irai'ima Thursday, December 18, 1933 Two Festive Desserts For Holiday Open House A fl open houM J good way to say "season' greeting s" t Cluklmas time. It ii an easy. Informal way to entertain bust of friends. You can make thla holly-bright oceailon as simple or ai elaborate ai you choose. To make thla occasion an ex tra festive one, charm guests with tempting holiday time desserts fresh and fragrant irora ne oven, Golden fluff Pie is the flam orout name for light and airy Mt nog umion pie. The rich, smooth, rum-flavored fill ing Is heaped high in the flaky tender pastry. A large tray of ' holiday fruits, salted nuts and bowl of sparkling red cran berry punch will complete the setting of your yule table. Pinkv Angel Cakes are light and delicate sweets. They're pretty, usristmasy, and have a surprise peppermint flavor. wirl the fluffy frosting like snowdrifts atop the little cakes. Fink Angel Cakes 3 cups sifted enriched flour S teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt Vi cup shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs cup milk cup crushed peppermint stick candy Few drops red food color ing Fluffy Frosting . Crushed peppermint stick candy Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Cream to gether shortening and sugar un til light and fluffy. Add eggs and beat well. Add milk alter nately with flour mixture, mix ing well after each addition. Stir in crushed candy and food coloring, mixing until thor oughly blended. Spoon batter Into greased or paper-lined muffin cups. Bake in moder ate oven (3S0F.) about 2S min utes. When cool, frost with Fluffy Frosting and sprinkle witn crushed peppermint stick candy. 4, Makes 18 2 -Inch cup cakes. Fluffy Frosting 2 egg whites Vi cups sugar lVi teaspoons light corn syrup H tup water ' Dash salt ' Few drops peppermint flavoring Combine all Ingredients ex cept peppermint flavoring in up oz double boiler. Beat 1 minute with electric mixer or rotary beater. Cok over boll ing water, beating constantly until mixture thickens and forms peaks (about 7 minute) Remove from heat and add oeo- permirtt flavoring, mllpg well. Makes enough frosting for II zti-incn cup cakes. i Geldea Flntf Pie (Egg Nog Chiffon Pie) Fastry . 1 cup sifted enriched flour H teaspoon salt V cup shortening 1 tablespoons cold water (about) Sift together flour and salt Cut or rub In shortening. Sprinkle with water, mixing lightly until dough begins to stick together. Turn out on floured pastry cloth and press dough together. Roll out Into circle U inch thick and use to line 9-inch pie pan. Trim and nut edge. Prick with fork. Bake in hot oven (423F.) 10 to 12 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool and fill, with Egg Nog Chiffon. Egg Nog Chiffon 1 envelope unflavored gela tin (1 tablespoon) V4 cup cold water IV cups milk H cup sugar Vi teaspoon salt 3 eggs, separated Vi teaspoon cream of tartar 2 teaspoons rum extract Nutmeg Soften gelatin in water. Sf aid milk. Add Vi cup sugar and salt. Beat egg yolks. Gradually stir in scalded milk mixture. Return to heat and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Add softened gela tin, mixing until well blended. Set aside to cool. Beat egg whites and cream of tartar un til stiff, gradually beat'ng in the remaining Vi cup sugar. Fold beaten egg whites Into custard mixture. Add rum ex tract. Pour into cooled pie shell. Sprinkle with nutmeg. Chill until firm. Makes one 9 inch pie. Airy, Light Is This Pie Using Tasty Cranberries Tsjfc I ) Lima Luncheon Salad Hearty One If you are tired of trying to think of new and different way to i left-over ham, you will love this hearty "Lima - Luncheon Salad." It is an economical, substantial lunehtM dish, Lisas Laaeaeea Salad Hi eups cooked large dry llmas 1 cups shredded cabbage cup diced .cooked ham V t tablespoons diced, green tweet pepper , cup mayonnaise 1 t tablespoons undrained pickle relish. U. teaspoon prepared . mustard , ' FOOD SECTION Pa Tuna and Vegetable Pie for Dinner Time crisp and goldeu brown. What could be more a poetiz ing on a chilly night than this piping hot and hearty Tana Vegetable Pie? Flavorful pieces of tuna, lima beans and small whole onions are blended to a creamy mushroom sauce and baked until the pastry crust Is For Oala Birth flays The young fry wlU delight in these gala birthday cakes that are as delicious as they are decorative. Designs for these cakes include, left to right: Kris cake, Sammy Sentinel, Clancy Clown, Lariat Lad and Sugary Sue for little girls, also the tug boat cake, pictured in front. These cakes are now put out by a local bakery. They are easily cut by slicing straight down center then slicing from both sides. Cauliflower Good With Many Things Of course plentiful cauliflow er is' pretty wonderful lust cooxed whole with a cheese sauce poured over either the wodw neaa or nowereis. xsui It is so plentiful and of such good quality, perhaps you'd like to have it twice this week; once hot, once as a salad of distinc tion like this: Tasty 8alad 1 head cauliflower cooked and chilled 1 large ripe avocado 2 tablesooom ltmnn Itilr 1 Vi tablespoons grated onion 1 tomato, chopped teaspoon salt Black pepper 4 slices bacon Lettuce leaves If VOU think thl. mmlfiliit of Middle America's "guaca mole," you're right Separate chilled cauliflower carefully into Small ffowrt.. Vtih nm. cado or press through a sieve. Add lemon Juice, onion, tomato and seasonings. Fry bacon until crisp, irumoie and add to avo cado mixture. Place a flattened lettuce leaf on each plat. Ar range a small circle of csull- flower on each lettuce leaf and pile avocado mixture in center. Four to six servings. Pass a simple French dress ing of oil and lemon or lime Juice at the table if you -like but avocados are naturally so rich that it isn't necessary to have a separate dressing. East Salem East Salem Members of the Lucky Livestockers 4-H club held their regular meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip uooa. Project reports were made and the members discussed plans for Improving the annual fail show. Present were Jack Stone. Maxlne Bressler, Allen Bates, Mike Stone, Marguerite Good, Marilyn Good and Jeanne Stone. Government nmfitjt fmm th sale of cotton provides about half the revenue of the jSudan. Baked Winter Pears For Cold Day Meal Superb for fresh eating, Winter pears are also delec table cooked. For most pur poses '.hey may be cooked and baked the same as apples. Usually, however, pears re quire less sweetening than ap ples because of their high na tural content. Ordinarily firm, slightly under-ripe pears are best for cooking because they keep their shape better. Heat also completes the flavor cycle. For best flavor, ap pearance and nutrition, bake until barely tender. Bake kthem pared, unpared, halved or whole. Serve these warm, at room temperature or chilled. Figure two halves per serving. Baked Winter Fears 8 medium size fresh pears Vi cup mild honey 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 cup water Wash pears. We prefer not to pare but merely core them. Place In 3-quart casserole. Combine honey, lemon Juice and rind and water. Pour over pears. Cover and bake in moderate oven, 830 degrees about 1 hour or until pears are tender. Serve hot or cold. , Salad greena Tomatoes Drain lima and combine with cabbage, ham and green pepper. Blend mayonnaise, pickle relish and mustard. Pour over first mixture and toss lightly. Serve on crisp salsd greens, garnished with tomatoes if desired. (4 enp uncooked). Makes -4 generous servings. Tana TegeUMe Fie , (Makes 4 servings) 1 t-os. package pie crust mix I lOVt-ox. cans cream of mushroom soup 1 10-ox.' package froien lima beans 1 f Vi-os. can tuna, drained 14 small whole onions, cooked Vs cup milk Mix pie crust according to package directions. Boll out to ' Vt-inch thickness on a floured board. Line a shallow 8-inch , casserole with (tie crust Mix remaining ingredients and turn into lined casserole. Bake in moderately hot oven (400 F.) -40 minutes, or until sauce is bubbly and crust is browned. Exclusively at Peerless Bakery NOW! wi purs' wdw, CAKES FOR KIDS FOR BIRTHDAY OR SPECIAL PARTIES UIUT iff ' , i "A QUALITY CAKE FOR EVERY OCCASION" BAKERY "BAKERS FOR HER MAJESTY ' THE HOUSEWIFE" WE GIVE j-JC GREEN STAMPS Phone 3-5704 170 N. Commercial (D the? 150 H. Commercial Phone 3-5563 Well, here it is again the day. Give your family a spec- sizzle of roasting turkey, the spicy stuffing, the . rosy-red cranberries and the all-pervading scent of coffee. Speaking of cranberries, there are few berries that can equal them for sharply delic ious, distinctive flavor. This ial treat with Cranberry Chif fon Pie, an airy-light pie that still retains the full, delectable cranberry flavor. Here's one dessert that's in credibly quick and easy to make a great asset on such a busy day. Only the pie-shell hptno an lt' iham in llmi needs to be baked. The filling them to cranberry sauce, how-lcan whipped up in a Jiffy. Alter ceing suDjectea to thor ough chilling, it emerges from the ice-box with a lower layer of glowing berries and an up- e,ver important and honored an accessory that may be. With cranberries so plentiful Just now, so fully and beautifully ripe, they reserve a course of it1, laver ' frothy, bright pink their own at least on this one Cranberry Meat Balls Delicious Forget about limiting cran berries to Just Thanksgiving and Christmas feasting. Try this unusual main dish of meat balls In cranberry sauce. Cranberry Meat Balls 1 pound ground beef IH cups soft bread crumbs a4 cup milk 1 egg 3 tablespoons chopped onion teaspoon nutmeg teaspoons srlt teaspoon pepper (16 can cranberry sauce cup vinegar tablespoon cornstarch Soak bread crumbs in milk; add slightly beaten egg, on ion and seasonings. Mix with ground beef. Shape into 20 balls: roll In flour and brown in li cup lard or other fat. Drain off excess fat. Break up cranberry sauce with a fork and combine with vine Far. Add to meat balls, cover and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, turning once. Re move balls to hot platter and thicken liquid with cornstarch mixed with lVs tablespoons cold water. Top ball with hot sauce. 4 servings. t 4 1H 1 1 gelatine. Snowy whipped cream tops it off. Your family will vow it never tasted any thing so good, nor more suited to the occasion. Cranberry Chiffon Fie 1 package lemon-flavored gelatine 1 cup hot water 2 cups 10-minute cranberry sauce 1 9-inch baked pie shell 1 cup whipping cream Dissolve gelatine in hot wat er. Drain cranberry sauce thoroughly and add svrup. re serving berries. Chill until consistency of unbeaten egg white. Beat until light and fluffy. Fold in cranberries and turn into pie shell. Chill until firm. Top with whipped cream. 'Ten-minnte Cranberry Sanee Combine 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water In saucepan. Bring to boll, stirring until sugar dissolves. Add 2 cups cranberries and simmer until berries burst open, about 10 minutes. There's an art to servlni fresh fruit for dessert Ancles should be washed and rubbed with a soft towel until they are shiny. Pears, too, should be rinsed end then lightly polished with a towel. Grapes should be rins! In cold water, dried on a soft tow el end then cut into serving-size bunches. If you have a ararje scissors to place on your fruit bowl. It is not necessary to pre eut the fruit Ivy or huckle-l berry leaves sround the edge of your fruit bowl will make it most attractive. I R m For Your rreezer ARMOUR'S BANQUET STEERS . . ., zm 200-250-lb. Sides, Cut and Wrapped Quick-Frozen . . . . GUARANTEED TO PLEASE PACKED WITH TENDER R." I jlm DELICIOUS WELL TRIM P'fflff tfWVCMED BEEF. THIS IS TRULY 1 9hl WlUTHE BEST WAY TO BUY FREEZER MEATS. BUDGET PAK-ETT 15 lbs. Roasls 20 lbs. Steaks ECONOMY PAK-ETT 15 lbs. Sleaks 20 lbs. Roasls 17 Iht thnr! Diht 7 lbs. Ornd. Round i2lbs.Grnd.Beef SPECIAL PAK-ETT 17' 2 lbs. Sleaks Wh lbs. Roasts 42 lbs. 59 lbs. 35 lbs. 19 25 ARMOUR'S BANQUET STEER BEEF BaaaMHiaBBBBjasjajaBBBBBB '"Tur!(Gys,w4"' u. 5C Lamb tz u. 39c Pork Loins W -59l ADAMS-FROZEN ORANGE JUICE SAVE 50c PER DOZEN as nCk cans A Here we go again! We've made, another good buy in Beef this week and we will certainly pass it on to you. Here we have . ' ARMOUR'S U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF ROAST FOR THE SAME LOW PRICE OF 39" LB. GUARANTEED TO BE TENDER. What's the matter with a SAURKRAUT meal! We have the KRAUT fresh from the barrel at only 19c qt. To go with that good SAURKRAUT we feature COUNTRY STYLE SPARERIBS, the kind with meat an inch thick, at a real buy of only 59c a lb. Another good supply of LAMB for this week. The meat that-doctors recommend! ' LEG OF LAMB . . . . Ib50' LAMB (HOPS . . . ,55' LAMB SHOULDER ROAST ,39' LAMB STEW ,19' When you think of Lamb you think of HOFFMAN'S! This is a buy for the economy-minded. LEAN MEATY SHORT RIBS OF BEEF lb. 19' Remember this, you're getting protection when you insist on U.S. Government Inspection. ROASTING A REAL SPECIAL