 5 . v , r. - . Date Bars With Honey Are Liked Finding new eooki recipe that pleases the famjly is al most as much fun as buying a new dress. What bomemaker doesn't tire of making the same old ' recipes over and over again? This one will please the fam ily and will please the cook as well, for it is simple and quick to make. It is a Honey j Data Bar recipe. Any cook who likes angel food cakes will also like this recipe. It uses 8 egg yolks, a rapid way to ltilize the yolks that are left over from an angel food cake. Honey Date Bars i cup shortening 1 cup honey 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 eggs or S egg yolks Hi cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspon baking powder Vt teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped dates 1 cup chopp-d nuts Confectioner's sugar Blend shoitenlng, honey and vanilla until creamy. Beat in eggs one at a time. Sift dry in gredients into egg mixture. Blend; Add nuts and dates and stir just enough to distrib ute evenly. Spread In a greased 9xl2-lnch pan. Bake in a mod erate oven (2S0 degrees F.) until golden brown, 30 to 33 minutes. Cool. Cut into bars and roll in confectioner's sugar. Three dozen lx3-inch bars. Sweet Potato Bolls Different, Tasty Here another way to fix the sweet potatoes so plentiful at holiday time: Sweet rotate Balls 4 large yama or sweet potatoes t. tablespoons melted butter or margarine Vt teaspoon nutmeg tt cup chopped walnuts 0 marshmallowa Finely crushed cornflakes Scrub sweet potatoes and cook In small amount of boil ing water until tender. Drain and cool sufficiently to han dle. Peel and mash thoroughly BUnd in butter, nutmeg and walnuts. If mixture seems dry add a a mall amount of milk. Shape Into balls and push a marshmallow down into each Pat potato mixture over the marshmallow. Roll in crushed cornflake. Place on shallow greased pan. Bake In hot oven (429 degree F.) about 30 min utes, until thoroughly heated and ariap oo, outside. Serves 6. Holiday Yeast Bread Easy; Nice For Special Gift Think about giving food gifts to some of your close friends and neighbors this year . you couldn't delight them more, particularly if the present is this special and delicious yeast bread! And if you are inex perienced with raised dougna, don't hesitate a moment about taking over with this recipe . . , It a simple and easy. Holiday Yeast Bread A cup sugar 3 egg yolks 1H teaspoons salt Vi teaspoon cardamon cup butter or margarine, softened Hi cups milk, heated until . just lukewarm I cakes fresh compressed yeast 8 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon grated lemon rind 1 cup seedless raisins H cup each of cut-up candied pineapple, halved cand ied cherries and broken nutmeats or use 1 cup mixed candied (glace) fruit and Vi cup nut meats Beat together in a large bowl sugar, egg yolks, salt, carda mon and butter or margarine. Stir in milk; crumble in yeast and beat until yeast dissolves. Add about half the flour and beat well. Stir in remainder flour and other ingredients to make a soft dough. Turn out on floured board and knead gently until dough la smooth and elastic; place in lightly grensert bowl, cover with a damp cloth, and let rise until double in size, about 2 hours. Punch down and let rise again to double, about 1 hour Divide in thirds; shape each portion into a ball and place in greased No. 2j can. Let rise to double in size, about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Bake In a moderate oven (35UF.) 35 to 40 minutes. Re move from oven to cooling rack. While still warm, brush tops with a thin glaze ( l cup silted powdered sugar blended with about 1 tablespoon hot water, and flavored with a few idrops vanilla), sprinkle with bits of candied (glace) fruit. Makes 3 loaves bread. FREE FOOD ARRIVES Hamburg, Germany UP The 30th and 31st shipment of tree American food for the hungry of Soviet-occupied East Ger many arrived Wednesday aboard U. S. freighters Empire State and Maiden Creek. Honey Nut Ring for Holidays Have you heard of a decora tive hot yeist bread that has all of the festivity of a Christ mas stollen yet can be made in a matter of minutes? You don't believe It? Then try this recipe for Honey Nut Ring, and aee. Honey Nut Ring is made of a packaged hot roll mix, thereby eliminating the time- consuming steps of measuring. And it is dolled up with honey. Make this Honey Nut Ring tomorrow morning while you are waiting for your iron to get hot, then accept your guests compliments with a smug wink to yourself as you hear them exclaim, "How did you ever find the tlmel" Honey Not Ring 1 package hot roll mix (14-tt or.) H cup sugar H teaspoon cinnamon Vi cup butter H cup honey 1 cup chopped nuts 1. Prepare roll mix according to directions on package. 2. Cream sugar, cinnamon and butter together until well blended. Stir in honey. 3. Divide roll dough In two; roll out each halt on a lightly-floured board or pastry cloth to an oblong about 14 Inches by 10 inch es. 4. Spread honey mixture eve nly on dough. Sprinkle with nuts. Roll up Jelly-rail fash Ion, beginning at long side. Seal by pressing edge against roll. 5. Join ends of each roll to form a ring and place In a greased heat-resistant glass round cake dish with sealed side of roll down. 8. Mark each ring into 16 equal sections. With kitchen shears cut through roll on these marks to about 4 inch from center of ring. Twist each piece halfway over on I its side, turning all pieces' in same direction. 7. Grease two five-ounce glass , custard cups on the outside and place one uprigkt in center of each ring. These keep centers of rings In per fect circles during baking. 8 Cover and let rise in warm place until double in bulk. Bake at 375 deg. about 2 minutes. Remove custard cups before serving. Makes about 8 servings (2 twists to a serving). made with fcivh-picfed iwm! com from Maine farms SWBITSOON 01 mm AMERICA'S LARGEST SELLING no uvSj if -. . "'WWi!..-, A mfT: iNSTfla.. fOK THAT "MflMN-rOUR-MOWTH" nXTURtl no mm JuslAddtoMilk! Cooked r --- x . i . o.-. n " . . i UWv Delicious ROYAL Gives Children FD0D-EHER6-Fad! KIDS LOVE THIS HIGH-ENERGY BETWEEN-MEAL SNACK Royal is urUt part from all other instant puddings. Every luscious spoonful hts a deeper, richer taste . . . its "melt-io-your-mouth" texture is smooth as cream. No rubbery top nlm! No lumps! No bumps! And Royal lustant Pudding is easy to digest . . . babies lore hi Look for the mm Royal rucksitrs on erocer's slMlraa, today! ROY At, the only INSTANT PUDDING tow's amStr kmmtfn hi! Just Ado to Md Milk...Mx..let Set and Serve! Sup&tFLAVOR! SupeiTEXTURE! imfssasssaaaaaafi Tfiifi a sir laaaifiii r There's More To It . Than That Frequently you will hear: "If you can't find just what you want else where go to your favorite BUSIC MARKET." And, more than that, you will find all the every-day foods at prices no higher often low erthan you'd expect, plus service not available elsewhere! Meat Department featuring the Quality and Price you'll want. , Dinmav DiAAH Sliced, a good Breakfast banner Bacon Bacon pend Swift's Breakfast Damn rio,e ''ce( ean DtilUil tender bacon lb. Economy Beef Poi Roasts Choice Grade Beef Pol Roasts Economy Steaks Sirloin or Round Standing Rib Roasts Choice Grade Smokies Pork Sausage County style Young Plump STEWING HENS Neatly Dressed, ready for the kettle 3 lbsor over $B19 lb. lb. lb. per lb. package per lb. 55' 65 35 419 59 79 49 43' Each Young, 30 to 34 oz. Plump, Tender FRYERS t foi Fines 1 Neatly dressed ready for the pan; no waste. They are the finest quality. $119 Each Ripe,Juicy Navel Oranges Zl'tl 23' Nice Size Firm Ripe Avacodos Beautiful Jonathan 2 nice OC' ones Oil APPLES Fretf from seal or other blem ishes. Well filled boxes. Par Bushel Box $n 50 m piui tot SUGAR Spreckles f1?' 101b. sk. I iMiR Pillsbury lb. $009 Sk. Cm PINEAPPLE hanks OlorOO Razor Clams Hinte'33'-3,0,95' CHEESE Pabst-ett lb. ftCi CL loaf Q3 DENNISON'S ili Con (arne with n yan Beans AcansnS Del Mont Sliced PINEAPPLE 3 for63 cans SCOTT KITCHEN TOWELS 2 tor 35 Large Assortment Christmas Boxes, including the famous Medford Pears. All boxes ready for shipping or mailing. fo n n 0)lJJJ SOCK'S FREE DELIVERY South of Stote Street Mon., Wed., Friday FREE DELIVERY North of State Street Tues., Thur., Saturday