Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 10, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea. Orr.
Thursdsy, December 10, 1953
'age I
In The Valley
Edltc4 f I41KC FOBBES
Detroit Recent visitor! at
the borne of Mr. end Mrs. Starr
Reed were Mrs. Reed'i brother
and hli family, Mr. and Mri.
Malcolm McMillan and chil
dren, Daniel, Jimmy, and Mary,
formerly of Anchorage, Alaska,
where Mr. McMillan waa sta
tioned with the air force. The
McMillan! itopped en route to
southern California, where they
will make their new home. At
the Reeds' home, they were
Joined by Mrs. Nettle McMillan,
mother of Mrs. Reed and Mr.
McMillan,, who has been vis
iting with the Reeds.
Miis Marlene White, Decem
ber bride-elect of Robert Bud
long, was honored with a mis
cellaneous shower Saturdsy
evening at the home of Mrs.
Earl Parker.
Co-hoitesses for the event
were Mary Cordon and Mrs.
8. T. Moore. Buffet style re
freshments were served from a
table adorned with a large
paper anow man. Miss Cordon
and Mrs. Otis White poured,
and served the cake.
Feting Miss White were a
group of friends Including Mrs.
Betty Pittam, Mrs. Gladys
Cluton, Mrs. James cordon,
Mrs. V. Golden and Edna Gold
en, Mrs. Lloyd Ketchum and
Phyllis. Mrs. Ruth Skidmore,
Mrs. Howard Dean. Mrs. Otis
White, Miss Minnie Miller, Mrs.
Stella Davis, Mrs. Lucille Costa,
Mrs. Evelyn Gearhart, Mrs.
Bob Young, Mrs. Cal Schlador,
P. E. Budlong, Mrs. Ella John
son, Mrs. Rose Mermillion. Mrs.
Scott Young, Mrs. Dorothy
Morgan, Mrs. William Fryer,
Mrs. Bobbie Budlong, Mrs. S.
T. Moore, Mrs. Alice Perkins,
Mrs. Lorraine Sophy, Mrs. An
nette Reed, Mrs. Allene Ket
tleson, Mrs. Mable Moore, Mrs.
Lois Budlong, Mrs. Al Warby,
Mrs. Frank, New, the Misses
Eva Lou and Sally New, Mrs.
Frank Moore, and Mrs. Earl
Lyon Santiam Valley
Grange held its regular meet
ing at the Grange hall Friday
evening, Deo. 4, with Giles
Wagner, master, presiding.
The first and second degrees
were confered upon Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Van Handle, Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Morris, Mrs. Ri
chest Olmstead, and Mrs. Nets
Plans were made for the an
nual Christmas party and gift
exchange which will be held
on Thursday evening. Dee. IT,
Mrs. Corra Jenner left on
Thursday evening for 6an Pe
dro, Calif., where she will
spend the winter at the home
of her daughter and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Al Nyggard. Mrs.
Jenner has spent the past year
at the home of her daughter
and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Hiatt in Lyons.
Mrs. Bumdell White and
daughters, Mrs. George Schnei
der, Daphne and Jennifer
White of Newport, were Sun
day guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ramie Martell. Mrs.
White and Mrs. Martell are
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Nydcg
ger were week end geusts at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Paulson at Elgin, Ore.
They took Mrs. Kelser of Gates
with them. They reported a se
vere snow storm while there.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt
were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Thoma in Lebanon. His moth
er, Mrs. Martha Hiatt, who has
been at the Thoma home for
the last n.onth, was quite sick.
The annual Christmas pro
gram given by the Marl-Linn
school will be held Friday eve
ning, Dec. 18. in the gym.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Man
ning went to Scappoose over
the week end. They were
guests at the home of her aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Relstcrer, and their son and
won (-are
Virginia Mayo
Dale Robertson
"Devil's Canyon"
In Technicolor
Robert Cummlngs
Marie Wilson
"Marry M Again"
r men -4et
See Till 5:0
In Technicolor
Van Hetlln
Jeanne Train
ttt "City of Bad Men"
Now Playing!
Jeff Chandler
"East of Sumatra"
"Valley of
Head Hunter"
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rels
terer Jr. ,
The Boy Scouts held their
regular meeting at the Mari
Linn school house Thursday
evening. It was- voted that the
Scouts would sell Christmas
TheLyons Methodist Sunday
school will present a Christmas
program Sunday evening, Dec.
20. All children in the Sunday
school will take part, with El
don Thompson, general chair
man, assisted by Miss Norma
The Women's Society of
Christian Service will meet at
the home of Mrs. Alex Bodeker
Tuesday, Dec. IS, for the an
nual Christmas party and gift
exchange. There will also be
a short business session.
Mrs. Ruth Lyons, postmis
trfcis, reports that the office
will remain open all day Sat
urday until after Christmas to
accommodate customers.
Grand Island
Grand Island Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Pildher, residents of
this district for a number of
years have sold their farm here
and with their daughters, Ju
laine end Jacallne, students at
the Dayton school, are prepar
ing to move to the Sidney dis
trict near Salem during the
They have lived here about
six years. They will purchase
a farm for diversified farming.
Honoring them, Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Will entertained at their
home with a 8:30 community
dinner, followed by a canasta
A gift was presented for their
new home.
Mrs. V. V. Scoggan won high
score for women and Mrs. Dale
L. Fowler won low.
Curtis Douglas won high for
men and Worth Wiley won
Attending were Messers and
Mesdames Claude Pllcher, Ron
ald Finnlcum. Ersel Gubser,
Victor V. Scoggan, Worth Wil
ey, Curtis Douglas, Dale L.
Fowler, Russell Sargeant, Ja
cob Tompkins, Cecil Will.
The Grand Island Mother
circle will meet at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lester W. Scog
gan Wednesday, December
for the first meeting this sea
son following the summer va
cation during harvest.
Unionvale Mr. and Mrs
Clark Noble were Sunday af
ternoon and evening guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stouten-
burg at Carlton and report that
D. C. Miller is much Improved
from his recent Illness.
Mrs. Walter Dlebel is Im
proved since being at McMInn
ville convalescent home.
Webfoot Mrs. J. R. Bell of
Webfoot has been taking care
of her grandchildren, Danny
Gubser, five years old, who has
been ill with measles, and his
sister, Renee, three years old,
who Is coming down with them
at their Fleasantdale home.
Their mother, Mrs. Donald
Gubser, Is employed at Dundee.
AbsJsl Lve
warm ' awn
Falls City
Falls City Junius -Ward is
recovering satisfactorily from
virus pneumonia in Eugene
As soon if he ha regained
sufficient strength be plan to
undergo major surgery.
Mr. Ward is 83 year old.
The Poinsettla club met with
Mrs. " Virgil Tsylor Thursday
for a I o clock dessert lunch
eon and theier Christmas par
Officers elected were: .Mrs.
Doyle Lorimor, president; Mrs.
Virgil Taylor, secretary, and
Mrs. Cliff Neel, treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. Lanty Parrish
of Canby visited Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Frink Wednesday and
Thursday. Mr. Frlnk's brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Scott Levitt of Newberg
spent the day with them.
Mrs. Richard Paul and Mrs.
W. P. ' Letterman were the
only ladles who met at the
parsonage for Christian Wom
en's Fellowship devotions last
The annual kidnapping party
was held at the home of Mrs.
Floyd Nelson Isst week.
Each woman was taken as
she was when called for.
Eleven women and two chil
dren were taken to the home
of Mrs. Nelson and served with
hot muffins, Jelly and coffee,
before being returned to their
homes, without ransom.
Mra. M. L. Thompson is some
better but will remain at the
hospital for further treatment.
Claude Allen has returned
to his home from the hospital
and is rapidly regaining his
Mrs. Richard Paul receleved
the news a week ago of the
death of her sister, Mrs. Mabel
Baker of Cohasset, Minn.
Mrs. Baker visited Mrs. Paul
in 1951 and had always enjoy
ed robust health.
Mrs. James Royer is expect
ed home any day from a month
visit with her sister, Mrs. Mina
Pearson, and other relatives
and girlhood friends at her
home town of Kokomo, Ind.
The ladies who met at the
Bridgeport community hall
last week and gave it a
thorough cleaning were: Mrs.
Charlea Baker, Mrs. Ed Lange,
Mrs. Carl Barnard, Mrs. Floyd
Nelson and Mrs. Levi Sleighter.
All is in tip-top shape for the
Christmas program.
Chet and Mary Teal visited
Chefs parents, the John Teals,
Rickreall The school pre
sented a Christmas program for
lha December meeting of the
Community club last week.
The invocation was given by
Gary Buyserie; as ong, "Here
Come Santa," by the first and
second grades; a play, "A
fhrfitmaa Jok e." Leonard
Sundvall, Kenneth Farrens,
Robert Haworth and James
Hansen; piano selection, Vin
cent Haworth; a play, "Musical
Christmas Cards," by the upper
Following the program lunch
New Showing - Oprn f.iS
Red Sktlton, Jean Hasan
stack Hudten. riper Laurie
176N. Liberty
Open Friday
'Til 9 P.M.
waa served by the committee.
The attendance was the larg
est of any Community club
meeting this fail.
There will be no Community
club meeting in January.
Mrs. Anna Johnson spent last
week in Portland at the home
of her daughter and family.
Mr. Austin Lowe was
burned slightly when her dress
caught fire Saturday. Mr.
Low quickly poured bucket
of water on her and quenched
the. flames. Both Mr. and Mr.
Low received burned hands.
Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Wirfs
of Drain spent the week-end
here with their daughter, Mrs.
Low and family.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. HiU were
hosts Sunday for a birthday
dinner for their son. Walter.
Other members of the family
present were Mrs. Walter Hill
and son. Bill, and Mr. and Mr.
Elwyn Hill, aU of Salem.
Grand Ronde
Grand Ronde Lester Ray
Martin, nine-months-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Martin,
is confined to the McMinnvllle
hospital suffering with bron
chial pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Smith
were entertained last Sunday
by friends at the China City
restaurant In Salem, the occas
ion being the birthday anniver
saries of both Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs .Pearl Strobecke, sister
of Mrs. Smith, was one of the
Forty Children at
Wood burn Clinic
Woodburn Forty children
were examined at the Decem
ber well-child clinic held on
Tuesday at the Woodburn li
brary for residents of Wood
burn and Gervais.
Dr. W. J. Stone was the phy
sician in charge assisted by
Mrs. Harmon Yeary and Mrs.
Mary Testermin, county
lunik Tan tt-lnh rrouea tUk CkeeSrka
an nam ist.ts iitsts wa m.j.i iiish anas
MOtl TO Sill
Ofes - j.ta.L,uhM Haath and claflhf.
"L I a
aair I
eMethretellM.dll 4SJJI.
Plus 4r o.e-ict
-lf TV p!Aog'0eh co-
Mmi at; 17.9S
Per the finatt UHP rtcietien
thocn ika -SaHwaiK" UMP-VMP
nmer ar, en tewar e"ed MH, tt-e
mmiol UH hner (both
al aatra ccit).
Open Til 9 Every Night Except Saturday.
11 20 CENTER ST.
Jefferson A banquet was
given honoring the player of
the high school football team
in the high school Thursday
night .The member of the
P.T.A. prepared the dinner.
These who were honored are
Bob Boatrack, K. C. Brown,
Bill Cotman, Tom Daulton,
Jerry Jamble, Bill Grice, Ennl
Hawkins. Jerry Marctun, Fran
cis and George Marlatt, Mickey
McGulre, Don MeGlU, Claud
Meyers, Denny Morris, Harlan
Nell, David Neiss, James Rob
bins, Ronald Sims, Eugene
Tiefka, Danny Thomas. Ken
neth Wharton, John Wright
player. Coaches, Raymond
Howie and Ted Johnson; cap
tain, Danny Morris; managers.
Lloyd Henion, Gerald Zehner
and Jerry Hutchinson.
Raymond Howie was master
of ceremonies and Pat Nyman
program chairman. John Eg
gers. sports director of Oregon
State college, was guest speak
er. Other numbers were a vo
cal duet. "Side by Side" by
Anne wuson and Ila Stephen
son; piano duet. Farmerette,
Pat Nyman and Beth Robison;
vocal trio, Carrie and Gladys
Hatmaker and Evelyn Weeks:
tap dance, Nancy Fletcher; vo
cal quartet, You, You, You, Pat
Nyman, Ila Stephenson and
Beth Robinson.
Those serving the banquet
were Pep club girls, Sue Daul
ton, Beverly Farris, Paula Har
ris, Magdalene Haworth. Kar
en Kelly, Donna Logsdon,
Beth Robinson, Phillys Specht,
Ila Stephenson and Anne Wil
son. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
nurses. Local women assisting
were Mrs. Edward C. Coman,
Mrs. Lester Rosburg, Mrs.
Charles Smith and Mrs. Gail
The next clinic will be Jan.
InterUrance if icretntd cut, power
t'epped up-oulsmoticoll.
The picture ' M occufofa, ever eS
eatire iwroce of the tan.
a lan dialing - ifi outomoiicl Tgra one
knob-CUCK-rhere'i yew tfetieel
a laii odiuiting-tho exclusive "Magic
Monitor" circuit tyiNwn outemaricolr
btingi la end hacta the firm) picture.
f sO .etN
- "Ws7l
Howie are the parent pi a
boy born at a Portland hospi
tal Thursday, Dee. I.
Mr. and Mra. Don Boyer of
Yamhill were dinner guests at
the home of Mr. and Mr. Al
bert Arnold Sunday.
A group from the Evangeli
cal United Brethren cliurch
motored to Brook Sunday af
ternoon and visited Mrs. Nettie
Reeve and sang foe the pa
tients there. They also went to
Fruitland and called on Mrs.
Frank Rehfeld and Mr. Refeld
who are at the home of Mr.
hd Mr. Orville Rehfeld and
The Altar society of the St.
Thomas Catholic church will
sponsor a card Dirty at the
city haU Wednesday night, Dec.
t. The society will meet Dec,
11 at the home of Mrs. Francis
Clair Cobb purchased a 25
by SO foot piece of ground on
the south side of Anna
Klampe's lot joining the Cobb
Manufacturing plant on which
ne will build warehouse.
Grand Island
Grand Island Patricia Pal
mer, Leon Palmer and Lavonna
Finnlcum of Grand Island are
unable to attend Dayton high
school because of severe colds.
Mrs. Frank Finnlcum has re
turned home after a week
spent with her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Willard
Wivell, at Shelton, Wash. She
accompanied them home after
a visit with the Finnicums and
returned with Willard's fath
er, Mervin Wivell, when he
was making a trip to Salem.
IT -
1 completely w line
wattes from W
Dollar for dollar, we sincerely feel these are the most
beautifully designed, dependable, accurate and modem
watches you can buy. Choose from jhockproof, water
proof, self-winding watches . . . watches with sweep sec
ond hands ... all styled by Hamilton and guaranteed by
Hamilton. Wouldn't one of these new Illinois watches be a
perfect gift for that special name on your Christmas list?
i. CoqVKTTB "A" 17 )mla, asti-mafvtie, yallow or vhlta fold-tUad oaaa. matchln bracaWt, $67.60; eflk
cord. 4a.S. 2. DEBONAIR "C" 17 Jawela. ehockproof. uU-maswtic, docaad crystal, ezpanaioa hand, S47 Jon
Uatbar atrap. 3.ti.'3. 8IUNAMATIC 17 jawete. etambaa at carl oaaa, watarproof. automatic with raaero powar
Indicator, npanaion band. 69.6; bather strap, S65.00. 4. TOPPKK "B" 17 Jawaia, ahockproof. anti-inaanrUe.
(old-eiM caaa. npanaion band. SA2.60-, leather atrap. M4.Se.a5. GOLDEN TREASURE "A" 17 jawela. anti
masnatic yellow or white IOK sold raes. ails cord. SA4.M 6. COQUETTR "C" 17 jewele. white or rellow old
SUed oaaa. matchins bracelet, $53.60. aalk cord S44J6.7.DEBONAlR "D" 17 Jawela. ahockproof. anU-aasnelie,
eapanaion hand, S3S.S5; leather atrap $33.96. Smcta wciuot neiui na 0e
See these new ILLINOIS watches at your jeweler's
Aumsville The Women's
Auxiliary of the Gold Star post
No. ITS of the American Le
gion met Thursday evening at
the city hall.
Final plans were made to
hold Joint Christmas party
with the pa . at the ball Dec-
A committee was named to
purchase ca:id and nuts for
the children annual treat.
Alter the business meeting
refreshments were served to
the unit and post by Mr.
Blanche Wallace and Mrs.
Marge Shepard.
Guest from out of town for
the evening were John Muir,
district vice commander, and
Bob Oliver, post commander of
Mill City.
Sublimity The St. Bonl
face grade school PTA will
meet In the club room Mon
day, Dec. 7 at 7:30 p.m.
The Sublimity Gun club en
tertained members and
friend with an open house
Saturday evening. A large
crowd attended.
Sister M. Imelda has been
confined to St. Vincent's hos
pital aince a week before
Sbe suffered a ' broken
at the
shoulder, both wriit broken;
and one badly crushed, when'
she fell down a stair at the
home of one of her charge
where the ' wa doing social
Dimes Chairman
For Linri Co. Named
Albany Keith Hill, manager
of the Willamette Title Co., ha
been appointed Linn county
campaign director for the 1954
March of Dimes Csmpaign for'
funds to combat infantile pa
ralyjis. Appointment was rnade by
Gene Malecki of Portland, state
representative of the National
Foundation for Infantile Paral.
ysis. who was in Albany.
Hill already has gone to
work on hit organization, -which
will cover all the cities
a well a the outlying territo
ry in the county. He said Tues- ,
day the big campaign would
open Jan. 2 and continue
through the month.
Of the earth's total of 38.480
million land acres, about 6,400
million acres might be arable
uva a Twanttath f-anttivr Tnnrf
A New Taste Treat!
Barbecued Crab
With Toasted Garlic Bread
, Cracked Crab in tba iheD
With a Barbecue Sauce
la the CiplM Shopplae (inter
of fine